The Oshawa Times, 1 May 1961, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, May 1, 1961 7 PERSONALS - Out-of-town guests at the members, Mrs. Kenneth Moore Tromley-Robinson wedding in-|and Mrs. Ronald Coleman, who cluded Mrs. A. Moffat and are both leaving Oshawa. Mrs. daughter, Ruth, Guelph; Mr. William Grant, on behalf of the and Mrs. Ronald Harvey and Guild, presented the guests of family, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. honor with small mementoes. Gordon Carlton, Whitby; Mr. The evening was spent in play- and Mrs. William Drake, Mr. |ing games followed by refresh- and Mrs. Allan Troules: Mrs. | ments. | Doris Tromley and Mr. Terry i ; : : A surprise birthday supper Atkinson, all of Toronto. party was held recently for Mrs. Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Williamson at her home J. H. Weir, Law street, Mission College avenue. Serving Verda-Jean Weir and Mr. Del- were some of her young friends, mer Neimann attended the wed-|the Misses Marsha Malarz, Ce-| ding in Utterson, Ontario, of cile Blouin, Janis Crowe, Olga | Miss Arlene Weir, to Mr. Roger Chmelowsky, Helen Graham| Crozier, the goalie for the St. and Shirley Ellis. Catherins' "Tee Pees". : The April meeting of the West- ¥. 4 \ 3 THE YWCA had a success- mount group of St. George's il ful card party April 27, at Ade- Memorial Church was held on laide House, convened by Miss| Friday, April 28. A pot luck] SPRINGTIME WEDDING {Merle Hartley. In the afternoon supper was served by Ts. p guests were welcomed by Miss|W, H. Steer and Mrs. Peter Mrs. Edward Dillon, Oshawa, |Vera Moyse, president of the|Syperck. A short meeting was| Mary of the People Roman | and the bridegroom is the [Oshawa Association. In the held with Mrs. E. W. Welden Catholic Church were Mr. and | (© or ar and Mrs. James |evening Miss Hartley welcom- presiding. The minutes were Mrs, James Villa. The bride, | "ob Nooo eo ed them. Door prize winners in| read by Mrs. Syperek. the former Jean Mary Dil. | Villa Sr. of Nova Scotia. Jip, "arternoon were Mrs. E. lon, is the daughter of Mr. and | --Mary's Studio Glaspell, Mrs. G. Adair, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ay (H. P. Hart, Mrs. K. Crone, ward and daughters, Lou-Anne Mrs. V. Nancekivell. In the and Janice of Scarborough, | GROUPS CLUBS Al J XILIARIES evening the winners were Mrs. visited Mrs. Hayward's parents, | 4 4 E. G. Suarez, Mrs. H. Lefairie,| Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wilson, | Miss A. Gibbs, Mrs. H. Kane, Myers street on Saturday. On ONWARD GROUP choir. "An Old Refrain" *'Pecos-|Miss M. J. Sanderson, Mrs. D./Sunday they had as their The Onward Group of Har-|ita" and "They All Call It Can-|Moore, Mrs. N. W. McAlpine, guests, Mr. Wilson's brother, | mony United Church held its|ada." The choir also performed Mrs, G. Burkhart, Mrs. E. Mat- Mr, Arthur Wilson with Mrs. | monthly meeting at the home of recently at the MecLaughlin|thews. Mrs. G. Gillespie, Mrs.|Wilson and their daughters,| Mrs. 'Stewart Mackey, Grand: Public Library as part of Li-\J. Kilburn, Mrs. A. Bradford, Debbie and Pat, of Trenton. view street south. There were 19 brary Week celebrations. Mrs. W. Young, Mrs. K. H. present. The pupils of Mrs. Anne Di-|Wagg, Mrs. W. Mann, Mrs. D S. We | The president, Mrs. Ernestion's class happily danced and| Wright, Betty Rutherford, Mrs. lv rewarded for theif sions tof Jukes, opened the meeting with|sang their way through "The|E. H. Heavens, Mrs. A. Hu- 5¢¢ Sir | Lagrence 0 vier 10 the WA Theme. The treasurer, Chimes of Dunkirk" and 'The bert, Mrs. W. Goyne, Becket at t e Hegate en Mrs. John Maill and secretary, Hoky Poky."" ho : tre last week. Notice 3 nh Mrs. Alistar Fulton, gave their] Mrs. Fred Rose, on behalf of| Miss Gladys Hill, Oshawa, and audience on A e Rey reports. Mrs. Stewart Mackey, the association presented an Miss Louise Toole, Whitby, erend and Mrs. Reank a Mrs. John Harris and Mrs. Jack| award to Nadia Pinczuk for| represented the Ontario Busi- hamiffer, ¥ + ane ili McGill led in the devotional her excellent showing in public|NeS$ and Professional Women's iy iL Ni Hy NE, period. speaking contest held by the On.