22Store Space & Garages 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 25---Apts, & Flats for Rent 27--Rea! Estate for sate: 27--Reel Estate for Sale \ 27---Reel Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Waednesdey, May 3, 1961 27 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service. New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown area. Moderate rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES THRER.ROOM unfurnished apartment, close to bi nd South General Motors,| |269 Thoma: reek T RA 85-5233, FOR rent large bright three-room apartment, air tioned, south end of city. RA 8-2821 or RA 5-2096, THO-BhoM newly with TV, t, THREE lots, 106 x 150 each, limits in , suit single girl or Call RA 50040 or RA 5-2035. |SMART families use Classified ads to sell outgrown clothing. It's - just' /dial RA 3-3492 to place your ONE and two-bedroom a ts, | available in modern buflding, stove and refrigerator supplied, MO 8-3092 {after 5. 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, {private bath, sink, built-in cupboards. | Apply 145 Albert Street. | TWO - bedroom apartment, private en- {trance and driveway, 10 minutes from |General Motors, Child welcome. Park | Road South. _Terephons | RA 8-6406. "ROOM partment, suitable for couple, $50 per Py Ap- wi - Bloor Street West. E-ROOM apartment, furnished or bi ns ik private, sink and cup. boards in the kitchen, near South GM.| Children welcome. Phone RA >a". LARGE furnished self-contain ment apartment, with heavy avy range sink units, three-piece b of |g automatic washer and dryer. RA 5 5124, FURNISHED bed - sitting room "and kitchen, electrically equipped. Suit one or two, TV outlet, at y stop, 13 Me: -| Frigidaire, kitchen, We have a reason- BRIGHT, clean, ground floor apart- shh, shies three yo rooms with stove, immed- fate elderly selling at $1650 each, Ph, farms. Call 5, Macko Realtor. "RA INCOME home, central, consisting of resi-|two, three-room and one|fon four-room apartment, one large bache- with lor apartment, $12,800 with $3,000 Gown. For particulars, apply 208 Tresane business or oii reireed. RA 8-8823 morning or 8. TO BUY or sell homes, farms, acreage, BRIGHT, attractive apartment, three rooms and bath, all newly decorated, taf able rent for careful tenant. Phone Mr. Clavion at RA 53301 after 8 p.m. RA FREE RENT FOR TWO WEEKS lots or you to call me, W. McAuley Real Es- , 238 Prince Street, corner. of RA '3.2513 or MO 8-5765 FOUR-ROOM frame "Sungalow, conveniences, two miles north of eity limits, one acre of land, two large buildings, Telephone RA 8.6598 for ap- IF you want a three-be it will pay| Road, Bond. |nings R. allthis by Th buy or trade. Call Pat Patter Howie MeCrbe, Douglas Gower Realtor Ltd. RA 8-4651. LOT for sale 45° x 130', Bloor and loor street Ritson vicinity, Telephone RA L.|29--Automobiles for Sale T32--Articles for Sale 1954 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, dark finish, excellent mechanically, Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 83331, Taunton Easy terms. RA 8.5145. Eve BUILDING lot, 49° x 150°, city water, $2,400. Weinberger Realtor, OWNER leaving city and is selling three-bedroom modern brick galow at a sacrifice. Low down pay- ment, easy terms. Lovely tse, We urge you do see this home, tion please eall 8. Macko Realtor. RA 8-4661. -|Real Estate 29---Automobiles for Sale | ermine power | 28--Real Estate Wanted '58 CHEVROLET Biscayne, automatie,| 'Telephone MA GS wanted -- We have clients homes in Osh- districts. Call Ou- -1457, Olive Howe, LISTIN! waiting for lower awa and surrou relia Kanoza, RA 3-5642 or 2 or 2 Church, Bowmanville, 58 53 CHEVROLET r Belair, new tires. Sacrifice! Telephone RA 6 p.m. 5 '58 FORD custom 300 two-door V-8 |spotiess, medium Kreen Jian, radio, 1953 LINCOLN Capri hardtop, white, dual automatic, radio, rubber, $585. R tires age. Sharpest car on our or 1385, Sea way MO 8-3331, blue HOUSEHOLD 38, he xe ing ref: WRECKING by bus terminal. I hot radio and 's tools, etc. pa Ld ET add ! Bond Street lb i wood, wal hy v i 8-5480 after job Simcoe Street Soul TELEVISION, used, "$30.95 up. Easy i BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 23--Wanted to Rent with a 6 per cent NHA mortgage and have $400 down t or ear of tial equal value call iver 5.3180, |LSHAPED parcel of vacant land fac- ing on Stevenson's Road. Phone MO 8.4741. No realtors, please, INCOME home, $1,200 down, take one monthly payment, two three-room apartments, loaded with extras, rs RA 5-0851. |LOT, 75° x 200°, with tiled well, four ---- miles from city limits. T RA , private en-|5.5082. 5253, 218 Celina --saess--ma| EIGHT-ROOM FOUSE All modern conveniences, Beautiful corner lot with trees. Well situated. Phone YUkon 5-2336. PORT PERRY FOR REAL ESTATE OLIVE HOWE . Aurelia Kanoza "RA 5-1457 Boul Laughlin Boulevar 5 ing Sire Street Fives. Canineh + 4 Da Dundas West, Whitby. ONE GMC Delco oll Burner one Que bec heater. RA 8-8477 windows, SEVE doors and Suitable for cotiagens AlN a Jew BOY hand woven scatter rugs. RA 3.7218. mec! hanigally. Only $1,195. [LIME green di and chair, suitable Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 83331. [for cottage. Reasonable. Telephone RA 1953 FORD custom sedan, radio, and (32830. good tramsportation, at a low price, $205. Seaway Motors, Whi Modern bachelor apartment, 5 PONTIAC station wagon, sutomatie| modern kitchen ond bath- deluxe , heavy duty springs; room, Suitable for couple or bachelor. ment building. Shopping Centre. Apt. 1. RA 5.3652 26--Rooms for Rom , near, {Shopping Centre, men stove, | washer, dryer, asphalt drive, garage. 