The Oshawa Times, 11 May 1961, p. 9

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Joon Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 11, 1961 9 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collison, Townline road south, were in Queensville, Keswick, last Fri- day where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Collison's un- cle, Mr. Robert Dew. Mr. and Mrs. William Reed, Lloyd street, had as a weekend guest, Mr. Reed's nephew, Mr. Lewis Reed, from Grays, Essex, England, who is on a business trip to Canada and the United States. | MR. WALTER HAM MRS. GEORGE PETERS | New President Is Installed At Dr. C. F. Cannon H&S Assn. Mr. Walter Ham was install-| Godfrey for being pianist for the ed as president of the Dr. C. F. past year. Mr. Korry also ex- Cannon Home and School Asso-|pressed his thanks to the re- ciation at its annual meeting|tiring president, executive and Tuesday evening, May 2, to suc-|grade mothers for "a job well ceed Mrs. George Peters wholdone." has held that office for the past! The pupils of Grade 6, under two years. {the direction of Mrs. Marlene Mrs. David Hutcheon, vice- Gutsole, provided a short musi. president from Oshawa and Dis-|cal interlude by singing five trict Home and School Council, |selections, each being intro- installed the following officers| duced by stygest Fred Laugh- and executive for the 1961-62{lin. A group of young Grade 4 period. President, Mr. Walter |violin students of Mr. Oskapella Ham; vice - presidents, Mrs. displayed their talents by play- Walter Paterson and Mrs. Ken-|ing several selections, Miss neth Barry; recording secre-|Mimi Bogoon, a Grade 6 stu- tary, Mrs. Victor Hulatt; cor-|dent, played two violin selec- | Teas, birthday parties, wed-| ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests and your own holiday plans are always of in- terest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social de partment with your items of news for which there is no charge. Telephone RA 3.3474. A grandmother whom she never expected to meet ar- rived from Moscow at Malton Airport last Friday. The year-old traveller, Mrs. Maria Boyar, is the grandmother of Mrs. Walter Grigorenko, Ade- {been trying for -32 years (bring his mother to Canada. Scotia; James McLean; treasurer, Mrs. by Mr. Korry. taking a few days' rest with Ellis, Mrs. Mary Hutcheon, Mr. |past president's pin. On behalf of the Home and Clark - Vail wedding held at| sur Dress | SOCIAL NOTICES [Ruby Lioyd and Mrs. F. Bow-| when annual reports were read| Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Las- Sherlock: corresponding secre- Mary, to Mr. George Dennis London: Mr. and Mrs. William and room mother chairman, manville. The marriage will og Home and School Council an.|J00N'S Anglican Church gnithvile: responding secretary, Mrs. tions. The pupils were thanked as the moment Mrs. Boyar is Blex Chlistie: grace, Mrs.| After taking office Mr. Ham other grandchildren at Hamil- Orville Myers, Mrs. Ge Or 2e presented Mrs. Peters with alton and Niagara Falls. Roy Godfrey and Mrs. Harold] , . ; ' - t th : { social period followed the| Out-of-town guests at e Messerschmitt. | meeting J wedding hel | | Albert Street United Church on i Ra Rs Saturday evening were Mrs. man, Windsor; rs. Peters presided at the Marler V ¥avria. preceding business meeting ENGAGEMENT \Morley Yeo, Sarnia; from the secretary. Mrs Roy |karis wish to announce the en-| Haber; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon|2agement of their daughter, |p. kville: Mr. Neill y o . social|Heath f M : ' | tary, Mrs. Victor Hulatt; social|Heath, son of Mr. and Mrs yop con "West Hill: Mr. and convener," Mrs. Alex Christie |George R. Heath, all of Bow-(\soc "Richard Murphy, Walt-| Mrs. Harry Hutcheon. take place on Friday evening, ham, Massachusetts; Mrs. T. R. 4 ay 2 " 0 ke Mrs. Peters