The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 START WORK ON 12-STORE builders, Bam Invesiments Limited of Toronto and esti- mated $150,000. Six of them will have a 15-foot frontage and will retail at $13,900, $1,900 down and the balance at $100 a month for ten years. A new one-storey, 12-store shopping centre at Dundas and Lupin streets in Whitby is now under construction and will be opened by the end of June. The new plaza will be a co-operative one costing the Jailed 18 Months For Safe Theft it yas A former Oshawa resident, safe when recovered who pleaded guilty to breaking later. into a warehouse and stealing He said that Godfrey was re- a safe containing $1,500, was turned from Calgary last Thursday sent to reformatory autumn and on Oct. 6 gave a for 18 months. Brian Godfrey, statement in which he admitted 27. lately a resident of Calgary, that he and two others had en will serve the sentence concur- tered the plant, and removed rently with a sentence of two the safe on an accomplices years less one day imposed on truck. The safe had been open- him last month for armed rob- ed, the statement said, and he, bery Godfrey, received about $500 Appearing before Judge A. R. from it. Willmott, of Cobourg, in the On-| The accused's statement end- tario County Criminal Court, at ed with "I wish it had never Whitby, Godfrey pleaded guilty happened" to breaking and entering the Before sentence was passed, Hambly Beverage Company of- Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck fice and warehouse on Bloor St./(o]q the court that Godfrey had! W.. in Oshawa on May 21, 1960. heen very co-operative since his Det. Sgt. William Jordan, of arrest and had in fact revealed the Oshawa City Police, said information which led to the that a routine police check early | conviction of himself and an ac- on May 21 revealed that the complice on an armed robbery Hambly plant had been entered | which occurred in 1959 and a Iift truck had been used id that his: ace : to remove the office safe. Hel 'ie said that his accomplice] : in the robbery had also been an pio Sat bout 51 500 in mney accomplice on the safe theft and mp n----r---------- (the Magistrate had seen fit to give the accomplice two years | . : less one d »ach ch . Whitby Knights (en i pel that Godfrey be treated similar-| V s Honor then imposed the Complete Plans Js sentence which God- Polish Night frey will serve concurrently with the two years less one day he is The semi-monthly meeting of now serving for the robbery. St. John The Evangelist Knights or comm: cone 495 vee Name Officers At Clover H-S nesday evening May 3. Grand Knight James Smyth opened the meeting with prayer with a spe- cial remembrance for deceased and sick relatives of members. School Association held its last Brother Maurice O'Connor, monthly meeting for the season Catholic Activity Chairman, an-|at Clover Lane school Wednes- . SHOP The six larger ones with an | barbershop have already been 18-foot frontage will retail at | sold. Qter Tiupised stores ' ; are: a bakery, ware, coin- $15.900, 2m down and $100 wash, restaurant, druggist, a month for 10 years. This in- | groceteria, beauty salon, ap- cludes the legal costs, inter- pliance, jeweller, florist and est, and a 10-year mortgage at camera shop. 7 per cent. A variety shop and --QOshawa Times Photo WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR Brooklin Hillerests are fast working into condition for their league opener on Wednesday, May 24 against the Brampton Excelsiors. Eight players have been signed by manager Alvin Puck- rin to date: Gerry Burrows and Don Craggs from last year's OLA Intermediate "A" champions, Phil Hall, Glen Lotton and Bob Carnegie from the Four Leaf Clover Home and| Whitby Red Wings, last finalists and Ken Lotton season's Canadian Junior (a brother to Glen) and Don Bruce from the Newmarket Green Gaels In- termediate club. Six members from the defunct Peterboro seniors have yet to ink contracts for the coming 1961 lacrosse season. They are Pat Bak- er a top notch goaltender the Hamilton Red Wings Larry Ferguson and Gerr, continue to work out at arena until the Brooklin a pond will practice Friday Niagara Falls there is t St. Catharines Athletics in this vicinity is hand] positions on the team ar nounced that a Communioniday. The president, Mr. R. breakfast is being held in Osh- Grover, opened the meeting awa on Sunday, May 7 at St. with the "Queen." Mrs. Gaskell, Hedwig's Church in conjunction District Organizer for Home and with the Oshawa Council. He School urged that all members try and The Association was intro- attend the 10 o'clock Mass duced to the guest speaker for Brother Harry Baxter, gen: the evening, her topic was eral program chairman, spoke "Home and School", its pur- of the progress being made for pose and function the "Polish Night" to be held at. yy Gaskell presided over the parish hall on Saturday, (ne installation of officers as May 13 at 8 p.m. He mentioned ollows: President. Mr. Roy that entertainment is being ar- Grover: vice - presidents, Mr.