1349 Frontenace Avenue. Phone RA 18-1002. fin- how " 1951 INTIAC, good condition. B four-piece ceramie tiled bath. offer. Telephone RA 8-406. radio ay standard room, ine Fig double Sa we ig FORD, , customized, 8, M shape pe, new RA . je, extras, $10, own. shocks, new body wi nw b Atery | joss FOR powder blue and ater ¢ and tune-up, Telephone RA 8-3643 after|yhite with Pr hardtin. vow Th BL dual aerials, A-1 mechanic. ally RA B8-4353 after 6 p.m, Baxed WAGON 1857 Deluxe two-door dark Jer finish, vg suital engine, radio, automatic transmission TWO t on Simeoe| Street North, fully equipped. Tele. phone RA 35-6343 between 9 a.m. and Sp. i = TWO-ROOM furnished "apartment, suit couple or two gentlemen, stove, re- Reason- frigeraiol sink, cupboards, parking. RA wild - lk INEW modern two-bedroom apartment, in apartment building, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved parking. 82 Park Road South. RA 53212. TAREE rooms, including kitchen with sink and cupboards, heavy wiring, T' outlet, in clean, quiet home. ea hone RA 8-3818 or 124 Tyler Crescent. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, refriger lator, stove, laundry facilities. Tele- phone RA 5-2981. Li over cen- [SHOPPING Centre vicinity, two - three {room unfurnished apartments, newly --| decorated, suit quiet couples. URGENT -- Young Toronto family, 3 able. Available now. 630 King West. wrainiered to Diliawa, Tequite clean, 5.3777. modern six-room bungalow and garage. Contact Mr. Hawkins Box 725, Oshawa armen: hres: room self: contained Ties or phone Toronto BE 9.9427 col: Arkin, immediate possession, Reason: - - | able, unfurnished. Telephone RA 8-3952. buyers are checking NICE four-room apartment with all|® ed right now. Dial RA 3-3492 tol furniture including television set, laun- n ad on the ones you want 10|qry facilities, central location, ground floor. $100 monthly. Adults only. RA 81203. | THREE-ROOM apartment, bright a lst ---- pn rae cheerful, heavy duty wiring, parking THREE-ROOM newly decorated un- facilities, suitable for couple, near furnished apartment, private bath, Ritson School. RA 53812 {laundry facilities, Nr owatoyn JAparS Te . {ment building. Be 'elephone vicinity, HREE-ROOM basement abartment, TV} handy to everything, adults only, suit utiel hig Rath heavy wiring, 114 couple, Available now. $62 month-| near buses, Telephone RA 5-7940. NE Bi gor TO , three-room ONE-BEDROOM apartment, Thoxpen | can -- sive, private, close to bus and shop. ment: PHvate Jia, sink _and_builiin nk and cupboards, ping. Telephone RA 8-6605. Lamon. Apbly 31. Richmond East. [shared bath, available. May 1. Apply Built] {session. Apply 3 chmen 517 Park Road South. For more infor MODERN threessool Darument, RL THREE unfurnished rooms, 1a mation, telephone RA 5-23 vate bath and entra TV aerial RA storage room, Jha tiirance FURNISHED rooms, one 0 one 58363. 356 Cadillac id Mt Ra A rg double, suit ladies or gentlemen; use of Seay" avy | kitchen. Telephone RA 8-1297, ato CHURCH 8 Street, two_storey, -. hardwood Tie 1957 METEOR deluxe four-door V8 se- ey, al [hesied good condition. |dan, two-tone black and white finish, Mary RA 3.9860. John looks like new, tr y miles, $1,205. Seaway Call Wacko Cy Es 131,000 original FIVE acres in city. One lot 200 v ai, | Motors, MO 8-331. Road. Six-room brick bunga |'s3 CHEVROLET low. Apple Hill, RA 5-778 radio, LOT for sale. 48° x 103° {eal wagon for the . Only $485. ih ie, ys Lo, {Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery LOVELY sight-room houses Tan eS. by, MO 3.3331, 53 FORD coach, completely refin-|Ghgrom (in the dash) ed lot, with garage, other extra's, tip ished, new slips, deep tread tires, sale top condition. Will sacrifice for $14,000, price only, 33 $305' van Heusen Motors, Co Me Ns, By b RA 5-89. 11. RA 59 - wery on NEAR St, John's Parish and School, |; '60 CHEVROLET four-door station full price $12,500. Owner going _into|'s8 PLYMOUTH sedan with new motors wagon, power glide and many extras,(ONE 21" RCA television. ¢ home 8 Sale "price $605, Van eusen Motors low millet exoalient condition, pri- tion, pith 95. Hw 2034 pposite Brewery on King Street yale Cpl and player, od finish, xy '9 FORD cusiom bulif, radio, may be 325. NA $1790, 5 per cent NHA mortgage. To inspect call Henry Spykerman at Lloyd Reaity, apposite B ewely | Tn atic 1%0 DODGE an, ona t Don Down's Texaco, Simcoe WASHE Street *North, next to fire hall, a EE J tubel ess, bargain. Oshawa 1 Lid., Realtor. RA 8-5123 vs transmission: beautiful light green fin- '59 FORD deluxe, six cylinder two door RA 8-4903 i 10 ACRES, 10roomed house, Barn, A ' -|ish with matching interior, Al three-car garage, 5 acres of valuable fea, excelent jy Motors. MO 3. is RY detunec ir. ppg uy, $1,395, Deaway rs, wo-tone ck an | LADY'S tailored i automatic transmission, custom | lady's grey oped ai hd sae 487 un; Jires radig. Immaculate condition mahogany desk, rea out, "$1695. Seaway Motors MO #3331. | TOOLS, full id mousle. BA Big 1054 CADILLAC, new tires, motor over- aS, Jaw For sale or trade INTIAC se del very, "perfect y florist table saw, vises, hauled, immaculate, take 12,900, or .