The Oshawa Times, 6 May 1961, p. 21

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2--Aph, & Flats for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent ir A hich Livery A good ul tion, laun Es door, "RA 3309, 165 Ver. and bathroom, very central. Couple with children os Heat, hydro $55 RA 83-6666. THREE-ROOM, self-contained apart-{ LAR room suitable APARTMENT - living, kitchen, room, unfurnished, all conveniences, separate entrance and bath, ample packing. Apply 236 McNaughton or RA THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- trance, all i conveniences heavy wiring, heated, Phone days, RA 51113; e 5.1113; Ns RA 5-1569. venings, RA 3.1000. iti UNFURNBHED 4 hreectoom, 4 | bed. THREBE-ROOM rking. Tele-| semi-private arkin entrance, phone RA 82489 or RA | building, TV outlet, Los, fiidge, monthly. Telephone RA FOR rent large a three-room apartment, air conditioned, south end of city. RA 8-2821 or RA 5-2096, THREE BOOM apartment, sink and Reasonable. Tele Telephone RA 83952. UNFURNISHED three - room apart- ment, $65 monthly includes yas hydro, suit two aduts . 197 Oshawa Blvd. South, A bath, Street kitchen, heavy duty wir- ing, parking facilities, suitable for, |couple, near Ritson School. RA 5-3812. apartment, 24 THREE - room apartment, apartment] 2 GROUND FLOOR -- three-room unfur- Inished a ate and gas range. Apply 730 Simcoe South, E- rooms, gette, couple with small boards and ran, abs olgome. Available June 1. RA THREE-ROOM suitable for couple, close to South Gen- eral Motors, $60 per month, plus hydro, available June 1. RA 3-9742. ONE bedroom modern phatment, 18 RA 5-741 a furnished housekeeping close art General" Motors: RA 8-6890. FURNISHED room for rent, suit two ladies or gentlemen, close to South Gen- eral Motors, RA 8-5264. 264341 Bloor West, 27--Real Estate for Sale (27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale (27--Real Estate for Sale >: [SHAPED parce] of vacant land tac | 's Road. Phone MO 4741. No home, near Oshawa Gold Club, main YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING $550.00 -- DOWN -- $550.00 6-room brick homes, $10,850 -- $72.00 per month, plus taxes, 1050 square feet bungalows completely modem with all the extros and top Quality, 4 construction second to none. 800 oil, Ll to one year's supply, given away to LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. | REALTOR RA 8-5123 RA 8-5124 RAB8-5125 stove, washing facilities, $85 RA 8-3963. Eso unfurnished, private, sink and boards in the kitchen, Bear Soh am, | Children welcome. Phone R. A 8-2087, NEW modern two bedroom apartment,| stove, washer, dryer, TWO-BEDROOM apartment on at on Simcoe Street North, fully Squipped. Tele- Jhone RA 56343 between 9 a.m. and p.m. SELF-CONTAINED, (hree-room apart- "CONTAINED, three-room apart-| SELF. private ath, sink and built-in paved parking. Or One block to Shopping Centre. |Gregory's Church, three girls may share, RA 5-0238. ONE bright large housekeeping room, a A near TWO - ROOM furnished apartment, stove, hospital, St. refrigerator, 101 SIMCOE ST. N. $15,000 -- EXCEPTIONAL fuestoey HOUSE at 172 Colborne Street also apartment, corner Division . Phone RA 35-1709. white, dual automatic, Ti | equipped, rubber, $595. '|'s4 DODGE sedan with radio, 29--Automobiles for Sale 1958 LINCOLN Capri , ermine | power RA 5-8959, '52 FORD, D, customised, ; A-1 shape, new shocks, body work, key new bitiery ana Soaenp, Telephone RA 8-3643 after trans. ferred to Cold Lake, Must sell, i|29--Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, May 6; 1961 2] |32--Articles for Sale REAR end complete kh '51 Chevrolet, reasonable. RA 101 TRIUMPH Sports soups, two