CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity (Continued from Page 15) 32--Articles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale TORONTO WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES QN Week--mme By The Canadian Press Stock Sales High w Close Ch'ge High Low MOTOR, 1954 5% horse power, Johnson | PARTS for 1058 Renault. Telephone RA " By 366 to 35 on Hahn 100 $11 un u A Tosa ant Tele- 18-1462, the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues und Hades 15288 SI9W 17% 18% + % 19% 11% FUR neckph Kolinsky, four skins, changed totalled . Hardee pr 1558107 115% 116% 07 14% "|ELECTRIC blanket, $10; a folding iin good condition. $15. Telephone RA ay sume for I. wap. oten, dows. oun Hard Carpet 120 $124 1% 13% + W |camera, $10; swivel chair, $20; electric |5-2780, the previous week's 24,260,000. 3c:! sales for the Hendshot pr 458100 98 +2 kettle, tor and lamp, $12; com- year to date total 242,949,286. (Quotations in cents 5 line, $8; beige|12? FT. PiYwhod feck boat, heavy duty unless $s) trailer, and 5 HP Mercury . May| marked tools |be bought separately or complete deal. Q@ WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS RA 3-477. By The Canadian Press WEDDING gown, size 11, full length; (BOAT TRAILER, $90 in excellent con- This Week 29061 bridesmaid's dress, size 11, Jellow euif- dition, new licence. Telephone RA 8-6169 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low ,|fon; winter coat, size 16. RA 81939. |after 5 p.m. INDUSTRIALS Q ONE used 5 HE omplre garden trac|wEDDING dress, size 16, ballerina Hos J 88 5 Sh+% plough J y Tide $33 SI% 52% + % OE Jeugth, eliantifly lace, 'mating eid Salada. 12 $19% 18% 19% + % for snd disc, A1 condition. New and Piece, $35. Telephone MA Gor Site 11° ATR 7 used Ariens tillers, i 45452 87% Apply a BA 'Station, 3 miles Ph 1 Taunton, MAPLE syrup, 25 miles north of New- east of Taunton, CO 3-2791. | castie, Highway 35 Concession 12. Man- OILS s s STAUFFER Yeduclng ma vers, Andrew Heaslip. Hig oS 60 76 +18 97s 33% used. Telephone TEm Reef se Th Th 1 mers." (CAMTERS. special price on Celemii's) CEL, Gas {O08 3° 18° 18" 11 h , coolers, es, lamps, and engines. 74 Barrie 'Avene. large space heaters with free blowers, Nat Pete 97950 400 290 5 DELUXE Gendron playpen and car-|one 2 HP outboard motor, mew, $95. soning tn STutineg j (Metter; WH 39491, Kirk Min 145563 6 52 coat, size 10; re able. Oe rT cota stp % HP Evin ll Bn» ee-Nee er, compl gi wedding dress, long, size 10 with matching headdress and veil. Also _ RA 51655. a Paramay i and chair, blue_formal, "size 12. Both like new. ON Chester Lr er § pm. oUTBOARD moter, 18 HP, iP, Evinrude, 357 | oaal Industrials top NOTICE TO CREDITORS "il be fio mid» Apply 285 Buena Vista® Street. RA TWIN , Gendron, I Hh gn Me COR saa, AND OTHERS A a leather carrying case. Telephone 85556. IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN AR al AE SNE Bheth GRAVELY 7 HP tractor with plow, cul-| H. DANIELL-JENKINS, Ax 1316 $236 2% B14 24 tivator, 30" mower. Owner has no fur- . © 4173 215 210 210 ther use, will sell cheap. Would con. All persons having claims 3100 175 170 175 BE sider monthly payments. RA 8-2791. against the Estate of John 3150 115 105 105 PHILCO 21" elevision, late model, $75.