The Oshawa Times, 5 May 1961, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 5, 1961 THREE YOUNG SINGERS who posed for a picture prior to entering the Girl's Triple Trio class in the Ontario Coun- | ty Music Festival on Thurs- day. Left to right are Celia Marks, 13, Lorraine Casson, 13, and Barbara Devalin, 12, all of St. Andrew's Senior School Ajax. The Festival, which this year attracted 6000 singers, was sponsored by the | Ajax Rotary Club. Choirs | from the farthest corners | the festival by their schools or of | Ontario County were entered in | Order Clerk Prepare Bylaw churches. The three girls went in to place second in their class and sang "Summer- time'. The winners' concerts will take place in the Ajax Community Centre on Friday and Saturday night at 8.00 p.m. --Oshawa Times Photo Total Of 170 Choirs Vie For Festival Honors HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling: - According to Mr, Rundle, any Township Ratepaye.:' ton Township Council vote d|bylaw passed may be in direct tion secretary, questioned what or, Mr. Cook did not wish ic srect;property, or discontinued his| | any building on the small parcel, business, that the property be but he merely wanted it for reverted back to residential zon-| trailer storage. He said he did|ing. I not see how a commercial estab-| Councillor Cornish mov .d| lishment could be erected on athe clerk be instructed to pre-| lot of 38 feet. |pare the necessary bylaw for i | i i the re-zoning, subject to the Mrs. Mary Budai, Darlington approval of the township solici-| Le [Thursday afternoon to instruct contravention of the township the objection would be to re- [Clerk Walter E. Rundle to {receipt of an application, |Robert Cook, Prestonvale, de- would be in a rathe pre-|zonin [fining a parcel of land with 38 position." ¢ foot frontage, which he has ask- ed to be re-zoned. | Mr. Cook, who operates a house - trailer sales depot, re-| quested that his property be re-| \zoned from residential to com-| Imercial to permit him to con-| {tinue business from his home. | Councillor Sid Cornish said |he understands Mr. Cook wants| to re-zone the small parcel for |storage, but Clerk Rundle said {the application before council {for rezoning mentions a parcel {of 115 foot frontage. { Plan 2-Room i Burketon School HAMPTON (Staff) -- Dar-| {lington Township Council Thurs-| day voted to give tentative ap- |proval to a bylaw to issue de-| benturés, not to exceed $45,000, for the construction of a (wo- room school in Burketon. | The debenture issue will be authorized subject to the approv-| al of the Ontario Municipal Board and the Ontario Depart- ment of Education. t At its last meeting, council instructed a Burketon Public School Trustees spokesman to hold a public meeting and call a vote to see if residents of that | area were still in favor of build- ing a new school. Councillor Cornish noted that agreement, oning bylaw. He said if coun- zoning the whole property. She |pare the necessary bylaw, upon/cil enacted a bylaw, which did said Mr, Cook would be willing by contravene its zoning bylaw, "It to agree to whatever re-zoning ist | r ridiculous|is permissible and would also movie called La Belle Amer-| CAR STAR | LONDON (CP)--French satir-| Robert Bhery is to make a| to enter into an icaine. Title role will be taken| be. willing t that if he sold his by a Cadillac car. | sociation complained that some- one is dumping rubbish along the Maple Grove road near her property and that others in the area are complaining of the Dump Rubbish Along Road HAMPTON (Staff) Dar. [S2Me problem. i She said that in once case, lington Township Council may| the identity of the offenders be forced to take legal action| Uo Toul on several magazines against sons dumping rub- 4 aga. The Oe it/and letters found in the rubbish. was reported at the council's Deputy-reeve A. L. Blanchard May meeting here Thursday af- said the township