ON HAND TO receive early arrivals were the auxiliary's president, Mrs. R. W. Bassett and Mr. Basseit; Mrs. E. A. Stone, dance convener and Mr. Stone and vice-president, Mrs. A. W. Armstrong and Mr. Armstrong. Cocktail par- ties and coffee parties made the Maytime dance a busy night for many hostesses and 200 Attend CGIT Conference A CGIT conference and ban- quet were heid recently at Northminster United Church. Two hundred girls and leaders were in attendance. Mrs. S. G. Saywell had charge of games and recreation. The girls and leaders were wel comed by Mrs. Lawrence Horne and Mrs, A. H. Dancey, of the Oshawa and District CGIT Board. A camp pep talk was given by Miss Margaret Pellow, speak- ing for Camp Pretoria Commit- tee. A hearty sing song was led by Miss Anne Doxsee of Peter- borough with Mrs. Donald Cowle at the piano. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. L. M. Mec- Murtry of Oshawa. Two films were shown en- titled The Story of CGIT and Christian Symbols. While Mrs. Gerald FEsterbrooke and Miss Jean DeCoe were presenting the films and leading the girls in a discussion period, Mrs. Walter Sewell, Mrs. Harold Hawkshaw and Mrs. Bert Small held con- ferences with the leaders on subjects of interest. A book and craft display was in charge of Mrs. E. A. MacMillan of Whitby and Mrs. E. A. Small of Oshawa. a gay conclusion to winter activities. --Oshawa Times Photo Hospital Aux. Maytime Dance Gay and Friendly Social Event Always one of the happiest of| Mrs. L. O. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. the spring dances, The Oshawa/M. O. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. General Hospital Auxiliary's|/L. W. Magill, Mr. and Mrs Maytime Dance fulfilled expec-| John Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. L tations built on past seasons.|Milligan, Mr. and Mrs. D. E The Jubilee Pavilion was trans-|Sager, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. formed with hanging baskets of Lunn Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey spring blossoms; red roses/ Andrews. Wemeen, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 16, 1961 4 climbing on white trellises, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. G. Maroos- trailing wisteria and a charm-|is, Mr. and Mrs, T. Jack, Mr. ing carriage light with a hang-land Mrs. W. Hastings, Mr. Twenty First Brownie Pack ing basket. {and Mrs. .W E. Robson, Mr. Members and guests were re-|Nat Joseph, Miss Zobie Swartz,| reived by Mrs. R. W. Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnson, president of the Women's Aux-/Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor, Mr. iliar and Mr. Bassett; Mrs.|and Mrs. Peter S. Bell, Mr. and E. A. Stone, dance convener,|Mrs. R. I. Werner, Mr. | and Mr. Stone and Mrs. A. W.|Mrs. R. H. Broadbent, Mr. Armstrong, vice-president and Mrs. Robert Gray, Mr. Mr. Armstrong. {Mrs. Ralph Schofield, Mr. Frank Bogart and his orches-| Mrs. Morley Robinson, Mr. tra from the Granite Club, To-{Mrs. T. C. Russell, Mr. ronto, kept the dance floor alive|Mrs. H. M. Cranfield. | and there were many lucky! Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. prize winners including MTr.|Roughley, Mr. and Mrs. George 2 Mrs. D. Cranfield, Mr. and] Russel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. D. J. Henry, Mr. and Mrs.| Fordham, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- J. G. Carter, Mr. and Mrs.|ert Patte, Mr. and Mrs. How-| D. A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. | ard Vice, Mr. and Mrs. Allen E i ag A Mr. 2 ME Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. y ouse, Mr. an rs. W.|Vie : : C. Femme iv. and Mrs, RW. Vice, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Don Bunker and Mr. and Mrs. D. Skitch. Seen dancing were Mr. and Mrs. William Schoenau, Mr. and Mrs. William Harmer, Mr. Mario Pugliese, Miss Paige Es- tabrooks, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ives, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. F. Chaclamean, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Fayle, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greentree. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stain- ton, Mr. and Mrs. James Ja- mieson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. A. Chrisomalis, Mr. and Mrs. N. Lakas, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mor- rison, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mec- Laren, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Powell, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Donald, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Almond, Mr. and Mrs. John Vivash. Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Sturgis, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Storie, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Laverty, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spencer, Mr, and Mrs. William Kinsman, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Don Courtice. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. J. Janetos, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson, M and Mrs. S. J. Hennick, and Mrs. Roy Wellman, Dr. Mrs. C. M. Elliott, Mr, Mrs. James McCansh, Mr. Mrs. F. C. Malloy, Mr. Mrs. W. J. MacDonald, Mr. Mrs. M. Cryderman, Mr. Mrs. William Fitches, Mr. Mrs. Norman McAlpin, Mr. Mrs. Don Ormiston, Mr. Mrs. K. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Little, Mr. and Mrs. John Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Attersley, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carswell, Mr. and Mrs. Manning Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Black, | Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCul-| lough, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Nes-| bitt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Learmonth, Mr. and Mrs. T. McComb, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Suddard, Mr.|Mitchell; Support of Canada and Mrs. J. Baxter, Mr. and Council, Mrs. G. K. Drynan and Mrs. Z. Salmers, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. Cole; Status of women T. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. H. G.|(further implementation of Cole, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Greer,| CFUW resolutions), Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutherland, |Hart and Mrs. Barnard Lewis; Mr. and Mrs. K. McMahoe, equitable distribution of univer- Mr. and Mrs. R. Laing. sity grants, Mrs. Joseph Fetchi- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Savery, son and Miss Margaret Pellow. Mr. and Mrs. G. Salter, Mr.| Annual reports will be distrib- and Mrs. D. Skitch, Mr. and uted and officers elected for the Mrs. Tommy Cook, Mr. and|coming year. and| and and and nelly, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hol- land. Dr. and Mrs. Alan P. Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cle- mens, Mrs. Audrey Gimblett, Mr, Dan Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crom, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Aker, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Kane, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCarnan, Mr, and Mrs. G Jackson, Mr, and Mrs. Norm Raike, Mr. and Mrs. W. Belling- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Affleck, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sisco, Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Suarez, Mr. and Mrs, D. Cranfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stephenson, Mr. an Mrs. John Spratt, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. E. Meed, and Mrs, Jack Snyder, Mr. Mrs. Gordon Lofthouse, Mr, Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mr. Mrs. Grant Mcintosh, Mr. and| Mrs. Sydney Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. | D. Lander, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Finley. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Luke, Mr. and Mrs. G. Gurley, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bino, Mr. and Mrs. L. Weiderick, Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel B. Horwich, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart and others. Club Plans Hot Debates For its annual meeting to-| morrow evening the University| Women's Club of Oshawa and| district has arranged a program of short debates. Mrs. W. F. Taylor will moderate and au- dience participation will be in- vited in "Fighting Words". The first subject will be Red China (a) admission to the United Nations, (b) Canadian diplomatic recognition of Red China. Speaking for and against will be Mrs, R. V. Sheffield and Mrs. C. V. Thomas. Banning nuclear tests will be debated pro and con by Mrs. Mr.| and| and| and| Mr. and and and and and and and| and| and| j/cently in St. Luke's Presbyter-| *|deputy provincial commissioner, D. A. Bristow and Mrs. J. B.| + tive; 'Mother and Daughter Banquet The 21st Brownie Mother and|ident of the Parents' Commit: Daughter Banquet was held re-| tee. Brown Owl, Mrs. Peter Carey, n Church, Rossland road west.