| H, Daniell-Jenkins, lote of 49020 $31% 30% 3% in i | § ensdagaunalubongnonad. Baduguonlu ue salyn nally 5 § { i : gieelesnslues H gr Souygluf.olsus | gong : H = ii g ! Bes. 3 J] sESE.7Y H] Lge a8 ++ on 5 Ez a & Ba8 +1 +1% ---t ih PETE EEE + + » 2Brges & > * 2 L] SBB8s8. shuns, gyseggetengs ag UIE BA +41 legis 3. Syggiel olue -] gi sgEssEzetgte 13 414 SREFR Y i "§oa2-gpt-Fiy SESaNezagsEy + + .] LJ] H] ¥ Eypled. Buen > ". % 8 : Se 53 be! FT 2 x itp of - * ssegEszguangasuniys 222 2 LL oRaceeee Bz + 1] eg £ £ IRR FAR § kh sx Ts wale + 3 sg¥yst 2. Sabla iia ea uutbnbys § 2xtgl BgSudaunl ERP EEF ET TH I dabBey uly ® g S288a £aBs ++ H { aan g LL) Ed 2 4 s¥esedle. snake ivlaibutaaduanulinedetd cu +44 +4 Lb 1 \A £ ! § is F ik a. Li 3, Bali ERT al bundy LL ERE EL TEE ELE FU MUR DELI BLL EL | 2 & = 3 z Bux = guxd 2x28 Ls Phillips, Both completely Gas pr 251 $108 1063 106% -- Y% and s,| Rouge Hills, Ontario, who Alta Gas wt 9085 $:0% 12Y 13% + 3 5 King Street West, died on or shout He 4th Alta Sat 7066 2 lo 194 +h Kelvinator '54 NORTON 500 Twin, good condtiion,| day of December, are 5 Con rT DOLLEY, Annie Louise Lswrence--|Avply 225 Oshawa Boulevard South of| hereby notified to send in to A ny NS Lap 1961, on telephone RA 5-0454 after 530. the undersigned Executors 'Alumini 19649 $37 36% 30% + Wo 7 Lafarge rol asi pause CONTINENTAL bed, full size, $18;| on or before the 6th day of Alum 1 pr 410 $21% 2/R 21% Ya 2 Lafarge wis ank Dolley and loving mo- Fhiome table and four hates, 4 Fini y June, 1961, full particulars Alum 2 pr 4A $461, 46 464 Lakeland 8 ther of Jack L. Dolley of Toronto and [!ent condition, $30. Telephone RA 3-958. tir claims. irmediatel Analog 10 Port C " > of their claims. Immediately Ang Plp pr 5 1% LO Port C pr 2 Charles P. of Oshawa; Mrs. Dolley is|"CANADIAN Canoe" boat Ba ft. 50 oth t As 2095 $ BD Pr Iw nv 2 resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, [inch beam, with 18 hp Johsisen, fully after the said 6t ay © Arson 250 pr 0 49% 50 +1 y m 1035 $16% 16 16% + % 3% King Street West. For service in equipped, electric start. Sim June, 1961, the gssets of the Ashdown B 198 $12% 1214 12% -- % 131 Loaanl A 100 $13% 12% 13% the Chapel on Monday, May 15, 3 p.m, Street North, RA ST Alls 7 pam. deceased will be distributed Atlan Ace 1225 $24 2% 23% + 1 doo 23% 24 24 iterment Union Cemmery. td ; amongst the parties entitled Atlas Steel 19721 $32% 30 31% + A 3000 $39% 38 th TRUMPET also mute stand and hi havi regard only Auto Elec 2060 86% 6% 6Y 9870 $15% 15% isn = 3% mutes. Telephone RA 5-4698, Thee: avd. hpi ab Auto Fab B 250 320 30 310 --0 D 3163 $43% 41 t% BUNK beds complete wi with | springs and claims of whic il Bank Mont 9473 $65% Ya 5 965 4 then 3] Bank NS 3144 $73% 72% --% 4% 66 1430 on Friday May 3. 