maintains a ternoon. dump and there is no reason Mrs. Mary Budai, secretary of why people should be depositing the Darlington Ratepayers' As-irubbish along the roadsides. STARS OF CHCH TELEVISION in person * @ BILL LONG oe ROSE JACKSON eo THE RYTHMAIRES Featured Sat. Nights, Channel 11 FRIDAY MAY 5 579 RED BARN ADMISSION "THE .00 PER PERSON NEW" ONTARIO REGIMENT ASSOC. RRsat, May 13, 1961 bo" AT THE ! The result of the vote as told | AJAX (Staff) -- The second|Thursday"s edition of The| Class 23 (Section B) -- Unison hi Counc! was 16 fo nine iy idvon competitive day of this year's|Times). chorus; test piece, "The Hike." 1n addition to the $45,000 de- three-day Ontario County Music| Class 7 (Section A) -- Three-/1. Lincoln Avenue, Pickering, penture issue, council gave a Festival came to a close with/part chorus (SAT); test piece, | Mrs. Linton. 2. Vaughan Wil-| supplementary roads bylaw, for 41 choirs competing for top|"The Forty-Second Psalm." 1.|lard, Pickering Township, Miss|its 1961 road expenditures, honors in 10 different classes. [St Andrew's, Ajax, leader, Miss Norton. Two choirs shared third| which are estimated at $83,000 The fifth annual Ontario Coun-|B. McColl; 2. St. Andrew's, Place, Bay Road, Pickering|its three readings. ty Music Festival is sponsored Ajax, leader, Mrs. M. Harman, | Township, Mrs. Rogers and| Township Clerk Walter E.| by the Ajax Rotary Club and is|3, St. Andrew's, Ajax; leader, Brooklin Senior, Brooklin, Mrs. | Rundle said $53,800 of the pro-| organized by the Rotarians, Mrs. G. Woods. V. Hodson. posed 1961 real gxpengiiure is their wives, the organizing ¢mo-| (acs 26 (Section B) -- Three-| Class 29 (Section B) -- Inter- or road and bridge construc. mittee, the music Supervisors| aii chorus (SAT); test piece, mediate School Choir; two-part|;O" and the Temaining 35.20 and teachers of the many choirs! pp. woodland Lily." 1. Lincoln up to 50 voices; test piece, "The 1s for the installation. ol cw. "By the ti the f 1 closes | AYenue Pickering; leader, G. Mountaineers." 1. Rouge Hill, Yers s- -- y the time the festival closes Gg Pickering Township, I. Bell. : tokor ol at 4.00 p.m., Friday, the adjudi- Brown Two choirs shared second place Port CT ig Wo cator, Dr. Leslie Bell of Toronto, is class : 9 ship, 5 3 in this class, Brooklin Senior, third place between Glengrove, I} ye judged 6,000 voices in ip ; . ¢ ee 170 tho . Prooklin, Mrs. V. Hodson and Pickering Township, W. Fraser = close to 170 choirs : . . ickaring $ | =e Fairy ° 1s Bou: h, Fl kering and Vaughan Willard, Pickering | THURSDAY'S RESULTS Francis de Sales, Pickering, SUD, AL argrave. Township, Mr. Moffatt. BUD oD Wy Following are Thursday's re- Miss R. Cooper. 3. Vaughan Class 30 (Section B) -- School Class 13 (Section A) -- Two Asgorr, Tr | sults of the festival, (Wednes- Willard, Pickering Township, (Choir, four-part, (SATB), up to|part, unchanged voices. Maxi-| nd OSTELLO! 50 voices; test, "O° Worship the mum 70 singers; test piece, pd Bic. ~ King." 1. Rouge Hill, Pickering "The Cowboy." 1. St. Andrew's, - Wig ti Township, Mr. Clarke. 2. Glen-|Ajax, Miss B. McColl. 2. Park-| ' : grove, Pickering Township, H. side, Ajax, Mrs. E. Pike. 3 x : Brindza. Tie for third place be- [ord Elgin, Ajax, T. McGuirk. tween Fairport Beach, Picker- (lass 14 (Section a) -- Girls' ing Township, J. Ladd and Dun- Triple Trio; test piece, "Sum-| |barton, Pickering Township, B. mertime." 1. St. Andrew's, Ajax, { Walker. ; Miss B. McColl. Tie for second ih lass 5 (Section A) -- Two-|place between two other choirs [Part Chorus; test piece, from St. Andrew's, Ajax, leader |""There s a Friend for Little/to both choirs, Mrs. Harman. Children." 1. Parkside, Ajax, Friday's festival competition Mrs. H. Whelan. 2. Lord Dur-|will see 43 choirs entered in 17 Most of the people who suffer am. Ajax, W. J. Outram. Also classes. from such functional illnesses Sécond, Lord Elgin, Ajax, T. J.