PS i apd La CR Eh EEE TE ER IE OS ee . ' EL a Bi ah a" gh an a gh fr, fh rvs Seni A STW; Yewwewewy, ey 8; wer 3 SOLINA SOLINA -- Peggy Millson was awarded the Junior Elementary award in the Legion Zone public speaking contest recently, in Bowmanville. Her topic was "A Trip to Remember". Harold Yellowlees has com- pleted his first year at OAC, Guelph and is at home for the summer months. About seventy relatives of the Yellowfees' family enjoyed a reunion in Solina Community Hall. Isobel Davis held the lucky cup and Douglas White occupied) the lucky chair. The newly - are: president, Vernon Powell; vice-president, Jessie Ellicott; secretary, Lois Yellowlees; treasurer, Grace Wright. Pro- gram committee, Jean and Gerry Glaspell, Wes and Ada Yellowlees, Susie and George Graham, The April Three M's meeting featured an interesting and in- formative tour of Hampton Creamery. After the tour the group met at the home of Mur- ray and Faye Vice. Mr. F. Reed gave a talk on Hinduism, one of the oldest re- ligions. Stanley Millson, presi- dent, closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch and a social time were enjoyed by all. The Temperancé program at Sunday School on Sunday morn- ing. included a vocal trio by] Katyh, Susan and Ronald Vice, and a story read by Mrs. Wes Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and children visited with the Aber- nethys at Manilla. Mrs. Bruce Yak visited her mother, Mrs. A. Ormiston, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hills and children visited Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarrell at Omemee, on Sunday. Mrs. Wrightson Wight and Miss L. Hoar, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor Mr. Frank McCullough, and Mr. N. Stinson, Enfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. and family were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. attended the evening serv- jce at Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, Sunday night and later visited Mrs. Hilda Mutton and Mr. W. R, Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe and children, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs George Knox and family. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mor- risey, Harold and David, Pick- ering, visited Mr. and Mrs Bruce Montgomery on Sunday. Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Smith, Miss Jean Cryderman and Mr. George Bittner, Oshawa, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pascoe, Galt, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Millson and sons. Mrs. Stan Millson entertained several school chums of Glenn' at a party on Monday, May Glenn's 10th birthday. The Solina Hi C's met on April 19 in the church basement with Lorne Tink, president, in the chair. Gail Baker's group was in charge of the program for the evening, under the theme of prejudice. Pat Knox and Gail Baker led in the devotional period. A story on the theme prejudice was read This ex- plained why we harbor preju- dices. BURKETON BURKETON -- The ratepay- ers held a school meeting in the school house on Saturday eve- ning. Votes were cast, proving that a new two-room' school will be erected in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and family and Mr. 'Roy Ashton attended a 25th wedding anniver- sary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ashton and family on Saturday evening in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacDonald, Bowmanville, were Saturday ev ning guests of Mrs. Greta Bailey. Mrs. Vera Hanowski, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dilling, Bow- manville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Riley spent Sunday with relatives in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and girls, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests of Mrs. E. Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peeling and family, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests of Mrs. Greta Bailey. Mr.