LONDON (CP) -- Two Cana- "|/dians are among the most {| closgly-watched businessmen in § British financial circles. Even the slightest rumar that E. P. Taylor is looking for an- other brewery or that Roy In a "memo to brewery share ans," city editor William Davis of The Evening Standard warned that Taylor--"the Cana- filsuch a stir in markets this year"--was returning to Britain i for a month - long stay. The item was headlined: "Back in action?" 1ling Jan. 25, just prior to an |announcement of a proposal to {merge millionaire Thomson's publishing em pire with the giant Odhams Press group. PRICE SOARED Odhams shares climbed seven 5, EX-BOXER COLLECTS GUNS (Charlie) Evans, operator of a Kingston milk transport business, holds a finely scroll- ed and engraved Hallet muz- zle-loading pistol, one of his shillings to 40 shillings on the exchange the day before the |announcement was made and Second World War, was North- [this subsequently touched ofi ern Ontario welterweight box. [ail investigation by the stock i Nol lexchange council into alleged ing champion in the 1930s. |leakage of information. --(CP Photo) | Though Thomson lost his bid collection of more than 250 weapons dating back to the early 1600s. Mr. Evans, a gun collector since the end of the | Saturday House Meet Lauds Farm Plan By ARCH MacKENZIE Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com-| {to link up with Odhams to the rich Daily Mirror group, specu- |lators made healthy profits dur- ing the five-week battle, the biggest in the history of Fleet Street. Brewery tycoon Taylor got a toehold in the beer industry in Britain a year ago with a dian brewer who has caused The prices on the London Stock Exchange started jump- Britain Keeps Watch On Canadian Giants | merger of three northern brew-| eries. But it was Taylor's bid at the end of January for Bristol Brewery Georges and a subge- quent bid March 9 that jolted the siock market and sent the speculators hustling. The value of Bristol shares shot up by £1,000,000 in one| minute as a result of Taylor's| second bid and increased an-| other £500,000 in later dealings that day. MOVE BLOCKED The move by Taylor was| blocked by the huge Courage| Barclay and Simonds group| which topped his United Brew-| eries' bid of £19,600,000 for Bristols. Despite affection for Canada, many British financiers re- joiced when Thomson and Tay- lor were thwarted in their ef- forts to gain further economic power in this country. But the fact remains that Thomson's move forced the Mirror group to fork out an additional £5,000,000 in its Od- hams-Mirror deal and that Cou- rage Barclay and Simonds had to increase their bid by a few million pounds sterling before {they got Bristol Georges. | The proposed business trans- lactions by Taylor and Thomson have left their impressions on (the sensitive stock market and joy, a mere whisper that one v | 1 of tho financiers is after some- thing is sufficient to set the shares rocketing. A £21,000,000 mystery bid for Bents Brewery of Liverpool, The procedural battle, occupy-|farmers made a living only by ing 1% hours, sprang from an/depleting their soil resources | oversight by the government's|and other -assets. | Arson Charges ; OTTAWA (CP) -- A 26-year. Leaving old jobless father of three ~h dren was charged Sunday with four separate counts of arso John Linington was arrested Saturday night after a small fire was extinguished in his apartment. Police said Linington - charged made by the almost unknown Anglasi Nominees Limited, re- sulted in a brief suspension by the stock exchange of dealings in Bents shares--and a police investigation. By JACK BEST Canadian Press Staff Writer isto Spain. a jump in shares, was madeleral midtown area Sent 15, on behalf of undisclosed clients. Feb. 2 and two on March 5.! Rumors, alleged counter was back in action. ithe houses were almost com-hound for Mexico and Spain. And since the Thomson-Mir- Pletely burned out. No one was ror fight for Odhams several injured. rumors had floated through pr, London's financial world that Thomson's eye was on the tab- yor do not pass the stock e loid Daily Sketch and even on change unnoticed -- but rathe The Daily Mail, both published ake their impression by in-| by Associated Newspapers. creasing the company's share Even when denied, these ru-'values. L] | milton about three years ago. work. HAVANA (AP) -- About 300 {Roman Catholic priests, broth- lers and nuns are scheduled to; leave Cuba this week to return i ; " in connection with! The Catholics, being expelled The Anglasi bid, which caused pouse fires in the same gen- |p, ee Saban Zoverament for -revolutionary |activity, are expected to depart later proved un Damage in the fires totalled ion oh diy ng founded, suggested that Taylor more than $15,000 and two of spanish steamship Covadonga As far as can be learned no final