The Oshawa Times, 17 May 1961, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 17, 1701 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 \\ 5P.M, Monday te Fridey Saturday 8 te 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTO 'Building | Trades Gardening and Supplies "Lawn Mowers 160 SIMCOE S. Driving School Spring Clean- Up era rs or | akes Genero) Repairs on 81 mokes LEARN TO DRIVE Ve : agen mechanics. at the Fertilizing, Power Rolling. 8 _andscape designing RA 8-0051 Oshawa Driving School Lengseope desior i Instr r icenced by the Barristers 3 3 ° - Province f, Ontos Day and OS JACK SILVERMAN, barrister and ao ~ ! y HAWA 10 lients funds available for first g hig King Street East. RA 7H 3. 0091 HOME JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- pu ™ ee ooo G NARA A 2 LANDSCAPIN FR 5 ss BA, Barrister FURS COME OUT Complete Garden Service Be Na CRE, I. Bunnies LIKE NEW WITH a BL I Res. YU A PICKWICK CLEANERS RA 8-6366 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici r ) tors, ete, 7! Simcoe Street South Special Cleani ng anc i Diz RA 3.2278. Residence Phones Summer Storage Spe HOLLAND NURSERIES re BA, Sc RA 5336 er 4 Rg STN a Dial RA 3- 4832 and LANDSCAPING PH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUT} _ AER I Anociate Barristers and. Sof RA 5-7442 s, 130 King Street East, RA 8-6246 ar Ww Hixage loans available ' CRESCENT FURRIERS Fer sa Slory BOWMAN, DAVID I. Barrister, Soli 22 BRUCE STREET andscape d sig citor, 3'% Simcoe South. RA 3.9592 ine of .Ck tenance, 'sodd sidence, RA 8.0264 ; inl 199 ERRARD RD McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers ALL FURS STORED IN G tors. Clients' funds available for ~ / igages, 20 Simcoe Street North CREED'S 56 p McGibbon, QC; STORAGE VAULTS SODDING Fdgar F. Bastedo, QC Toros MPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL . nb NiJRe a Barristers, Solicitors; R. H Fines on co ent. TOP SOIL, MANURE Humphreys, QC; G. 8S. Boychyn, BA; SHINERIZING 3 A. Hillman, LLB; 36% Ring Sizest Custom Fur Cleo Phone Fa t, Phones: Office RA 5-1177: Res usto ur Cleanir ° RA 54604 or Whitby, MO 8.2761; RA REPAIRS AND RE "STYLIN IG OL 5-3049 5.5203, Money to loan a RUSSELL J, MURPHY, BA, LLb RA 5-3321 _Brooklin I Barrister and Solicitor, 6 Ring Street ---- Fast, Oshawa, Ontario A Gardening and Supplies HARDSAND LANDSCAPING JAMES A. MacDONALD - ships; : I JAMES and 'Solicitor and Notary Ty Hayy Jaw owes pal lawn mow A cc mplete garden service, ¢, The Commercial Building, 286 King 08 done. Telephone 79 clean-up ertilizing power if Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking GARDENS and lawns rottotilled and rolling. Now is the time to kill l TEP TRCN SET a fom se S00, Gras, efter cop "grows nd. chickweed, Ss NG. N, of arr er, 4 ' L i pe em 10 re Fei Oifice 1414 5 pm. Glen Munro, 414 Park Road seednig, sodding nursery King Street East, Oshawa, RA 8.8232. South : stock Residence, RA 5-3405. MULLIGAN'S Landscaping roto-till 7. T. SALMERS, B.A. barrister g Soll. ing ploughing, sodding, top so Com RA 5- 1 72 A tar, otc 13'5 Simcoe Street North. plele garden and lawn services, OL )ifice, RA 5-3741; Residence, RA 5.5542. 5-469. OSHAWA 3 _ DONALD, BA Barrister, CEDAR trees or hedges (etc). anv 2 IcuARD 1 00 Public, 321s Simcoe size, guaranieed to grow. For free en ACME HAULAGE North RA 8.2891 Res RA 8.2765 mates, phone 612 Clarke. Free deliver TO - y : Oshawa, Bowmanville, Whitby, Ajax L DONALD BLAKE DODDS. Barristes and district nc , 26'3 King Street East o EN a, FINE Sows pan WE AIM to please. Rototilling or GRAVEL -- STONE fence, RA 8.5373 Bloughing Your gardens, Sverige E, re, REIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and b id pam. 2 J LO A M MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors. No- CEDAR trees for hedges, white bireh, Public. Bank of Commerce Bldg., hard maple, guaranteed. MA 3398]. RA RA 3-3528 Simcoe Street North, RA 3 3s \ K 1.269. reighton, QC: N. C. Fraser, QC LANDSCAPING service, roto-tilling Drvnan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort. }ANDRCAPIN Sesion. lng po C saies arranged tuo ama Response: Teienpone: ng. BEVERWYCK THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- 83937 or MO 8.4880 vitor and Notary Public, 26's King | pL G E S Mreet East. Phone RA 8.1763 108 SALE tor poll by Se dead ARD N MANNING F, SWARTZ and RONALD rolling, sod delivered, laid. field load Highway 12 {.. