Ethier closed the devotional|Mrs. Minnis played two piano, Mrs. Maurice Love sang two next femory work, Everyone] : period with prayer. Mrs. John|selections "To A Wild Rose" solos "I know that my Redeem-|took part in a sword drill fol- Minnis assisted at the piano for|and "A Prelude". ef Lives" and "Just for To- lowed sess the hymns. Refreshments were served by|day". accompanied on the piano by a on of prayer. Mrs, Bunner expressed her|Mrs. Ethier and her group|by Mrs. Sydney Boneham. Aitken, spoke on 2 Kings 4:1.7. GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES s thanks to all those who had|/ members. The missionary offering was|The president, Mrs. Neta Hoag- ALBERT STREET WA the CR. | a drama of the old west lected The regular meeting of {he eR ni gould 2 dIama of ie Arnone. ied with the rummage Sale WESTMOUNT WA ed A ny F112 Mina, brought. the aunoumve- Woman's Association of Albert| Mrs. D. J. Bowler gave a re-(Many of the safety rules wereir,, , gop entative date wo mount United Church|Mrs. Boneham played the piano|™ts: reminding everyone of Street United Church was held|port on the recent Local Asso-lemphasized in this humorous spring rummage sale Was\w A helq a missionary meeting|for the hymns the bus chartered for the Toron- on Tuesday evening, April 18, in|ciation meeting. Testers were|skit. set for May 17. It was also an- cantly, Mrs. John Jackson ell to Bible School graduatior the Fellowship room. secured for Guide and Brownie] The guest speaker, Mr. Ter- nounced that Mrs. Audrey Met-| ,oned the meeting with prayer Mrs. MacDougall's group ,. "as ong Baptist Mrs. Eric Cooper, president, testing. ence Kelly, was introduced by call and her group would con-ang welcomed rr ya sepved. relreshments. Ai = Firbd Fay Sais presided, The Challenger group] Mrs. R. J. Manning explained Mr. Robert Broadbent. Mr. vene preparations for a wed-|gyests from other groups. CALVARY BWF May 4 oy had charge of the devotional|the function of the Brownie Fair|Kelly gave an informative ad-/ding in June. The devotions were led by| A meeting of the Calvary y period. The topic, "The Life|which is to be held on May 26./dress on "Our Legal Responsi-| The annual strawberry sup- Mrs, Arthur MacDougall Mrs. [Business Women's Fellowshi The nest regular meeting will period. The topic, "The Lfelwhich Is to be Ne "made for bilities to Our Children and|per will be held in Centen-Frank Ward and Mrs. John\was held on Monda Re Lue ueid on May 15 at the heme Mrs. Fred Coleman. donations to this project. Laws relating to Juveniles" |nial Hall on Thursday, April 27|Harris. They chose as their April 17 at the ho y sven lof Mrs. Leslie Gray, 126 Har- The secretary, Mrs. Clayton It was noted that the Guides/The many questions asked bylfrom 4.30 on. Mrs. Frank Mc.{theme "The Voice of the|Keith Ross iin *%|mony road north. Lee, read the minutes. Mrs.|were completing arrangements/the audience following this ad-|Clure and her group are act-|Cross" y as; sivgel, James Scott gave the treasur-|for their tea to be held at Guide|dress were indicative of the in-ling as conveners Mrs. Frank Ward introduced There were. 24 present. er's report. Correspondence was|House on April 29. terest evoked in it. the speaker, Mrs. Charles B Miss Viola Burton had charge read. Mrs. William Stallibrass] Refreshments were served by A desert luncheon was served Mrs. Stanley Gomme andl; pea spoke on the United of the meeting and opened it A paper plate, glued to the reported 80 visits had becn made Mrs. James Morrison, Mrs. R.[by the fathers and the male[Mrs. John Minnis provided mu-|Church work being done in|With a sing-song followed by the bottom of 3 paint can will pre- ea Whith aud me Duiatio J. Orr and Mrs. Kenneth Blen-/ members of the staff. sical entertainment for the even-|Bella Coola, B.C, Mrs, reading of Psalm 37. The vent paint: from running over month. Mrs. Clayton Lee and eowe. FELLOWSHIP GROUP jmg's Jropram. Mrs. Gomme|Kenneth Markle thanked Mrs, memory verses were repeated|onto the floor and may easily Mrs. George Ford will visit for, E. A. LOVELL M - § Assn. | Mrs. Dwight Bunner presided sang "It's My Desire", andiBennett. and Psalm 1 was given for{be moved with the can, the next month. «Fathers' Night" was ob-lat the April meeting of 5 3 Mrs. Stallibrass reported on a|served at the regular meeting| Fellowship Group of King Street meeting held with the Provision-lof E. A. Lovell Home and|United Church WA which was al committee in regard to the|School Association. 3 held in the ladies' loungs on new organization, "The United] Mr, Nicholas Lakas presided. Tyesday evening, April 18. Mrs. Church Women", and it was de-|The secretary's report waa read|y A Armstrong read the sec- cided that the regular meeting|by Mr. George Moss an? Mr. retary's report. Mrs. Seymour of the WA in May be an open|Steve Salmers gave the treas-\piowo0q gave the treasurer's 1 Jeting ¢ r a he _lurer's report. The yo Sendanioe report church to attend. rize was won by Mr. Robert] "qc, oi " : Members were 'reminded of! a Hi room. 2 % Observing Faster was ie the annual meeting of the Osh-| Mrs. Ted Heavens reported eme by Mrs J » Ethi awa Presbytery Women's Asso-jon the resolutions discussed at prepared by Mrs. Jules ier ciation to be held on April 27 at|the recent convention of the and her group. Mrs. Kennel St. Andrew's United Church./Home and School Associations Proctor read the Scripture pas- Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Ford held in Toronto. sage and Mrs. Ross Duncanson are the appointed delegates. Some of the pupils of Mr. read a story on the Risen Lord Catering plans were discussed|Cowley's Grade 8 class pre-land the Empty Tomb. Mrs and ways and means planned, -------------- msde mpa-------- iA pls -for the Hay Faif onl K A R Asthma And Odors Goose Flesh Q. Cen ottacks of asthma be Gordon Conant will open the) brought on by odors? 