The Oshawa Times, 26 Apr 1961, p. 24

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WA nt a ed ged gd Nag ol > 5 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY, a Service OFFICE "HOURS: 8AM toSPM. tour's vo 3 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 22----Store Space & Garages OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown area. Moderate rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T, L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 23--Wanted to Rent APPLIANCE buyers are checking Classified right now. Dial RA 3.3492 to tart "un ad on the ones you want to er 16--Female Help Wanted BOAT buyers check Classified. Sell them at low cost with an ad you can place by calling RA 3-3492 now. GIRLS required for fine assembly work, soldering and wiring, experience on Experienced girls only need apply. Opportunity for advancement, group \benefits, ete. Apply to Stark Electronic hoa Bonne |Instruments Ltd, Aux, Ontario $5500, | ROOM and board tm exchange for baby sitting while parents play golf, no household duties, pleasant country sur- roundings, near Whitby. OL | 5-4471. WOMEN desired to pick worms at night, Excellent oppottunity for a five. month steady job with possible wages from $30 - $120 per week, No experi. ence necessary. Apply in person to Osh. awa Bait Company, 843 Ritson Road cottage, by the season or half season. South between the hours of 4.30 - 5.30/ Semon begins May 20 and ends at{p.m. Thanksgiving. Apply Jasper Forman, pxp) 45 Francis Street, Lindsay or Phone oe nundling full set of books. Write, "A 45308 after 6 p.m. stating qualifications, experience, sal- TWO. and three - bedroom cottages, |ary expected etc. to Box 709 Oshawa lelectric lights, refrigerators, excellent Times. | fishing, 'pike, Plekersl and bass, $30, | RELIABLE "woman "wanted to mind [$40 we weekly, RA 5 . Ti FOR sale or rent on BV Lodge. did location for club. Main lodge five cabins. Telephone MA 3.2956. 9--Susvmer Properties for Sale or Rent CRYSTAL Springs Lodge, Bonfield, | Hahing, safe, sandy beach, beautiful NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers BERNIE'S * APPLIANCE SERVICE 68 SIMCOE NORTH (Rear) Your factory authorized ser- vice depot for Philco, Moffat, G.E., Westinghouse, etc. RA 5-1179 We specialize in washing machine ond radio repairs. Dealer in reconditioned furni- ture and appliances. SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE 49 BURK ST. _ RA 8.4873 VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE New and Used Household Furniture, Refrigerators, Stoves Etc. 145 KING ST. WEST RA 8-440] OSHAWA | . All Types new roofs, . Goodyear Roof Coating . All kinds roof repairs . Painting . Chimney Repairs . Flashing OSHAWA BUILDING MAINTENANCE RA 8-4782 1--Women' 's Column FOR RENT -- furnished two - bedroom cottage, on Canal Lake, 60 miles from Whitby, monthly or weekly. Telephone | MO 83473, BALSAM Lake, coftage, nicely treed lot, 100 ft frontage, Oshawa 56 miles, RA 5-065 FOR RENT - i Money to Loan riage snd agreement of sai A $50 TO 85.000 lowest rate, fast con. {fidential service, Seaboard Finance, 29% Simcoe South. RA READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS Building Trades |Gardening and Supplies PAINTING, windows eleaned, carpen.| GARDENS and 1awns roto-tilled and CLIENTS try ork, good wo workmanship, free made ready for sp HAE planting and gage. M Accountants MONTEITH, [, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co., Chartered Accountants, RA 5.3527, North; Ajax, WH 135 Simcoe Street -0890, Two and bedroom cottages at Jasper Park, Balsam Lake, with all conveniences, large living room, stone fireplace, modern kitchen and bath room, large playground, love- lv sandy beach, ideal fi children, large safe harbor for boats'up to small house boats and one boat with each oa, Co Bond RUGS & y CHESTERFIELDS orn Nep Home or Giang: Members of the National bi DAR trees or hedges ats, i441 any ze, guaranteed to grow, For f esti. 83. 