» ' I eating § 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Mey 13, 1961 Canvass To For New Pool AJAX (Staff) -- Throughout next week a team of 175 can- vassers will approach each one of Ajax's 1,970 living units in an effort to raise funds that will Raise Money the $60,000 project. complete the financing of the Ajax Memorial Swimming Pool. The objective of this second the prime minister answered. JURIST NAMED NEWS BRIEFS mass canvass is to raise $7,500 that will be required to pay for The 175 canvassers taking are all confident that they will reach their objective although many of Ajax's homes are be- ing canvassed for the second ter Disjerbaker remained non- art in the Spring Campaign|committal Friday when asked p bring by Hubert Badanai (L -- Fort William) when the report of the Bladen royal commission on the auto industry will be tabled in WON'T SAY OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- TORONTO (CP)--Robert Bor- den Dneiper, a Toronto lawyer, has been appointed a deputy magistrate by order-in-council, Attorney - General Roberts an- nounced Friday. While he will sit primarily in Ontario County, Mr. Dneiper will be sent to | required, said Mr. Roberts. APPROVES BUDGET politan Toronto and region Con- servation Authority approved its 1961 general budget Friday of which will be spent on land pur- chases and development of flood the Commons. "In due course, "'| other parts of the province when|areas. Cost of the budget, at 28% cents per capita, will be borne by the 23 member mu- nicipalities in the authority and TORONTO (CP)--The Metro- by the province. KILLED BY TRAIN WELLAND (CP)-Mrs. Annie $1,397,598, more than half of|Cerjmer, 55, was killed Friday | night when struck by a train at a level crossing. time. At the present time the pool construction is well under way as can be seen by the huge THEATRE GUIDE ¢ 404 we Biltmore "Adventures of| Huckleberry Finn' 12.30, 3.40, 6.50, 10.00 p.m. "Village of the Damned" 2.25, 5.35, 8.50 p.m. Last complete show at 8.40 p.m. Regent -- "Ben Hur". Shown twice daily at 1.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Marks -- "Mein Kampf" 1.00, 3.05, 5.10, 7.20, 9.30 p.m. Last complete show at 9.20 p.m. Brock -- "The Three Worlds of Gulliver" 6.55 and 10.00 p.m. Tess of the Storm Country" at 8.25 p.m. " HOLSTEIN CLASSIFIED EXCELLENT Flettdale Supreme: Anchor | liam Stone interest was sold has been classified Excellent for body Conformation, the highest official rating obtain- able. Anchor was bred by T. Robert Flett, Oshawa and used in the Flett herd and that of William Stone at Blackwater until recently when the Wil- | dam has completed five Re- | to Smithlands, Ltd., Oshawa | cord of Performance tests with | Anchor was First Junior Bull | an Calf at Peterborough Cham- pionship Show in 1956, First Junior Yearling Bull at the same show in 1957 and third | prize Aged Bull both in 1959 and 1960 at this Show. His average production on | twice-a-day milking of 15,965 | Ibs. of milk average test 3.89 | butterfat. | The Holstein-Friesian Asso- | ciation of Canada, Brantford, | Ontario. { Drive-In -- "The Mating Game" and "The Oregon Trail". Box office opens at 7.30 p.m. Show starts at dusk. g5 |Plaza -- "The Millionairess" 2.00, 3.50, 5.45, 7.40 p.m. Last complete show at 9:05 p.m. 8.35 p.m. Last complete show| mounds of earth in the Ajax Civic Centre area, immediately north of the town hall. The re- cent hot weather has been an asset to the builders in quickly drying the cement. The swimming pool commit. tee still have family-plan-mem- berships to the pool for $25. This entitles the entire family, who have made the pledge, to swim for the entire season without having to pay. The children of {such families with family-plan- DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF Mitrhell Zaleski's Orchestra aot the | POLISH NATIONAL UNION HALL y Oshawa's Largest Public Dance 168 BANTING AVE. ® DOOR PRIZES FOR LADIES oo FUN FOR ALL--EVERY SATURDAY--8:30-12 AT THE New Modern Dance Hall DANCE... EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 681 EDITH STREET Good Refreshments ADMISSION FREE FOR FIRST FIVE COUPLES UKRAINIAN HALL ® Good Orchestra {memberships will soon be issued with crests that can be sewn on their trunks for recog- nition of season membership. The