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- ing I'elephone MO 8.5268 or WH Or im es north of Whitby aries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 2.0543 y 4 y » King Street East, RA 3.4697 OL 5.3570 Residence, Dial RA 3-4029 CROSS TOWN | Bookkeeping SoD SUPPLY { MO 8- 4735 < f A rolled fertilized 4 ee us for your gor den sup- L. SCHAPELHOUMAN] 2X! ried zee 2 Phen Lot "COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING ers he fielg Special con Hoirdressing SERVICE, INCOME TAX g & - - DAIC STOM permanents, distinctive hair RETURNS RA 5- 8504 cutting and styling. RA 3-2912. Huvck's i - Hairstyling SI io, 11° Bond Street 686 OSLER STREET E R. KNOWL TON West RA 5-9953 Instruction ' ! S -- p---- s------ LANDSCAPING SERVICE PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, Building Trades N e time f pring 18 Years" experience, by interview only nL I ty hii ag rl ering LILIAN MAE MARSH, dance educator, vaiks, stoops. RA 8.0394. Gordon ep top and sod ning school, Billet, tan. hate i i FRANC te store RA 5-6047 Saturday Masonic Temple, RA 3.7233 ronts, no commercial or seconds used - SBR SR EIR I ed Insurance 1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up " = Bi to 20 pe cent, six ronths to pay. For N. NORRT AUR GARDEN CENTRE to Th oer cont. tix rosin Vo gay. For J W Mac/ : 1259 SIMCOE NORTH RA 5.7412 O08 AND a A ft. North of A&P § SAIC OR JLASTIC AUTO INSURANCE E OR YARD GOODS --GARDEN SUPPLIES Vou are 0 Corclul drcer Free Estimates --STONE SUPPLIES ou moy save $10, $15 or Work Guaranteed --HOQUSE PLANTS on your car insurance or RA 8-3991 743 ALBERT We Also Handle Ie a Parad tad 749 AB rr g Pool Construction | Ive Hails Das rou in Unitario ug ni - N OSHAWA fice. Halt.year payments 1 CLIFF BROW Call -u today i compare GARDEN SERVICE ample free porkir GRAVEL 3 SAND [BARDEN SERVIC Rl ; BLACK LOAM "RA 2 INSURANCE i LTD 1 Open Evenings Till 9 360 King St. West RA 3.2265 2 Prompt Deliver : -- m p soronteed - Reasonable Prces | FLORISTS FOR THREE GENERATIONS ' y UNITED Svileiotms; llgwahp. sinker clinbis:s Yeo Poms. cia PAVING CO. Cy o% : RA 8.4801 79¢c. Climbing es, 99¢: and garden lilies, tuberous be- gonios, gladiolus, dehlias, canna pecialists in petunia plants DECORAT.NG (35 varietie Over 100 vorietie her annuals, geraniums, ALTERATIONS LOW-COST PREFABRICA edding plants, pa and window xes, fertilizers and seeds. HALLIDAY HOMES | STYLEMASTER COTTA ei UTILITY BUILDING For quality grown in Oshawa visit REED'S NEW You will be glad you called im ER PO EER IA YAN GARDEN CENTRE AT OUR GREENHOUSES. AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD SR ios Oveve 3 BEOOR STREET WEST RA 8.5103 16 REET WEST Accounfonty - % Foy CLASSIFIED AD RATES A RAM sti v te LAWN mower sharpening and repairs MIC, lastic wall tile, wood- CEDAR trees for "hedges, whi . ie ROB CLANCY'S ontario Accounting CERAMIC, rio coverings. Free esti hard maple -- guaranteed. MA Sa fo power 'mowers, bicycles, outboard 25 Jan hn Service, Complete bookkeeping Ser cr. mates. Work guaranteed. RA 3-0850 RA 32695. motors, Rosedale Marine, RA 5-8063 {8% Bond Street West, RA 3.0297 e "LILLEY'S Floor Service Hardwood GARDENS and 1awns roto-tilled ii HAVE your lawn mower precision shar 3 175 243 HA 3.900 - fioors laid, sanded. finished. cleaned, made ready for spring planting and pened. Free pick up and delivery. RA . MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, hii waxed and polished. RA 3.9073 seeding. Dial RA 58985. 