| The winners of each class have what are called neuroses, McGuirk. : may be seen and heard at two, These are minor reactions a Class 25 (Section B) -- Two: concerts, sponsored by the Ajax] common example of which Part Chorus; test piece, "Do Rotary Club, on Friday and would be anxiety. Others have You Know." 1. Rouge Hill, Pick- Saturday nights at 8.00 p.m. in| considerable difficulty in con- ering Township, I. Bell. 2. Fair-'the Ajax Community Centre. forming to the laws and codes ~~ 5 i = rn BOLSTER AJAX SWIMMING POOL FUND | ARMOU RIES OSHAWA (left) is Ajax Kinsmen Club | date $45,000, including the fi ' president, Wesley Ensoll. The | Kinsmen's donation, has been Dancing 9 p.m.--Until 12 p.m. presentation took place in the | donated. The steering com- | PRIZES -- REFRESHMENTS mittee of the pool hope that | deep end of the pool, now ee 4 P Everybody Welcome the forthcoming canvass will under construction, and spear- | realise the balance of the ADM . heads the second Pooi Canvass | pool's cost. The Kinsmen Club ISSION: 1.00 PER PERSON to take place from May 12 to | so far has donated over $15,000 | _ 18. The cost of the pool is ap- towards the pool fund. proximately $60,000 and to --0Oshawa Times Photo ALL-COLOR DOUBLE PROGRAM! A magnificent shot in the arm of the Ajax Memorial | Swimming Pool fund on Thurs- | day was the presentation of a | $5000 cheque by the Ajax | Kinsmen Club. Shown present- ing the cheque to co-chairman of the swimming pool steer- ing committee, Pat Walsh Tae MEIN KAMPF Class 20 (Section B) -- Unison chorus; test piece, "The Happy Toad." 1. Lincoln Avenue, Pick- ering, Mrs. D. Hortop. 2. St. Aoi: WD or ADDED FEATURE! wis 4 > Q=9| CLIFTON WEBB / ' yy YN yard, 7g, | "CHEAPER BY Sst THE DOZEN" COLOR wy DE LUXE -- WITH -- JEANNE CRAIN MYRNA LOY -e day's results appeared in/Miss Barrett. MENTAL HEALTH Hard To Define If Not Specific tional illnesses, if you like (TELL: STARTS TOMORROW | Zaz Thy "DOCTOR IN LOVE" (Adult) in COLOR Added Loughs "TWO-WAY STRETCH" . -IN- wr rows' THE TERRIFYING RISE AND RUIN OF HITLER'S REICH COMING MONDAY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT EI This is the sixth in a series of articles, dealing with mental health, written by Dr. A. I . Malcolm, a member of the staff of the Ontario Hospital at Whitby It is quite impossible to de- fine mental illness. Some peo- ple refer to 'nervous break- down" but this is even harder to define. Both expressions Beret - enon | | | --| | GLENN FORD- VAN HEFLIN- FELICIA FARR SEE YOU of the society. We might call these the behavior disorders BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 seem to refer to some condi- tion in which, as with all ill- nesses, there is a loss of well being, a change in a person that makes living less comfort- able than it was. Perhaps the main reason why these expressions defy definition is because they presume to de- scribe not a single illness but dozens of illnesses. They com- mit the error of generalization just as does the expression "'in- fectious disease." Today we would prefer to speak of measles, scarlet fever or mumps; to some specific condi- tion. So it is with mental ill ness In some of these states there is structural alteration of the brain. These we would call the organic illnesses; and under this heading we would list disorders caused by injuries to the brain or tumor or infection of the brain. or change in the blood circulation of the brain. There are many other organic ill- nesses and in a number of ways they are strikingly similar to organic disorders of any other part of the body. The essential difference, of course, is that they may result in altered be- havior, or changed ways of thinking and feeling. Yet the largest group of people who de- velop psychiatric disorders have no structural change in the brain whatever I would say that it is this group that is referred to in the expression 'nervous break down". They have purely emo- THEATRE GUIDE Regent -- "Ben Hur". Shown twice daily at 1.