canvass will end on the night of Thursday, May 18. The pool will be officially opened on June 24, during Old |Home Week. FOR A LIMITED TIME | PRIVATE | DANCE | LESSONS ROBERT MITCHUM MARILYN 1] 11]: BOX-OFFICE OPEN 8:00 TONIGHT * OW STARTS AT DUSK ALL COLOR SHOW IN CINEMASCOPE ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST SCREEN! et EREOPH ® TODAY ONLY eo REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT for Kootenay West, pointed out that the announcement would be EOR |"welcome to thousands of vet-| erans in Canada, who up to this| time have been denied an oppor- (ONLY tunity to obtain a small holding because of the difficulty in meet- You knew all along that love had nothing to do with it... e "MEIN KAMPF" O ing the former acreage require- ttawa ruces mo W. MARKS, LICENSEE He added: "I was very ARTHUR MURRAY 11V2 Simcoe St. South STARTS MONDAY From WARNER BROS. TECHNICOLOR® COMIC BOOKS FOR . For Kennedy's Visit [ZIERErD emo vom By MICHAEL STARR, MP Items still to come would in-| Minister of Labor Parliament Hill this week was/employment Insurance Act. preparing for President Ken-| Speaking on Monday I said nedy's visit. th: The President was scheduled{had been working on the Act and|that to address both Houses of Par-|/that amendments would be pre- orders for farm equipment and lament, an honor reserved for| sented to Parliament as soon as machinery. VLA REDUCTION the most important heads ofthese studies were completed. state. | The Act was last amended in| Parking has been prohibited] 1958, when two new classes] clude amendments to the Un-|provided in rail shipping and in! ! additional box car requirements. | a number of commitiees orders are felt, it is estimated pleased to hear the Minister say [that arrangements are being| Call RA 8-1681 starring JEFFREY HUNTER-CONSTANCE TOWERS ARK |made for veterans who are al- OPEN DAILY 1-10 P.M. {surplus acreage above that THIS OFFER FOR ADULTS Further employment will be amount." | ONLY As the full effects of the there will be increased An announcement of consider- | BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR REQUEST ACADEMY AWARD WINNER "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT MOVIE-WISE, THE FIRST 100 CHILDREN FREE! KIDDIES' PLAYGROUND OR CARTOO! LF Grand Opening NEXT WEEKEND on Parliament Hill for the occa-| were included and the benefit| able significance was forthcom- sion and indications are that|period was extended from 36 ot/!N8 On Tuesday from the Minis- many thousands of visitors iil o2 weeks. [2 Veterans Asis oT be on hand to see the President] when I was in the United sordon Chure an- and Mrs. Kennedy arrive. States, 1 found, in discussion] nounced that a reduction would Meanwhile, special work wit, officials there, that pro- be approved in the small hold- crews were busy this week, Fou® extensions to theie| ing acreage requirement under trimming the lawns and putting cchame would result in a pos- the Veterans Land Act below final touches on the annual Par-| ple benefit period of 30 weeks. i, Present minimum of two) liament Hill spring cleaning inj i : t time, in Can-| ! anticipation of the presidential a ho was qualified, Legislation would be brought) LIMITED ENGAGEMENT MATINEES SHOWN TWICE DAILY! EVENINGS at 1:30 p.m. ot 7:30 pm. lo I~ ADULTS Po | THURSDAY 1.00 £4 =] | a. : _|forward to permit financial as-| In the House this week, the|to receive both regular and sea-) yoo 0 yo: 'the establishment of| § 8 i ld have a po- : Prime Minister paid tribute tol sonal benefits wou |a veteran on a small holding the space flight of U.S. Astro-|tential benefit period of up 10 76) 1010 the area was at least one| naut Shepard. He described the Weeks. {half acre in extent. | CHILDREN 75¢ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY E ANYTIME VENING ADULTS $1.50 STUDENTS 90c flight as an "outstanding ppayn ON FUND Veterans already established! achievement". | In discussion in the House on/on a mal Joiding Pi be ? this matter, the report of the|permitied to dispose of such sur- MORE LEGISLATION Saturday| Unemployment Insurance Advis-| Plus land as he might have, sof sittings in full effect, the House|ory Committee was referred to. long as he retained one half] i {In the latest report it is point-|acre. Wat despaicling 3 avy