tone paint, washers, new car wi , will finance or (Holi RA 8-59] 59 CORVETT, four speed transmission, | solid lifter camshaft, 24 barrel carbur- etors, posi traction, 456 rear end, radio etc. MO 82532, Whitby. real clean and good running 'order. Any offer MO 8-2406. GROUND oll Sy three Syms and bath, built-in cupboards, laund: and parking facilities, Simcoe Street out, 378 monthly, available May 15. stove, Apply 202 Albert 2d, of TYI PARTLY furnished two washing Ee Apply Street room flat, use 48 Drew between 5-8 p.m. hen, session, (BR 513 h d East. PARTLY furnished three (large) room apartment, with bath upstairs, » jain min. One child welcome, rooms, i respect-| able family, close to hospital and bus. Ra 8-6387 or 327 gent pai without board for beds, television, , reasonable. th or single very central wil tlemen, Near North General Motors. RA 8-6 utes walk fo South e Tele: fe and LARGE fu shied m, or Rog Suit couple or two g phone RA 5-8439. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in modern apartment building, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved parking. North bath, including TV aerial, Jeiigerar, ftove and dryer. Available May 15. TWO large bedroom apartment, in new near cen- end. Phone RA 56176 exept $105 DUPLEX -- 549 Lansdowne Drive, tre, at Wilson Road North, two - bedroom apartment on main floor, 18° living room, huge kitchen with balcony over- looking garden, tiled bathroom, washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, TV, parking. Open for inspection, or call Frank Hazlett, RUssell 3-1723 or evenings, | Russell 7.9387. 3005 Bathurst Street, To- ns, large floors parking. Call HE three bedrooms, kitchen, hardwood and tile new building, throughout, Close to schools. Available now, RA 5-7938 COMPLETELY furnished two - room apartment, self-contained, private bath- room, use of automatic washer and dryer, reasonable rent. RA 3-434. THREE-ROOM apartment, "private en- 468 idler Street Korth: RA 3-7460. A FURNISHED bedroom, share, five minutes from ample parking. Telephone RA 5.3380 fo for more particulars. stngls bes beds fo to au onatic washer-dryer, Apply Apt. 1 or 5. 213 Montrave. THREE ply ONE housekeeping room, clean and comfortably furnished, downtown. Ap- after 6 p.m. at 77 Ontario Street. or 1 rooms, sink, curboards. Reasonable rent. Child welcome. Apply 296 Verdun Road or telephone RA 8-124. THREE unfurnished rooms, newly de- corated, private entrance' and bath, ile. No children, RA 5-3243 or TWO-ROOM unfurnished apartment, newly decorated, sink, built-in cup- boards, 'Apply 205 Bond Street East after 6 pm. THREE and half room basement "apart- private entrance, modern kitchen, $15 weekly. Suit couple, no children. 267 Oshawa Blvd. North. trance and bath, posses- sion. Washing facilities, Telephone RA 85-6106, RA 3-7534 SPACIOUS Tours room apartment, , heat. ed, including private bath and kitchen, parsing | Space. 49 Ritson Road South, RA 8-3663. SEMI - "Seis "apartment, three rooms, bath. Separate entrance. Cen- tral. Telephone RA 8-3853. APARTMENTS two-room, three-room or four-room in mew building. Laundry facilities, stove, refrigerator. 