mr an ---------- GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Jt owes | ly as representatives. CENTRE STREET W.A. summer, details of which will] Cookies will be available on The April meeting of the East/be supplied to the leaders. 4 rovision should be | Group WA of Centre Street| It was announced that hence- Hay oo 'I up cookies be- United Church was held at the|forth the 1st class convener will home of Mrs. N. F. Mechin keep a detailed record of ac- tween 1 and 4 p.m. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 20, 1961 "FABRIC TALKS" The Cleaning Of Fur Coat Should Be Carefully Considered ---- p---- Grow Jeaget, Mrs. Wilbur Mil- cumplishment by the various -- er, presided. uides, ) " The devotional period was led ose Ean the Commnlsoner PRE-NATAL A, as, iy ay. jd Guide and Brownie testers, CLASSES lane Were made for the boring Parent committees are urged plans were made for the SPring|y supply the necessary testers.[] An efterncon series of - pres bazaar to be held May 4. Every. "ponoris were presented byl] notel classes will stort on one was reminded to get their|yp, 9 10, 16 Brownie represen-[§ Thursday, 27¢h, 196), donations in to the conveners.|iatives 2 10, 11, 16 Guides andj ot 2 p.m. are hold in Conveners were appointed as|19 11' 16 17 Parent Commit-/i St s Parish Hell, follows: Pansy ork svi oi teed. © © | Simcoe St, North, ren's wear, Mrs, N. F. Mechin Classes are ci by the J .| The badge secretary reported] p bic Health Nurses. Tp Thy ng 76 proficiency badges, one sec. ier "ube ey. attend. thelr fat cher; aprons, Mrs. Earl Bilcox Hite Sa an ove [gm a For further information coll the Fl Med! Howard Some Fourteen proficiency and four, Local Seong of Heth, RA A son; i 3 tea room, Mrs. Fred Taylor, Golden Hand among the Brow- senna) nies, By BEA BRIGHT With a long winter behind us :|== preparation for spring and summer is necessary. No doubt, your synthetic fur coat is be- ginning to look the worse for . wear, "After several months of hard wear and several splashes, you are probably wondering --.. (how your coat should be |cleaned. If your coat is the "teddy atl bear" type, such as Borg, Bor- rr ' |gana, Cloud No. 9, Allegro and |Glenara, take it to a reputable i |dry cleaner. This type of imita- tion fur is created by inter weaving a pile yarn into the | woven fabric backing. With care |it can be properly dry cleaned. |A good guide in selecting a dry cleaner is one who belongs to {the Dry Cleaners and Launder- ers Institute (Ontario). Mem- asl bers of this organization will {have the "know how' to clean Di lit look like new. If you have an imitation per- = 2d won sian lamb coat -- beware! Care- ful es ination of the coat MR. AND MES. WILLIAM C. YOUNG Seo If the curl on daughter, Mary Gwendolyn, t ted N Colo {this type of coat and make Thomas Frederick Tedder, sou) Suggeste \eW 0 (0) 13) In this case the wool shearling is removed from the skin of the|' = animal and is glued to a cotton| | bacikng. This is a type of coat that should be dry cleaned but unfortunately the glue is ad-|: versely affected by the dry|! cleaning solvent and as a re-|, sult you will have a very stiff unbendable lining. Synthetic fur fabrics may be lower in price than real furs but they are still items that can be costly. When buying gar- ments made of imitation fur fabric enquire about the recom- mended cleaning process. SARA-JOY, AGED ONE daughter of | tingham, England, and Mr. . Karl Miche, Ballen- He cast Germany, rranddaughter of Dexter, Notting- ongland --I'hoto by Hornsby Happy young Mr. and Mrs. Karl Role SOCIAL NOTICES Miche, Brock street east Sara-Joy who was one { old on February 23. Sa | is the granddaughter of 3 and Mrs. Alma Dexter, Not- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sam- uel Thompson of Brooklin an- nounce the