[fecognition of the great amonnt| North Parkdale and Ergkine|returned home from Floridajand family spent the weekend of NEWS IN BRIEF WI B azaar | L yok in Diepang aye a/initad Chic. Sev. Soli ok | Wednesday. C. Mclaughlin, P with Constable aud Mrs. K {good ente ent. son has been pastor 0 esdames C. McLaughlin, P. (Strang and Tom, Ottawa. WITH COUSINS Parkdale for 20 years, and is|Romeril, W. Archer and J.| Mr, and Mrs. Stan Rahm vis RECRUIT ed ih 0 pn Bi Mrs. George Wolfe and Mrs. continuing as pastor of the/Carmnaghan attended the WA ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. GRADS Universi or e bY Quonlis WwW 11 Att nded Harry McLaughlin spent a United Churches. | Presbyterial in St. Andrew's Arthur Rahm, Tyrone, Sunday, VANCOUVER (CP) -- Grad- and will spend a year in Bt e ie (pleasant afternoon Sunday with) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy|Church, Oshawa, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Stewart|poine Jversy Shudentt are| scientific research, The schol : other cousins and friends at the and family spent the weekend| Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto,'and Dale, Bowmanville, visited bin Teen Com: id al to arship was set up in 1930 as a BLACKSTOCK -- 'There was a Three school uniforms were home of Miss Florence Mc- with her brothers, Gordon and|spent the weekend at home. Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Graham, tion in Africa a memorial to Dr. Aletta Mart, splendid attendance at the|displayed and since the recent/Laughlin, Toronto, in honor of Walter Manning, Owen Sound. | Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton,Sunday, school 'teachers. Arta oh 84 and her sister Sophie, outstand- MENTAL HEALTH Women's Institute bazaar which High Schoo! a Home vag Hawai. Mise Jane Downey, whe i. 10| Mrs, Halligan and Mrs, Hand- Doris and Dennis, were Sunday Mrs. George Fowler and Miss|and _ agriculture grads are|ing Queen's graduates. A x 9 'reati e girls modelled a , Ma, 4] . rs. Gor was held in the Recreation ian, two of gi y 8, MaYliey, Fenelon Falls, called on ON Dianne Blair, Oshawa, spent the| needed. YOUTHFUL AUNT hampe treatment of the Centre Thursda ning. | Hawaiian grass skirt, hat, shoes, 5. : : Eeech,. Maple Grove, and at- i eo! y evening friends in the village, Tuesday. tories a. Masonic, aotvice gt weekend in the village. TOOTH DECAY WINDSOR, Ont, (CP) -- Pa. Snentally In in Rox Sonu. Dr. ; La th {.;mo-mo dress, beads and purse] Mrs. Merrill Van Camp was ¢ : He resident ed for the that were loaned by 8 lady wholone of the Malcolm cousins who| Mis% Ethel Thompson b 2 SiCourtice United Church in the| Mr. and Mrs. Benson Dunn, yiCTORIA (CP)~The rate ofiricia Hazard and her nephew, uy alhousie £0INE pres oni, pregiced 0 {has just returned from Hawai. attended a shower for Miss Jane| moved into the apartment for-|q ening Osiawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. tooth de: British Co-|Brian Gruyere, ha than|°f Psychiatry at D Uni. opening, which consisted of the Nas Just retur ail. atten ower for Miss Jane|,noi1y occupied by Mrs. John A ga M ooth decay among 0" yere, have more than| oh PeYChiatry at Datousls UEC Great credit is due all the girls| Downey at the home of Mr The Boy Scouts » Sunday. lumbia's elementary school family ties in common. They| woos ainging of the Ode and elon their sewing and the teach-|Percy 'Malcolm, Toronto Satur. McKee. had . te Ne Leas Glad to report Mrs. N. H. dren is appalling, Reali depart were both in Me litan Hos. mesy here, Quscn. Mes. | Jasmer Extentes |ers, Mrs. Swain Van Camp, until|day. : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith|oq corvice in Burketon United/Marlow much improved in{ment officials say. Of 10,000(pital at the same time to have SALARY CUT A ho oie i it Marlowe Christmas, and Mrs. Dalton Dor-| Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Mar- yisitad Mx a Ma Russell chy reh Sunday morning. heath but sorry to say Mrs. W. Salldrel auiveved id 2 Bisel joasila removed. Pat is| NEW DELHI AP) = Home y the Tell, since. low were Sunday guests of Rev, | lansing, Toronto, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte, Beacock is still very ill years, 93 per cent n en ) three. Affairs Minister B. N. Datar a ey el At the conclusion of fashion|and Mrs. Milton Sanderson, To-| Mr. and Mrs, Weir Swain, Floyd, Linda and Bob, Bh Mr. and Mrs. Alton Anderson) 'reatment. UNLISTED PHO reports Prime Minister Nehru's sented by the Home Economics show, Mrs. Larmer presented ronto, and attended the inaugur- Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs./ weekend with relatives in Till- and Marie, Cameron, called on WINS SCHOLARSHIP REGINA (CP NES overnment salary has been re- class from 'Grades 7-10 inclu- Mrs. Dorrell and Mrs. G. Mar-|al service at Emanuel United Clarence Marlow, Wednesday. |sonburg. his aunt, Mrs. W. Beacock, and| KINGSTON, Ont, (CP)--Mrs. telephone m JC) The Julisted iced aboat, eng sive of Cartwright Schools. : low with a little gift each in Church, marking the uniting off Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey] Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer|family Sunday. Marj orie Allen has been a status symbol and officials ($429) 0 hy rupees FOR HEALTHFUL REFRESHING SPRINGTIME SALADS! Employees' Discount Special! GARDEN FRESHI Ne. | ORADE. SOLID, GRISP, TENDER! HEAD LETTUCE i et---- swe. Je Employees' Discount Speciall Ne. | GRADE LARGE PLUMP BRAUTIS! 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