' daughter banquet of | 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Nolonio, Moy 3, 1961 (Victor Kitchen; Guide Darlene roposed the toast to Second Guides And Brownies Mother And Daughter Banquet mother and the Guide Company and Brownie Pack was held at Woodview Community Centre on Friday evening, April 28. Colors of blue and gold were predominant in the decorations with table streamers, trefoils, and table centrepieces complement- ing this color scheme. Mrs. Gordon Barker and her com- mittee, Mrs. C. E. Cornelius, Mrs. George Leaming, Mrs. Ro- land Crawford and Mrs. F. W. Naden, had charge of the ar- rangements for the buffet-style smorgasbord. Guests were welcomed by the parents' committee presi- dent, Mrs. Frank Ball, assisted by Mrs. Douglas Kirkland and Mrs. H. L. Kells who had charge of the guest book. Guides Carole Ball, Vicki Bar- ker and Caroline Cornelius had charge of the check room. The Brown Owl, Mrs. F. M. Jamieson, led in the singing of Grace and the toast to the The annual Queen was proposed by Guide |Jarvis and responded to by Mrs. Karen Schmidt.} Guide Lt. Kei- 2nd |! Captain Betty Nfden introduced ests as fol- trict guider, re laide district; Mfrs. Frank Ball, president of the parents' com- mittee and daughter, Carole; Brown Owl, Mrs. F. M. Jamie- son, and daughter, Mary, a former Guide in the 2nd and now Tawny Owl with the l4th Brownie Pack; Tawny Owl, Mrs. W. J. Wright and daugh- ter, Mrs. George Tanton; Pack Leader, Caroline Cornelius and her mother, Mrs. C. E. Cornel ius; vice-president of the Par- ents Committee; Mrs: F. W, Naden, mother of Guide Cap- tain; Guide Lt. Keitha Mosier and her mother, Mrs. H. Mo- sier; and special guests, former Guide Lt. Jacqueline Cornish and her mother, Mrs. J. W. Cor- nish. The toast to the mothers was proposed by Brownie Susan WEDDING PRINCIPALS Pictured after their wed- ding recently at St. An- oy s United Church are Mr. and Mrs. Russell Findlay. The bride, the former Miss Christine Ann Ruler, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ruler of Oshawa, for- erly of Hull, England, and | he bridegroom is the son of r. and Mrs, George S. Findlay of Oshawa formerly of Montrose, Scotland. --Photo by Ireland Leaming the Guide Movement. On behalf of the Guide Com- pany and the Parents' Commit- tee, Carole Ball made a special presentation to Jacque- line Cornish extending the best wishes of both groups to their popular ex-leader in her new position in Toronto. Mrs. Manning brought greet- ings from Adelaide district. Her remarks were directed to the .|Guides and Brownies who were entertaining their mothers at this dinner and she spoke of the Brownie smile and the willing- ness of Guides and of their pur- pose in Gi With Guides formed in their horseshoe, Mrs. Manning assist- ed Miss Naden in presenting the following badges: Little House Emblem Marilyn Burns, Wanda Butler, Patsy Lynne Campbell, Caro- lyn Cornelius; Cooks -- Mar- garet Bull, Marilyn Burns, Wan- da Butler, Patsy Lynne Camp- bell, Carolyn Cornelius, Linda Goulding; Laundress -- Carole Ball, Vicky Barker, Margaret Bull, Wanda Butler and Linda Goulding. Stalker -- Marilyn Burns, Wanda Butler, Carolyn Cornel- jus, Linda Goulding; Needle- woman--Marilyn Burns, Wanda : |Butler, Carolyn Cornelius. Child Nurse -- Wanda Butler and Linda Goulding; Weaver -- Marilyn Burns; CONVENER Mrs. Jack Appleby, presi- dent of the Piyah Chapter of Hadassah, is general convener of the annual bazaar to be held next week in the Hebrew Congregation under the auspices of the Piyah Chap- ter. --Oshawa Times Photo EQUAL PAY GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES HILLSIDE FELLOWSHIP The Hillside Ladies Fellow- ship Group met at the home of Mrs. Alex Roxburgh, Emerald avenue. Mrs. Austin Hooper led in the devotional period, Mrs. Fred Perkins opened the meeting with prayer. Several hymns were sung, followed by the Scripture lesson, read by Mrs. Allen Johnston. The guest of the evening was RN, superintendent, House, Toronto. ent. Waiters and Mrs. B. Mrs. Arthur Crowells. Ingles RUNDLE PARK AUX. The Ladies Auxiliary of Run- dle Park Association held its monthly meeting at the Club House with nine members pres- Euchre conveners for the month of May are Mrs. Percy .