16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Mey 8, 196) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 16--Female Help Wanted |22--Store Space & Garages Loe part-ti oy needed. a Sim tS South. ae ime COO Fy Ywca RA business. Reauouails rent. RA 5.6344, 17---Male Help Wanted {zmanmacesr Ed Apply 907 WAREHOUSE FOR RENT [RARE cor FL a! Located on C.P.R. ar TE 58 360 Daas Wet A. Mokeen RR 4 tracks in Oshawa Concrete base- unlimited load carrying capacity. APPLY T. L. WILSON THE OSHAWA TIMES 23--Wanted to Rent LOCATE the right trek for your par ticular Job quickiy in today's Cl Tucks for Sale™ NE 30, three., or "four-bedroom house, vicinity North Simcoe Street School, ve. party, RA 8-5203. WANTED to rent -- clean ~workihop, about 400 square Jeet, Oshawa district. Telephone RA 3-333 ASSISTANT bank PR requires three - bedroom home, in the end. please reply ving Ba to Box 832, Oshawa Times 24--Houses for Rent FIVE-room bungalow, three bedroom hot water oll heating, TV aerial, with all conveniences, available June 1. Call after 4. RA 5.3455 monthly, OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 1--Women's Column WE specialize in permanent waving, coe | niture, NESS SERVICE DIRECTORY [EES w= heat 5% rmea Pine Avenue. RA 5 y 2--Personal GIRL requires ride to Toronto, vicinity Bay and Bloor. RA 5.9717, ADVERTISER wishes to contact any person between 0 daily by car or Tue between .Usoridge and any of Port Perry, LW Pickering, Ajax, Brooklin, or any polnt between, This is a a golden or riu or any H . Write bg 79% Oshawa WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (Collect) Rug and Upholstery" VPHOLSTERY at its best fof less, We Gardening and Supplies GARDENS plowed and sonable. RA Building Trades CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, wood: d, rea- working, a floor coverings. Free esti. 84154, mates, tank guaranteed, RA 80850. cEpAR OF eases ie), any CERAMIC tile, bathrooms, store size, guaranteed to . For etic MONTEITH, RIEHL, snd|fronts, no commercial or seconds hits mates, or phone 612 knee, ' Free delivery, , Charte red NTE S RA a Best workmanship, best prices. COlfax Bowmanville, Whitby, Ajax Oshawa, Simcoe Street North; Ajax, WH 3-2531 and district. ALL types building repair, avestroughing, chimneys, sidewalks, RA 3.0394 Mortgages AGE joans, Bowmanville, Osh- awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vicin- , apartments, business. Members of Ontario Mort. Becurities Limited, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone RA §-3568, FIRST and second mortgages ar ral + Brol Whitby Professional Building, MO 8.3338. MORTGAGE Money Available Payments to sult Your Budget ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY BOB SiANeTS Ontario Accounting 184 Bond Street West, RA 50307. Res., Free N easy terms, RA 5-3604. CHZRTERFIELDS re-upholstered and ibatyled. Free estimates, See our mate. ria for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, RA 3.7213. Surveyors DONEVAN a. JUERCHMAN, On- tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue. printing, 12 Bloor treet East. RA 5.5632 BTU ad Tours: ae us INSTITUTE OF HYPNOSIS Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue RA_58081. 11 Ontario St.,, Oshawa Phone RA 56881. G. 7. HORTON asd ASSOCIATES, Now Open Daily from 4-10 P.M. tario Land Surveyors, Professional RA 8-0171 gineering, as Sireet West, | W. P. Mittler, director 306 Whitby, MO 85091, Ajax 7 TV - Radio Repairs 3--Pets & Livestock HORSE for sale, three-year-old, broken, BOAT buyers check Classified. Sell stock. Telephone Pickering, 6. SHAW mode] AUTO WRECKING CO. |fersbls high school teacher, full Wants cars for wrecking. Hh "Parts for sale, olso scrap iron |ATTRA and metals, etc. bought. Open [3% Saturday all day. tontes, Commission and RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR 'E. Doras n Siu an ye catalogue 0 vail lex Products, Dept. M !1CASH FOR SCRAP! lorimier, Montreal. EARN $25 . $30 on your day off, Must WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, Ete. be high tchool graduate, married, 23-38, For iv if appoint. wa Times. Open All' Day Satur M. GREFNEERG NS makes. Thompson Electronics. 