ANDE CHO hursda rade 1 b inity tc If t lam qu erin} f title f answe tomer the c¢ dealer AN will o for o age v immo coditi The Ajax Community Me. | t morial Swimming Pool is rapidly approaching reality. | § Shortly after this picture was |e taken, construction crews com- | menced pouring cement into Discuss Pickering Twsp. Vocational School Plan sights on a revolutionary proj- assistance to high school boards| Daughter Banquet to be held in PICKERING (Staff) -- Since the formation of the Pickering ec District High School Board in th 1949, the appointed body of trustees from the high school area of jurisdiction has success- fully completed six major proj ects. The most recent project) almost completed is the Dunbar-|ta ton High School, which will be ready for aperation this month Now the board has set its sc ce er General WA Meeting Held BOWMANVILLE -- The gen: eral WA meeting of Trinity WHITBY AND DISTRICT Prenatal Classes Offered By VON The second series of prenatal classes will begin May 17, re- ports VON nurse A. J .Mc Leod. Classes are to be held on Missionary Quiz 'Baptist Ladies' | 'Meet Feature The monthly meeting of the "|Special to The Oshawa Times closed, They are an advanced Four hundred years after Queen 128 feet, is at Marchmont, Elizabeth 1 visited Ingatestone|wickshire. The tallest fir, Hall, near Chelmsford, and stay-|feet, is at Inverary in Ar, ed there for three days as the|shire and the tallest beech, guest of Sir William Petre, an-|feet in East Lothian. Thus other Royal Elizabeth, The! three tallest trees in their s Queen Mother, will arrive onfies are all in Scotland. June 7. The Queen Mother will . then inspect an Essex Rocord| SIGNPOST SECRET [Office Exhibition which tells] LISS. Hampshire ~ Yella the tory of liz on 1 L] J the Aor Elizabethan 1 lat Liss after taking their d tions from a local signpost, CANDIDATES LACKING lish touncillors kept a wale LAUNCESTON, Cornwall (the signpost. They found BRITISH BRIEFS Revenues Hurt By Ban On Cars By M. MCINTYRE HOOD Fnergy Authority has dis. LONDON -- Britain may lose) gas-cooled reactor and a test as much as $4,200,000 a year |/bed, both at Windscale, Cuniber- proximate cost of the pool is of its target. A spring canvass has been arranged by the Pool | possibilities of building such a John P pared to give generous financial per cent of the cost of such ac- and Mrs. J {Whitby Baptist Women's Mis- |sionary Society was held at the {home of Mrs. Wm. Hewis, Dun- das street east. The meeting was opened with a hymn and a prayer, with the president, Mrs. Harold Craw- forth, presiding. Mrs. E. A. {Mac¢Millan, past president, pre- |sided for the installation of the {new officers and order of serv- ice and prayer. Roll call and offering were 'taken. A fine devotional was {given by Mrs. Ivan Hoskins, |using as her theme, God's Gar- den of Flowers. Mrs. Ruth Pickering was in charge of a Missionary Quiz. The meeting was closed with prayer. Refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. Dair offered a word of thanks to Mrs. Hewis, on behalf of the group. PORT HOPE TRIP Members of the Whitby Bap- tist church journeyed to Port Hope on Saturday to participate in an Evangelistic conference FORM Committee to fake place from May 12 to 18. The pool will be opened at the conclusion of Old Home Week in June. --0Oshawa Times Photo he pool's vast cavity. The ap- 60,000 and to date the proj- ct financing is $15,000 short |ley Association, Girls of the Whithy Baptist CGIT group met at the home lof Mrs. E. A. MacMillan of | Athol street on Tuesday eve- ning. This was a work meeting, preparing for their Mother and who embark on vocational train-'the church SS hall on May 26, at ing school programs that are fe-/5.30 p.m. alized and finalized by March, 1963. . A letter from the Minister of Education to the board stated| that in view of a 75 per cent re- imbursement from the Federal Government, the Department of Education is prepared to pay 100 t -- a vocational school within e