plans have been made for Linington came here from the departure of Canadian mis- |sionaries, although with paroch- lial schools being nationalized by x. the government many no longer r will be able to carry on their Premier Fidel Castro de-| |clared in his May Day speech that only those with special per- mission and who are not consid- Father Faces |Priests, Nuns Cuba ered to be against his revolu- tion will be allowed to remain in Cuba. Castro's primary attack has been aimed at what he terms "falangist" priests from Spain. PRIESTS AND SISTERS There are believed to be about 40 Canadian priests and 40 sisters serving in Cuba as representatives of the Foreign Missionary Society of Montreal, besides a handful of brothers. One of the priests, Rev. Paul. Emile Chenard, at last report was still being held in a Cuban jail after having been arrested along with one or two other Ca- nadian priests at the time of last month's abortive invasion at. tempt. The others have been released and the Canadian embassy here is continuing its efforts to gain freedom for Father Chenard. | Sheaffer's new "Reminder Clip" Ballpoint JUST TO Do the best for your furs, They enhance your beauty throughout the winter months, Colonialism Worries NATO Member Nations By DAVE MCcINTOSH Canadian Press Staff Writer And will emerge from our storage vaults elegant and gleaming, ready fo set off Arnold Peters (CCF -- Timis- mons wrangled for nearly two|House Leader, Veterans Minis- { kaming) said that even rela- hours at its first Saturday sit-{ter Churchill. {ki tively new farming areas in ting of the session about what . it should discuss and then Pro-| GAVE RULING Northern Ontario show 'signs of gressive Conservative speakers The upshot was that Speaker had management, with terrific Roland Michener finally ruled, spring runoffs of water carry- jed vitrually all the re-| ) : y Yecupled TE on the basis of United Kingdom |ing away topsoil. cans, such as in Portuguese An- i ing praise on| maining time heaping p precedents, that government gola. government farm legislation supported by all three parties. The measure is the rural re- habilitation and development bill which provides for a re- channelling of the use of mar- ginal farm lands through re- creation, tourism or other sec- ondary industries. Research, conservation and local projects using self-help programs would be established. Nobody -- the 14 Conserva- tive speakers, two CCF MPs and one Liberal member--criti- cized the bill itself. | One of the few notes of con-| troversy was CCF Leader Ar-| gue's description of the debate as "this miniature Conservative filibuster." He said he reserved judg- ment on just what use the gov-| ernment would make of the legislation. Claims Green Should Resign OTTAWA (CP) -- Mam- Gen. + @G, S. Macklin said Saturday Ex- 'ternal Affairs Minister Green |business should be discussed. | y = he emernment cael oe o' Parliament OSLO (CP) -- An abrasive is- sue among the fifteen NATO nations is colonialism. The issue is expected to be rubbed more raw at the alli- CANADA NOT QUIET | And Canada hasn't remained |silent. It had a good deal to say jat the December NATO meet- ing on this issue and probably A DIFFERENGC Minister Alvin Hamilton, after| At-A-Glance | passing over two other items. | By THE CANADIAN PRESS ance's foreign ministers' meet- ing starting here. Five NATO-nations -- statement, even a vague one, France, Belgium, The Nether-that NATO colonial nowers in- lands and Portugal--are colonial tend to do something about powers and on this issue can be|eventual expected to receive the .support|colonies. of Italy, Greece and Turkey. {will have more to say here. | | E IN THE CLIP The amazing new "Reminder Clip" extends and retracts pen can't be clipped in extended! independence for their| A DIFFERENCE IN THE CARTRIDGE Otherwise, it is felt, it will bel Writes 10 smooth miles with new '"Dokumental 303 Britain, Canada would favor a NATO! the point--and says "No" to pocket stains because the | the pocket with the point | At day's end, it appeared that second reading -- approval in |principle -- was near. | Today, the fifth of six sup- : ply debates allotted each ses- Saturday, May 6, Be { |sion was scheduled to start at About 100 of the 261 MPs {2:30 p.m. Opposition grievances|Were present for the Commons' --on unemployment, trade, de- first Saturday sitting of the cur-| [fence or any other subject-- Tent parliamentary session. | may be raised. The sitting opened with the/Thus the alliance is almost Government supporter from longest procedural wrangle of evenly split on the matter. Nova Scotia to British Colum- the SesSion~a 124 - hour argu-| The issue boils down to this: bia followed a pattern Saturday ment over what business would How can an alliance purporting on the farm bill of praising Mr.