'mates, phone 612 Clarke. Free oe Bi Oshawa, Bowmanville, Whitby, Aix land district. GARDENS and lawns rottotilled and |levelled. Average $3.00. Grass, hedges |out. RA 57887. Glen Munro, 414 Park Road South. rr BEDROOM he , !den, by May 15, approxi | monthly. Telephone R RA 8.0783, DURF'S CAMP on HAY BAY North Shore, Napanee, Ont. Good and bad fishing = Pike, Bass, Muskie, Pickerel. Areh. Barrister, Soli- South, RA 5.8592, phone RA 8-4401. {WANTED girls' {Telephone RA 5-843 bievels | we specialize In permanent waving. | eclenne Beauty Salon, 2014 Simcoe! Street South, RA 3.9411. | SPECIALS cold waves $5.50, heat anents $8.50. Page Hairdressing. ine Avenue. RA 5-5 CHARM for you -- exercise, walking, p, modeling. Qualified instruc- Call RA 38-2652, WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS |. TURNER 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (Collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone. | RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. !1 CASH FOR SCRAP | ! ! WE BU STEEL, METALS, DATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, Etc. Open All Day Saturday M. GREENBERG & SONS LTD RA 3.7333 308 Bloor St. E. (13--Business Opportunities | LADIES Wear Store for rent, good {location. Change due to sickness. RA | [8-3331 after 6 p.m. call RA 3.2929. | week to start. Telephone Mo 8. 8095 | THREE-BEDROOM on Church dence, RA 8- 5373, NEEDED Immediately -- three crew: Sireet, Immediate possession. RA HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL: (men, no sales experiehee Necessary. Aa 5-39 {MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; RH !investment, transportation urnis) i h-| Humphreys, QC; G. 8. Boychyn, {average $2.50 hour, For appoint. FOR REN "sixroom sembdetach. | A. Hillman, LLE: 36% King Street ed, Athol East. ment phone Products, RA| Office RA 51177; Res., 8.2383 ate possession. Due to parking lot haz. MO 8.2761; ard we cannot admit children under 10 iy A 5-4604 or Whitby, | EARN "$25 $30 on your day off. Must yeais. Roy Flintoff, RA 5.3454. -5203. Money to loan, adh Roni giaduate, married; 333%: SIX-ROOM _ three.bodroom bungalow, JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici- fed. Avail. tor and notary public, 18'4 King Street | ment write Box 449, Oshawa Times. |GURGUIY, PRISE, LC I0, hi East. RA 3.2269. NHA and privs te SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT --- DAY OR NIGHT! T V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed, SHAWA ELECTRONICS DO IT NOW Install heav ding Tower in 0. ox by 4-ft. con- crete base, with Crown rotor and Taco entenna, plus channel! 9 trap. ON TIME IF YOU PREFER. EXPERT TELEVISION 'SERVICE. Len and Lou's City T.V. FREE SURVEY "TRA 5.7844 SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8-8180 OSHAWA T.V. 361 GIBBONS ST. GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to @ STARLIGHT TOWER end you'll have the best.' GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Use o new aluminized picture tube installed by expert technicians, and you'll have the finest. Modest prices == call us for service: | T.R.1.O. TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST RA 8-6781 ma per tions. Watkins . Phones: 2--Personal ADVERTISER wishes to contact any person travelling daily by car or truck between Uxbridge and any of the following: Oshawa, Port Perry,| Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Brooklin, or any point between. This is a golden op- | portunity for any person making this] daily trip. Write Box 732, Oshawa Times, ADVERTISER wishes transportation to Toronto. O'Connor at St. Clair or Eglinton Square daily. Leaving Osh awa about 7.30. Telephone RA 5-3314. FREE room and board for woman, in| comfortable country home, in Picker ing, as companion to a woman living alone. Write Box 906, Oshawa Times, | ELECTROLYSIS Removel of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, April 25 and 26. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for apointment, _3--Pets & Livestock " ED -- Beauty salon or suit-| EQ BATHING, (rimming, de - fleaing, | location. Write and give full par-| FT Waubena Kennels. RA 56321. [ticulars to Box 842, Oshawa Times. PUREBRED brown miniature poodles, |s3000 ¥ DOWN, balance on long term | five weeks old, 365, male or female. RA agreement, two - bay service station, | 8-2046. potential 80,000 gals, Port BEAUTIFUL baby | budgies." Toads "jor | Telephone RA 3.3742. Ask for Mr, training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, [Cauley Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. |SOFT ice eream machine for sais, al | REGISTERED wire haired fox terrier most new, less than half price, Ap-| puppies, champion stock, $38. Papers Bly ¥ Envoy Restaurant. 