|ans gave a comment and pray- Euchre treasurer for May is Miss Betty Leask RN who was introduced by Mrs. Jack Mec- Laughlin. Miss Leask showed color slides of a vacation trip she and a friend had taken re- cently. Mrs. Frederick Lesage thank- ed Miss Leask and Mrs. Wal- ter Ciona closed the meeting with prayer. Refreshments were served by the hostess and the social com- mittee. The next meeting will be held at the home\ of Mrs. William Davis, 473 Lakeview avenue on May 8 at 8 o'clock. The speaker Mrs. B. Morgan. May she have a speedy recovery. We extend our best wishes to We would like to thank all the fathers and sons who at- tended the lovely banquet held for the Pee-Wee hockey league. May we remind everyone our opening day is held on June 10. Always remember we wel- come any members who would like to join our club. ARDENT WORKERS The regular meeting of the Ardent Workers' Group of King Streei United Church was held will be Miss Gertrude Simon'recently with Mrs. Ewart Cle- mence opening with a hymn and two readings, "Tell Him So" and "A Garden For All Time". and the minutes were read by Mrs. Frank James and treas- urer's report by Mrs. William Ward. Mrs. George Wilson had charge of the devotional period with three readings, "Love Your Neighbor", the Story of the Good Samaritan" and "In the Country". Mrs. Leslie Ev- er and Mrs. Frank Vice gave a reading, "Who Is Thy Neigh- bor". Mrs. Theodore Wilkins play- ed two piano solos, "The Dutch Dance" and "Rock of Ages". FOR BEAUTIFUL NSTI 40 King E. RA 5-0151 ored slides. A rummage sale is to be OT mi There were 21 presentiat the next meeting on May 25. interior, for years GRASSHOPPER CONTROL VICTORIA (CP) -- plagued with grasshopper in- festations, report they are grad- ually bringing the problem un- Ranchers!der control. a FAMILIES THRIVE ON THE SUNNY.SWEET GOODNESS of Blue Bonnet Margarine. Cant be matched for fresh, delicious flavor . . . nutritious because it's all vegetable through and ALL-VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet MARGARINE ENN EEE EEE NEENEENNEES Norway's main labor and management organizations have agreed in principle on step-by- step introduction of equal wages __|for men and women. Wanda Butler; Keep Fit--Mar- ilyn Burns and Linda Goulding; Athlete--Marilyn Burns and Lin- da Goulding; Dairymaid--Wan- da Butler and Linda Goulding; Land Girl -- Wanda Butler; Horsewoman -- Wanda Butler; Poultry Farmer--Wanda Butler; Minstrel--Patsy Lynne Camp- bel Religion and Life Emblem --Caxplyn Cornelius; Fire Bri- d gal role Ball, Wanda But- ler, Patsy Lynne Campbel!, Car- olyn Cornelius and Donna Wil son; Home Nurse--Vicki Barker and Margaret Bull, Emergency Helper--Vicki Barker and Mar- garet Bull, Skaters Margaret Bull, Patsy Lynne Campbell, Donna Wilson; Handywoman --. Patsy Lynne Campbell and Donna Wilson; 2nd Class -- Donna Mae Bays, Virginia Kirby, Bon- nie Kirkland. As a special award for turn- ing in most orders for the Guide cookies, Dorothy Jackson was presented with a compass by Mrs. Manning. Caroline Cornelius and Wan- da Butler presented a short skit. Campfire brought the even- ing to a close with Brown Owl leading in song. FRESH-BREWED FLAVOUR on opriotey BURNS oreit May. Specials! iowa Ltd. pay as little as Mahogany Some marked USE YOU CHINA and 70-piece China Set and 3 at this low, low price SILVERWARE CHESTS Blonde and Walnut A 102-PIECE SERVICE FOR EIGHT