157 El- LTD liott Avenue. RA 3-9792 (Fred). {{umping ment write Box 449, y - WH 2.353 RA 3-7333 308 Bloor St. E. Nursing Services | i SAMSC AGGRESSVE young salesman. for Ia BATHING, trimming, de - tease, 13--Business Opportunities PETER PAN NURSERY ~ all or half L S T.V. TOWER for the aged, pension rates. Write 115 Teason-| * manure for sale, da ---- RA 60008, FREE room and board for woman, in comfortable country home, in Pleker- ing, as companion to a woman living alone. Write Box 906, Oshawa Times. » | sonable. } AM, manure, sod, sand and gravel, A Tates. RA 86656, a RB Co., Accountants ) 0 E BEman md len' Bldg., 11 On- stoops. Street, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 82221 May. 'WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered|uiLiEY's Floor Service Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South.|floors laid, sanded, finished, cleaned, Oshawa. Ronald F. Wilson, CA. waxed and polished. RA 3-9073. G. Edmond Bi . RA 82571. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, Aor TER and €o., Accountants and auditors. Licens- od Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; F. Friedlander, B. Com., CPA. 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Ko fied Publie A 172 Kin Oshawa, Ontario. to make mony; ful , full * -- hy ways your own products , . . Vitaming, Drodicts, brushes, cleans. EEDAR Sh Ap eet," i RA 3-2695. E. R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE Now is the time for Spring clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, repairs. Top soil and sod, RA 5-6047 SODDING TOP SOIL, MANURE Phone Oliver 5-3049 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh daily, sod for truck- ers in the field. Special con- tractor rotes. RA 5-8504 Visit Our New GARDEN CENTRE AT 1259 SIMCOE NORTH 1,000 ft. North of A&P Store --GARDEN SUPPLIES --STONE SUPPLIES --HOUSE PLANTS PAINTING and decorating for the, cheapest and best. Also storm windows | We Also Handle |removed and cleaned. Telephone RA Swimming Pool Construction [8-0812. OSHAWA ED.D! Tor puuing sd pare Street RA $1507 AR RVI GA DE N VICE DODD & SOUTER RA 3.3222 PAINTING & DECORATING Open Evenings Till 9 CONTRACTORS LOAM - GRAVEL | ws fl wel Krai Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED 107 BYRON or. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Reasonable Rates NIGHTS RA 5-7426 DIAL RA 5-2156 SANDALWOOD PAINTERS Hairdressing Interior--Exterior gating sad 3-913. Hales 11 Bond Street "J. W. MacARTHUR FLOOR AND WALL CERAMIC OR PLASTIC TILE OR YARD GOODS Free Estimates Work Guaranteed, RA 8-3991 743 ALBERT Cartage MOVING and trucking, reasonable rates. Also plastering and cement fin. ishing, sidewalks etc. RA 35-7786. JOHN'S Moving and Storage, Qehaws. Whitby, Reasonable rates. Full quipped and Insured. Phone RA 1, Dressmaking DRESSMAKING and alterations on ladies' and Shlldren's wear, reasonable price. RA 8-8 FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, Alterations, Remodelling. Low Prices. 