522 Ritson Road supplied. RA 5.2835. S5--Farmers Column DEAD farm picked up promptly. | Phone collect, Hampton, COMax 3-2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lie. 115. 6--Auction FOR AUCTIONERING at its best, try. E. T. Seeney, Telephone RA $8491. ------------------" 7--Trailers 5 NEWMOON house jrailet 45 x 10°, RA 35-6047. ail equipped. Phone RA 3. | WILL mind child in my house, hy day 1&FT. CABIN trailer, os new, v, has jor week, Telephone RA 8.0612. many extras. Telephone MO 8369. |p SPERIENCED girl wishes position | THREE - room house trailer, 35' x #'./in housework, five days a week. Live and|out, Telep! * MO 83-4177 after 7 p.m. | sleeps seven, fursished, 3300. Dew. Sondition, om. | MARRIED woman with four years ex oo {perience In waitress and on grill +| would like steady work. 40 - 48 br. | -| week Evenings. Write Box 809. #5 CABIN TRAILER, 1959 "Genera ATTENTIO NT ! seeding. Dial RA - Creghton, hE DEWAR or Co BARGAIN buys on Sool, but rr By manure. sod, sand an 4 gravel doc titan and Auditors, Cedar len Bldg 11 On-|gale" in "Classified rin hy Y le {ROTTED manure for sale, reason. ST, HOPKINS and Company, Certl-| tut tiny cleared. no digging. electrie| J] sonable, Telephone RA 8-008, : fied Public Accountants, 172 King St 53509. Fob Las roto-till- WILSON nd BURROWS, Chartered an ba ROY Hee sou, Sao" stoops. RA 80394, Gordon | isis Harden and lawn services. OL G. Edmond Burrows, CA. RA 8:2571, : YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and | [300 Chestnis West: rors MO" 82 9569 , Institute of Rug Cleaning. | censed Trustee in Bankrupiey, | 5 King DAILY Street East, Oshawa; B. le, CA: | a.' and (WARTED _ experienced -|BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | First-class Workmanship Rugs and Upholstered Furni~ age group 25 to 40, ideal working con- {Service. Complete bookkeeping Servic Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices ture expertly cleaned. 2.0430 for interview, wanes a fourroom house lo en. a 3.7605. UNITED j= Will Lose Out On Wig A {In or pear Oshawa, by May ele. FA 3 17--Male Help Wanted [Architects PAVING CO. ACME AULAGE The Many Really rotensio CT EANERS Wl about it with an ad in "Auto Service" | 24--Houses for Rent Eng., The Times Bldg., Oshawa, Oni, | ofessional cleaning at lower Store on grounds, V-bottom [ici ified, Dial RA 3-3492 to start bus-| erm New unlisted telephone RA 8-2881, boats, housekeeping cottages. and for -bual i {board plus wages. Gord's Pavilion, East yi 570 monthly. avaliable May ol DRIVEWAY GRAVEL STONE Mortgages S Parties. RA 5.5416 Oshawa; -- 8 2 ! urveyors Napanee 354-3644, |WANTED -- contractor to lift house BUNGALOW six-room, rec, foom,| |KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- GRAVEL LO A M FIRST and second mortgages, Sale oF {and dig basement immediately, 7lyard, near schools, lake and GM south teed, automotive parts and accesso tnick and Hennick. Barristers, 31 King PONEYVAN Aa EISMMAN, On: Street East. RA 3.7232, eT pay tam wel ad il , sal A . Vv t| {RA 8-1607.8-9, "Five bays to serve you.' y WANTED used boat trailer, capable aoe may Ix Te L) ry pig Sy OHA Tors po POY Hogue, Vacam Fill, Digl-- 'VAN BELLE GARDENS | morte: MORTGAGE | Toans, Bi ille, Os L handling -- i Barrist ers RA. 5.5079 5. Tibi AND TROLIOE. Oats on, x 1 ted. A W labl: N - i 44 [a -- all yi of household fu | REAL ERERTE sulin on or MO| Souvemiences,. 081 lncation, available BOWMAN. Davin (3 miles East on No. 2) [ousiness. embers" of Gntario Mort: East, Phone RA P LAWN FERTILIZER G, T. HORTON and ASSOCIATES, On {ing highest prices in Oshawa, Vall 1 1 North, Oshawa, "oan Creek. New and used furniture, Tele. AGGRESSVE young salesman for 1a-|kitchen and basement, four-piece bath.|neGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, h, Osh 306 Dundas ost, Shoe experience help-|jovely garden with trees, clean, quiet goiicitors. Clients' funds available | FIRST and second mortgages ar a Wy MO $5091, Ajax 723. I but not necessary, 4 » frame m Ane ned Ag Apply Thurs. shopping. Phone MO 83219. RA 5.3566, Charles C. MeGibbon, QC; GRAVEL & SAND PEAT MOSS, SEEDS, ETC, {anged. -- ¢ BLACK LOAM POTTED PLANTS, GUARAN- |MO 8-338 North occupled, aval: nONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barri we RADIO ear radio King Street East. 0 Electron sibility. One who can get by on $115/20 minutes. RA 8-3 A ePhoNes Rs ai RA 3.2200, Resi. EAA £ HANDSCAR a os ' y RA 8-8951 M A il bl one vallapie| TOASTER AND IRON | | ANDSCAPE y Payments to suit by Holland Landscapin FRANK MEACHER g ALLIED INVESTMENTS APPLIANCES NURSERY STOCK M a COMPANY You too can have fine OSHAWA -- RA 5-4711 personalized service according Member Ontario Mortgage to his need, taste and budget, Brok REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES | okers Association RA 5-7442 PETER FAN NURSERY w= all or halt | FRANK MEAGHER 38, APPLIANCES under "Clothing for| s. Telephone R. tario o Street, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 8.2221] 0" East, Oshawa, , Ont. RA ALL ALL TYPES b building repairs, roofing, MULLIGAN'S Bistn a, ony. Suaws. Rese fr Witsen [SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary Co., Accountants and auditors. Li. i NU-WAY -- RA 8-4681 ad 8-1030 Tufts "5 pm. F. Friedlander B, Comm, Pa. DRIVEWAYS He Who Hit 'ates ditions with paid benefits, Phone Wh 1184 Bond Street West, RA 5.0397, Res., t ERS phone RA 8-3977, iF YOU FIX (CARS, | fell | prospects MAYER and BRZOZOWICZ, RA 8.4801 | CORY fo bungalow with g LTD. Good Buys ! prices, 'our-room bunga s Jo Ring Corfoges. {BOY. 1 for smack bar, BD GARDENS RA 5.7488 : s, Lo DELO] Tol ¥ y [Beach, Bowmanville. | RA 3.7244 or RA 8-514 |Auto Parts RA 3.3528 (agreements purchased and sold. Hen. 12--Articles Wanted {Montrave Avenue. plant, Option to buy. RA 3-915. (ries. 145 King Street West, Oshawa ar --rar Loam, Sand and ast. | priniing. Eu. handling Jubostd a1 1, Phone Hamp: Sporting Goods. RA 36073. |SEVEN-ROOM house, with garage. | MA 3.5757 . BOWMANVILLE (3% Whitby, Alas, Pickering and vicin DAVID L, { Lind Le Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avesus (niture, refrigerators, stoves, ete. |8-5765 Residence, RA 8-0264 Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe Street |SEVEN.-ROOM brick house, large < RA 5-3568. tate Land Surveyors SEGRERTE | CLIFF BROWN 80 Ibs. only 4.50 pre excellent pay-icentral district, close to school and first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North. | Ivan whith Professional Build} 3 day 27th betwee 3 - 3 p.m. 79 SIMCO® Gry 00M, three-bedroom bungalow, [Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. y Froleny iiding Tv. Radio Repairs r i £ Toton: | Dpoacie a : A TEED NURSERY STOCK, MAN with r position of res bl 1. Bu Jel e at door every | a w car fo able May us c {and Solicitor Prompt Delivery MORTGAGE fakes Thos mpsen Aronice, PRUNING, REPAIRS au Spring Clean-Up 92 SIMCOE ST. N. grounds, Each customer gets 51 KING ST, E. RA 3.3993 For reliable service call N WASHERS AND DRYERS! ursing Services 92 Simcoe St, N., RA 5-4711 anos . Simcoe North, RA BEVERWYCK GARDENS Highway 12 Only 3 miles north of Whitby Please OL 5-3570 " Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex- MO 8-4735 eid at home. Dial RA 5.4587. S 1 RICHARD BLACK -- = Doar of ee us for your garden sup- ptometry, the examination of eyes, __plies. Landscape Service. outact J lentes. 138 Sime North _at| IRA 3.4191, | Painting and Decorating | PAINTING and 4 decorating, by tr trades | man, a arior, exterior, Free estimates, |RA IN BOWMANVILLE -- Private home for the aged, pension rates. Write 115 (e/0 Canadian oO iedman, PO Box 190, | Bowmanville, On Optometrist i. TUCK, | RO, ¢ Optometrist. | Bublic, Bank of Commerce mecoe Street North, RA 3-3446; Fraser, QC; NHA mort- | | "newly Spring Clean-Up Fertilizing, Power Rolling. Landscape designing. Nursery Stock OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING | | Complete Garden Service | RA 8-6366 {Hairdressing {CUSTOM permanents, distinetive hair | {cutting and styling. RA 3.2912. Huyck's Hairstyling Studio, 11 Bond Street | West. 1 Hatcheries on 1 | NEED | help! For painting and paper- (hanging call G. Goulding, 204 Church | Street, | A \_§.7207. PAINTING and decoratnig, F ahor, "the cheapest and best, 3.7756. DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY ' DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS RA 5.7426 SANDALWOOD PAINTERS Irterior----Exterior Paper Hanging . OSHAWA, RA 8-1367 . AJAX WH 2-4085 Hope area. | Me: HAVE $5000 to invest in small business. | {Write Box 748 Oshawa Times | 14--Employment Wanted DUTCH girl would like housework by | the day or by the week. Telephone RA | 8-2167 | DUTCH i] to 4. 