5-4360. i: 37% 43 Cn. Chartered Accountants, RA 5-337 | oo = Cleaner, Chim: CEDAR trees for hedges. All sizes. : ERTIONS ih SD Simcoe Street North; Ajax, WH neys built and repaired, gas linings in Apply Lloyd Webh, Newuastle, Ontario WE SHARPEN AND R it 3 Som wi DE ao 20m. stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- RR 2. Telephone 2208 ALMOST EVERYTHING i ogy, WILSON and BURROWS. Chartered mates. RA 3.2997 ROTO.TILLING lawns and gardens, re- or Aoave rates opp y only to origina . * v. a y p Te one order 0 onsec i . Accountants, 312 Simcoe Street South, poor ang repairs of all kinds, new sonable rales experienced. Telep Give Us A Coll - orders for corucutive insertions, Ashawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson CA, ony "aooiied, All work guaranteed, MO 8-3870 i jubsequeny insertions siding Sto Gv Edmond Burrows, CA. RA 32371. [oelng applied. All wir) GARDENS plowed and cultivated, rea- S T A N ' S ates YALE. FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and SAND, gravel, top soil. Reasonable sonable. Telephone RA 8-4154 | Professional ond Business. listings Ch., Accountants and auditors. Licens- price. For fast service, call 728-2000. [oon FS gravel, R KING & BURK STS Eoin tol 8 line gaily. gd Trustee in Bankruptey, 64 KIME | © ih W. roofing. tar and gravel, reasonable rates. Telephone RA 8-663. CORNER ING & BURK STS, ion! we Sip Street amt, Osawa; BL. Yaie, CAS ooomall siinales and. repute. No 00s crave Tracie Sill reavel" Sandan iy 3.3224 lh bo Fredlander, B.Com. £T4 too big or too small. Estimates free. ,, 04 harrowed etc bi letter. abbreviation, % T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- MO 8:8003 or RA 5.6937 rates. Telephone RA 8.246: Money to Loan ch Sone addinench: i find piblie Accounts rt : RA 5 ERAL Wood orking " frames, id CLIENTS money to loan on first mort All Classified Advertisements es aw aye hig Ee res RA 5.1278 DRIVEWAY gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale must be in by 5 p.m the ey be- 3308 ers a ect purchased. NHA mortgage arranged.| fore publication © except Births, E. DEWAR and Co., Accountanis ALL TYPES of home repairs and re Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-| moemariams Cards ot Thanks which iia Glew Bit. Th Ou: Lael: eee rey a GRAVEL doch will be accepted until 9 a.m. tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 82221 Workmanship guaranteed. Free esti WE RAVE Oe rein ai way ke | sccepted unt] 9. em. wieuddbats -------- mates. RA 3-2413 for loans on first and secon cellat 8:30 am. Office Architects Dr okin Loam, Sand and and alsa purchase of mo -'5, Saturday 8 - 12. - essm ements is MAYER and BRZOZOWICZ, Arch. 9 Fi Dial rec nls fale Lois The Times Bldg, Oshawa. Ont. pRESSMAKING and alterations on 1943 " unlisted telephone RA 82881 ladies' and children's wear, reasonable RA 5 52 79 re ------------ N------ = price. RA B.B666 ie = E i i pti MONEY TO : FOR body and mechanical repairs try FURRIER LOAM - GRAVEL fy Marijan's Garage, 290 Cordova Road RA ou and DRESSMAKER saND, FILL, TOP SOIL the 'aa KENT 5S WESTERN TIRE - Guaran c : automotive parts and accesso: Ney Alterations, Remodelling LOTS LEVELLED » cle es. 145 King Street West, Oshawa i 4 ' ¢ RA 8-1607-8-9. "Five bays to serve you Low FEET TRACTOR. LOADER WORK | ICK'S 22 ROWE S Reasonable Rion y ZOLTAN and NIC RA 8.6706 DIAL RA 5.2156 FINA SERVICE : NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers BERNIE'S "| APPLIANCE SERVICE ) | 68 SIMCOE NORTH (Rear) | Your factory authorized ser- help you make better profits offered in Farm Machinery" in the Want Ads to- day. Check the best buys now LADY would like ride to Eglinton and Laird vicinity from Whitby arriving aporoximately 8.30 am. Dial MO 8035 INSTITUTE OF HYPNOSIS NOW OPEN DAILY 4-10 PM ONTARIO ST 1 OSHAWA erein RA 8-0171 orn : W. P. Mittler, Director Rug-- Upholstery Service UPHOLSTERY at its best for less. We ELECTRO YSIS Mortgages specialize in chesterfields, re-covered MORTGAGES arranged, bought and re modelied, repaired. Free estimates sold. Agreements of sale and 'casy terms. RA 5-3604. Removal of superfluous hair sold, Company and p Rie nies. RA CHESTERFIELDS re-bulll, tecovered Marie Murduff II be in sd A 20081006 » ne pay more? Our rates Yel A 1 od 17 FIRST and second mort ArTang- are isfaction guaranteed O hawo Moy 16th anc. 7th ed. W. Schatzmann, Mortga Broker, Matt 1 Oshawa Upholstery Phone Genosha Hotel on 101 Dundas W. MO 8.3338 Co Street West. Dial RA these dates for appointment FIRST and second mor es. Sale - agreements purchased sold. Hen- CHISTERFIELDS reupholstered and - nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King restyled Free estimates. See our