25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale 30---Automobiles Wanted .|LAKESHORE Auto THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 15, 1961 19 DUPLEX off Hillcroft, three larg rooms, 20 ft living re room, 5 and and dinette. stove, hd facilities, parking. Adults. RA 5- BOWMANVILLE Heatd, three kitchenette, THREE ROOM 1 fiat in new ge Fg block ron Osh Centre RA 8 m awa Shopping -- |ONE bright large je FURNISHED -- room for gentleman housekeeping Jxivileses. Apply 23 Elgin Street East. RA 3.78! room, | 3500 DOWN, open to offer. Six rooms hardwood and i tiie floors, good size lo with garage, Must be sold. tc transport, 180 ACRES, 10-roomed house, barn, (three-car garage, 90 acres of valuable timber, small river, For sis 4 or house in Oshawa. RA 8 refrigerator. and stove, parking space Apply 202 Albert Street, .|PULLY furnished living room, bed. t.| room. Kitchenette, suitable for two bus- iness girls, central. Telephone RA * 15-5207. 50 ACRES of good farm i for rent or will share crop on No. 7 mg way float, lantle 2 ---- Wok, 82 x 185, at Courtice, paved roads, R3 Zone, good water. phone RA 8-0651. now RA 56544 or , J. Bolahood Ltd. Realtor. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD THREE rooms, wit y, heavy {duty wiring, hy esr ar Shopping Centre, Apply 164 $500 DOWN, four room bungalow, ofl heat, four piece bath Annapolis Ave- Ww. McAuley] Reoltor LTD. Insurance FURNISHED , a gentleman, Hiroe 1 quiet home, Ay. central, Plenty of|y; three hot water. RA 3 . 200 Seid East. very dry. Heat, light, , Buses close. ONE furnished sR room, refrigerator and washing eiities. Ap- [ply 63 Greta Street. stove, TV antenna, washer, ~ dryer, parking. Close to South G ROOM for gentleman, use of kitchen, central. Apply 145 Albert Street. , RA 3-27134 FICE Taroom apartment Ser "single TWO single rooms in quiet home, cen. yal, 2m, Apply 45 Drew st. RA Jerson: Gn Garage Avene at Park Road. BA 83292 after Taunton Roa basement apartment, ton Road near Hampton, Newly heat. ing and hydro. Suit young couple. CO 202. ¥ SPACIOUS three-room apartment, pri- vate entrance, ample Joking Avail. able middle M. pply 762 King Street East. RA 8-1559. TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished, pri- vate bathroom and entrance, TV out. let, near hospital, sult nurse or couple, RA 3.2104 after 4. THREE-ROOM a partment in business | building block, with stove, central, $63 monthly. Telephone RA 54277 or RA FOUR-ROOM apartment, separate en-| trance. Telephone 2053 Orono, FURNISHED Toom with breakfast, bus. abstainer, Call THREE furnished rooms, suit family with one child, close to North General Motors, Bagg Limi bus. RA 8-6387. 3 Avenue. room with studio couch, large closet, close to Sospital and down- |town. Telephone RA 5-5228 SINGLE room and FR room for lady or Jontioman, use of kitchen. Tel ephone RA 8-12! PARTLY Aah room and kitchen, for single person in quiet district. Close to North General Motors and hospital. Telephone RA 8-4245. FURNISHED apartments and single rooms in apartment house with private lentrances, privileges. 96 Centre Street, 27 "patio, landscaped. Private. RA 8-3924. Realto Prine oi do RA 3.2512 y t, 5 10 0 85765, = 9% Siren " 167 Simcoe S. Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. WHITBY Modern 3-bedroom bunga- low on lovely lot. Fully dec- orated, patio and carport, picturesque back yard. Ask- ing only $11,900. Call Mr. Ratcliffe, RA 5-6544, DUPLEX ROXBOROUGH ST. Brick, TRADE y Our home on this S-apartment brick in Bowmanville in Jood reside Wilson Realtor. ON Rossland Road East, white frame 5-room bungalow with extra lot. Just the place for the person who wants to build and live close hy, Call Wes Elliott RA 5-6588 or RA 8-0581 anytime. Wilson Realtor. $18,300. LARGE 1% storey, north end, built-in garage, extra washroom, fire. place, full sized dining room, covered two 4-room opart- ments. 2 kitchens, 2 hydro meters, garage. Good area, Only $1,500 down at $12,- 500. Coll Mr. Appleby at RA 5-6544 or 3-3398. LOW, LOW PRICE Only $9,900 -- 5-room bun- galow on large lot 80' x 135', north-west area. Call HARMONY VILLAGE Opposite Donevan High School Hamony Rd. South CASH--TRADE--TERMS OPEN HCUSE DAILY JOHN A. J. FIVE-ROOM apartment, garage, and| garden, separate entrance. In village, | paved road, close to Oshawa. Rent $30 ) monthly. CO 3-2304. THREE- ROOM self - contained "apart: | peat, Jo Jutnished, Apply 5 Bloor East or| Xa apartment, _inexpen- sive, private, close to bus and shop . Frelephone RA 8-6605. LARGE housekeeping room, private en- trance, main floor, Telephone RA 8.5253, FIVE-ROOM apartment on ground r, all conveniences, stove, oll, forced air heang, Phone RA 5-2007 after 4. ATTRACTIVE apartment, , three large rooms, with private