| called on the "Kelpies" as the The tables were decorated|winning Six consisting of with brown and yellow stream-|Sharon Barr, Beth Dulyea, Judy ers accented by daffodils at the| Powell, Eileen Cross, Nancy head table. Dolls wearing Graham, and Patsy Shaw. Pack Brownie uniforms of various/B presented a skit on countries of the world were Brownie Story with Cathy Stead placed at different points along|as narrator and Patsy Shaw, the tables. {Judy Rahme, Karen Branton, Mrs. Jack Barkwell played for Eileen Cross and Nancy the singing of the national Gardner taking part. Pack A, anthem, followed by a toast pro-| with Mrs. Jack Barkwell, Brown posed by Mrs. Joseph Laurie./Ow], sang Brownie songs and The Reverend Kenneth Mat-|closed the evening with the sing- ia the| The guest speaker for the ban- quet was Mrs. F. G. Thompson of Toronto, Dominion Secre- tary for Affiliated CGIT groups of the Missionary Society for the United Church who brought a very fine address on "Path- ways." Mrs. Harry Mellow in- troduced the speaker. Miss Lois Ashton of Ennis- killen proposed the toast to the church. The Reverend H. Mel low responded. Mrs. Horne proposed the toast to CGIT movement and Miss Connie Crossman replied. Miss Pat Cornish was head of the reception committee and also assisted in the responsive wor- ship service. Much benefit was gained from this, the first CGIT Day, and the theme 'Path- ways" will linger long in the minds of those who attended. SOCIAL NOTICE Happy young daughter of Mrs. Betty Norton, William street east, is Kim Elizabeth. Kim is the granddaughter of | Tedder - Thompson KIM ELIZABETH Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boom- hour, Oshawa, and was one year old on January 18. Vincent Massey Mrs. N. V. Roe was install- ed as president of Vincent Mas- sey Home and School at its an- nual meeting. Mrs. A. J. Allen, vice-presi- dent of Oshawa Home and School Council, also installed the following officers: vice-pres- ident, Mrs. John Cameron; sec- retary, Mrs. Lawrence McCon- key; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Garrison; corresponding secre- tary, A. R. Martin; executive members, Mrs. William Boyko, Mrs. Stanley King, Mrs. H. G. Forsythe, Mrs. Clifford Smith and Mrs. George Glassford. MARRIAGE The marriage of Patricia Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Cockburn of Whit- by, and Mr. Herbert Gardham Tran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tran, RR 1, Pickering, took place on Saturday, May 13, 1961, at the Whitby United Church, Whitby, with the Reverend John | thews said grace prior to theling of "Taps." M. Smith officiating. The business meeting was ducted by the president, Mrs. C. E. Twining, and the treas- urer's and secretary's reports were approved. Plans were finalized for a trip to be taken by students of Grade 8 and also the graduation dinner to be held in June. It was decided that the Home and School should donate money to the school to be used for educational certificates for banquet served by the ladies of St. Luke's Church. HEAD TABLE Mrs. Joseph Laurie, presi- dent of the parents' commit- tee, introduced the head table as follows: Mrs. D. R. Gunn, fe bdr an 0s Ren Toe 14 Oebowa Gude Com Matthews, rown Owls I i ii ER EE By Carey; rs. rank Sullivan, Cc . Borer, and Bonnie; Mrs. |ter banquet held recently in Ray Magill, secretary; and|St. Stephen's United Church hall. Karen and Valerie Magill |The banquet was served by the Brownies Fay Laurie and Carol|Eva Alexander group of the Brown, church. Mrs. Magill asked Mrs. Har-| Mrs, Thomas Daley, Guide old Davidson to convey appre-\captain, introduced the head Siation hil the Soup Who plan-\iahle guests, Mrs. Douglas Nes- Net an Serve hie cinner. bitt, - divisional camp advisor; s. Laurie introduced Mrs. Mrs. B : D. R. Gunn, who spoke on | MIS. «Dh Hitchens, Brown Owl, "What is Guiding." She pointed [13th Brownie pack; Mrs. Don- i {ald Richmond, Tawny Owl; Mrs. out to the Brownies that they(2 , 1awny d |were learning to be useful peo- J: E. Rupert, White Owl; Mrs. ple and referred to Brownies in|Louis Keleman, Jr., Guide Lieu- other parts of the world, particu-|tenant, 13th company; Mrs. larly commenting on girls in|Garnet Johnstone, president, Australia, They travel from an|parents' committee, area of 100 miles and speak six| Special guests were former different languages. . Also mentioned were girls in{Brownie leader, Mrs. Russell Baffin Land where they have a Tenneir; Mrs. A. G. Wisken, group called "Greenies," being|p, . ; younger than Brownies but all 32" Owl; Mrs. John Evans, Owl, and Mrs. use the same Brownie Law and|Acting Tawny Promise. Edward Gilroy. Former Guide With reference to the Par-|Leaders, Mrs. J. Cowley, Lieu- ents Committee, Mrs. Gunn said|tenant; Mrs. William Hays, act- its purpose was to give i toling lieutenant. Guiders when needed." Mrs. i Gunn mentioned that Lady a de Am Fouson led in the Baden Powell would be in Can- th ing grace. e