6950. Res, MODERN |Bookkeeping 1 AND 2 BEDROOM || SCHAPELHOUMAN| APARTMENTS | COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET RA 5-9953 lady desires housework from | References. Telephone RA AN FRIDAY TILL 8 P.M. MULTI-LINE INSURANCE SALES Well established casu- alty company having recently entered life insurance field, re- re Dutch woman "would like to {do § days a week from 9 {to 5 "Telephone RA 8-0446, Quiet residential street, close stove ond to transportation, -- mo ---------- | BOOKING "order for pheasant chicks |and eggs, custom hatching every Tues. day. Larocque Pheasantry, RR 2, Port [BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A., Barrister, ABILITY RA 5 3129 R TZ, Barrister, Block, 26% King Street East G. K. |ishing, sidewalks ete. RA 5.7786. | " arate . | prehensive schedule , . . pro- |THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, laundry facilities, stove and refrigera-| Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. ALTERATIONS of all Xinds for men, based on your rate of pro- = King Street East, Oshawa, RA 8.3232. able price. RA 8:8666, CORPORATION | apartment building, near Shopping GREER and KELLY, Barristers, Solici- washer, dryer. Telephone. RA 8-6795. | Dial Residence phones: RA 8-6706 A 8-0091 0 { Parry. YUkon 5.7716. | EXPERIENCED | paving salesman, ref-| {dren welcome. RA 8-3392. [mortgages arranged. erences. Telephone RA 5.9769 between RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. |S and 7 p.m. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli -- - FU RNISHED citors. 130 King Street Fast. RA 86246. Mortgage loans av allable, YOUNG MAN OF APARTMENT | Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% King EXECUTIVE fore: East, RA 8-238]. Res., YU 5.2127 THOMAS M, RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- | . Three rooms and bath. Most |G Shy Notary public, 26% King pleasing -- s0 is the rent. |Sireet East, Phone RA 8-1763. [MANNING F. 8 | Solicitor, Notary. Mohey to loan. Henry i 3.4029, Sa" Not on average 'training LL f ent 34697. Residence, Dial RA program" not an ordin- | 25--Apts. & Flats for Ren CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and and Cartage | i Ae v . flat, H, ts olicitors, » ary job. This unique Man- {REWLY decoraied thive a IRBOCH, Barfisiers, Selle idx,, MOVING and trucking, reasonable agement Training Program. Ificor. Apply 110 Albert Street between 5 § T. K.|rAtes. Also plastering and cement fin- follows a well-planned, com. [11 a.m. and § p.m, Creighton, QC; N, C, ap yaw a | ag arranged JOHN'S Moving and "Storage, Oshawa, lon No, 2 Highway, with lights, heat 8288 - Whitby. Reasonable rates. vides you the best opportunity [C0 000 "titabie for business couple. RUSSELL J, MURPHY, BA, LLb. equipped and insured, Phone to develop quickly into a re- |RA 3.3051. | Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street 8-3661 sponsible executive in finance | oUR large rooms, decorated, | East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 82971, -D i . . . pays you full salary while ground floor, private bath, parking, (JAMES A. MacDONALD, B.A, L ¥ ressma ing you leam, with - increoses | Hillside A lie, The Commercial Building, 285 King tor. 0 e Avena, (West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Women ie skirts & ap Farms) dress A 21 to 28 some [FuiLY "furnished three-room apart- available, reversible skirts a spacialty { gress. ge I ment, reasonable rent, including hydro, | | DRESSMAKING nd alterations | college preferred. Libero! water, immediate possession, 592 Bloor JOSEPH FP MANGAN, QC, Barrister, ri aster ga FT Sigh bop JH salary, cor allowence, all |East. RA 57418. 2 |Solicitor, Money to loan. Office 1414 » | modern employee benefits, [NEWLY decorated, fhres (ATE®) ---------- Poy room apartment. Immediate Zoses- an WN TIT ar ~ 1 FURRIER | Parking, near Shoppl entre, | arris HOUSEHOLD FINANCE oe RA 56106, RA Sass [citor, ete, 13% Simoes Strest Non. | | Office, RA 8-3741: Residence [TWO-BEDROOM apartment, In new and DRESSMAKER 64 KING STREET EAST |Centre, stove and refrigerator, use of tors, Simcoe Street South New, Alterations, Remodelling, | or {GROUND £1 tment, three rooms |' M. Greer, , Sci RA 53368: Ter- Low Prices t oor "apar me Tr CL, RA 8.5832 | | OSHAWA SHOPPING [and bath, builtin cupboards, laundry ence V: Kelly. PA, B | 22 ROWE STREET | {and parking facilities, Simcoe Street RICHARD H. "DONALD, BA Barrister, | CENTRE { South, $78 monthly, available May 15. Solicitor, Notary Public, 5215 Simcoe 85-5746, North. RA 82801, RA 8.2765. 