The Oshawa Times, 8 May 1961, p. 22

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, May 8, 1961 21 New Book Warns =1h i Nk di. y f : N 2 ) § ; : : gy | | oF STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Of Fallout Danger jiRi8ai © La 0 1 epic sores imanaviBefunded" ame = wntil 9 OTTAWA (CP) -- Survival of| The booklet says that fallout people caught on the fringe of could be the greatest danger to a nuclear blast without proper the largest number of Cana- fallout shelters may depend on dians because it can travel so precautions outlined in a book- | far on the wind and cover such let published today by the a large area. Even if Canada Emergency Measures Office. |were not hit directly, bombs The booklet, entitled Self-Sur- exploding in the United States vival, is the second issued by could result in serious fallout the federal agency which co-|/in many parts of Canada. ordinates civil defence meas-| For those who lack a fallout ures to meet a national disas-|shelter but have a basement in ter. Its first told how to build their homes, it advises: a basement fallout shelter and| "Block your basement win- another is expected soon on dows with earth, bricks, con-| building a garden shelter. |crete blocks, books or even Prime Minister Diefenbaker bundles of newspapers. | says in an introduction that de-| "On the floor above the cor- | spite all the efforts of peace- ner of the basement you select minded nations to prevent war as your refuge area, pile any and maintain defences to deter heavy objects you may have aggression, "nuclear war is available--for example, bricks, | possible either by the intended trunks filled with clothes, books] actions of evil madmen, or by and, if at the right time of] miscalculation." "year, even earth from outside." While death and destruction, For those without a fallout] may , be heavy, "many hun- shelter or basement, it ad- dreds of thousands of Cana- vises: dians who would otherwise per- "Go to that part of the house ish could survive a nuclear war (centre hall or clothes closet) if preparations are made," he which will keep you the great-| adds. est distance from the fallout The booklet urges all Cana- dust accumulating on the roof dians to begin 11-step survival and ground. If there is time, plans now for themselves and you could increase your pro-| their families. tection by piling books, trunks | s deepl: igh| FALLOUT CHIEF DANGER Sesters 23 Je ply and as hig "Hope and pray that you will | never have fo put your family PROPER SHELTER BEST plan into actual operation, but| Persons caught in a likely if you do, remember that your target area without a blast shel-| chances of survival are much|ter could build a lean-to in their| greater than if you had done homes with such objects as bed nothing." springs, boards, work benches, ! The booklet, to be distributed heavy tables and mattresses. to the public through provincial; "Or you could, i you had sub | civil defence organizations, says ficient warning of attack, dig : the greatest danger is from fall- yourself a trench in He yard--| Memorie Cherie Perfume out, but protection can be im- not too close to any uildings|} > . ' ) : provised in a home basement. which could collapse into it." |} #== = ; 1. --. 7 ; Aig, pi ay to Ye Unierpen ble Eo yin He HY its BY} Thess i ' ig She| 1) : hi i, ' bottle of Memoire Cherie Perfume iat ( 00 value), everything exposed fo it. Its vived the blast and heat of the 4 ; ¥ a i. '8 ' radioactivity, which fades explosion, still. would have to i v / LY : plus a flocon of Memoire Cherie Perfume (4.00 value). away as time passes, can pene-|find other protection against the | A 4 $ A "¢ ' ! n i: 5 SPECIAL BOTH FOR... spobusnneces 5 50 trate most substances. A prop-|later fallout. Those five to 15 Sh TF NA Brose ' , ; erly built shelter is therefore miles from the centre of the ex-| the best protection. plosion would have about half ; : fui ! . The most likely target areas/an hour before fallout started ; ; J VE 4 | Other Arden Luxuries in Canada, the booklet says, coming down. f y ] TWh x ye 1d i might be St. John's, Nfld., Hali-| However, the booklet strongly ty 4 wi : e 4 A : " ake hae foul cierished IY fax, Saint John, N.B., Quebec advises building a proper shel- 2 ; other's ay bas et City, Montreal, Ottawa, Tor- ter. ° | [| & i 6 Petal Wafers, 1 hand soap, 1-ez. Flower Mist, 1 AAS : Na) Priv THE GIFT OF FRAGRANCE by Elizabeth Arden w A YY¥Y vv | R fl Memoire Cherie Perfume Mist with Purse Flacon of wai PAY onto, Hamilton, London, Niag-| "If you stay in a shelter dur-| * ' ' ara Falls, Windsor, Ont., Win-|ing the first days after an ex- onrue : heart soap; In 'Blue Gross' fragronce. 