announced that/M2Y 26. at 7 o'clock at St. Sowmanville Mrs. nual meeting will be May 23 in| EOWmanville. Mr. and the form of a pot luck supper. ENGAGEMENT | Guest speaker will be Miss| Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eugene Phyllis Bainbridge, Toronto Jackson of Oshawa wish to anc] Mr. and Mrs. Myrlin Davidson Teachers' College. |nounce the engagement of their|of Oshawa wish to 1ce| ENGAGEMENT 80-| Shirley Cholmondely, Ajax; Mr. Albert McDonald and family, Lakefield, P.Q.; Miss Carol Mc- Cullough, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. William Richards, Mont- real, P.Q.: Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las McIntosh, Hamilton; Mrs. Julia Vail, Islington, Ontario. Dr. Peter Janetos who ar- rived home recently on the Empress of Canada is <pending two weeks with his family on Ritson road north before return- ing to England. Miss Beatrice McNevin, whose marriage to Mr. Donald H. Wil- son, will take place tomorrow evening at Albert Street United Church has been honored at pre-nuptial parties. The mem- {bers of Victory Lodge, LOBA, No. 583, of which the bride-to-be is a member, entertained at a | miscellaneous shower in the |Orange Temple. A pot-luck sup- per was served. Mrs. George Ford was hostess at a miscel- |laneous shower at her home on {Huron street. She was assisted Mrs. James Anderson was in- stalled as president of the West- mount Home and chool Associ- ation recently succeeding Mrs. Graydon Gutsole who served a three-year term. Mrs. Gutsole was pr with the past president's pin by Mrs. Anderson in appreciation for the time and effort she has given to the Association during her term of office. Mrs. Allen Cox, convener of the nominating committee, pre. cers and Mrs. Leonard Weeks, a past president, presided for the installation: President, Mrs. James Anderson; vice - presi- dents, Mrs. Ralph Boneham and Mrs. Harold Brownlee; re- cording secretary, Mrs. John Black; treasurer, Mrs. Ronald Thomas; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Stanley Gomme: ex- ecutive members, Mrs. Wilbert Blair, Mrs. H. J. Rahme, Mrs. Roy Spratt, Mrs. Victor Kur- aitis, Mrs. Gaston Plancke. Mrs. Weeks was presented with a small gift and expressed her pleasure at being invited to perform this duty. The annual reports were given by the recording secre- tary, Mrs. H. R. DeMille and {the treasurer, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Roy Spratt re- ported a membership of parents. Mrs. Peter Koene gave the card report and Mrs. Stan. ley Gomme read the corre- spondence. by Mrs. David Cowie and Mrs. laide avenue east, whose fa-\David Hoag. Mrs. William Hen:| ther, Mr. William Boyar, has derson, Simcoe street south, was| t0 hostess at a miscellaneous show-| ler. Guests were the future {bride's co-workers in the dietary {department of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Mrs. Victor Jor- (ing the afternoon Mayor Chris-| dan and Mrs. Doris Law assist-| ed in Sloan ei laneous shower at her home on| by Miss Jane Sloan and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sloan. Following the re- prs. Mr. Dean hearsal this evening the bridal whithy; Mr. and Mrs. William| |Campagna, Miss Jane Patton, |party will be entertained at the Rodman and son, Kenneth, Mr.| {Miss Dorothy Van der Bent, alllhome of the prospective bride-iand Mrs. Fred Mack and Mr.