| ranged, as well as an orchestra william Hicks and Mrs. Thelma for dancing. Tickets may be ob-/crawford; secretary, Mrs. M tained by calling Brother Bax-|johin: treasurer, Mrs. F. Pettit. | Xe rother George Paquet was . Executive members, Mrs. Wil- appointed chairman of the com- liam ghicks, Mrs E. Montgom- mittee to form a Pee Wee base. 6TY: Mrs. N. Rolsf, Mrs. R. ball league with the Cubs and Weatherall. Mrs 5 Atkinson Scouts of Whitby, Ajax, Picker- and Mrs M. McPhail : During ing and Dunbarton. Nominations|the business meeting arrance. were held for the coming vear's ents were made for a chil- executive of Council 4895 and dren's library for both schools election will take place at the with Mrs. L. Atkinson in charge Mav 17 meeting = her The Chaplain, Rev. 1. J Mucke. Austin spoke to the members and asked them to support their "7 local parish Holy Name So The meeting adjourned and a cieties. He said that these so. social hour followed with re- cieties should be encouraged in freshments served by the social spreading the spiritual work so committee. The next executive necessary in combating today's meeting will be held Wednes- temptations. day, May 17, at Hilltop school. The meeting closed with pray-| The group will resume its er by Rev. Austin. \activities in the fall. assisted by members committee; Mrs. H. Mrs. M. McPhail and Mrs Jobin BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 8:25 WHITBY Lost Complete Show at 8:25 Ee THE NEW WARLEN 7 re ear. oe." PLUS--Second Feature Attraction "THE SWORD OF SHERWOOD FOREST" STARRING -- RICHARD GREENE -- IN COLOR aw Officials of the United League at their annual York last week accepted and onetime player with of the OHA Junior "A" league, Frank Farley, Rock Batley, Bob Curtis, one of Canada's most outstanding. lacrosse players, y O'Reilly. The Hillcrests the Whitby Community rena is ready. The Brook- lin seniors under the guidance of coach Lou Vi- night and Sunday morn- ing of this week. Niagara Falls has been admitted into the OLA Senior league bringing the number of clubs entered to five. Along with Brooklin and he Brampton Excelsiors, and Port Credit Sailors, defending Canadian Senior lacrosse champions. TOWN AND COUNTRY ... We would like fo extend a cordial invitation to all softball play- ers in the Oshawa area to attend the initial work- out of the Oshawa Merchants Senior "B" club on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. at Alexandra Park. Dib Little, one of the better softball coaches ing the coaching duties, while yours truly is managing the club. Several e still up for grabs. . . States Eastern Hockey league meeting in New the transfer of the Had- donfield, New Jersey club to Knoxville, Tennessee and received bids from Jacksonville, Florida and Washington. They also decided to cut the player roster to 13, to keep thé club's expenses to a minimum. All clubs will have to go with only two lines and two spare forwards. . . . Don't be sur- prised of rumors to the effect that Montreal Can- adiens of the National Hockey League are going to sponsor Pittsburgh, la test entry in the Ameri- can Hockey League, turn out to be just that -- rumors. Houston, president of t North Bay in the near fu Wren Blair, Sam Pollock and Ed he EPHI, are going to ture to hear propositions from civic officials in that city as to.the possibil- ity of an entry from the Bay next season. Other applications for the vacancy left by the Montreal Royals are to be consider: has been accepted into ed also. . . . Los Angeles the Western Hockey League. . . . It appears that hockey is on the verge of a tremendous expansion plan all over, particu- larly in the United States and not on the down grade as intimated by some sports officials. The main problem is being able to develop enough hockey players suitable for the number of clubs wanting to enter the various leagues. . . . Former Whithy Dunlops player, Gordie Myles led his team- mates on the Oshawa Firefighters to the league championship in Toronto on Monday, scoring both goals as they defeated York Township firemen, 2-1. Kenny Courtney came up with a splendid performance in the nets for the Oshawa club. It was the fourth league title for the Oshawa Fire- men in the last five years, while competing in the six-team Toronto Firemen's Hockey League. Faces Five Theft Counts William Mulhull, of the Ajax| Hotel, was remanded one week| by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Whitby Court Tuesday on five charges of theft and onc of breaking and entering. | Muthull pleaded guilty to hav- ing stolen 34 gallons of paint from the Ajax Dupont of Can- {ada plant on five occasions be. 