Township of Pickering. The desire to investigate the WHITBY PERSONALS On Monday Odd Fellows Richardson " : Toffan were co-hostesses al a To date the Pickering District bridal shower in honor of Mrs High School Board has AD' | James Treen, the former Miss | proached the Ontario Depart-|p.i.i.ia 1owe, who was recent ment of Education and now has|; "ra ied at Whitby United tentative approval to go ahead | cy oh Assisting the bride in [ith its vocational training proj- opening the numerous gifts ect . were: Miss Judy Hope-Brown, Toronto Architects, Shore and Miss Carole Smith. Miss hool first came with the re- nt announcement from On- rio Minister of Education, Robarts, that the Fed- al Government will be pre- evening in the Hall Mrs. V commodation at the time of con- and Mrs struction. George Darch will repre- sent the evening auxiliary. Mrs, | Moffat have already prepared|yivianne Treen and Miss Dianne {for Baptists of the Trent Val- : {ences while ministering Wednesday afternoons at 2 p.m. in Fairview Lodge auditorium. There is no charge for the classes. Miss Mcleod states the first series of eight lectures was suc- cessful and it is hoped more expectant mothers will take ad- vantage of the lectures. The NURSE made a total of 103 home visits during the month of April. She also made 77 nursing care and 26 health instruction visits during the month. British Guinea Talk Heard At St. Andrews St. Andrew's Preshylerian Church Young Women's Group held its regular meeting on Monday evening in the church hall. The president. Mrs. D. Kernohan, opened the meeting with a hymn. Mrs. J. Frost gave the scripture reading and Mrs. Sutherland led in prayer and also gave a reading titled, "Mothers." Two solos were given by Miss Margaret Frost accompanied at the piano by Mrs. P. N. Spratt, During the business meeting plans were discussed for a "Holly Tea' to be held Satur. day, December 2 Mrs. C. Sarles introduced the guest speaker, Rev. David Mar- shall. His topic was British Guinea. He told of his experi. there, The meeting closed with the Benediction by Rev. Marshall, A social time was enjoyed with Mrs. J. Sutherland. Mrs. C. Sarles, Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Thwaites as tea hostesses. The because of the United States! decision to prohibit the sale of British cars on U.S. bases here, and to stop U.S. Servicemcn| buying British cars on the ex- port quota free of income tax. Mr. Selwyn Lloyd gave this fig- ure in reply to a question in the House of Commons. He said the] government was discussing thei situation with the American authorities. PRICES TOO HIGH ERITH, Kent -- Because the price jumped from $5500 to $55, 000 in two years, Erith munici- pal council has dropped a plan to acquire 1.64 acres of land in the village for the erection of houses. Said Ald. G. W. Luck, leader of the council: "This is something 1 don't think we ought to stomach, The govern- ment should do something to prevent this exploitation. It was not even a good bargain at $5500." BATHTUB CROSSING BRIGHTON, Sussex -- Student Alan Witt plans the strangest ever crossing of the English Channel. He plans to sail from France to Dover next month in a bath-tub. The bath, bought for $13.50, has been fitted with an outboard motor, and fitted with ofl drums and a stabilizing keel to keep it afloat. In tests it has travelled at about five knots an hour ATOM PLANTS HIT LONDON Wildcat strikes have held up completion of two important nuclear power pro- jects for six months, the Atom- {June meeting will be in the D. Mrs, E. R. Teer and Mrs. G.