engagement of their | [laide Girl Guide Local Associa- | |tion was held recently at Guide : [House with Mrs, W. E. Gar: The Senior WA meeting will be held on April 19. Mrs. Wil- bur Miller agreed to be the east group representative at the meeting of the Red Cross So. ciety to be held at Hillsdale Manar, GG LOCAL ASSOCIATION The regular meeting of Ade- dener presiding, The meeting opened with prayer followed by the secre- tary's report given by Mrs MISS LILLIA D. J. Bowler and treasurer's | report by Mrs. Frank Stevens. Mrs. Gardener announced a) training period for the Brown and Blue Leaders to be held at Guide House April 20 and May| 5 from 7 to 9 p.m. A contest is under way among the Guides to find a name for the new camp at Newtonville. formerly of N HOWARD WOODLYN BEAUTY LOUNGE and MAYFAIR BEAUTY SALON is joining the staff of 64 KING ST. EAST GEMOSHA . BEAUTY SALON and welcomes former and new clientelle. PHONE RA 5-2521 Various camps will be held this of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John Victor Tedder of Port Credit. The marriage will take place on For Home Furnishings Saturday, May 13, 1961, at 2.00 o'clock in St. John the Baptist k By ELEANOR ROSS |fooms to look fashionable, they the cont "sewn, an, ten, th Anglican Church, Bice. | pecoming to Interior goon shuld. Loe mn mind hit he ay y ee OF MARRIAGE ators and home furnishings folk W2!l colors must flatter the size tunately, many of these imita- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Whip-/the muted "dusty" tones are and shape of the individual Yon Dersian Lh ual oid man of Whitby announce the "in" for this year, with the rich, rooms as well as the furnish. Family, Friends Honor Couple \ ( hA is is dissolv forthcomi i f their regal colors that ce into style ings. Celebrating 0 nniversary I= This glue is dissolved in The meng Bo a % rE nig in tegardless of how much in q : jam C./Helen Young. Mr. Jim Young curl is separated from its back-| Wilton Morse Tidy, son of Mrs.| The decorating authorities Vogue or how handsome a deep ® Park He iy Th best ue at the wedding ing. The oh is a sad looking|Frank O. Tidy of Toronto and also forecast a continued de. ¢hade may be, it will not do honored by their family on Sat-(50 years ago. |sight -- we call it the coat that the late Major Tidy. The cere-imand for the popular neutrals, Justice to a small room which urday, April 15, when relatives,| Miss Lynda Young, grand- lost its curl! A good thorough|mony will take place on Satur-particularly the .creams and needs the space-giving effect of ends and neighbors gathered/daughter of the honored pair, | cleaning of this type of coat is|day, May 20, at 11 a.m. at All beiges, since these colors arc a pale wall color. Such rooms { their home on the occasion|had charge of the guest book in| difficult to obtain. If you should Saints' Anglican Church, Whit-|most complementary to both/can sometimes use a deeper f their fiftieth wedding anni-/the afternoon in the evening own a coat with "glued on" fur|by, [the dusty and regal tones. tone for an '"'attention-getter' ersary. granddaughters, the| (imitation lamb is the best ex- The mauves, violets andor a focal point. [their | St. Gertrude's CWL |aeeper purples will maintain oon cpa The table was centered with Misses Jennifer and J an et/ample), take it to your furrier | their present popularity. How-| One wall painted a deen SPORTSWEAR Ltd. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Don't Miss OUR SPRING walls Soft, dusty shades are ideal! high ceilings, for the muted | h ut the color will cause soft light re-| furnishings. |fjection and, in addition, give kers wish their'the ceiling a lowered effect. CONVENER Miss Merle Hartley will act This Week-end FRIDAY - SATURDAY REDUCTIONS UP TO TO-DAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY | AT ALL JURY & LOVELL STORES tion, which will take place in June at Wolfeville, Nova Scotia. HOUSEHOLD HINT BACHELOR SHAVING CREAM |, Attention AN Gives smooth, eon e \ shaves. 