'lywood's Hwe January 15 2 nie . T Li anuary 15 and April 22, his 400th picture, once a Thief cause he could not Magistrate Ebbs asked for af | pre-sentence report before pass- ing sentence on the 25-year-old man, Wallace Canoer, 37, of the Ajax Hotel, 'was also charged with theft. Together with Mul hull they are charged with theft of a total of 74 gallons of paint from the Dupont plant in Ajax. ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE ¢ 40TH PICTURE George Marshall, one of Hol veterans, is making with Rita Hayworth and Rex Harrison as co-stars. Kart Licencing supercharged or 5.8 cubic inch maximum cylinder displacement supercharged. Exhaust system -- Must be such that exhaust gases are car- ried away from and rearward of driver and must incorporate a proper muffler which will effectively prevent loud or ex- plosive noises. Regulations attached to the {bylaw are: No person shall race 2 Kart within the Township of Whitby the except upon the surface of Kart Track, the operator of which has been licensed under the provisions of this bylaw. The long-awaited Kart Licens- ing bylaw was passed Wednes- day night by the Township of Whitby council. The bylaw regulates and gov- erns the racing of Karts and the holding of Kart races in Whitby Township. Although the bylaw meets the general approval of track owners and neighboring ratepayers, several track own- ers are perturbed over the licensing limitation in one sec- tion. This section prohibits operation of Kart Tracks after) October 31, 1961. Council indi-| No person shall operate a cated they would reconsider this section after Oct. 31. Under the definitions outlined Kart Track within the Town- in the bylaw a "Kart" means a|ship of Whitby unless a license four - wheeled vehicle. It must|has first been obtained from the conform to the following specifi-| Council of the Corporation of the cations: Township of Whitby and the Wheelbase Maximum 50 license has not been revoked inches, minimum 40 inches as for any violation of this bylaw measured from centre to centre.| p,q, applicant for a license Jength by inches, Minimum of ust satisfy the Council at read wi oo The operator of - the Kart furllings ie measurement of prack is present on the prem- e wheelbase Height Maximum of inches measured at centre of five fighting equipment seat back (not including height|o,ajified operator of san of any 1v) bar which may be proved by a fire chief of th attached). , r 2 Tire Oe Maximum 12.5 DE id policy or : 9 inches i Ssesses ohiey. of ches and minimum inches in gic of" irae. Covering ing a sneumatic tube him for public liability and | "Whesls. To incorporate bear- Property damage, such ne cof ball " "lance to be of an amount no ings of bal or roller tye oly GE hn he following: for y | abov jury or accidental 'dea any type of body shell above the resulting from spectator a wheel centre. Spec E00 or in Srawall a ewall he. Single mishap, $25,000; ; ver va ® jury or accidental death to two : x spec g sulting : i -- " { aor more. spectators resulting sserng, = Dien ag of a from a single mishap, $50,000; safety. Linkage bolts and nuts for property damage, $5,000. Ss cotter keyed or safety] The Kart 'Track has sanitary i i facilities satisfactory to the Med- s -- Two cycle or four|ical Officer of Health for the nch maxi- | Township of Whitby. He will have adequale first- and a ne ap- e | Engine cy cycle of 16.5 cubic i mum cylinder displacement un-| Public Speaking At Hillcrest H&S | Hillcrest Home and School|ln Flander's Field; Bruce Wil- Association held a "Public|liams, The Children's Hour. Speaking Contest" at its regular| Grades 5 and 6 gave short monthly meeting at the school | speeches. on Wednesday. The pres Mrs. C. A. Sturgess, opene meeting with the "Queen", ident! Grade 5 -- Wendy Williams ac-|Gayle Schell on Florence Night- : ied at the piano by Mrs. ingale; Leitha Neilson on Den- [5 Wilhams 4 mark; Cecil Giffin, The Moose. Principal Mr. D. Catherwood pride § > Digne Doygies Su introduced all the contestants. | 2 #E 0 ohne ify own, [There wepe four contestants has Edi son; Lawrence from each grade with each giv-| : ' fos an excellent performance, Todd, Horses. and making the work of the Mrs. Stewart's