EE i i ---------- 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mend ey, Mey 1, 1961 Oshawa Presbytery WA Holds Mrs. Ralph Hill, Trenton, was guest speaker at the afternoon | session of the annual meeting of Oshawa Presbytery Woman's Association held in St. Andrew's United Church recently. When Mrs. William Teeple, of St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville in- troduced Mrs. Hill she told of her varied activities in the WA, and said she was well qualified 4 to speak on the subject of Pro- gram Planning, being the chair- man of that department for the Bay of Quinte conference WA. Mrs. Hill said it was just as important to have the program planned for meetings as it is for a ship's captain to have a chart for his proposed voyage. Linked closely with this subject was stewardship which in itself in- volved responsibility. It was the! responsibility of every member | to become actively concerned : with the work of the church. Stewards must have certain qualities joy, hope, peace, re- joicing and love, all of which requisites could be acquired by study. Mrs. Hill recommended sev- eral books for study, the most important being the Bible. The literature available from Domin- jon Council WA was compiled ready to assist with program planning, stewardship and study, and was ready at any time for the members to use. ANNUAL REPORTS During the day reports of the various committees were dis- tributed. Mrs. J. C. Naylor de- scribed the Skillshop she attend- ed in Belleville recently, and Mrs. A. E. Hamilton read the "Story of the year", the secre- tary's report. Just before the communion service conducted by Dr. George Telford, Mrs. E. G. Storie sang a solo, "Sacra- ment" from the St. Matthew Passion by J. S. Bach, accom- panied at the organ by Mrs. G. Booth The regular meeting of the|Life". Scripture texts were pass- the Salvation Army Citadel. [followed by a discussion period. Mrs. George Floody welcom-| Mrs. Ludlow related several ed the 13 members present. The experiences she had while visit- ! ltary, Mrs. Everett Harmer and spoke of her recent trip to Flor- treasury report and Miss Mar- Hartwig, presided. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES [5% "ais "ees spring tea and baking sale at| 4 10TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. piano sglo and "The Bread of|the Orange Temple next month.| "he President Mrs. Jack An-| The past presidents are the : ' 10th Oshawa Scout Mothers'(ed around and each one present|or tp, : : Annual Meeting at St. Andrew S Auxiliary was held recently injread their verse of Scripture, ie devotional period. * the hostess. The next meeting retary, treasurer and commit-| enjoyable half hour of cards and os is to be held at the home of|tee chairmen. minutes were read by the secre-ling in Europe and Mrs. Owen|Miss Sally Grant, Bowmanville. Two presentations were Made/social convener, Mrs. Thomas, to Mrs. David Carstairs, who is Mrs. Jack Stefan gave the/moving to Toronto and a baby Is {spoon to Mrs. Peter Andrey for OSHAWA LIONETTES {her new son, Dean derson, presided at the April inati Miss Margot Knox had charge| meeting of the Oshawa Lionettes tpg Somm ites, 30d wil held at Simcoe Hall. the May meeting. Refreshments were served by, Reports were read by the sec-| The meeting closed with an refreshments, arranged by the The president, Mrs. Victor/by the president. A silver spoon/Hammond. | Mrs. Percy Monery gave thelida, especially telling of her| treasurer's report. |visit to the Home League at Mrs. George Floody read her Fort Lauderdale, | eport of the Regional Confer- Birthday greetings were sung| nce held in Peterborough April/for Mrs. John Parker who is) 13, which was attended by Mrs. | celebrating her 84th birthday to-| Floody and Mrs. James Gar-/day." Mrs. Ludlow sang a solo, voch. |"Take Time to Be Holy". All members have been asked, Next week a special meeting to save used stamps this sum-|is being arranged by Mrs. Ma- mer to aid handicapped Scouts. jor Rankin on "The Parables of A \ Fummage sale will be held Knitting". 0 , May 1, 1.30 p.m. at ib treet. ARVILLA McGREGOR AUX. The next regular meeting will, The regular meeting of the be held on Monday, May 29, at Arvilla McGregor Missionary 8.00 p.m. Due to the holiday, Auxiliary of Knox Presbyterian the date is one week later than Church was held on Tuesday, usual. April 25 in the Church lounge. Refreshments were served by Miss Madeline Sinclair pre- Mrs. Percy Monery and Mrs. sided and opened with prayer. Thomas Coull. Mrs. George The study and worship were Floody won the door prize. [presented by Miss Sinclair and MRS. L. F. RICHARDSON Mrs. Arthur Campbell when the ! 5 $.A.HOME LEAGUE th lives of three important women Mrs. A. E. Hamilton: corre- The regular meeting of the "ir. Biple were reviewed: sponding secretary, Mrs. J. C. Salvation Army Home - League Mary, the mother of Jesus, Naylor; treasurer, Mrs. Ross Was held on Tuesday afternoon,\py yeh and Anna. Dickinson; literature secretary, [April 25, with Mrs. David Owen| "y/o 0 moronto Mrs. Frank Black: program|and Mrs. Jack Ludlow in ib i 1y Ger ara planning, Mrs. H. W. Blakely; charge. This was a meeting ar- pi ie 2 5. Sp |press, Mrs. H. E. Grose, and ranged especially for those who ay meeting. several committee chairmen, could not attend the annual Plans were completed for a : Home League rally in Peter- catering project on June 2, Re-| {CONTINUING OFFICERS borough. freshments were served by Mrs. | The executive serving the past Mrs. Owen led in the singing Stewart Soanes and Mrs. Bert two years agreed to finish this of the hymn "The Great Phy- Montgomery. vear out as the new organiza-|sician", followed by Prayer by i ys tion will begin January 1962,|Mrs. Clarence DeGuerre. Mrs. GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD under the name of United Owen made the announcements The April meeting of the Church Women. The bursaryjand Mrs. Jack Ludlow showed Women's evening guild of Grace fund chairman will be Mrs. pictures taken at Lake Placid, Lutheran Church was held at [Charles Naylor. When Mrs.