3 oz. Hg. ¢ Mothers-To-Be | ! MAMMOTH APRIL SALE of SUMMER MATERNITIES either side with yellow taper-| Guests were present from To-| Another recent problem has candles and a beautiful | ronto, Bracebridge, Ashburn|peen a wool shearing that has Holds Card Party competition from the blue fam quet of mixed flowers, theland Sault Ste. Marie. Among heen used as a interlining with lity ao BeBe hid hiehlioht the remaining walle] A successful Night of Cards. muted or medium blue ted a pale color. like cream enft orav. and e ive inter-| Miss Nellie Young and Miss|as and Mr. T. D. Thomas, MLA. | Hall, , Soft and turquoise whi nd en oive inter Telegrams and letters of con- Branch opened the party and|Piend in so beautifully with ih aay. fame ; "nual Meeting Wohi ve were received from | later drew tickets for 40 prizes, Purple hues, will be seen on the, Deen fomes can he nsed ef Honorable John Dieferibaker,| vened the evening assisted by new blues. walls a darker color than he Prime Minister of Canada, the| Mrs. John Poltz. Mrs. R. Court- x iso two. side the room wi Honorable Michael Starr and ney and Miss Mary Bigden tied MULTI-COLOR COATINGS look much squarer in shape. f pete was hig Pogeived f : fo t % ri : : golor & ident's meeting of Province of ntario along) e prize on the cut of cards. were introduced a ; | . § Wr Many Deanery was held| with many other beautiful gifts The booby prize went to Mrs. ago, color schemes wil ent walls of a liohter color (f | Friday evening, April 14,|and flowers including an im- D. Mitchell with 36 points. a many-color tre ver, this should be done|f! ¥ Mr. and Mrs. Young have Clarke, Mrs. J. Ward, Mr. D.| of eo rs shanze fro : i : Irs. R. A. Williams, presi-|spent most of their married life, Griffith, Mrs. William Bone, |, Sy Sourse 8 change in room is fairly large or when the| dent, conducted the business, in Oshawa coming here from Mrs. William Haynes, Mrs. Te work is especially decora-| | for financial responsibility from|was born in Linlithgow, Scot- Mrs. B. P. Cook, Mrs. G. on the walls This, each branch for the Deanery|land, and Mrs. Young, the for- O'Reagan. . a Seal ring of col meeting to be held this year at|mer Annie Elizabeth McLeod, | Other prizes -- Mrs. K. Noo- Works wonders, w i +Next year, the president's|three sons, Douglas, Russell * at, Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs. T.|~ meeting Yel be held at St.|and Tom, all of Oshawa. Also| Driscoll, Mrs. William Clarke, Matthew's Anglican Chur c h,|included in their family are Mrs. C. Griffith, Mrs. G. Hud- 3 ; : : : Miss Joan Rowe, Mrs. L. O. The election of officers for while many old friendships ing. eo : hide 1961-62 was conducted by Mrs.|were renewed. Pouring tea in| "Pring card party to be held |Perry, Mrs. G. Couture, Mrs. J, M. E. Drummond, Christ|the aft were Mrs, Emer.| NeXt Week at Adelaide House. (Michael Rudka, Mr. A. Nell, ie 2 J stithe aliernoon WIS, I The proceeds will further the ity, Ajax: vice-president, Mrs.|Margaret Wilson and Mrs. Wil- Joh apy Vandeloc, rge Day, St. Matthew's,|liam Ness. Power, Mrs. I Ka ath, Mrs. shawa secretary, Mrs. wer, rs. Leo Karnath, Mrs. jointly If your kitchen is small, uf 'ite conehis _|can still enjoy the luxury of an z te conclusion of iB meet] romatic dishwasher by getting vs. ¥Pepper thanked Christ room until needed. Church for their hospitality The secretary, Mrs. K. R. Flet- Matowity Fashion| ! Matowity Fashions | OSHAWA ft of Mr. Young's brother, sis-[the Oshawa guests were Her a suedene type of outer f: a Gertrude's "lap est to the entire room. the Honorable Leslie Frost, Pre- kindly donated by