1561, Richard Nonls ong Be Rd Rn Bag shal have. rete Bath Pow A 50 $43 424 42% +14 Stockill (974 Kenzie Ave., ctoria, is Ist Bath Pow B 345 $27 25 +1 B.C), beloved husband of Aletta B,, | Tents, in excellent condition. OL 5-491. DATED Toronto this 1 2520 STR 13% 17 +2% 16% $1 BUYS a 5-pc. chrome oothtop| day of May, . 100 $25% 25% 25% 25 $17% jon 16% -- x mattress, upholstered chair, or 2 table Bell Phone ul289 $53% 51% 52Y + % $28 28 --2 ; lamps and 1 trilite, with the purchase of THE ROYAL TRUST Biltmore pr 265 $13% 13% 13% -- 3 I TE Mer 9) Roy of Victoria, B.C. Pat- (a chesterfield or bedroom suite over COMPANY and Bowater pr 742 $48% 48 48 : : 9532 $13% 12% 18% -- % terson of Victoria, ; dear brother [$150 during our $1 sale, Easy terms. MRS, DOROTHEA I. M. Bowat 5% p 375 $52% 51% 52% + % £3 ) 45 $111% 111% 111% +X id Mrs. C. Rowles of Toronto, the Miss- Sutay' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe DANIELL-JENKINS, Bow Mer pr 145 $51% 51 51% +1 580 $110 107 109 +w Laura and Elda of Whitby, South | ; J Bowater 1975 $9% 8% 9 + % IW 7% 560 275 275 275 in Ha 76 70th year. Resting at the W. C. | FURNTTORE. 3 S33 down delivers 3 66 King Street West, Brazil 28536 455 425 450 +30 McCal 100 $33 34 34 +1% Town Funeral I Chap pel, Whitby. Yacwing rooms of new furniture, over 35 items. Toronto 1, Ontario. 4 Tok ' $0 oF oh S We % 5 2 a $i in 2 % s Executors. tA y pynest to 3 p.m, Ay then by rail to B.C. i 90 $45% 45 45 --5 i 4150 325 290 310 --45 Funeral Co. (Haywards), Victoria, BC. [hasssck lamps a or a: By Messrs. McLaughlin, 19750 S344 33 30% -- % Mocont A 35 sou 9% 9+ Interment Shady Creek Cemetery. fast set, etc. Barons' Home Furnish- Macauley, May & B 79% PR- % Molson A 2155 $270 26% 27 + % ings, 424 Simcoe South. Soward, C 2 A pred % 4 Molson B 168 %%h 2. + » ivi io Tut Wellington CHESTERFIEVDS, yashers. ranges, 20% 90% 28 92 Motan Ix . 1622 $10 . 0 10 +1% refrigerators, rangettes, polishers, 4 man 3 47% 47% + % y 76 $14% 14% MX -- 3% er I" Loyai chen: dining room _farniuure, chairs.) TENDERS FOR COAL ; : 52 $8" Mon Tew Cams 6 6 cooking utensils, garden tools, power y 08 $59% 58% 591, + YW 60 44% EE a me. i HE mowers. See Elmer, CO 3.2204. Sealed tenders marked ; : 5° Mw More es Tone Sis" Ath MU 3 17 Me Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa [HOUSE trailer for sale, fully equipped,| lenders for Coal" will be * pack B $143 15 14 Nat Drug pr 357 S1A% 14% 14% -- % 15 14% with memorial service in the chapel [20 ft. long, 7 ft. wide. Telephone OL| received by the undersigned > Pow 5 Nat Groc pr 100 $27% 27Rc 27% ay, May 15, 2 p.m. Interment Osh- Sasi. Hie until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, Phone 5 1 8 Niwas = 36 5h 3 wi awa Vien Cembiesy. USED furnace for sale, good condition,| May 19th, 1961, for the Pruckyille % 14% 14% + % 15 Ning Stanwell GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me-[O7 3'yses © 0 'urnace. Telephone) o pplying and delivering of Bruck A 1 % 7% 7% +% 8% 64 Nat Trust 442 $83 8 8 64 erste morial. For placement contact funeral | to Fairview Lodge, Court Build Prod 35% 35% Neon 100 $12% 12% 12% 1 Tidal or phone RA $-2327, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re.