VICE-REGAL JOURNEY The Governor-General and Mme. Vanier will travel near- ly 6,000 miles on their first official visit to the Canadian North June 12-28, Map shows stops of the vice-regal party. Travel will be by plane except for short boat trips on the Mackenzie and Great Rear rivers between Norman Wells «if - | and Ft. Norman. Most north- | ern point on the trip is Inu- vik, NW.T., to be reached June 23. | --(CP Wirephoto) GALLUP POLL Opinion Closely Split On South African Stand Qf Commons By CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION Although disapproving its ra- cial policies, runs its affairs is its own busi- ness, than believe these policies terviewers for the Gallup Pol make membership in the Com- monwealth impossible. Mr. Die- ported in principle by about three in ten of those who have heard something about it. On the other hand, about four in 10 hold an opposing point of view. Canadians were not particu- larly interested in the critical development at the London con- ference of Prime Ministers, when South Africa left the Com" monwealth as only 63 per cent of the people, twenty-one years of age and over, have heard or read anything about it. In ef- comes closest to the way you Benn To find out how «<nlid' dians support Mr. Diefenbaker's on racia "Ww principles more Canadians credited with a crucial impact think the way that South Africa on South Africa's decision to the Commonwealth, in- leave first asked: "Do you happen to Nations at the conference London?" Yes No 100% Each man and woman who serted that the election had "r: said they knew something about solved nothing" have fenbaker's stand, credited by heard or read anything ahout many commentators as a decid- South Africa's withdrawal from ing factor in the crises, is sup-ithe British Commonwealth of in Peer Heads For House Mana. BRISTOL, Eng. (Reuters) -- Anthony Wedgwood Benn, Britain's "reluctant peer," told the voters of this western port city today that he would present | himself at the House of Com- mons '"'to take my seat as your representative." Benn made his statement| after being declared the win-| ner in an election to choose al successor for him in the House of Commons as a result of his being ordered to move into the| But Benn's Conservative op-| i [tion of the city's second subway {proceeding on a strict three- inicipal board when it first ap- {Metro legal department, is ex- 35, | Metro Seeks | New Subway Speedup | TORONTO (CP) -- Metropol-| itan Toronto will seek early ap- proval of the Ontario municipal board for a speedup in construc- as the result of a $60,000,000 provincial loan, Metro Chair- man Frederick Gardiner said Thursday night. Premier Frost, in announcing the province's decision to grant the loan, said earlier Thursday it was intended to advance con- struction of the subway and in- crease employment in the city. But at present construction is phase basis required by the mu- proved Metro's participation in the cost of the rapid - transit| project. | The application, to be pre-| pared and presented by the pected to call for combining the last two stages to permit com- {pletion of the subway by De- {cember, 1966, instead of Janu- ary, 1969. The provincial loan will be spread over a four-year period. The Toronto Transit Commis- sion has estimated 90 per cent of the material required for the subway is available from Ca- nadian industry. A Montreal INSIDE YOU By BURTON H. FERN, MD Dear Doctor: What would our| Lord think of today's medical profession that capitalizes on un-christian methods in medical schools? Mr. A. N, | Dear Mr. N.: Some doctors| are after your money, but many more want only to relieve hu-! man suffering. Young medics have a hard time forgiving their debtors when creditors won't forgive their debts but demand prompt payments. | Even the Bible suggests that the sick deserve medical help. (Matthew 7.12). COFFEE-GROUNDS HARMFUL? Dear Doctor: Is it harmful to swallow the grounds at the bot- tom of a cup of instant coffee? Miss A. B. | Dear Miss B.: Your- instant coffee will all dissolve if you simmer it for a few minutes. The grounds are no grounds for worry. If coffee grounds were harmful, expresso epi- demics would have shattered the beat generation long ago! firm won the first contract for subway cars in competition with foreign bidders. Probation 'For Dejected Bank Robber TORONTO (CP) -- A man |plague really made your daugh-| who tried to rob a bank but was talked out of it by a sympa- thetic teller Thursday was placed on probation for two| 63 per cent House of Lords as successor to|years. | 37 per centlhis father, Viscount Stansgate. | The pre - sentence report on) Paul Cipuzak, 27, was excellent, | {CURED OF TB Dear Doctor: Tuberculosis can |be cured. My daughter caught | tuberculosis just before her wed- |ding -- and her beau ran out {when he heard the news. Now, two years later, she's cured and engaged to another a young man | --Mrs. F. M. | - Dear Mrs. M.: That old white iter's first beau show his true | colors! How lucky that those TB germs struck before she had to depend on his promise ". . . in sickness and in health". Now she's over both a bad |bug and a bad beau! ponent, Malcolm St. Clair, as- said Magistrate C. A. Thoburn./ T00 MUCH BEER? because Benn the withdrawal was handed a could not 'be a member of the card containing two statements/ House of Commons. and asked: St. Clair claimed that the vot-| confused in his mind." Teller Diane Dufort, 21, said] Cipuzak handed her a note de- manding money at the branch e- "I think he was dejected and| Dear Doctor: Can a person be- come an alcoholic by drinking 113 to 2 quarts of beer daily? --Mrs. B. G. Dear Mrs. G.: What you drink "Which of these statements ers had thrown their ballots to/of the Bank of Nova Scotia Ap- and how much doesn't make you out of sentiment, fect while just over six in ten feel about South Africa's racial would not say yet whether heljike a holdup man and she of-| knew something about it, how- ever vague, just under four in ten are not aware of the devel opment at all. South Africa's Racial Policies They are against Commonwe bership is therefore I disapprove of them, impossible but the way South Africa runs policies?" Here is the way made their choice. alth ideals and mem- 33% its affairs is its own business ..........eee. atanaese Other attitudes on the situation .... Can't choose between statements ..... Those Canadians who gave 19 100% ter than if they withdrew." !