The Oshawa Times, 16 May 1961, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, T 3 16, 1961 2 uesday, Mey ( cal is also expected to 'defend Rail Strike Settlement Pope Will Call [if mis. for a more equitable distribu- {tion of the world's wealth. Aired In Parliament (Christian Defence imam, VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The atheistic communism will be at{than 300 delegates from OTTAWA (CP)--This was to|commission had "quite a bear-|but there was no question of the 1¢¥ social encyclical that Pope|the top of the list. ins ling" . : : : tod John soon will issue will be a throughout Canada and the have been the day the trains|ing" on the final discussions|government giving them a sub- the THIS IS DILEMMA United States assembled Mon- stopped running in Canada -- leading to the wage settlement. |sidy to meet their wage bills." call for the defence of d : i : A Cardinal : ay for the four - day annual world's Christian heritage Cardinal Cento, speaking to|.,n ontion of the Catholic Press strike day for some 11,000 rail-| Mr. Balcer referred to Pri 4 waymen seeking higher wages. WERE SATISFIED [Minister Diefenbaker's or ate. against the expanding chal-|15,000 members of the Malian, ci ation" B But it isn't. He said the CPR and CNR | ment in the Commons recently lenge of communism. Workers of Catholic Action and Stocis Hon, usiness sessions Twelve days ago the railways presidents expressed satisfac- (that interim legislation will be| The 79 - year - old head of of the World Movement of open 1ocay. capitulated to union demands|tion with many aspects of the brought forward that will be|the Roman Catholic Church in- Christian Workers, said: for a l4-cent-hourly pay in- report, which proposed subsi- based on certain parts of the|dicated this Sunday when he 'This, in fact, i il-| crease. They agreed to a pay|dies amounting at the outset to|MacPherson report. gave a preview of the historic emma: Either evolution under | package they expect to cost|about $100,000,000 yearly to off-| *" Before adopting any document to 100,000 workers| the sign of the cross of Christ, them $38,000,000 over a full[set losses on unprofitable pas-\part of the report the govern- from 60 nations. or else dictatorship under the | year. senger trains. branch lines and ment wants to give it the most| The Communist challenge was sinister emblems of atheism." NOON SPECIALS Why did they suddenly settle? Prairie export grain traffic. |careful consideration and also|underlined Monday by Fernado, The cardinal said that the[l PLATE LUNCH bb This was the crux of ques-| Mr. Balcer was pressed by|considers its impact on Canada | Cardinal Cento, president of the|way marked by the "R K smack Room tions MPs tossed at Transport Harold Winch (CCF--Vancouver|as a whole and on the taxpayers|c0 - ordinating committee for, y " y the eroms Minister Balcer in the Commons East) and Lionel Chevrier (I-- as a whole. {commemoration of the tv ovary and subsequent pa- [§ BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH, Monday during study of several Montreal Laurier: on whether| "We wish to do something 'Novarum" -- the famed en- pal documents, "even if itil§ DINING items dealing with rail trans-| the railways had some sort of which will not be just a stop- cyclical on social problems that should mean Sacrifice by ef ------------------ portation. assurance that the eovernment gap, which will not be just a|Pope Leo XIII issued May 15 most fortunate, is the best bar| would act on the MacPherson palliative, but something which|1891. Since then it has been (against the advance of mater-} EVENING DINNER INSISTS THEY BARGAINED | nroposals to meet the wage set- will help rail 8 tation basic document of th 1 iglistic Marxism. | 1 ur In his replies, the minister in- |tlement. in Ca way. transportation church on nen ° the Catholic| mys «Rerum Novarum" and COURSE .... 