+3 Pe | i 4 THR OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, Mey 11, 1961 WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West / Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703 PPA EEE BENE RR | EXPECTANT MOTHERS G i hl Bog Msgs Nurses. The next free series of eight classes will begin on Five expectant mothers are een during the final class of 'the current series of pre- natal lectures which are spon- BINA Highway Sleeper Fined $10 was given a $10 fine or a ten- day jall sentence when he plead- ed guilty in Whitby Magistrate's Court on Tuesday to having liquor in a place other than a private residence. Ontario Provincial Police Con- stable William Simmons found the accused sleeping on the shoulder of Highway 12 on May 8. A bottle of sherry was found in his back pocket. William Henry Brunce of To- : ronto was given a six'month jail sentence by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs, Tuesday, on a charge of false pretenses. Bunce was in court for sen- tence after he had pleaded guilty to obtaining $600 under false pretenses in a car sale) last summer. | He had apparently told the buyer that the car was paid for. In September of 1960 a finance company repossessed the car : |because over $700 was still ow-| ing on it, | Leo Roach of 156 Windsor street, Oshawa, was given a one- © |year suspended sentence on a PRENATAL TEACHING ner, Mrs. Beryl McLean, Mrs. | Ruth Bradley, Mrs. Pat Ailles; | (standing) Nurse McLeod and | Mrs. Jean Stachow. ~Oshawa Times Photo | May 17 at 2 p.m. at Fair- | view Lodge. The classes are | conducted by VON nurse Miss A. J. McLeod. Shown are | (seated): Mrs. Colette Wag- | | [00F NOTES | ! Plan To Receive - Guelph Visitors | The Whitby Independent Order|duly installed into office for the of Odd Fellows (IOOF) on May 1961-2 term. Also, other business 9, held its regular weekly meet- will be transacted. The presi- ing in the Odd Fellows hall, pre-|dent of The Triple Link Unity sided over by Noble Grand Bro. club stated the requested eve- Swain, and assisted by Vice ning would be held in reserve Grand Bro. Kemp. One officer for this annual meeting. was absent. The committee previously ap- Upon opening the lodge, the pointed to handle the lodge ac- Noble Grand welcomed visiting tivities in this year's memorial orothers from Scarboro lodge|day services requested to be re- No. 438 and also from Brougham | placed, due to circumstances be- odge, as well as members of yond their control which could his lodge. i not be foreseen earlier. Upon re- General business was handled | ceiving this request, the Noble in the usual good manner of the|Grand then appointed Brothers lodge, with very few debates, john Bremner, Bruce Brandt something rather unusual con-\and Harry Stevenson to attend sidering the good turnout ofthe first meeting at 7 p.m. on members this evening, the Thursday evening, May 11 at the majority probapiy awaiting | Corinthian lodge rooms. er events to follow, | The committee handling the Brother Day of Brougham gor, anniversary celebration of lodge Jemested the 3nd degree this lodge announced the 3rd de- team of this lodge to confer that| gree team from Guelph was ex-| egree on their candidates in Brougham on May 18 and it was acknowledged in the affirm- ative. Members will meet at our _ lodge hall at 8 o'clock that eve-| ning for departure to Brougham. A letter was received and act- ed on from district secretary, Bro. George Webster, request- ing the use of this lodge hall for the annual organization meeting to be held on Friday evening,| Jane 23, on which date the Dis-| trict deputy grand master elect {pected to arrive in Whitby at| rele ---------- | World Position All Saints Church 'To Have Luncheon | goods. Magistrate F. Peter Ruelland of Sunderland | e regular meeting of the United Church WA was held in the Sunday school auditorium on Tuesday afternoon, May 9, with the president Mrs. L. F. Richardson presiding. The usual reports of commit- tees and groups were given. Mrs. C. Broughton and Mrs. M. A. Price, delegates to the Osh- awa Presbytery WA held in St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa, gave very interesting reports of the meeting. Mrs. Percy Pascoe assisted by Mrs. Jd. E. Whitehurst and Mrs. G. McQuade led in the worship period. Dorcas was the woman of the Bible chosen for this month's study. Dorcas is the most outstanding example of an individual who was concerned about the poor and needy. She lived in Joppa, a seaport town near Jerusalem There were a great many widows and fatherless children living there and Dorcas gave generously of her time and money to help these needy folk. She was known mostly for her sewing and many ladies' groups have been named Dorcas groups| in her memory. The resurrection of Dorcas was the first miracle performed charge stolen S. Ebbs| suspended the sentence on the| condition that restitution be made : Edwin Raymond Baron-Vart- iar of Toronto was remanded one week for sentencing on two charges of