"22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumdey, Apt 20, 1981 ; : THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent) 25--Apts, & Flats for Rent/25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent $45 MONTHLY -- two-room apartment, BRIGHT, clean ground floor apart- TWO-ROOM newly furnished apartment ed, in new home, built-in cup- ment, three rooms with stove. Immedi-{ with TV, suit single girl or gentleman. nk, stove cable, suit couple. ate possession. Business or elderly|Call RA 5-0040. 8. couple preferred. RA 8-8823 after 6.30. OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday te Fi Saturdey 8 to 1 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 J 7 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 28 words or lass Cash Charge 1 | 13 3 BR $3000 DOWN. balance on long {potential st two - bay service station, ial 80,000 gals, Port Hope area, {Telephone RA 3.3742. Ask for Mr. Mc- C auley. S5--Farmers C 1500 CEDAR POSTS. CO 3-2357. FARMERS' NEEDS -- 0 h, half i Ap- A IN ye Tak emo 2 Ri Rnd Sou REFRIGERATED INJECTABLES |- -- i 14 Owil Now available. at {WANT 2 Dusinens owner is sacrificing this well hy and 5 SHORT'S PHARMACY equipped grocery and isiness for a quick sale, Reasonable BROOKLIN [vent with lease. Only $3300 inelading all Wed. & Fri. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, | THREE. ROOM flat, private bathroom, private bath, sink, built-in cupboards. heavy duty wiring, business or elderly | unfurni Apply 145 Albert Street. couple preferred. Available mow, (Ab-| boards, i ---------------- stainers). Can be seen at 143 Albert Telephone RA 8-834 UTH END -- three-room THRE E-ROOM Jurnimed grartment, | Street, [SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- two.bed I. THREE large bright, air-conditioned, vision. SuphoaN m apartment, furnished, private en-'ment, private bath, laundry facilities,|facilities, very convenient. RA 8-2821 or t Ls LX term manager, for fi experienced in Pleasing personality and State age and references. 840, Oshawa Times, EARN $25 - $30 on your day off. Mus be high :chool graduate, married, 23- 28,5 car necessary. For personal appoint. pe Lane "Apartment, 1 spacious 5s two- Wesley Hills, appearance. Write Box 3 CONSECUTIVE THRE] roomed unfurnished apart- 22% 2.48 INSERTIONS 375 413 It not paid within 7 days the Charge rote will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions, Subsequent Insertions ordered ot © later date constitute @ new original order, Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.60 per month, Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign, figure, counts eo word, Box charge 15¢ addition: All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- fore publication except Births, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 am. Deadline for Lost end Found and Cancellotions 8:30 am, Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors im advertise- ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement, nor beyond the price charged for ao single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserve the right 001 Apply anstime at 205 Nassau PARTLY furnished three (large) df " 2096. et. apartment, with bath upstairs, 10 min. |'TA0Ce. Telephone BA 3.3989, 2, Street. to everything RA 3.3 mmr utes walk to South Genera) Motors, $60 1 MONTHLY, Jour. room a ar. dults only. Suit quiet business couple, FOUR-ROOM apartment, Suit couple or two gentlemen 'ele: unfurnished, share bathroom and hydro, | stove, tower, washer, dryer, ment write Box 449, Oshawa Times. (bedroom. sites, slevatur serviSemial / phone RA 5-3439. child welcome. Telephone RA 3-406. fran $52 monthly Ba 3750. ple parking. convenient 10 south MAN with sar lor position of vessin entrances. Contact Don Howe Realtor. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, $5) MONTHLY, three-room 3 apartment, | ments, in Bh i LAE Telephone RA 3.2734. Bity. ne Who ean gat b3 8.9005, IRA 5.7732 close to bus and South General Motors, |close to bus, sink and cupl boards 2 Park' "Road ' » a rtm of broad. | BASEMENT apartment, three rooms, week to sta 'elep AVAILABLE sow Touro peta | 20. Thomas Street. Telephone RA 8.5233. Kitchen, stove, Available May 1. RA] tastefully decorated, } colored |de- -humidifier, TV outlet, laundry room, h TWO mei to train for specialized sell el apartment, heat and lights, heavy duty NEWLY decorated thr flat, em ath refr , stove, washer, dryer, partly furnished if de on bus line, ins 4 nas then assured. RA Supplied, fenced yard. Children wel. also. one furnished room, on ground [THREE.room apartment, heated, near paved Barking. Must see to tue. is earnings " come, Reasonable rent. Apply 777 floor. Apply 110 Albert Street be- v aerial, bus at door. Telephone RA'RA 8-5282 FOUR-ROOM apartment and three. 