THOUGHT FOR TODAY Pheasant under glass can be de- scribed as a small bird with a big bill. fie @shavon Snes WEATHER REPORT More rain is expected with the thance of thunder later today. Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO. MONDAY, MAY 8, 1961 Post Office Authorized os Second Class Mail i Department, Ottawa TWENTY-TWO PAGES VOL. 90--NO. 107 MORE TROUBLE AHEAD IN BERLIN NATO WARNS 1 | % A Tornadoes And Storms Take Heavy TollIn U.S. St. Louis said arrangements killing four persons. Three oth- were made to provide food,ers were drowned in swollen clothing, medical care and streams in the state. Included CHICAGO (AP) -- Violent storms and floods took a heavy toll in deaths and injuries dur- ing the weekend across broad sections of the central United States. : Property damage in the AL storm-battered sections of eight --|states was in the millions of dollars. Hundreds of persons were made temporarily home- SS. The flash floods and severe weather, including tornadoes, | gusty winds, heavy rain and hail, were blamed for at least 29 deaths. Nearly 100 persons were injured. : The American Red Cross i Tshombe Faces Treason Trial mated 1,000 families in central Arkansas, southeast Mis- son souri, northeast Oklahoma, Kan- sas and southern Illinois. : Severe thunderstorms contin-|Pindall, MRS. ALAN SHEPARD WATCHES PRESIDENT GIVE HUSBAND MED Whiteville, ¢ Muted Welcome |More Whites For Spaceman Murdered WASHINGTON (AP) -- Cradnysinice his historic flight 115 miles Bv Angolians Alan B. Shepard Jr., first U.S.[into space last Friday. hia i J «| A crowd of about 1,000 was on' LUANDA, Angola (Reuters)-- Sac ian, OW i re Insurgents swooped on a farm] middle and upper Mississippi were destroyed in one area be: valley into the Great Lakes re-|tween Pindall and Yellville. gion. FLOOD BATTERS TOWN : 6.500, after Governor Orval E. Tornadoes struck six com- : 3 'aubus "lar iz munities in Arkansas Sunda [Crooked declared marual Bw iE {sent a wall of water 14 feet {high through the streets of the {northwest Arkansas town. Two {men were drowned and an eld- {erly couple was missing in Har- |rison. Damage was estimated {by Mayor Dene Hester at $5,- { 000,000 to $10,000,000. DAMAGE WIDESPREAD n PS |strife-torn nation. The Katanga|in Madisonville, Ky. |president accused Kasavubu of! tions. nois, Indiana, Oklahoma Ohio, and Missouri. |stage at se veral points .in Mis- |souri. . emergency shelter for an esti-\were two persons who lost their north lives in a flash flood in Harri- National guardsmen were sent, into Harrison, a community of| Seeking Strength For NATO Group OSLO, Norway--Dirk U. Stik- ker, new secretary-general of NATO, warned the 15-country Western alliance today that the Communist threat to Berlin may assume "new proportions and a | ~ new immediacy" this year, The twisters in Arkansas hit Midway, Whiteville, Clarkridge, and Oil| ued during the morning in many|Trough. Three persons were areas from Oklahoma and Kan- killed at Summitt, and one per- sas northeastward through the|son in Midway. About 40 homes Addressing the opening ses-| sion of a three-day meeting of | NATO foreign ministers, Stikker declared the Soviet threat "'even reaches into outer space." "What it may at times have 4 Jost in brutality, it has gained DEAN RUSK UN Men Arrest 'S. Africans 'In Congo Army ELISABETHVILLE (Reuters) Seven white South Africans serving with the Katangan forces in The Congo have been taken into custody by United ay. He said they probably twould There was no news of the and Ethiopian UN troops in Nyunzu. It was reported Sunday that the UN had been ordered to de- come of talks between the Ka- and the | Katangan officials described the seven men as "deserters." It was believed that UN rep- The death toll in the Tornado which swept Howe and Reich- art, Okla., Friday, mounted to 15 Sunday with two persons dying of injuries suffered in the storm. - About 60 persons were injured. iresentative Georges Dumontet was (rying to negotiate the sur- [render of the white soldiers at Nyunzu as a first step toward getting all "mercenaries" out of the country. seceded from the republic soon after independence last sum- mer, Bomboko declined to specify just how President Joseph Ka- savubu's government would go |about taking over Katanga. But he announced that all Belgian advisers would be expelled from the province. Kenya Whites Blast London NAIROBI (Reuters) -- Two|David Osborne--has claimed the| Katanga has the best disci hundred angry white Kenya raid on their "White Highlands" |plined and most effective army settlers -- some with pistols in{home was a vengeance attack|in The Congo. It is believed Laos Commissi on {loval to Tshombe and is com-) Waiting at the military air| Associates at Grand Bahama ing cattle, it was reported to-| - . public acclaim and ceremony During the night an attack on COQUILHATV I LLE Threw Kiddies | call and passed it on to military dent Moise Tshombe for trea- t was, was just a first step The attackers dispersed after| Foreign Minister Justin Bom- old spinster who hurled five chil | 00 public appearances and day. ies also had been clamoring to pulsed the insurgents, ,the re- mer premier Patrice Lu- WILL USE FORCE b h ld rather be| go's rich mining province which| a BY toy | self will hurry back to his space others were injured, but sur-| aim eo to Langley Air Force Gillies, said she was released was reporting that Shepard checkup. tives go to the White House [to protest inadequate police pro-|manded government compensa- Many of them Belgian. VIENTIANE -- Two govern. day she saw a little boy and Shepard is to receive the borne -- was bludgeoned and oghorme said Sunday from rid of all foreign military and|Southeast Asian kingdom's civil children but two fled. ficials. The husband -- Scottish-born| jc Leopoldville government an d/ grenades and small arms. Air Force Base here today to/hand near the landing ramp. President Kennedy. |no formal parade. Portuguese workers and steal-| base was Shepard's wife, who|Island, where Shepard relaxed day. | - apprehensive about facing the gajyador, Northern Angola. than his space flight. the village of Cangola was re-|President Joseph Kasavubu's natives following his From 4th Floor celebration, the National Aero-| oo. nicked up a distress|it will prosecute Katanga Presi-|savubu blamed it on Tshombe. [Shepard's feat, thrilling though Ca tice in a nearby village json' and will try to bring his i , rer sontrol. and that there was no time for silania. Fepuricd. der central government ¢ GLASGOW (CP)--A 37-year- ' y : The agency. ruled out any air force planes flew over the boko told a press conference the dren out of a fourth-floor win- New York City's hopes for a vi to plead to a murder charge 10- went down the drain. Other cit- village of Negage finally re- cluding the assassination of for- A psychiatrist told the court honor him. port said. _/mumba. Katanga authorities re- Bomboko said the Leopold rontrol over Katanga, the Con- flung them down to the street IT t : € 8 | work" emphasis, Shepard him- hanged than go back to a MEN" raining after five to six hours year-old girl, was killed. The wachington to share the ac- vived. base in southwestern Virginia The psychiatrist, Dr. Hunter Mercury information officer. from a Scottish mental home "acts and talks as if he'd like tors asked her to go back for a/family, Shepard and his rela-\to send a delegation to London, Sunday's settler meeting de- manded by hired white officers, "She formed a plan to get out President and Mrs. Kennedy tection following the murder of tion for the Osborne family and| The Katanga cabinet ap- ment soldiers were killed and said. "On the way home one presentation. The housewife -- Norah Os-|serious situation." peated UN demands that he get|spite the cease - fire in this girl and invited them to her NASA's Distinguished Service stabbed to death early Saturday yc hospital bed that he feigned political personnel. But follow- war, meant to throw out all seven Crowley, one of NASA's first of-|was beaten unconscious. oned him and his wife with| conciliatory tone tow ard the|yientiane, with both sides using promised to discuss the UN de-| Fighting was reported continu- REPORTS CONFLICTED cident conflicted on whether Os- ---- ~|right - wing government had . : Three Accidents operating a radio at a pol general cease - fire with the Osborne is reported to have Shot By Nazi SS Men, Crawled From Grave forces. A delegation went to Hin Heup village, about 50 miles receive a hero's welcome from| The public tribute will be near Carmona in Northern An-| the capital and a medal from|warm but muted. Thefe will be gola Sunday, killing several pro- flew in just ahead of him for her|during the weekend, said they) Another band set fire to a first meeting with her husband|thought the test pilot was moreiyanoar at the airport of San| Trying to keep a lid on the pulsed after an amateur radio|Leopoldville government says from their custody but Ka- |nautics and Space Agency said Woman Insane the Portuguese news agency Lu. breakaway province back u - [self - congratulation. r llage but later renewed thie as- jm isoned Tshombe would be dow was ruled insane and unfit shepard ticker tape parade|sault. Military patrols from the {ried for a series of crimes, in- that J, Waddell lured the ai rn STD) eects