Grades 4 and 5 ljudges very difficult. entertained with a group of four Judging were Mr. JI two-part songs, under the direc- : tion of Mrs. Williams. Mrs, Stachow, Mrs. L. Sibson 2 Sturgess presented each con- (Mrs. H. Arksey. Grades 0 4|testant with a prize. [recited and were placed 2s foi] During the business meeting lows: Grade 1 -- Linda Courtice, tho secretary and treasurer {Finding Ferries; Stephen Adey, | gave their annual reports. Mrs. Monkeys and Crocodiles; Sturgess reported on the Home (Deborah Agg, Trees; Chris: and "School Convention which [or Igel, Animal Store. she attended as a delegate. : Grage2 Stephen Thompson Attendance banners were won Saw It, really Did; Ly by Mrs. Frost's room for Jr., McKendry, Fathers Eiri ay and Mrs. Stewart's room for Sr. Cake; Penny Purdy, Mothers| nj. 1 Gibson presided over THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 5, 1961 § Bylaw Jailed 6 Months Passed By Township on Possession available i] Kenneth John Loucks, 28, of Whitby Police Department, said RR 1, Whitby, already serving a|that he had observed a car nine-month sentence, was Thurs- driven by Loucks turn into the day sentenced to an additional driveway at 117 Euclid street, six months when he pleaded Whitby, on the night of Nov. 9. guilty to a charge of being in|He said that as Loucks walked possession of stolen goods, in-|towards the house, he shouted : i the cluding two guns and 2 televi-{to him to halt but Loucks ran license is satisfactory to thego, co He appeared before and jumped over a fence. Min- Council they may direct the/j,q.0 A R. Willmott, of Co- utes later, he said, Loucks was Clerk of the Township to issue|porg who presided-at the On. arrested by PC Michael Mallon, a license to the applicant upon, io"County Crjfiinal Court, at/of the Whitby Detachment of the the payment of $5 and upon yoo ii OPP. aid equipment {someone in attendance qualifi to administer first aid at all {times when the track is in ac- tive operation. He is a fit and proper person to be licensed. If the application for the filing of the insurance policy or policies and the Kart Track being constructed in a manner isatisfactory to the Township {Road Superintendent and in ac- cordance with the definition of Kart Track contained in this [bylaw He was charged with being] A search of his car, said Sgt. in possession of a television set, Robinson, turned up a televi- a shotgun and a rifle on Nov.|sion set and the two guns. He . 1960, the property of Harold said that Loucks denied break- Hoard, Whitby Township. ing into the Hoard home and Hoard told the court that he said that he had been given returned to his home after a some money to deliver the weekend's absence on Nov. 5,stolen goods to someone at 117 Vehicle maximum overall .,quired by Section 3 hereof] ises at all times, when the track 24ic in active operation, adequate Such license shall be issued znd discovered his home had Euclid street. and : signed manually by the poon entered. He said that egas| Before sentence was passed, jelerk. =... X 5 had been broken on the floor|Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck No intoxicating liquor, beer, ang 4) the cupboards and draw- read Loucks' record, dating wine or other alcoholic bever- og had been ransacked. back to 1951. He said that the {age shall be sold " Consumed) Missing, he said, were the accused now indicated a desire [hon the ad nel or Seas [television set, a deep fryer, a|to rehabilitate himself and late- y the holder of the lCeNSe record player, a shotgun and ajly had been co-operative. He under this bylaw. rifle. He said that some coins|asked the court to be lenient in | not Gambling, disorderly conduct from a coin collection started|the sentence. and the use of profane or ob-/hy his son were also missing| Judge Willmott, 'whose last scene language shall not be per- and his daugher's piggy bank criminal case in Whitby had re- mitted upon the [ropesty own had been broken open. sulted in Loucks being sent to 2 or leased by the older . 