3 RH Rowena Street. tween 11 am. and 8 p.m. 5-6106 or RA 3-753. 2 SOWHANVILLE = heated modern T00m. Available immediately. Tele ow open hid Dur MODE REN basement "apartment, com. FOUR - room n upstairs apartment. re. UNFURNISHED three-room apartm. mt three rooms, Kitchenette and Mini {phone 1 RA 3-39 38. ese---- awa, Trade we self-contained, unfurnished. frigerator, automatic gas stove, heat with bath, $70 monthly, includes heat washer, dryer, $60. MA 3.5996, Apart- APARTMENT. "one room, kitchen, built and hydro, near Ritson School. Suitable ment 4. 63 King West. Also store on lin sink and cupboards, private haf. RA 5-7414 main street, 495 Dunkirk Avenue, RA 3-3201. tor, ame plant. Ea { stock of approximately $2000. Would ac. ce on easy terms. or, 204 King Street Open Mon., evening for your convenince, S=~Auction AUCTION SALE Township of Darlington will | offer by Public Auction at the | | | | AVE $3000 to invest in small busines h i pletely } stablished. Excellent opportunity. Full) Good bus service. and hydro, $65 monthly. One child wel- | Write Box 748 Oshawa ° Times. ¥ | Residential district. me. 189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal | | Telephone evenings RA 5.7928 come. RA 33757 between 3 and 6 p.m. |for two adults. Box 7 we x % i ip- ; I |ers, three dryers, all modern equ an. Full company benefits, full or ment. Owner selling | due to sicknes part-time, only experienced need apply {Money to Loan [Plumbing and Heating electric SPRING cleanup, oto tilling, plough. WE HAVE clients' monies available prusMBING and heating pipes, fit sed, ng. Township Yard, Hampton, Ont, on Saturday, April 22nd, 1961, at 2 pm. a quontity of used' lumber, con- sisting of pine sheeting, raf. ters, sills, doors, windows, sash, galvanized roofing, etc. This is chiefly choice pine lumber from the former Township Hall. Terms cash. Eimer Wilbur, |Gardening and Supplies {aly Mr. Kane, Cliff Mills Used Car ing etc. Telephone MO 8-8306 for loans on first and second mortgages in y fixtures, new and used, lot. OIL COMPANY and also purchase of mortgages a ing from septic tank to sewer EXPERIENCED paving salesman, ref- erences. Telephone RA 5.9769 between estab- lease. reasonable, (agreements of sale. Louis S. Hyman; "|eialt ty. Installations at reasonable Fring QC. 37 King Street East, Oshawa, A | Information and estimates free on an; MONEY TO 56 LOAN ital UNUSUAL offers get made in "Personals". to advertise yours. Montes for all types of mort- gages; for first and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mortgage for builders; first and second mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. Apply M. Swartz, 265 King Street East, Oshawa. Telephone RA 3-4697 and GOOD well rotted manure, Al} | delivery anywhere. RA 8-0008. and rcom Auctioneer, response when Dial RA 3.3492 10°, Rug--Upholstery Service UPHOLSTERY af its best for less. . We specialize in chesterfields, re.covered, re-modelied, repaired. Free estimates, easy terms. RA 5.3604. re upholstered and ed. Free estimates, See our mate. rial for recovering Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, RA 3.7212. ESTERFIELDS re-built, recovered, like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA wall Ontario Accounting keeping Serv RA 5.0397, NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers sit five elderly Co., 35-0311 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcos South. Call RA 8-6451 for a free esti. A complete garden service, clean-up, fertilizing, power rolling. Now is the time to kill crab grass ond chickweed. Seeding, sodding, nursery stock. and Brzozowicz, Arch.-Eng., Building, Oshawa, Ont 8-2881. telephone RA gre s. Gas heat. cooking, refrigerators, hitches, accessories in RA Mortgages MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh. mate. awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vicin. -- ity. Residential, acreage, apartments, business. Members of Ontario Mort gage Brokers Association. Summerland Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5-3568. FIRST and second mortgages. Sale| agreements purchased and sold. Hen. nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East. RA 3.7232 FIRST and second mortgages ar ranged. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage Broker, Whitby Profi B x MO 8-3338 -- MORTGAGES -- | Arranged, Bought, Sold Company and Private Monies RA 5- $344 John A BOLAHOOD Limited Realtor Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association no DODDS, Barrister King Street East RA 3.2201. Resi- Rugs and Upholstered Furni- ture expertly cleaned. SEGER"S RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Professional cleaning at lower prices. RA 5-7488 RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS CLEANED Professional Cleaning. Home or Plant. Members of the Nationol Institute of Rug Cleaning. NU-WAY -- RA 8-4681 Steam Baths WHY SUFFER arthritis or rheumatie RA \ 5-17 1721 Van Belle Gardens MA 3.5757 - BOWMANVILLE (3 miles East on No. 2) LAWN FERTILIZER 80 Ibs. only 4.50 PEAT MOSS, SEEDS, ETC. POTTED PLANTS, GUARAN.- TEED NURSERY STOCK, COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE, FERTILIZING, PRUNING 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES WASHERS AND DRYERS! FRANK MEAGHER APPLIANCES 22--Store Space & Garages STORE for rent, 16x53, tion, parking facilities 5-0081, RA 5-9544 OFFICE SPACE loca RA central, Barrister Telephone 361s . King OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. § sman wanted. Ap rince s reet, RA 3.2512 or MO Hos a modern, well Accountants' |Building Trades t ortul |n ¥ DEWAR and ir » Accountants DRAINS cleared, no digging. An_ excellent oppor APPRENTICE [Ma Suits, and oh hae? hd, op the right, man 1 oni {tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 8-222 Err oTRRN ee Taw usiness for imseifr, --_ th ashing, bus} Jd. $3 500 WANTED |S. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certl-/roofing, and new work. required, ' . Hed, Public Accountants, 172 King St. ow i fully guaranteed. Estimates. RA! GARDENS and lawns roto-illed and its own classification TELEPHONE To learn typesetting {as . ------ a Ai - -- made ready for spring planting and in the cose of display advartng. newspaper composing WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, seeding. Dial RA 58985. ments The Times will not be held I Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South, eavestroughs, chimneys, fireplaces, RA 8-6472 work. Typing and spelling |osnawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, jewalks, :ieaps. RA 80004. Gordon ,easonaple rates. Telephone RA 8-6636. | that in which the actual error ji,50 NEWMOON house trailer 45 x very essengial. Must have |G. Edmond Burrows, CA. RA 82 x L i i a occupies. The publishers endeavour 5-60 hig! hool % windows cleaned, carpen-| De rant a ocvortaing mater ||) quipped. Phone RA 38047. EVENINGS ears high school. |yapg FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and IA wing v2 Sleaneq, carpe WE EMPLOY correctly but assumes no liability | FOUR - room 40° by 8° General house | : pplication to: Co., Accountants and auditors. Li- estimates. MO. 8-8386 If any inaccuracies in any form [itrailer, like new, four-piece tiled bath! censed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King %, THE NEFDY of advertisement are contained ||fully furnished. stove, refrigerator 14--Employment Wanted Street East, Oshawa: B. L. Yale. CA; SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary 3 therein, beds, ete. Will take low down p NEEDED Bho Tare F vredlander B. Comm. CPA, way, new tanks installed. Wajisr Ward, Help them by calling Sanseng t. Contact Bill Horner at RA 8.5123 3500 NEEDED by end of June to sav ---- 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2363 aC . | Cloyd Realty Oshawa Limited, Ritr. home of five school-age children. Moth NESS CFFICE | MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL ERA Sagi I oid. Bros. Landscaping and gar VF CABIN trailer, Tike new, basiil, ls Willing to tr any type of work . Co. Chartered Accountants, RA 33 yoke, Da rer oo.| | dening service. Lowest pos- ¢ to tru iving. Ex- = % 3 N va. Aja A % A - LN ri {many extras. Telephone MO 8.363. perienced. RA 839 ek driving 18-2Male or Female Help 133 Sieve Surest North, Oshava. Ajay Work guaranteed. RA 8.0850, | Sible rates 2.3755 | THREE - room House traller, 33° X ¥, EXPERIENCED manak or assist Ww. pe | RA 8- ly equipped and anted BOB CLANCY IN ees vee aan eras At manager. requires position in serv. Service, Complete bod THINKING OF SPRING After 8 p.m. [113 Harmony Road North jee Station, Saraze, or mall Dumine REGISTERED LABORATORY [2 Doni Stren Wes Painting and + Decorating? ees - He TERE RA 3.7605. luminum sid- 16' CABIN TRAILER, 1959 "General". ppg jApLE womangwill baby TECHNICIAN --- Baked name) Summ HARDSAND LANDSCAPING . = like new. fully equipped. Extras. Tele- |g oC C0 WOSAIET care for \N Architects ing tone veneer over a BERNIE'S phone 'MO 3-45 lady. RA 5.3710 Wanted for Civil Service portion of the front wall? | - - . is ' APPLIANCE SERVICE [rvERYTHING PRACTICAL nurse desires position Grade 11 position in Medical MAYER a SATISFACTION {ing lighting, Oshawa or vicinit Telephone Research Unit. Considerable | (h® Jes GUARANTEED 68 SIMCOE NORTH (Rear) {awnings Miter. WH i Ches, 5:3938 .or