mate. LET US MACHINE WASH Street East. RA 3.7232 a. foi recovering. Dalton Upholstering, YOUR WALLS MORTGAGE vans, Bowmanville, Osh. > Charles Street, RA 3-7212 HOMES, OFFICES, etc awa, Whitby. Ajax, Pickering and vicin- CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re rg Whar ity. Residential, acreage rtments, covered like n Get the best for less Speedy curate, No-Dripping business Members of Ontario. Mort: at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe CALL TE 9- 1864 gage Brokers Association. Summerland South. Call RA 86451 for a free esti ; ig See ties Limited, 112 Simcoe Street mate ree tst mates North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5.3368 EASY-GLIDE Rugs and' Upholstered Furni- TERIOR WALL WASHING MORTGAGE te Heaned isi ' "SEGER' S 3--Pets & Livestock Money Available RUG & UPHOLSTERY WANTED Good homes for five CLEANERS tiger-striped kittens, No charge. Phone Payments to suit Profe nal cleaning at lower RA 3985 A 3 : INE Black Labrador Retriever, one Your Budget price < 4 ) ear old, had all needles. Apply 130 ALLIED INVEST iTS RA 5-7488 Thornton's Road North Y VES Nia . BATHING, trimming, de. fleeing board COM! a RUCS & CHESTERFIELDS ' ink. Waubena Kennels, RA 5-63 BLACK Labrador Retriever for sale, 5) G ST. E. RA 3-3993 CLEANED eight weeks. Pearse, YU 5.2086 Member Ont M rigage Profe Cleaning. IRISH setter pups, registered. Phone Brokars ciotion i or Plant Mrs. Gibson, Pickering WH 2.5817 - Members of the Nati nal PUREBRED brown miniature poodles, Nursing Services Institute of Rug. Cleaning. five weeks old, 565, male or female. RA PETER PAN NURSERY -- ail or hall 5 5 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies. ready for dav, 8.30 to 5.30, Simcoe North, RA NU-WAY -- RA 8-468] training, talking strain. Apply Mrs j 2 3804 Broad, 114 Elgin Street East INDIVIDUAL care for each person in SUFVEYOFS : SIAMESE "aittent of pedigree siook Sunnybrae, of Oshawa. Reg, N. super DONEVAN AND "FLEISCHMAN, On. 21: months old, Seal Point. reasonable Tel pinguities invited, rezsonable: Land Surveyor, commercial blue. Must sell. Telephone RA 3.3974 vinting, 12 Bloor Street East. RA 5-3632 yy GK "and 'tan hound pups for . i I. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land Fight weeks old. See A Lynch. 2 a Optometrists Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue Fast. ace Street, Whithy., MO 8.31 C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist Phone RA 6881 TRY accounts at Howniown G. I. HORTON and Associates, on. S--Farmers Column ank or 74 Burk Stree HORTON and Associan ? amined at home. Dial RA Bria Lang dury Suis, Professional Phi ror money for dead nd diabied FE. KICHARD BLACK -- Doclor of Whitby > MG. 3508] ajax To farm stock. 1 Vivian, Markham, 1160] Optom»iry, the examination of eyes, ---- em comm COO CY) 24 hour, seven-day service contact lenses Simcoe North at 2 i i DEAD farm stock picked up promptly Colborne. Evenings by appointment Ty Radio Repairs -- Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 RA 3-4191 FOR AUCTIONERING at its best, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lie. 115 So : tn T. Sceney. Telephone HA S31. riyRTY Touts of ow manors foc sale, Painting and Decorating IV RADIO. car radio repairs. All Mr. Brown, RR 1, Oshawa, RA 8-350 el mikes, Thompson Electronics. 157 El A-1 PAINTING and paperhanging. J. | iv id y : Jensen, RA 5.1631 ot Avenue, RA 39792 (Ered 6--Auction PAINTING and decorating for the NATE A % cheapest and best. Also storm windows VICE Wt EN YOU WANT | removed and. cleaned. Telephone RA IT DAY OR NIGHT AUCTION SALE Bal T.V. and RADIO PAINTING and decorating, by trades 7 man, interior, exterior. Free estimates CALL RA 8-5286 65 Hereford Cottle, 12 York RA 8.2558 A A shire Sows, A.C. 45 Tractor, - ---- All W Guaranteec IN Holland Baler AC DODD & SOUTER SHAWA Combine, Forage Harvester, | PAINTING & DECORATING ELECTRONICS full line of up to date Imple- NTRACTAORC T est ments, the property of Allan | INTRACTORS SAMSON E. Tt Lot 35, Con | pe YOMPsSon 0 5 on. Paperhang MSON ; WwW AM 4 Dor on County vwall V < Road No just East of ati V. TOWERS | 107 BYRON ST S., WHITBY T. . Tounton, on Monday, May DAYS MO 8-523) RA 8.8180 22, 1961 Terms Cosh sale C q 9 3 a 12:30 - o'clock har NIGHTS RA 5.7426 al 30 Pp | "Harvey Pascoe, clerk, Ted | Personal Service OSHAWA T.V. | Jackson, Port Perry, Aue. | PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or half. oneer | dav. 8.30 to 5.30. 