|CItb as delegates at the Re-|a a id il | i i | gi y , in| Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman, Following the meeting the tario Hydro and the Ontario gional Conference held "in Mes. ne P Manger Mrs, 4, A. roup did work for the bazaar I'ublic School Trustees Associa- Cobourg Saturday Also attending| Le lsses Kate in the fall and refreshments|tion. were Mrs Eileen Wilson, presi- Aldwincise and the Misses Kat were served. Mrs. Earl Adams was re-|dent of the Oshawa P and BW BH The next meeting will be held alected president. Following are|Club, Miss Marie Shantz, Miss| _ at the home of Mrs. Jack Neill, |the officers who will assist her|/Cora Cruse, Miss Florence Birthday Shower 66 Harmony Rd. §., on May 9./¢or the 1961-62 year Hawkes, Miss Rosé Hawkes, ry Vice-presidents, Mrs. William Mrs. Albert Wilson, Miss Beth The WA ot St Andrews Unit.(Saxby and Mrs. Joseph Lasik; Clarke. For Korean Orphan wy Recording secretary, Nicholas fig Tadic ed church held its quarterly] ATR The ladies' Guild of St |Gulenchyn; Corresponding sec-| ~~ ais . i mang octyl" rs Se COUN, ks Fibrin Coie Adopted by Club : : P |Treasurer, Mrs. Matthew Bell; ¥ "is : The devotional period Wasp oo ive! Mrs. Douglas Lang. home of Mrs. Donald Abbott, The "Birthday Chower for ducted by Mrs. Irving MacLeod. | Mrs, Clayton Hurlbert Mrs. | Gibbons street, for two of the our adopted Daughter" meet- Reports frm eath of the Spring] Gordon Stacey, Mrs. Roy Mac- me o the Flot or he Tn season. Kenzie, Mrs. George Barker, |note with a tour of Hillsdale ; ; er. | Mayor Addresses The mothers of the pupils in | Plans were completed for en- » | | Manor, conducted by the super- {Miss Susan Waters' and Miss J.| intendent. Mr. W. D. Johns. | fealatiemt_ of HC. Sudis after! ones' rooms served refresh Civitan Ladies Oy Sitacoe Hall (0 Mrs. Irving MacLeod, conven-| ents: | Her Worship, Mayor Chris- ean ng regular meeting, er for the flower fund tea, re- tine Thomas was 'the guest|pregident Lillian Beamish wel- ported on final plans for the tea speaker at the regular dinnerioomed the guests. Miss Made- to be held May 17 in the church meeting of the Ladies Civitan ina Guscott and Mrs. Jay parlors. | [Club last Monday at the San-/Goyne held an initiation service Mrs. J. A. Warnica, program dalwood Restaurant. Mrs. Ed- ¢ " Miss Dorothy Anderson. convener, introduced the guest ward Middlemass, the presi- arics Lillian Beamish present: speaker, Miss Millicent Luke, |dent, introduced Mrs. Thomas .q Miss Anderson with a cor- who spoke on the new organiza- {to the club members. sage in the club colors. tion, United Church Women.| Mrs. Thomas outlined they. = avo McLean, chair- Miss Luke stressed, that accord-| procedure of the Council meet- man of, Community Sor rie. TO. ing to the ruling of the church! lings, how they were conducted ceived the birthday itt of government, there is no choice, land how the committees were enatiful clothing tore and ar all must enter into this one k * [formed to handle the problems ticles that would bring joy 10 women's organization. Each AR of the community and bring the heart of a lonely little six church will have to organize its : their information to the Coun: voar od girl tse: Soon Lee units to meet its own situation. oll meetings n capsuie Jom. yer. abandoned, The Speaker Miso. jiressed the [outline of the history of these Jakon tv the Sam Yuol Dissaied to make the general meetings at- |meetings and urged the 'mem-| ~ he in Seoul. Korea for war tractive. By the joining of the {bers to take an active interest po - ame? ood chil: " «Miss Luke felt there lin the government of their city. my 1 ry Ba an up Sratis, ow hes . > t A delightful question period/dren. She hac poto Thi n i would probably be a larger at [followed with Mrs. Thomas ans- eration is necessary. 