Hold Meet ? | MRS. A. L. HOOEY 74 BOWMANVILLE -- The Home / : | and School Association met for fi 1 { the May meeting in the high / 3 it f 4 | . ST ------ ed by all singing The Queen. . - $291, of which $180 will be used | . } items... Floor samples «es. ONE of a kind and 5 0 : 1 ™ . H announced commencing in the } oy i, few - of wl» kind items all greatly discounted. ; do # : ' [) . s on mew) B | W¥ | Quantities limited! No phone or mail orders, two separate meetings, three in | % TS "y x $ | please es 0 - Bs k } % g si | Mrs. C. Henning; secretary, president from each J. Hendry; Ontario Street, Mrs. throughout the high school, was introduced now is for qualified instructors. AN 4 | " styling 2 TABLE LAMPS He outlined the course _avail- CL school auditorium on Wednes- = | / \ » f 1% . ° SEE \ M ds Included, Discontinued 1 § AVE UP TO nr it | Many Famous Brands Included, D to give all Grade 8 pupils a fall that each school would have for the October meeting. During the high school and one open B house in each school. The presi- = : sid Mrs. G. Morris; corresponding ¢ BN : il ry OTHERS DARE NOT COMPETE. secretary, Mrs. A. Samells; \ i / "Wii school: Lord Elgin, Mrs. D. / : ; ; +R be - 4 YOU SHOP AT RICHARDS Marsden; Central, Mrs. L. Mc- : oA sr % 4 Ys A. Luces. Mrs. Ames thanked } % A i : Por 5 LIVI NG ROOM all for their support during her f i J if d 3 two years in office and Mrs. \ i \ © \ } by Mrs. Ames and he spoke on Prove to yourself Richards Sell for \- 2-pc. Deluxe Airfoam Suites, 100% able Da Grade 9 Sten: cuter 1 SF a Ebay Reg. $219 Nylon, Airfoom sects and backs. 179.00 TZ MODERN ST YLING day evening. The meeting open- i treasurer reported a balance of | 4 bus trip in June. The president ' its own Home and School meet- | i | the next season there will be TE dent for the new set up will be treasurer, Mrs. Burdette; with 4 : 1 ey PROOF POSITIVE WHEN a vice - y 5 i - - Feeters; Vincent Massey, Mrs. » LE 1 f These are Genuine Discounts, Actually on display Ne ; Burdette then presented Mrs. b\ f " 2 4 2-pc. French Provincial. Beige silk 5 00 Ames with a past president's N ls . 7 Re 329 brocade, quality workmanship o pin. Mr. L. Lucas, principal of h : -- 5d ™ i NN 8 ) Ss ? Less. 4-seater style by Braemere, Air- 225 00 b * 2 : : Pm, Slice nal the Se hc 4 Reg. S 350 foam Biscuit back and seats, slim arm ° Colors: Brown, Aqua, Mauve mended that a pupil register in A ; brella Je Sueral Course uiiess he & y TN Boi ) 4 Attractive 2-Pc. Suites featuring mod- 155 00 eels ce e wishes to follow Maid . th Commercial Course or Limi- o | he Req . orn styling with quality, Ld 4 Teical 4 Jupl T - Attractive 2-pc. Suites. Featuring ho selects the Commercial ) ¥ A ak . 67 00 Course or the Limited Technical N SHOE CO M FOR 3 i = == A = Reg. $25 Modern Styling with quality. Nylon 1 . Course may transfer to the Gen- coverings, reversible foam cushions. eral Course at the end of Grade i . Lighter, softer, " _---- | 2 only. Mint green or brown 9. The Limited Technical Try on the new Hartt Flexibles. Lighter, * : y p Course offers a greater number more flexible, yet gives the Sampo support . ; Reg $2 49 Ssacter Suite, vase slim orn ty) 162.00 of periods in Industrial Arts and i ality that is built-in to E28 ol ] ' p Hid prepares the student for en- lasting comic and quality } ? tone reversible cushions trance to the third year of the every pair of Hartt shoes. 