theft. Baron-Vartian| pleaded guilty to stealing a| boat and outboard motor la st) sumraer Baron - Vartian's father told | the court that his son had never| been in trouble before and had | a very good school attendance. He had been steadily employed for three years at a post office. | A priest, Rev. F. McGinnis of | St. Patrick's RC Church in To-| ronto, testified that Baron-| Vartian had taken a three-week religion course and took an| active interest in church work. | Magistrate F. S. Ebbs remand-| ed the accused for one week to| of possessing Young Churches All Saints' Anglican Church Auxiliary Talk {Afternoon Guild feld its regu-| lar May meeting at the rec-| The Helen Marshall Auxiliary | 0 The president, Mrs. R. E of St. Andrew's - Presbyterian Smith, opened the meeting with| Church held their May meeting [PTaver- Mrs. §. Armstrong was in the church hall with Mrs look over a pre-sentence report. | BIRTHS LOWER | TOKYO (AP) -- The welfare ministry says 1,600,000 babies were born in Japan last year, | lowest post-war figure except] in charge of the devotional. pn i /arious reports were read and son presiding. The devotional] ¥ 2% § repons . al service was conducted by approved | Miss M. Ross who read the| A short business meeting was| scripture and Miss B. Wilson held and arrangements were} leading in prayer. The various made for the last meeting of the reports were read and approved|S¢2son to be held June 13 in| and Mrs. Robson stated that two|the form of a pot luck lunch-| new home helpers were added ®0n at the parish hall. to the list. The meeting closed with Members were reminded of Prayer and a dainty lunch was the sectional meeting of East|served by Mrs. S. Armstrong Toronto Presbyterial which will|assisted by Mrs. R. Carter antl be in Oshawa May 25, when|Miss A. Rowe. A social time Mrs. Glen Thompson, president Was enjoyed cf Council, will be the guest, Mrs. O'Dell on behalf of the {speaker group thanked Mrs. Armstrong The lesson topic "Into All the World with the Younger Church- es Abroad" was taken by Mrs.| : H. S. McCann. It was shown MCW sharing the work with other that the mission of the church nationalities and are responsible today is to a world that is rapid-|® the churches where they ly changing. serve. The young churches establish- To be successful in the enor-| p.m. {approximately 5:30 p.m. on May |ed overseas are coming of age mous tasks, the modern mis- (13 Supper is to be held at 6land are taking their place as for the visiting degree partners in the evangelization of sionary as well as being trained | [for evangelism, must also be| team candidates, and officers of their own people. The presenta. (specially trained to give ma- this lodge and also the DDGM. tion of the gospel can no longer|terial help in the fields of edu- This supper will be in the lodge follow the old traditional mis-|/Cation, healing, agriculture, in- hall, and immediately following sionary method every one will attend the con- i ; ferring of the degree in the An- th derson Street high school com- mencing at 8 p.m. After the de- e key to success. Flexibility and faithfulness is| The missionary of today is/iary will next convene June 13. dustry and economy. The meeting closed with pray- er by Mrs. Robson. The auxil- gree lunch will be served to the for 1957. by the disciples when Peter came to Joppa and prayed to the Almighty and then said "Tabitha Arise". | Rotary Thanked | For Red Cross Canvass Support Rent for the Henry Street High School auditorium was re- turned to the Whitby Rotary Club by the Whitby High School {Board, it was announced at the weekly noon-dinner meeting -t! the Whitby Arena on Tuesday. The Whitby High School Board was thanked for the return of the $40 rent fee which was paid by Rotary for use of the audi- torium for their Minstrel Show. A letter of thanks was sent to| Rotary by the Red Cross for Rotary's help in their recent campaign. However, the Red Cross' objective fell far short of | their $4,000 goal when only| $2,400 was contributed | The Rotary Club held a Club Assembly after dealing with a Church Meeting [Baptist Ladies Told Of Dorcas Hold Meeting The Ladies' Aid of the First Baptist Church, Whitby, held its Dorcas was a compassionate monthly meeting on Tuesday woman and also a benevolent evening in the Sunday School woman performing good worksiroom. The president, Mrs. D. in the name of Jesus. She was|Adams, opened the meeting industrious and diligent and|with prayer and the singing of very unselfish. two hymns by the ladies ac- She was a woman of influence.