RA 5 i = responsibility, professional at- |- Your factory outhorized ser- ---------------- WOMAN wil] take care of children mosphere, shift work Barristers An Inquiry Cost Nothing vice depot for Philco, Moffat, C kK'sT | S | from 2163 Years, daviimes, in her own Apply . Superintendent, The OAS LAE AJAX REPAIR AND G.E.,, Westinghouse, etc. ook's Trailer Sales jrome. tall fay ---- Ontario Hospital, Whitby, On "Sol -26Y; CONSTRUCTION LTD HWY. 2, COURTICE | 16 Female Help Wanted toric. aeiepont. Busimess 110 King Street East, Oshawa full time, for doctor's office 20. Roo o = RA 8-5103 a m and Board nu MPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HLL SICKROOM EQUIPMENT SPORTSMEN -- Take your [State fy particulars to Box 646 Osh- i --_IMAN, Barristers, Solicitors: = R al 0 awa Times. = = 3 ROOM and board for gentlemen Apply Humphreys, Qc: S. Boychyn, FOR RENT OR FOR SALE | family to your Joverite loke CHILDREN'S maid, other help kept, 327 Albert Street W. A. Hillman, LLB; 364 King § PUMPING Hospital beds, wheel chairs, or stream: wi Q ltrave ( iL awa Time men, willing to share, single beds, RA 5-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; REGISTERED nurse required for full lunches packed, laundry dome. Televi. 75203. Money to Joan eommodes, crutches and time work in doctors office. Reply sion. RA 5 JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici BERT TOMPKINS canes, also roll-away beds. i b 937 Oshawa Times. {decorated. good home cooking, central, East. RA 3.2269 NHA and private] NEWTONVILLE Phone Aid Rentals RA 5-1644 [ESTABLISHED pri summer de- WAITRESS wanted, Apply Genosha seven minutes' walk to four corners or MOT'EAKes arrange aii) t front Tot \ S {hospital. Apply 240 D ONES, BA, and THOMA |velopment. Rice Li rontage 10i8 Hotel, Coffee Shop, Mr. MacArthur Pp pply ivision. EALPH JONE an and Soi Phone Clarke 472) 1 2 d pl round. For t 30 K Street East. RA --Gt-- HW ArT Aron, 304 Weller child, live in. Attractive wages. Phone aaa ec lig Grandview Beauty Salon |Street, Peterborough Ukan 5.3517 BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. Town Line = I Lake, 60 miles from p.m. to 13) Boply 3 Boor East |Street East. RA 83-2381. Res., YU 5-2127 Expert Servic ont Or Weekly, Telephone {THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli pe : A COMPTOMETER operator for manu- tor and Notary Public, 26% King e® parking for cars RA 8-0761 lished service station t to classify advertising according to | f-- LOAM, manure, sod. sand and gravel, | responsible for more space than }i 7 Trailers 7 and Solicitor 26M, RA 8-0887 NURSE, State full particulars to Box 646 Osh-'RGOM and board for one or two gentle. Last. Phones: Office RA 5-1177 trailer SEPTIC TANKS invalid walkers, bedsides, stating age and qualifications to BOX ROOM and board or room only, mewly l0F and notary public. 18% King Street | rob- - IRE 1 ters and Soli- CASEY'S BARBER SHOP |enly. Cottage built. Financing no prob: ol v= vier one pre-school age GREER, Associate Barrister -- |FOR | RENT furnished two - bedroom WAITRESS. experienced, nights § Sulipitar.. Notary... Public, 1323 King Street East "Bonfield, facturing company in Ajax, experience treet East. Phone RA 8.1763 [CRYSTAL "Springs Lod, Ont., Housekeeping coltages, fishing, safe, sandy beach, with standard cost preferable, For xen ent | Barrister. Henry MANNING F. SWARTZ, call Mr Sol citor, Notary, Money to loan. a Rimmer, WHitehall | | beautiful pointment, 2-1540 We speciolize in washing machine and radio repairs. Dealer in reconditioned furni- ture and appliances. SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE _ 49 BURK ST. RA 8-4873 VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE New end Used Household iscenic w= ---------------------- | FOR SALE mmer z t Little| REGISTERED "or graduate nurse- | | Lake, furnished, three bedroo city | housekeeper to manage 25-bed nursing |conveniences, 60 miles from Oshawa, home, live in. Box 841, Oshawa Times For further description and location, |g py yABLE housekeeper, live in, for {phone OX 1-3212, Toronto. middle - aged couple, lady partly dis-| ir "bee ze abled. Good home desired more than| excelle: big wages. Apply to Box 738, Oshawa | Ing, pike, pickeral and $30, $40 Times. nna Ehime hai {weekly. RA 35-4328. |GIRY, with junior matriculation requir |FOR SALE two-bedroom cottage on| led for addressing and mailing division. Cameron Lake. Also frontage. Contact typing and filing experence helpful 1, Rose. Apply D. A. Houlden, General Printers, 7193, Limited, 75 Richmond Street West, Osh -- awa | EXPERIENCED waitress required eve: nings. Telephone RA 5-9353 MIDDLE-AGED cook - housekeeper for | ts, refrigerators, DURF'S CAMP on HAY BAY North Shore, Napanee, Ont. FOR RENT Passenger elevator service. New building. Centrally lo- cated! in downtown area. Moderate rent. Leases now avoilable. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 | | | {West Simcoe St. N., RA 5 "REX! BUILDERS Recreation rooms, bathrooms, kitchen cupboards, shingling, sidewalks, and general repair, Oshawa RA 5-5736 4 9) oan Brooklin OL 5-4830 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister. ck, 5 King Street East, RA 92 4711 |3 proud Residence, Dial RA 3-4029. |crE IGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., 5 Simcoe Street North. RA 3.3446; T. K. Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K Drynan, L. Murdoch, NHA mort. gages arranged RU 'LL J, MURPHY, BA, arrister and Solicitor, 6 King East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 8-2 JAMES A. MacDONALD, B.A, LLB. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| The Commercial Building, 286 King | Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking | available LLM Street lic, GRAVEL STONE LOAM _RA 3-3528 LANDSCAPE by Holland Landscaping Spring Clean-Up NURSERY STOCK You too con have fine grounds, Each customer gets personalized service according MORTGAGE {cluding Money Available Payments to suit Your Budget ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY 51 KING ST. E. Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association RA 3-3993 pain? Have a private soothing cabinet steam bath, shower and massage heat lamp. telephone RA 8-4501, in. For appointment 204 King St. East. Surveyors 12 Bloor Street AND TROLLOPE, Surveyors, Phone RA 5-6881. G. T. HORTON and ASSOCIATES, tario Land Sutvevors gineering, 306 Dundas Whitby, MO 8-5001, Ajax 723. DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, On tario Land. Surveyor, commercial blue. printing. East. RA 5-5632. ntarie 216 Adelaide Avenue = Professional En. Street West, to his need, taste and budaet N ry S Py or relic i ursing Services For reliable service call 9 TV RADIO car RA 5-7442 IN BOWMANVILLE -- Private home makes Thompson Electronics eee. §OT the aged, pension rates, Write 115 liott Avenue. RA 3.9792 (Fred). c/o Canadian Statesman, PO Box 190, -- BEVERWYCK Bowmanville, Ontario. SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT GARDENS INDIVDUAL care for each person | Sunnybrae of yo BN Ey, IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO Highway 12 Only 3 miles north of Whitby Optometrists Dems F. RI ARD BLACK -- Doctor of --| CALL RA 8-5286 OL 5.3570 Optoms=try, the examination of eyes,| Good and bad fishing -- Pike, Bass, Muskie, Pickerel, Store on grounds, V-bottom Furniture, Refrigerators, Stoves, Etc. 145 KING ST. WEST RA 8-4401 OSHAWA 1--Women"s Column WE specialize in \_permanent Lucienne Beauty Salon, 29% Street South. RA 3.9411 SPECIALS cold waves $550, h permanents $8.50. Page [Hairdressing 39 Pine Avenue. |TV - Radio Repairs V RAI radio small adult family. No heavy work References Fequired, Food wages. Live in. Telephone RA 3-9 WANTED -- and supervise sales organization Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 1432 Cartage 8 King "treet East, Oshawa, RA -- ---- Residenc 5-3405. MOVING and trucking, reasonable ZT. fe rates. Also plastering and cement fin- ishing, sidewalks etc. RA 5.7786 citor, Office, RA 5. JOHN'S Moving and Storage, Whitby Reasonable Fates Pho BOWMAN, DAVID L.. citor, 3'4 Simcoe South, So bed 209 Inerred, Residence, RA 8-0264 McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Clients' funds available for 20 Simcoe Street North. McGibbon, QC: 23--Wanted to Rent APPLIANCE buvers are checking "capable woman to train Classified right now. Dial RA 3.3492 to personnel and set-up start "n ad on the ones you want to Permanent position, gel] reps, A ci . i barrister, Soli- North A 5.5542 Oshawa Fully Barrister, Soli- | RA 5:9592 ne RA waving. Simcoe 2--Personal ADVERTISER wishes person travelling daily truck between Uxbridge the following: Oshawa, Port Perry Whithy, Pickering, Ajax, Brooklin, or any point between. This is a golden op portunity for any person making this daily trip. Write Box 732, Oshawa) Times CAR leaving Oshawa for Moncton, N B and Charlottetown, P.E.I, Saturday, April 29. Room for three passengers. | im- to contact by car or and any of 4 Alterations, Remodeling. Low Prices 22 ROWE STREET RA 8-6706 two-storey East No 15, Tele Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN reply in writing to Box 445 Parties. RA 5.5416 Oshawo; RELIABLE woman wanted to 100k quires room, breakfast, private family, - 52330. -- MoO BD: Dressmaking BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES TYPIST LERK on : All Work Guaranteed. - Whitby, Edgar F. Bastedo, QC