Cr Eris Seed FT -- 3 before 500 spectators. He de- TO JOIN CAHA league intends to form a team|(AP) -- Dorchester Farm's|6 to 1. Ambiopoise and Globe- SPORT BRIEFS feated Canadian champion Fred] QUEBEC (CP)--Georges La- ih 20 of its best players and any Back and 2 1 Bey ta Bader are 3 » 1, Sherluck and i send it to Europe in January|Ranches' Four - and - enty | Garwo! . D S dish Matt, who will represent Can-|breque, director of the Quebec)yyqy .." 100000 'is formed ofjare 34 co - favorites for mext owWIl DWE WINS JUDO TITLE [ada 8 the SH aaments [Progresaion Nockey League. old - time pro players and|Saturday's Kentucky Derby in om" ¢. next ember. anson, says the eague inten 0 Jol hock hobbyists. final Caliente future odds| Track Star Honk. SAR AT 12, of Niagara Falls won the|the Canadian Amateur Hockey BY ys [posted Sunday. The other Al chemical activity that produces won the Eastern Cannd'an | junior international club/Association before it wants to] INSTALLED AS FAVORITES |berta Ranches threat, Flutt- 100,000,000 tons of fixed nytro- STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Swed- championship Saturday night championship. go on a European tour. Thel AGUA CALIENTE, Mexicolerby, and Crozier wound up at gen, a fertilizer, each year. . en's most widely known inter- national track star, Dan Waern, has been charged by the gov- ernment's internal revenue comptroller with receiving mo- ney for running as an amateur and failing to list it as income. Waern, fourth behind Herb Elliott of Australia in world record - breaking time in the 1,500-metre Olympic run, auth- ored a story last year entitled "I Can't Afford to be an Ama- teur." Shortly after he bought a $68,000 farm in Sweden. It was these two things that brought Waern, holdér of the world record for 1,000-metres, to the attention of the federal in- come tax comptroller. 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Moy 2, 1961 SPORT OUTDOORS -- By Jack Sords Tax Men Run THE COMMUNITY PAGE FRIENDLY NEIGHBORLY SERVICE A GUIDE TO VALUES IN OSHAWA & DISTRICT [rote oo Mills Discount House HAYDEN D. KEMP Imperial ESSO SEER ANGLING FOR SALMON IS RE - MOSTLY TO FLY FiSH= ING. AN ANGLER CAN CAST BLIND FOR HIS FISH. THEY CAN BE SPOTYED EASILY REST= ING IN CLEAR LOW-WATER POOLS, WESTERN ANGLERS USE SPINNING RODS AND REELS, © 1, KINO FRATURES SYMDICATR, lea N. Ontari o Roads | | EDDIE SHORE, 'MR. HOCKEY" BOSTON (AP) -- Eddie Shore is going to get car licence plates reading "Mr. Hockey." Governor John Volpe signed into law Monday a bill to have the registry of motor vehicles issue the spe- cial plates to Shore, former Boston Bruins defenceman and a member of hockey's Hall of Fame, Shore owns Springfield In- dians of the American Service it's Spring Change-over Time © TUNE-UP © CARBURETTOR SERVICE © MINOR REPAIRS © WHEEL BLANC Complete tire and be service. Free Pick-up ond delivery. DON'T BE BLINDED BY MISLEADING CLAIMS. Prices are no higher, selec- tions are large, service is better, right in your own community. Lots of folks ~are fooled into thinking that merchandise and prices elsewhere are better. Taint necessarily so. Take a look at the selection in your local stores, the same well-known brands, the same fair trade prices, but with an extra bonus of con- venience of shopping and a superiority of friendly service, that can't be dupli- SPECIAL! EXTRA HEAVY TWEED LARGE CHOICE OF COLORS 4.98 sq. yd. cated anywhere. Don't wait, shop around and get acquainted with your own local merchants today. Take Rally Toll SAULT STE. MARIE (CP)--|Melville of Toronto was leading Hockey League. 