30 sisted there was full and free| «yf tne railways decide that|. . = n the years ahead. nese problems. | yhsequent papal documents de- HOTEL LANCASTER collective bargaining. But he| "1.00 C0 FEY OS Bay | Pope John's encyclical, a doc-|fended the rights of private pro-| also indicated that both a stick| egislation of our action Im') pyppnye SUBSIDY {ument of 15,000 to 20,000 words|perty and Pope John's encycli-| and a carrot could have been in. | Proves their porition 10 the pei} In the field of t jon|0. De made public within a few yy vel |where they are better off and, do the cl ransportation | weeks, will reiterate the Chris- Ime stick -- possible compul- |1t iS easier for them to pay their| "YHA: mons; tian principles pronounced by sory arbitration measures; the "ire. bills, that is up to the), vment bil reading fo 2 Pope Leo and other popes. carrot--hope of early action on | yk Sad the Jinister, t $20.000,000-a.vear io Spiend Ie But, above all, it will deal, subsidy proposals of the Mac-|, oo "5 tion ay no subsidy to offset the 1958 freight |25 FoPe John said, with "the |Bherson royal commission on the wage bill of this last strike Tate increase of 17 per cent. The Bev, Brave ig at times peri- 2 . i |settlement." (bill permits an extension in the| problems of our epoch. Said the transport minister: Several. tintes: Mr. Baler in- subsidy for up to 12 months, There was no doubt here that "We were very pleased to find | i e. i LA sisted the railways settled freely | " i that we did not have to impose |, "41. racult of collective bar-| 2. Gave first reading to a gov- any compulsory arbitration| . . ernment bill to increase th : 9 {measures on one side or the Sanne. number of directors on the ro ar lament MICE 4 other, because management and GAVE NO SUBSIDY licly-owned CNR to 12 from Quipped jel Mont ded th derpinni t | thous} ' labor had come to an agree-| 'The railways probably came Seven. uippe: one cynica ont- | erode e underpinnings a though traffic is heavy on the ment." {to the conclusion that it was the| 3. Decided to set up the 26- At A Gl sh realer: "They've started the | this corner on old Notre Dame | gowntown street. Mr. Balcer also said he is|best deal they could make and| b hod galls ittee 3 "&a= ance 5 SUITE A supway Bn that Nas * street, Tesulting in a sudden EP Wiscoligtos convinced" that the first re. 50 did labor. Therefore, they railways, airlines and shipping| By THE CANADIAN PRESS E APARTMENT roken water main slow ave-in. 0 N ----(L 3 0L0 | | of y | cave-in one was hu wl ( irep port of the MacPherson royal'came to a settlement Together. 110. lopk at dhe CNR, TCA and |Monday, May 15, 1961 NEW -- All 2-bedroom apartments, Fully equipped, built-in { perations connected with) The government introduced all stoves ond ovens. All leased. 'Sodding and driveway to be transportation. Criminal Code amendment un- der which Canada would retain|] completed. Asking only $12,000 down. For particulars call-- New Party C am paigns Stevedor es Ask Mr" Clove, for Libera the gallows for "capital" cases|| RA 5-6544 -- MR. APPPLEBY, RA 3.3398. A 1 R i Fisher, CCF transport spokes- In effect, the Commons was |man, lambasted the government told, it would be a system of . ° Tr 1a & eree tor is handling of freight rate|defining first- and second-de- 7 matters, the railwa ike | gree murder--with the "capital" gainst 1 en oe] HAMILTON (CP) -- Striking 60 to 70 cents an hour over a crisis and the Blivay Strike stipulation being Mis nif stevedores asked the president two-year period. port. {generally as covering all mur- of the International Longshore- : i Pr OTTAWA (CP) -- The New|convention of the New Party in| whose traditional modes of liv-/men's Association (CLC) Mon- WAGES WILL RISE No REvIieE, mete} for Sore commited with force, Party said Monday in a draft|Ottawa this summer. ling have been disrupted by|day to send a referee to Wed- Basic pay rates under the port is in a "cha Sel _ trans- : Finance Minister Fleming declaration on democracy that] "To safeguard Parliament/modern civilization," the state-| nesday's union trial of four for-|agreement will rise at $2.10| pecause of 20 1c Situation sal ® oes not intend to bring if elected to power it would leg-| against the control of parties by| ment said. "The New Party willl mer union stewards charged from $1.90 an hour, retroactive and hesitation of a cision JOWD I regular 1961-62 budget islate