381 Simcoe North. RA 361 GIBBONS ST - | 82604 -- 7--Trailers | 2 SPECIALIZING IN EVERYTHING for trailers. Gas, heat CYR'S RESTAURANT - z in lighting cooking, refrigerators, NOW OP:NM SAMSON TOWERS awiinss! srcial hichen, "secensories . service. Millers, WH 2.3491 FISH AND CHIPS ANTENNA ous TV TRAVEL trailer, 14° late model, in y y J motel. perfect condition. Sleeps 5. $790. Tele TAKE-OUT ORDERS LEN & LOU oY, [tert anion A Good Plc To Eat Free Estimates HOLIDAY (railer, heater. tank, sleeps | ~ RA a four. Hitch and lights can be arrang-| 333 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Ra 57844 cl Bonk now Tor' saration. tee. "ra | RA 1.7692 -- RA 8-439 a GET THAT CLEAR WANTED 10 RENT = 10 x 36 trailer | PICTURE NCW Apply Newcastle Trailer Court, On IR tario N FOR SALE -- one McGinnis trailer, | BAR B QUEn" Chick N Use o CHANNELMASTER sleeis four, good condition. Phone RA | Chicken plate hicker 8.5557 with ire 0 frie ' , H ANTENNA attached to ao 3 -- sa | : / el TARLIGHT TOWER and | hamburg hot dogs ' al amos log u'll have the best. COOK'S | Mik shake 1 MODERN GRI RAILER SALE wip RM GRRL GET THAT CLEAR TRAILER SALES | vy JELIVEK ----= / 850 wy pi ourtice | 1] ! | PICTURE NOW VACATION TRAVEL "THE HOUSE THAT 1d A aluminized picture TRAILERS | g : = 5 ok . y S If tain | ul JACK BUILT tut lled by expert TV e ained Deluxe and | i : ' B " nd. you'll have Compacts new and used. L vegelat 3 beet vciar © "or e ho J ? - t " 44 Mord price Open evenings and holidays, | amburgs, hot dogs, meats, » finest t prices ----- | groceries, toys fry goods, I us for service RA 8-0887 | greeting card french frie RA 8.2561 iT WE'RE ALWAYS OPEN 171 BOND STREET EAST ~7 DAYS > RA 8-6781 Plumbing Heating TYR TE ST TO ALL plumbing and heating supplies Well Drilling-Digging -------------- Phone R 5 I. Harold R. Stark ig Sout near W. WARD i nd heating pipes. fit WELL DIGGING BY . om seve tank 0 - ie a spe MACHINE type of tion and extimat HA * on. wn WHITBY, ONTARIO Foley a . MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 BEATTY APPLIANCES 204 CHESTNUT ST. W Barn, equipment, pumps, P.O. BOX 329 ESSO oil burner hot w \ forced air aces, bathroom fixture 1 ice G I R.1.O. TELEVISION Good Advertising and ood Merchardising GO HAND in HAND Summer Properties 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent ESTABLISHED private velopment. Rice Lake, frontage lots only. Cottage built. Financing no prob em, $2,000. Equipped playground. For brochure, W. NM. Trewin, 964 Weller Street, Peterborough. summer de THEEE bedroom furnished cottage, Lake Chemong, inside toilet, lovely treed lot, near Peterborough. Reason- able. WH 2-5063. LEN-DAVE LODGE BALA MUSKOKA Children Free Main lodge, sleeping cabins, safe sandy beach, home cook ed meals, water sports, don- cing, hot and cold running water, Write Box 15 Bale, Ontario MARJACK LODGE STURGEON LAKE Fishing, beach, abundant home ed meals, Special rates for children. House- keeping cabins. Dunford, Ontario Pho ne 25 SANDY BAY COTTAGES ON RICE LAKE 2- end 3-bedroom Cottages, furnished, with inside flush toilets, on beautiful sand beach, good fishing and safe bathing. Write R. McCracken, R.R. 4, Hastings, or PHONE 609 R 15 WIGASSAN LODGE On Lake Rosseau, Muskoka; informal; all sports, includ- ing water skiing 18-hol golf; "second helping Peter Pon Package for chil- dren. Dept. 21, Wigwossan | Lodge, 215 Victoria St, Toronto Kawandag Lodge ROSSEAU, ONTARIO Don Gollinger NHL player prop. Former Boston Bruins." $56.00 weekly ond up. American Plan. Write for folders. An AAA, ATRO re- sort SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT FOR A REAL VACATION Come to the CIRCLE B DUDE RANCH Horseback riding, swimming, rifle range, archery, excellent supervision. In the beautiful Caledon hills, Write for brochure MOTEL ond COTTAGE UNITS HOUSEKEEPING wanted, 12--Articles Wanted WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS TURNER (collect) RA 3-2043 RA 3.3374 17--Male Help Wanted 10 3 young men, 17-20, to join a nan organization. Must be free to ey oast to coast, No experience neces. ary. Neat appearance. We guarantee i200 a month, and furnish trans. portation, See Mr. Peter Kahler Tues. day, Wednesday, Thursday 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., at Room 16, Kingsway Motel, Highway No. 2, 695 King Street East, Oshawa. No phone calls, {DESK clerk required for steady 1 night SHAW Wants cars for Saturday all day. Phone. RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR AUTO WRECKING CO. wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open ifications to Box 649, Osha Times {A LARGE international corporation will {employ two local sales representatives | between the ages of 25-40. The men se lected will be thoroughly trained and |advanced in supervisory responsibilities when qualified. Successful salesmen, {school teachers, junior executives and (accountants preferred. Attractive re. {numeration plus bonus. Group life and hospitalization insurance Lifetime car- eer and company pension. No travelling in Write stating experience and quale E 1 after 5. Tot 13--Business Opportunities ORE suitable for coin laundry, r Write complete information and qualis fications to Box 909 Oshawa Times, TIME STUDY elail| slore, or service store, etc., situated on corner location with ample parking. Karly possession. Contact Bill Horner,| MAN RA 85123. Lloyd Realty, Oshawa Ltd.. | Realtor For electronic component HE monufacturing. company, APARTMENT BUILDINGS Send full 'particulars of post TWO | experience to Box 805 Osh. 5 SUITES EACH Well rented WHITBY FIVE-ROOM cottage, furnished, for vice depot for Philco, Motta, |cafe, all conveniences. six years old, G.E., Westinghouse, etc. terrific sand beach, Lake Papineau. i Terms if desired. Telephone RA 5-4241 RA 5-1179 TWO-, and three - bedroom cottages, | |electrie lights, refrigerators, excellent |fishing, pike, pickerel and bass, $30, $40 k A 5-4328. 1--Women's Column weekly, R ~---- | COTTAGE, furnished, Pres'quille Point, WE "specialize In permanent waving. | Deeded land. Apply Box 327, Colborne, Lucienne Beauty Salon, 293 Simcoe Ontario Street South. RA 38411 = LITTLE LAKE -- two-bedroom cottage, SPECIALS cold waves $550, heat Sith eseolient beat and wooded permanents $8.50, Page Hairdressing. wpe antip 2- SHENG 39% Pine Avenue. RA 5.3 ON LAKE SCUGOG -- five-room lak fi front cottage. two-piece bath, other con, nn veniences. Season or monthly uU 2 Personal . 15-2214, Mrs. Wright ADVERTISER wishes fo contact any FOR RENT -- Lake Dalyrmple. cot- person travelling daily by car or tage, well equipped, boat and electri- truck between Uxoridge and any of city good fishing, safe beach. Tele. 'the following: Oshawa, Port Perry, phone RA 5-124] Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Brooklin, or rs en any point between. This is a golden op EANPIN G Sroyn ree honda chi Dy Write Pen PaRking 10s end. Also cottages and boats for rent | Times : RA 8-230! = "SUMMER cottage for sale, Lake Scu FREE room and board for woman, in gog, completely furnished, boat house, comfortable country home, in Pleker- G0 PERPIEICY Ne 0 it re 108. As COMpanion {0 a woman iivine $4600. Terms. MO 8.3650 alone. Write Box 906, Oshawa Time TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS to Very good condition C. W. Cochrane, Toron HUdson 5-1136 APARTMENT BUILDINGS TWO 5 SUITES EACH Well rented, WHITBY Very good condition C. W. Cochrane, Toronto HUdson $-1136 awa Times, 18--Male or Female Help Wanted SA MEN and saleslaides for new household item. Telephone RA 8.2301 for further information {EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for automobile dealership, quired. Write Box 747 required typing re- Oshawa Times to 20--Room and Board FURNIS SHED room with breakfast, ner, five minutes to town. ah Telephone EA ROOM and board, good beds and food desired. Rossland parking, Apply newly decorated, Lunches packed if and Simcoe area, 708 Carnegie Avenue ROOM and hoard or room only, newly decorated. good home cooking, central, seven minutes' walk to four corners or hospital Apply 240 Division "A HOME lunches, Corners. room away from home", TV, Men only 3 minutes to Four Parking weekly or monthly for 12-16 cars, 97 Albert Street, ROOM and hoard, reasonable, South General Motors 5-0891 '21--Room & Board Wanted close to Telephone RA 14---Employment Wante ATTENTION WANTED -- Room and board for mid- dle aged lady. Phone 5-2449 d ! 