| of Toronto; Mr. George Neville,|groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs./and Mrs. W. E. Rodman, all of] Latter, Elmer Wilson, Elmgrove ave-|Oshawa, with several other old nue Mrs. Alfred Mack was the guest of honor at a surprise | {[Simpson, Stellarton, Nova party on Saturday night to cele-'n Hy Ev Mrs. Brian Percival, brate her 86th birthday. The gaiter an rs. party was held at the home of|gon a1 |Arthur Cholmondely and Miss her granddaughter, Mrs. Nor-|day gues nue, and a pleasant evening was! Mrs. Graydon Gutsole report spent playing games, watching ovies and taking snapshots. {The guest of honor received {many birthday gifts and a mes- {sage of congratulation from the {Honorable Michael Starr. Dur- i tine Thomas and Mr. T. D. serving. Miss: Gwenna Thomas MLA, visited her at her| ntertained at a miscel- home, Present for the party were Mr. and Mrs. William {French street. She was assisted Mack, Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Chandler, Toronto; Mr. and Edward Hutchison, family friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Ever- son, Montreal, Quebec, Mrs, erson, Mrs. Wesley J. of Oshawa, were Sun- ts at the home of Dr. {man Nichols, Somerville ave-land Mrs. George W. James, Bowmanville. Westmount H&S Association Names New President, Officers C.F sented the following slate of offi- Ronald d Mr. Stanley F. Ever-| May Hoskin Albert Eddy Married In Zion The marriage of May Hoskin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoskin, RR 2, Oshawa, and Al- bert Eddy, of RR 1 Hampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eddy of Truro, Cornwall, England, was solemnized on Saturday, May 6, at Zion United Church. The Reverend F. J. Reed of- ficiated. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Charles Naylor. Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride wore a ballerina gown of peau-de-sole trimmed with lace appliques and seed pearls. A jewelled tiara held her shoulder-length veil and she carried a white Bible on which rested a spray of red roses and white carnations. The bridal attendants were Miss Vera Hoskin, sister of bride, and Miss Joyce Hoskin, a cousin. Both wore princess gowns of powder blue crystal- ette with blue flowered ban- deaux and carried cascades of | MRS. JAMES ANDERSON Mr. Jack acted as best man. Ushering were Messrs. Lorne and Keith Tre- gunna. A reception was held Sunday School Hall. For casion the bride's mother in Zion the oc- similarly wore white accessories corsages of white chrysanthe- mums and red roses. Later the couple left for a wedding trip to points east. For going away the bride wore a blue pleated arnel and vis. cose dress with a white hat and blue topcoat. The newly wedded pair will live in Zion. Hampton, Oshawa, Brooklin, Whitby and Orono. HOUSEHOLD HINT Furniture made of real cane, bamboo, wicker or reed needs a good wetting occasionally to keep it from drying and split- BATH TRAY To save time and avold having to hunt for missing articles, ar- range all the items needed for baby's bath in order of use on chose|a tray. 'When you choose from our widey Wrange of first quality Harleigh Supplies (Oshawe Ltd.) led the activities she had carried pink carnations. {out during the year and thank-| ed the executive and genera]| |membership for their -help and {support during her term of | office. { Mr. Frank R. Ross, principal, | thanked last year's Home and | School executive for its help] {with school projects carried out {during the year. | | Mrs. Anderson presided for] | the business meeting and ask-| {ed members to keep the follow-| ing announcements in mind: | May 1-31 -- Check lane for cars being sponsored by the Oshawa {Police Dept., Oshawa Safety League, and Junior Chamber of Commerce; Henry Home Mu- |seum opens May 20; Tuesday, May 22, Home and School Coun- | cil pot luck supper, guest speak-| ler, Miss Phyllis Bainbridge, | psychologist, Toronto Teachers' | | College. Her subject, "Values in| Education." f Mrs. Margaret Chase's kinder- | garten class won the room prize. Mothers of the pupils in the kindergarten served re- freshments. f Personal Service . . . Whether you toke sizes 7-23 or the larger sizes (16%2-32V; | Nesbitt's can fit you with the || smortest clothes, chosen from a collection that is extra- ordinarily new and exciting. || Budget Terms -- No Down Payment NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR 33 KING EAST -- RA 5-0532 A citation was read on behalf (daughter, Donna Carol, to Mr.