against hidden contribu- hidden, wealthy contributors, |accord them full political andwith counselling a wildcat|to April 1. A further six-cent in-| ment» 2 govern. |CUTIng May. tions to political parties. the New Party will pass legis-|social rights as Canadian citi-|strike. crease is provided for in 1962. | Sniffing an election wind i Prime Minister Diefenhaker a document -- fourth and iation requiring full publicity|zens." : In a telegram to ILA Presi-| The contract also provides in-/the air, Mr. Fisher called | promised gent sitention" 10 I me i for political contributions, and a] The staetment said the New dent William Bradley of New creased overtime and weekend| "another example of the pro-|i ® Aieshon of correcting gaps| $34,900---8 en ys props fy Hs reasonable and effective limita-| Party will adopt a distinctive| York, the 70 striking members| rates, a pension plan Mr. Fort-|crastination, posturing and 10m anaes readiness to meet | ' SUITES 8 ow ounding| tion on campaign expenditures," Canadian flag and anthem "to|of Local 1654 said they want to|man said is the first on the Ha- definiteness of the gover £18 Sational emergency through ; said the policy declaration. |give expression to Canadian na- make sure the four men get a milton waterfront, and a new|with respect to its hi hment civil defence preparedness. $1,200 down or will accept a house on trade as down payment, n : First reading was given gov- Gross annual rent $5760 with janitor fees paid. Storms end N Sh rt TN iy Rove ig li tat t. {fale pial, [Erievance peoceque. jried of transportation." t 1 1 BrCh fact ies wi e three earlier statements| Earlier, Bernard Doherty, However, one stipulation ob-| The Port Arthur mer jq|érnment legislation to increase |} ycreens, h r heati i ew 0 1 ade available 10 Wembers dealt with geopoe. planning, vice-president of the union's|jected to by the strikers is a|the proposed hor Member $id] membership on the CNR board " 5, ot water heating, good central location. Low taxes. A Cs Ppos Det 50 Na Soci security and foreign af- Great Lakes region, said he will| requirement that the union use|"roll-back" subsidy--which oft. directors to 12 from seven. | terrific investment, Coll MR, BOLAMOOD wt RA 5:6544 er RA T Bo d they he acquain'e (fairs. [press for lifetime expulsion of|the gang system of unloading|sets about half of the 17-per-cent|, Lionel Chevrier (L--Montreal | 35-8333. erm Nn hii ation now at the dis- [the four men, members of alships, The system came into|freight rate increase of 1958 as Laurier) and Douglas Fisher | posa 0 Sovernment alone. | = group which beat and kicked|force this year, replacing a hir-lit applies to normal non-com. | (CCF--Port Arthur) accused the | e statement advocated a| More e 1 him last Friday and has been|ing system based on the prin-|petitive traffic--is a temporary | government of diddling and, JOHN A. J. {new concept of co - operative responsi i -| ci i i iati | i A : 3 | ponsible for a strike disrupt-| ciple of first-come, first-served. | palliative. dawdling over transport prob- ssue Soon fades sls XA which the prov-| ing foreign shipping in the Port] Mr. Fortman said that if the| 'It seems to me that this kind | 1©™S- pros: ces would play a greater role For u ans of Hamilton. strike continues until Friday it|of part-way measure is just a Tuesday, May 16 f | sale to the public. Details of the, "A New Party government|, .: " | issue will be announced Wed- will create a department of fod. | onary govemnmien' fuck of. the union executive resigned. OSH aA | par value of three-per - cent|and councils." : : tional money market the ex-|new contract agreed upon by bonds maturing next Dec. 1. |woULD AMEND ACT change rate y ma be much less| the union negotiators and five Another $40,000,000 had been| It also pledged the party to|favorable. private stevedoring firms. The guid in exchange for the bank's| work out a reasonable method] Mora told a Sunday television Pact was to have been ratified nas °% an Sypal Bmewut of | of amending the British North audience the credits generally | Friday. (4.1511) ig id treasury bills Meaty America Ad, 8 step now being| carried