| £20 airview Looe, Burlington 18 18 --% Nia Wire B 5140 $12% 124 12% Trans Can TV's, pianos,| House and Jail, Whitby, On- Burns 4550 $11% 1 1% --3% North Star pr 585 $49% 49% 49% 50 47 Trad Off 32 25 stoves, etc. For top cash offer con: tario. Tenders must be sub Burrard A 725 $1% T% Th+ NO NGas 8919 818% 18% 18% -- Wb GERROW FUNERAL [tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131. mitted on County Tender Cand Ds Na De so sos 8% ae an CHAPEL I wipe: x ale Line abe form. Cal Pow 06m sk 27H TH IK Nor Phone w 3665 550 + save, 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib, pkg. $2.00.] Lowest or ony tender not Cal Pow 8 pr - Kindness beyond price [Circulation Department, Oshawa Times, necessarily accepted. pd Breaq a "0 or os -- % as Soh 12% -- WH yet within reach of all AND of WM. G. MANNING, Can Cem pr 27% 28 2 Ocean Cem Paedias, complete | set, Tessonabe. Clerk-Treasurer, CCC Stone a RA 8-62.6 Telephone RA 8: Can Foils $26 County of Ontario, 0 » BOAT trailer, du ' Can Folls A 275 $27% 26% 26% 390 KING STREET WEST [1300 ibe do6i near sity, capacity 416 Centre St. South, y © eldgs Siovc in 10% + 1 427 . starter. Apply 587 Farwell Avenue, WHITBY, Ontario, 575 $60 59% 60 + Hn HAWA 59 EVINKUDE| 5% hp, Sim, eel 1295 $60% 59% 59% -- tion. Telephone RA 1709 $71% hi 1 -1 - EH Lites = > = Lali d Zan §ettyergun nesadizaesainlangruna ly Sunnre uzanpanasnly -8 > J] 13 EER HDL STEERER EVR URE RE EL TI ~Estoaysealilo ua 000 senuna Bo Bulan Bu fone tui uals § ed saalizaelze eE3zze Beli. nal Ey 8 8 BgtoonzurBiy, st. ginla rons. fag Buz ung Soteao neil, su gil. gonsnafanngay, S gg iT g a sBEougad ppp lage A I Fess C1 - 1 3 Be8=ScRallaa 1] 3 3 +11 > FT * > brlig £8 8 east uabeglll spstly Fudsile fuss : THLE Eaqll CT 3 + 8 ++ + B - 2° w os 53 LEE EEE, Fasllis AALLLLL gel EB, o3uad § ° 3 3 CH SS. PR = SN 5.4 EE 8 8 g | 3 ¢SEaeaBuaslys F 8 g gs. § L -] = & H4 & > N «g8e «8 F 2 i HS piSadenbg.KEtenl sesBalapy JE.BloerBaaclye uel g sEL8 fas +o leet | «LEE shen gt gud. 8.8000 82.8888 suf..n.BsBe w 5 cE uBud > . CHE regbefe 28 2 ® g i 2 § LJ go gx2sBaE § blig : 28 HH Sa EEERaBLE Lgl | + 8 ++ FFF 1 bil 2 gous ty TL ALI PL ELED a ES 88 = I) § Salfzecnrong Eraubptataeg sia gate nnn ature nat 11 PS s 538828 w= a 5 EH) s¥s3aalnpEiinel syufsien § gpdsneusn Baiset voxtes 1 2 uefa rLEn.EE80uE i = = 09 |Il+ i E820 cn gatz Bester ag noth $5 east os Joke MONUMENT COMPANY lent condi TENDERS " i 90% » 4 wicnizne te [BEE IEATE FOR OMFORMS | Beers th et Bt 3 Tare 32 808 St Ha Tin | Monuments, Markers, i C Aviation 200 $23% 23 23 ] 1243 $54 53% Memorials, Comerstones, 1 DLYWOOD boat, also trailer, § HP Sapled Jangers will d be re. Cdn Baks #950 $5 5 200 23 Statuary of all types. t motor. Just used one week; also| ceived by the undersigned C Bank Com 5178 $65 64 na 20 ry tent. WH 22166 after 5 p.m. for the supplying of Uniforms an B 5980 $49% 48% 49% + % RR, 4, KING ST. E. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat-| for the County of Ontario 20 Sith 2 Dh h 0st soz Suk Silk Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA '8-8876 _teries, Kelvinator "retrigerators, tols.