75 Simcoe St. RA 5-1611 Winding Northern Ontario roads with 30 penalty points. A Mer- HAMBLY TIRE LTD. Ld hi SAFETY THROUGH QUALITY P! " hy - STALLATIONS, ALTERATIONS, ALL > o WE plots Vite Servic 4 COPPER PLUMBING JOBS. eo WHEEL BALANCING PHONE RA 5-3715 © WHEEL ALIGNMENT 52 WAYNE AVE. PHONE RA 8-622) Phone RA 5-3680 288 BLOOR ST. WEST MOTOR CITY BOWLING 40 MODERN "BRUNSWICK" LANES OPEN LANES---AUTOMATIC SETTERS FREE INSTRUCTION--OPEN SUMMERS OPEN 9 AM. DAILY . . . AIR-CONDITIONED (Summer Leogues start Mey Ist -- phone for Openings) Moke it A Family Night PHONE RA 3-3212 78 RICHMOND ST. Ww. . | immy Greaves and exhaustion have pm Py Sedes - Benz 190SL with Francis J my eav cut the 106 entries e 4, charer of Trenton N.J., and| d d mile Trans - Canada Rally. |Joe Ambrozy of * Philadelphia Suspen e For At least five cars failed to re-|was second with 381. | | Fourteen Days port at the check point near here Monday night and the | LONDON (AP) -- England's, thopes in next year's world soc- \ cause was believed to be me-| BUZZErS Capture N ganical ailments or just plain ess, |cer championships slumped' : - LS, LA Ll uni The drivers are expected to J or # litle | Monday when it was announced stop briefly for sleep in Port OWEN SOUND (CP) -- Tor- that Jimmy Greaves, one of the Arthur today before continuing|0nto St. Michael's Buzzers €ap-| country's best players, had been| to Winnipeg and the next com- tured the Ontario Hockey As- {suspended 14 days. Because of! pulsory stop. The Rally finishes |S0ciation Junior B champion-|ihe universal aspect of Soccer. in Vancouyer Saturday. ship Monday night, defeating|preliminaries to the world meet The cars left Toronto early|OWen Sound Greys 4-2 to win|are held a year in advance. yesterday on the 21 - hour 900- the final series in four straight! Great Britain plays two such) mile trek to the Lakehead, con- 83Mes. . preliminaries in the next three, sidered to be one of the tough-| It was the 16th straight win weeks and officials said that if est sections of the rally. Only|in the playoffs for the new the club defeated Mexico here Rocky Mountain route is ex- champions, who ended the sea- May 10, it would stick with pected take a heavier toll of (S0n With an unbeaten streak of Greaves' sub May 21 against cars. One NORTH OSHAWA Plumbing and Heating TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! 534 RITSON RD. S. REAL STONE Mantels -- FLOWER BOXES and FIREPLACES CUSTOM BUILT For Free Estimates Call RA 8-1022 Now FOR NATURAL ALL COLOR STONE FACING INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OSHAWA NATURAL STONE PRODUCTS KING ST. (Old Henderson Block Factory) OSHAWA SUDDARD'S C.C.M. and RALEIGH BICYCLES Sales--Service--Parts Keys Made PHONE RA 5-3979 497 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ANDY NAGY"S BODY SHOP 24 Hour Towing Service Radiators Repaired end 2) 5 Re-cored. . Pay A PHONE RA 8-4451 STEVENSON'S ROAD SOUTH THURS. TO SAT. GUARANTEED RICKSHA BROOKSIDE REG. 19¢ SREAD USED CARS {Israel { 2 LOAVES PROTEST TURNED DOWN | Instead, he flew to Italy and G ROOM t DININ FRI. AND SAT, ROY W. NICHOLS MONTREAL (CP) -- Tommy, Watched Milan play. The Milan HAMBURG 3 Ibs. for $1 BRING YOUR FAMILY Courtice and Bowmanville (Richardson, ident of the In- club recently paid $224,000 for ailment as tonsilitis and recom- iin mig o oid . his 1962 contract. Although play- N &G i AID FRIENDS » & G. Fruit Market ! : 199 KING ST. Ww. Your Friendly dealer FOR THE BEST IN serving the public for mended sleep. day he had rejected a protest ing for Milan next season he Rally. officials threw a sur-lby' Toronto Maple Leafs of a still would be eligible for Eng: 38 years. CHINESE FOODS ® CHEVROLET Open From 11.30 A.M, i 3 's i ional team. on oot sherman oun wiame agsinst be Jerseys In lend's internation ONTARIO LIFTER WINS ® CORVAIR ® OLDSMOBILE FOR TAKE-OUT ORDERS Sound. It Leafs, who scored five runs 'n| nearest second with an average the top of the 10th after the] QUEBEC (CP) -- Weightlift- Sales and Service Always a good selection Phone RA 8-1676 42 KING ST. WEST SHANK'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Efficient and Prompt Repair Service to All Makes of OUSEHOLD POLISHERS end VACUUM CLEAN- ERS. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY PHONE - Ji 28 wins and one tie in league|Portugal and in the world meet HO NE RA 5-345) of the cars dropping out|COmpetition. ~~ {although Gr e a ves is rated as was an MG Magnette The title was the first for St./one of the world's best. Michael's since 1945. The Greys| The star was suspended for) ven by Joe Wolkewich and were playing in their first final failure to accompany his Chel. | navigated by Bill Eiketeon, both series since 1940. |sea mates Sunday on a tour of | HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Register Now For Baton Twirling Beginning te Advanced 6 yeors old end wp y IRENE HARVEY, N.B.T.A, «os At No Extra Cost ee + All Types of Furniture Better Upholstering RA 3-243 424 KING W. RA 5-6122 HOWIE'S B-A SERVICE Lubrication--Washing Tune-up--Towing Open 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Also Weekends PHONE RA 5-5337 SIMCOE ST. NORTH a XA. FIORIN CONTRACTOR © Industrial © Commercial © Res'antiel FREE speed of 32 miles an hour re-|clubs tied 2-2 in nine innings, ers from Western Canada won quired. charged that the Jerseys delib- three competitions and tied for of used cars on display. Phones Bowmanville Wolkowich said many of the|erately stalled to force a post-|another in the Canadian junior cars found their chassis drag. Ponement because of rain. Rich- weightlifting championships held ging in mud and the speed dif- ardson said chief umpire Pete during the weekend in several ficult to maintain d'Ambrosio showed game offi- cities.. The results were tele- » cials had done their best to keep graphed here for compilation the game going but after two and released Monday night. The 25-minute delays the game had winners included John Lewis of MA 3-3922 or og J MA 3-3353 he ST. by T. F. Whitfield and B. V.|to be postponed. Belleville, light heavyweight. HOUSTON'S YOU CAN WIN A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY FOR TWO | Hines ramen AND GARAGE {Wil 1 prize | 2» prize |'& 10-DAY GLAMOROUS 5-DAY SUMMER or BERMUDA VACATION WINTER LAURENTIAN at the BERMUDIANA HOLIDAY at the : CHANTECLER HOTEL TS -------- ¥ GIMPEL) f Custom Upholstering RA 8-5342 When the cars left Toronto Monday a Volkswagen handled ESTIMATES 76 BEATRICE RA 5-4647 FREE « Merchandise or Service « FREE SEE IF YOUR NAME IS IN ONEOF THESE ADVERTISEMENTS VAL METTE PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs--Installations FREE ESTIMATES 23 CELINA STREET RA 5-3279 Kenneth Hull, 97 Scugog, Bowmanville, Ont. lists in Au bil Broke Work RA 3-7822 67 KING STREET GALT CARTAGE MOVING STORAGE We are now agent for MOTORWAY TRANSPORT ond HILL THE MOVER ALL LOADS Fully insured and handled ef- ficiently by union men. Storage and Packing. Phones: OFFICE--RA 8-4619 LEE BISHOP RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning & Recoring New and Used Rodictors Phone RA 5-1633 42 BOND ST. WEST (emmmnmen sy This page is a weekly feature of the Oshawa Times for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week the names and addresses of people living in Oshawa and District. Read the Advertisements in which you found your name and present it within one week along with a sales slip to the Oshawa Times Office, showing that goods or services have been purchased from any of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely free a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise or services with one of the advertisers on this page. Winner must advise which advertiser they wish to spend $3.00 order with. Pick the time of year you