local mer. home front, and many greens fectively in long, narrow rooms Ad awa Deanery Mrs. Starr. A framed certificate with 71 points for top euchre| Inspired by the p The deen tones can also bel | Wsers were present from al-|ported lace table cloth from Bridge prizes were won by:|/means the finale for th aution, Contrasting wood-| Yoich Inloded arvanging for Toronto where they were mar| James McArthur, Mrs. S. A. multi-colored look simply St. George's, Oshawa, Wednes-/was born in Gravenhurst. They nan, Mrs. F. McLaughlin, Mrs, changing of any Oshawa, the 4th Wednesday in|eight grandchildren. son, Mrs. L. Pelow, Mrs. E. Church, as follows: President,|son Chant and Mrs. Robert Ait-| oo" et" Co 0a co vice and fi- Mrs. R. Dionne, Miss Elaine ge MacGregor and Mrs S. Devlin, Mrs. D. Roache. 1ze. the Christ Church mem.|2 Wheel-about model which can cher, read the reports. There SHOPPING CENTRE ) wo-tier wedding cake flanked|Young, presided. |and ask him about it. i ever, they are due to get strong Pl I lB Pl er and niece, Mr. Jim Young,| Worship Mayor Christine Thom-| 'Was--held at St. S : um hiues, recently. Mrs. W. R. oft aqua and turquoise whic mier of Ontario, the Right] chants. Mrs. S. Sheridan con- (Will be discarded in favor of the] Rv paintine the narrow end % ; - . PL 4 Cl anglican Women from the score and Mrs. Courtney won|try's multi-color coa h 4 | } used on woodwork to comple- every parish in the dis-|their immediate family. Mrs. C. Leaming, Mrs. J. chromatic or one-color de work is only attractive when the| Pod i f ai an rush speakers, date, and an appeal|ried on April 12, 1911. Mr. Young |Gates, Mrs. G. McWilliams, 2 bit of paint and bru 1 day, September 20. have one daughter, Marion, and R. Devine, Mrs. Andrew Mow- While homema apo! " (Jackson, Mrs. E. Simmons, March, 1962 Refreshments were served) oo oanoral convener for the Mrs. G. E. Pepper, Holy Trin-|chison and in the evening, Mrs.| yo. 0. delegates to the conven- Yasmanicki, Miss Aline David ald Rait, St. orge's, Osh- s served refreshments. be kept in a closet or utility was an attendance of approxi- mately 40, with Port Perry, Brooklin, Blackstock and Pick-| ering absent. It was regretted that Mrs. B. Witchlow, Ajax, Little Helpers Secretary, was absent through illness. SPECIAL MEETING of all Senior Citizens of Oshawa and District who are receiving Old Age Pension will be held in the U.A.W. Hall 44 Bond St. E. on Friday, April 21st at 2.00 p.m. BUSINESS DISCUSSION "IMPROVED STANDARD OF LIVING FOR OLD- | ciny ge REE y AGE_PENSIONERS fr a ne SEIGNEUR S DRESSES RAINWEAR CAR COATS SWEATERS BLOUSES SKIRTS SLIMS CO-ORDINATES REXALL REDUCED CALORIE DIET AID ox.) Weight control plan -- Reg. $1.49 tin. 2 for S1.ED / 3 flavours--Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch. REXALL POLYMULSION Orange-flavoured Emulsion « vitamins for infants and y children 4 oz. Reg. $2.00......2 for $2.01 8 oz. Reg. $3.49. .....2 for $3.50 16 oz. Reg. $5.25......2 for $5.26 2 oz. Reg. $9.25......2 for $9.26 JACKETS 2 WERE TO 7.98 JACKETS '3 WERE TO 10.98 taining 7 REXALL KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES | 3 rows of nylon bristles. Tufted end, con. | vex or multi-tuft styles. In acetate tube. Regular 50¢ 2 for SU¢ li THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST -- OVER 300 ITEMS IN ALL STOCK UP AND SAVE ON REXALL REMEDIES « VITAMINS ADRIENNE COSMETICS STATIONERY eo DENTAL NEEDS BACHELOR FOR MEN BABY NEEDS eo COMBS & BRUSHES « SUMMER ITEMS BEAUTY BUYS « HOUSEHOLD NEEDS eo FIRST AJD ITEMS '4 Were to 10.98 This is your chance to save Many Dollars on your New Spring Outfit Were to 19.98 A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE ALL SALES FINAL ON SALE MERCHANDISE Sizes: 8 - 44 \ ALL SALES FINAL Assorted Styles, Colors, Fabrics OSHAWA * SHOPPING CENTRE