68 Wayne THREE - room flat, with private bath, hot water, TV aap,alernirikg, bath, hot water, TV aerial, parking, for quiet couple, adults only. Apply 31 Albany, RA 5-3760. roo son. LARGE front bedroom, furnished or un- furnished, suit two ladies, bath off bed- m, also smaller room for one per- Close to hospital. RA 5-0575. girl THREE furnished rooms, to hospital and bus. nue. RA 8-6387. suit" three s or men, in respectable home, Slots CASTLE HOMES $700.00 FULL DOWN PAYMENT ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE as Gower Realtor Ltd, "Ra 8-4651. LOT for sale 45° x 130°, Bloor street ang Ritson vicinity, Teicphone RA ROOMING house on Drew Street. mon maker. Call Bill Horner BA 5.5123, Lloyd Realty, Oshawa Ltd, Realtor, $9300 CHURCH Street, two.storey, six- room pee Bosses hardwood floors A COMPLETE HOME Visit our furnished Model Home on the north parking lot of the Oshawa Shopping Centre. RA 5-1186 Model home open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Homes to be constructed in Glendale Acres, King Street West. it Food oo Sonastion. Call Mary Hobie RA John Wacko Realto PRIVATE sale $14,900, modern six- room solid brick bungalcw. four years old, 5% per cent mortgage, carries for $84. PLT. per month, Large lot, close to churches, schools and stores. Call RA "3742 after 6 p.m. COUNTRY home, nearly new ranch style three - bedroom, modern brick bungalow, with attached garage, all modern conveniences. Asking uly $11,500 with low down payment. W. Auley, Resiton, 12 Prince Street. a 3-2512 or MO 8-5765. TH one ply and bus line, girls or phone. T REE furnished rooms, near hospital suit business couple, gentlemen, extension tele RA 5-2 2400. ment, unfurnished, hot water heated, TWO furnished rooms and kitchen, or room and kitchen, adults only. Ap- 620 Simcoe Street North. PA RE Road . King Street area, at- tractive, furnished housekeeping room, ground floor, parking available. Apply 27 Park Road South. RA 8-0429. LARGE room, suitable for one or two or ladies. Apply 66 Warren NICE also a two-b apartment, Madison Apartments, 170 Simcoe South, TV outlet, washer, dry- er, stove, refrigerator optional, monthly. Adults only. RA 8-1203. THREE rooms and bath, top floor, sep- arate entrance. Ground floor, four $80 100) cen rooms and bath, completely self-con-|3 gong large closet. *___ |downtown, Telephone RA 5-5228. CLEAN, Avenue. LARGE, bright furnished 'housekeeping m with studio couch, refrigerator, Close to hospital and furnished room in quiet home, tral, suit gentleman. Telephone AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 2 THREE-BEDROOM PLANS 180 SORES; 10-roomed house, barn, three-car garage, 90 acres of valuable timber, small river. For sale or trade for house in Oshawa. RA 8-3237, SIX-ROOM brick bungalow, four years old, payments of $88 per month, principal, interest and taxes. $13,530 WITH $682 DOWN 1 FOUR-BEDROOM PLAN $14,450 WITH $738 DOWN Others From $12,530 WITH $626 DOWN Aluminum storms and screens, rec. room, many other extras. Call RA 5-6518 until 8 p.m. BUILDING Jot, 49° x 150°, Taunton Road, city water, $2,400. Easy terms. 'einberger Realtor, RA 8.5145. Eve- nings RA 3.7244, T -ROOM, 1f-c apart. ment, and bathroom, very central, Couple with children only, heat, hydro included, $55 monthly. RA 8-6666. OPEN 'TIL DARK EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North, Simcoe at Conlin Rd. "RA 12 Open evenings or weekends SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel. RAndolph 3-3461 awa. 1956 BUICK hardtop, good tires, good condition, $795. Telephone MO "E510 55 PLYMOUTH convertible, and black, 3 50 suouade, extras, 3-2919. call a a 1959 PONTIAC six-cylinder, automatic, power steering, many extras, dition. Must sell. $1,850. RA 8-5333, 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition, snow tires, radio, red leather, $695. Phone RA 3-7076 or _837R21. 