11s a tendance at these general meet- [wering all the questions put to that is known of Jae Soon. She ings. her . by the members. Mrs. urgently needs love and under- K standing. The authorities have There was a short question % . | K thanked Her Wor- : . MISS ESTELLE AMARON !John Kietz thanke i h dat eriod at which the speaker : established her birt ate as ship on behalf of the members. August 22. 1955. The gifts will answered questions of general Mrs. Ronald Crimmons re- interest to all group members. | Guest Speaker ceived congratulations on the be wrapped and mailed so that Mrs. E. H. Grose thanked the : birth of her daughter who was Jae Soon will receive them in speaker on behalf of the WA At YWCA Dinner considerate enough to arrive time for her birthday. Tea was served by the Bluebell between meetings. Final arrangements were Group. On Thursday the Oshawa The president outlined the completed for the members at- . Ww YWCA is holding a world mem- procedure to be followed at the tending the spring convention in| HOLY CROSS WA bership dinner with Miss Estelle next meeting for the election St. Thomas. | The Women's Auxiliary of Amaron as guest speak er. of officers for the coming year. Refreshments were served to Holy Cross Roman Catholic Miss Amaron will speak on All members are urgently re- complee a very worthwhile Church held its monthly meet- Gijorrg Leone and she is well quested to attend. meeting ing on Tuesday evening, April qualified to speak on that sub- - vei ------ wer---------- 25, in the parish hall. Mrs. J. T. ject as she was organizing sec Mullen presided retary of the YWCA of Sierra The various reports were [eone for nearly five years, read. The welfare convener, irom 1951 - 1955. Miss Amaron Mrs. J. H, Lyons, reported 97 pas wide experience in the articles of clothing had been yong Service field. She grad- distributed. The Red Cross con 1eq from McGill School of vener, Mrs. Stephen Coe, stated py goa) Education in 1926 and 18 ariicles of Sewing fuad been, .t same year joined the returned this mont rs. Coe al . . thanked Mrs. A. Dittrick, Mrs Ny Sail the Sanadian Jack Langley and Mrs. J. J. 0 ou a r A Callahan for their assistance or iB psec i; vis § oe i visits 16,1937 she was awarded the Coron- hospital and four house calls. ~ ation Medal fedat. Specials! Mon., Tues. & Wed. The president thanked those In 1837 Miss Amaron was ap- who had served refreshments Pointed to the Ceylon YWCAJ cppisries' srooksiDE 2... 33° FOR for the blood donor clinic held and during the war years serv at St. Gregory's auditorium ed as general secretary of the 'BREAD IGARETTES "vo 3.09 C GA CARTON . Married recently in St Oshawa play-goers were rich- Canfield and Mrs. J. J. Calla. Ce¥lon in 1344, returning to han Burma in 1946 and there direct- Several projects were discuss. ©d the reconstruction of the ed and final plans were made YWCA in that country. From for the Night of Cards to be 1951-1955 Miss Amaron worked held in the parish hall on May in Sierra Leone and in 1857 she 2. Members were reminded that was appointed Trainer-Organ- June 4 would be Communion irer of the Ghana YWCA where Sunday at the 9 o'clock Mass she served until 1960 Refreshments were served by In every country Miss Amaron Mrs. Jack Maher, Mrs. Emest has served. nationals of the Spear and Mrs. James Hickey. country are now in charge of The next regular meeting the administration of their asso- will be held on June § ciations and each association COLLEGE HILL H - § ASSOC. bas been granted a higher Many parents and friends Status in the World YWCA. The came to the April meeting of Oshawa Y considers itself for- College Hill Home and School to tunate to have Miss Amaron as hear the schoo! choir under the 2 guest. All Y members are wel- leadership of Miss Brenda Tees. come and they can bring friends Enthusiastic approval shown for the Those who volunteered to Colombo Association, Organiz- James Hickey. Mrs. Harry Women in Uniform. She left BUTTER 65¢ FIRST GRADE LB NEW BRUNSWICK Onions or Radish 3 25° BUNCHES see, at, he, tuck shen at Hil uur" elare" Work fr LEAN BEEF HAMBURG 3 .. 