like best to enjoy a truly Canadian holiday at this renowned hotel , , . all expenses paid for TWO Enjoy this sun-filled, fun-filled holiday in the luxurious atmos- phere of this world famous hotel + « + all expenses paid for TWO MOSIER SHEET METAL ESSO ond GAR WOOD HEATING UNITS ( Sales--Service--Parts ) PHONE RA 5-2734 292 KING ST. WEST Fred J. Doneven, 365 King Et, Oshowa, Ont. Yc -- 100 OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES including Johnson and Evinrude outboards, portable refrigerators, Pioneer chain saws, le TV sets, Movado watches, Frigidaire Shopmate power workshops, General Electric Beatty Supermatic washer, toaster ovens, Coleman coolers and many, - RESIDENCE--RA 8-3371 NAACO Yifles' and shotguns, Astral-Escort many more. 153 CONANT STREIY Patronize The Business Firms On This Page IN LAWN-BOY . - CLAYTON ORPWOOD @ outBoA CANADA'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF POWER MOWERS "CANADA-MADE" CONTEST it's easy to enter -- LAWN-BOY LB ore of Joh Also m GET THE DETAILS FROM YOUR LAWN-BOY DEALER and get the facts about LAWN-BOY 1961 models, Canada's mest popular, most wanted power mowers Here's big news for power mower urchasers. Lawn-Boy and 'its ron-Horse engine are now GUARANTEED FOR 2 FULL YEARS against defects in parts or workmanship under normal use. So be sure of the extra efficiency, extrayears of service, extra satisfaction that are yours only with Lawn-Boy. See all 7 Lawn-Boy models at your dealer's soon. RD MARINE CORPORATION OF CANADA LTD. PETERBOROUGH CANADA , Evinrude and Gale Buccaneer outboard motors STEPHENSONS' GARAGE SPECIALISTS IN frome straight- ening, wheel alignment, gen- eral repairs ed headlight ser- vice, PHONE RA 5-0522 15 CHURCH ST. PARKER ELECTRIC An Efficient Electrical Wiring Service © RESIDENTIAL o COMMERCIAL e INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC HEATING 252 GOLF ST. RA 8-862) FREE To The Customers Of The Week This Could Be You 1 ORDER INVOICE WILL BE DRAWN ON SATURDAYS GET THE HIGHEST QUALITY DRY CLEANING NOW MAPLE CLEANERS PHONE RA 5-0643 504 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH TED'S WHITE ROSE AND MARINE SPECIAL! ROYAL SCOTT COMBINATION BOAT - MOTOR - TRAILER 7% h. Fishing Scotts New and Used R.R. NO. 4 OSHAWA, KING STREET PHONE RA 8.5924 PROFESSIONAL BROADLOOM CLEANING BY NU-WAY * RUG CLEANERS RA 8-4681 174 MARY ST. N. MEMBERS OF NAT. INST. OF RUG CLEANERS LE MOULIN ROUGE CATERERS FOR: WEDDING and BOWLING BANQUETS PRIVATE PARTIES SMALL OR LARGE REASONABLE RATES PHONE RA 8-436) HOTEL LIMITED Simcoe St. South 294 SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES ON OUR MODERN ROOM PHONE RA 5-3743 Mrs. E. Kennerly, 22 Bond W,, Oshawa, Ont. TEXACO SERVICE Features: © MOTOR TUNE-UPS &_BRAKE SERVICE ® HANICAL REPAIRS o FIRESTONE TIRES © BATTERIES PHONE RA 8-6011 461 PARK ROAD Mrs. E. Kennerly, 22 Bond W., Ohawa, Ont. INSTANT PERM 8.50 GENOSHA BEAUTY am SALON RA 5-2521 44 kine &. HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY ST. Phone RA 8-8853 gn DOWNTOWN OSHAWA RA 8-1641 HAVE THE TIMES DELIVERED TO YOU WHEN - YOU'RE ON VACATION HARRY A DICKISON Custom Built Homes. Specializing in R . B, Ineludi RB" cluding delling PHONE RA 5-8213 FOR REASONABLE RATES H.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED 1 FAST 24-HR. SERVICE NO. 1 FUEL OIL DNIPRO OIL CO. LTD. 190 BLOOR ST. EAST PHONES RA 8.0762 RA 3.7789 FAST RESULTS! with the' TIMES CLASSIFIED REESOR FUEL AND LUMBER Everything In Builders Supplies, Lumber, Coal We Specialize In Summer Cottage Needs Free delivery in Lake Scugog Distriet Port Perry YU 579 1 BEST IN QUALITY AND DESIGN Interior and Exterior Welding and Steel Fab Designing -- Estimates Free "OSHAWA ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS 227 PEARSON ST. OSHAWA RA 3-4161