|/form of a pot luck supper held {at the home of Mrs. D. Wilson. _ | gest land, BLEW WRONG SANE LONDON-Raiders blew open a safe at a garage in Bucking ham Palace Road, Victoria, only a few yards from a filling sta. tion where attendants were serving customers, As the ex plosion rocked the building, the raiders made their escape, but without any cash. They had blown the wrong safe. BLITZED CHURCH another only one, Only 78 nom inations were handed in for a total of 111 parish council seais LONDON Ww I 1 WILL TRY AGAIN ONDON -- Work has started T P 1 LONDON -- Donald Campbel! bn clearing the site of the "is. 0 rolice will probably make his next land" in St. Mary's road, Peck. HAMILTON (CP)--John land-speed record attempt in'ham, where Peckham Parish gelo Papalia gave himself Bluebird in August, and it will Church used to stand, until ato police here Thursday ol probably be in Australia, A 20-|Parachute mine blew it flat in'charge of beating up Max Bi mile track outside Adelaide io 1941. The church council has stein, a Toronto gambler. being carefully studied. The!8iven the go-ahead for the papalia, 32, alias Jol track at Saltfields, Utah, where building of a new church. Most Pops. had been sought on Bluebird crashed last Septem of the money is coming from assault warrant hy Toronto ber, is only 10 miles. war damage payments, lice since April 21, Police GOVERNOR FOR TOWER TALLEST TREES Ld gh He LONDON -- The Queen has FARNHAM, Surrey The yer, approved the appointment of Forestry Commission Research Three other men are in Col. Sir Thomas Butler as maj-{Station at. Farnhan: hone * tody in Toronto on charges or and resident governor of the|collecting details of Britain's assaulting Bluestein before § Tower of London. He will take|lallest trees. The talic.. night club customers. up the position in July, Sir! -- - ; Thomas, who is 50, was Lieu- tenant-colonel commanding the Grenadier Guards from 1955 to |1958. In 1959 he became military {adviser to the High Commis {sioner in New England. | CRIMES INCREASE LONDON -- Crimes in Eng: land increased by 10 per cent last year, with 743,714 indictable offences. Every category show- ed an increase, except sexual (offences, These totalled 19.937, slightly fewer than in 1059, Big increase was in vjolence cases--15,759, up 14 per cent. {HUEEN IN ESSEX CHELMSFORD, Essex An unusual situation arose as a children were using it to result of nominations for]at swings, and the direct Launceston, Cornwall ru ra ||{arms got turned around. council and the 14 parish coun.|they are to be locked firmis cils in the area. There were|Position. only 24 nominations for the 32}=--- rural council seats. Three of th ' : ee ™ parish councils had J i h P neils had none anc Jo nny ops Surrenders EXTRA SPECIAL | WEEK ! United Church was held in the Sunday School room on Tuesday afternoon. The president, Mrs 1.. Goddard, opened the meet ing by all repeating the theme hymn and prayer. A skit on community friendship was pul on by Mrs. K. Morris, Mrs. B. Osborne, Mrs. J. Van Nest, Miss Mary Jewell, Mrs. J. Darch, Mrs. V. Vanstone and] Mrs. L. Goddard. This group, nted the above skit at the erial held recently in| Oshawa. It suggested many ways to welcome newcomers to eur church. 4 The minutes of an executive eeting for presidents and sec retaries of the WA, WMS and the Evening Auxiliary were read. A provincia t was appointed, Mrs. J. Van Nest, Mrs. R. Ames, Mrs. N. Osborne and Mrs. C. Barrett to help with setting up the new organization of United Church Women which will commence in January, 1962. A meeting of all church women is to be held in the church on May 24 to ex- plain how the organization will operate, Mrs. S James and Mrs. B. Osborne will represent the WMS. Mrs. W. Reynolds Biography Is Given The following biographical sketch of Olley Miller, assist- ant city engineer who was ten- dered a testimonial banquet Thursday night to mark his 50 years of service with the city, was included on the dinner menu at the Oshawa Genosha when Mr. Miller was honored "Olley G. Miller was born in North Walsham, Norfolk, Eng: land in 1890, He attended King Edward VI Grammar School, Norwich and after graduation was employed as an Auction- eer's Clerk with Baron and Sons. Appleborough, Norfolk "He came over to Canada in September, 1910. He married Florence Mallett in 1926 and they have lived at 774 Simcoe Street South since that time "On June 12, 1911, he