The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1961, p. 7

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Many Hostesses Miss Lyn Schuermann whose marriage to Mr. Ted Rapley will For Miss Lyn Schuermann Showers Honor Margaret Canning iMss Margaret Sylvia Canning whose marriage to Mr. Harvey ed by her mother, Mrs. Howard William Geisberger, will take Gimblett, held a crystal presen nlace tomorrow afternocn in Entertain { take place this afternoon in tation shower at thier home. {Centre Stréet United Church, Mrs. Clifford Hayes held ajand Mrs. Hugh Esple. In miscellaneous shower. Tea was of the rooms were Mrs. H served by Mrs. August Geisber- Whitbread, Miss Barbara Mor- ger, Jr., Mrs, Arnold Geisber-|rison and Mrs. James Pyeite. ger and Mrs. Henry Shermeto, [Serving were Mrs. Gordon A pantry shelf shower was ar-|Crane, Mrs. Henry Shermeto, ranged by Miss Barbara Morri- Mrs. James Canning, Mrs. Earl Fields. Simcoe Street United Churca,| Mrs. Elie Dumas entertained has heen feted at several pre- has been entertained at several with a kitchen pantry shelf | nuptial events pre-nuptial events. shower and guests included rs. R. D "Peel held a nis- Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. members of the future bride's} cellanebiis shower and heighbors Herbert Schuermann entertainedimother's bridge club. Little| de 0 ao Pride attended 3 at a trousseau tea and received/Carolyn Dumas and Master A miscellatieo shower Was her guests with the mother of | Paul Dumas assisted in open: |, a og aye 3 2 ger wos the prospective bridegroom. ing the gifts. he a " K ole Ins. Vo Mrs. Fred Rapley, Toronto, and] Mrs. Howard Luke and Mrs.|;)a™ John fayior, aunt 0 oy the bride-to-be. Elburn Parr of Scarboro neld bride-to-be. She was assisted y Pouring tea were Mrs. W. G.|a miscellaneous shower at_the Mrs. George Hamilton and Mrs. Perry of White Rock, B.C. home of the former. Mrs, James Canning. grandmother of the bride-to-be,|G eor ge Squarebriggs, Mrs.| A shower was held at the Mrs. Howard Luke, Oshawa, Floyd Lantz, and Mrs. Jack home of Mrs. Norman Petre Mrs. Clarence Scott and Mrs.|Horner, all of Toronto, gave a Who was assisted dy her daugh- Miss Donna Chamberlain and Miss Sandra Fraser werc co- hostesses at a miscellaneous shower, The guests were the members of class '80, Oshawa General Hospital, classmates of the bride-to-be. ning entertained at a trousseau tea for her daughter. Mrs. Au- gust Geisberger, Sr., mother of the prospective bridegroom, as- sisted in welcoming the guests. Pouring tea were Mrs. Albert Last Saturday Mrs. J. H. Can- |; son at the home of her mother, : SOCIAL NOTICE Mrs. A. D. Morrison. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. June 9, at im, nue Road Alliance Church, To- dent of the men's section, Oshawa Golf Club, and Mrs. Mcllveen, Mrs. Jean Craw- ford, president of the women's | PART OF THE receiving line, waiting for the first guests to arrive are Dr. Charles T. Mcllveen, presi- Oshawa Golf Club And Friends Get Together At Tee-Off Ball The Annual Tee-Off Ball, ar-|Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mec- ranged by the Ladies' Section Laurin. of the Oshawa Golf and Country} pr. and Mrs. R. L. Cox, Mr. Club was held at the Oshawa)anq Mrs. B. Bradley, Mr. and Flying Club last Friday. (Mrs. L. Short, Mr. and Mrs. H. To help make this evening a|ponetta, Miss D. Dobbie, Miss| pleasant one, the guests werc/g. Workman, Miss S. Wiles, | greeted by a wonderful group of n\1jss §. Smith, Mr. B. Acker, | friends including, Her Worship My, J. McGrath, Mr. R. Knapp. | Mrs. T. D. Thomas and Mr. T.| ne. o04 Mrs. B. Ross, Mr. D. Thomas, MLA, Mr. and Mrs.\..q4 Mrs. B. Tyson. Mr and| George Taylor; president of the aro "ar "wroolenburgh, Mr. and Oshawa Golf Club, Dr. Charles no' pb' Bowman, Mr. and Mrs Mcllveen and Mrs. Mellveen, |; gacclor. Mr and Mrs. James and the president of the Ladies'|; rewar, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Section Mrs. Jean Crawford. L. Heffering, Whitby, Mr. and Lucky prizes were drawnyr. gp patte, Mr. and Mrs. L. by Dr. Mcllveen and won by the(p Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. following: Mr. J. Kessler, Mrs. yvatieau. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. D. Smyth, Mrs. R. Patte, Mr. pn Stone, Mr. "and Mis. C D. Brodie, Dr. R. L. Cox, Miss whi ' > D. Dobbie, Mr, C. White, Mr. J.|iiute, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ford MG, Mes. Rae Halleran, Mrs. ! Mr. and Mrs. K. Tipney, Mr. be Ton > and Mrs. M. Corrin, Mr. and Below is a list of the mem- 'ithe home of their son, Mr. Carl|at a personal shower when the Russell Mollon, miscellaneous shower withter, Mrs, Edward Hubbell. many family friends from West- ern Canada attending. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and family entertained at a din- ner party at the Boulevard Club, Toronto. United Motors Service, AC division of General Motors Office, surprised the bride-ic-be with a party and two presenta- tions. A party following the rehear- sal was held last evening for the wedding attendants. Prenuptial Parties Honor Donna Bray Walter Sandison Miss Donna Bray whose mar- riage to Mr. Walter Sandison| will be solemnized at Columbus {United Church tomorrow after- noon has been honored at sev- eral pre-nuptial events. The girls in the office of the {accounts receivable department {of General Motors entertained the future bride at a dinner held at Sandalwood restaurant) {and presented her with a |chrome canister set and a pot- {tery dish. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edgar, Masson street, entertained for In the charge of the dining| room was Mrs. Gordon C. Wil-| son and tea hostesses included Mrs. C. C. Needham of Saska- toon, Saskatchewan, Mrs. G W. Thompson and Mrs, Joseph K.| Bate of South Burnaby, B.C., all sisters of Mrs. Schuermann. Serving were Miss Elinor Wil- son, Miss Judy Glover, Mrs. Elie Dumas, Mrs. Elburn Parr and daughter, Miss Bonnie Parr, | Miss Elizabeth Rapley, Miss| Georgia Rapley, Mrs, Leo Mc-| Kay, Mrs. Douglas McKay, Miss Simone Gimblett. Assisting in the gift rooms were Miss Diane Mollon, Miss Marilyn Scott and Miss Eliza- beth Kaiser of Picton. { Mrs. Gordon C. Wilson, Miss] Elinor Wilson, Mrs. Russell Mol-| section, Mrs. George A. Taylor and Mr. Taylor. Later Her Worship Mayor Christine Thomas and Mr. T. Women Jo Atldwinckle, Thomas, MLA, assisted in welcoming members and guests. --Oshawa Times Photo tertained at a personal shower, at the home of Mrs. Wilson. | |Guests included many Nu Phi | Sorority sisters of the bride-to- |be. Thornton's Corners Commu- nity held a miscellaneous show" er at the Sunday School room. Mrs. Clarence Scott and daughter, Miss Marilyn Scott, gave a paper goods shower and a presentation from guests in- cluding GM office friends. Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 5, 1961 PERSONALS | Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Legge, miscellaneous shower was ar-| Division street, and Mr. Fred|ranged by Mrs. Harry McMas-| Douglas attended the 35th wed-|ter at her home, North Oshawa. | ding anniversary in Bowman-| She was assisted by Mrs. Ed- ville last Saturday of Mr. and|ward Gray. Miss Evelyn Daw- Mrs. Wellington Brunt held at son, Miller avenue, was hostess 7 ! Brunt and Mrs. Brunt. Mrs. | neighbors of the prospective Brunt is Mrs. Legge's niece. (bridegroom on Quebec street made a presentation of an elec- Mi Ci y : iss Carolyn Ann_Shangraw tric frying pan. Following the lon and Miss Diane Mollon en-| . Bell, Mrs. Thomas Henderson ronto. TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Miss Simone Gimblett assist-| t |assisted in serving. "Ever-Bright" 3-Qt. ELECTRIC - KETTLE 99 Edgar and Mrs. Murray Lynn Mrs. Robert Holliday, Mrs. | Gary Tummonds and Mrs. Don-| {ald Free arranged a miscel- {laneous shower at the Scout] {Hall in Port Perry. The office | |staff of the accounts receivable |department, General Motors, {presented the bride-to-be with! {an electric floor polisher, BOILS 4 CUPS OF WATER in shuts off auto- shodes of toast"! Beautifully de- signed chrome body; with crumb tray SPECIAL!