22 ROWE STREET RA 8-6706 Driving School Ottis B. LEARN TO DRIVE BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Soli- citor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 59502. at the Bostduncs. TA yom -- [Dshawa Driving School Instructors licenced by the Province of Ontario. Day and evening yer, A 8-0091 i [Fur Storage FURS COME OUT LIKE NEW WITH PICKWICK CLEANERS Special Cleaning and Summer Storage Special Dial RA 3 45832 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH | OSHAWA FURRIERS CAN RE-STYLE YOUR FUR TO NEXT FALL'S STYLE AT LOW SUMMER RATES. CALL RA 8.8322 or come to 11 King St. East (upstairs) Gardening and Supplies GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled and . Call after 5, Elmer Munro, RA Street East, 5-3509. Architects MAYER snd BRZOZOWICZ, Arch. Eng., The Times Bidg., Oshawa, Ont. New unlisted telephone RA 8-2881, BD GARDENS Auto Parts ee tt KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- teed, Sstomotive parts and accesso ries. 145 King Street West, Oshawa, |&- RA 8-1607.8-9. Frive bays to serve you." ZOLTAN and NICK'S FINA SERVICE 160 SIMCOE S. General Repairs on all makes of cars. Factory - trained Volkswagen mechanics. RA 8-0051 Barristers JOSEPH P. MANGAN, fod Barrister, Money them at low eost with an ad you can place by calling RA 3.3492 now. TV RADIO, car radio repairs. All 51 KING ST. E. RA 3.3993 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association day, 8.30 to 5.30. Simcoe North, 8-2604. dies shoe store. Shoe experience help- boarding. Waubena Kennels. RA 5-6: 321, | | WOODWORK building, 36° x 50° situ. RA| IN BOWMANVILLE -- Private home RA 8-8180 ¢/6 Canadian Statesman, PO Box 190, | ful but mot necessary, excellent tL also part-time salesman. Apply Th PUREBRED brown miniature poodles, ated on t % orth HP old, $65, male or female. RA awa. hid Bibi Ey Bowmanville, Ontario. | as OSHAWA T.V. 361 GIBBONS ST. day 27th betwee 3 - 5 pm. 79 hi {and long duty motor and has cement INDIVIDUAL care for each reasonable, SOFT ice cream machine for "paler al al- most new, less than half Price, Ap- Bly Pie 4 Restaurant. 523 Ritson Road North. ee | PART-TIME Licensed automobile mech- anic wanted on percentage basis. Tele- BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for floor. Operated until recently. Sickness training, talking strain. Avely Mrs, [reason for selling. Living Jusriers can Broad, 114 Elgin Street East |be_purchased if desired. Box Sunnybrae, of Oshawa. Reg. vised. Inquiries invited, rates. RA 5-2330. phone YUkon 5-2089. OPPORTUNITIES EXIST fish, dry and live fish food. Breeding Optometrists IN THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE traps and many other a ries, $125. FOR SKILLED AND Private. Call WH 2.5956. UNSKILLED MEN 5--Farmers Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Applicants must be single, Phone collect, Hampton, COlax 3.2721, Conodion Citizens or other Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lie. 115. British Subjects ond have a 6--Auction minimum of grade 8 educa- buys tion. Unskilled applicants FOR AUCTIONERING at its best 00d truck, merchan- try. E. T. Seeney. Telephone RA 8-8491, 8401. ina all acooynts now serviced, for trade training must be at ying least 17 yeors of oge and 7--Trailers {ptr » move now. Write 927 Oshawa a not more than 29. Skilled GABIN trailer, 16 General Propane EXCLUSIVF ! - its from 21 to 35 heater and I art, perfect condi. PHILCO-BENDIX yeors of age will be consid- tion, $950. MO ered, Conation, S35. Telephone 30 8.3796 Benes in include good pay, EQUIPPED Coin Operated Launderette Has QUICK cash for farm equipment when uniforms, dental and Amazing Profit Potential peas THEN opportunity -- brand name products in Oshawa, Whitby area. Established accounts ined Jes to reliable sober man. $1500 investmen will handle. Stock Hh Short hours. Will train successful applicant. Excellent weekly returns. Write Box 626 Of Times. BODY man, must have class | cence and experience. Call RA 10, FOUR aquariums, complete ep pump, heaters, filters, plants, gravel tropical A TUCK, Ro. Opt Optometrist, SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed, WA ELECTRONICS GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to a STARLIGHT TOWER and you'll have the best. GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Use a new aluminized picture tube installed by expert TV technicians,, ond you'll have the finest. Modest