r------ ville government would use al sean Vadcel lure ' force if necessary to restore ils children into her apartment and WILL HURRY BACK 5 ' carrying out the "back to AU -MAU STRIKES AGAIN tal. hospital. lin the capital. He and his six One of the children. a four-iro;j5y astronauts, with him in The court sentenced Miss/later today. } Waddell to indefinite detention.) Sunday, John Powers, Project last January. She began con-|to get back to work." templating suicide when doc-| After the reunion with his their belts--voted Sunday night/by Mau Mau terrorists. of this world by doing some- will accompany the Shepards to|3 white housewife by a Negro "immediate practical security peared solidly behind Tshom-|at least three wounded Sunday thing terrible," the psychiatrist the rose garden for the medal gang. measures to deal with a very|be's earlier defiance of re-|in a new flare-up of fighting de: house." Medal, the second man so hon- morning by six Negroes in ani geaih when the Negro band|in8 his arrest, the provincial] The clash occurred near Ban Dr. Gillies said Miss Waddell ored. The first was John W.|attack in which her husband , tered his heuse and bludge-|cabinet last week took a more Napheng, 26 miles north of mands for expulsion of for-ing late Sunday night. First police reports on the in- eigners. The fighting came after the {borne was at home during the {made another unsuccessful ef- |attack. One account said he was) {fort Sunday to arrange a formal olice | post at the time, bu! this later! YRF=g Communist - backed leftist proved erroneous. With One Car TORONTO (CP)--Police said] helped police recently in inves- the same car was involved in Arrives Today arrive in Vientiane today and] {it was hoped the commission] |could spur the lagging negoti- ations between the Western- backed government and the pro-Communist rebels, A total of about 200 Indian, Canadian and Polish diplomats and soldiers were headed for Laos to supervise and verify the cease-fire. : They will separate into two groups after arrival, one based {at Vientiane and the other at |Kieng Khouang, the rebel cap- ital in northeastern Laos. The royal government has been trying to divorce military details of the cease - fire from the bigger political issues--for- mation of a coalition govern- {ment and selection of a unified in subtlety and resourceful- Iness," he said. The threat was not solely mil- itary. It was just as much po- litical, economic, scientific, psy- chological and propagandist. Stikker warned of a possible new threat to Berlin this year said NATO also was | 'deeply concerned at the situa- tion Cub: {CALLS FOR SACRIFICES He said NATO could meet the {Communist challenge if its {members made "those sacri | | { Tornadoes also pounded South Nations 4 fices, individual and collective i ° x ations troops at Nyunzu, north- tS, 1 y (AP)-- ported Lumumba was killed by Fork, Mo., about 60 miles north-|o:., ST a UN spokesman| Which in the past have been the escape east of the severe storm area said tod in Arkansas, injuring eight per- sons. Eighteen were hurt in a b '5 i i 3 : e evacuated to Leopoldville. Tshombe was arrestéd April|tornado which hit Wyandotte I 26 after he walked out of a County, adjoining Kansas City. other white soldiers encircled by States, under the vigorous lead- meeting of Congolese leaders|Tornado winds lashed areas najavan called to try to work out ajnear Stamford, in 'west central {new form of government for the| Texas, northern Okhlahoma and price of greatness and which to- day are the price of peace." "I am happy to say that our {most powerful ally, the United {ership of President Kennedy, {has again and again affirmed lity determination to give rein- |vigorated leadership to our al- | Cl : Many rivers and streams, fed tain them but that no action was|liance," he said. "selling out" fo the United Na-\by heavy rains, overflowed being taken pending the out-| |across sections of Kansas, Illi- The chairman of the opening session, Portuguese Foreign Kentucky, |tangan interior minister, Gode: Minister Dr, Albert Franco No- .