-TOASTER POP-UP TYPE -- adjustable to "all " SPECIAL! Reg. 9.99. SAVE 1.22! bers and their friends, without whose support this annual Tee- Off Ball could not have been such a wonderful success. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. C Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cole, Mr. and Mrs, J. French, Mr. Mrs. E. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.| whose marriage to Mr. Richard R. Halleran, Mr. and Mrs. E.|Addison Crouse will take place Marks, Mr. and Mrs. R. Alder, |tomorrow afternoon in North- Mr. and Mrs. R. Blackler, Mr.|minster United Church, has been and Mrs. D. Jacobi, Mr. and honored at pre-nuptial parties.| Mrs. Wm. Jack, Mr. and Mrs./Mrs. Keith McGregor, Buena| J. A. Yanch, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.|Vista avenue, assisted by Miss| Blair, Mr. and Mrs. V. Kitchen, Nancy McGregor, entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gunn, Mr. at a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. and Mrs. H. Betts, Mr. N. Allen,|Ira Travell, Centre street, was| Mr. W. Scott and others. | hostess at a pantry shower. A |row afternoon to Miss Carolyn| rehearsal this evening the bri- dal party will be entertained by! the future bridegroom's parents. { Mr. and Mrs. C. E. (Jay)| Crouse, at their home on Quebec street. Honoring his marriage tomor-| Ann Shangraw, Mr. Richard Ad-| and Mrs. R. Flintoff, Mr. and dison Crouse received a presen-| Mrs. W. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. R. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ger- mond, Mr. and Mrs. D. Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Andrejicka, Mr. and Mrs. J. Driscoll, Mr. ond Mrs. H. T. Brain, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Sereda, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Horky, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. J. Belko, Mr. and Mrs. D. Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Lynda E. Lapp Feted Bride-Elect Miss Lynda Ellen Lapp of Oshawa whose marriage to Mr. Robert G. Noppe of Simcoe, On- tario, will take place tomorrow noon at St. Mary of the People Roman Catholic Church, has|E been entertained at several pre-| nuptial events. Mrs. E. A. Bassett and Mrs.! D. E. Sturgis were co-hostesses at a neighborhood crystal] shower. ! ! Mrs. Leon Robson and Mrs. The engagement is an- | George Steadman were co-host-| nounced today of Nancy Ann | esses at a linen shower. Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Minett and Mrs.! Mrs. Harold E. Foster of Osh- | Robert Postien arranged al ava, to Mr. John David | kitchen shower, Miss Carol Rob. Tarasuk, son of Mr. and Mrs. inson and Miss Ross Gibbs, a! Dimitri T. Tarasuk of Scar- personal shower, and Miss Poro. Both the bride-elect and | Diane Vorner and Miss Mar. her fiance will graduate at | Ashley and Crippen GRADUATES TO MARRY IN JUNE tation from his co-workers in| the accounts payable depart- ment, main office, General Mo-| (Ope of the cheeriest of Osh- tors. | awa's senior citizens, Mrs. | i re. 1 Nir. ad its. Bert Harrison. Alfred Mack, Arlington ave Elmgrove avenue, are in To- ronto today attending the con- {vocation exercises at Ryerson {Institute of Technology where | their son, Ray, is graduating in [Plectronie technology. all who know ler. | Among those who have re- served tables for parties at next izations in McLaughlin Hall. week's Maytime Dance spon: They are Miss Lola Marini who sored by the Women's Auxiliary, has nursed in Nigeria; Miss Lu- Oshawa General Hospital, are cille Brandt, in British Guiana, {Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cranfield, Miss Nellie Greaves, in South- (Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smyth, Mr. ern Rhodesia and Miss Dorothy land Mrs. T. H. Greer, Mr. and Green in Kenya. They all grad- birthday today. Despite the bother and pain of a broken arm, the result of a fall dur- {Mrs. D. McLaren, Mr. and Mrs. uated from English hospitals} IA. S. Clark, and Mr. and Mrs. and some have nursed in many {F. C. Malloy. different countries. 