|Pe discussed. _|to be the bulwark of the free Hamilton and the legislation and| A succession of Conservative world permit colonialism within then adding remarks about the Speakers o praised the (Fern its ranks? particular problems of their|TeN% ng-range rural rehab-| mw. jccue in Canadian terms constituencies. ation leglslation, two CCF ,; "pe put this way: Is there "This has been a Conserva-| coo or 18 e only oppositions, sq one standard for South Af- tive field day," said Mr. Argue.|" ~~ 1. [rica and another, say, for Por- He said the government ofl, CCF Leader Algne Sought a5 |, ga17 B B Beier yp wajted Sil will use its rural renabilitation| South Africa withdrew from he last days of ils, adminisira-\\oqiciation two CCF MPs being|the Commonwealth because the tion to bring in the Prairie the only opposition speakers | 1dn't tolerat ili ) s speakers. |group wouldn't tolerate one Ferm Rehhilitarson Act. .|_ CCF Leader Argue sought aso p erhaps there was an anal- surance that the government| ogy there between that Conser-|ywil] use its rural rehabilitation|ada therefore can hardly be ex- yailve government and the pres jegisiation when it does become pected to remain silent on de- ent one. law. {nial of freedom to other Afri- mber's racial policies. Can-| should resign rather than go|FAVORS FAMILY FARM | Veterans Minister Churchill] along with any cabinet decision Richard A. Bell (PC -- Car-| presented a resolution calling] to arm Canadian forces with nu-|jeton) said the bill would put for increases in war veterans'| clear arms. {conservation on a truly national allowances and permissible in- The retired adjutant - general basis. The object should be to|come ceilings. non - confidence motions. The of the army spoke during a|retain the family farm, withipmonday, May 8 |Senate is adjourned to 8 p.m. panel discussion on disarma-|farm units large enough to| The Commons meets at 2:30/Tuesday ment at Carleton University's maintain a family at a living] - . : . reunion weekend. standard comparable to other "I support Mr. Green in his|Canadians. efforts to dissuade his cabinet) Twenty - one per cent of Can- colleagues from procuring nu-|ada's farms produced less than] clear weapons," Gen. Macklin|$1,200 a year -- "subsistence | said. 'farming at its worst." Many| V4 p.m. to start a two-day supply debate -- vehicle for opposition If you prefer to roll-your-own... ROLLWITH THE BEST! With some smokers, only a cigarette they have rolled themselves gives them the satisfaction they want. And you'll usually find that most of these smokers favour one tobacco above all others. That's Player's Cigarette Tobacco. ..famous for quality, mild- ness and flavour...and the freshness needed for perfect rolling. 'MOVING TO YOUR NEW HOME SOON? Your Oshawa Times Will Be There When You Arrive ! Whether you are moving into a fine new home --or into a different house or apartment, there is no need to miss a single issue of the In pocket pack OSHAWA TIMES. or half-pound tin. If you notify us, or your carrier few days before you move you will hove the continuing benefits of the "TIMES" News, pi fi end aod services at a time when you need them most. et Just call the Circulation Dept. and give 'the dates and oddresses and we will make sure thet your Oshawe Times is ot your new Home. Please make sure that your carrier boy is paid in full before you move off his route, He is in business for himself ond the cost of your papers comes out of his own pocket if he cannot collect from you, LJ AFTER CALLING THE MOVER -- CALL THE OSHAWA TIMES CIRCULATION DEPT. RA 3-3474 {difficult for NATO to continue| preaching unity and interde-! pendence and hold itself up to| the Africans and Asians as an| example of the free world. | The anti-colonialists in NATO, however, cannot afford to be| overly tart in their comments on this issue even within the pri- vacy of the meeting here. As an example, they don't want to make France feel it is Skrip" Ballpoint Fluid. [ The model illustrated (with gold-filled clip and band) is | $3.95. With stainless steel cap--$2.95. | When it comes to writing come to SHEAFFERS' W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co. of Canada Ltd., Goderich, Ont. your natural charm and style. CTAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR "ARCTIC-COLD", THEFT, FIRE AND MOTH-PROOF VAULTS FOR FREE PICK-UP -- RA 8.5133 {without support in its efforts to {open negotiations with the Al-| |gerian rebels. | Canada in some ways is caught between its desire to [speak out strongly on the colo-| [nialism issue and its desire to JURY & LOVELL LTD. REXALL DRUGS Pickwick Cleaners OSHAWA -- BOWMANVILLE WHITBY Prices shown suggested refall 4 : DRUG [bring NATO nations more, 28 KING ST. E. AL © |Slosely together. If you've { tastes like, orgotten try a few Coie what a real cigarette packs of Buckinghams CERI CRY EIR ERE of a real cigarette