[1085 PONTIAC se room solid eX ios Phi four years Junning condition, $585. Used b; own, over payments. RA 5.5125 after 6 p.m. 158 PLYMOUTH, two door, excellent old, 5% per cent mortgage, carries fi for delivery exclusively. RA 37202, condition. Telephone RA '8-0102. 13, RR 1 LARGE housekeeping trance, main floor. RA F823 Street. lit SINGLE room for rel 5-8645 after 4 p.m. RITSON ROAD near King, us unfurnished | four-room and three-room flats, aod cupboards, ay wlll, oil heat. ' Joseph | Bosco Re lA 5-987 TOW oms, d hot plate, suit one or two gentlemen or two Forking girls. Reasonable, Cen- tral. RA 3 41 nine - pas wage and rt nell, WANTED unfurnished three-or four. room apartment by young couple re. quired by June 1. Telephone RA 8-448 after 8 p.m. 24---Houses for Rent THREE-BEDROOM house on Church Street. Immediate occupancy. Tele. phone RA 15-3968 SIX - room modern bungalow, piece bath, close to everything monthly, Telephone MO 8-2215, RES) ENTIAL district, executvie type, room house, bus stop at door, Also hos single rooms, furnished. Telephone * RA 8-8786 SEVEN-ROOM brick kitchen and basement, lovely garden with trees, central distriet, close to shopping. Phone MO $3219. SIX-ROOM, semi-detached, Athol heating, immediate possession. ing lot, no children under RA 5.3454 or RA 8-5100 SDROOM bungalow. oil heated, Ritson at Rossland, $70 . Ristow and Olsen, Reaitor, A 85107 _or evenings, RA 82155 HOUSE -- five-room bungalow, central. ly located. 128 Alma Street. Telephone 54 for particulars POUR-BEDROOM, one vear old bunga- low, south-west avea. $95. monthly. Jo. seph Bosco, Realtor, RA 5-9870 PORT PERRY five-room, two-bed room house, bathroom, Oshawa bus at close to stores, town water. Im jon, OL 5-4693 three-bedroom bungalow, broadicom, basement occupied. Avail May 1. Bus service at door, chil- welcome. RA 8.3302 NEW three-bedroom house for rent. Adults. No children, reasonable rent. Apply 461 Bloor East for information. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent ATTRACTIVE apartment, reasonable, one-bedroom, private bath, available now; close to Shopping and bus, RA 5.9047, 617 Fernhill Blvd FIVE-ROOM apartment, den, separate entrance, paved road. Oshawa 15 per month. CO 3.2304 FURNISHED basement apartment, three rooms and bath, all conveniences. Your own entrance. Telephone RA 1.2164, THREE-ROOM apartment, near South General Motors, immediate posses- sion. Apply 254 Malaga Road APARTMENT, frig, stove, TV aerial, four rooms, bath, ideal for bachelor teachers or nu $65 monthly. 335 Mary, RA 5.0369 THEEE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, sink and heavy wiring in kitchen, Chil- dren welcome, $55. RA 38-5394. 185 Nas- sau Street. MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Quiet close | four $90 e and an R $84. P.1.T, per month, Large lot, ciose('s§ FORD customline, coach, green to churches, schools and stores. Ca d white, best offer. Phone MO 38-8306 |RA 3-7442 after 6 p.m. after 5 p.m. 1056 METEOR NIAGARA sedan, bea tiful green finish, in excellent condi- tion throughout, $845. Seaway Motors, MO 8.3331 '51 DODGE, green, Telephone RA 8-6041 after more information. PRIVATE '56 Plymouth, excellent con- dition. Telephone RA 380, '51 AUSTIN $40. Cal! Telephone RA 8.0229, CHEVROLET V8 coach, complete- y refinished in Oshawa blue, radio and automatic transmission, wholesale price $695. Sea Motors, MO 8-3331. "57 PLYMOUTH, six cylinder, excel: ent condition, new motor, $00. R 785 after 7 p.m. MUST sell '56 Studebaker sedan, radio, Royal blue, white walls, good best offer. Call anytime, MO ew, cold mort , I Bill, Bs three miles COUNTRY home, nearly mew ranch style thres . bedroom, modern brick bun alow, with attached garage, all modern conveniences. Asking galy $11,500 with low down payment. W. Auley, Realtor, BR Prince Street. i 3-2512 or MO 1 8-576: FAREWELL Da close to King Street east. $1000 down payment for thie beautifully decorated four-year-old five-room brick bungalow. One mort. gage at monthly payments of $70. Prin- cipal and interest included on a 10-year open term. Three bedrooms, large living room, large modern tiled kit chen, centre hall plan, four-piece tiled bathroom. High cement basement, oil heating, aluminum storms and screens fully landscaped, paved private ari way. Close to all schools, bus at doo! Vacant hone RA 8:4171 or RA 5.6382 anytime, Paul Bolahood, Real Estate. HARMONY VILLAGE Opposite Donevan High School Homony Rd. South CASH--TRADE--TERMS OPEN HOUSE DAILY JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD LTD. REALTOR INSURANCE FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr house, large four-piece bath, clean, quiet school and = (res mim PORTABLE co equipment , tire 1958 VOLKSWAGEN Van, medium hi Phone Dive finish, good mechanical condition. LY Toa, a the old. on't miss this wholesale price, $695. Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331, {50 MGA twin-cam four disc brakes, |tonneau cover, fender mirrors, leather |dash, washers, thirteen thousand orig. ___|inal miles. Excellent condition. Apply ytime a after 7/203 Reynolds Street, Whitby, RANCH WAGON, 1953 two-door Ford, |white finish, mechanically OK, Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331. FILTER Queen Sale: Tvice, 34 eral trade-in a ree de stration, Telephont RA 8-4683, VACUUM cleane bu hin Thi. r repairs, all makes, 'rebuilt machines, Estimates free, Rentals. Vacuum Clean aa er Repair Sere four doors, 865, | on 6.30 for East. Due 10 | | vice, RA 45 | awnings, canvas, pr pro oo service, rentals. Cleve Fox, oa is mess N OFFICE, New, vied. buy hula} ar ilton, WE pay Ea used furniture, gi 2) RR ture Store. RA 3.3271, Simcoe South, CHESTERFIELDS, shers, ranges, refrigerators, raneties polishers, kit Kin tel ry I AXlen tools, power cooking ul Ln 3 s See Elmer CO 3-2204, WESTINGHOU lectrie range, 24", good od mon A So, OFFICE , Butcher, Testaufast o New, used, buy pel S8EvicH Hamilton, DEW WORMS FOR SALE Wholesale or Retail, eall OSHAWA BAIT CO. RA 8-3222 or APPLY 843 RITSON ROAD SOUTH BOATS BOATS, MOTOR & TRAILER COMBINATIONS TED'S MARINE KING STREET EAST at VARCOE'S ROAD RA 24 TRY THE NEW VOLVO SPORT AND FAMILY CAR. ot JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa -- RA 8-092] NAGY MOTOR ¢ALES is MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service, Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7132 '59 VOLKSWAGEN Brand new engine, clutch, muffler, etc., six month war- ranty, 500 mile free check- up. Private, one owner sol.e RA 8.5305 |30--Automobiles Wanted automatic trans-| fer, RA 5-103. | JF PONTIAC, automatic, Al condition, preferably Two-Tone Laurentian with |radio, Telephone RA 5-8713 after 5 p.m. Cash deal. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want (ope dor doy rocking, Highest prices paid. 5. el. TWO - ROOM furnished apartment, stove, refrigerator, near hospital, St. Gregory's Church, downtown, two or three . RA 5 |ONE ou ETI room, |refrigerator and stove, parking space. | | Apply 202 Albert Street. PARTLY furnished two room flat, use| of washing machine. Apply 48 Drew Street between 58 p.m. FURNISHED, two rooms, kitchenette, three-piece bath, for one or two, central, quiet Christian home, teetotalers, no smoking. RA 51318. ROOMS with or without board for | gentlemen, single beds, television, parking, very central , reasonable. Near North General Motors. RA 8-6697 LARGE furnished housekeeping room, suitable for two gentlemen or couple. 468 Simcoe Street North. RA 3 7460. O| FURNISHED bedroom, single beds to share, five minutes from ample parking. Telephone RA 8- hry we water GROUND floor unfurnished self-con- 5-G935 WANTED ao Taege Hodwitit +H] ta 1 tment, immediate posses- girl to share Sitti sion. Central. $60" Telephone RA 35-6184 PABTLY furnished inree (arse) Yoom vate bath, broadloom, picture or RA 8.2017 apartment, with bath usar hollywood beds, near hospital. o utes walk to South General Motors 083. THREE-ROOM electrically equipped Suit couple or two gentlemen. Tele. | 0 r= LLOYD REALTY apartment. self-contained, private en-|phone RA 5-8439 FURNTHED og nd Kitchen for | trance, adults only, Five minutes from | lady. PPIY Roa South. | oan omors. Abpiy. 235 Athol Street| TO-BEDROOM apartment 1 Move: [Telephone BA 3.0069 LIST WITH LLOYD East between 6 to 8 p.m. wagher, dryer, paved parking. North(TWO unfurhished rooms, sink, up. | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER NEWLY decorated, two-room furnish- end. Phone RA 5.6176 exept weekend, Bogras a Jangstie, Sguple with, mall ed apartment, private bath, light house- | oo aby welcome, Available June I. keeping. Suit adults. $18 weekly. Tele- REATED, three room lunturaisted up. 81029. (THIS IS NOT A MISSPRINT phoie RA 2.8! TV autiet builtin cupboards, hot, cold TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, We are fortunate to offer APARTMENT, four rooms, water- water. RA 5-5184 {close to North General Motors. | this 2-storey 3 - bedroom heating. good location, laundry. park- pueeE™ room basement apartment, Telephone RA 83-6800. A | brick home. One of the finer ing, bus at door. RA 3-3096. 145 Ver- |, j,.ie entrance, driveway and h. SINGLE room, furnished, use of kitehen | 1000 in this price class, lot dun_Road |Garrard and Rossland Road district, /and washing machine, very central. | | d ' FURNISHED basement apartment, cen- $55 monthly. Telephone RA 58107. |Telephone RA 5-8150. completely hedged, many tral, refrigerator, stove, separate od REE - room apartment, unfurnish- FURNISHED room for rent, suit two| €Xiros, requires $1,500 trance, also furnished Yoon, Kite on ed, private entrance and bathroom, | ladies or gentlemen, close to South G down, balance on one open SpHiohal, sult one or two girls close to bus. Telephone RA 5.7886 eral Motors, RA 8.5264. 241 Bloor W mortgage. If you're looking after 4 etn @ § s APARTMENT -- living, kitchen, bed: | moo oo riment, Tefrig- for a home in good condi- voom, unfurnished, all conveniences, lerator, stove, sink, cupboards, TV aer- tion in a fine location, see Sonat separate entrance and bath, ample|;,; oy ate 'bathroom and "entrance, us about this one, Telephone patting Apply 236 McNaughton or RA | Lin "Rossland and Simcoe area. Bill Homer now ot RA ret | Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. 