22--Store | Space & Garages SIX stores for rent or lease in New Plaza, Simcoe Street South, Suit any EUROPEAN EXPERTS business. Reasonable rent. Telephone 5.634 LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES opp "space to rent, private en. trance, ground floor. Apply 14 Albert House painting, woodwerk Street repair. Rugs, Furniture clean- ing. Office floors - window cleaning FREE ESTIMATES CALL MR. STEVE - 9-12 AM. RA 8-418] WAREHOUSE "FOR RENT De -- 16--Female Help Wanted PHARMACIST required. Apply 907 Sim- coe Street North, BRUTC HER, experienced, full time, good starting salary, Bassin's Food Market, Ajax Shopping Plaza, I'WO experienced waitresses Apply management, The Mall rant, Oshawa Shopping Centre GOOD home for older woman, cap: of caring for six-roomed home, conveniences. Plain cooking for adults. Write Box 803 Oshawa EXPERIENCED middle age cook small adult family. No heavy work in. RA 3.9194 or write Box 750 Osh. Times WANTED -- full time sales girl, PI location, pleasant working regular benefits. Apply in person. Book Store, Oshawa Shopping Centr SINGLE girl immediately for ho work, no cooking, live in. Apply in son, Little Buckaroo Ranch, end Rossland Road Fast wanted, | Restau Times. conditions, Cole's e. reliable per. | Located on C.P.R. tracks in Oshawa Concrete base- unlimited load able all two carrying capacity. APPLY T. L. WILSON THE OSHAWA TIMES OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT for live awa laza uses | per. | of p 4 Passenger elevator service. IRC son, 20-45 vears, who likes children, 9 e service, CIRCLE B DUDE RANCH live in, private room. high wages. Char! New building. Centrally lo- R.R. 1, Caledon, Ont. weekly. Write Box 847 Oshawa Times, cated in downtown area Phone Caledon 57R3 TELEPHONE solicitors, part time and Moderate rent. Leases now full time. Telephone Whitehall 24314. oo 0" PAIGNTON HOUSE GIRLS -- required for fine assembly work, soldering and wiring, experience! on electronic components necessary THE TIMES LAKE ROSSEAU MUSKOKA Experienced girls only need apply. 3 Opportunity for advancement, £1 ou p benefit. ele. Apbl. io Stark Elections BUILDING Catering to a fun-loving Instruments Ltd, Ajax, Ontario, | clientele Rates vou can | Contact T. L. WILSON afford, $50 to $85 weekly DO YOU LIKE | Ph 4 RA 3- 3474 including 21 delicious meals MEETING PEOPLE? | one Complete operation. Nine- : 4 hole golf course. Write for Are jou interested in 2 Houses for Rent colored folder. Phone Port cy : SIX-ROOM three « bedroom bungalow, Carling, ROger 5.3155 working with a congen- bioadioom batement occupied, immedie STURGEON LAKE BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES NEW EXECUTIVE SUMMER | HOMES. Mortgages arranged | with well known trust com- | pany and terms suit needs. Built large waterfront lots in new registered private subdivision with a "'Florida" motif; most unusual ond beautiful in the Kawartha lakes, safe natural sand beach, large beautiful shade trees, conal 40' wide at rear of lots with sheltered dock or boathouse for each lot Prices your to on QUALITY with every conven- ience built into each of these summer homes, hydro, drilled walls, full plumbing, modern kitchens, fireplace, complete interior decorating plus dial, telephone with pri- vate or 2-party line LOGATION: 4 miles west of | Bobcaygeon on the Fenelon Falls Hwy., large signs at entrance, paved road all the way; owner on property every afternoon, including week- ends ial staff, writing and sell ing advertising copy for long established Osh awa firm? This is @ bright future for someone between the ages of 25-40. High school edu- cation preferred. Some typ- ing essential, WRITE BOX 838, OSHAWA TIMES giving full detoils, and pre- vious experience, INVOICE TYPIST REQUIRED By Ajax Manufacturer, typing accuracy essential and appli- cants should have a good knowledge of figures. Pleas- ant