volume! d out that pg of the more, Speaking on behalf of the CCF | 1 e of business this week. drains on the Fund has|Party, H. W. Herridge, member| The Prime Minister made it Serious ARR, plain that there would be fur-|been the seasonal benefit pro- ther legislation forthcoming as| Vision. er was| Naturally, a great many ON En, Trlr Pap recommendations have been re-| ceived on this point and are under study. i One of the important items| which has been before the House | in recent days has been, of Real Estate course, the massive sale of] wheat to China." | -Modern-Square One of the results of is Douglas L. Gower transaction which should make TO THE itself felt almost immediately . REALTOR 4 and continue over the next two For all your Real Estate Needs lyears will be to provide em.| PHONE RA 8-4651 ployment for many thousands of | Canadians. ; : Employment will be provided in shipping, of course, ad or {harbor and dock workers in D. Ww. WILSON LTD. | East and West Coast ports. | (NOW ON CHATEAU RECORDS) CALLER, BOB FOWLER ADMISSION $1.00 THE "NEW" REALTOR RED BARN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ONTARIO'S FAVORITE FUN spoT || RA 5.6588 | 4 AT THE "Miss Teenage (Sponsored by Jaycees) GET-TOGETHER CLUB SPOT PRIZES -- DANCING -- REFRESHMENTS 0.C.V.l. Auditorium--Dress, Casual ADMISSION: MEMBERS 40c NON-MEMBERS 60c SEE YOU SATURDAY NIGHT 8:30 Presentations For | TTITIFS steocins. MONDAY THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANYTHING LIKE "THE LOVE-WISE, LAUGH-WISE OR OTHERWISE-WISE! 8 MRISCH COMPANY PRESENTATION STARRING JACK LEMMON SHIRLEY MacLAINE FRED MacMURRAY Ray Walston «Edie Adm wero #1 BILLY WILDER wo .A.L. DAMOND LAST DAY: SOPHIA LOREN in "THE MILLIONAIRESS Teenage Saturday REG'S MARINA CAESAREA EVERY FRIDAY STARTING MAY 19th WITH--THE BLUE JAYS EVERY SATURDAY, STARTING MAY 20th Dance to the Sophisticated Music of JACK FOWLER and his ORCHESTRA FREE LAUNCHING RAMPS--RESTAURANT Complete Marine Service -- Cabins For Further Information PHONE-BLACKSTOCK 24R4 Dancing Contest SUNDAY, MAY [4th A Treat To Eat IF IT'S RUGS . . . CALL ® SCHICKEN ® NU-WAY © STEAKS / ® PORK CHOPS Served with all the trimmings. $1.50 - $3.00 Children V2 Price Wall-to-Wall Broadloom Carpets -- Steir Runners, ete. 171 Mary St RA 8-4681 BROOKLIN HOUSE Hwys. 7 and 12 -- Brooklin | ef METhiNg 7% SUNDAY Jor motley BOWMANYVILLE HOTEL MAY 14th 1:30 am. - 7 p.m, ms... McLaughlin Heating tor * FURL OIL o STOVE OIL Wo MASTER ) Prompt ve 104 King W. RA 3.3481 PLUMBER FRIENDS! WE CAN'T MAKE IT RAN IT'S DIXON'S For the BEST in FUEL end Heating Equipment DELCO by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert 5t. RA 3-4663 si ul 1 ¥ EE av § A] | 5 J % S Is37111¢ OUR DISPL 5 2 Pp !| oSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE HARLEIGH SUPPLIES SERVED (OSHAWA) LTD. I TUATR-- RA5-4241 119 COLLEGE AVE RA 5-3012 John McMANN af the Hammond Organ HOME-COOKED MEALS and PASTRY IN OUR LOVELY AIR-CONDITIONED CHILDREN'S PORTIONS For Reservations ... Mr. D. HOWIE MA 3-3347 AFTER CALLING THE MOVER -- CALL THE ec e HIGH ADVENTURE ON THE MIGHTY. MISSISSIPPI] Mark Twain's romantic rogues come fo thrilling life on the big CinemaScope screen! uy Mm MOVING TO YOUR NEW HOME SOON? Your Oshawa Times Will Be There When You Arrive ! Whether you are moving into a fine new home --or into a different house or apartment, there is no need to miss a single issue of the OSHAWA TIMES. If you motify us, or your carrier « few days before you move you will have the continuing benefits of the "TIMES" News, pi f end services at @ time when you need them most. 4 1ei Just cell the Circulation Dept. and give the dates end eddresses and we. will make sure thet your Oshewe Times is at your new Home. Plecse make sure that your carrier boy is paid in full before you move off his route. He is in business for himself and the cost of your papers comes out of his own pocket if he cannot collect from you, OSHAWA TIMES CIRCULATION DEPT. RA 3-3474 SHAUGHNESSY Jody Aody DEVINE Buster KEATON TWO HIT AMETRO-GOLOWYN- MAYER ressston In METROCOLOR and CINEMASCOPE TONY RANDALL PATTY McCORMACK NEVILLE BRAND FINLAY CURRIE - STERLING HOLLOWAY ARCHIE MOORE - EDDIE HODGES + FEATURES BeWARe oF THE STARE! AULT Re [10 Tos TT HoT dot M0 [7] 4 18 behind these eyes? a ---- Eh