TELEVISION LOG Ee WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channe: 4--Buftalo oR CHCE-TV Thannel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte ; WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Chasite] S--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronte_ _~ CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie MONDAY TUESDAY EVI'Vi G 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. ) 'Theatre 7--Rocky and His 5-~Coffee Break 4--Popeye's P 2-Consult Dr. Brothers 9:30 AM, 3 i g&® 5 iii og= g ] it 7--Medic §5-2--Play Your Hunch 4~Video Mw 1U-9---News: Weather: iS AM. 11:00 A.M, 11--Bob McLean 9-Free And Easy 7--Morning Court 5-2--Price Is Right 4--Double Exposure lie bv] 11: .M. 7---Love That Bob LR - 1: J A : \ passage of 5-2---Concentration 9--News: Weather: A Eo r= ty oh 7 4~Your Surprise Sports & a 4 ' y \ : ' 6:45 TM. CROSS Ww ORD - -- pi > ' agreements for instalment pure 3 d 6-3-2--News 7 . : I / 4 : ~ ses three days to think the 11--Bugs Bunny an S--Huntiey Brinkley nN 5. ml A ; J |matter over before the deal 1--Camouflage 7:00 P.M. ACROSS 44. Boy's 21. Branch BC] . CAT - re " " takes effect. A ministry spokes: S2oTuh 0 os u--Family Theatre 1. A magician " jachet go : man said the measure is 3 ovie i ner 4-News; Weather; |g_Guestward Ho 5. Mountain 45, Weakens knowl- ¢ Americans 3-Popeye. and Pals a gg wo pool 46. Bristle edge &--Death Valley Days 12:15 P.M. re Sports 9. According DOWN (humor. - : - rma P.M. ti--Movie Matinee 3-Wanted Dead or to (It.) 1. Bay State ous) Ee a2 TLL RUN DOWN AND ews Alive 10. Exchange 2, Arabname 22. De- : ! fi GET A PAPER TO SEE &--Pete and Gladys 4--Speaker of the House | 3_Jim Backus Show JI 8:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M. 7:15 P.M. FORTHE BALL GAME £55 fd is Wg iin ol} FOR THE BALL GAME J i TODAY | r= 8-3-2--News §--Ivanhoe i--News-Weather-Sports 3-1 Love Lucy N A A 1 premium 3, Joy nomina- i f Us_Music Makers | 7--Number Please 1-Noys: Weather 3. Willow 4 Jurisdiction ENAMEL ECIRE 83--It Could Be You |i. on "pine ie "h Pp J GlriolSIS] 4--Search for Tomorrow | gw ait Earp 0gs 5. Small drum Th 3--Noonday Report 7--Bugs Bunny Show 14, Exists 6. Eager 25. Safety Saturday's Answer : S-Directors' Choice 1s. ou an x Inlet 32. Verses aramie 4 cal . Tar Heel 35, Ricochet De Eyal king State wie 37. Crown of 8:00 P.M. 17. Toward 11, Kinds of 27. Links (L.) head {1-6-3--The Chevy Show 18, Varnish paintings 28, Drops bait 40, Constella- 9---Theatre ingredient 13. Drench 30. Chinese tion 7--The Rifleman 20. June bug 19, Fellows river 42. Little child 4~Andy Griffith Show 22. Shinto 7---Our Miss Brooks 7 Wok Ear temple 16:00 P.M. ey 5-3--Alfred Hitchcock 23, Group of S-Wanted Dead Or | <The, NORE Lume Te Gillis fish a a 9 tre 9:"" P.M. 7D: Court Theatre Cn Reiene - uss_From Page an urra: ow §eco 10:30 P.M. 4--Face The Facts Aa iassconch Yen (1-6-3--Enquiry 3-=Women's Show 4~Tom Ewell Show News: Weather: 2:15 P.M. 9:30 P.M J T-Bell and Howe UO SRO 404s Red Skelton | GOOD LAND, Bl [1iéVeR Read wy scmBBLN Show : GRANDMA. / fll | OUT HERE oN YOUR PORCH [i NE D MY SCRI IN » 60 EARLY / MICKEY MOUSE 2:30 P.M. haute June "Allyson Show | 1--Jane Gray Show 10:00 P.M. Seven Keys 11-6-3--Close Up 6-3---Talk of the Town |'57ur oti Cents 32-Lorelfa Young 5.2-Dean Martin Show 4--House Party 4--Garry Moore Show 3:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M. 1-63-Musie Break Hows. Weather: --Queen For ay $--Viewpoint 52--Dr. Malone 7--Case of Dangerous 4--Starlight Theatre friitionse " Lp --. 19:30 PL {1~Romper Room 9--Lockup 1l~Late Show 7--Who Do You Trust 11:00 P.M. 6--British Cinema 6-4-3--Verdict Is Yours 17:6-5-4-3-3--News. S5-3-Jack Paar 3-1 Married Joan Sor outhers Sports 45 P.M. : 2M. 1:15 P.M, tidy movement. 12:15 P.M. $-- Viewpoint GOLD RUSH Epilogue Hs 4 Theatre HAYLING ISLAND, England (CP)~A gold rush has started TODAY'S SPECIAL!!! mii fori 5 R a. od o's can bat e a 1961 PONTIAC SEDAN $2475 ET 3200 miles. New car guarantee, Custom radio, undercoat, windshield washers, Reg. list $3178 . nearby several centuries ago. THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. JE 230 KING ST. WEST PHONE RA 5-6651 of the junior section of Zoological of London. The section, sf two years THE LETTER REACHES LOWER SLOBBOVIA --. p BR Ki STANT CALLS IT CAME TO THE HOTEL FOR. $6 DOBSNT KNOW THAT| |2g0, has 3,000 members from 11 ------{ ON Hib EmBLOvER ee ee | THAT MR. SMITH + + » HE LONE RANGER 18 to 18 years old. Me. OAKS, 7 CAME TO TBLL YOU THAT : LISTENIN oa VATICAN STAMPS THE HOTEL CLERKS WORKING \ VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The Vatican has issued a new series of stamps to commemorate the 15th centenary of Pope St. Leo the Great who died in Rome Nov. 10, 461. They show the Pontiff meeting Attila the Hun and persuading him not to ate tack Rome, 72 ; 3 4 oe ox Yi / THE LONE RANGER SVOLVAER, Norway (AP)-- The new Norwegian six-mile vy reports. Most fected foreign trawlers are Brit- ish and Russian. The limit will be extended to 12 miles at sea next fall, WRONG CHAMPIONS h C Father Again" News-Letter had a C= an iN idl X 2 N 2 SE NY » MUGGS AND SKEETER V THERE! NOW REMEMBER= : FORWARD... HARCH JI DATE GET A GOOD GRIP ON. HUP; TWO, "THREE » FLL TALK TO YOU LATER, HAVE TO / 8 / ANAFFAIROF. PEGGY --DAGWOOD WANTS | | THE PHONE iy : THE HEART IS SO THE PHONE INTERESTING , JEAN -- I'LL TELL YOU 3 3 3 S AS MUCH AS Ae % VE @ | ato NL 4 CLEANERS > =. | RA 5-1191 \ "The Best In Town"