1.00 POTATOES 3 GREEN FREE PARKING ON OUR LOT © SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S found and -- WHICH ONE HAD A BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY? Sally Louise was one year ; and Garry Edward is nine. | Somerville avenue. old yesterday. Jayne Marie is | They are the children of three and a half years old Oshawa. SOCIAL NOTICE Theresa Robinson Gai Hl grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Knapp and Mr. ! and Mrs, Norman Lyon, all of DRY CLEANING GAN BE DANGEROUS ! I'll bet thot if | took a public opinion survey to find out whot* method of dry cleaning most people thought was the most out-dated, the majority would say; "dry cleaning with gasoline." X The vast majority of people -- thank goodness -- have at last become aware of the dangers of this method. But es out-moded es it is, it's far from the oldest method. But es far as | can find out, the people of ancient and medieval times didn't know e thing about dry cleaning. One of the earliest forms of special cleaning was de- veloped in the early 19th Century. It was a slow and costly pro- cess colled "scouring" in which a garment was ripped opart at the seams and each piece was carefully scrubbed with soop and water, Of course this wasn't dry cleaning, and the result of "scouring" was often a shrunken garment that could scarcely be restored to its original shope -- let alone size, Their The industry has come a long way since then, of course, but by no means have we written the last chapter of prog Not only are we still developing ways of efficiently cleaning new synthetic materials as they come onto the market, but --Photo by Hornsby |] we're also constantly revising our basic cleaning methods, os new chemicals end p are developed. No der more ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sym of| Dhigid tholic Church recently Theresa Oshawa announce the engage: |yq ice Robinson became the| ment of their daughter, Una, to/bride of Gordon James Trom-| Mr. Douglas M. Scott, son of ley. The bride is the daughter|§ Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scott|of Mr 2 i Louie Robin. % T ./son an e bridegroom is the of London, Ontario. The mar son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon] riage is to take place at St. Tromley, all of Oshawa. George's Anglican Church, Osh-| The Reverend Frank Sku- awa, on Saturday, May 27. mave officiated. Becomes a Bride [ " In St. Gregory's Roman Ca- PORTRAITS FOR BEAUTIFUL" -- Norith 40 King E. RA 5-0151 and more people are refusing to experiment with home clean. ing preparations and are leaving the work to experts who keep right up to date with the industry's latest scientific techniques. GIVE BLOOD, IT IS URGENTLY NEEDED ballerina dress with white ac-| THE STARS SAY mi ther, the bride wore a white] By ESTRELLITA gesfiries and a fingertip veil. | » carried pink and white] roses. | Miss Marion Gall was maid Planetary aspects can make of honor wearing a dress of] this a rather glamorous period 81500 lon 21d Jalteta With as far as dealings with friends yellow and white roses. and loved ones are concerned. ! Be cautious in business and fi- Wai Jerry Beaudry was best nancial transactions, however. : : A reception was held in Run- FOR THE BIRTHDAY dle Park clubhouse. The bride's If tomorrow is your birthday, mother and the bridegroom's your horoscope indicates that it/mother were both dressed in would be expedient to push blue with white accessories. ahead now with important plans| The newlyweds are making and programs involving future their home in Oshawa. security. Job and financial ad-|"™ vancement are indicated later this year--notably in June, July and October--but you will have| to plan immediately and get! things launched (by the first] week in June. Dont offset gains, | however, by being extravagant| --especially