9 AM. TO 5 PM. 'Driving School | at the [Dshawa Driving Schoo Instructors licenced by the Province of Ontario. Day and evening lessons, : R paved parking, PHONE: Building Trades Fur Storage |CERAMIC tile, bathrooms, kitchens. | RA 5-7272---RAS5-5787 [No commercial or seconds used. Best FURS COME OUT eee | Workmanship, best prices. COlfax 3.2331. LIKE NEW WITH |DON'T put it off, put it on, roof ing. ADELAIDE TERRACE siding, flat roofs, eavestroughing, paint: PICKWICK CL EANERS frig. T.V. outlet, drapes ond Instruction {HARVEY DANCE' ACADEMY -- Baton, Personal Service [Tap, Royal Academy, Ballet, High: PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or half. land Register now. 424 King West, 381 Simcoe North. RA RA 5.6122. haley dance educator, ke new, fully equipped. Extras. Tel phone MO 8-4507. EVERYTHING for trailers, Gas heat ing, lighting, cooking, refrigerators, awnings. Special hitches, accessories, (dav. 8.30 to 5.30. 8.2604. service. Miller WH 2.3491, i NEVER | KNOW what you'll find in, "Personals" in Classified. Fun to read| every day. Try it. Cook's Trailer Sales HWY. 2, COURTICE RA 8-0887 SPORTSMEN ---- Take your family to your favorite loke or stream with a travel trailer. 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent BANCROFT area -- four-room cottage | for sale. sandy beach, large lake, fully! furnished, boat and motor, hydro Terms arranged. RA 83-0889 ESTABLISHED private summer velopment. ice Lake, de. | MEDICAL laboratory technician, Wiite | Box 701, Oshawa Times frontage lots| only. Cottage built, Financing no prob. WANTED reliable housekeeper, live in, lem $2,000 equipped playground. For. for family of two adults brochure, W. M. Trewin, 94 Weller Street, Peterborough. FOR SALE -- North Bay area, Sub-|/dresses given you as bonus divided summer property consisting of lodge, six cottages plus seven lots. Out. friends fit ter'lsicence. Hydro, phone, complete. experience necessary ly furnished and equipped. Terms to it buyer. Iliness forces sale. Box 827, awa Times. | STURGEON LAKE BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES NEW EXECUTIVE SUMMER HOMES BUILT on large waterfront lots in new regis- tered private subdivision with eo "Florida" motif; most un- usual ond beoutiful in the Kowartha lakes, sofe natural sand beach, large beautiful shade trees, conal 40' wide ot rear of lots with sheltered dock or boathouse for each lot. QUALITY with every conven- ience is built into eoch of these summer homes, hydro, | drilled wells, full plumbing, | modern kitchens, fireploce, | complete interior decorating | plus dial, telephone with pri- | vate or 2-party line. Priced | from $11,500. | | i | LOCATION: 4 miles west of Bobcaygeon on the Fenelon Fells Hwy., large signs ot entrance, poved road all the way; owner on property every efterncon, inciuding week- Blvd, EUROPEAN EXPERTS LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES House painting, woodwork repair. Rugs, Furniture clean- ing. Office: floors ~ window cleaning. FREE ESTIMATES CALL MR. STEVE - 9-12 AM, RA 3-7237 quires additional ener- getic and reliable rep- resentatives in the Belleville and Oshawa areas. Applicants must' have high degree of personal integrity, be willing to work hard, in cluding evenings, and be pre- pared to study to become professionally qualified career underwriters. Applicants who | 16--Female Help Wanted |FULLTIME saleslady required, experi- {enced preferred. Apply Breslin's Ladies' Wear, Plaza, Ajax in person 37036 10 a.m $23 WEEKLY te 1130 p.m for wearing lov North American Fashion Frocks No canvassing, Fashion Dept SHORT OF CASH Work mornings or after. noons in your own neighbor. hood. Housewives preferred. No experience necessary, Avon sells itself, CALL IMEDIATELY ot LE 6-0627 (Collect) for more information. Frocks Ltd. 3425 Industry 6G 32 Montreal 39. WE ARE LOOKING, for a forward thinking lady, who may be interested in establishing herself in a sell- ing career, with a long Esta- blished Oshawa Industry. A bright future for some one in the oge group of 25-40, if enthusiosm and initiative are applied in the right pro- portions