an interest rate of only| Mr. Fortman said the contract CLASSIR g vr ; y on by the Conservative 21, per cent and were repay-|is "one of the greatest we have of 2 y-|is g part She 3110.000000 Jublic sale, government. able over 10 years. But Com-| ever seen on the Great Lakes." A $10.00 000 or Thr e Ror ethnic groups the party | munist China had granted a The new agreement, which will cial one-year treasury bill ae {en orsed a policy of protection|60,000,000 - peso credit bearing give Hamilton stevedores wage due Jute 7 The fused 7 tures nd, 1eaditons: Ino interest, with Cuba to settle parity with those in Toronto, EECIINFUIIICERTAILIN . 2. | s special eco- , it was i i i $00,000,000 of proceeds would | nomic eno pothas of the debt when it was able. provides benefits ranging from H hs Oe: can uy provide new money to replenish{the original inhabitants of Can- the government's cash balances. |ada--the Indians and Eskimos, | R 1 Y k Wed M ITth | een ROYQl YOI Nay 3 " 2 g | - ) $4 ; © the Royal York Hotel was com-|of some departments and it is TABLE i the Iotest colors. @ 95 Oshawa Shopp hg Centre L A membership meeting of the | should have the right to replace OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min-|in the country's affairs i i i A CO! fairs. : { i -| will force cancellation of a ship- | ister Fleming gave advance no-| Promising to revive a cabinet . | The strike began Friday": means of clearing the way for a| 'The Commons meets at 11 S -- ; t of 14,000 tons of steel over- tice Monday of a new $200,000,- portfolio dealing with federal- HAVANA (CP) -- Communist) with counselling a wildcat men ) ' general election without really|a.m. to debate government bus- REALTOR LTD. INSURANCE 8 ederal-| countries have extended to Cuba| 0 eq "sick." Later the strik- seas from Hamilton. revealing the government's pol-|iness; the Senate meets at 2] nesday. eral - provincial relations to, i ini George Fortman, Local 1654 His announcement said $50,- maintain and extend co-opera-| Loreign rade Minister Alberto Who agent, said Monday SHOPPING 000,000 of the new issue has|tion with the provinces, to co- "myo cuban government keeps someone put sugar in the gaso- . usktng || OPENING THURSDAY, MAY 18 Irie ounts | unumre | ' || LIGHTING FIXTURES for bedroom, AT THE plicated Monday by a hotel/ now apparent some of the posi-|| Reg. te 14.95. SALE spokesman's claim that 125 of|tions may not be necessary." the 1,200 strikers have returned Ontario CCF Leader Donald BATA SHOES striking Local 299 of the Hotel workers when strikers live upif Mode in Conada, Superior ay and Club Employees Union to the laws of the land and are on ng rock arl o'2 8 1.99 (CLC), in a voice vote, re- (legally on picket lines. Sonly. ONLY........... WH» y . jected a suggestion by a vet-| The Kinsmen, walking in shifts, will push and/or pull their bed over the following route: Starting at the 000 short-term bond issue, of provincial affairs, the d t icy." |P TS, ocument| more than 250,000,000 DPesOS| ors gaid they would continue icy. ip.m. | been sold to the Bank of Can-|ordinate and act as a special yo hocq negged at par with the|line tank of his car. He said the bathroom, hall and outside. 1 19 . to their jobs, and reports that| MacDonald has urged the strik- the hotel is seeking to scraplers to "stick with it." He said BATA FEATURES > ¢ BED PUSH CONTES § ) ¢ eran employee that the strike, . THE DISC SHOP : New Air R ates Cream of Barley Park, Bowmanville, to the Town Hall, Whitby, via No. 2 Highway, and return to the which $110,000, vi : a 3 10000.00 will 20 onl added: worth of credits since the revo-| pai walkout until members of ada in exchange for an equal secretariat for joint committees| ; ¢ dollar but on the interna- strike came in defiance of a MAMMOTH MENSMEN TORONTO (CP)--A strike at|necessitated the re-organizationi| Res. te 3.95. SALE.... strikers' seniority rights. |he did not think management RUNNING SHOES now in its third week, be called AN Mitch: Milier, Roy' Come, off. | Lester Lorin, Johnny Mathis. Oshawa Shopping Centre, where a finish line will be set up at the bus stop at the north end of the Mall. Earlier, the