| 011 Officio no until £00 : SN Cus Ws Ol Bs oom vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543.| 79! icials up until 4: Reichold os Shue 104 Ih 1% LOCKE'S FLORIST |EEEVON we, 85, wn. Jaml $35, Friday, Mey 19%; IIT Se WU WU Rov or mm eo 6 . F. Goodrich Stores, . 114 33% 34 -- 8 5% 5% -- humeral arrangements end King Street West. Telephone RA| The lowest or any tender not am 3 eh 1 --% Roe Avs liz ot n B -1 oral requirements for all Sas necessarily accepted. Chem wt 13390 335 340 350 a Rothmans 2547 $13% 12% 13% + % 13% occasions. USED tires, ant all sizes, $3 and up.| Further particulars may be Collieries 14135 $9 8% mk Royal Bank 13807 $76% 74% 76X + % 71% OSHAWA SHOPPING BF Safes, RA S43 "| obtained from the under- HN 3 us 1% + % 12 seBloBucunifB83ak.8 + & ES * £3 15k 3teEegeizsunanaleg gg SeBetussdug i untae Fogtugelzisecsas ¥ > LL Lag 4 H Egan ttnsag + ++ £3 i a LIFTS + Ss sgedssanasaliz, a Beal stun foosdunenaeatag" iF L Tarpiture 15 good cond Cart W Mo 1 130 or) Cur » gene A HS urnianings of three| Signed. Draws pe Ey Fos Whellh redge 1 ol 34 HOUR PHONE SERVICE |Partments, including guaranteed air WM. G. MANNING, Fairbks A 4300 $11} 11% 4000 RA 8-6555 Clerk-Treas., + iE Fairbks B 1155 so = 9 Siz $19% 10% 10% + Jo ha A Ar 1 RE glass boat, fully equipped, Of Prod 100 $7 A $13% 12% 13% + 40 HP motor, heavy duty trailer. Can County of Ontario, CF Prod 1 pr 110 $55 55 55 $10 9% 10 9 Atlan CC be seen Sunday, May 1, Oshawa entre Street South, C Gas In prsss $5 % + 490 460 465 --15 5 = Atlin-Ruf IN MEMORIAM Marine Service. WHITBY, Ontario, C Gas In wt 8540 265 205 8 S14 12% 13% + % BJ Aumacho CG Sec A 140 $19 i 94 $28%he 27% LA --x% umaque Sl) or Uta: as eee (Continued on P: PA Ny 2s Dy a --x a Bankeno } Ashburn, % ontinue: C Husky J 42 - anke! BECKETT -- In loving memory of a|*¢rvice. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook on Page 2) © Husky wt 6485 365 315 5 16%c 6% + % 46 Bankfield Soar husband who passed away May 13,| C Hydro Car w987 $11We 11 9% " 225 §! 19% BABY Tenda, stroller, tricycle, kiddy C Ind Gas 23504 $9% 8% 9% 0% Bary Expl I bert! 's smile is gone forever, car, baby clothes, all in good CIL 2032 $15 1T y " 2060 I Base Metals 24525 Still we have so many memories |cheap. RA 5-225. Loco 8100 $9% 9% 99 ¥ 17 $33 3 28X Baska 11400 4 0 315 265 B-Dug 78374 Of him whom we loved so much. Marconi 3646 $7 6Ya + 4 GOOD cook stove (coal and wood) $5. 4383 $29% 29 29 3% Slater pr % Beav Lod 14000 His memory epsake 3 WIth which we'll Revs part: Teiepuons Bs 90 or a Odawa $100, 100 100 3 99 i ¢ 53 50 Belcher God has him in His keeping, . e R 0256 $25% 24% % pain ined 9 Belletelre We have him in our hearts. 1895 $11% U% 11% -- % Stafford $6 100 $60 . " 43 st Pav $16% 40 Svs Ses TIN MEMORIAM : : > i 170 $49 : 9 ire C COPPING -- In loving memory > Si aw aan Tin Wire's 8% dear father and grandfather, John Cop 2 GC $175 $19 19 19 +1% % Stedman 35 $40'4 ping, who passed away May 14, 1060.