1955 PONTIAC sedan delivery, perfect running condition, $595. Used florist for delivery exclusively. RA MUST sell '56 Studebaker sedan, radio, Royal blue, white walls, good ondition, best 'offer. Call anytime. M! , peach 'all the PRIVATE '59 Ford sfitionwagon, ex- brakes, automatic, radio, low MO 8-3006 after 6 p.m. WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. '53 OLDSMOBILE sedan, good condi tion. Telephone RA 5-6017. '60 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, radio, rear speaker, automatic, white a: back up lights. RA 3-3829 after D Tudor, good condition, stan- dard shift, $1,000 full price. Will take older car in trade. RA 8-0065 after 6 p.m. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, Six months to pay. For jo WINE and 1957 AUTOMATIC hardiop Ponfiac,|iuy good Call RA 55239. with driveshaft for| WINE an RA |vice, | FFE, butcher, restaur ;.| New, used, hy. sell, vie Bin iiton, Ashburn, Brooklin. cellent condition, power steering, Tileage, 8 Ma | SIBL'S elophone BA 7000 large size, like new. 3 cider barrels, solid a) Oghawa Hardware and 3 Church, RA 3-7624, PORTABLE 17 TV ew pichire | . Phone RA 8-3064 cider parrels, solid sizes. Oshaws Hardware tric. 8 Church. RA 3.7624. OFFICE desks, $10 u) adders, riters, JEEP for sale. tlabiden dani | East, Ot Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner RA $0391 anytime. AWNINGS, canvas, | gi Ttervich, free estimates Chair, profit Toa con. [Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, equip, Ham» - 3 WE highest in the ity or for Wig Bg Pre, Used ture Store. RA 3.3271, Tis Simcoe Souin, CHESTERFIELDS, washers, ranges, refrigerators, rangettes, polishers, kite chen, furniture, chairs, room 0 | cooking utensils, garden tools, power mowers. See Elmer CO 3.2204, TELEVISION, used, $39.95 up. p. Easy Budget Terms. B. F. Goodrich Stores, King Street West. Telephone RA . ALUMINUM STORM DOORS and WINDOWS Primer Aluminum Windows for inside house. Best Quality Awning and design. Very Reasonable Price. For details Call Alex Vajda RA 3-9851 personal service at your home call RA 5-2802. 1954 OLDSMOBILE, in excellent condi- tion. no rust. Must be seen to be ap- Private. .621 King Stree CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance, Half-year payments, Call us today and compare-- ample free parking, SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 [oy RA 5-5555. 1951 PONTIAC, good condition. Best offer. Telephone RA 8-4086. CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car radios, from $39.95, Dominion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. 1959 PLYMOUTH Savoy sedan, one owner, requires some motor work, rea- sonable. RA 8-2295. FOR SALE '53 Ford Tudor, ado, $85 or nearest offer, Telephone RA 5-8158. '50 PONTIAC in first class api order, Apply 174 Stevenson Road North. RA 3-3027. 52 PLYMOUTH, mechanically sound, good tires, needs body work, good sec ond car, $125. Telephone RA BAI80, SELL-OUT SALE "DUE TO AN IMPENDING RE-ORGANIZATION OF THE COMPANY ED. WILSON FURNITURE CO. SELLS OUT ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE CLEARED TO THE BARE WALLS THIS IS A "MUST" SACRIFICE SALE! REDUCTIONS BELOW Street. RA 05-3938. _ | tained. Central location. Call RA 8-3853, FOUR large rooms, newly decorated, TWO four-room self-contained apart. 11 rivate bath, parking, Pp po facilities, stove and' refrigera- ments, futished i Sufursished. One RA 37088. s available immediately. pply 496 tor 28 Hillside Avenue. -- |Simcoe Street North, Apartment 8 or $45 MONTHLY two-room "apartment, [dial RA 8-394, unfurnished in new home, built-in cup [gay E ~ors ng faar, private entrance, Boards. sink) oye cable. Sult couple. bachelor apartment, $33 monthly. Mod: niet girl preferred. BRIGHT clean ground floor apart. Telephone RA 3-7260, ment, three rooms with stove, immed-| Gye =" hog room "and one two-bed- late Jossession, Josimess or elderly Pip room apartments. Modern, an conven- evenings