started work in the Town Clerk's Office In 1912 he was transferred to the Town Engineer's Office and he has worked in the Engineer's Office since that time. He was assistant to several Town and City Engineers and for eight years. form 1938 to 1946. he was City Engineer. At present he is Assistant City Engineer He has been a member of the Ontario Association of Profes- sional Engineers since 1939. "Olley (to our knowledge) is the first City of Oshawa em- ployee to have completed 50 vears of service. He can look back over a half century and take great pride in his contri pution to the development of Oshawa as it grew from a small town of 7417 to a thriving industrial city of 60,146 "Recently the Honorable Fred M. Cass, Minister of High- Jj wavs, Ontario, presented Olley with a Long Service Award on behalf of the Ontario Good Roads Association for his 50 vears services with the City of Oshawa in the cause of good rods. "Tonight we pay our tribute to a loyal and respected engin eer for his diligent service in this municipality. committee! trial requirements of the area. {on May 13 to Mr. Gary Winter.| y welll The 14 rooms will include a|The wedding will take place in ne i 4 sent 23 sfet-wel drafting room, industrial chem. Whitby United Church. Miss Osborne asked all members who |18tTy laboratory, auto shop,| Thomas was presented 'with a had dishes at the church to| building construction shop, elec-| corsage of pink and white car pick them up. The 15 groups trical shop, machine shop and nations. The bride-to-be was leaders reported making 440|0ccupational training shop for seated under a white and pink calls during the month. Each boys and girls. umbfella with white streamers, leader presented to the treas- , ine school will accommodate wedding bells and confetti. | lurer the money made by the 320 students which will boost the | Twenty-seven guests were pres group and the total was $285. Present Dunbarton School enrol-|ent from Ajax, Whitby. Oshawa |The money was raised by teas, ment to well over 700 _|Courtice, Brooklin and Raglan {bake sale. catering and sale of It is predicted that the project| Assisting the hostess in serving |aprons. The WA will cater on|Will be completed some time in|were: Mrs. Charles Taylor, Miss June 8 at noon for a dinner for 2 Thelma Brown of Oshawa, Mrs {the nurses' association. The W. Adair of Raglan. A specially {group leaders were asked to Youth G ts decorated bridal shower cake have the members make sug- was also served. LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- Byron residence in Whithy gestions for officers for the United Church Women and the names to be put in a sealed envelope and the nominating Sommilies will open them in William Dodge, 17, was sen. ki -itenced Thursday to 18 months] Mrs. Margaret Taras and ; iE . definite and 12 months indeter- Mrs. Frances Pearse attended TICATS GET PLAYERS 'minate in reformatory on/the Ontario Medical Secretaries HAMILTON (CP) -- Hamilton charges of theft and robbery| Association Convention and an Tiger - Cats of the Big Four|laid ed yeerend joy Tidelimal meeting held at the Royal - | aroun /estern and Southern York Hotel, Toronto on Wednes Football League #nnouned ontario in stolen cars, day, and also the dinner held at Thursday the signing of offen-| He pleaded guilty to eight Lord Simcoe Hotel. sive halfback Milt Campbell,| charges of theft and one of rob. quarterback Frank Cosentino bexy. = the 0 Mr a Mrs, W. C. Monigom . la 8 odge escaped from the On: ery of Buffalo, New York, were and Flanker Garney Henley. tario Training School for Boys guests at the home of Mr. and Campbell, former world decath-|March 31, came to London and, Mrs. H, H. Wickett of Anderson elon champion, played for Ha-| with a juvenile, assaulted P. J.lavenue. milton a few years ago, He was|Briglia, manager of a clothing and Mrs Saal |store, with intent to rob him. dropped by the Tiger-Cats and Between his escape and arrest Cleve Worthington of Centre St then played