| WADE -- In loving memory of a 300 $31% 304 2 + a Steel Can 2 1d 3 --Sadly missed and always remember-|dear wife and mother, Alberta Evelyn is CW; nr 5% Fin ---A i Steinberg A by Sylvia, Allan and David. Wade, who passed away May 13, 1958. Ca S20 is th y Steinbg pr What would we give her hand to clasp 65 $33% Lk Bnet Ster Tr 285 oe ~-- In loving memory of a| Her patient face to see, om Bh Vw S Propane 1070 $1 %* doar aan and, John, who passed away n hear hep voice, to see her smile, 3 3 bi 10% 11 D% 4 8 Prop wi hg 0 in His s keeping, Bre a, That wel win 2 } Conduits 20200 Sith UR Wa 4 : Suptest tom 100 330 3 300 325 But RL S73 on, 1 have you in my Béyond the toil and strife TX 4 7 Con Gas BI SW Aa Switson 200 180 178 175 8 Bunker e --Ever RS fea His wife, Kitty.| And clasp each other's hand once 5 ton Sas 3 Sa To 106% + 44 T to ZaH more 5 J 6 4 Sopp Clark T% h--% 7 Tambl 633 $21% AIR 2AR ;h 2% HREHORUK -- In loving memory of| 10 heaven, that happy life. : Corp 7 17% -- % 5 yh 39% 04% 65% 4114 67 8 Hrehoruk, who passed away Sadly missed, away remembered by i 2 J Sony B (16% -- 3% pac C3 bred bron 0 L400 q . 4 ' Cosmos ! 1 Thorncliffe 1600 $7% 1% 7th + W Crain R L TT Tailors 750 $I7% 10% 17% 41% Crown Trust f Tor-Dom Bk - 4846 $637 62%h 6314 -- W So many things 16 share With you Crown Zell 5 + 5 Tor-Dom rts 26000 670 650 636 15 Had you been left to stay. CARD OF THANKS Crush Int $8 7 % 5 Tor Iron 100 $1414 13 14% -- W Every day, in some small way, Crush pr $ 94 103 9 Tor Iron A 560 $13%e 13 1m + W Memories of you come our way. Dist Seag 16485 $40% 39% 39T -- % 3 sy ms ol Though abjent You arg ever near. |' pong... Mere words of inadequate sd D Bridge 5790 $19 18% 19 + 8% T Fin A 21354 50 41¥ BOY A a 2 Always dear. ,, To each and| The appointment of D. J. . : wa vn an od by husband Peter and family. Svervome who has helped us through Kennedy as Coach Sales Man- > Fad: 5 20 $4 0 a" hv of our|fOWers, words of sympathy and deeds ager at General Motors Diesel 3 3 LE R560 73 330 I him 0 bi oy lov ig ETON ou ot infinite Hodnes, lag! special thanks | Limited has been announced $750 3 ' nN +h nm 3 Cent Pat away Miy i, oat Dr. Lynch, we can ony 1ay Thans(by W. M. Warner, General ar 49267 $I7% 17 17% -- % x i% 18 -- Cent Pore If all the world were ours to give, [you so much", y ay 1 177 $W 20 20 --% y 10% + % Cheskirk We'd give it, yes, and more, Tr Cand Mrs. Angelo Borg, Whitby, | SAieS Manager. Mr. Kennedy re-| pom Text 965 $13 12% 1B + % 9 5 Ch > To see , the ae ve loved 3 0 well cently moved to London from Dow Brew 25 $50 50 50 Un Acc 2 pr = pn 1 i +1 me ig EMOREY -- I wish to thank all my |Oshawa Un Gas > Srey ena ancied by father, mother, friends for eards and fruit which were |g, jo eh Bn ater of Econ Inv 130 841 dW 41 Say zt sen! me while was in e Oshawa : General Hospital, And special thanks to GM's suburban and transit ie Match U0 $25 25% 2% -- u 4 Bi Be JEFFERY -- In loving memory of Dr. J. O. Ruddy and nurses on 3A.'huses and intercity coaches to Eady A 510 861% 64 64% +x% 58 $8 : Blanche Jef A --wWilliam E: | anche a ads Jeary, Who Pa am Emorey.| General Motors Diesel Limited. 