3 00 nipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, Van-|plosion, you escape the strong- . couver and Victoria. est radiation. You should stay as ar y It outlines the siren warnings in the shelter until you have 1 | Bl H H b be ysed in Jiany conn; been told over the radio that it er ene ouses A Summer Fashion Brilliant Sun Shift Crystal Aerosol Atomizer es--a long steady note for|is safe to come out." ' "alert," and a rising and fall- A five-megaton weapon, with Blouses styled and trimmed in a way girls love . . . with an abund- 1] "" L] In gay gift wrap, Choose from Blue Gress, My Love, ng wal or "ke Sven Tn ss SORE" Ones Seo | ance of loce and frills And here's the difference, they're in cat: In "Terylene Diagonally Striped ! tends Giuia, Ov Bi or Velen f (1) » P tons of TNT, is considered the care "Terylene", the fabric that washes easily, dries quickly, Pleated "terylene" Sheath For sun country . . . @ young spirit BACH ig bells may be used and the «most 1ikely" size nuclear + : Te 3 + warning signals explained 10-/homb that iA ve 3eopred on| requires little or no ironing. White only, sizes 8 to 14. in a cool checked design. ed look for Young Moderns! In cally. |Canada. It could destroy the Sleeve! d d at linen-like rayon, sleeve-free and Mother' w 4 1} y i | - veless and scooped a simple. Figure-flattering stripes on other's Da herever a person is, he will|jargest Canadian city. A. Four Rows of Self-Ruffles neckline. Colours of blue, rig el Rg By Corsage wy Pertumuir EACH ....... ssccnssssssem The "all clear" will be given|SOUld blind a person. The heat up cuff, ruffled edge. Pearly {flash could start serious fires 3 Val by radio. Faia batterie? nine miles away and smaller button closing. Each oni fires 20 miles from the point of . s tested for reception inside the fi i ested P detonation. B. Nylon Embroidered Edging : ; sia Fluffy Milk Bath The blast wave would blow in At pearly button closing. Peter 8-0z. size i ift Boch 4 50 -0z, size in goy gift wrap, Bach .ccsee STORE FOOD windows 25 miles away. Food and water supplies for, Radiation could seriously af- Pan collar and short. sleeves. 2 Q8 @ 14 days should be kept on hand. 'fect 7,000 square miles. Flack Joyen velvet bow at neck- ine. Eac Army Service Corps | EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 211 PHONE RA 57373 Had Shoddy Beginning OTTAWA (CP)--When the Ca-|alter course and was lost on the nadian Army was sent to quell Thrumcap shoals off Halifax. the North - West Rebellion of One of the new tasks for the 1885, the government had to|corps in the Second World War hire 1,800 civilian drivers and was getting gasoline forward| their wagons and sleighs to|/for the tanks. transport the troops to battle. Now the corps is determining To put it mildly, this system how to fit the helicopter into its was not altogether satisfactory. battlefield supply chain. In many cases, drivers were| The corps motto is Nil Sine much more interested in lining Labore which can be roughly their pockets than in helping to|translated as "You don't get subdue an uprising. _ |anywhere without work, son." "aaa yf 2 : Ss | During a critical stage of this i bo I Adificial English Bone China "Royal Crown "Cross and Olive" Jitter ek north of the Great ye " a akes the civilian drivers de-| A ] { / : Zari g J 0 9" cliedto sik fr higher wages EAUXLLIALY wm | ~ , | Carnation Corsage Cups and Saucers Derby" Cups and Cream and Suga e army applied enough per- b 0 I suasion to assure continuation| H 1d E h # J a ? 3 S J. f Mother's Day! " ; Saucers : of the march without a strike. | 0 S uc Ie ; AN ) 2 ; { ri io] ST on oy Beautifully shaded quality Eng- Set b Io 1501 dhe army Sul is om By GRACE MILLS i 3 Co ; . sage eon lish bone china cups and sauc- Reg, 3.50! Lovely floral-pat- Imported cut glass -- sparkling uilt-in transport system and Ayax"_ Six tables of euchre/| | g i kJ ers in five designs. Speciall i ; ; 3 JAX -- ef | gns. Specially terned cups ond saucers in clear and beautifully patterned! this month the Royal Canadian oo : C At No Extra Charge purchased. Complete with ar- many designs, Complete with ~~ Complete with artificial Cama- EACH ...ciiccetecccccscncccnsse need a battery - operated radio Th A : . e 15-second blaze of light At front, short sleeves with turn- ree tan. Multicolour stripes with orange, to receive broadcast signals. | 3 green or yellow or blue predominating, i Blue Grass, Memoire Cherie or My Love. 3 50 ® : Sizes 10 to 18 Sizes 7 to 15. EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 341 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 241 PHONE RA 5-7373 PHONE RA 5-7373 nu EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 PHONE RA 5.7373 : layed at the Ajax Fire Army