in the Ontario|in Kitchener last month Dodge|S., celebrated his 12th birthday Rugby Football Union and in|was responsible for theft of sev-ion Thursday. His friends and 1959 with Montreal Alouettes of eral cars and a .quantity of companions of King . Street the Big Four League. He did! clothing from the Wiarton Bap-!School wish him many happy not play last season. tist church. returns of the day. 4 ' Mrs. R. Webber, correspond- Miss Rose Parnis, niece of Mr. Angelo Borg, arrived from Malta on Tuesday to establish Wayne, son of Mr i pick fine fruit this year : BANISH BUGS AND BLIGHT 1» i I HOME ORCHARD | -- Get the jump now on fruit-destroying insects and fungus diseases with ! multi-purpose ORTHO Home Orchard 2 - Spray. Contains Captan, DDT, DDD, 3 end Lindane to make your fruit tree . and berry pest control easier than 2 ever before, Use conventional sprayer to apply. be | ORTHO AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITED Oakville, Ont New Westminster, B.C. i A TT LT TT rpemp---------- . I. Goddard gave a report on the, preliminary plans for a' pro-|Treen, Over fifty guests were conference held at Whitby. The|pPosed school as an addition to present, Games were played and| purpose of the United Church the new Dunbarton High School. (prizes awarded to lucky win | Women is to reach out to alll Two schemes were presented|ners. Assisting for the huffet| women. Co-operation will be ajto the board from the architects|lunch were: Mrs. John Lowe, | new thing in this new society.|on Tuesday of this week and the|Mrs. Jean Wickett, Mrs. Grace] The money will be raised the board adopted a scheme which | Harris, Mrs. Anne Myers, her| same way as the women have would add a 14-room wing to|daughter Jane and Miss Dor-| been doing. In the future the the new school. Additional land|othy Wickett. organization will just be able to has to be purchased to make contribute to United Church way for the proposed project. Mrs. Charles Taylor, 26 Hill . projects. There will be a join-| The vocational school willlcourt drive, entertained at her ing fee which will remain in the offer training in a varied selec. home at a bridal shower in local organization. tion of skilled trades which has/honor of her niece, Miss Nancy | PICK-UP DISHES been planned to meet the indus. Thomas, who is to be married great whiskies brand \ Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskies, each | with its own distinctive characteristics, and then aged them in special oak casks. Now, Adams has » married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock. This custom blend is presented in its crystal decanter at a popular price. Adams Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Thomas Adams Distillers Ltd, Toronto THIS IS BE KIND TO ANIMALS WE A good time to reward Rover with a n doghouse! Fencing around your back ya is an excellent way toigive your pets prot tion and room to romp in. For quality m terials visit BROWN'S LUMBER & SU PLIES -- let your dog have his day! Make your fencing sel tion from our stock modern fencing materia 2 Just 6.00 a month pr vides materials for 10 of 4' fence ! ( FAS BE KIND TO MOTHER ON HER DAY, TOO SUNDAY, MAY [4th SEE US FOR GIFT SUGGESTIONS BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH Dial RA 5-4704 OSHAWA, ONTARIO ASK YOUR NE Ask the man who's enjoying the quiet, carefree comfort of completely automatic gas heating. He'll tell' you there's nothing like it for real luxury--and for real economy too. Ask your neighbour--and then install modern gas heating right away. CONVERT YOUR PRESENT FURNACE Replace your worn out burner with an inexpensive, easy-to-install Conversion Burner. $ RENT for enly MONTHLY on your gos bill For Complete Information Call (Honsumers' (tas 48 SIMCOE SOUTH Want to know about GAS HEATING? REPLACE WITH A NEW FURNACE If a new furnace is required install a modern, low-cost gas furnace. EASY $ 4 0 TERMS A WEEK Ne Down Payment = only on your gos bill RA 3-3468 ET A Te oR Ne ey