650 $11 104 11 +1 The --- - ee HELP HET BL 1 2 ° % 58.88" BB.sEeBa ns 8. SRalB8anul sie #3 gstony i $ +11 ga S8sie. sudzeeeioclieg = SafisR.ElEuga goaae afnaan E83ab hE «Bug HEE 35 g kag, : > 5 3 ck > Lig LLL EE Bessey, P -- sEaguuitatietinctodantinn 283 2. 8=uafzel ¥ +4 Ll J Lh 5 Eg > + A Sage Seatul L3L LL ++ LL +] 41+ slbphsts WB. s + - See = > 9 35 5 = go3issanzesd Sesiregeges & FY Sadat FELT LE 2. B $e 888.88 rd § > 228.8 Ed Ens... 8288.85 eae 2usa.. oEedudasuugx $ Li ghesnline u8% 8 > FE Bau fos a = F 3 elouBeltala = S¢zauz, = BLL Le Fe8a = ¥ FuuBisa8toe AL+l £3 Bane 8 b = ate E88 .grunnlE . 2-s=58 w ES EE 52 = ~ERge 3 228ue fur | E33 228558 s s#8aq LP £3 sais FF 2838208, 6 . 8 loys oy laughter we once knew, wIETTON = 1 yb Ll tipren ms Mr. Kennedy has been a Special Erle A = hh as CB 98% 473 aor FA br br pg 'e've spent together years) any aks relatives and meighbors,| Sales Representative for the 3182 $18% 18W "3 Sid 1s Tha 4% No matter how far away you are for thelr peapifol floral tributes, acts Coach Division of General Mo- F o> seta 24 na tok Bo b+ pi fr = YR nm wv our heats. kinduess "|tors Products of Canada, Lim- : 28% 2 720 400 39% i 1 2850 325 300 3to ave Sons Sawugh smooth his consoling words, |ited at Oshawa since 1959. 3 * w 1075 $10% 10% 10% -- 1% Armstrong Funeral Tal Houle. ri Yor Suve Sons through sadness and Fi d 208 $32% 32%c 32% 65 550 200 185 185 + 1 ++ - Bsa Lille iLL ySevs plo eeBegtlsnge sling on unakick ERLE TE tt E = § gEoul.BEues IS & ExglliasaBaatog. . Elizabeth Hutton, bi Rs -s You've lived a life only you could Hive ol . you never took, but always| IV 153 152 3 4455 100 86 86 --14 gave, Westfair A 35 $38 38 38 were you unkind, 1215 $I8% 13 13% + To rich or poor, perfect or blind. F un a A % 8 re, atineau hi 503 wars that . Gat 5 pr us $1024 Tons i + 4 as = it From start rough 995 $8% 8% -- to finish, th day and 14% 17 pe 1575 $3W 29% 31 +x% randm. high, 45% 45% 10300 - $5% 5 5 -- 4 nde ao he soon Shove the sky, 55 55 --4 i £0 5 40 i Share once G P Drill 55 5 + % ie ors aug Iannis we 7237 $12% 10 +2 Y 7175 $20 19% 19% -- WU knew, 180 $8244 84%; 82 $10% 9% 9% --20 That we've Shen together all the 0 26 25 2s years through. 3291 $13% 25 ~dLovingly remembered by grandchil 2 fs 129 RE 5 , , Earle, le. A i dren Joan, Gai a bie. oy wh ns , 37% 85% 100 § 7 ; s JEFFERY -- In loving memory of DS Bianche Richards Jeffery, who passed 8 Zs J lis 1% a [ 19% 385 4 402 $37 0 away May 14, Frank J 57 © EA CELL BIG PERFORMANCE oo UBS WS BIG MILEAGE LAN Sol BIG POWE Gara aio 32 28 at GN Gas B w 2600 220 240 +5 \ GW Coal A 285 pS 495 495 5 Great West 150 135 135 --5 $16% 15% 16% +1% CITIES SERVICE ; sien is 16D ia Siew Biwi ow 1% tA od + 6 WN # E.8%. Enel glid+ll gE.s8es souls ysssnostoogunayst otfagogitoxTuiusssnasiononuryst = g = gis olonloratneaulel veges Bx" cautBay sxs¥grBogo uty dsifsanuarto nny AB Ld RT Eng nyuoscEics el § goisstionianags > - sa HETHTER EL ER ELH LTH se8ub = Be ranaBSEE gge=§ C FEE OF FF ils tL FLL NER » > 2 BRBEEsRaRE ++ a > 8s i Sha LE bis = ¥ ; god Rd LEP LE BT FED EE LL gating anogaalun salon vat uli PLETE ES eo. 2¥nuEE Buslus Su. 283u00.En3E Bop¥Se ney Bugyef HH i L