|Ok na The|froid Munongo, {Missouri River was near flood representative here. gueira, also stressed the need {for Western vigilance against | Russia. | State Secretary Dean Rusk of {the United States promised his |country would insist on main- {taining the present legal status {of Berlin and would guarantee the West's access and position there. VIOLATION SEEN He declared that if Russia signed a separate peace treaty with East Germany, as it has threatened several times, it would constitute a violation of existing agreeements. The secretary of stafe said he had little hope of any agree- ment being reached at the three- power conference in Geneva on banning nuclear tests because of Soviet obstruction and new de- mands. However, the United in The Congo, Laos and Bi b States would continue its efforts to reach agreement. Rusk also asked the NATO members to bolster the alliance through increased co-operation and beefedup non-nuclear forces. NATO allies have talked for 10 years of more co-operation and has done little. The foreign ministry of any country finds it difficult to share its worries and doubts even with its closest as- sociates. ASK FRANKNESS But President Kennedy's ad- ministration is proposing to talk over all U.S. problems in South- east Asia, Europe and even Latin America on condition the other members agree tp be equally frank. : The conventional strength uild-up has logic all NATO {members accept. As the delegates to the con- ference assembled, Rusk and French Foreign Minister Mau- rice Couve de Murville met at dinner with British Foreign Sec- retary Lord Home to co-ordin- ate policies they will pursue at the 14 - nation conference on Laos scheduled to open in Ge- |neva Friday. Involved In Accident HAMILTON -- Raymond Rose, |, 18, of St. Catharines, was in- stantly killed Sunday when he. was hit by a car driven by Charles Watson, 20, of Whitby. Provincial police said the youth failed to make a turn and hit a hydro post at the Stoney Creek traffic circle on the Queen Elizabeth Way. When he stepped from his car to light a flare the Watson car struck the youth, then his car and glanced off into another post. The youth's mother, Mrs. Marguerite Rose, 54, and four passengers in the Watson car were taken to Hamilton General Hospital and treated for cuts and bruises. Whitby Man J JERUSALEM -- A matronly Jewish woman told the Eich- mann trial court today of being shot by men of the Nazi SS elite guard, falling into a mass grave, fighting her way up through bodies for air and sur- viving. Mrs. Rifka Yosilevska, a na- tive of Russia unable to testify last week hecause of a mild heart attack, was restrained on the witness stand. But her voice broke when she told of seeing , her little daughter shot. In the Pinsk area in 1942, she said, Jews were rounded up by the hundreds and taken to a burial pit. Her account of what happened then held the 700 spectators undress, she said, and his cloth ing was torn from him. "There were four devils, SS men, they shot us. "The children wanted to run, It was hard to hold on to them. We hurried, we were sort of anxious to get it all over. My mother . . . my grandmother, she was 80 years old and had a baby in her arms father . . . my sister. "Then it came my turn. The German asked me 'Who shall I shoot first?' I did not answer. My child cried out and was shot He aimed at me, holding onto my hair. I heard a shot. Then he ordered me to watch and there was another shot. Then I {fell into the pit but I felt noth-! Finally a farmer found her, tigations into a suspected resur-|three separate accidents early revived her and helped her hide gence of Mau Mau oath-laking today and the driver left the until the area was captured by in his home area. scene of each. They said the the Soviet Ammy Since the Mau Mau terrorism driver was arrested when he GRANT IMMUNITY in Kenya, Britain has granted drove around the block but] Israeli Attorney General Gid- @ new constitution to his East|found his way blocked by the con Hausner announced at the giticay colony and Yorent Slee wreckage of the third crash. jons gave Negroes a {munity from arrest would bein parliament for the first time: | Paul Kirally, 90. of Bradiond extended to two former Nazi] But many leading Negro polspagiigence, impaired driving ISS officers--Col. Walter Hup-|iticians have refused to partic-|, 4 fp oe' counts of failing to penkothen and Maj. Wilhelm ipate in a government of lim" on 00 (he scene of an ac. |Hoettl--so they could come to|ited home - rule until the gov- Cident 4 : [testify on behalf of Eichmann. ernor releases Jomo Kenyatta, |" Technically, they could be ar- Kikuyu leader convicted of man rested for belonging to organ. 