working conditions. Good salary and prospects for re liable girl. Write Box 801, Oshowa Times FULL AND PART-TIME HELP Car Hostesses, Cashiers, And Kitchen Help Apply A & W DRIVE-IN 7 PM. to 9 PM. ate occupancy. Bus Children welcome SEVEN-ROOM service at door, Telephone RA 8.3392 house, all conveniences, - leentrally located, at 103 Mill Street. teasonable rent. Apply 349 Frontenae Avenue, SIX room house, hydro, outside «¢ veniences. No children, elderly couple preferred. Phone OL 5.3914 noon er evenings SIX room modern bungalow, four piece Llose to everything 215. Telephone IN-ROOM brick hous large {Kitchen and basement, four-piece bath, {lovely garden with trees, clean, quiet central district, close to school and shopping. Phone MO 8-3219 SIX-ROOM house with garage in resi- dential area, close to schools, immedi- ate possession. Call Ed. Drumm, RA 85123. Lloyd Realty, Oshawa Ltd., | Realtor, FOUR-ROOM insul brick. Good base ment. Close to four corners, all cone !veniences. $60 per month. Vacant now. RA 3.2486 TWO-BEDROOM house, dining room and sitting room, kitchenette, take over house, sub-let basement apartment, rea- sonable rent. RA 3.4477, RESIDENTIAL district, eight-room pouse,, Telephone RA 8-8 executive type iB stop at door. MODERN two room house, with J.piers bathroom, gas heating, private drives way. Close to King nd 3 TOPPIng Cen. tre. Telephone RA 5.77 FOR RF -= Modern two-bedroom bunecalow, $75 per month. Cal RA 3-4328. NEW four-room bungalow. near shop. ping centre. oil fur Middle aged couple preferred, Vacant June 7. Write Box 611 Oshawa Times. for Sale or Rent J TT--Atticles for Rent 1 7--Male Help Wanted 125--Apts. & Flats for Rent TAGE . Lake § s a I RTE TT = bos Pa Pfu root Ske Seg. So EARN $25 - $30 i vour day off. Must THRE EROOM ground floor apartment, A, x. DORAL % 4 be hiuh :chool graduate, married, 23.28, all conve. parking, gard bus phone Ra Saor "UAE Tel SICKROOM EQUIPMENT ei," necessary "For meron mamas a dou eioncto PATKINE. caren: SUMMER cottage for sale on Rive FOR RENT OF FOR SALE |ment wrile Box 449, Oshawa Times. pp yANE apartments. spacious, LAKE, AIT Pou tenCes: Corn plely The RELIABLE gentleman wanted to in-|freshly decorated, two-bedroom, with ished. Talephane RA 50a Hospital beds, wheel chairs, vest minimum $2000 for active partici. lawn, parking area. One year lease, ' --pt nvali ker § € pation in profitable enterprise. E sily $110. RA 8-283 [LONELY trout stream, 115 miles long,| [valid walkers, bedsides, handled. short hours. Experience a THREE-ROOM ' {heantiful spot for family. Contact Mr,| commode crutches and essential, Immediate weekly tir: REE-R apartment. unfurnished, 1K. Werry, CO 3.2766 | cones, al roll-away beds and profits. Box 810 Oshawa Times, Privale entrance and bath, suit couple, ! i a 3 no children, 325 Simcoe Street South Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, FOUR-ROOM apart With : a apart ment wi a priva " WIANCKO HOUSE | RA 5ie4s. | FOREMAN FON Rao asariment, wilh 3 rivals -- - on a four-year Tease at $65 a month to SPARROW LAKE 12--Articles Wanted | REQUIRED du party. Available August 1. RA RS - : MUSKOKA, ONTARIO 1 CRAP! 1 Education, grode 12, with FURNISHED basement apartment, ; "CASH FOR S | rien on set-up of [Taunton Road. near Hampton, newly A family hotel with excelient WE BUY expe or 2 took is decorated. S60 monthly, includes heat- recreational facilities. Open . ETALS BATTERIES i. assembly tools, = supefvision i... and hydro. Suit young couple. CO mid-Jyne to Labor Day. Rates | STEEL, METALS Gd of female employees, and the [3.2152 $35.00 to $45.00 per week, | PAPER, RAGS, Etc ability. to make assembly |APARTMENT, three rooms. ground meols' included. Spaciol tole. | Open All Day Saturday fixtures and jigs. Age 25 washer. all conveniences, eals fed. Special es "DEF e = a f . available June 1. RA 8-5495. for children. An. ATRO' re- M GREENEIRS & SONS For appointment, call = | pO Read ah sort, Write M, R, Wilincko {Lance housekeeping room, private ene for folder. | RA 3.7333 308 Bloorste. | AJAX WH 2-2480 trance, main floor, Telephone RA 8-5253, -------------- SRSA, : Es 2 adel 1 i i

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