|companied at the piano by Mrs. Dorcas' life of devotion to the|G. Barron. : needs of the poor is typical of| The Ladies' Aid is catering the new spirit found in the very|for the Rotary dinner for the beginning of the new Testament|first week in June with Mrs. Church. Christian faith always|Rivett as convener and the last expresses itself in Christian|week in June with Mrs. R. Van. works. stone, convener. The annual pic- Mrs. C. Heard, leader of the|nic will be held July 19 at the Good Companions group, whol/house of Mrs. D. Adams. Many were in charge of the program, (thanks to Mrs. T. Seymore for gave the introductory remarksjthe lovely flower arrangements about the skit, "Let's Get Withlof baskets and table decorations It". Those taking part were:| Mrs. E. Rivett read the devo- Mrs. M. A. Price, Mrs. R.ltional. The roll call and min Smith, Mrs. J. Ashby and Mrs.lutes of the meeting wire read W. E .Davidson. by Mrs. V. Mitchell. The presi- LAWNMOWERS Reconditioned SCIENTIFICALLY SHARPENED BY MACHINE SPORTSMANS CORNER Herdware ond Garden Division 103 BYRON ST. SOUTH MO 8-451 The skit, which was of humor-(dent closed the meeting with ous content, started out with women working mostly in the kitchens of the church, getting meals, but ended up by showing the possibilities of women being of greater service to the church by being active on church hoards. Mrs. H. T. Fallaise moved a fmm -- m= ARNOLD'S 115 BROCK N. Just North of the Four Corners OPEN THURS. 'TIL 8--FRI 'TIL 9--WED, 'TIL 6 P.M. I vote of thanks on behalf of the members present to the cast ofl the skit and also for the musical | number. The meeting came to all close by repeating the WA bene-| diction, | FRESH SHOULDER PORK ROAST Ib. 35° | The Friendship group were tea} | ses for a social half hour. || ------, SIRLOIN or WING WHITE || STEAKS FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED BEEF Ib. HY: N EWSPRI NT BONELESS PEAMEALED 4Y3-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Cottage Rolls Ib. 39° PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES | INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC On Sole ot . . . JO FRESH HAMBURG STEAK ». 39° FRESH COUNTRY SAUSAGE , 29 Fresh BUTT ». 29° PORK CHOPS WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. SLICED COOKED HAM Ib. 89° Oshawa Times ham dinner and correspondence. | pumps grec ggg opp RE jor opening her home. | RECORD 6:70 x 15 Bro. Harvey Attwood, will b FREE Stagecoach Rides For The Children - Beach Balls Cokes, etc. FOR THE BIGGEST TIRE BARGAINS THE RANGE HAS EVER SEEN 3.99 COME TO "ATTERSLEY'S" uss FIRST BIRTHDAY SALE' 1.00 SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1961 > Sam Te A FREE RIDE ON ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE il 401 DUNDAS ST. E WHITBY MO 8-5221 RECAPS 6:70 x 15 7.95 USED FROM (Fn the shoe with the ' Sle "VINO" Other stacked heels available in low and medium heights (visitors and candidates back in © the lodge room. {| The Whitby 2nd degree team B k St H-S this evening conferred the de- TOC . {gree on four candidates, three of | {Whitby and one of Scarboro Pl Fi 1d D lodges. This was an evening an e ay when almost every detail of this {fine degree was perfect, particu- The regular monthly meet- larly well portrayed by the trav- ing of Brock street south Home| eller, samaritan and othérs, and and School Association was held|apparently well received by all, | on Monday evening with Mrs. particularly by the candidates. | A. Bergstrom presiding. Re-| The regular evening of euchre | ports were read and approved. will be held this Friday at 8| During: the business meeting|p.m. and every one is invited| it was announced that instead to attend and enjoy a good eve-| of the regular June meeting, a ning of cards, lunch and prizes. Field Day will take place. An executive meeting will be held| to make further arrangements. | WHITBY The room count was won by] Mrs. Thompson's room. Mrs. A.| - - Vallant won the lucky draw. - | DAY BY DAY Mrs. A. Bergstrom introduced |=: the guest speaker, Mrs, Curtis, PUPLICATE BRIDGE SCORES who gave an enlightening talk]! North and South: Mr. Patter- on the importance of Home andison and Mr. Miller, 99: Mrs. School work and its functions./Hunter and Mrs. McGillivary, She officially installed the|94%: Mrs. Irwin and Mrs. Car- 1961-62 officers. |scallen, 94; Mr. and Mrs. Walls, | Mrs. K. Perry thanked the 88. speaker on behalf of the mem-| East and West: Mr. and Mrs. bers. The meeting adjourned Winter, 9814: Mr. and Mrs. and refreshments were served Heron, 9614; Mrs. Spratt and by Mrs. J. Lailey and Mrs. C.|Mrs. Watts, 95; Mr. and Mrs. Bottomley. 'McCann, 8613. BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:25 WHITBY Last Complete Show ot 8:25 ~NOTHING LESS THAN A MIRACLE IN MOTION PICTURES! FREE! ATTERSLEY ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE Underwritten by BRING YOUR FATHER TO ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE AND GET A TICKET FOR | new A gently tapered toe pump with a simu 7 lated stacked heel in the soft, flexible soft unlined leather that holds its shape, ye UNLINED fortabie. sencath as A stop PUMP Colina. Shoos every movement. 15.95 119 BROCK STREET SOUTH WHITBY PE HX = 3 J0 MORROW - JUNE THORBURN -aemce mis smc sn: | vey JACK SHER muses CHARLES H SCHEER 2 somencse mocoenon PLUS -- Second Feature Attraction In Color -- "TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY" STARRING--DIANE BAKER--JACK GING