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m, Biltmore -- "Doctor in Love" 12.45, 3.50, 7.00, 1005 p.m. "Two-Way Stretch" 2.25, 5.35, 8.45 p.m. Last complete show at 8.40 p.m. Drive-In -- "The Five Pennies" and "Gunfight at Dodge City" Box office opens at 800 p.m Show starts at dusk Brock ~-- 'Two-Way Stretch" 7.00 p.m. and 9.55 p.m. "The Sword of Sherwood Forest" 8.35 p.m. Last complete show at 8.25 p.m. Plaza -- "Dentist in the Chair" "Hooked and Rooked". Fea ture times 200, 545 7 p.m. Last complete show at 905 pm. Still another group expresses mental conflict in terms of phys- ical symptoms. Thus we have the large and very important group of psychosomatic condi- tions that seems to form a nat- ural bridge between psychiatry and the other branches of medi- cine. In many cases, for exam- ple, emotional conflict seems to be one of the factors that pro- mote the development of ulcers of the stomach And finally we have the psy- choses, the illnesses that seem to involve the total personality of the person in unhappy change.! One disorder in this group that has received a great deal of| attention in recent years is schizophrenia. It remains the supreme challenge facing psy- chiatry today and although ad- vances have been made against it there is no doubt that its re- sistance is still painfully strong. Thus we have, in broadest outline, a picture of mental ill- ness. Most of the conditions in the groups mentioned can be successfully treated. But it is generally held to be true that the earlier treatment can be started the better will be the outcome. This could be said of almost every disorder known to man. It is just worth noting that it definitely applies to men- tal illness as well. And, as I have mentioned before, knowl- edge and understanding must replace fear and superstition if early cases are to be found | COUPLES WHO DANCE ...HAVE MORE FUN! LAST DANCE OF THE SEASON AT THE "Y" VARIETY CLUB for music at it's best The Steve Backwell Trio ~ Fun Galor 199 CENTRE STREET Spot Dances Y.W.C.A y ha | OSHAWA ARENA V/// LLL LL roller skate music, skates and laughter A great recred thon for all. "Skateland"' TONIGHT! SHOW STARTS AT DUSK THE TOUCHING STORY OF ONE OF THE GREATEST TRUMPET PLAYERS OF THEM ALL! Danny Kaye's Best Movie Performance! ALL COLOR SHOW! SATURDAY NIGHT 8:30 "Miss Teenage Roadeo" (Sponsored by Jaycees) GET-TOGETHER CLUB SPOT PRIZES -- DANCING -- REFRESHMENTS 0.C.V.l. Auditorium--Dress, Casual ADMISSION: MEMBERS 40c NON-MEMBERS 60c AT THE LIMITED ENGAGEMENT SHOWN TWICE DAILY! EVENINGS at 7:30 p.m. MON. thru THURSDAY 1.25 MATINEES ot 1:30 p.m. ADULTS 1.00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN 75¢ ANYTIME STUDENTS 90c ---- FRIDAYS -- 9 FUN-FILLED NIGHTS WEEKLY 2 -- SATURDAYS -- Conadien Winners of the International Band Contest. PAT RICCIO Radio, Television and Re- cording Artist with his Orchestra. Canada's top Record Hop Continuous Dancing to the Latest & Greatest on Hi-Fi Dence JUBILEE PAVILION WILSON & LEE LIMITED MUSIC STUDIO Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ® CLARINET ® HAWAIIAN GUITAR e TROMBONE e VIOLA eo CELLO ® ACCORDION ® SAXOPHONE e VIOLIN @ SPANISH GUITAR e POPULAR PIANO ® TRUMPET Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion ot 1,50 weekly includes the FREE use of en accordion during that period which is taken home for practice, WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4706 I DENTIST -OPEN WIDE! NOW HOLLER! at the funniest film in years! 'FEATURE TIMES: 2:00 - 3:50 . 5:45 7:40 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:05 P.M, ------ A CURE FOR THOSE WHO ARE DOWN IN THE A RENOWN PICTURE RELEASED BY ASTRAL FILMS Starring the "CAREY BN" GANG KENNETH CONNOR + BOB MONKHOUSE PEGCY CUMMINS te CHAIR ze AND ROOKED" COLOR CARTOON

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