prices -- call us for service: T.R.1.O. TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST RA 8-6781 Well Drilling-Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 -- MO 8.3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329 TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Cleon-outs and deepening. COMPRESSOR WORK RA 8-3864 bo iease | Bank or 74 Bark Street. Invalids pd amined at home. Dial RA 5-4587. ¥. RICHARD BLACK -- Doctor of of Optometry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Evenings by appointment. RA 3-419, Painting and Decorating A-1 PAINTING and paperhanging. g J. Jensen, RA 35-1651. PAINTING and decorating, by trades. man, interior, exterior. Free estimates. RA 8.2558. FOUR-room clean home, A patsession May 15. John 'A "DONEY"" col cottage for Shoal Point Road, Pickering pie R. Ys Jones Avenue, Toronto. Owners on premises at weekend. HOUSE at 172 Colborne Street East, also apartment, corner and Col- borne. Phone RA 5-1709. RESIDENTIAL district, executive type eight-room house, bus stop at door, Telephone RA 8-8786. on Chureh THREE-BEDROOM house Immediate occupancy, Tele. SMALL 1 sale rent, solicitor. Office 14% King oot Bast, Ov 0 RA 85-8232, 5-3405. z. SALMERS, BA, solicl- 'ete. 13% Simcoe Street ~ North. Office RA 53741; RA 5-5542. EF ---- you sell with low cost Want Ads. Dial medical care, 30 days annual RA 3-3492 now 'to start your ad. leave and on excellent pen- {ness rol sion plon. EVERYTHING for trailers. Gas heat- lighting, cooking, refrig s, For full details, visit the awiings. Special bitches. acosssories, MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT Oshawa Armouries COOK'S May 10th, Noon to 6 p.m. blo ii ESTABLISHING did NEW SALES DIVISION TRAILERS Self-contained Deluxe ond Local representative for Osh- ewa and crea. Canada's lorg- Compacts, new and sed. Open evenings and holidays. RA 87 est manufacturer of alumin- um products offers outstand- ing opportunity for men who a higher than "average earnings. Security end are ambitious for advancement, EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY You will earn while you learn. Our sales training program is the finest in the industry, WE OFFER ~Weekly Drawing Account --Qualified Leads --Full Year Round Earnings --~Top Sales Material --=Radio - TV - Newspaper Advertising Support Transportation Supplied MANAGERIAL POSITION TO Street. phone RA 5-3068. RESIDENTIAL di eight-room house, two single rooms, RA 38-8786, SEVEN-ROOM brick house, large kitchen and basement, four. bath, lovely garden with trees, quiet central district, close to school and shopping. Phone MO 8-321. APARTMENTS -- $853 neat Madlo. Contre. Hydro included: adio Telephone RA 5-5132. PORT PERRY -- five-room, two-bed- room house, bathroom, Oshawa bus a8 door, close to stores, town water, Im- mediate possession. OL 5-4693. SIX.ROOM three-bedroom bungalow, bi Avail able May 1, Bus service at door, chile dren welcome. RA 8.3392, ; 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent ONE-BEDROOM 0 Apariment, expe sive, private, close pus ang y ping. hohe ftriet, Sweeuivly L700 bus stop at door. Also furnished. Telephone with Double-Load Double-Profit WASHERS and Coin Operated DRY CLEANING MACHINES For Information Without Obligation . . . Contect KOIN LAUNDRY SALES LTD. 20 College Street Toronto 2, Ontario Telephone: WA 5.4515 14--Employment Wanted INTERIOR and exterior painting, paper hanging, by } sApetisuend painter. Free 9--Summer Properties for Sele or Rent FIVE-ROOM cottage, furnished, all con- veniences, six years old. Terrific sand beach. Lake Papineau. Terms i de- sired. Call RA 5-424]. 