THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 21, 1961 17 8:30 AM. TELEVISION LOG| Hie ~ GR-TV Channel 2--Buff WBEN-TY. Channel é-~~Buffalo | 7--TV Fermorams cRCRTY Chansel Tifismiios CBURTY Chane Toronto CBee Paynouse WKBW-TY Channel 7~-Buffale ~~ WROC/TV Channel §--Rechester | Jou Ch CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronte CEVR-TV Chapnel 3--Barrie -- 12;00 MIDN "HT | 8 FRIDAY EVENING o oe ristian Scien 4~Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Cartoon Playhouse 10;15 A, . 7--What's Your Tron 10:30 A, LS pa Three Stokes 100 P.M. 7 YOu YEAR, YOURE BE ui 40 earn Series Contras the Week 1--oy Tug Time f a RIGHY, Cri Poue EY on - : bY Fie Tue |B wp aaidias, College pe fl | SETS hora SRT SCasey goes [vea-Deonie ¥ hit server Diy aay j Face AoE AND BRING 3 j ol 11:30 AM. : ih Hu Ae id | / L 11--Rev. Oral Roberts 9-- Around the World 4s ; a Nig a Sports ar 6-8il $:30 PM = = ; Sports ~The Roar ' 11--Donna how a2 - np - il HB 1:00 A, i oe 9--News: Weather: - mil }~The People's Choles i - | fl achonanza jal Fin a rasa Dissey pre- "1 RA = my i I 0 PM. ! IN AME 7 od Lo Al I 3 in EW LL 220 2 -0-One a. - ~~ 2 i pe ; Weather; Hanger fa " 088 ORD 4, J) i on : m % L Best x 38st, Bilko OATES RHE] ER rags i-ton Jonas Len op. At36s Mdumne WAT. MOIR 1 oosock prayer war ee | 8 oe) agile pwr [Thuatos (Cin hnmew | rocutek pyr war ~The Real McCoys | 5--Jot Jackson 4--~Checkmate ; "knowledge 31, Askew = it to Beavey | 4--Sky King 3--Sea Hunt 9. Twelve wledg al A ~Matty's Funday Rey Rogers ul P.M 10. Ethiopian 4. Single unit (dial) Funnies 2:15 P.M. 1-6:3--Great Movies town 5, Whitens 23, Strese iglanders on i= Naked og 12, Silk veil 6. Mine en» sed Rawhide Western | ud §=Lawrence Wels : Tl rp 9 Twin Bill Theatre Perry ason ( Soap | fl I Brannagan (PIAREL IAINIATI | §3- The Deputy (gcel.) 23, Grind. . SiMe no Hanger Club A. #| 13. Unitof NAIR] BN 1 3--Happy Family =cut h re §~Featurama capacity king teeth ri M ¢--Roug 4--Have Gun Will Travel ¢ 24, Cause ountry Hoedown | & N3s¢y Janes. + |3--The Nation's Future | 14, Ready to eat 8, To sugar : Fo hE 10:00 P.M. 15, Permit 9, Extinot ing + pela = 1:00 >" 3--Boxing 16. Erbium bird terror Fishere The, Sublet 1--Popeye and Bugs |7--Silents Please (sym.) 11. Apprehend 25. Tavern any 116.3--Perry Mason in 2--Buffalo_Bisons-- 17. Bone (anat.) 15, More lami- 29, Copenh; nt p 9--Meet McGraw Baseball Rally 18, God of war nate (bot.) cif . German 7--The Flintstones Rangers C0100 Waals 20, Devoured 19, Venice 80, With might river §-2--Westinghouse Play-| 4 Rural Review 2--News 'A solo water 81,C 87, Arch house 2-- Science Fiction 10:30 P.M, 21. A so int 388. Exist 4--Jackie Gleason Theat 1-63-Juliette 22, Malt beve streets poin ¢ Comets P.M. 1.15 P.M, 7----Sea Hunt erages 0 As rH Va 9---Two Faces West 3=Festure Fn Hue Aneel 23. Exalted ] / 30 P.M. ' 10:45 P.M. 26,1s obligated Cl dd 94 Poly $--Johnny Esaw Show 27, Andi 7% / a a» : a Ji an M 9--Theatre Sports Mir. ana n m > : rhe 5-2--Major League 11:00 P.M, Indian Mrs Or, "ad Baseball 1149-76-4-3--News: 46th Blain cele. 10:00 PM 4--Film gM eater; Wi weekend 'g anni pe nb gs : oF : fo LIKE MY NEW IT SURE IS PRETTY, BUT. SOMEHOW I BELIEVE IT EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT? TROL v Theat: oe 8. . . " a nant Myve press 16oT | | | GrANDMAZ - WAKES YOU LOOKAWEEBIT | | |AIGLES OVER, PLEAS 2--Michael Shane 2:20 P.M. $~Man . ait ystery MICKEY MOUSE & AT A BARGAIN, 10:30 P.M. |sa-Major League | SNE lithe FRANKIE 7 Joroo Jaitsd Mrs, Harris a 3:00 P.M, ! / . TE d . > Mrs. Bruce Ci Sports 7--Six Gun Theatre 3 ies = 9 4 7--Law Ang Mr. Jones 3:30 Pm. LA Ie Eherives to maar | SPUR A tate She 4---Starlight Theatre 11:00 P.M. So in an dstand Tn Theatre HIS L433-Newny 3-H of Adventure 12:00 P.M. {# ! FA A 3 Sheva" 1™™ 00 am Er TARE = PSE 7 Ba og au nith and 8A1:, AY EVP |3-Epiome sheep a PALTV Vy ol 5822 NE TRE all of Stouftville, were Sunday §---Saturday Night 8) 5 3 Saturn \ D3 Dp P ad 2 RL ! Jisitors with the Greenwood and try gard f RN Af Bl 7 oH meg Aiody Flim Pestarette 8:00 AM. Mrs. James Kirby is a patient 3-Horse Racing =Wisdow o3 the World 4-20 Oshawa General Hospital. 11-6-3--Bugs 'Bunny 3--Christian Science oa, TODAY'S SPECIAL!!! fri FA 1954 FORD STATION WAGON $275 ih et ho at Mr. and Mrs, Bert Gribble of Viewpoint. lewpoin 4-8 ht Theatre 5:00 P.M. arte Reel 1-6-3--Outside Broadcast Custom radio. . i = "THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. a _ HONE RA 5-6651 Weiringan entertained a num. 230 KING ST. WisT PHON ber of her little friends on the occasion of her birthday. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Kellett and family have moved back to their farm after li in the villa for the ol is BIN LOOKIN' FO'A WIFE ~BUT NONE OF 'EM SAYIr-YO'I1S TH', ALL DAY, MISS LANA WAS STRICT 'NUFF! d bh TURNIPS THEY WAS WHENEVER AH AXED ALL OLD 'NUFF, AND ONE TO KISS ME, HOMELY 'NUFF -- SHE SAID "YES? tc, ne, World rights pred J vania, U.S. on Wedne: turning on of nursery A Mr, Aleck Carruthers, MP, Garden Hill, was a business Nishio in the village on Satur- y. Miss Reta Loshaw, Preston, spent the weekend with her sis» ter, Mrs. Wilfred Richardson. Mr, Marskel and bays, To- ronto, were here looking over his tree plantation on Saturday. Rev. George Richardson con- ducted Communion Service on SHES VERY Sunday afternoon. There were You You four Baptisms and 11 members ] : joined By Profession of faith. / John yne is in Ross Me- morial Hospital, Lindsay, with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reade, Niagara Falls, visited Mr. and Ys. Wilfred Richardson on Sun- THE LONE RANGER ~~ Sorry to read the report in The Times of the death of Mrs. John McKee, Blackstock. Mrs. McKee (Mabel Argue and her family) were born and grew up at Drum Corner. They were members of the Old Methodist Church here. Only last summer she presented their family Bible to the church here. NOW TLL NEVER KNOW WHICH F LONE RANGER ANG TGNTO RX anc ( PILL DISSOLVED THE FASTEST! He oN a |] Seah Ee AR. CANS, THIS TELEGRAN THA DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER 1 . 1961, The Lome Ranger, Inc. THE LONE RANGER Dietoatnd 17 King Features Syodieste > --- - % Ta RINKERS CLEANERS RA 5-1191 "The Best In Town" 5 LARRY BRANNON Cr-- Foss ip =tt