only. y. Telephone RA 5-3652. PARK Lane Apartments, two bedroom ee on errr FREE RENT ites, vaio agryiee, balconies, INCOME home, hi n storey, A hive ove, gerator op Call Don| |apartments, two furnishe rent wi oR Two WEEKS a Howe Realtor. RA 5.7732 | carry. Low down payment or will take : ern bachelor apartment, modern kitchen and bath- %" od, modern 800d car. RA 3-9180 room. Suitable for couple or BOWMANVILLE -- Heated BoC Sar, three rooms, kitchenette. bathroom, $18,500 -- SIX-ROOM brick house, two bachelor. Modern apart ment building. Lansdowne washer, dryer, $60. MA 3.5996, Apt. 4.| master bedrooms, extra washroom, fire- Apply 63 3 King West. Aliso store for rent.|place, covered patio, attached garage, Shopping Centre. Apply Apt, 1. A 5-3652 SELF-CONTAINED apartment, large|>'s Per cent mortgage, atifaetively living room and bedroom, with kitchen. landscaped, North end. RA 8-3 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS laundry room, parking. Reasonable. 2 Quiet Gibb, Apt. 1, Simeoe Street entrance, close to transportation, stove and fridges. T.V. APARTMENT, frig, stove, TV aerial, four rooms, bath, ideal for bachelor outlet, drapes and paved parking. teachers or nurses, monthly, 335 PHONE Mary. RA 50369, RA 5-7272 RA 5-5787 TRY THE NEW VOLVO SPORT AND FAMILY CAR. aot JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa -- RA 8-0921 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 '59 VOLKSWAGEN Brand new engine, clutch, muffler, etc., six month war- ranty, 500 mile free check- up. Private, one owner sal.e COST PRICE! HURRY, HURRY, COME COMPARE, SEE, SAVE MORE 'MONEY COLOSSAL BUYS ALL MUST BE CLEARED REGARDLESS OF LOSS HURRY DOWN AS THESE SPECIALS WILL GO FAST. Five-piece Chrome Kitchen Suites, arborite toble and four chairs. r 59.95. HALF-PRICE SELL-OUT $29.50 All modern , conveniences. Béautiful corner iot with trees. Well situated. Phone YUkon 5-2336 PORT PERRY FOR REAL ESTATE OLIVE HOWE 'Mr.. Aurelia Kanoza RA 5-1457 FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr. Business CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS South on Grandview to Willowdale RISTOW AND OLSEN REALTORS RA 8-5107 RA 8-5108 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. RA 5-1181. '56 PONTIAC, automatic, Al condition, preferably Two-Tone Laurentian with radio. Telephone RA 5-8713 after § p.m. Cash deal. Selling Your Car? T MACKIE MOTORS KING ST. E. One Block East City Limits When buying at Mackie Mo- tors you get one year 100% mechanical warranty on all late models. RA 5-5743 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS In Private Home 82 PARK RD. NORTH Call between 5 and 7 p.m. RA 8-8678 27--Real Estate for Sale 19 ATHOL STREET WEST COMPARE THESE HOMES WITH ANYTHING ANYWHERE AND YOU MUST SAVE $2,000.00 LOOK ALL THESE EXCITING EXTRAS AT NO EXTRA COST Clay brick stone front. Mahogany panelled entrance. Mahogany trim throughout (stained). Colored 4-piece bath, Copper plumbing throughout. Kitchen and bathroom floors tiled in your choice of color. Sewers ond watermains in ond paid for. Ultromodern custom built kitchen cupboards. Pre-divided recreation area in water-proofed heated basement. Gleaming oak floors. Bell tone chimes front and rear. Sodded front lawn. 100 amp. service. See what you buy. Immediate possession. FINISHED TO THE LAST DETAIL MANY MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM NO EXTRAS TO BUY FULL PRICE DOWN PAYMENT $12,950.00 $770.00 LOCATION: Go south on Park Road past General Motors to Philip Murray, Turn left to our sign on Oxford Street. OPEN DAILY FROM 2 P.M. TO 8 P.M. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. REALTOR RA 8-5123 RAB8-5124 RAB8-5125 101 SIMCOE ST. N. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1961 1:30-6:00 3 NEW MODELS 5 & 6 ROOM SPLIT LEVELS AND BUNGALOWS TWO WITH CARPORTS FROM $13,500 to $14,900 Down Payments From $1,373.00 To $1700.00 1 N.H.A. MORTGAGE DIRECTION Turn north on Wilson Road to Lansdowne Drive. Turn East on Lansdowne to Model Homes. Famous Serta Smooth-top Mattresses, slightly shop- soiled. These high-quality mattresses will go fast, Regular 59.50. SELL-OUT $29. ,|[LOVELY eight-room house, - a fenc- ed lot, with garage, other extra's, tip top condition. Will sacrifice for $14,000. RA 5-8911 N.H.A. RESALE Three-bedroom brick bunga- low, 4 years old, North- West area, backing on Nipi- gon Park. Carries $89.00 per month, principal, interest, taxes. Aluminum doors, storms, screens. RA 8-6030 DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR LTD. 41 GLADSTONE AVE. RA 8-4651 Toke a drive this weekend ond see our model home, Farewell Ave. South ot Tay- lor, Glenbrae North of Ross- lond, Sharbot Street off scenic Valley Drive. Pick up our brochure. All deails given on request, PRIVATE SALE Beautiful new five-room bun- galow, bark brick, stone front, situated on landscaped lot with three full grown Maples at rear. Features: Ceramic bathroom with van- ity, Hollywood kitchen, ma- hogany trim throughout, sec tioned basement, Located at 426 Miller Street, just off Gibbons. Immediate possession, RA 5-3662 $950 DOWN $950 Huge bungalow, 1145 square feet, 20' living room with val- ance box and cornice mould, 18142" kitchen, exhaust fan, colored bath with vanity, storms ond screens, many others. See this choice deal to-day. Full price only $13,- 700.00 one mortgage for the balance; only 1 at this price. Call RA 5-6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LTD., OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEK-END 2 TO 5 PM. Directions King St. Missionary College, South One Block. $999 DOWN ONE MORTGAGE CUSTOM BUILT CHOICE OF 2 PLANS SOME WITH ATTACHED GARAGE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS RA 8-6286 S.D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE Vickery Real Estate RA 8-6228 RA 8-4879 HARMONY VILLAGE Opposite Donevan High School Hamony Rd. South CASH--TRADE--TERMS OPEN HOUSE DAILY JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LTD. REALTOR INSURANCE FOR SALE L-SHAPED PARCEL OF VACANT LAND Facing on Stevensons Rd. 6' x 9' Borderless Genuine Gold Seal Longeleum, 552 tH Folding Baby strong ond sturdy. CASH & CARRY $4.99 ED. WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH STREET LIQUIDATION SALE 30-60% OFF EVERYTHING MUST GO RICHARDS FURNITURE 295 SIMCOE ST. S. Five piece chrome kitchen suites with extension table FURNISHED basement apartment, Taunton Road, near Hampton, tiled sink, suit young couple, $60 mani' includes heaitng, hydro, CO APARTMENTS Modern one- and two-bed- $85 and up. Best location, Phone =~ RA 8-1194 26--Rooms for Rent THREE rooms, private bath, quiet home with ladies, business woman or pensioner, abstainers, near bus, Shop- ping Centre. Write Box 828, Oshawa mes. WHITBY CLASSIFIED SPRING cleanup, Poto-ting, ing etc. Telephone MO 8-83 XXXXXy Strollers, residential street room apartments, WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] 32--Articles for Sale BEATTY washer, A-1 condition, chrome kitchen set, two extension leafs, four matching chairs. Telephone RA 5-2069. MOFFAT heavy duty three burner stove; also rangette; one buffet. Apply 373 Olive Avenue. FOR AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN You Can Own One of These Fine Cars CASH - TRADE - or TERMS '57 PONTIAC deluxe two-door, automatic, radio, Ideal