3ging the Mau Mau emergency izations defined as "criminal" | Which began in 1952 and ended under Israeli law but this law|last year. would not be enforced, Hausner| said. north of Vientiane, but failed to make contact with any respon- sible leaders from the leftist camp. Both sides have ordered their troops to stop fighting but the American - backed government so far has been unable to work out any formal details of a cease-fire with the leftists. TRUCE BODY DUE A three-power Laotian truce commission was scheduled to Talks Begin | Laotian delegation to attend the |international conference on Laos opening in Geneva Friday. UK. Asks . Statement On Spy Case LONDON (Reuters) -- Prime | Minister Harold Macmillan re- {turned today from a country {weekend to face a strong de- {mand for a frank governmeht {beginning of the trial that im- spellbound at the 30th session of ing." the trial of Adolf Eichmann, PEE as charged with being a chief ac- BODIES FELL ON HER tention of going to Israel to give complice in the Nazi extermina- Mrs. Hosilevska halted, a mo- , iia 0a He said he did not tion of 6,000,000 Jews Tent, as. though bo get her pojieve his testimony would be "We were taken, some in a "rGall. ther aga oR of any use to either the prose- truck and others forced to run I felt a sort of heaviness and |, iion or the defence. behind it." Mrs. Yosilevska Hbght | was dead. Thin 1 Has Hausner earlier had refused ing on me. I must be Mive, I to grant immunity to eight other CLOTHES TORN OFF At his home in Austria, how- ever, Hoettl said he had no in- thought. I prayed for anwther ex-Nazi witnesses and warned Those in the truck, arriving bullet Hom I Mignaged So Cif wb that if they showed up in Israel first, were stripped and shot by toward the top ut I fe odie: oe i the time they got to the freshly- pulling at me, pulling me down they would be arrested. Any evi dug pit. Her father refused to/down dence they give would have lo "I crawled out of the pitibe through affidavits given to CITY EMERGENCY There were bodies everywhere. \judges in the countries where PHONE NUMBERS Some were not dead. 1 called forlthey live my little girl. 1 could not find pr. Robert Servatius, Bich her." mann's West German defence POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSBITAL RA 3-2211 | Mrs. Yosilevska said she wan- | lawyer, asked that Hoett! and dered, naked, dazed, wounded in/Happenkothen be allowed the head' and wondering if she come to Israel to be crossex: |was half mad, into nearby fieldyjanined oOn statements intro-| where she lay for three days. |duckd by the prosecution. ! Three Killed Near Quebec LA DURANTAYE, Que. (CP) Three persons were killed and four injured early today in a two - car collision near thi village 20 miles east of Quebec City. Dead are Laurcat Blais, 47, his wife Anesie, 45, and Patrick Nadeau, 44, all of Ste. Euphemie Injured were Louise and Louissette Blais, 15 - vear - old twin daughters of the Ste. Euphemie and Gerald Pare, 55, of JlLevis who was driving the other car. [statement on the George Blake On Algeria PARIS (Reuters) -- Jean Morin, the French government's {delegate - general in Algeria, {flew to Paris today for consul tations after twice postponing Slhis visit last week because of tension in Algiers. He flew back to take part today in a meeting of the gov- ernment's Algerian affairs com- mittee, expected to discuss a new date for the postponed negotiations between France| and icaders of the Moslem re- to/couple, Claudette Audet, 14, of|tory {th In Algeria, meanwhile, troops time beating pots and pans and|shado and police extended their |searches of farms and home- { steads in the Mitidja Plain around Algiers in a hunt for| firearms and wanted men after the collapse of last month's military uprising. So far 14 farmers have been arrested. Twenty - seven others have been assigned forced resi-| dence and eight Foreign Legion, deserters have been taken into custody. In Algiers, appeals for official Europeans despite calm, dead |volt in the North African terri-jwere out again Sunday night on {their balconies after curfew | chanting their Algeria is French| slogans. |spfS plane." spy case. Macmillan planned early pri- vate talks with the Labor party | leader, Hugh Gaitskell, on the extent of the security setback caused by thé former foreign of- fice employee, sentenced to 42 years in prisen last Wednesday. The 38-year-old Blake today lodged an appeal against sentence, the stiffest passed in Britain in modern times. The severity of the sentence has touched off gloomy specu-| lation in Britain. { The Daily Telegraph warned that Russia may be planning a mass roundup of British intelli- gence officers betrayed by Blake "for a show trial to over- w that of Capt. Powers, the: American pilot of the U-2| | | his| | SHIP NAMED Mrs. R. C. Brown, wife of the general superintendent of the Kingston Shipyards, chris- tens the new "Canada Pilot Nine" at Kingston Saturday. The new type pilot vessel was designed for serwyice in the lower St. Lawrence River. The 67-foot vessel is specially strengthened to cope with ice conditions in the river Other vessels in this series will be built for other pilotage areas in Canada, --(CP Wirefbto)