3] He valued the TV set and the reformatory for ninc =: 1, lcense issued under this by-|, oo guns at over $400. {sentenced Loucks to an addition- Jay. ts shall be permitted to Sgt. Gerald Robinson, of the 31 SI mollis, consecutive, be raced in competition not a more than twice each month] '/] Se and on each of these days' oper-| WHITBY | aits ntence ations shall not commence ear- | . lier than 10 a.m. and shall not N L i F P continue beyond 9 p.m. | PERSO A S | or ossessing Karts may be operated on| " [ Is rs ard | A daffodil tea and bake sale| S 1 M undays sod only beiveen, tel be hea on satarcay av + DYOIEN Motor {Karts may be operated during|2! the Algor schoo} fof Retaried 'Edmond Raymond Baron.Var- vedas between the hours of yi" and Pickering Associa. (af; 2. of Toronto bas charged Loudspeakers may be Bion for Rejarded Children pions and id possession of a (operated on Sundays. to have ile {ea an In 11° stolen boat and trailer in Whitby school on Burcher road, running Magi Rand agistrate's Court, Tuesday. {from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Funds| Baron-Vartian 'vieaded gilt WHITBY [from the sale will aid the school | "7 r LD Bu y building fund. o stealing a orse-power out- board motor from Ajax-Marine DAY-BY-DAY | Mr. William Hearn of Coch-jon July 8, 1960: : ; |rane St., is celebrating his birth- & Pickening Township Polics LA : GRASS FIRE {day today. This evening Mr. and Constable Cooper ftestifie al Not ARGE Gra residents but|Mrs. Hearn are attending the| the motor cost $600. motorists on Highway 401 were East Scarboro Kinsmen Charter| The motor was recovered on able to get a ringside seat for a|Night. a Bradford farm last fall and mammoth grass fire in Whitby Hend 405 Athol was seized by the Ontario Pro- lon Thursday. During the later Mss. Ala Hendren, 41 0 | vincial Police there. afternoon, the north half of a>, celebrating her birthday) He was also charged with : 4 : (today. Her Iriends having possession of a boat in he vanines many happy returns of the day. which he registered last July. Ly : y +] : |Vartian claimed he had bought Ihe south half, right to Highway Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hillard, 0 Boat. for $350"Iast summer. from any houses. FIRE IN PARK Members of Whitby Volunteer and Fire Brigade were called out|Steven and Kerry spent the|tence when he was convicted of late Thursday afternoon to quell a fire in the ladies' washroom at the Centennial Park. They ar- rived to find the fire had made too much headway and the building, scheduled for demoli- tion this year, was burned to the ground. 'Take Permit 'New Motel Dundas W. Construction on an eight-unit Are Por. David Millar, MYi4.e installation of officers and Friendly 33. : presented Mrs. Sturgess with Grade 3 -- Barton Fala, the past president's pin. Mrs. G. Smile; Susan Foster, Presents; Moore reported for the school Janet Matthews, Two Little Kit- uniforms and seven girls model- tens; George Hood, An Open jed them. Secret. The meeting closed and a so- Grade 4 Banks, cial half hour followed with re- | Neighbors; { | | Robert Sharon H. Stewart's and Mr. R. Currie's its activities in the fall. William Henry Bunce, former. | ly of 27 Maple street, Ajax, was remanded for one week on a charge of false pretenses, by, Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Whitby Magistrate's Court, Tuesday. | | Bunce was in court after he obtained $600 under false pre-| tenses in a car deal last sum- mer. He had sold his car to an- other Ajax resident for cash and told the purchase that the car was paid for In September of 1960 3 was | Te ings habies were pre-| In Court Anne Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. more; Kelly Diane, daughter of Baptise Eight United Church | Car Deal title of Rev. J. M. Smith's ser-| mon at the Whitby United Church on Sunday morning. The sented for the Sacrament of In- {fant Baptism by their parents: Jo-Anne Maria, daughter of {and Mrs. G. Robinson; Deborah Jean, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Parsons; Derek Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Peake; David Stuart Begg, son of Dr. land Mrs. J. W. Town: David "Christian Hands" the . i 11] Lands Driver anthem was McCormick's "I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Southwell; son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Gil- Randall, fi {motel across from the Spruce Villa Hotel is expected to be |started in a few weeks. | The concrete block one-storey {building is scheduled for open- ling at the first of September. The building will be 142 feet {long and for 132 feet it will be \ ) 5 Richards, freshments served by the moth-|18 feet wide. It will be 25 feet The Giant; Campbell Dunbas, ers of Miss G. Corbett's, Mrs.|wide for the remaining 10 feet. | It will be situated on the rooms. The group will resume/south side of Dundas street just | east of Wellington street. The motel will have eight bathrooms and will be construct. ed at ap estimated cost of $14,- 550 exdluding the price of the lot Alex Galbraith of 821 Dundas St. W. is the owner of the prop- erty and will build the motel. Other building permits issued during the month of April in the town of Whitby for new homes, | additions and alterations totalled | $48,350 A $60.000, 12-store plaza is now under construction at Dun- | das St. E. and Lupin Ave. A building permit for it was issued | a Ey 5/401, caught fire. The street sep-|and children spent last weekend| d the|spoke on a Trip to Nova Scotia; | arates the burned over arealat their cottage at Lake | | St.