8.5123 58 SLDSHMOBILE eden 8 good condi- tion, T 6017. 1954 54 FORD finish, transportation, MO 8-3331. SACRIFICE Owner out of work ° Chevrolet Belair, radio and [shield washers ad or best offer. Take | trade MO 8 {1985 PONTIAC : 8 sedan spot! quoise and white finish, 'with matching interior, radio, four nearly new tires, a real beauty for $795. Seaway Motors, Ltd., MO 8-3331. '80 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, radio, Jen Speaker, Auiomatic, white 3-3829 after RoR blue OK, lent $375. Seaway Motor ent e FURNISHED basement apartment. gio; DUPLEX -- 549 Lansdowne Drive, floors, sink. suit couple, $60 at Wilson Road North, two - bedroom . hy includ hyd: : co apartment on main floor, 18° living monthly includes yore, room, huge Kitchen with balcony over- 33193 looking garden, tiled bathroom, washer, SELF-CONTAINED apartment, large dryer, stove, refrigerator, TV, parking. living room and bedroom, with kitchen- |Open for inspection, or call Frank ette, stove, refrigerator, private bath, Hazlett, RUssell 3-1723 or evenings, laundry room parking. Reasonable. 23 RUssell 7-9387, 3005 Bathurst Street, To- Gibb, Apt. 1, Simcoe Street entrance. _ [ronto | FIVE-ROOM apartment, MODERN APARTMENT {North, ¢ close to hospital, 630 SIMCOE ST. N, firanes adult family hi Pisiness couple, Modern 2-bedroom apart- [RA 82675. o -- ment, oll conveniences. Stove |THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, ond 'frig, fully automatic; $6 parking area. Close to bus stop. Adults only. For infor- {clove to South General Mo mation, appl {monthly Apply 269 Thomas Street. ye 778 HORTOP re 'E, four-room apartment with pri. MODERN APARTMENTS \vate bath and sutsance, newly dese more particulars, rated, central to downtown, no cl io ' THREE rooms, private bath, quiet dren. 91 Ritson Road North, - {home with ladies, business woman or - COUPLE or "girls to rent two | rooms, pensioner, abstainers, near bus, Shop- |kitchen, stove and refrigerator. Tele. re. Write Box 828, Oshawa phone RA 5.9260 after § p.m. FOUR-ROOM apartment "and three- room. Available immediately. Tele- Self-contained one and two- bedroom, fridge, stove, an- tenna, laundry facilities. Adults only, APPLY 335 KING ST, E. BRIGHT MODERN ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS EXCELLENT BUY ON SWITZER DRIVE. Professionally decorated brick bungelow with 3 good-size bedrooms, living and dining room with well- to-wall broadloom, basement has recreation room, ond area for additional room, plenty of back yard space for the children. N.H.A. finon- cing at 529%. Possession as soon as 30 days. Own this home by calling Bill Millar at RA 8-5123. BUNGALOW ON MARY STREET $13,900 buys this wonder- ful bungalow with garage. 6% mortgage. One block north of Rossland, asking $3,500 down. Reasonable toxes. Own this house by calling Bill Millar et RA 8.5123. $5,900--$5,900 HANDY-MAN SPECIAL 4-room bungalow with full t on Verdun Rood selling for $900.00 down, needs some repair. Certainly worth your while to see if you're handy. Telephone Bill Millar et RA 8-5123 SUMMER COTTAGE $4,500 S-room cottage with gor- age, fully fumished, $1,000 down with excellent terms. Call Bilf Homer at RA 8-5123, Lioyd Reolty (Oshawa) Ltd, Realtor, RA 8.5123 -- RA 8-5124 RA 8- a 101 Simcoe St. young heaitng, , off Simcoe private en- "garage, sar. in village on minutes, $50 I 1951 FO or | condition, stan- oh hier $1, 000 "pn nd Will take {older car in trade. RA 8.0065 after § p.m. 53 PONTIAC sedan, on, $125 qr best of BUS -- 1059 ten-passenger deluxe Volks- | wagon, coral and white finish, roof, very low mileage, excellent me- $1,605, Seaway Mo- tors, Ltd., Whitby, MO 8-3331, Vickery Real Estate RA 8.6228 RA B-4879 N.H.A. RESALE Three-bedroom brick bunga- low, 4 years old, North West area, backing on Nipi- gon Park. Carries $89.00 per month, principal, interest, taxes. Aluminum doors, storms, screens, RA 8-6030 Business .... ONE housekeeping room, clean 2" and Res comfortably furnished, downtown. ply after 6 p.m. at 77 Ontario Street. LARGE front bedroom furnished or un- furnished, suit two ladies, b Iso smaller room " to | hospital. RA S058. THREE furnished rooms, | thre | phone RA 5-3938 Two "bedroom "apartment t in "modern apartment building, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved parking, north end. Phone RA 5-6176 except weekend. APARTMENT, three "bedrooms, large - | Kitchen, hardwood and tile floors parking, Available now, Close to schools, Call |RA 5-7 938 | THREE = room apartment, , apariment | building, TV outlet, stove, fridge, $80 monthly. Telephone RA 5-8215. |FOUR- ROOM basement apartment, $55 ! monthly, includes heat, hydro, built: od {cupboards, heavy duty wiring, TV an- tenna. Child welcome. MO 8-400. {GROUND FLODR -- three-room unfur ~ |nished apartment, private entrance fur | bath, gas range. Apply 730 Simcoe | Street South. THREE-ROOM basement apartment, | private entrance, available immediate ly. RA 5.7741 after 5 p.m. 1960 CORVAIR, four door deluxe, two- tone, with radio, window washers, "back- up lights and standard shift. Phone RA | | | | | '60 CHEVROLET four - station wagon, automatic with many extras. Excellent condition, Must be sold this week. Telephone RA 3-3034. | ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save Cd to 20 per cent. Six months te or | _|personal service at your home eall| A §- COTTAGE SPECIAL 2210" x 1710" 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Regular Price, Built $1127. $1039. $33 per month Free Bonus Window Screens end Screen Doors. COLONIAL HOMES LTD. 134 SIMCOE $7. 