reversible skirts a specialty, RA 5-3486 contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at HOMES BUILT on large tors Simcoe Street "Soul children's MO 8 4735 SIX - three-bed h . - 2 TYPING ESSENTIAL room, three-bedroom house : UCK, RO, optometrist. please ' y A ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 85832 FURRIER D "Florida" motif; most un- ed. automatic oil heat, near Park e or eet. saval North, RA 8.2891. ly. RA 8-1203 san + tiful all - crete base, with Crown rotor sand beach, large beautift Many benefits. modem:oifice; PAINTING and decorating, by trades. subletting. Available May Fertilizing, Power Rolling. dock or boathouse for each Oshawa Times, Give previous boats, housekeeping cottages. Special rates: Clubs, Large salary and commission For appoint rr h ROOM WANTED -- Business man, re Napanee 354-3644. a ment, telephone RA §-253] tired, total abstainer, non-smoker, re- { K after small baby, five days a week, no other roomers, no children, close to STURGEON LA E |f live out. Telephone RA 8.1283 bus. Write Box 344, Oshawa Times MALL house, with garden, by pen- first mortgages, ALTERATIONS of all kinds for men, sioner. Apply Box 611, Oshawa Times,|RA 5.3566. Charles C. women and children. Formal dresses, RA 5.536 | A spec OSHAWA IE GREER and KELLY, Barristerg Solici- DRESSMARING alterations on i& : NEW EXECUTIVE SUMMER GOOD POSITION | 28--Houses for Rent RESSMARING ans, Mieratons or Colborne. Evenings by appointment ELECTRONICS ' Residence phones: aple price. RA 8-8666. RA 3-18! gi waterfront lots in new regis. mediate possession. RA 3.9625 M. Greer. BA, Sc, RA 3.3368: Ter. ------ EE S p 3 tered private subdivision with E ; . ee us for your gorden sup- pay accounts at downtown Dominion TELEPHONE EXPERIENCE [of VEN ROOM house. newly decors \RicHARD H. DONALD. BA Barrister, plies. Landscape Service 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex- Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe -- . usual and beautiful the Road and Adelaide. Immediate pos Ber RA ---------------------------- | Install heavy AX Spolding Kawartho lakes, safe natural COULD BE AN ASSET, session. Children welcome. $85 month and DRESSMAKER S rin Clean-U Painting and Decorating | Tower in 3-ft. by 4-ft. con- FURNISHED seven-room New, P 9g P OF shade trees, canal 40° wide at home on Colborne Street man, interior, exterior. Free estimates an aco ontenna, plus rear of lots with sheltered RA 82558 channel 9 trap. Londscape designing. Nursery Stock phone RA 3-4882. NEED help! | ON TIME IF YOU PREFER. hanging call For painting and paper sink Goulding, 204 Church Contact Charlottetown, P.F Mr. Ivan Keny, PO Box ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, April 25 ond 26. Phone Genosha Hotel these dates on for apointment CHILD FOR ADOPTION CRAIG the care of a Aid has been in Children's 741 lot employment, qualifications, | QUALITY with every conven- personal history and phone | ience is built into each of these summer homes, hydro, drilled wells, full plumbing, modern kitchens, fireplace, complete interior decorating plus dial, telephone with pri- vate or 2:-party line. Priced from $11,500 number YOUNG LADY Attractive personality, pleas- ant ond courteous for recep- tionist ond switchboard oper- Some knowledge of bookkeeping and typing des- irable. Excellent working con- ditions usual fringe benefits. Apply MR. HOUSE CHERNEY BROS. ator LOCATION: 4 miles west of Bobcaygeon on the Fenelon Falls Hwy., large signs ot entrance, paved road all the way; owner on property every afternoon, including week- ends FOUR-ROOM house and garage and water closet only, ed ki} ATTRACTIVE, room house with furniture welcom.e Close 720 SIX-ROOM 81 Av for PO possession May Tel Real SIX-ROOM, hasement Bus service at door every RA SE hea cant RA heat Apply no furnace with stoves. Rent reasonable Mill Street comfortable new five One service to bus RA house ailable May 1. further particulars NTIAC on Annis Street Avenue, six-room bungalow 30. Rent 110 monthly 8.1679. Harry Millen, ephone RA Estate three-bedroom bungalow occupied, available May 1 20 minutes 8.3392 VEN-ROOM vy duly at 178 836M brick house, oil furnace, wiring, downtown. now va Albert Street. Telephone child Telephone RA 8.8129 COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET RA 5-9953 Building Trades CERAMIC ol Driving School OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Complete Garden Service RA 8-6366 Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY -- Baton Telephone Tap, Royal Academy, Ballet, High: land Register now. 424 King West, ! RA 5.6122 LILIAN MAE MARSH, dance educator dancing school, ballet, tap, baton, ac LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School