toast to ada this fall and that her chief|'N® Queen was proposed by Joel object would be to see all| Anne Nichols with Jill Heard at Guides and Brownies. |the piano. Carol Haines proposed The Brownie Leaders were ex-|the toast to the Guide Move- tended a special "thank you" ment. A vote of thanks to the Thirteenth Guides, Brownies Mark Fifteenth Anniversary parents' committee was given by Ellen Woods and Mrs. Gar- net Johnstone spoke on behalf of the group. Mrs. Nesbitt spoke briefly on camping and presented the Brownie plaque to the sixer of the "Yellow Imps", Lynne Bran- ton, and also the Guide plaque to Susan Pearce, leader of the winning patrol, the "Scarlet Tanager." Mrs. B. D. Hitchens presented Mrs. J. E. Rupert with her warrant as White Owl. presented: Cooks, Gail Branton; Reporter's, Gail Branton; Skat- er's, Gail Branton, Diane Pierce, Barbara Bauder, Susan Pearce, Janice Wilton, Cathy Kelemen, Shawn Murphy, Linda Reader, Jill Heard; Laundress"s, Bar- bara Bauder; Athlete's, Carol Evans; Home Maker's, Susan Pearce, Janice Wilton. Second Class: Shawn Mur- phy, Linda Reader, Gail Knipe, Jill Heard. Hostess"s, Shawn Murphy, Linda Reader, Gail Knipe, Jill Heard. Short skits were presented by the Guides and Brownies. The banquet was brought to a close by Camp Fire and "Taps", led by company leader, Carol Evans. for the time spent with the Brownies. At the conclusion of her talk, Mrs. Gunn presented Mrs. | Peter Carey with her warrant {as Brown Owl. Mrs. B. M. | Woods thanked Mrs. Gunn, | NEW EXECUTIVE The new executive for 1961-62 lis as follows: Mrs. Joseph |Laurie, past - president; Mrs. {Ray Magill, president; Mrs. | John Grahan, vice - president; { Mrs. Edward Shreve, secretary; Mrs. D. R. Abbott, treasurer; Mrs. George Shaw, social con- vener; Mrs. Lloyd Gardner, Local Association representa- Mrs. John Stead, Mrs George Clark, Mrs. G. W. Wel- don, Mrs. James Bennett, Mrs. {Maxwell Rosenheck, telephone |conveners. A gift was presented to Mrs. {Joseph Laurie in recognition of | her two years' service as Pres- \ SPECIAL 150 225 Value LIMITED TIME OFFER FUR COLD STORAGE ON THE PR EMISES Im A MESSAGE FROM MORRISON $1000.00, WOULD YOU LEAVE IT IN CLOSET? OF COURSE NOT. of Your Furs for Storage! "NO NOTICE REQUIRED, WHEN COA MORRISON FUR CO. DIAL ENTION ALL FUR OWN WHY TAKE CHANCES THIS SPRING? Bring it to the bank. Likewise, put your furs in cold storoge, ot MORRISON'S. We offer Free Immediate Pick Up ond Delivery, Free Estimate for Complete Fur Service, Remodelling, Repair and Cleaning ot your door. Our price? Only 2% of fair valuation 12 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA -_ ws IF YOU HAD YOUR CLOTHES Summer Cologne... pat on d this special offer lasts. T IS DESIRED" RA 5-6312 '00 HNd NOSIHUOW ANE MORRISON FUR CO. A FUR COLD STORAGE ON THE PREMISES DESERT FioWeR Summer Cologne and Dusting Powder with powder puff DSERT owen SPECIAL 120 regular value 21 _/| Ss town ws RY mo wanees y 2 Here's wonderful warm-weather news from Shulton. After a shower or bath, splash on the intriguing scent of Desert Flower elightful Desert Flower Dusting Powder. You'll feel fresh as the fragrance itself. And, the attrac- tive package makes this an ideal gift. Buy several now, while The following badges were ] presentation to the qualifying students. GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES COURTICE FRIENDSHIP GRP. The Friendship Group of Cour- tice United Church WA held its May meeting at the home of Mrs. Percy Dalby. Mrs. Frank Chumbly, president, welcomed the members and opened the meeting with the WA prayer. Mrs. Lloyd Irvine and Mrs. George Lowe were in charge of the scripture portion of the pro- gram. Reports were given by the various committees. The annual June picnic for the oint WA was placed in the hands of the group to supervise. Games and prizes are to he looked after by Mrs. William McKnight, Mrs. Percy Dalby and Mrs. Lloyd Irvine; lunch- eon, Mrs. Frank Chumbly; park arrangements Mrs. Sydney Bur- gess. Th picnic will be held June 22 in Darlington Provincial Park. In place of a house meeting in June the group is planning an evening out, dinner at Manches- ter. Plans for the remainder of the evening have not been com- pleted. The members will be called upon to assist one of the other groups with baked gods for the luncheon and bake sale they plan to have June 7. The meeting closed with the WA benediction and a social hour followed. H-S Assn. Names New President and Officers A committee was formed to| with matching hat and the bride- groom's mother was in rose- beige organza with flowered hat. They wore orchid corsages. Fer their honeymoon the cou- ple are motoring in Florida and will return to make their home in Toronto. Guests were present from Brooklin, Lindsay, Belleville, Benton Harbor, Michigan; Georgetown and Brampton. Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe ot the Genosha Hotel, May 16 - 17 PHONE RA 3-4641 [Yor wwetutuvent aw 'Shave dates Nuptial Rites Held at Dixie A wedding of interest was sol- emnized in St. John the Baptist Anglican Church, Dixie, on Sat- urday afternoon when Mary Gwendolyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S Thompson of Brooklin, became the bride of Thomas Frederick Tedder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Thomp- son of Port Credit. The Reverend Jeffery Bil lingsley performed the cere- mony with Miss R. Goldthorpe playing the wedding music. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. She wore an imported, full-length gown of antique taffeta and candie-white Alencon lace, featuring a por- trait neckline and short sleeves. Her headdress was a fingertip veil of blush ivory tulle illusion caught into a bandeau of net and she carried a semi di of gardenias and stephanotis. Mrs. John Thompson, the bride's sister-in-law, was matron of honor wearing sea-shell pink embroidered silk organza over taffeta in sheath style with a bouffant overskirt cinched with a cummerbund and bow. Her flowers were pink and white carnations in a semi-cascade. Mr. Robert Tedder was best man for his brother. I'he ushers were Mr. Robert Reid and Mr. Bruce Riddell, both of Toron- to. . A reception was held in the parish hall of the historic church. To receive, the bride's mother wore mauve organza Oshawa's Store for... DAISY BRAS -- GIRDLES Professional Fittings at No Extre Cost! WARD'S Simcoe St. §. ef Athol St, Phone RA 53-1151 convene the rerf ts for the school field day, Mrs. N. V. Roe, Mrs. Stanley King, Mrs. H. G. Forsythe, and Mrs. Clif- ford Smith. Mrs. Roe introduced Mr. Gregory Brady, supervisor of the men's division of St. John Ambulance who spoke in con- junction with "Save a Life" Week. Mr. Brady showed a very enlightening film entitled "That they might live" which illustrated the oral rescucitation method of respiration. Follow- ing the film he answered ques- tions and then demonstrated the Holgar Neilson method of artificial respiration. Mr. Brady mentioned that speed was the major factor in saving a life and also said that to change methods was dangerous. Mr. Brady said, while mouth-to- mouth method was effective and could be used in places where used, not everyone could do it, so everyone should learn the Holgar Neilson method of arti- ficial respiration well. Mrs. William Boyko thanked Mr. Brady on behalf of the members. Mrs. Roe presented Mrs. Twining with her past presi. dent's pin and conveyed the ap- preciation of the association for a progressive two-year term. A buffet lunch was served by Mrs. D. L. Bowman, grade mother for Grade 1 and Mrs. Bert McCarl and Mrs. Harvey Rice at the close of the meet- ing. Wook Any Government Deficiency Pay- ment will apply only en properly graded wools, Secure the utmost by patronizing the organization that made this possible. SHIP COLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Ralph Hepburn, R.R. No. 2, Oshews William Snowden, R.R. No. 2, Oshaws Boyd Ayre, Hampton or by writing to. CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Boy Street, Toronto, Canada ask about Dr. Locke's famous" "5-point-at" © Open Friday to 9 p. 18 Simcoe St. S. RA pan Priced at only . « « | As advertised in McCALL'S and TODAY'S HEALTH ® Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded ! 5-1833 the other method could not be] 8 $8 See our Colorizer Album showing the 1,322 beautiful colors available in all FLO-GLAZE Colorizer finishes -- from flat to high gloss: Here's the new easy way to find paints that match the colors in your drapes, rugs, slip. covers, wallpapers. Just buy the color you want in the finish you want -- right over the counter: Get the same color again, anytime. FLO-GLAZE Colorizer paints give surfaces lasting beauty because they're oil-base paints of finest quality. Let us help you solve your paint-color problems with our Colorizer Iw pee hint Choose from 1,322 colors in eny of these | FLO-GLAZE Colorixer Paints -- © Flat Wall Paint © interior Gloss * Semi-Gloss © Four-Hour Enamel © Velvet Finish © Exterior House Paint MRS. W. W. PARK 55 BRUCE ST. OSHAWA DIAL RA 3-7821 SWAN'S LH.A. HDWE. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-7513 PAINT & CORRIGAN wavirares AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE AJAX, ONT. WHITEHALL 2-1660 PAINT & PATTE WALLPAPER LTD. "90 Years at 85 Simcoe St. N." OSHAWA DIAL RA 5-3529