300 FEET improved at Washago, village $30 per foot. Tele, COTTAGE for rent on beautiful Skel- ton Lake, north of Bracebridge, all mod. ern conveniences, heavy duty electrie stove, three bedrooms, private sandy beach. A. W. Bradford, 83 Lauder Road, Oshawa, RA 5-1819. COTTAGE, furnished, Plagquille Point, Dovded land, Apply Box 327, Colborne, taro. STONY LAKE island lovely five rooms, completely furn! hed, hot and cold water, extra sleeping cabin, boathouse with sun deck. Asking price, $8,700. RA 8 159. CRYATAL 8 ne gs Lodge, | Bonfield, Babine, safe, sandy beach, beautiful Paper Hanging nt at, * . OSHAWA, RA 8-1367 . AJAX WH 2-4085 Personal Service FETE R PAN Day Nursery, all or half. 30 to 5.30. 58] Simcoe North, RA ter, 8 ee: a. water, availa EE fa Rn RA 84585. close to bus and South Genord] Motors, 269 Thomas Street. SMART families use Glassitisd ads to sell outgrown L - Just dial RA ria bo pass your ad, Instruction PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 18 years' Saperience, by only. | 4, Act now. 5-1084. HARVEY A ACADEMY «= Baton, Tap, Royal Academy, Ballet, Highland. R now, 424 King West. RA 56122. LILIAN MAE MARSH, dance educator, school, balet, tap, baton, ae- robatic, pre-school, character, Friday Saturday. Siig Temple, RA 3.7253, LEARN HAIRDRESSING Women wanted, greatest opportunity, better pay, plea- sont work, catalogue free. Write: Marvel Hairdressing Schools, Branches, Hamilton, Ottawa, "Canada's National System". ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For personal service at your home, call RA 35-7413. AUTO INSURANCE If you are a careful driver you may save $10, $15 or $25 on your car insurance or better than 20%. Preferred drivers enjoy the lowest rote a T. SALMERS, B.A. barrister, Soli tor, ate, 13% Simcoe Street North. Stic. RA'5-3741; Residence, RA 55542. | 5 guys Solicl-| GARDENS and lawns roto-tililed. Tele- "phone RA 8-4788, ONE and two-bedroom available in modern building, and ref MO stove rigerator supplied, 8-3093 after 5. 101 bikin Road, Whitby. TWO. in dy apartment il refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved parking. North end. Phone RA 56176 exept weekend. TWO . bedroom apartment, private en- trance and driveway, 10 9 ifiutny from General Motors. Child welcome. Park Road South. RA 5.6406. TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes. MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER -- RA 5.3887 CYR'S RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FISH AND CHIPS TAKE-OUT ORDERS A Good Place To Eat 333 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 8-439 "THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT" Fruits, vegetables, "all beef" hamburgs, hot dogs, meats, groceries, toys, dry goods, greeting cords, french fries. RA 8.2561 WE'RE ALWAYS OPEN ROTO-TILLING lawns and gardens, re- sonable rates, experienced. Telephone i |MO 8-3870, |CEDAR trees for hedges, white birch, hare apts ~- guaranteed. MA 3.5981, oan. |GARDENS and tawns roto-tilled made ready for pring planting 21 seeding. Dial RA 58085, MULLIGAN'S Landscaping, roto-till- ing. ploughing, sodding, top soil, Com. plete garden and lawn services. OL CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less MODERN three-room | Coan Charge TABBED private su | in cupboards, stove, 5-8363. 354 Cadillac South, GROTRD, foe SWE alin apartment, al posses- 'elephone EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL Catch , $60. T For on interview call T DUMONT Aluminum Products 333 SIMCOE. RA 8-1651 TILL? P.M. 18--Male or Female Help Wanted DUTCH desires work by the day. 550 'eseré, Whitby, ATTENTION! EUROPEAN EXPERTS LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES House painting, woodwork repair. Rugs, Furniture clegn- ing. Office floors - window cleaning. FREE ESTIMATES CALL MR, STEVE - 9-12 AM. RA 8-4181 de. |velopment, Rice Lake, foomage lots 3 CONSECUTIVE only. Cottage built. prob-| T INSERTIONS 225 2.4 $2,000 INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 lem 6 CONSECUTIVE br it not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Abave rates apply enly to original orders for consecutive insertions, Subsequent Insertions ordered et o later date constitute @ new original order, Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each odditienal line $1.60 per month. Each Initial letter, abbreviation, n, figure, counts as @ rge 15¢ additional, Clossified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- fore publication except Births, Soliettor, 26% Street East Telephone: Business RA 33301 Resi dence, RA 8.5373. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and fl, Barristers, tors, ror rochure, M. Trewin, 964 Weller Street, a, |TWO-, and three - bedroom cottages, electric lights, refrigerators, excellent | fishing, pike, Ficksrel and bass, $30, $40 weekly. 5-4328. WIGASSAN LODGE On Loke Rosseau, Muskoka; informal; all sports, includ- ing water skiing, 18-hole golf; second helpings'; Peter Pan Package for chile dren. Dept. 21, Wigwessan Lodge, 215 Victoria St, GARDENS and lawns rottotilled levelled, Average £3.00. Grass, J »|eut: RA 5-7887 before ® a.m. and after S p.m. Glen Munro, 414 Park Road | K. |South. oi Athol Street . Apply 255 East between 6 to 8 p. NEWLY decorated, Rei furnish. ed apartment, private bath, light house- keeping. Suit dults. $18 weekly. Tele- phone RA 8.611! APARTMENTS Con three-roons or four-room in new building. Laundry facilities, stove, refrigerator. 68 Wayne Street. RA 5-3938. FOUR large rooms, newly decorated, road floor, private bath, parking, laundry HARDSAND LANDSCAPING A complete garden service, clean-up, fertilizing, power rolling. Now is the time to kill crab grass ond chickweed. Seeding, sodding, nursery stock. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli citor and Notary Public, 26% King Street East. Phone RA 81763 Building Trades ALL TYPES of home repairs and re modeling, recreation hy roofing RA 5-1721 gravels LAND Ling tar at shingles and repairs, or too small, too big 0 38003 or RA 5-6937. Betimates oo YOUR local chimney neys built and mates. RA 3-2007. cleaner. Chim. repaired, gas ig in stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND.- BLACK LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Loam, Sand end Fill. Digl-- RA 5-5279 Speciall Chinese Elm -- 15" - 18" per 100 $6.75 10 Evergreens Junior sizes 9.95 2 Savin Junipers, 2 Pfitzer Junipers, 2 Pyramid Cedars, 2 Taxus Cuspidata, 2 Omor- ika Spruce. Complete line of Nursery Stoek, Fertilizers, Tillers for Sale or Rent. LIBERTY NURSERIES 128 Liberty St. . BOWMANVILLE DRIVEWAYS First-class Workmanship Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices UNITED PAVING CO. RA 8-4801 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL -- STONE LOAM RA 3.3528 in Ontario through this of- fice. Half-year poyments, --7 DAYS Memorioms, Cards of Thanks which will be occepted until 9 am. Call us today end . ~--ample free parking. ELD SCHOFI 360 King St. West RA 3.2265 Lawn Mowers INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD, [ie Plumbing Heating PLUMBING and heating pipes, s, res, new and used, from septic tank to sewer a spe clalty. Installations at reasonable rates. Information and estimates free en any dpe of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. J. oley. LAWN mower sharpening and to power mowers, bicycles, oubosrd motors, Rosedale Marine, RA 5. irs| ALL plumbing and heating supplies, Phone RA 5-3321, Harold R. Stark, heating and engineer. WE SHARPEN AND RENT ° ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call-- STAN'S CORNER KING & BURK STS. RA 3.3224 Ltd., ing, "285 Simcoe Street South. THREE . piece "baths, 1 sump pumps, pressure systems, tanks, motors, out. boards, lawnmowers, piping | and 9A ou. tings of all kinds. H. Hillside and Park Road. "Ri 37088, BEATTY APPLIANCES Bam, equipment, pumps, ESSO Money to Loan CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgage arranged. Ci