1 Teas, birthday parties, wed- Among those who have en-| ding anniversaries, coming and tertained for Miss Audrey Marie goings of guests and your own Vail prior to her marriage to holiday plans are always of in- Mr. Arthur Warren Clark to-| terest in this column. Write, morrow are Miss Carol McCul- telephone or visit the social! de- lough of Kingston who gave a partment with vour items of party for friends on the nurs- news for which there is no ing staff of Kingston General charge. Telephone RA 3-3474. Hospital. Fellow members of the Oshawa General Hospital 86 YEARS YOUNG Mrs. Ross Sandison, mother of |the prospective bridegroom, will| |entertain the bridal party at her| thome this evening following the rehearsal. | | HOWARD'S | | | nue, is celebrating her 86th | ing the winter, Mrs. Mack's | | happy disposition is a tonic to | ® BROADLOOM ® SLIP COVERS ® BAMBOO ® UPHOLSTERING 926 Simcoe St. N. RA 5-3144 3 minutes; matically. ished aluminum, resistant handle. Mirror-bright pol- with heat- BUY NOW AND PAY LATER! Ask About FAIRE S Convenient Cooker-Fryer that has a dozen different uses! Automatic sig- "Frymaster" COOKER-FRYER = 5 ee, 10.99 GRAND GIFT! STEAM & DR IRON 1.99 LIGHTWEIGHT! Changes from Dry to Steam in seconds, makes ironing easier, ond 'saves time. Has dual thumb-rest, for left-hand or right-hand 4 use. ZELLER'S LIMITED = NO DOWN PAYMENT SHOPPING CENTRE STEVENSON"S RD. §. Phone RA 3-2209 DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. Phone RA 3-2294 | | A MOTHERS DAY TRIBUTE Four nurses on the staff of Oshawa General Hospital who have nursed in foreign lands graduating class of the bride-to- be and other friends were en- tertained by Miss Sheila Manuel | and Mrs. R. W. Clark, Oshawa, TO THOSE | Miss Foster is to graduate | with her Bachelor of Science will speak on Nursing Affairs in Other Countries at a com- bined meeting of nursing organ- Leroy Toll the University of Toronto. in Miss Vail's honor. in Nursing degree and Mr. Tarasuk, who has his Bach- elor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering, is to receive his Master of Applied Science degree. garet Eder, a table linen show-| the spring commencement of | er. A bathroom shower was held, ~ son. Following the rehearsal this} evening the bridal party will be § entertained at the home of Mr. | and Mrs. John Wilkinson, Bess- | borough drive. at the home of Mrs. E. C. Jamie- MODEL SHOE STORES NEW LOCATION 55 KING ST. E. (corner Albert Street) FOR WOMEN... All colors in HIGH, ILLUSION, JET or FLAT HEELS. Also New styles for Men ond Children, MODEL SHOE STORES $8 KING STREET EAST (Corner Albert St.) FREE PARKING AT REAR COLOR AN OSHAWA OPEN TUES. THURS. Modern Hairstyling 463 RICHMOND STREET EAST, OSHAWA Spécialists with long experience in-- PERMANENT WAVES, HAIRCUTS, SETS, Opening Special For Perms: Regular 15.00--NOW 10.00 Regular 12.00--NOW 7.50 (FOUR WEEKS ONLY) | Walter's Beauty Salon 463 RICHMOND ST, EAST OPEN! ; prescription prices take direct action against the cost of ifiness -- action that speaks louder than the empty words of politi- eal eritics of drug prices. Ask yourself this question: "What did my last prescription do for me?" Then measure the benefits you received against the price you paid for the medi- cine. You'll have proof positive that prescription medicine is the biggest bargain in history. D BLEACH "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" Jury & Lovells OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY "We Send Medicines to Europe" PHONE RA 8-2501 FREE PARKING & FRL TILL 9 P.M. entertained relatives and friends DEPARTED It is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of a dear mother ? In the sincere hope of rendering a helpful ser- vice to those who wish to pay tribute to a loved one on Mother's Day, The Classified Depart- ment will publish a Special Page of Memorial Tributes in the Oshawa Times, May 13. TO ENSURE THAT YOUR MESSAGE APPEARS AT THIS TIME, PHONE THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT BEFORE THURSDAY, MAY 11. OSHAWA TIMES .................. RA 33492 WHITBY MO 8-3703 LT EE EE EE I SS

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