The Oshawa Times, 26 Apr 1961, p. 9

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Sr pe A a RN wy py |the dance being planned The regular meeting of the 12th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary dent, Mrs. Frank Bartlett, pre- siding. Reports were given by the secretary, Mrs. William Coulson, and the treasurer, Mrs. Clifford Smith. Mrs. Lawrence McConkey, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. Coulson volunteered to help with the banquet at Camp Samac on May 1. There was some discussion on to raise funds by the Men's Group Committee May 5 and it was decided to ask the mothers to assist with the refreshments and serving for this event The remainder of the evel was spent in making slings an bandages for the Scout Troop. Refreshments were served by Mrs. McConkey. Mrs. G. A. Varnum. will be the guest speaker at the next meeting on May 11. This will be at Harmony United Church. # |The mothers of Scouts were WOMEN'S COMMITTEE, CANCER SOCIETY HOSTESSES AT DAFFODIL TEA The annual Daffodil Tea in McLaughlin Hall held by the Women's Service committee of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society proved a successful event of last week. Seen pouring tea is Mrs. John Boddy and others who presided over the tea- cups were Mrs. C. N. Robson, Brooklin, and Mrs. Walter Pascoe, Bowmanville. Wear- ing their gay yellow smocks are Mrs. Fred Lloyd, unit secretary, Mrs. John Dyer, Mrs. Douglas Barnes and, tak- ing a tea break, Mrs. Owen D. Friend, assistant director of nursing service, Oshawa General Hospital. --Oshawa Times Photo LODGES AND SOCIETIES Beatrice Hurst announced that there will be degree practise at the next meeting on May 2 to com at 7.30 p.m. SUNSHINE REBEKAH, 222 Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. 222, held its fortnightly meeting in the lodge rooms with a good attendance. Noble Grand Sister Greta Drinkle presided assisted by Sister Margaret Gray in the vice-grand's chair who reported on the members who were ill. Sister May Wood mentioned a rummage sale in the near fu- ture. It was also decided to loan the six table cloths, belong- ing to Sunshine Lodge. Votes of thanks were extend- ed to Sister Perry and Taylor. The latter is the card convener. Sister Victoria Magee read a lengthy list of acceptances from Grand Lodge officers for the 40th birthday party of Sun- shine Lodge at which the Bar- ber Shoppers will provide the entertainments. It was also arranged for the degree staff of Sunshine Lodge to confer the degree at King- ston Rebekah Lodge, May 15. Since this is a lodge meeting] of Sunshine Lodge arrange-| ments were made to man the| Sister Gladys Stoneburg, Dis- trict deputy president, District No. 7, spoke briefly. Sister Stoneburg is also degree staff captain of Sunshine Lodge. BETA SIGMA PHI The regular meeting of the Phi Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was held in the li- brary of the YWCA. The presi- dent, Miss Margaret Blears, pre- sided. Plans for the car wash to be held on May 13 were discussed. Notification was received from Hillsdale Manor regarding a cerning the purchase of new standards for the flags. It was decided that Sister Beatrice Hurst look after this. Discus- sion was also held on the forthcoming visit of members of the Brampton Lodge on May 16. The date for members to at- tend the tuck shop at Hillsdale Manor is May 5. The committee for same is Sisters Ethel Cock- erham, Annie Mitchel, Doris Me- Donald and Sister Nan Kirk- bride. The" worthy president report- ed onthe night of cards held recently. Propositions for new candidates were read, Sister THURS, TILL 6 P.M. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. SAT. TILL 6 P.M. COLEMAN 2-BURNER STOVES. Model 4M. 21.95 2-TRANSISTOR RADIOS 5.77 meeting to discuss and pt suggestions for the tuck shop. The meeting is to be held in the manor's auditorium on May 2 and all the Women's Clubs helping out in the Tuck Shop were asked to send a represen- tative to the meeting. Also, three members from Phi Phi Chapter would be needed for the shop on May, 13. Applica- tions were received for the Beta § Phi convention to be held in New York on July 7, 8 and 9. Miss Donna Koblak, Miss Mary Kolynko, Miss Francis Blase, Miss Margueritte Stone and Miss Louise Thompson joined the club and took part in the Pledge Ritual. Miss Mar- garet Russell, being with the club for six months, took part in the Ritual of the Badge. The two rituals were followed by the Installation of new officers. The new president for the year 1961- #2 is Miss Judith Glover. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Judith Glo- ver, 584 Simcoe street north on May 2. DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND The regular meeting of The Worthy President Sister Edith "Taylor presided, with Sister Edna Huband assisting. The devotional period was led by past director deputy Sister Ethel Horton. A report was given on cards and flowers sent to sick and bereaved members by Sister Jean Fitches, several thank-you cards were read. Reports were given by the various commit tees. Discussions were held con- il Treated for Rot. FOR BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS Ad? Site 40 King E_ RA 5015 SMELT NETS | & BENDERS Complete . Nets Only, Spincast FISHING OUTFIT -- Glass rod, closed face reel, monofilament line and practice plug § BAR-B-QUES -- 24" round. Heavy gauge, with hood, motor and MOVIE FILM-- WESTINGHOUSE FLOOR POLISHERS-- WESTINGHOUSE FOOD MiX- ERS. In hondy case with dine, bow With every purchase of fishing equipment, OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 290 ALBERT ST. Between Gibb & Olive PHONE 728-0311 497] 5.96 Prizes, which were donated by Sister Sarah Murray, were won by Sisters Annie Mitchel and Winnifred Mills. SUNBEAM CHAPTER, OES The regular meeting of Sun- beam Chapter, OES, was held in the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Marianne Gerard, WM, presid- ed. assisted by Mr. William Henderson, WP. Present at the meeting was Mr. E. MacKereth, PGP, from Toronto. After being presented by Mrs. Cora Lyons, he was accorded Grand Honors. Mrs. Tena Roberts and Mrs. Meta Moore, PDDGM's, were heartily welcomed. Present for the occasion were past officers: Mrs. Martha Dunlop, Miss Sybil Langmaid, Mrs. Iva Cliff, Mrs. Isobel McDonald, Mrs. Nance McLeese, Mrs, Meta Moore, Mrs. May Lang, Mrs. Tena Roberts, Mrs. Alberta Wood, Miss Flora Purdie, Mrs. Laura Stewart, Mrs. Betty McKinstry, Mrs. Ruth Bestwick; Mrs. Bert Wight, Mrs. Dorothy Haley, Mr. Lloyd Wood and Mr. Wil- liam Henderson. There were Past Officers pres- ent from Whitby and Port Hope, also the Presiding Matrons from Whitby and Port Hope. Mrs. Mabel Alpin read a lengthy sick report. It was decided to hold a rum- mage sale on May 11 at the Temple. Invitations accepted |were: June 5, Ontario; June 8, Blue Ray; June 22, Whitby. Mr. E. MacKereth spoke on the constitution and the story of the Star Points, also the WGM's project, "ESTRAL", for assisting students to go through the ministry. The meeting closed with Mrs. Ruth Taylor giving the fare- well. After the meeting the WM and officers gave a very im- pressive floral ceremony for the Past Officers, with Miss Bybil Langmaid thanking her on behalf of Past Officers. Mrs. asked to bring the main course and mothers of Cubs, the des- sert. CHRIST CHURCH EVE. GUILD The Evening Guild of Christ Memorial Church held its meet- ing recently. The president, Mrs, W. G. Jackson, opened the meeting with the Guild prayer. Mrs. Fred Porter read the secretary's minutes and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. M. B. Proctor. The Parish Council report was given by Mrs. Garnet White, remind- ing members of the parish auc- tion sale on Saturday, April 29, Anyone having articles for the auction sale can have them pick- ed up by telephoning RA 3-702. Catering plans were finalized for "the Brownie Mother and Daughter banquet, also the auc- tion sale lunch. Aprons for the May sale were turned in. The Guild still has church plates for sale. Anyone wishing to purchase some can contact any Guild member. The next meeting will be held in the Parish hall on Thursday, May 4 at 8 p.m. 6TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The April meeting of the 6th Oshawa Scout Mother's Auxil jary was held at St. Stephen's United Church. Reports were given by the secretary, Mrs. Leonard Craw- ford, and the treasurer, Mrs. Albert Suddard. The guest speakers were Mrs. G. N. Varnum, Mrs. R. G. Beal and Mrs. P. S. Laurence. Mrs. Varnum brought a con- densed report of the Central Provindial Conference held in Ruth Bestwick was soloist. Peterborough recently. Mrs. 12TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.