Write giving details of age, background ond pggmious ex- perience to Box 705 Oshawa Times, Alax Shopping| Phone RA Just show | investment, ! North Americ are' married, 25 to 40 years of age, with good education, a proven sales record not, necessarily in insurance and determination to improve their status, will receive preference. In return, we offer a stable position and opportunity for advancement with all the assistance of a rapidly expanding multiple- line program. Position pro- red vides salary plus bonus ar- fall rangement and generous em- I ployee benefits including pen- | sion, at ely | Please write in confidence, stating full details, including work experience. Personnel and Sales Manager | Ave. W,, Apartment 2, | ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS modern, two-bedroom apartment, all conveniences, refrigerator, stove, antenna, laundry facilities, parking area. Reasonable . Adults only. Apply 329 'Adelaide New, 2-BEDROOM 'UPPER DUPLEX | | Excellent Location Phone RA 8- 2418 | BRIGHT, MODERN Furnished, and unfurnished, balconies, laundry room fa- cilities, excellent location, from $85.00 -- Phone NO 8:8386 BRIGHT MODERN ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Furnished, and unfurnished, balconies, laundry room facili- ties, excellent location, from $85.00 -- phone. MO 8-8386 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION 30 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ont, 20--Room and Board LIVE better by far with one of the, MODERN APARTMENTS LILIAN MAE MARSH, dancing school, ballet, tap, baton, ae |robatic, pre-school, character, Friday Masonic Temple, RA 3.7253. {Saturday PRIVATE teacher. student counsellor, If years' experience, by interview only. Aol now. RA 5-1054. {ing. Phil Harper. MO _8-4538 I. AND H. roofing tar and "gravel, | asphalt shingles and repairs, No jobs too big or too small, Estimates free. MO 8- 8003 or | RA 5-6937. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim. neys built and repaired, gas linings in. stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti 2097, mates. RA 3 3 OSHAWA FURRIERS CERAMIC, plastic wall tle, 3 wood. CAN RE-STYLE YOUR | mates. ork suarameed. RA sow. | FUR TO NEXT FALL'S {ALL TYPES of home repairs and re. STYLE AT LOW modeling, recreation rooms, roofing SUMMER RATES. CALL RA 8.8322 Special Cleaning and Summer Storage Special Dial RA 3 4832 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up| to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For| RA 57413 AUTO INSURANCE REPAIRS to all makes of SEWING MACHINES Prompt, courteous service Reasonable rates, free estimate ELNA RA 5.2591 For pick-up and delivery or bring your machine to FABRIC TOWN Oshawa Shopping Centre , If you are a careful driver you may save $10, $15 or $25 on your car insurance or better than 209%. Preferred drivers enjoy the lowest rate in Ontario through this of- Workmanship guaranteed. Free ot or come to mates. RA 3-413, 11 King St. East (upstairs) DECORATING ALTERATIONS LOW-COST PREFABRICATED |Gardening and Supplies | MASSEY Harris Pony tractor with hydraulic plough, disc, cultivator, row scuffler and id plough, $750, Tele fice. Half-year. payments, | phone YU 5.264: Call us today and compare HALLIDAY HOMES is --- | CEDAR trees for gry white birch, --ample free parking. hard maple = guaranteed, MA 3.5981. SCHOFIELD | | TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken' plate, halt chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes, MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER--RA 5.3887 STYLEMASTER COTTAGES {RA 3.2085. N { INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. | UTILITY BUILDINGS |" HARDSAND LANDSCAPING You will be glad you called | | A complete garden service, od AJAX REPAIR AND | clean-up, fertilizing, power' CONSTRUCTION LTD. Lawn Mowers is LAWN mower sharpening and repairs! to power mowers, bicycles, crab grass and chickweed. motors, Rosedale Marine, RA § mude in | 360 King St. West RA 3.2365 [Plumbing Heating {UNUSUAL offers get response ° when Dial RA un "Personals". advertise vours. outboard ALL | plumbing and heating supplies. 