8. OPEN 9 AM.-9 P.M. RA 8-4614 SPRING SPECIAL COMBINATION A MINUM RS $39.50 INCLUDES GRILLE, NUMBER OR INITIAL ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS Colonial Aluminum Sules Co. 134 SIMCOE ST. $ OPEN 9 AM. - 9 PM. RA 8-4614 SELL-OUT SALE Due to an impending Re-organization of the Company, Ed Wilson ue Co. Sells Out Entire Stock Must Be Cleared To the Bare Walls -- This is a "Must" Sacrifice Sale! Reductions Below Cost Price! sult three girls or men, in respectable home, close | to hospital and bus. 337 Kingsdale Ave- | nue. RA 8-6387. HOUSTON"S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-800] ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS in Private Home | 82 PARK RD. NORTH Call between 5 and 7 p.m. RA 8-8678 {27--Real Estate for Sale " |ROOMING 3 house on Drew Street. THREE-ROOM basement apartment, $180 monthly income from this three. | suitable for couple. close to South Gen-|storey brick home with garage. Hot eral Motors, $60 per month, plus hydro, water, oil heat, requires low lown pay- {available June 1. RA 3-9742 {ment, See this tremendous money |FIVE room "modern apartment, in| maker. Call Bill Horner RA 85123, {apartment building, refrigerator ang | Loyd Realty, Oshawa Lid. Realtor. |stove, washing facilities, $85 monthly. [FOUR - room house, three-piece bath, | Telephone RA 8-3963. | lot 66 x 274. Telephone RA 3-3137. WIDOW with modern bungalow has! | CHOICE "ravine lot, 65 x 135, on River. room for rent, suitable for lady or side drive, beautiful view and privacy. couple, cooking privileges, WH 2.6685 Sewer and water. Ideal for split-level YEW modern two bedroom apartment, AS a © Call 8, Macko, Realtor, in new apartmnet building, Secarsied, MO refrigerator, stove, washer, y. F $900 DOWN Ritson Rd. S., 3-bedroom brick bungalow, brick garage, large lot, many extras, Call Earle Allen, RA 5.7732 er Res. RA 5.7782. HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 67 KING ST. E. | McQuay & Kidd | REALTORS Whitby Plaza 313 Brock &. § Open 9-9 Whitby MO 8-3414 Toronto EM 3-9603 LARGE FAMILY HOME 4 good-sized bedrooms fee- ture this split-level brick home. A storms and screens, T.V. aerial. Owner tronsferred. Only $2,000 down, balance on one 6% N.HA. mort- goge. Call Mr. Jackson, LOVELY TREED LOT On Lake Ontario, completely lined fumished cottage with conveniences. Extra large lot. Ideal site for permanent type home, 2 frontages. Good location. Between Oshawa ond Whitby. $6,500 with excellent terms. Call Mr. Jackson, MEMBERS OF THE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD. LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5.4330 RA 8.5109) NEAR ST. GREGORY'S Six-room two-storey, with gorage. All large rooms. Oil heating A good family sbi Priced at $8,900, 368 KINGSDALE Seldom have we the privilege of offering @ new home in this district. Quality built, six-year-old, five-room brick bungalow. Convenient finon- cing. Owner will carry on one mortgage. { BRUCE AT CHADBURN HOME & INCOME Four rooms, end four-piece bathroom on main ficor for owner. Two rooms, and two- piece both on second floor, with separate entrance. Roy Flintoff RA 5.3454 Irene Brown -- RA 5-3847 Phyllis Jubb -- RA 3.3240 Jon. Miller -- RA 5.2993 Members of Oshawe and District Rec! Estate Boord Furnished, ond unfurnished, | balconies, laundry: room facili- ties, excellent location, from $85.00 -- phone MO 8-838 8- 8386 50 CARS WANTED Buying @ New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494. Res. RA 5-5574 CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 209% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments. Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. OFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd 360 KING ST, WEST RA 3-2265 'S54 REO Truck, cab and chassis, 3 ton Hard- rock lug tires, excellent condition $550 '52 CHEVROLET $125 '52 STUDEBAKER $95 '49 CHEVROLET ... $100 '55 PLYMOUTH .... $550 '57 FORD Sedan $1195 Roy W. Nichols | COURTICE CAR LOT RA 8-6206 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-033] We have a good assortment of Used Cars. residential street to transportation, TV ADELAIDE TERRACE New, modern, two-bedroom apartment, all conveniences, refrigerator, stove, antenno, laundry facilities, parking orea. Reasonable . Adults only. Apply 329 Adelaide Ave. W., Apartment 2 WHITBY CLASSIFIED 1131 Dundas Street stove and fridges outlet, drapes and paved parking PHONE RA 5-7272 RA 5-5787 | | Selling Your Car? T MACKIE MOTORS KING ST. E. One Block East City Limits When buying at Mackie Mo- tors you get one year 100% mechanical warranty on all late models. RA 5-5743 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good 4 clear cars. Yoede up Liens paid DOOD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] 32--Articles for Sale LAWN mower, 21 inch, Clinton Rotary, [owe tires 'and' tubes, 18 ay 650. A 242 Elgin West. » Poly | BICYCLES, 90.05 tents, boats, motors and trailers, new and used. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA {TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 434 Ib, pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $3.00. Cir Department, , Oshawa Times, USED dresses and suits, size 14 to 18. {Apply at 193 Simcoe Street South be- tween 1 and 5 Saturday afternoon. Neo [telephone orders please. | HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, elec- | tric stove, refrigerator, television, other articles. 342 Park Rosa | AVAILABLE NEDIATELY 2 THREE-BEDROOM PLANS $13,530 WITH $682 DOWN 1 FOUR-BEDROOM PLAN $14,450 WITH $738 DOWN Others From $12,530 WITH $626 DOWN OPEN 'TIL DARK CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS South on Grandview to Willowdale RISTOW AND OLSEN REALTORS RA 8-5107 RA 8-5108 FOR RENT -- Heated apartment, with|Apply washer and dryer, TV. outlet. Plenty of 8-3692. paved parking. One block to Shopoing | parkin Telephone MO ne immediately. | yop gENT -- Three roomed unfurnish- Centre. RA 45283 ed apartment, built-in cupboards, heat, GROUND floor apartment, three rooms | FOR RENT -- Two furnished rooms, lights, running water. Parking included. and bath, built-in cupboards, laundry bus se at the door. + poly 1508 | Adults referred. Apply 135 Byron and parking facilit Simcoe Street Dufferin Street, Port Whith, Street South South, $78 monthly, available May 15 | FOR RENT -- hy furnished FOR RENT -- Thres roomed apart. | FA 33746 apartment with heavy duty stove, pri-|ment, private entrance, stove, heat and THREE furnished rooms, suit respect. vate entrance and bath, $85 monthly, water supplied. Apply 1002 Henry able family, close to hospital and bus FOR RENT -- Self ~contanied three Street, Whitby. One child welcome. Ra 36387 or 3% roomed furnished apartment. All con- 1880 AUSTIN, Ai condition, 128. Tel | Kingadalé Avenve. Ysmienost, Sensrally Tactied, phivais an phone MO 8-3893 after MODERN four-room apartment, trance. Suit young couple. ephone - bath, including TV aerial, refrigerator, . FOR RENT -- pe sigh "house, MO 83-4610 {heavy wiring, new floor covering, close Bove and dryer. Available May 15. RA FURNISHED apartment, " bed-sitting- to public and high school. Available _. kitchen and bath, self-contained, includ-|June _1. Rent reasonable. MO 83-3878. TWO-ROOM unfurnished apartment, ing television. Suit couple. Apply 505 ome 3 newly decorated, sink, built-in cup FOR RENT -- Tw furnished room. A 3 on nderson Street, Whitby. MO 38-3276. with refrigerator and stove, bus a hoards, Apply 205 Bond Street East GARDENS tilled, smal] or large. Wilde near Hopping centre. Telephone Rental Service and Sales, Whitby, MO §-4825 after 4 p.m. THREE and half room basement apart ment, unfurnished, hot water heated. B(226 TR FOR RENT -- 5 bedroom apartment, odern POM and board for gentlemen, pri- fridge and stove, curtains, washer and Brivate Sut couple. a. nidren. Hd h ; c % ome, home cooked meals. Tele. gryer, Near bus stop. Telephone MO Oshawa Blvd orth v phone MO 8.4021 SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary SPRING cleanup, roto-tilling, plough THREE room nai bath, i way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, ling etc. Telephone MO 8- ; 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2563. a hat water, TV : FOR SALE -- Manure for lawns, gar- for quiet couple, Adults only. FOR RENT -- Two room apartment, dens, and also lawn cutting Tele. 31 Albany RA 5-376 $40 monthly, heavy wiring sink, cup- phone MO B8-4514 boards. private entrance Immediate ooo peor NICE one-bedroom also a two-bedroom possession. Telephone MO 8-5487 ~ Three-room apartment, apartment, Madison Apartments, 170 electric stove, cheerfully decorated. Simcoe South, TV outlet, washer, dry- FOR RENT -- three room unfurnished 231 Palace Street. Whitby. Telephone er, stove, refrigerator optional. $80 apartment, central Telephone MO RA 54302 Osh awa monthly. Adults only. RA 38-1203 STUDENT! super "value, approxi- THREE rooms and bath, top floor, apartment, $85 per mately 630 sheets of letter size typing arate entrance Ground floor, Telephone RA paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- rooms and bath, completely self-con- ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, tained Central location. Call RA 8-3833. il Dn Vi iit -- One and two bedroom Hil Dundas Street West. TWO four-roem self-contained apart. $70, $90, and $100, in mod- DRESSMAKING Suits, coats and ments, furnished or unfurnished One | . stove, fridges. MO 8.3591. dresses; alterations and slip covers. A is available immediately. Apply 49! "put it on, roofing. Beriect fit guaranteed. Mrs, Toms, MO Simcoe Street North, Apartment 8 or ning, paint dial RA 83-3945 MODERN two-bedroom apartment for SPACIOUS rent. Heat. TV outlet, frig, stove in-/ apartment recently decorated, cluded. $87.50 monthly on two-year refrigerator, washer and drye lease. Immediate possession MO 8-8006 able July 1. Telephone RA & ~--------=|SPRING clean up Special. Fertilizing, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $95 per GRAVE LOAM sweeping, rolling, trimming ete. Also month, refrigerator and stove included L. ghecial rates for laying sod, planting. Telephone RA 8-1450 C $ ¢ oe | SOUTH. ground fl Cement Gravel. SAVE MONEY! Walter's Piano Regula. bachelor rnd Ziv privat Sree Driveway Gravel ond Fill. ting and Tuning. A y at Grixtie Fur-lern conveniences. Quiet girl preferred. . niture Store or ephone MO 8-348] Telephone RA 3-7260. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon, [after 3 p.m. daily, Work guaranteed. - ! rt BASEMENT apartment, fireplace, "pre | RI RE! AKING! Ladies' and Chil-|vate bath and entrance, heat, hydro in- ERIC C BRANTON dren's Wear. suits coats and alters cjuded, $80 monthly. North section tions. Mrs. M Bradford, MO 8 RA 85385. 88 Byng Avenue MO 8-2660 ROTARY MOWER TUNE.UP Sharpened changed, filters cleaned buretor and cont ONE -- one-bedroom and one two-bed- FOR RENT room apartments. Modern, all conven- top boats, and odjust spark oil wheels fences, children welcome. Immediate camping equipment, parts axtro accupancy. Telephone RA 5.3652 PARK Lane Apartments, two bedroom boat box and cebin trailers, . haig | saws, cement WILDE RENTAL & SALES suites, elevator balconies, paint sprayers, lawn 14) 5 Dundas Fost East, "and Apply | 19 ATHOL ST STREET WEST WES iT METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8-4678 MILTON STREET 3 bedroom brick ranch bungalow in ideal location priced at $12,500.00 for quick sale with $2500.00 down, storms, screens, decorated and landscaped, wired for dryer. GIBBONS STREET 112 year oid -- 512 room ranch bungalow with carport. Good sized rooms, storms, screens, storm doors, large china cabinet off kitchen, wired for dryer, patio, etc. Full price $15, 500 with balance on one 6% N.H.A. mortgage at $64.96 monthly. SUNSET HEIGHTS 6 room split level with ottached garage, beautiful stone fire- place dividing living room and dining room, broadicom, large recreation room with natural fireploce. Two 4 piece bathrooms -- colored fixtures, vanity, double sinks. Hot water with oil heating, decorated, flagstone walk. A quality home at only $22,900. Call this office for appointment to inspect ROSELAWN AVENUE room split level, plus cottached plostered garage, 7 large coms, flagstone hearth, extra large closets, 100° x 216' wooded This home aos many, mony extras and must be seen to realize what agreot value it is ot $15,500 with as low as $2,500.00 down sep four TWO bedroom month, available July 1 FOR RENT apartments . ern build PONT "put it off, siding, flat roofs, eavestron ing Phil Harper, MO 8.4558 FOR your masonry, cement work, roof- ng and waterproofing, «a MO 82294 reasonable rates ONE 21-inch Rotary riding lawn mower | nearly new, also 20 Ip records. Tele- phone Port Perry, YU 5-2680. ONE L 18 HP Johnson in A-l condi-| Telephone RA 38-5924. | , ha made tablecloth, e {dered, 70" by 9%", all {phone RA 52735 : figor ----mi stove, Avail two-bedroom main Hurry, Hurry, Come Compare, See, Save More Money Colossal Buys All Must Be Cleared Regardless of Loss. HURRY DOWN AS THESE SPECIALS WILL GO FAST Spring-filled Mattresses, Less than V2 price. While they last -- SELL OUT .. 14.88 Flake Foam Pillows. Quilted covers, non-ollergenic -- 100 only, SELL-OUT 88¢ Folding Baby Strollers, strong and sturdy, Cash and Corry ....... 4.99 S5-pce. Chrome Suites, arbors ite table top yd 4 hee duty Chairs. 9.95. HALF-PRICE SELLOUT 2. 50 ED. WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH STREET a (Continued en Page 39) embroi. | m. Tele. | Trode your car on a boat. Inquire about our special low rates on Marine Insurance and financi SMITHS SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 8-5912 Trade your boot on a cor-- | New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd 8-5912 Open evenings or weekends SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel. RAndolgh 3-346] G4! '55 CADILLAC COUPE DE-VILLE Power windows, seats, steer. ing, brokes, magic eye, tinted glass. Excellent condition, two-tone. $1295. RA 5-4513 wanoes, motor Electrohome Television Stereo Hi-Fi with exclusive SATELLITE SPEAKERS FULL YEAR WARRANTY plus -- on all parts MEAGHER'S S King St. W, RA 3-3425 SPECIALS PRINTS 3 yds DRAPES, made to A Modern design, reasonable rates. We also carry og com- plete line of other fabrics at real RAS. RA 3.7827 oil ol car air | 4 3 ond skil D 9s ond Ss $4.50 . t Hix le stove, refrigerator mowers, seeders, gor- Howe Realtor. RA 5-77 ers etc FOR SALE NEW modern two-bedroom apartment, large living room, Kitchen and dining room. Available June 1. RA 8.3876 BOWMANVILLE Heated, modern a a three rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, New and used lawn mowers, | ycher. drver, $60. MA 3.3996, Apt. 4 lers boats motors and Apply 63 King West. Also store for rent. railers, tents, box and cabin Sea aE ig trailers WANTED Boats, motors and trailers be sold on RENTAL APARTMENTS WILDE RENTAL and apartments, service and Sales 5 Dundas East Whitby MO B.3228 points jen SERVICE - lot | | Whithy REGULAR $12 VALUE FOR $7 Lonolin enriched permanents trom $7 up, includes cut, oil shampoo, basic or high sty FOR RENT Large new store plus garage and parking $250.00 monthly 3 bedroom bungelow north west section $100.00 menthly AFTER 5:30 CALL RA 5-7610 Everett Elliott RA 8.2392 los Mage . Dick Barrioge RA 5.624) to Mo two-bed- $85 and Phong w dern one | room | RA 3.9290 | RA 5.92191 Drew Kempo Marion 1ahn Best location RA 8-11%4 ne COIFFURES BY KEN MO 8.5124 14 }