| a pot luck supper at 6.30 p.m.|dri ons for bringing out the mothers to the auxiliary meetings. A pot luck supper will be held May 16 at the home of Mrs, Albert Suddard, Garrard road north, in place of the regular meeting. Refreshments were served by the Yellow patrol. 22ND SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The April meeting of the 22nd Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held recently at St. Matthew's Anglican Church, with Mrs. C. N. McDonald, vice - president. presiding. The secretary's report and treasurer's report were given by Mrs. Roland Kinton. Roll call showed 20 members pres- ent. Mrs. McDonald welcomed seven new members to the Aux- iliary and said that it was very graifying to receive such re- sponse from the membership ve. Mr. George Gudgeon, Scout- master, spoke regarding regula- tions and scheduled tests for Cubs and Scouts which were list- ed on printed sheets distributed to the mothers. Following a short business meeting the members enjoyed games and pot luck refresh- meiis. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Barker, evening is planned. NORTH OSHAWA PARK AUX. The North Oshawa Park Aux- iliary met at the home of Mrs. Melville Hodgson. Mrs. Frank Kirby read the minutes in the absence of the secretary and the treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs. Hodg- son. The group decided to buy some more dishes for the kit chen. The resignation of Mrs. Ed- ward Fice was accepted and Mrs. Bernard Greeley consent- ed to be vice-president in her place. Mrs. Jack Cook will be press secretary. It was announced that there will be a general membership meeting at the Park on Sunday, April 30 at 2.30 p.m. Reireshments were served by Mrs. Hodgson and Mrs. E. Pog- son. The next meeting will be heid on May 16 at the home of Mrs. Gordon Lane. 1 ie Cm Cok tr Ch 0 J 5 "2m", Pin ww 245 Windsor avenue. A social PLERELET VEE TELL TL ERT KRESGE'S EER AEE EER ] SPECIAL! Ladies' TEXTURIZED CARDIGANS Good assortment of sizes and colors. Reg. 3.98 Value KRESGE'S SPECIAL! 9-11 S 2 Stores To Serve You Better DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GIGANTIC TOY SALE! Marvelous values for the tions on special this week. Values to 1.29, youngsters. Toys of all descrip- 87: KODACHROME 2 High-speed § CAR BLANKETS" ideal blanket for those picnic outings. Size The 48" x 52", BOYS' RODEO JEANS In black rodeo designed on Saonforized. Sizes 3 to 6x. GARDEN HOSE 50-ft. LENGTHS Visit Our Modern LUNCH COUNTER FULL COURSE MEALS OR SNACKS 1.77 LADIES! SAVE UP TO $5.00 ON NEW SPRING SHOES! AN UNCERTAIN SPRING SEASON AFTERNOON SPECIALS EVERY DAY. Starting Tomorrow at 9 a.m. and Continuing for 3 DAYS ONLY? Out Go *18.95 Dress Shoes For Only *13.93 Out Go *11.95 Casuals For Only *9.95 CO-ORDINATED HANDBAGS REDUCED 25% Dally ye three tie. provides plenty of for octive feet. Non- slip swirl sole. In Bone, Palomino ond Black. catching Glove wit leo! Reguier $10.95 foom cushion inner NOW or THIS SALE FOR 3 DAYS ONLY !! So much foshion . . . So Mile cost! Lodies, this is on wmsuol cpportunity for great savings on highly fashionable shoes, Weother conditions forced fo clear these shoes from our regular better stocks. Now you con ows, shorply reduced prices, the shoes you've admired in your f But don't deloy . . , they will move fost end we don't wont % disoppoint you. Extra stoff is on hond to serve you . . . there will be ne woiting | HERE THEY ARE . . . AT SLASHED PRICES | THREE TOP STYLES ILLUSTRATED Meany More Styles To Chosse From inn Seale - CO-ORDINATED HANDBAGS 25% SIZES3 to 13 WIDTHS AAAAAA to D of Sizes ond Widthe in Conoda Open Fridoy Until 9 pam. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY -- APRIL 27, 28, 29 oe arle 32 Bloor St. W,, Toronte ® Oshawa Shopping Centre, Oshawa © Wellington Square, Londen RL 5 Eni a pr Bl Sd oe, ORCES SHOE CIRCLE TO CUT PRICES AND CLEAR STOCK!

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