Instructors licenced by the Province of Ontario. Day and evening lesson RA 8-0091 Fuel and Wood repairs of all kinds, new WARDWOOD factory ends, T all work guaranteed. Ra 8.2402 RA 3.9815 tar and gravel. repairs. No job "tile, bathrooms. kitchens. No commercial or seconds used, Best workmanship, best prices. COlfax 3.2331. DON'T put it off, put it on. roofing, siding, flat roofs, eavestroughing, paint. ing. Phil Harper. MO 8-4558 ROOFING applied, free estimates AND Hl alt shingles roofing Furniture Repair FURNITURE "or te EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE. ( Len and Lou's City T.V. FREE SURVEY RA 5.7844 SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8-8180 OSHAWA T.V. © 361 GIBBONS ST. Street. RA 5.7297. PAINTING and decoratnig. F cheapest and best, telephone RA 3 B, UPTON! B sa ied! High quality | painting and decorating, for free esti mates call RA 3.2977. EXPERT painting by rates, anteed "Don. Re depending room size. W Dial RA 8.2679 or F RA Tats 5 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-523] NIGHTS RA 5.7426 touch-up repairs Society since he was an in- French polishing. fant. He hos developed into a pleasant and attractive boy with his « dork good looks, regular features and fair complexion. He is a husky three-year-old, but has two serious health problems, One is eczema, which responds to medication; the other a con- genital heart condition (a hole between the ventricles) which Doctors soy con be remedied by surgery in about six years' time, CRAIG hos a lot to face the future He needs parents of his own to help him If you are Roman Catholic and feel you would like to make this child your own through adop- | tion, write THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 5 3--Pets & Livestock KID and milking goats Estimates free 80 KING STREET EAST too big or too small - m Wnted 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent '10 #8003 or RA 56937 -- oR IE 7 Male elp ante UPPRE DUPLEX, north FOR RE EF room BOY wanted for full time store work. Mary Street. $90 Phone ent," {ire Apply 272 King Street East RA 8.2418 MALE help sales clerk SELF-CONTAINED, for Dept. Store required. ment, private bath, sink and built-in a specialty. New Apply Box 647 cupboards in kitchen, immediate pos \irements. IRUCK driver for tatniivre session. _Apply 513 Richmond East - i river for |THE ROYAL Coin and Stamp Store. Must be reliable handyman room apartment, garage and | 1925 nickel. Queen Victoria coins of Furniture. 20 Church Street in village, on paved road, close - and Bowmanville. COlfax Canada if not badly worn. silver dol lars below 1949 except 1939, old Cana ASSISTANT 10 OFFICE MANAGER Indian head cents. two cent etc Fair prices paid Creek. New and used furniture Tele sential Purchasing experi- {phone RA 8.4401. a ence helpful. Selary com- MO 8-3328 I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 ARCHITECTURAL S530 FOR SALE registered beagle male, Six Bowmanville, Ont {i Wants cors for wrecking. Drawings. Required im- REGISTERED Boston terriers, three, Parts for sale, also scrap iron mediately. a HT Businens Opportunities REQUIRED -- Reauty salon ar suit Oshawa RA 8.2881 Times Building {12--Articles Wanted [WANTED used boat trailer. capable of handling inboard at 18'. Phone Hamp |ton, COlfax 3-2075. [WILL pay $100 cash for best refriger |ator offered, Telephone RA 8.3149 {120 BASS accordion preferably i size iood condition. Telephone RA 3-210 robatic, * pre-school, character, Friday Saturday. Masonic Temple, RA 3.7253 PRIVATE teacher student counsellor, If years' experience, by interview only Act now. RA 5.1034. Telephone SANDALWOOD PAINTERS Irterior---Exterior Paper Hanging OSHAWA, RA 8-1367 AJAX WH 2-4085 Personal Service PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or half. AUTO INSURANCE day 8.30 to 5.30. 581 Simcoe North. RA GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use o CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to @ STARLIGHT TOWER and you'll have the best. GET THAT CLEAR CTURE NOW! estimates, interior, dividers, escapes, 2-bedrooms monthly Fur Storage star a "and industrial building homes built to own FURS COME ouT Hess Construction LIKE NEW WITH YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim. PICKWICK CL EANERS! nevs built and repaired, gas linings in Speciol Cleaning and stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti 'Summer Storage Special mates. RA 3.2097 Dial RA 3 4532 ALL TYPES of home repairs and re 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH It you are a careful driver LL modeling, recreation rooms, roofing Workmanship Sosranteed, Free esti OSHAWA FURRIERS ee may. sove $10 $15 or -26( Je - 4 on