|Cape Cod and Northern Ontario. (the home of Miss Carolyn | Richardson spoke of the work of Mrs. Carl Morgan played a/Manze. |the WA she announced the main|------ ober mre | project for the year -- the fi- {nancial support of Camp Quin- Mo-Lac, and urged the locals to remember to support the build: |ing fund for the Victor Home for Girls. She also announced a con- | ference for Sunday School teach- |ers at Five Oaks October 13, 14, OPENING MAY 4th FOR THE GRAND OPENING TAMMY FASHION SHOES THURSDAY, MAY 4th Something NEW for LADIES & TEENAGERS ® Not a shoe in the shop sells for more than 9.99 ® 4 widths available for every style 4A - 3A - 2A - B "For the Latest Fashions and Best Fit" Those at the head table for/15, being held under the direc- lunch, with the president, Mrs. tion of the Presbytery Christian 1. F. Richardson, were -- Mrs, Education Committee, and also A. A. Crowle and Mrs. Clayton|a conference for workers in Lee, honorary presidents, Mrs.|WMS led by Miss Mariam William Teeple, Bowmanville, Thompson on Friday, May 12, Mrs. George Werry, president of in King Street United Church. St. Andrew's WA, Mrs. A. E. Miss Thompson is field secre- Campbell, recording secretary; tary for the Dominion Board Mrs. Charles Naylor and Mrs.| WMS. H. W. Blakely, vice-presidents; | ie of ine Osawa Presiter LODGES AND |. jal ; the Rev. Dr. ani rs. | SOCIETIES George Telford, the Rev. and Mrs. Melville Buttars, Mrs. Ralph Hill, and Mrs. D. E.\ppyNcp PHILIP CHAP 10DE Dobbs, president of Bay of". "4 1 meeting of the Quinte Woman's Association. Prince Philip Chapter, IODE UPCOMING DATES was held at Adelaide house. Mrs. H. W. Blakely and Mrs. The regent, Mrs. Alfred Aus- J. W. Bowman will be delegates|tin, presided. The minutes were to the Bay of Quinte conference|read by the secretary, Mrs. WA annual meeting to be held|C. G. Luke. The treasurer's re-| in Whitby United church May 1{ port was given by Mrs. Wesley | and 2. The Dominion Council|Piatti. Mrs. K. R. Wagg, the of- WA annual meeting will be held ficial delegate to the national in Toronto May 14 to 19 and|conference, gave her report| there will be a conference Sept. which held much interest. Mrs. 17 and 18 at Keswick for all thew. B. White, social convener, | women of the church. The semi- thanked the members for their Znuual meeting of te Quligwa hein at the birthday luncheon. resbytery will be held in immigra- Albert Street church October 26. ays. J. 1. Beaion, Smmigra Following the devotional and|complete for the court to be Welorial Spevice Jder chetheld May 19 at 7 p.m. eadership of rs. R. B. Gal- ) fo braith and Mrs. J. M. Collins of Wi 353 Say envied Jor, Northminster church, a trio\p "5" pierce the ways and sang "Lift Up Thine Eyes" bY| means convener. Mendelssohn with Mrs. Ralph Kimmerly, Mrs. J. Clifford Mrs. S. C. Larmer, member- Rundle and Mrs. D. K. Stiles,|ShiP convener, presented a new accompanied at the piano by member, Mrs. J. B. McRae, Mrs. H. A. Mellow. (who was heartily welcomed. Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, Whitby, Mr. McIntyre Hood's paper, installed the officers for the next|On World affairs usually read by ; i BR year, as follows: honorary pres-| Mrs. K. R. Wagg, was read by AN idents, Mrs. A. A. Crowle and Mrs. W. Bone. wm, 7 A Mrs. Clayton Lee; past c= ) : WW president, Mrs. E. D. Cornish; | HOUSEHOLD HINT \ president, Mrs. L. F. Richard-| When storing potatoes, place 7 son; vice - presidents, Mrs. them in a shallow basket or box, Charles Naylor and Mrs. H. W.|allowing as much air as possible Blakely; recording secretary, |to circulate through them. RO TAMMY FASHION SHOES A FINER BLEND - ph 79 SIMCOE NORTH RA 8-2491 YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! *} For the man who demands an outstanding car » NINA RICCI v Net Cue [PAUGHTER oF BYE) (But appreciates a reasonable price) This man was meant for Monarch! He knows the difference fine engineering makes... that intangible blend of quality and value Monarch owners enjoy. He appreciates Monarch styling, the bold grille and distinctive crown. Luxury? The way he likes it... big, wide interiors upholstered wall-to-wall with the fabrics a man can live with . .. the solid comfort of the Monarch ride. Features? A man-sized 352 cubic inch V-8 that runs beautifully on regular gas...a smooth new automatic transmission. Both standard at no extra cost. These are things that add special meaning to Monarch motoring. Get 19 01 M h Onarce the full story from your Ford-Monarch-Falcon dealer. ~ (Whitewall tires optional of extra cost) OPEN EVENINGS Seaway Motors Lid. 200 DUNDAS W. WHITBY MO 8-3331 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 28 KING ST. E. RA 3-4621 [1]