/ other statements on the crisis grain superintendent in Mani- included such comments as that ion, thought, "The natives are from a farmer near Smith's Falls, Ontario, who said: many blacks are illiterate that it seems sensible to leave au- thority to the educated minority. We could just disapprove -- not force South Africa out. ' Baptist minister in B.C. said: "By keeping South Africa in, perhaps we could guide their white leaders to tolerance, bet- ulation 'Pub Padre' Startled By Attack TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto's "padre of the pubs" and a fel- low clergyman expressed amazement Thursday at an at- tack on him by some delegates at the Elgin presbytery of the United Church of Canada Rev. Arthur Packman, his pastorate at Stirling last September to take up the self- imposed and controversial mis- sion of bringing religion to the tipplers of Toronto's beverage rooms At West Lorne Wednesday, some churchmen described his activities as improper, incongru- ous and a disgrace to the church. The presbytery decided to ask the general church coun- cil to state its attitude Rev. Gordon Smyth of Yonge § reet United Church, chairman o/ a committee backing the pa- dre's work, said Mr. Packman| has the support of the United| Church Observer, official] church organ, prominen t churchmen, the Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union and the United Church's board of evan- gelism and social service, which| has granted him $3,000 As to West Lorne complaints about a photograph of him pouring beer, Mr Packman said he sips beer if the occa sion demands it, but never has finished a pint in a beverage room "But if 1 cared to, 1 would," | he added. | Crackdown On Soviet Deadbeats LONDON (Reuters)--The gov- ernment of the Russian Feder-| ation has cracked down on] deadbeats in its territory, which! includes Moscow, the Soviet news agency Tass reported Thursday A federal government decree; said all citizens living a "'para- sitic life' will be deported to remote work settlements for a work rehabilitation course of from two to five years. | left go not quite ready. When they are, own "Nothing should be al- lowed to push South Africa out! auction in London next month but of the Commonwealth", said a'Most «A B.C. machinist, "It might mean studies, done when she was a they should run their show'. the break-up." Canadians A 'to take his House of Lords seat intended to challenge the elec- tion result. 10,231 for St. Clair, who ironic- Agree ally also is the heir to a peer and thus could also find himse!f in Benn's position in the future. { Benn, who was first elected {to the House of Commons in| [1950 when he was 25 and who! since has come to be regarded as one of the Labor party's bright young men, has refused despite losing his seat in the House of Ce s. ROYAL ART LONDON (CP)--Drawings by Queen Victoria will be up for them costume of are teen-ager. he Benn received 23,275 votes to fered him some money {rom r pay. | "He told me he was unem- ployed and hadn't eaten in three | days," Miss Dufort said. "Ij felt sorry for him, and I had him talked out of it when some- one screamed." Pay TV Said | Losing Money TORONTO (CP) -- Eugene Fitzgibbons, president of Trans- Canada Telemeter, said Thurs-| day the pay TV system in sub- urban Etobicoke is losing mo- n | ey. Mr, Fitzgibbons said the com- pany has not achieved the $100- New Symbol of Seagram Quality Before introducing Seagram's 5 Star, Seagram tested® this great new from coast to coast against the three leading brands in its price class... and in test after brand of rye whisky test Canadians liked the taste of Seagram's 5 Star best. Next time try Seagram's great new brand with the Five Stars on the bottle. *Tested under the official supervision of a leading Research Organization. Seagtam; 7 C ehpecial Ce anadich { Aten Aye Whisky TTD butiyi) 17. She said he didn't look!an alcoholic. The alcoholic de- per - subscriber annual income needed to break even, but he believes the system will be suc- cessful in the long run. After a little more than a year of operation the system has gained acceptance among] its 6,000 subscribers, he said. but he believes the system will be successful in the long run. Mr. Fitzgibbons said despite inevitable first-year losses, the system will seek expansion in the Metropolitan Toronto area. Telemeter may be introduced in the Ontario centres of Port Arthur, London, or Cornwall, where Famous Players Cana- dian Corporation Limited, the] Doctor Answers Readers' Queries pends on alcohol the way an ad- dict denends on dope -- to es- cape from an unbearable every- day world. Anyone who needs two quarts of beer daily to float into this paradise is already an alcoholic. STRENUOUS SPORTS Dear Doctor: Our doctor says| that our son can go out for] track and basketball even though he suffered two severe! attacks of acute (glomerulo) ne-| phritis. 'Won't strenuous sports hurt him? Mrs. R. S. Dear Mrs. §.: Not if he's com- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 5, 1961 Live the easy, arefree life... Live better with Genuine Arborite GENUINE pletely recovered from both! bouts and is taking penicillin to! prevent a third attack. Why not take the word of your | own doctor? You trusted him with your son's life twice al- ready! | | { | | | | | | parent company, operates com- munity "antennae systems, he| said For far thicker growth MASTER GRASS SEED Exclusive "Green Gro- Koted" process gives 'you a more luxuriant carpet of healthy, deep-rooted grasses. Available in four different lawn blends, each best for its purpose. . BIRDS DO NOT EAT IT READILY Available At . . . YOUR ONE-STOP GARDEN CENTRE MASTER FEEDS "OSHAWA Free Customer Parking Dial RA 3-2229 54 CHURCH ST. 4 ...for spirited refreshment }