during August and| November. { Except for the months of June and September, personal rela- tionships will be governed by| pood aspects but, 'during these months, do go out of your way to be tactful with business asso- ciates and members of the fam- ily--especially the latter. For those contemplating mat- rimony, mid-June will be an ex- cellent period and both late July and late August will be excellent for travel. December should bring some excellent news to wind up the year. A child born on this day will be highly energetic, aggressive and extremely determined. FOR TOMORROW OSHAWA County in SHOPPING CENTRE Cancer Dri Kiwanis Cl Research. HOUSEHOLD HINT After cleaning, woollen mit-| tens, caps and other small items to the Citizens of Ontario County Due to the splendid response of the citizens of Ontario the recent Cancer Blitz held by the Oshawa Westmount and Whitby Kiwanis Clubs and ably assisted by the Canadian Order of Foresters and many other Vol- unteer organizations, the objective for the Ontario County ve was reached. At this time, we of the Oshawa Westmount and Whitby ubs and The Ontario County Cancer Society wish to express our sincere thanks for the generous way the Citi- zens of Ontario County responded to the cause of Cancer Walter C. Famme Campaign Chairman, Ontario County Cancer Society * can be protected from moths by storing them in plastic bags and sealing the tops with cellophane tape. -------------------------------- What's Common Cold Oddities Q. | am very allergic to fish. "Normal"? even breok out when 1 just » smell fish, Would injection treatment help? A. Most specialists say that de- sensitization to foods by injection treatment is not very satisfoctory. Allergy to fish is one of the most violent types of oversensitivity. Unless*your doctor advises other- Fish Allergy Q. What is considered normal for blood pressure end pulse? A. It depends on one's concep- tion of the meaning of the word, "normal." To eloborate, let us consider five possible definitions for the word "normal". se dance of fish is (1) That which is culturally ec- t y out of ceptable. Obeying the normal' under 2) The statistical average. this yordstick it is "'normol drive faster than the speed limit becouse almost everyone does. !f the blood pressure of oll 50-yeor- old men averaged 170, then 170 Q. Anything new chout "colds" A. Not much, but recent medica would be "norme for this group orticles on the subject brought 3) That which is ideal. By y concept it isn't "normal" to body chilling nor cold weather weor folse teeth increcse susceptibility to colds, 4) Thet which is traditional. A but lock of s few yeors ogo it wos not "nor me for women to r shorts. S) The obsence of oll disease. It this concept no one would be 0 . Briefly, the question osked hes no herd ond fost onswer normal" mey be a myth et your doctor decide. w things ore "normci', He knc the Carcumstonces out # $nil 5 #= Net v ut the owing points, Neithe What drugs will your next pre- scription coll for? Becouse mo one com answer this question, we carry thousands of prescrip- tion drugs in stock so these prescribed for you will be in- stantly available. Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontarie, will be n these columns ALD CLOTHES CARE RULES To Look Your Best, Have It Cleaned and Pressed. PUT THAT HANDKERCHIEF AWAY! Don't ever use it to rub o stein or spillage on your ciothe ing. Instead, send the clothing immediately to your Dry Clecner for prompt ond proper attention. Satis on Guaronteed by the following members of ' DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) ond CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS, Oshawa WHITBY CLEANERS, Whitby SWORTH CLEANERS, Oshawa BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS LTD. CARD 28 King St E RA 3-4621 OPEN EVENINGS Oshawa performed In harmony by the Tel BOWMANVILLE INAL CLEANERS LTD., Whitby HARWOOD CLEANERS, Ajax eg

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