bath, stove and refrigerator optional, laundry facili- ties. RA 5-4581 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, Tiving | room with dinette area and kitchen, refrigerator stove, laundry facilities. | Apply 1055 Ravine Road, THREE-ROOM apartment, bath, re-| frigerator, stove, newly decorated, pri, vate entrance, downtown. RA 5-3352 or apply 39 Simcoe North, Apartment 3. NEW modern two-bedroom apartment, | close to Shopping Centre, refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer, TV antenna, parking. Available June 1. Phone RA 5-8769. | FOUR-roomed apartment and gara freshly decorated. Running water, dro, room for garden. Private Phone Orono 34-R-12 for further information, | TWO-ROOM bachelor apartment, fur-| nished, equipped with sink, cupboards, stove, refrigerator, Available immed. fately. Close to downtown. Apply 199 King Street West. MODERN four-room apartment, and | bath, including TV aerial, refrigerator, | stove and dryer. Available May 15. RA 3-9141. APARTMENT, four rooms, water heating, good location, laundry, park. ing, bus at door. RA 3-3086. 165 Ver. dun Road -- |apartments, two furnished, |27--Reaol Estate f for Sale INCOME home, 2% storey, three rent will carry. Low down payment or will take good car. RA 35-9180. 9% ACRES of land, good Tocation, with |house. Call after 4 p.m, 1192 Cedar Street. | EXCEPTIONAL value in this new 5% room brick and stone bungalow on Fernhill Blvd. Shopping Centre and schools right next door. Hollywood Kit. chen and dinette, large living room, 3 roomy bedrooms with plenty of closet space. Price reduced drastically to $12,- |900, Must be sold -- owner moving out of town very soon. Call Ken Hann, RA 5.6588 or RA 3-7963 any time. Wilson Realtor. {$10,900 -- THREE.year-old "five-room {brick bungalow with rec-room and addi- [tional room in basement. Storms and sereens, forced alr, oil. Substantial |down payment. Call Bill Horner at RA 18-5123 or RA 8-2216, Lloyd Realty, Osh- awa, Ltd., Realtor. FOR REAL ESTATE OLIVE HOWE Mr. Aurelia Kanoza RA 5-1457 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE All modern conveniences. Beautiful corner lot with trees. Well situated. Phone YUkon 5-2336 PORT PERRY BOLAHOOD LTD. REALTOR INSURANCE R. VICKERY REALTOR--INSURANCE APPRAISALS 46 KING ST. 'W. RA 8-6228 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS SPECIAL 50 Colborne St. East, just off Simcoe St. N. a regal 7-room residence, 2V2-storeys ~ with finished attic -- brick con- struction, 3 large bedrooms, natural fireplace in spacious living room, oil fired hot water heat, 2 car brick gar- age, lot size 70 x 132 fully landscaped, priced to sell at once $16,900, terms -- ask to "'see to believe" PERSONAL SERVICE Wm: Irvine .... RA 8-2868 Don S. Smith .. RA 8-4879 Pat Donevan ., RA 3-7313 Member O.D.R.E.B. LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 - RA 8-5109 Mr. Siblock, RA 5-6544 or 5-4362, We Speak Slavic Languages _ Member 0. D. R. E. B. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associotes Ltd, 360 KING ST. W., RA 3-2265 $800.00 DOWN Large 2-storey brick home, located in the Ritson Road area. 3 bedrooms, high dry basement. Terms to suit pur- choser. Immediate posses- sion. Call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243. GOOD VALUE IN NORTHWEST 2 years old, 6-room red brick bungalow, located in Ross- land Manor. Owner has been transferred. Landscaping is complete, new paved drive- way. 6% mortgage. Down payment ond price open to offers, Call Steve Zurba, evenings RA 8-0569. Exclusive Agents for Beau Valley Member of Oshawa ond ONE and two-bedroom apartments, available in modern building, stove and refrigerator supplied. MO 8-3092 after 5. 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in modern apartment building, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved parking, North end. Phone RA 5.6176 exept weekend, TWO - bedroom apartment, private en trance and driveway, 10 minutes from General Motors. Child welcome. Park Road South. Telephone RA 8-6406. ONE bedroom modern apartment, in| apartment building, refrigerator and stove, washing facilities, $85 monthly. | #55 MONTHLY -- three-room unfurnish. ed apartment, heavy duty wiring, TV| outlet, built-in cupboards, hot and cold| water. Telephone RA 5-5184. | 212-ROOM furnished apartment, tiled | floors, TV outlet, washing facilities, | stove, refrigerator, private bath and] entrance, parking. Telephone RA 5-455 THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, private entrance and bath, suit couple, . Apply 325 Simcoe Street 26--Rooms for Rent COMPLETELY furnished bedroom and | kitchen with refrigerator and rangette, suitable for one gentleman. Central. | Apply 237 Athol Street East. FURNISHED two rooms, kitchenette, three