BE T. Dunn showed some excellent, particular movies taken at the 8 Ju SINAYA INE, Suas), Moy 3. Scouting With Handicapped movies of Scout activities, in|recent banquet. ! Theme Of TalleTo Auxiliary | please yourself. i Mrs. G. N. Varum, president Whenever possible, it is best that of the executive board of the|he join a group of normal boys, | Ladies' Auxiliary, was guest of|for his own and their sake. the Fourth Oshawa Scout Moth-| Mrs. Varnum spoke of the| : A ers' Auxiliary at its April meet- amazing progress made by the ing. |Glenholme troop and Soncluded Mrs. Varnum spoke on "'Scout-|With an account of John Kemp, : ing with the Handicapped". She| Crippled Child of the Year, 1960. DRINK 1 stressed its importance in the] Mrs. J. R. Warnica presented B..of J rehabilitation of the boys, in|a report on her trip to the Cen- ; % helping them to gain satisfaction|tral Ladies' Auxiliary Confer- y NL ence and also on the recent, ; and stability b, iving them work to ie. y ci ac- father and son banquet. Scouts tivities and contacts with the Allan Tunnicliffe and John outside world. Sproule vere eygralulated pn 3 "> o : . : hild < winning their Queen's Scou ; 2 % The handicapped child should badges and Scout Bob Cory for be treated as a whole person|heing awarded the Henderson i Iwith normal needs who should Trophy, as outstanding Scout of ; / ; ibe helped to improve what he|the year. | i 4 3 {has and forget what he lacks. Following the meeting, Mrs. L.! TAILO RED FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR GIRLS WATSON'S TAILORED UNDERWEAR for Girls, Panties and briefs that combine wearing comfort with style "and economy, "IESFINTOMAVEE STAN" [oor fot Celebrating her first birth- | and Mrs. Charles Anderson 7 INFANTS' UNDERWEAR. EN 4 day Joday 3% Susan Disjue, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Choice of four styles. Exclusive . nd § i wh, aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron- | hae diaper tabs, Canadian combed ] i % Woh, BI ald Siblock, Kedron. Susan's Siblock, all of Oshawa. 14 COON Super ot Se 3 % 3 ; gd Hr yl. proud grandparents are Mr. ~--Photo by Ireland absorbent dries quickly, Y : il \ Vo ¥/ i i 4 \ By ay. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES PHOEBE SCAMMELL GROUP Brock expressed the thanks of The Phoebe Scammell Group|the Group for his most enter- of the WA of Simcoe Street|taining talk. Coffee and sand- United Church held a most in-|wiches were served by the sub- teresting meeting at the home|group, Mrs. W. N. Affleck, Mrs of Mrs. W. N. Affleck, Alexan-| A. F. Annis, Mrs. J. F. Brock, dra street with the group Mrs. E. W. Dixon and Mrs. H leader, Mrs. Wesley Salter, pre- M. Smith. siding ER rrPtP nn After opening prayer and * > readings from the topic of wor-| ; 4 ship, Mrs. Harry Smith report- , 1 i ed on the general meeting of all PROFESSIONAL ~ i FOR DAD women of the church which was | UNIFORMS! i : WATSON'S "555* called to set up a provisional LT : - p CRISS-CROSS FRONT. committée for the new women's You're invited to ; atented self-closing front, organization to be known as the come in and see Osh- Show Your Love With * Renorced lt United Church Women. awa's large selection ' ' BF Opening am Mrs. Oscar Mills who is con- of Professional Uni- MOTHER S DAY CARDS matching Jersey. vening the tea which is to be| forms for "THE LADY held at the home of Mrs. | IN WHITE: ror Complete - " 1 - ns dasa | Tr wmte Com: || Assortment gements to date. "LaCrosse" Mr. Affleck then gave a most "Oniforms | Re : ng MOTHER'S DAY CARD : i _ ; To a : 2 nail interesting talk "Who Collects tered". AND HANKY Postage Stamps and Why". Mr. | vw, carry White Hosiery and : ; a 3% | tes A | | LL | ZN Vimy » / 4 | Affleck is an enthusiastic col- "g Hose' lector and merchant of stamps. Ppp Oe prone ond He said that stamps were col- 2 Stores To Serve You Better lected by the ton and parcelled '] : ; ; in the plastic containers for WARD S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA | & 2 W sale, He showed a book in which Simcoe St. at Athol St. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE pi gH Lt : x " | was listed every stamp in the world and its market value. He | told of the value of stamps so small and light in weight for travellers who could not bring money into a country and yet would need valuables which could readily be converted into Ww Will B id 0 Y F d H cash. He made his talk most € I ul - n our oun ation e oo oo humorous with stories of his experiences with unusual in- @® dividuals with whom he had : 4 done business is i Xe HT ] LH ® © © He was introduced by Mrs, Hasty Smith and Mrs J. Pi "Tr H E 7 E a] F WH Ek WwW" Phone RA 5.1151 nother . man et a pr a in your | -- pre ae life? READY TO MOVE IN BED ROOM oy sy Impossible, you say? LY "3-23 il] ke) That's because you ] : haven't met him yet. He's ; : ON LY Y the kind of fellow you've : always dreamed about... (LESS GARAGE) strong, protective, loyal. Exciting, too! You'll find, -- iene lf | 100-00 | 66.48 | 6%% become someone you de- 226-133 ; et : TNT DOWN MONTH MORTGAGE pend on. Someone who cares about you. | Curious? Of course you = ® BUILT TO N.H.A. SPECIFICATIONS eo are. But be patient. He'll be coming your way soon. We are now accepting building contracts for the Renfrew and similar designs on your lot for spring and summer occupancy at When you meet, you'll the extremely low price. The long, low, modernized Cape Cod lines of the Renfrew, combined with its roomy, efficiently planned recognize him by this interior, make this a home you'll be proud and happy to own. Features include Gurney air-conditioned oil heating,, heavy wiring, modern four-piece bathroom, natural birch kitchen cabinet, bevel or cedargrain siding (slightly more for brick), mohagany doors and moulding ready for decorating, and in your choice of hardwood or tile flooring. Just connect to utilities and move in. Most important, you are assured of the reliable quality and workmanship that have made Colonial Homes Ltd. a leader CANAD, ETIQUETTE in Canada's home building industry > , NGF Since we will be accepting only a limited number of applications for homes at this low figure, act promptly to take advantage CANADA S of this excellent value, LARGEST SELLING ALE kd Long Sault Construction Corp. Ltd. MOLSON'S BREWERY (ONTARIO) LIMITED : AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR COLONIAL HOMES LIMITED ies anor cs | 134 simcoe sT. south OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. RA 8-4614 INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 hy