Fraser, Drynko and Mur- DECORATING ALTERATIONS LOW-COST PREFABRICATED HALLIDAY HOMES STYLEMASTER COTTAGES UTILITY BUILDINGS You will be gled you called, AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD. 110 King Street East, Oshawa RA 8-5103 BEVERWYCK GARDENS Highway 12 Only 3 miles north of Whitby OL 5-3570 MO 8-4735 See us for your garden sup- plies. Landscape Service. . All Types new roofs. . Goodyear Roof Coating . All kinds roof repairs . Painting . Chimney Repairs . Flashing : OSHAWA BUILDING MAINTENANCE RA 8-4782 | | Spring Clean-Up Fertilizing, Power Rolling. Landscape designing. Nursery Stock OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Complete Garden Service RA 8-6366 5 doch. oil bumers, hot water ond forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts ond service. PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night WE HAVE clients' monk for loans oa first and second mortgages of mortgay agreements a Ws QC, 37 King Street East, ay km ems --S aaa ca a $50 TO 95.000 S000 Jowest Je, fast con. 29% Simcoe South. RA 85-6283. noe, MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of mort- gages; for first and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mertgage for builders; first and second for Lost end Found and Cancellations 8:30 am. Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will net be responsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in. which error occurs. And also reserve the right Toronto. Kawandag Lodge ROSSEAU, ONTARIO Don Gallinger, prop. Former NHL player "Boston Bruins." $56.00 weekly ond up: American Plan. Write for folders. An AAA, ATRO re- sort, SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT to classify advertising ding to its own classification, In the case of display advertive- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error to reproduce oll advertising ated correctly bat assumes mo liability if eny Inaccuracies in ony form of advertisement are contained therein. SANDY BAY COTTAGES ON RICE LAKE 2- and 3-bedroom Cottages, furnished, with inside flush toilets, on beautiful sand beach, good fishing and safe bothing: Write R. MeCracian, R.R astings,. © PHONE 609 R 15 NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, SALESLADY, aged 35-30, 16--Female Help Wanted capable of handling full set of books. Write stat- ing Saliflestions, experience. salary expected to Box 709 Oshawa Times. couple or woman to live with 15 gentleman who will pay board. Roomy house with garden near Bowmanville. Rent and services Reply to Dr. W. R. Horn, 4030 Beaconsfield Avenye, Montreal, Que, stove tor 28 Hillside Avenue: RA 3 37088. BRIGHT clean ground floor apart ment, three rooms with stove, immeds jate possession, business or elderly cou- ple preferred. RA 88823 mornings « iy only. 5120--Room and Board Young Ages, a preferred, ping Centre, HOUSEWIVES Idle hours make dollars -- you use this time representing AVON COSMETICS We show you how, are interested, call If you FOR A REAL VACATION Come to the CIRCLE B DUDE RANCH and| Rug--Upholstery Service RA [CHESTERFIELDS and og | Shaira re RA overed like new. Get the best for less at Modern Uphotstering, = Simcoe ath. Call RA 8.6451 for a free esti. ma CHESTERFIELDS yeDulll, recovered, Uke new. pr ore? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA! 58-0311. RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS CLEANED Professional Cleaning. Home or Plant, Members of the National Institute of Rug Cleaning. NU-WAY -- RA 8-4681 BERNIE'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 68 SIMCOE NORTH (Rear) Your factory authorized ser- vice depot for Philco, Moffat, G.E., Westinghouse, etc. RA 5-1179 Horseback riding, swimming, rifle range, archery, excellent supervision. In the beautiful Caledon hills. Write for brochure CIRCLE B DUDE RANCH R.R. 1, Caledon, Ont. hg Caledon 57R3 We specialize in washing machine and radio repairs. Dealer in reconditioned furni- ture and appliances, SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE 49 BURK ST. RA 8.4873 mortgages ond og for sale purchased. Apply M. Swartz, 264 King Street East, Qshawe, Telephone RA Rugs ond Upholstered Furni- ture expertly cleaned. 