piece bath, ideal for one or two, central, quiet Christian home, abstain- ers, no smoking, RA 5-1318. FURNISHED single bedroom in private home, near King and Ritson, parking available, continuous hot water, ab-| stainer only. 51365 or 31 Rowe Street. | TWO - ROOM furnished apartme stove, refrigerator, near hospital, S Gregory's Church, downtown, two or| three girls may share, RA 5-0238 FURNISHED two housekeeping rooms, | kitchen, bedroom, sink and ne soar refrigerator, central, laundry faniitien Apply 253 Athol Street East. 24 COLBORNE Street West, large in ble room and small single, cooking op- gentleman preferred low rent. RA tional, poJeinesy RA 3-4 pr rr near King, unfurnished four-room and three-room flats, sinks, cupboards, TV outlet, oil heat. Joseph | Bosco Realtor. RA 5-9870. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER CTY CONVENIENCES NO CITY TAX Attractive 6-room modern country home with double garage, situated on large 75' x 200' treed lot. Yes, only $2,000.00 down! Balance on one open mortgage. Call Bill Homer for more infor- mation at RA 8-5123. FOR SALE OR RENT Bungalow with ottached gar- age and paved drive, on large lot. Purchaser has his own choice of interior decor- ating throughout. ~~ Askirig $2,000 down with one open mortgage for the balance. Telephone Henry Spykerman for more information at RA 8-5123 CHURCHILL AND SWITZER Want a garage plus 6 large rooms with modern decorat- ing? Top location, priced to sell at $14,900, down pay- ment as low os $1,500. Phone Bill Millar ot RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor RA 8-5123, RA 8-5124, RA 125 101 Simcoe St. N. WHITBY CLASSIFIED ZOR RENT -- Apartment, newly decor- |FOR SALE -- one jacket heater, one loil barrel with taps. one kitchen sink. ving room with open ated, panelled li ath, private en- kitchen, bedroom and ba trance, main floor, Also bachelor apart-| pop SALE -- Manure for lawns, gar _ |dens, and - also ment with bath. MO 8-3577. FOR RENT -- $65 monthly, balcony. "3 and 4] Residential | , laundry facil. waslier and dryel, TV outlet. Plenty of . Parking, dren's playground. Street. a FOR RENT -- Apartment, large bright living, kitchen and bedroom, unfurnish-| ed, heat hydro, hot water included. Con- | venient location. Parking space. Tele- | phone MO 8-518 SPRING _ cleanup, " roto-tilling, plough: | ing etc. Telephone MO 8-8306. | FOR RENT -- three-room apartment, | electric stove, at 233 Palace Street, Whitby, cheerfully decorated, Call 5-4302, Oshawa. FOR RENT -- Three roomed re AE) with refrigerator and stove, private bath, newly decorated. Apply 610 Dun- das | Street West, Apt. 1. FOR RENT -- Large "nicely furnished room, would suit two ladies or gentle- men. Centrally located. Meals optional. Telephone MO 8-526. FOR RENT -- Five room n seml-detach- ed brick house in Pickering Village. Available first part of June. Telephone WH 22213. FOR RENT -- Four room apartment with private bathroom, heat and hydro included. Immidiate possession. Tele- phone MO 8-46° TI om apartment with private NRE available June 1. Telephone MO 8-4864. FOR "SALE -- --- "Modern "fiveplex apa apart- ment, excellent location. Apply Wm, Middleton, 605 Green Street, Apt. 2, Whitby, MO 8-3762 ROTO tilling, lawns and gardens, rea-| sonable rates, experienced. MO 8-3870. FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom apartments, $70, $90, and $100, in mod- wn building, stove, fridges. MO 1 8-3591. pr Bhi Bimbo ROTARY MOWER TUNE-UP Sharpened, oil changed, air filters cleaned, adjust car- buretor and controls. Clean ond adjust spark plugs ond points. oil wheels. $4.50 (parts extra), WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES |Apply 712 Dundas West, Whitby. lawn cutting, Tele. phone MO 8-4514. FOR RENT -- Heated apartment, with Available immediately. -- [ROOM Ee =. gentlemen, home | cooked meals, lunches packed. Central. Telephone MO 8.2240 GARDENS tilled, small or large. Wilde iRental Service and Sales, Whitby, MO BC SERVICES -- Complete bookkeep- ng service for small businesses, week. ly, monthly or as desired. Statements ay Income tax returns. MO STUDENTS! A super value, approxi- mately 630 sheets of letter size or paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, 1111 Dundas Street West. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel end Fill, Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 FOR RENT Canoes, car top boats, motors, camping equipment, boat box and cabin trailers, chain ond skill saws, cement mixers, paint sprayers, lown rollers, mowers, seeders, gar- den tillers etc. ALE New ond used lawn mowers, tillers, boats, motors and trailers, tents, box and cabin trailers. WANTED Boats, motors and trailers, to be sold on consignment, WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas East Whitby, 1418 Dundas East, Whitby MO 8-3226 District Real Estate DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR LTD. 4) GLADSTONE AVE. RA 8-465] Board BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Confectionery and snack bar, plus living quarters, for ow= ner. Situated next to Bathe Park. Good turnover. Splen- did opportunity for ambitious family. Call -- Jan Miller, RA 5-2993. ROOMING HOUSE DIVISION ST. Lorge home. Ideal location and layout for roomers. Main floor consists of seven rooms, ond three-piece bathroom. Second floor has four rooms, bath and kitchen, Third floor hos two lorge and attractive rooms. Full basement, Oil heating. Ample parking. See this exclusive listing with Phyillis Jubb, RA 3-3240. V.L.A. APPROVED A choice location on Ross- land Rd. W. Two acres, with six-year-old two-storey brick and frame. Six large rooms. Also barn on the property. Immediate possession. Tele- phone today, to inspect. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. Approx. 880 sq. ft, finished second floor. porking. $100 a month. Members Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board. WE LIST PHOTO co-op Don't Buy -- Just come along and we can show you ao steal. No down payment, $130 per month, early pos- session, S-room brick with rec. room. No gimmicks. This is a steal. Call Doug Gower. Out of your apt. into a large two-storey family home. No more rents, just fun-free liv- ing in the spacious home, Centrally-located. Only $12,- 000 full price, low down pay=- ment and terms arranged. Call Vic Hulatt, Must be sold, owner says take an offer. 5-room brick with 6% N.H.A. financing, $84 principal, interest and toxes. Come on in, give us on offer. Call Sally Wallace. 4-apt. snack bar, going con- cern. A chance of a life- time. Centrally located, books open for inspection. Call Ossie Martin for fur- ther information. newly- Free For Buying Power Call Doug Gower HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE SIMCOE ST. N. - $2,000 DOWN Fine 2-storey brick home in this good residential area, large living room with 'fireplace, full dining room, three bedrooms, closed-in sun porch and finished den in basement. Paved drive, ond ao nicely treed, hedged lot, Full price $13,500.00. To inspect call Charles Smith, Days RA 8-1679; Evenings RA 8-8254, METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8-4678 GIBBONS STREET 1% year old, 5)2-room bungaolow with carport. Good sized rooms, storms, screens, storm doors, large china cabinet off kitchen, wired for dryer, patio, etc. A quality home at only $15,000.00. Call this office for appointment to inspect. RICHMOND ST. EAST Last chance, only 1 left at this price, just $635.00 down, attractive 3-bedroom brick bungalow in ideal location, large hollywood style kitchen, storms and screens and many more extras. Balance on 1 N.H.A. mortgage. Full price only $12,- 685.00. BYNG AVE. $998.00 down, total price $12,375.00, top location, high quality, lovely new brick home in much desired north section of city. All rooms large. Birch cabinets with large dining area in kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, ceramic tiled bath, pierson type windows, with storms and screens. Recreation room fa- cilities. See a model home today. LANSDOWNE DRIVE 2 year old custom built home of 7 rooms, 2 bathrooms and at tached garage. 6 large rooms and bath on main floor, den and bath in basement, plus large recreation room with sliding glass doors opening on to patio, This is @ very attractive home on a ravine lot. Asking $18,000.00 with as low as $2,700.00 down. Balance on 6% mortgage. FOR RENT * Large new store plus garage and parking on Simcoe St. S. AFTER 5:30 CALL Everett Elliot, 3-9290 Marion Drew, 5-7610 Dick Barriage, 5-6243 Joe Mage, 5-9191 John Kemp, 8-2392 MAIDSTONE bungalow, oil heated, 2 1959 CHEVROLET Bel ie hardtop, six amit, One )edrooms, low down pay , very low axes, with or without '65 Rowena SI en sonable offer. YU S087, Port accept 70UR room frame bungalow, all eon reniences, two miles north of imits, one acre 138d, two large ngs, RA 8-659 "54 BUICK Special, automatic, also 56 Royal Enfield motorcycle. Cheap for cash. Apply 373 Olive Avenue. Lise, or , . Call Pat Patter] Tyg f be. Douglas L. or Howie McCal Gower Ri Realtor Ltd, RA 84651, 59 MGA twin-cam, disc brakes, leather mirrors, PRIVATE "6% home on King attached garage, stone 193 PONTIAC four door 6 cylinder two-t: power want cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. RA 5-181. HOUSTON'S GARAGE™ and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 d! RA 8-5333, RA |8ood $18,500 -- SIX-ROOM brick house, two master bedrooms, extra washroom, fire- Place, o covered patio, attached garage, 5% cent