|the engagement of their daugh-| of Mrs. Lloyd Courtice who re-|Barry Sinclair Muir, son of Mr.|ter, Marlene Anne, to Mr. Har-| cently received a life member-'and Mrs. Herbert Muir of To-|old Richard Hance, son of Mrs. | ship with Ontario Federation of |ronto. The marriage will take Harold F. Hance of Oshawa and Home and School Associations. [place in Simcoe Street United! the late Mr. Hance. The wed- There was also a short dis-|Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, |ding will take place on Satur- cussion on the awarding of|June 3, at 4 p.m. day, June 17, 1961, at 11 a.m. in attendance bars when it was| MARRIAGE |St. Gregory's Roman Catholic unanimously voted that only six| are and Mrs, Robert G. Clark Church. in each class would re- Matewity Fashisis OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE to Toronto May 11. | Whealy, To- ance banner was won by Mrs. 4 Marlene Gutsole's cle os. {ronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her- {bert E. Whealy of Tixtla, Guer- In her retiring speech, Mrs. | rero, Mexico. The wedding is to Peters thanked Mr. G. A. Korry take place on Saturday, June 3, and the executive for their splen- |at 230 p.m. in the Salvation did co-operation and Mrs. Roy Army Citadel, Oshawa. The Story in CO-ORDINATES is gay colors . . . and new fabrics Our "playmates" are certain to be your best fashion- friends this summer . . . they'll go anywhere you want to go, pretty as you please. Pick yours now while the choice is wide. Crisp, cool Amel Sharkskin in sperkling white Sun and Fun Colors that are bold ond brilliant Enchanting Prints ond Stripes in Blouses to accent white and color sharkskin, : W, = \ Sunny Striped Dress \N Tunic Blouses to weer tucked in or out Slims es illustrated LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK plate -- cooled air is throughout refrigerator. stored in door. Recovers cold loss from ings up to 4 times faster. Continuous "moving col same even temperature HERE'S HOW THE COLD INJECTOR WORKS! Fen sends air across refrigerated Even most perishable foods can be Chills beverages up to 2 hours faster. tains every section of refrigerator at stay fresher, keep longer. WESTINGHOUSE COLD INJECTOR REFRIGERATOR MO d ® Zero circulated door open- id" main- -- foods ® 12 Cu. Ft. 77 lbs. SALE PRICE *299 ON SALE SPORTSWEAR LID. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE THE SALE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR FURTHER DRASTIC REDUCTIONS TOMORROW and SATURDAY ® 6 © SUITS 2 ond 3-pe. styles in imported end English wools. Cotton knits == linens -- wool knits. Reg. 19.95 to 59.50 15.97 " 39.97 | end 2 cotton DRESSES pc. styles -- silk, cottons, wool boucle, knits. Reg. 10.95 to 39.95 we 71:97 © 22.97 ON SALE ALL WEATHER COATS Including foreign intrigue and trench style. Reg. 19.95 to 39.95 15.97 © 29.97 ON SALE DEL RHB 12 CAR-COATS Suedelic and Corded Poplin = Rea! Suede -- Cordurdy w= Scottfoam ---- Curon. Reg. 16.95 to 29.95 13.97 © 19.97 Freezer Holds SWEATERS Puliovers--Cardigans Reg. 7.95 to 16.95 NOW 4.97 to 11.97 ain P NOW BLOUSES Cottons, Silk, Plain, Figured Reg. 5.95 to 10.95 NOW 3.97 to 6.97 SKIRTS Tartans, Checks, Wool Jerseys. Reg. 12.95 to 22.95 WAAAANS A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE AT REDUCED PRICES, ALL SALES FINAL PLEASE 7.97 to 14.97 NOW 92 SIMCOE ST. "We Service What We Sell" FRANK MEAGHER APPLIANCES NORTH SHIRTS "Suson Ven Heusen Reg. 4.95 to 6.95 2.97 to 3.97 MANY OTHER ITEMS REDUCED TO CLEAR! COME IN AND MAKE A PURCHASE YOU CAN WIN 25.00 -- 50.00 -- 75.00 CASH IN OUR LUCKY DRAW CONTEST RA 5-4711 SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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