--and Mrs. Norman Me- Keena and family, Hampton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gatchell and family. The CGIT will 'meet in the church hall at 7 p.m., Tuesday evening, May 9 The WA will meet in the church hall at 8 p.m., Wednes- day evening, May 10. All ladies are welcome. MAKALU BID KATMANDU, Nepal (AP)--- Sir Edmund Hillary's expedition has established a base camp in the Barun Valley for an attempt on the 27,790-foot Makalu Peak, according to reports here. Hil- lary's scientific group, re- inforced with five tons of equip- ment, will make its bid without PROMISING RECIPE AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP)--New Zealand's Parliament will be a brighter place if the ideas of R. M. Algie, speaker-designate, are heeded. His recipe for im- provements: shorter speeches, fewer speeches, speeches on a topic confined to those more or elected officers), PIECE pace Bl per SETTING on//jf SET Bonus! EACH PLACE SETTING IS BACKED WITH FIVE VALUABLE FREE COUPONS WORTH *1.00 TO YOU TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL OPEN STOCK PIECES. THIS VALUABLE COUPON THIS COUPON WORTH tl WHEN USED TO PURCHASE ONE NEW CANADIANA PATTERN 4 PIECE PLACE SETTING GE SY EE ZS EENY IT'S YOUR DOLLAR, MAKE THE MOST OF IT SHOP and SAVE at A&P! MITCHELL'S -- VITAMINIZED APPLE 48-o0x tin 3 5 JUICE 2 20-0z tins 3 5¢ SEACLIFF SKUFF KOTE AP INSTANT COFFEE +-:»69c each 3 5 3 MARGARINE POTATOES bok 3 5e¢ HONEY BUTTER norean IT -- 3¢ OFF PACK -- PURE VEGETABLE SHOE POLISH New 979 Caffein Free. Full Coffee Pleasure! Full Night's Sleep! SHORTENING RY SOAP ERSONAL SIZE Iv 49 BEAUTIFUL NEW EXCLUSIVE "Canadiana" PATTERN EXPRESSLY CREATED for THE MODERN CANADIAN HOME. "EXTRA SPECIALS Blue Bonnet, Yellow Quick Reg. |b 35c--SAVE Be MARGARINE 3 01,00 Pillsbury (Chocolate, White or Orange) Reg. pkg 37c--SAVE 11e CAKE MIXES 3+-+1.00 Catelli Long Macaroni and Reg. 2 pkgs 30c--S8SAVE 4e SPAGHETTI 2 bois 3 De Ann Page SPECIAL! CHILI SAUCE 2 roe 49 Bechive Reg. tin 310--8AVE 2¢ CORN SYRUP wei Qe Billy Bee Reg. tin 59c--S8AVE 10e LIQUID HONEY szenin Qe Jane Parker Bakery Features! BAKED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Jane Parker CHERRY PIE, -49 Reg. 59c -- SAVE 10e % STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE Jane Parker Reg. loaf 190--SAVE Be BREAD CRACKED WHEAT 2 24-0z loaves 3 3 c Jane Parker Reg. 30e--8SAVE 108 JELLY or LEMON ROLLS «:29¢ Jane Parker, Combination Jelly - Pineapple Reg. 35c--8SAVE 6e INDIVIDUAL WHIRLS +:29c Jane Parker Plain, SBugared or Reg. pkg 29c--8AVE Ge CINNAMON DONUTS #isci223¢ Jane Parker Reg. pkg 20c--8AVE 4¢ WAFER COOKIES varus sis 235c¢ Reg. pkg 29c--SAVF 4e ks De Jane Parker BAR COOKIES cocoa BEEF 47 We are Proud of Our THAT IS WHY WE LisT SO MANY SHORT or CROSS RIB R BLADE ROAST 5.40: BONE as SHOULDER ROAST PULL CUT veryday Low Meat Prices! FOR YOU TO CHeck AND COMPARE ROASTS PRIME RIB 'ROAST SHORT cur SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC COTTAGE SAUSAGE ALLGOOD, SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS SID 'N SERVE, ALL MEAT BACON ROLLS 57. P Sliced, Fancy Quality PORK LIVER Burns Sliced Pickle and PIMENTO LOAF Meaty PORK HOCKS Pure, 8mall Link, Pork b25¢ SAUSAGES 45. BEEF BOLOGNA 29. Schneider's é-0zpkg 49 b29c Hbpkg § 3 Schneider's Jollied HEADCHEESE HERE'S PROOF THAT YOU SAVE CASH Florida, Sebago, New Spring Crop, No. 1 Srade POTATOES Arkansas, No. 1 Grade, Curly-Leaf, Washed and SPINACH California, Large, Luscious, Ne. 1 Grade, Heaping Full Pint STRAWBERRIES 3 5¢ Sweet, Ripe, Golden Yellow, No. 1 Grade BANANAS 25:29 California, Valencia, Fancy Grade and ORANGES 5.1b cello bag 69: Hot House, No. 1 Grade b39c Ontario Grown, TOMATOES We're Proud of these many Low Fruit and Vegetable Prices Ontario Grown, Hot House, No. 1 Grade, Long, Green, King Size Slicers CUCUMBERS 2/25¢ Florida Pascal, Sweet and Tasty, No. 1 Grade CELERY stalks 26: 23¢ Yellow Cooking, No. 1 Grade, Brushed ONIONS Florida No. 1 Grade Fresh Round Stringless GREEN BEANS rn: 39¢ COOKED HAM 2ozemr 3 §¢ 59. Lean, Fresh MINCED BEEF Burns Bacon and Liver SAUSAGE Cooked and Breaded b 4 Qc SALMON STEAKS Cooked and Breaded ib 79: HADDOCK PORTIONS +43 4 Reg. 59c--SAVE 6o HALIBUT STEAKS 55 3c SCALLOPS +... rks 3 Te 8 uper-Right, Smoked, Rindless, Thick Sliced SIDE BACON 2:99 b 3c 10:55 Trimmed yb 4 Polished 3-Ib cello bag 1 LM Joes YOUR CHILD IN SCHOOL WITH A NEw | SPECIAL OFFER ! | Golden. Book Illustrated. | DICTIONARY Designed Specifically for Young People in Grade School ot QQ wt | 8 VOLUMES -- BUY A BOOK A WEEK All Prices In 30. MERRIMOOD NYLONS EACH PACKAGE OF 2 PAIR OF OFF hak AT MOST A&P STORES TE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC THA COMPANY UB. This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, May 6th, 1961 ---- Jess expert in the subject. SAVE ON CANNED FOODS! Choice Quality Halves Reg. tin 27o--8AVE be A:P PEACHES 42:99. CASE OF 24 TINS $5.94 -- SAVE Bde Choles Quality Reg. 2 tins 4To--8SAVE So A:P TOMATOES 2:39: CASE OF 24 TINS $4.68 -- SAVE 96e Choice Columbia Reg. tin 200--8AVE Be AtP RASPBERRIES 2 si 3 3c CASE OF 24 TINS $6.36 -- SAVE 00 Choice Cut Reg. 2 tins 330--8AVE 20 AsP GREEN BEANS 2:31. CASE OF 24 TINS $3.72--SAVE 24e COFFEE SALE! Vigorous & Winey Custom Ground 1-Ib bag 63 SAVF 4. SAVF 10