8063, Hm ne 5-3521, Harold R. Star WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call-- STAN'S CORNER KING & BURK STS. RA 3-3224 rolling. Now is the time tp kill 110 King Street East, Oshawa RA 8-5103 : stock, Seeding, sodding, nursery | RA 5.1721 | | E.R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE Now is the time for Spring CONTACT WESTERN PAVING CO, for Asphalt Driveways Parking Areas, Fiay Grounds, Self-contained one and two- bedroom, fridge, stove, an- tenna, laundry facilities. Adults only, APPLY 335 KING ST, E. brand new cars at special savings in {the Classified section today. ROOM, and board for gentleman, three minutes from four corners, Apply 24 4 Charles Street lon EAN, respectable home, # J e large | |room. comfortable twin beds. well fur-| nished, hot water, two blocks down town, Apply 203 King Street East, [ROOM and board, newly decorated, | |#ood beds and food. Lunches packed if 0 NE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT Phone RA 5.3815 or RA 8-6485 |desired. Rossland and Simcoe area, | | parking. Apply 708 Ca megle Avenue, | ROOM and board or room only, newly decorated, good homé cooking, central, | seven minutes' walk to four corners or| foes Apply 240 Division. |22--Store Space & Garage |STORE for rent, 16x33, central, Joes. | {tion parking facilities, Telephone RA| Sas. "| 85-0081, RA ! APARTMENTS two-bed- $85 and up. Best location. Phone ---- Modern one- and room apartments, etc Money to Loan | | THREE « piece baths, sump ards, lawnmowers, tings of all ds. | Hillside and Park Road, | RA 3-708. |PLUMBING and heating pipes, fit. |tings, fixtures, new and used ing from septic tank to sewer a spe clalty, Installations at reasonable rates. |Information and estimates free on any | aey. of plumbing. Dial RA 5. 'oley hea "255 Simcoe Street Sou tanks, motors, out. Mg and fit. ssure systems, . 'chang. al J. ating a engineer. | hn, corner clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, repairs, Top soil and sod. RA 5-6047 mT Li Visit Our New REN SEnRE | MONEY.TO LOAN WE HAVE clients' monies available [for loans on first and second mortgages and also purchase of mortgages and agreentents of sale. Louis S. Hyman, | QC, 37 King Street East, Oshawa. RA Quality work guaranteed ESTIMATES FREE -- RA 3-7809 THINKING OF SPRING Painting and Decorating? Baked enamel aluminum sid- ing? Stone veneer over a portion of the fiont wall? SATISFACTION GUARANTEED | [BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps, SSO oil burners, hot water and forced air furnaces, bathroom, fixtures, parts and service PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night 1,000 ft. North of A&P Store | COMPLETE LINE OF-- --GARDEN SUPPLIES --STONE SUPPLIES Monies for oll types of mort- gages; for first and second --HOUSE PLANTS mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; short term rortgage for AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD. 110 King Street East, Oshawa RA 103 | An Inquiry Cost Nothing | at Rug and Upholstery CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re. covered like new. Get the best for less 142 Simcoe South. Call RA 86451 for a free esti mate. Modern Upholstering, We Also Handle Swimming Pool Construction builders; first and second mortgages and agreements OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE| fr Jple, purchased Apoly Ire Want-Ads Don't RA 8-1194 Cost-They Pay | at 1259 SIMCOE NORTH East, Oshawa. Telephones RA RA 3-3222 3.4697, ee an Tes, SB REA my wT La a Las UPHOLSTERY at its best for less. We |specialize in chesterfields, re-covered, modelled, repaired. Free estimates, easy terms. RA 5.3604. CHISTERFIELDS re.upholstered and re-stvied. Free estimates. See our mate. | |rial for recovering. Dalton Upholatering, | 75 Charles Street. RA 3.7213. WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.0. BOX 329 TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean-outs and COMPRESSOR WORK Work": RA 8-3864 HOW TO MOVE A HOUSE WITH A FLICK OF YOUR FINGER! Selling a house can be easier than you think. Every day smart people sell houses through the real estate pages of the classified. With o flick of your finger you can dial this newspaper and get an experienced Ad Writer to help you compole a classi fied that will highlight the features prospects are { most interested in. Let a clossfied ad 'help you move your house quickly and economically. Let our Ad Writer tell you how easy it can be. Just dial RA 3.3492 to get things moving in @ hurry.

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