3.4697 | Mortgages i FIRST } aa second mortgages. Sale ts purehased and sold. Hen. lor and" asaick Barciiacs, 31 Kina | 4 SEGER'S * RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Professional cleaning at lower prices. RA 35-7488 11--Articles for Rent SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OF FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, Invalid walkers, bedsides, commodes, crutches ond canes, also roll-away beds. Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, RA 5-1644, Good Advertising and Good Merchandising GO ' HAND in HAND |LARGE Steamer trunk in good cond {tion RA 8.278 | USED woollen" paint not important. Write Box 903, 12--Articles Wanted "decoys, condition of Oshawa Times, giving Sale, er number for address and telephone mum- 3 beople whe answered please LE 6-0627 (collect) FOR MORE INFORMATION EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER WANTED We want someone who would like to make more money plus 50-50 commission. Good guarantee. Apply in person. Ad & Rudy, 364 Wilson "RA 8-2351 "Rudy's Fashions Hair Styling" WE ARE LOOKING for a forward thinking lady, who may be interested in establishing herself in a sell ing career, with a long Esta- blished Oshawa Industry, A bright future for some one in the age group of 25-40, if enthusiasm and initiative are applied in the right pro- portions. Write giving details of age, back@round and previous ex- perience to Box 705 Oshawa tie agaln, Times, OOM and room and board, single or double room, 15 Maple Street, across em office. ROOM and board for gentleman, three minutes from four corners. Apply 24 Charles Street. FURNISHED room , single; home cook- ed meals. Apply 235 Eulalie Avenue. RA 81773. BOOM and board for young gentlemen, comfortable home, - lounge, central to hospital and downtown. Telephone RA 57687. ROOM and board, newly decorated, #00d beds and food. Lunches packed if desired. Rossland and Simeoe area, |parking. Apply 708 Carmegie Avenue. only, Sewly central, seven minutes' walk to four corners or hospital. Apply 240 Division. ROOM and board for gentlemen, meals, lunches packed, central. phone RA 8.2705. 21--Room & Board Wanted ood ele- PARTLY furnished ¢ three Jargsl veom with bi mine utes walk to South General Motors. Suit couple or two gentlemen. Teles phone RA 5-8439. MODERN APARTMENT 630 SIMCOE ST. N, Modern 2-bedroom apart- ment, all conveniences. Stove and 'frig, fully automatic; parking area. Close to bus stop. Adults only. For infor- mation, res 8 HORTOP ADELAIDE TERRACE New, modern, two-bedroom apartment, oll conveniences, refrigerator, stove, antenna, laundry facilities, parking area. Reasonable . Adults only. Apply 329 Adelaide Ave, W., Apartment 2, LADY ache desires room, Veg I board beginn| September. 824 Oshawa Times. 22--Store Space & Garages OFFICE space for rent, downtown loca- tion, small area with store window for | display. Could be used as dry cleaner's oper, now occupied by Ron. Watch Repair Possession May 26. King Street West, Oshawa, OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service. .New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown areo. Moderate rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 Moore, 4 BRIGHT MODERN ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Furnished, and unfurnished, balconies, laundry room facili- ties, excellent location, from $85.00 -- phone MO 8-8386 MODERN APARTMENTS Self-contained one and two- bedroom, fridge, stove, an- tenna, laundry facilities. Adults only, APPLY 335 KING ST. E. APARTMENTS