piece Stainless Steel Flatware. Ideal for the home or cottage NO EXTRA CHARGES OF ANY KIND LADIES' ELECTRIC RAZORS BY SCHICK You'll be proud to own this beautiful white razor and carrying case. ONLY OPEN AN ACCOUNT 1.00 Down 1.00 A Week 2. R CREDIT FLATWARE : 30.95 10.95 32 KING ST. WEST No Extra Charges of Any Kind CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. RA 3-7022 IT'S ORIENTAL TIME at your Dairy Queen with every Sundae! Treat honourable family to delicious quick-frozen Dairy Queen Ice Cream, topped with pineapple, cherry, cocoanut «.. sprinkled with Wednesday to Saturday * May 3-6 1347 SIMCOE ST. NORTH . (AT TAUNTON RD.) 235 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH GLECOI'T SUPERMARKET JUST NORTH OF 401 HIGHWAY ON 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH IN OSHAWA--OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. FREE CITY-WIDE DELIVERY FREE PARKING IN OUR LOT SPECIALS for WED. NIGHT, THURS. FRI. & SAT., MAY 3-4-5-6 SPECIAL VALUES CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE BREAD 2401. 23 LOAVES SUNBEAM BROWN 'N' SERVE TWIN ROLLS "sricin 29° ABER, EAR EES, FOR EACH BACH GRADE A LARGE AT COST FIRST GRADE--GLECOFF BRAND BUTTER ,, 63° Cut Glass In Hoch Pkg. Exira Delergent 39¢ America Dry -- (with coupon) GINGERALE 2 LARGE 2]1¢ BTLS. PLUS DEPOSIT REG. 59¢ BOTTLE SPECIAL CHILDREN'S DRESSES 1-37 DRASTICALLY REDUCED Winner of Watch Draw MRS. W. FORD 121 Perk Road North, Oshaws - 1% MEATS £1 THAT MAKE THE A) Lust DB] PS ONLY GOV'T. INSPECTED RED and BLUE TENDER BEEF SOLD AT OUR MARKET ROUND STEAKS - 6 9: SIRLOIN rosin WING 1000 LBS. JUST ARRIVED LEAN OWN SLICED 1-LB. PKGS. PRESSWOOD'S SUCCULENT COOKED HAM Ib. 89° FRESH MINCED EVERY MoUR) HAMBURG 3. S51 STORE SLICED BACON ™""** , 49° A MAPLE-LEAF PRODUCT ws $1 WIENERS ow Over 50 Kinds of Cooked Meats and Sausages to Choose From FARM HOUSE FROZEN CHERRY PIES ".... oval! 1: FAMILY SIZE FROZEN Pizza Pie Snack "" ,.. 45* SUPER VALUE SPECIAL TRAINING PANTS 5 ...§1 MODESS ne 69° IDNEY PILLS .. 65° TABLETS SUFFERIN SPECIAL 95° EX-LAX REG. 49%¢ 39+ EX-LAX REG. 21¢ 1 7° CASTORIA 49 ASA. TABLETS 2/53 GIFTS for MOTHER'S DAY CARDS "= 10° '5* & 25° TEA PO gi FROM 2.95 CUPS & SAUCERS ..... 29° Arrangements aon 1.98 NYLONS * VARIOUS A 69° NYLON APRONS... 1:98 dad oe a ea Envelopes and Stamps. FLOOR CLEANER 25-18. BAG 50-LB. BAG No-Scuff, Self-Polishing -- 8c OF Simoniz FLOOR WAX em 99° x CRISPY, LARGE, 30's SIZE HEAD LETTUCE CRUNCH, TASTY NEW CABBAGE YELLOW COB CORN Domestic Shortening Nip "vos seca. 93° Kraft Cheese Slices ge Reg. 33¢ YOUR CHOICE New Brunswick Firm--Right from N.B. 2 Carloads Just Arrived Limite 10 bags fo Customer | 2 0 29° 2 yas 28° STRAWBERRIES | 3 os 1.00 You can stretch your food dollar at Glecof"s RICE CRISPIES Reg. 2 for 3% 3 for AQ SPECIAL K CEREAL Ma 2m. 49° Your Choice -- Various SOFT DRINKS 2 cone 1.00 (Bottles Included) 79° 5/39 Nency Colored -- Reg. 2 for 37e Stafford Berry Box ASSORTED JAMS Sua, 45¢ Mother Parkers -- 50c¢ OFF INSTANT COFFEE 10. dem cia an 1.19 ICash your scop ond other cou- pons now! Simply write your] nome ond deposit in box, you imay win your choice. A case of] your favorite soop or detergent. Cosh your Baby Bonus Cheque in our new clothing dept. -- you get the total amount refunded in cash if your name is drown. Drow held end of every month. Winner for April, Mrs. Hilda Schlechter, 369 Drew Street Glecoff Brand TEA BAGS [8% Valve mac 100° FREE THIS WEEKEND ONE 19c BOTTLE LEMON OIL FURNITURE POLISH WITH EVERY ORDER OF $10.00 OR OVER "TOILET TISSUE 3.49 Blue-Black '== Reg. 25¢ Waterman's INK some 19¢ YOUR CHOICE 3 09 CARTON FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY WE CASH PENSION, BONUS AND PAY CHEQUES RELIEF VOUCHERS ACCEPTED! SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S OPEN DAILY TILL 10 P.M.