Morigagt, attractively Trducapeds North end. RA 8-3924. BUILDING lot, Taunton on Road, 49 x 150 it., $2,400, city water, ready 1 Sula immediately; half cash, easy Weinberger Realtor, RA S505, ¢ hi RA 3-7244. $11,500 -- SIX-room, 1%-storey brick, Greta Street, stool and shower in base- ment, wired for dryer, good garage. RA 8-0463 for appointment. Terms ar- | ranged. PRIVATE sale -- five-room brick bun. galow with basement apartment, alum- inum rms and screens, cl to schools and bus. $2,700 down, or near- est Sash ofter. Full price, $13,500. RA 3-9800 afte $11,900 hp price for this s 5-room brick bungalow with extra large kit. chen, 4-piece tiled bath. Situated on large lot in city with country atmos. phere, Call Dick Yous§ at RA 5-6588 or RA 3.7183 any time, D. W. Wilson Lid, LOT 82 x 260, north e. district, just outside city limits, close to school. $1,400. RA 8-1986. LOT, 125 x 125, $1,800 cash h, Preferred, Westwood sub-division. RA 5-3232 dally until 5 p.m. 1958 FORD, white, cellent T h 1957 PONTIAC, automatic, hard , 2 door, green, good condition, $1,250. Tele- phone RA 5-5239. private deal, in_ex- RA 3.9283. 1949 PONTIAC coach with "50 Chevrolet motor, body fair Sougition; | Avply 517 Park Road South after 4 p.m. 9 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition. MO 8-5187. $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 32-- Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale TENTS, Spats, saup cots, HOUSEHOLD furniture tion, Somplets 25 Brock West. RA 19" PORTABLE Zenith television; also set of drums. Telephone RA 8-6572. No Doney down, electric washers, | conditioner. and with oe plan. Telephone RA 8-2596. castle, Highw, RANGETTE, floor model, clock, timer, Andrew ove, Low style ts, eight months So new, sacrifice. AMP] special 12 PT, cartop Be for rent, reasonable, (1Arge worms, 20c per dozen. Evenings after 6 p.m., 73 On STEEL iy sink, RA 3-9575 after 2. 1957 FORD Tudor, good condit! stan- dard shift, $1,000 fu]l price. Will take older car in trade. RA 8-0065 after 6 p.m. 1954 OLDSMOBILE, in excellent tion. no rust. Must be seen to be ap. preciated. Private. 621 King East. RA 5-5555. '54 PLYMOUTH sedan, radio, FLpid ex- cellent condition. RA 5-2228 after § ym | P-m. 60 ENVOY, custom radio washers, back-up lights, 0, wi ld Jow lleage. Street| . SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S, RA 3-942] 32--Articles for Sale lor combination radio and record player. Call ELECTRONOME RCA Vie , Adm finest in TV, Hifi and service, AEhest trade-in allowances at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street Ni Color TV on display. HOUSEHOLD furnishings for sale, Owner moving. Telephone MA 3.2759, Bowmanville. POTATOES No. 1, 82. per bag, small size seed, $1.50, 1%: miles west of Brooklin on No, 7 highway, Fred Bul. EE ne. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 Al solers. Suarasited, flat, gloss, Gregory's Crane lad' ak Te watch. Reward, Telephone oe RA S105, 35--Legal ._ TENDERS FOR DEMOLITION RA 8-4220, '59 VAUXHALL sedan, very clean in- side and out. Will consider older car as trade. Financing can be arranged. RA CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car radios, from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. LAKESHORE lots, 5, Kushog Lake, ex- cellent location for cottages. Telephone RA 10-ROOM duplex, $13,200 buys this four. ~|year-old duplex, two separate five-room apartments, two four-piece baths, sepa- rate meters, paved drive, Situated close to downtown area. Call Dick Young, RA 56588 or RA 3-7183 anytime. Wilson Realtor. PRIVATE SALE -- Six-room brick bungalow, better district of Whitby, aluminum storms and. screens, la rec-room, suitable for renting, partially decorated. MO 8-5152. No agents. $070 DOWN for eight-room brick dup- lex, two three-piece bathrooms, lot 56'x 120°. zoned commercial Cl. Easy terms. Immediate possession. Horner, RA 8-5123 or RA 8 Realty, Oshawa Ltd, LF FOR REAL ESTATE SATISFACTION KEN HANN REPRESENTING D. W. WILSON REALTOR RA 5-6588 RA 3-7463 OPEN TO OFFER Three bedroom brick bunga- low, large living room, din- ette, tiled bathroom, paved driveway. Close to schools. 549% interest, $80 monthly P.I.T. Down payment to be arranged. RA 5-980] FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr. Business , Lloyd | Vickery Real Estate RA 8-6228 RA 8-4879 PRIVATE SALE Six rooms and bath, Summer kitchen, garage. Aluminum throughout, new furnace. Low taxes. $9,800, easy terms. 