family car. WAS $1495 NOW $1386 '56 MONARCH four-door deluxe sedan, whitewalls, dual ex- haust, automatic, a car for the young at rt. WAS $1295 NOW $1084 '57 CHEVROLET two-door, grey ond white, real economy car. WAS $1495 NOW 91274 '55 CHEVROLET four-door deluxe with radio. Runs like a new one, WAS $995 ... NOW $795 is in '55 PLYMOUTH SAVOY four-door sedon, this car immaculate condition. WAS. $895 NOW $745 '55 PONTIAC V-8 deluxe, stick shift sedan, motor just over- hauled. fim come. First served. NOW $845 WAS $99 '56 VOLKSWAGEN with suntop. Ideal second car Rit or fon. 74 WAS $850 '59 RENAULT four-door sedan. This is a real peppy little cor. Must be seen ond driven to be Spprecieled, WAS $1195 OW $999 i x Xx xxx ¥xx Exx Ei) THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA xX ONE three room apartment; also one large two-room apartment, $45 monthly. Available now. On Highway No. 2 close| sou ABLE 1st July, Io wr ied to Ajax. MO 8-3804. bungalow, gas heated. Rent $75 per WANTED -- Business couple requires month to good tenant. Apply Geo. Brad- | a small house to rent, in Whitby. Cen-|ford Ltd., 11 King Street West, Toronto. | tral location. Best references. oe 8-2882, | evenings MO 8-4833. FOUR-ROOM basement apartment, $55 FOR RENT -- Three-room basement monthly, includes heat, hydro, built-in apartment, private bath and entrance, cupboards, heavy duty wiring, TV an- newly decorated. Reasonable, Apply |tenna. Child welcome, MO 8-4400. 303 Chestnut Street East, {BC } SERVICES -- Complete bookkeep- FOR SALE -- 15 cubic ft. Freezer, ing service for small businesses, week- $150 cash. Telephone MO 8-4029 after 6ly, monthly or as desired. Statements p.m. |prepared. Income tax returns, MO FOR. RENT -- Heated apartment, with 58252 warher and dryer, TV outlet, Plenty of | FOR RENT - -- "Available now, two- parking space. Av able immediately. bedroom apartment, with garage, Telephone MO 8-2786. | ground floor, large lawn. Another FOR RENT -- Completely furnished aoxhie, Available July 1, Telephone MO apartment with heavy duty stove, pri aC vate entrance and bath, -$85 monthly. | SACRIFCE! Must sell by June 1, six- Apply 1121 Dundas Street East, MO room brick home. Finished basement, | 8.3602. paved ive. Many extras. Near all FURNISHED apartment, bed-sitting-| Schools. Owner leaving province, any Kitchen and bath, self-contained, includ.|"easonable offer accepted. MO 8-2625. ing television. Suit couple. Apply 505 COMPLETE § garden, landscaping, roto- Anderson Street, Whitby. MO 8-3276. {tilling service. Top soil, manure and GARDENS filled, smal) or large, Wilde|50d. For sale -- Lawn Mowers repair- 2 ed. Also new and used lawn mowers Rental Service and Sales, Whitby, MO Ta rototillers. MO §-2233, R "and t > {FOR SALE -- Manure for lawns, ROOM and board for gentlemen, pri- » _gar- vate home, home cooked meals. Tele. id and 2180 lawn cutting. Tele- phone MO 8.4021. |FOR RENT -- apart nt, SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary partment way, dew tanks installed. Walter Ward, electric stove, cheerfully decorated. 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.256 EH Palace Street, Whitby. Telephone ~ errr 5-4302 Oshawa. TWO bedroom apartment, 885 ER month, available July 1. Telephone RA $-8020. plough- Spring filled mattresses full size only $14.44 Steel slat bed springs $10.88 No Realtors Please PHONE MOQ 8-474] Ci Choice Commercial Property on King St W. opposite Shopping Centre Ideal location for retail or service store, Lot size 66' x 155°, with 8-room frame house. Owner will take rea- sonable down payment or trade for other property. RA 5-7081 or RA 5-4035 PRIVATE SALE 3 BRICK HOUSES Excellent condition, Whitby. 