Service Corps celebrates voic P Al et W pile : vie Rs eB hae Het ap Sionday, even, spon-| 3 > with the purchase of any Bone tificial Carnation corsage. artificial Carnation corsage. tion corsage. erving in West G , thee : | ? os ina cup and sa 2.00 ond aq: Middle East. The Congo and fighters * Auxiliary, to aid the ' ii. fo over Also with the three EATON Special 1 44 EATON Special 1 44 EATON Special Middle East, The Con monditund for the Resuscitator, which ' special items offered here. Price, each .... Us Price, each .... Bs Price, set . [ihe Auziliary ate purchasing, | Only at EA ! (0) N 5 ; Lh AIRBORNE NOW {and which will be presented to ¢ BORNE NOW co Condisntiins Tors moines of werd 10 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 252 PHONE RA 5.7373 have served in the corps in the liest possible moment. . last six decades. In that time,| This project is of inestimabl ab He corps Rory advanced fromivalue to the ty as . alr ' orses to helicopters. whole and the Auxiliary ex- Although the corps provides presses its appreciation to all a" I" . SEE THE INFORMAL SHOWINGS £ cooks and clerks for the army,|who have so faithfully attended Terylene Dia er Sets its main function is the provis-/the card parties and other fund P ion of transport to get food and raising activities this past sea- s OF NEW FASHIONS » ammunition to front-line troops. son. n ne- Piece Rom ers i AT oe Jest Totor Yehicles Were A S1sw was made for the P 1 y in 1910. two fringed broadloom mats, | s . : . . It was thought at She time donated by Mr. Stuart Copping,| Dry quickly, require little or no ironing EATON'S Dress D epartment, $34 never replace the horse. Tulloch drive, on which tickets Boe' . . MALE ] T, were sold and a total of $90.50 . Boys' set: Plastic-li i i however, vehicles were used in|added to the fund. The winner booh trim, Mr ieined BE Upper Level increasing numbers though the|was Mr. Stanley McCormick, 67 with bi y, : Te. are AND ONLY WHILE Borse § Joined the ain form| Emperor street, Ajax. ue rim, on blue With Yiute. Flin At 2:30 p-m UANTITIES LAST ; Another of their popular| ium, large, extra large. rice, . Im. Military convoys created a|nenny sales will be held o | 3 nl @® ? big stir In their early Jaye. i Monday, May 2, and two more, PI teleph I y elleyleuchre games will be held be. B. Girls' . H i i Rate, mu Seloplone or weil srien trucks set out from Ottawa inlfore closing for the holiday sea. | . Girls Style: Lace trim collar with short puffed sleeves. Plastic on TUESDAY M AY 4 . 1915 on 2 np to Foreuto. The|gon. lined pant with ruffles at back. Elasticized y [1] " HR H journey took five days. NOW The total objective is not yet back. In white with pink trim, or pink with . Reach Official Size Softball OR long In Feached, but = the sitly sald white. Sizes medium, large, extra large. 3 Wa | ening, "We' i . . \ I . Eg ai the yooien getting Taay yen 8 i ore EATON Price, set ® and WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 Specially designed for long wear . . . specially low priced ! this small but ambitious group. | ths ol I rs. ll anh 8! ow. Not Illustrated An excellent softball for children, strongly constructed for long hard wear, ONCE HAD SHIPS |saving of a life -- at any time. I invi : Run Vile sore Between the wars, the corps| Winners at Monday night's| Boys Rompers You are invited to come along and see Parmacerd" wound had a total strength of 26 offl-|Sichre pany were! Sadies high, | Dayti E : Sport dC I Seamless to resist breakage had 3 1013] strong Mrs. 0. Day: 2nd. Mrs. D. Fer.| : | ime, Evenin orts an asua resistant: si i i During this itme the marine|guson and low, Jean Foster. In solid shade trimmed with contrasting smock- rr ' S rau SIPly lun With my ord wt Ween vist transport section came into/Men high, R. Duernden, 2nd, J.| ing at yoke. Peter Ran collar, short puffed fashions, modelled by our own Sales Staff being. This small fleet supplied| Foster and low, B. Montgomery. | sleeves, all around belt. White or blue, in sizes 2 P85 ® offshore garrisons on Canada's|The door prize was won by east const. Tt grow 10 14 ships Barbara Nelson, who also took| 1 and 2 years. EATON Price, each ........ EATON Key Volue [ HY before being abandoned in 1948.|the baloney. | eaTon's upper LEVEL, DEPT. 210 PHONE RA 5.7373 Each............. HO The soldiers who manned] f these ships wore blue uniforms WOMEN'S HOCKEY EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 with regular army rank badges. The All England Women's po 1 i . i fo 103 Roya Navy wari Hockes Associaion, with wi Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 port section's $5 Alfreda to'was founded in 1895.

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