118 BARRIE AVE. AFTER 5 SCUGOG LAKE Six-room, full winterized cot- tage, high basement, oil heating, plumbing, big lot, near lake, close to school, church, 16 miles from Osh- awa. Full price $6,000, Terms. Call YUkon 5-2482 or YUkon 5-7767. PRIVATE SALE Beautiful new five-room bun- galow, bark brick, stone front, situated on landscaped lot with three full grown Maples aot rear. Features: Ceramic bathroom with van- ity, Hollywood kitchen, ma- hogany trim throughout, sec- tioned basement, Located at 426 Miller Street, just off Gibbons. Immediate possession, RA 5-3662 Five-room brick bungalow with built-in garage, built-in stove and oven. Wall to wall broadloom in living room, large kitchen with beautiful mahogany cupboards and trim throughout. East end lo- cation, Price $15,487, down $2,100. James O'Malley RA 3-7122 LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 - RA 8-5109 McLAUGHLIN BLVD. All in excellent condition, ond modernized, seven-room two-storey brick, large living room with notural fireplace, full-sized dining room. Pan- elled family room, with two- piece powder room. Three good-sized bedrooms, end three - piece bathroom on second floor. Garage. Forced hot air oil heating. For aq large family it can't be beat. To inspect, please call Irene Brown, RA 5-3867. 28--Real Estate Wanted HAVE substantial down payment for three-bedroom house, eight years old or newer, also desire lot, minimum 55-foot frontage, give particulars location. to Box 939 Oshawa Times. HOUSE wanted. Private. Price up to $11,000 Down $3,000. Outskirts of Osh- awa preferred. Box 940 Oshawa Times. 29--Automobiles for Sale 54 FORD coach, new paint, radio; Chevrolet sedan, radio; dependable transportation. RA 5-4035, '42 DODGE pick-up ideal handy man's truck or to make into a trailer. $40 or best o offer. RA 83-2815. 1957 INTERNATIONAL one.ton dual wheel stake truck, good condition. W. ward, 204 Chestnut Street, Whitby close to schools and shopping, garage, e Tele hone Bill| ; '50 1952 FORD Coach, new tires, custom radio, many other extras. Best offer. Telephone MO 8-4517. '59 CHEVROLET, two-door. Will saeri- fice for quick sale! $1,595 or best offer, Telephone RA 5-0732. 1958 PONTIAC, four-door sedan, stan. dard. two-tone, radio, good tires. Apply 246 Adelaide Avenue West. 1957 FORD, red and white, Fairlane hardtop, V8, automatic, radio, white- walls, continental, kit, excellent shape. RA 85275. : 2 1950 CHEVROLET, $50 or best offer. Telephone MO 8-2406. WRECKING a '51 "Chevrolet Apply 309 Guelph Street, RA 5- = |'82 PONTIAC sedan, 2500 series, radio, good condition, 6 ply tires. Apply 54 |Harmony Road South SELLING or buying, "Stew" is worth trying. '55 Chev. Belair $695; "53 Chev. $195: *55 Meteor Rideau, tri-tone, a beauty or °56 Plymouth V8, im- maculate, $595. Easy terms, Many more. RA 5-1667. |'51 HARLEY Davidson, $150. '53 BSA |$85. Both in good condition. WH 2-1537, | Pickering. '59 VOLKSWAGEN Brand new engine, clutch, muffler, etc., six month war- ranty, 500 mile free check- up. Private, one owner sal.e RA 8-5305 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 SELLING OR BUYING "STEW" IS WORTH TRYING 6 Station Wagons, From $495 to $1898 Morris Minor $145 '55 Buick Hardtop $695 Many More--Lasy Terms RA 5-1667 i sedan. 5268, LEAVING Canada, day Saturday. 65 enue. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, Hib-| gr eral trade-in llowance, Free demon- A 8-4683. stration, Telephon VACUUM ee repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, - bru d rebuilt machines. Estimates free. es, guaran- tee Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice, vice, RA 8-0591 anytime, AWNINGS, free estimates Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North canvas, prompt service, Chair, janie rentals, Secled tenders addressed to the undersigned for the demolition of the building re- cently domaged by fire aot 105-107 Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa, Ontario, will be received until 4:00 p.m,, May 26th, 1961. Prospective tenderers must be prepared to provide a performance nd Electric, 8 Church Street, RA 37604. USED parts and 'repairs rs for al all makes of wringer type washers, 4 hp motors $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash. prs and and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp mn, CO WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Prefty's Used Furniture Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. 1 can save you money on typewriters, cash registers adders. No money down, PIANO, grand, condition. Telephone RA 8 1972, 'household furnl- ture, refrigerator, chine, chrome, dinette, table saw, typewriter, and other Articles, Third Avenue, DEW WORMS FOR SALE Wholesale or Retail, call OSHAWA BAIT CO. RA 8-3222 or APPLY 843 RITSON ROAD SOUTH TOP PRICES padi for good Used Furniture and Applionces. Always o good selection on hand at reasonable prices. Call us for Washer and Radio re- pairs. SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE RA 8-4873 Note Our New Location, Where We Buy -- Sell -- Trade and Repalr. 