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, April 24, 1961 DRIP PLATE Come in today. .. ee what's happened since you last bought a car CAREFREE FORD -------------- Fair. Mrs. Clayton Lee is gen- eral convener. The June meeting will be in the form of a pot luck supper and a committee to plan a pro- gram has been chosen. They are Mrs. Clayton Lee, Mrs. James Scott, Mrs. Fred Coleman and Mrs. Ernest Jones. The Golden Link group served refreshments. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD (Mary Parker Group) The regular meeting of the Mary Parker group of St Explained . What is the medicel exple- |nation for goose flesh? A. At the base of each hair there is 'a bundle of muscle fibers. An oil-secreting gland is situated be- {tween the muscle ond the hair lroot, When we are frightened or A. Yes. An estimated 15 per cent of asthmatics ore affected by odors. George's Memorial Church| 0 lexposed to cold, the hair muscle Women's Guild was held at the oP acts, squeezing oil from the home of Mrs, Thomas Knees ond and pulling the hair ups bone, Buena Vista avenue on right. The muscle action puckers ADJUSTS ITS OWN Tuesday, April 18. Mrs. O. C. Richardson read the minutes and discussed the proceeds of the rummage sale. Plans were discussed regard- | ing the "Blossom Tea" to be| held in the parish hall on May 17. |A. Refreshments were served by| the hostess. 16TH PARENTS' COMMITTEE | The 16th Parents' Committee of the Girl Guide Association held its April meeting recently at St. Matthew's Anglican Church, with Mrs. A. W. Crow-| ells presiding. Roll call showed 16 members present. The minutes were read by Mrs. D. E. Morrison. The treasurer's report was given by the hair gland so that it stands out conspicuously as in the goose (goose flesh) Animal Infections Q. De dogs end cats contract Prostatic Enlarg Q. Whaet couses enlargement of the prostate? A. Enlargement occurs in pros- tatic cancer but the gland may also enlarge in later life without evidence of cancer. This is called benign (non-cancerous) enlarge- ment. The cause of benign en- [largement is not known, but it is not believed to be related to sex habits, WE Through at A. Dogs and cats are resistant to most human diseases, a notable exception being the relative ease with which kittens are infected with the diphtheria germ. Dogs can acquire from man the germs which cause scarlet fever, diph- theria and tuberculosis: Cats can acquire tuberculosis from close contact with infected humans. Domestic animals are also subject to certain humon viral diseases, but information about this is sketchy, It's wise to have a family physi- Every time you put on the brakes while backing up ina '61 Ford, a simple mechanism automatically adjusts the brake shoes to keep your brakes tight and even. Result: there should be no need to have your brakes mechanically adjusted during the life of the brake linings. And the linings last longer, too. This means you save money on maintenance costs, Safer... longer-lasting. .. money-saving . . . Ford's self-adjusting brakes are just one of the many wonderful things that have happened to Ford since you last bought a car. But that's only the beginning. Stop in at your Ford-Monarch-Falcon edie Mirror Mrs. J. W. Wise. Arrangements were made for Questions directed to Science the rummage sale to be held at Editors, P.0. Box 97, Terminal Dealer and discover for yourself all the wonderful things Ford has done to cut down maintenance and make your driving more fun--wherever and whenever you drive a Ford. HERE ARE THE OTHER STANDARD FEATURES THAT MAKE THE '61 FORD CANADA'S FIRST CAREFREE CAR Up to 4,000 miles between oil changes ® Normally goes 30,000 miles between chassis lubrication ® Special underbody protection against rust and corrosion ® Triple-life aluminized muffler ® Diamond Lustre Finish that never needs waxing ® Dealer's written warranty for 12,000 miles or 12 months, whichever comes first. cian. Then, if en emergency wrises, you will not be a stranger te him. And remember, our friendly and competent staff will be glade to serve your prescrip- tion needs. "A", Toronto, Onterio will be incorporated in these columns {when possible. 28 King St E RA 3-462) Oshawa OPEN EVENINGS FOR BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS 40 King E. RA 5-015] EASY CARE HT FOR SPRING INTO SUMMER FORD SUNCINER--one of Ford of Canada's fine cars . . . built in Canada More than a new style! Much more than a hair cut! Our stylists interpret hair Fashions to suit your face . . . and your personality Let our experts give you a Superb new Permanent that suits your particular style and type of hair. WE GIVE YOU A CHOICE OF 4 TOP HAIR STYLISTS MR. GEORGE ~ ANTHONY TELEPHONE RA 5-8631 FOR 'APOINTMENT Uincents HAIR STYLING 110 KING ST. EAST FREE PARKING AT REAR BEAUTIFULLY BUILT TO TAKE CARE OF ITSELF '61 FORD LEADS IN STYLE AND VALUE 7 & SEE YOUR EPRCLICR DEALER NOW! J FALCON | (Whitewolis and Wheel Covers oplionol of exira cont) USED CARS | J eaway Motors Limited 200 DUNDAS Ww. WHITBY MO 8-3