2-pc. Sofa-Bed Suite. Smart 2-tone Vocational Course given at . h ; Te | Si beige and brown top, quality nylon 148 00 bg bg hg Yetoum: Hee natt wane E22 RE ph Reg. $2 39 covering, foam cushioning, spacious . bedding storage La Aug Cerwin ste ditered 6-pc. Corner Sectional Grouping. Twe in Grade 10 of the General ! ry hi hair. Arbor. 154 00 Course. 3) . 5 Reg. Va sofas, matching armchair. Arbo A Graduation from High School HARTT 9 (il i ite corner, coffee and step tables . . . vee without a foreign language bars : : RED : MANY MORE SUITES DRASTICALLY a aver. 2 £5 | DINETTE AND KITCHEN SUITES High School consult with the = . UJ Guidance officer for advice. No Prove to yourself Richard's sell for Less change in course will be allow- ed during Grade 9 atter Sep-| COME IN AND FEEL THE DIFFERENCE - AT THESE STORES 2.PC. SOFA | ROOM SUITES jewber 15 yi 30 Subject may i . : the TERE A Grade 1 gradu K e BED SUITE i 3-pe. Walnut Suite, Beautiful simulated tile 199 0) i n y | & ® is expected 178. pupils wi be ( ollins. Shoes Bi DN Somes inent foo | dresser. Reg. 219.00 "es coming in from the town and TNE 1m the town and s. -- wHITeY -- Mo 8.3476 |BIEIERN Nyon £51 Contemporary Suite. In dull finish, concealed 148.00 in October to have an evening| 119 BROCK ST. S. -- Val Cony drawer pulls. Reg. 229.00 : where parents of Grade 9 stu- e OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 PM. eo | 9 /S r p . . Jet: way come and talk to the} : Modern Styled 8-drawer Triple Dresser Suite 158 00 teachers. The high school has R 239.00 oe . . . no career day but a local serv- in Walnut. eg. " ; . | Joo oh hus evjered 10 ei wiih DAVIDSON S SHOE STORE ys AE ok oH Handsome 65' Yripls Drover Suite, 199.00 students on careers Robt. < } cr, > iy Reg, 0) ted by E. A. Southwell po dark wa Mr ofonanked ir Lucas fol 1 SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Oshawa) RA 5-3312 |B3E fos dark wilt, Ret. 00000 ot 258 00 DE i y Ci > Suite, concealed drawer pulls. Reg. 369.00 .... = T 3/ | Master Dresser Suite. Luxurious 9-drawer dresser, 199.00 spacious chest and bookcase bed, 220.00 cs French Provincial Triple-Dresser Suite in Fruitwood. Reg. 449.00 3-pc. Double Dresser Suite, 6-drawer double dresser, 99.00 chest, bookcase bed. Reg.: 169.00 ........... . Dinette and Bedding Buys Kitchen Suites You'll sleep reloxed sfter buying | : / at these prices NI ; Reg. 69.50. Continental 39° 5% = " XR 1 Reg. 59.50. Centre Leaf 39 Bon Fol size only os WEEK-END "OUT-THEY-GO" SPECIALS BN | tl 397 ar 1957 BEDFORD VAN 1953 PONTIAC DELUXE BR Gor Madre Table, 65% Reg. 29.50. Springfilied Mat. tresses, 180 coil. 1 KX 2.DOOR irr £: ; Reg. 34.50. 3-pc. Apartment Size Save 15.00 ; $145 $1 85 I : Cot %; ie Sule. Drop leet table 25° Ree : 19.50, musth "1g Za % Units 1955 x bX Reg. 7.95. Odd Chrome 95 Reg. 39.50, 1 only -- Full @.99 DODGE STATION WAGON 1953 PONTIAC DELUXE Wo . a i J Chairs. Out They Go . 3 Pi Box Spring SEDAN With radio He : RR . Reg. to 139.00. Deluxe Dinette Reg. 79.50. Nationally advertised Automatic and Radio $16 5 a Suites. Several to choose 17° Sealy Posturepeodic $5 95 from. Your choice mattress. 1 only ar | | NOT JUST fous os, | QUALITY 4 REFUSE roarioaty sa sr wasn seo || ANOTHER | wewitor seunpersotd | FURNITURE $195 $125 ' on wero scan | or eric son | |S AALIE ¥ pyr Genuine saceirice oF | "BB AT ) REMEMBER Svs Somme im yomme | 2 y 9 Si Ml C OF ST S | chard h | | ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND WEST LIMITED RA 5-6507 RA 8-31 71 | 7 Ree arking. rINE FURNITURE