union announced o A . cancellation of two union con-| Boon To Tr ade Reg. 4.20 2 98 (the Push will be attempted Rain or Shine), ventions slated for the CPR ho ; uy Mathis. Reg, ppt Contest entry blanks are being sold by the Osha d Whithy K booth d a second increase i : v . Ari : ing 50/C hy the Lshawa an itby Kinsmen and I i i ys Seq se ; MONTREAL (CP)-More AL ONLY 2% And many others! the Mal ot the Shopping Contre The public are tavifed 10 Sshmate the fie Jt wil tke Pi ie iio od oe Payments for single persons 141C 8 in petishabics probe Come See ve ! Stine ng the correct, or closest to correct time, will receive prizes and/or merchandise vouchers of approximately $1,500.00 on the picket lines will be raised | duced air cargo rates announced tu 3 3 week fiero Jz a for | here Monday night. CAVALIER In case of a tie, the persons involved will be asked to estimate the time token to cover a selected portion of the route. If i st ror | | Jarred petsons ih Homo The rates. reduced as much GIFT SHOP e further tie exists, another portion of the route will be selected and the concerned persons requested to agoin estimate the days ago were $15 and $20 Hotel officials confirmed t international convention of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Work- ers Union, (CLC) has been can-| | celled because of the strike,| and a union official said the In| The International Air Trans- Il Nd 3 MO 3 port Association said the "new KRESGE S ternational Mine, Mill and Smel- ( i ter Union (Ind.) convention|and drastically revised pattern|| Golden Streak LAWN MOWERS slated for the Royal York next|0f cargo rates" will go into ef-| --21" blade, four-cycle, 2 h.p. ¥ 14 MAJOR RIDES 14 March has also been withdrawn. |fect Sept. 1 until March 31, 1963. || motors. Safe T-wind starter, ad- A. R. Johnstone, Canadian | It took negotiators from 24] justable cutting. i vice-president of t%e hotel work-| airlines more than two weeks|| height. SPECIAL 59.95 bd FERRIS WH EEL LJ] TWISTER Ld DEATH PLUNGE Ld BULLET RIDE ers union, said the no.c' has|of harrowing debate to agree onjf ------ SES A { rebuffed potential mediators by|the simplified system. Si F laying down unacceptable con-| H. Bryan Renwick, confer- DOVER'S LIMITED AND MANY OTHERS ditions for mediation ghee chairman aud a Vice pres. TIES a ident of Canadian Pacific Air-|| All Potterns, Stripes, etc. WOULD SCRAP RIGHTS lines, said the new system may|| Reg. 1.50 EACH a 9 The union leader said indivi- mean "an economic revolution duals of high calibre had ap-|in distribution and marketing." proache e hotel to propose| It mainly involves a gradu- K T mediation but the management ated scale of prices, or break- LOOK FOR Frit BATON TWIRLING TITLIST insisted on scrapping seniority points, depending on volume. rights as a condition of any|Rates per unit go down as Penny McMullen, a pupil of ; st's fifth annual baton twirling talks. i {higher levels of volume are the Harvey Dance Academy, | competition in Hamilton. She | Suz Mackinnon, anager) reached. : 5A is seen with the first place | also won a gold medal for | aI Lal cargo Tatas between | p m Is ; gf al for |he knew of no official approach Montreal and Europe will run C MON-TUES=WED AM trophy she won in the 13-year | first place "at the Kiwanis |for mediation. [from one to nine cents below ALL PROCEEDS FOR KINSMEN SERVI novice class at Dorothy Hur- | Music Festival in Hamilton. He added: "The strike has! New York levels VICE WORK EE ie anal ENGLISH SON CHINA Should th he ants, 4 p s SUC ould there be any abnormal delays or interruptions which cause a sto f i meal ; pping of the walk, the t lock | s [Nova Scotia lobster big be CUPS & SAUCERS such periods. All rulings on such matters shall be at the discretion of the os a ee, = pias J Se Surope 3 in hows speck 1 00 & 1 95 I 1s hoped he Bed will greive in Ochawe around 1 P.M, Saturday and a Mammoth parade, including bands, floats and majors s far bel he previ-| AND ' " es, etc, will accompany the walkers thro itn is bei : i ' > I ta . y rs through town. A similor parade is being arranged for Whitby.

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