| Peter. Mr. and Mrs. children William Hilts | Sheri Lynne, weekend in Stayner. as the guests of Mr. William Hilts Sr. ° The following out of town rela- tives and friends attended on Tuesday the funeral of the late Mrs. Frances Tucker. Dr. Howard Hazell of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McEachern and sons Robert and Douglas of Jackson Point and Donald of To- ronto University, Mrs. R. T. Mc- Lean, Mrs. Jack Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. F. Lowens, Mr. and Mrs. George Lowens, Mrs. Gordon Shepherd and son Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Markland, all of Toronto. WHITBY CLEAN oa) Lop STORAGE COLE" E PICKUP DELIVERY | MO 8-2345 | ced LAWNMOWERS Reconditioned SCIENTIFICALLY SHARPENED BY MACHINE Repairs To All Makes SPORTSMAN'S CORNER | Hardware and Garden Division 103 BYRON ST. SOUTH MO 8-4511 Fl | il ing his || incident He was remanded in custody for one week for sentence by Mag" istrate F. S. Ebbs. Gerald Roach, 24, of Orillia was given a one-month jail sen- an assault charge in Mara { Township. Robert Snache also of Orillia, was sentenced to one month in jail or a $50 fine on each of two {charges of assault, by Magis- [trate F. S. Ebbs in Whitby Mag- listrate's Court, Tuesday. | AEN, DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murels STORY WITH A MORAL Undoubtedly, the greatest problem a reputable dealer faces in his community is gain- buyer's confidence. Sometimes, the customer be- comes convinced the hard way. | was re minded of this recently by an con. cerning another dealer in @ similar town to ours. He was unable to sign a young used t cor buyer who { { A 2 on March 14. was very en- hused cbout a particular car. WHITBY son of Mr. and Mrs. nance company seized the car ||E E. E. Smith; Steven James, 50n|hecayse there was $710 30 owing || Mr of and Mrs Five Months On Possession An Oshawa man, William Nor- man Doidge, 22, of 354 Stephen. |son road north, was Thursday 'sent to jail for five months for being in possession of stolen goods. Doidge was sentenced by Judge A. R. Willmott, of Co- bourg, who presided at the On- tario County Criminal Court, in Whitby. The court was told that on Aug. 1, a diving lung, valued at $200, had been stolen Cranfield Motors, following a break-in. On Aug, 2, Doidge was apprehended in Toronto as he attempted to sell a diving lung to a diving equipment deal- er for $25. | His Honor sentenced Doidge {to six months definite but on {learning he had been in custody for 27 days awaiting trial he. raise the | necessary bail, he reduced the sentence to five months. Xa B.I.Davis, lpn it Bunce finance company for the car unable to keep up payments. WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y2-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale at . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times now living in Toronto, | told Magistrate Ebbs that he| | had intended to keep paying the | after he had sold it but he was ||&S ZAI rm \i VT /@\T (VL rm mA Za) fw) are we) 7a) LIONS CLUB PEANUT SALE SAT., MAY 6th FROM 9 AM. TO 5 P.M. Help the Lions Club To Help Your Community thy /aY! 781! 78. 7a\II7aY! A | | Vi /@Vii/@VIi/of 11/1 7@\ 1 TaN !} wanted to shop in a large city, The car wos o popular 1956 model in unbelievably good condition. The price was lightly above k 9 but the car's condition made it e real buy. The young man was the son of one of the dealer's custo- mers, had started his first job, ond was buying his first car. He confided to his dod he 45 miles away, becouse "I think I'll save myself some Well, he shopped and bought an "identical" car for $130.00 less money. "Even the mileage is less," he boasted, (it had been turned back to a fraction of the true figure). He drove it for 27 days before a break- down revealed a hole in a cylinder wall (temporarily plugged). Labor, plus e new engine block, plus what he still owed on finance totalled ebout DOUBLE the actual value of the car, When the used car dealer refused to pay, he decided to abandon the car on which he'd paid $375 of on $800 total, An expensive lesson may be come more expensive still if the dealer's finance company sues him for the balance of his contract, HARRY DONALD LTD. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY

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