5, 6 ond 7 rooms respec- tively, modern equipped kit- chens, 4-pc. bathrooms, base- ments ond hot water heating. Very nice garden and trees, close to school and shopping. Very reasonable price ond down payment. Write OSHAWA TIMES BOX 831i OPEN TO OFFER THREE - BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, large living room, dinette, tiled bath- room, paved driveway. North-west district, close to schools and shops. 5% % interest, carries for $80 monthly P.LT. Down pay- ment to be arranged. RA 5-9801 FULL PRICE $10,500 $1,000 DOWN Six room house, immediate possession. $75 monthly. Principal, interest, taxes, RA 3-9877 Two piece chesterfield suite foam cushioning 29.00 Chrome chairs sets of four or six each $3.95 Smooth top, mattresses 24.50 Three piece double dresser bedroom suites in Walnut spring - filled Floor lamps from Four seater chesterfield suite reversible airfoam cushions $158.00 Arborite top direc tables $7.77 Jucaccdh A = super value, approxi [mately 630 sheets of letter size typing | paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, apartments, $70, $50, aud $00, 18 mod! {1111 Dundas Street West. ern building, stove, fridges. M N two-bedroom apartment for rent. BE = frig, stove in- GRAVEL - LOAM cluded, $87.50 monthly on two-year lease. Immediate possession. MO 8-8006 Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel ond Fill, [SPRING clean up Special. Fertilizing, Delivery Monday to Sat, Noon. sweeping, rolling, trimming etc. Also ERIC C. BRANTON Hp Sates for laying sod, planting. SAVE MONEY! Walter, s Plano Regula. ting and Tuning. Apply at Grixtie Fur. Mier 3 pom. daily: Work guaranteed. MO 8-2660 DRESSMAKING! Tadier "and Chil dren's Wear, sults and altera. ROTARY MOWER TUNE-UP Sharpened, oil changed, air filters cleoned, adjust car- buretor ond controls. Clean ond odjust spark plugs end points. oil wheels. $4.50 {parts extra), tions. Mrs. M, dio MO 8-8666. FOR RENT WILDE RENTAL SERVICH & SALES Canoes, cor top boats, 1415 Dundas Eost, Two piece French Provincial Chesterfield Suite. Reg. $319, NOW $225.00 Three piece antique White French Provincial bedroom suite. Regular $459.00. NOW ONLY $299.00 Lloyd convertible carriage $19.95 E. to Tum TRUCK SPECIALS '57 Half-ton FARGO fick -up. Just had a motor job. WAS $1250 . NOW $950 '58 WILLY'S JEEP special, WAS $995 ... '53 FORD Sedan Delivery. WAS $395 '58 BEDFORD Van. WAS $895 T.V. picture lamps motors, camping equipment, S19 boat box and cabin trailers, chain ond skill saws, cement mixers, paint sprayers, lawn rollers, mowers, seeders, gar- den tillers etc. SALE New ond used lawn rowers, tillers, boats, motors ond trailers, tents, box and cabin trailers. WANTED Boats, motors and trailers, to be sold on consignment, WILDE RENTAL Service ond Sales 1415 Dundes East Whitby MO 8-3226 Three piece chrome kitchen suites-drop leaf extension table one owner. $25.00 Whitby . NOW $750 WHITBY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD requires a SCHOOL SECRETARY Give training, experience and age in written application to: MR. W. A. ANDREW P.O. Box 238, Whitby, Ont AFTER 5:30 CALL Lloyd METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED Dick Borrioge, RA 5-6243 Everett Elliott, RA 3-9290 Joe Maga, RA 5-9191 Marion Drew, RA 5-7610 John Kemp, RA 8-2392 Home spun bedspreads $4.44 . NOW $290 Seven piece chrome or bronze dinette suites 36 x 60 inlaid top table regular $89.00 now only $65.00 RICHARDS FURNITURE 295 SIMCOE ST. S (Continued on Fuge 22) NOW 695 NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N. (Whitby) MO 8-8001

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