140 SIMCOE S$. BOATS BOATS, MOTOR & TRAILER COMBINATIONS TED'S MARINE KING STREET EAST ot VARCOE'S ROAD RA 8-5924 electric ii S0311. Evenings and all Bill Hamilton, Ashburn. BICYCLES, $39.95 Tenst, boats, motors and trailers, new and used. Dominion "| Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA bond and liability insurance acceptable to under- signed. The lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, B.A., 26Y2 King Street, East, Oshawa, Ontario. TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY TENDERS FOR 1/2 TON TRUCK Sealed Tenders will be re- ceived until 5 P.M, on Tues- FULL size bed, spring mattress, $15; bookcase $10; radio $10: encyclopaedia, 15 volume, like new, $50. RA 8-2044. SPACE heater, oll, large size with blower, reasonable. Apply 310 Anderson Avenue. 7 CU, PT. Frigidaire "refrigerator, top condition, $60; trumpet, "Oxford", com- plete with case, $15. MO 8-4918. OFFICE desks, $10 up. Cash registers, adders, typewriters, New warranty on used equip. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn. RESTAURANT Coke cooler, hand meat slicer, modern kitchen cabinet with taps and sink, Bell and Howell movie cam- era, 8 total National departmental cash registers, large steel office table with lino top, typewriter table and chair, white china cabinet and table, small fireproof safe, typewriter, adding ma- chine, vacuum cleaner. Make offer. OL 5-3712, SERVICE station air compressor and spray gun. Telephone WH 2-0718, 21" FRIGIDAIRE deluxe stove, four burner, excellent condition, $75 or hest offer. Telephone RA 3.9644. 366 Athol East. MOFFATT heavy duty | er, good condition, 10. to accept 1 G.M.C. ¥ ton as trade-in on new truck. Fur- ther information and tender forms may be obtained at the Township Office, Brooklin, Ontario. M. L. Ross, Rood Superintendent, Brooklin, 'Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF LEAH ETHEL ROBINSON, deceased ALL persons having claims ogainst the estate of the soid Leah Ethel Robinson, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of March, 1581, ore required to file proof of the same with the or Gersigned solicitors for Executors of the estate oy? the 30d Hecacseq of after ich stove, four burn- 0. Telephone RA matching headdress and veil, size 14- 16. Telephone MO 8-8545. COMMERCIAL floor polisher, 12 | Jac, 8175 or best offer. Cash. RA 8-6715. MOTOR, 1954 5% horse power, Sohasen |outboard. Excellent condition. Tele phone RA 3-9337. NEW and used lawn mowers, tillers, and engines. 74 Barrie Avenue. WHITE wedding dress, long, size 10 with matching headdress and veil. Also Both like new. bite Jormal, size 12. rn NTAL bed, full size, I chrome table and four chairs, in Roe lent condition, $30. Telephone RA 3- "CANADIAN Canoe" boat 15 ft. ik ped. 5) with 18 hp Joleen, fully gauipp Stree RA 5-2552. 842 Marys Street RA 8-8659. TRUMPET also mute mutes. Telephone RA 5-4698 $1 BUYS a 6-pc. chrome set, smoothtop mattress, upholstered. chair, or 2 table TRY THE NEW VOLVO SPORT AND FAMILY CAR. ot JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa -- RA 8-0921 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7132 Trade your boat on a car New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 912 Open evenings or weekends SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel. RAndolph 3-3461 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% % on their car in- surance, Half-year payments. Call us today and compare-- ample free parking, OFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 30--Automobiles Wanted 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN. MOTORS RA 3.4494, Res. RA 5-5574 Selling Your Car? MACKIE MOTORS KING ST. E. One Block East City Limits When buying at Mackie Mo- tors you get one year 100% mechanical warranty on all late models. RA 5-5743 WRECKING HOUSE RAY, 461 SIMCOE SOUTH Oil burner fumace, ing, doors, lumber, Cheap. Apply ot ji phone RA 5-3818 lamps and 1 trilite, with the purchase of a chesterfield or bedroom suite over $150 during our $1 sale, Easy terms. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South, FURNITURE, § the said Executors will proceed to distribute the soid estate having regard only to the claims of phe rib they shall then have notice. DATED at Oshowa, Ontario, Ty 12th doy of May, AD. $25 down delivers 3 rooms of new furniture, over 35 items. This includes chesterfield, bedroom suite, chrome set, coffee and step § Jape, hassock, lamp, mattress, spring, b: fast set, ete. Barons' Home Furnish. ings, 424 Simcoe South. CHESTERFIELDS, washers, ranges, refrigerators, rangettes, polishers, kit- chen, dining room furniture, chairs, cooking utensils, garden tools, power mowers. See Elmer, CO 3-2294. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less, 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment, Call now for Demonstration -- no obliga- tion. RA 5-3709 for Neil C. Froser and Gilbert L. Murdoch, Executors of the soid Estate. PRINCE ALBERT PRINCE ALBERT -- At Sun- WONDERLAND of knowledge encyelo.|4aY School the missionary con- paedias, complete set, reasomable./Vener, Mrs. B. Jeffs, gave an Seopsgne 2a ven ; appropiate message blended AT trailer, heavy duty eapacity|with pictures taken while Mrs. ily ra Avenctric| Jeffs was in Arizona. These pd proved fitting for the theme story. Birthday greetings were HOUSE trailer for sale, fully equipped, nh long, 7 ft. wide, T OL USED furnace for sale, good condition, oil burner gravity furnace. Telephone OL 5-4564. SELLING furniture? We' 1 buy it. Re. frigerators, TV's, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer con tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-131. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 4% 1b. pkg. $1.00, 9 1b. pkg. $2.00. Circulation Department, Oshawa Times. 59 EVINRUDE 5% hp, $150, Rise}. lent condition. Telephone RA 8-8459. Trade your car on e boat. Inquire about our ial low sung for Karen Tripp. Please remember "Family Day Serv- ice" next Sunday, 1.30 p.m, B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543. rates on Marine Insurance and financing. SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe ot Conlin Rd. RA 2 TELEVISION, used, $39.95 up. Easy Budget Terms. B. F. Goodrich Stores, 88 King Street West. Telephone RA 5-4543, BOAT TRAILER, $90 in excellent con- ition, Nev | new Heanoe, 'Telephone RA 8-6169 after USED Te, most all sizes 1 0 a and up. B. F. tores, R What might have proved a serious fire occurred at the home of Mrs. P. Raymer one day last week when a sturdy blaze was noticed making speed in dry | grass under front steps SPRING SPECIAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM 'DOORS $39.50 INCLUDES GRILLE, NUMBER OR INITIAL ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS Colonial Aluminum Sules Co. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 9 AM. - 9 PM. RA 8-4614 SOAP FREE Complete supply of soap free for three full years. Bars, powders, flakes for your whole family. Simply order one of our most efficient water softeners. No down pdyment, units $215 or $269 full price installed in your home, Ask for guoranteed 30 day free trial and home demonstration. 0.S.C. WATER CONDITIONING RA 8-4091 i wodtleh 3 ros, ¥ wn hi Creeping into bet house. utcher, restaurant This excitement was the result suuipment, New, used, Duss sell, trade lof a carelessly used fire-crack- lin, er tossed in this area by a ; youth, The quick assistance of SPECIALS helpers extinguished the fire. PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 Congratulations to Mr. and DRAPES, mode to order. (Mrs. Wm. McCrea upon their Modern design, reasonable [marriage on Saturday in Cooks- rates, We also carry o com- |ville Church. The bridegroom's plete line of other fabrics |[parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc- at real savings. $7827 Crae, were among the many guests. M & G DRY GOODS 74 CELINA ST. Mr. and Mrs. G. Tremeer, ALUMINUM STORM Creswell, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn on Sunday. DOORS and WINDOWS Primer Aluminum Windows Mr, and Mrs. W. Rosnak, Kedron, enjo; oyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith. for inside house. Mr, and Mrs. E, Sanderson of Best Quality Awning Galt spent the weekend with and design. their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Les Very Reasonable Price. Beacock, and all attended Port For details Call Alex Vajda |Perry special service, RA 3-9851 3 My Jamie L. Hunter, U ands, Ottawa, enjoyed the week- COTTAGE SPECIAL [end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hunter and sister, 2210" x 1710" 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Regular Price, Built $1127. $1039. Nola. Mr, and Mrs. Revill, Toronto, $33 per month. Free Bonus Window Screens brother, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey ' BOAT AND MOT FIBRE GLASS BOAT Completely Equipped. 196) 18 h.p. MOTOR, $995. BROOKLIN: Oliver 5-3641 MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. accompanied their friends, Mr. and wooden Screen Doors. and Mrs, Ben Smith, on a few days motor trip to Lake Mazo COLONIAL HOMES LTD. naw. 'Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson, Cliff 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 9 AM.-9 PM. and Bruce had dinner with his RA 8-4614 Wilson, Oshawa, on Sunday. HORSE HUNT Chuck Connors, former Mont- real baseball player who now is a television Western star, flew to Mexico to find a stallion for the United Artists film Gero- nimo.™ y