your car insurance or TRY OUR better th 209%. Preferred SA REST Yous rivers icy the lowest ere | BAR-B-OUED CHICKEN Chicker late, STYLE AT LOW ii in Ontario through this of- with french fries, SUMMER RATES. fice. Half-year payments Call us today and compare chips, hamburgs, CALL RA 8-8322 milk shokes or come to ~--ample tree parking MODERN GRILL King St. East (upstairs) experienced three-room apart! co MERCIAL References Oshawa Times Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance to 20 per eent, six months to pay personal service at your home, RA 5.7413. "Save up For call store Wilson's FIVE garden, Oshawa 3.2394 THREE-ROOM basement apartment, outlet, kitchen cupboards and sink Three-piece shower bath, heavy wiring near buses. Working couple. Telephone RA 35-7940. ATTRACTIVE apartment, reasonable rent, one bedroom. private bath, Avail able now, north-west district. Close to sho; and bus. Telephone RA 5.9947 ONE Use a new aluminized picture tube installed by, expert TV technicians,, and you'll have the finest. Modest prices -- call us for service: | T.R.1.O. TELEVISION 171. BOND STREET EAST RA 8-6781 Well Drilling-Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE Specializing in 30" Tile WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809% 204 CHESTNUT ST, W. TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING and deepening. COMRRESSOR WORK RA 8-3864 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Loam, Sand ond Fill. Dial-- RA 5-5279 in halt chicken tish and hot dogs, room apartment with private bath, hot water, heating, private en trance, modern kitchen. 267 Blvd. North FURNISHED bachelor basement apartment, separate entrance and bath, Central. Quiet tenant, Telephone RA 39800 after 6 p.m TWO-BEDROOM apartment, in new apartment building, near Shopping Centre, electrically equipped, includ ing automatic washer and dryer. Apply Apt. 5, 213 Montrave Avenue TWO large rooms, completely furnish ed for light housekeeping including electric refrigerator and stove, use of washing machine and dryer. Central to downtown and shopping centre | working couple, $15 weekly, RA 5.5 Oshawa SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD WE DELIVER--RA 5.3887 11 360. King St. West. RA 3.2265 Plumbing Heating ALL Plumbing -- Gardening and Supplies CLIFF BROWN |cevar fees or "vmdres GRAVEL & SAND |Guhawar Bowmanville: BLACK LOAM di Delivery RA 8-895] LEN-DEL garden service, Lawn Mowers LAWN mower to power motors and heating supplies and repairs Phone RA 2 Harold R. Stark,| bicycles, outboard Ltd , plumbing. heating and engineer. RA 5-8063 in 3 Simcoe Street South THRE piece baths, pressure systems, tanks, |boards, lawnmowers, piping and fit- tings of all kinds. H. Chinn, corner Hillside and Park Road. RA 3-7088.! BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps, (ete.), any For free esti Free delivery, Whitby, Ajax v sharpefing mowers for Rosedale Marine sale. RA sump pumps, WE SHARPEN AND RENT motors. out ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call-- STAN'S CORNER KING & BURK STS, 3.3224 ail Money to Loan for CLIENTS money to loan of firs! mort | fix gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale piirchased. NHA mortgage arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drypan and Mur |doch, lawns cut rates, new specialty and cared for, reasonable sub-division, landscaping a RA 5.2706 or RA 5.9195. E. R. KNOWLTON | LANDSCAPING SERVICE for IONE AND TWO BEDROOM! TOASTER AND IRON | APARTMENTS | REPAIRS LA SALLE COURT | FRANK MEAPLIER | tev i Phone RA 5-3815 | © 92 SIMCOE ST N fepans or RA 8-6485 | OSHAWA -- RA 5-4711 | SG: . trimming, de fleaing, boarding. Waubena Kenneis RA 56321 | water and bathroom service L burners, hot ced air turnaces ure t and PAR | NLR PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day er Night the time Spring fertilizing, Hing {scarce American coins such as large {ing highest prices in Oshawa, Valley general accounting work es- MR. GLEN WAUGH AND FEATHER TICKS AUTO WRECKING CO. stud service available. MA 35745, | charge of Working RA 5-231] 89 BLOOR E. ARCHITECTS --. ENGINEERS Re 5--Farmers Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptls Phone collect, Hamplon, COlfax 3.2721 Margwill Yur Farm, Tyrone. Lie. 113, Top soil ond sod. dian and other tokens, gold coins of REQUIRED {WANTED -- all kinds of household fur- mensurate with ability. Phone WANTED | Collect) DRAFTSMAN months old. Phone Ajax WH 2.1233, months, sired hy '$9 CNE Champion.| ond rotols efc. bought. Open MAYER and able location W and give full par 5 RA 5-6047 {any country in nice condition, also |niture, refrigerators, stoves, etc. Pay Knowledge and experience in for appointment. SCRAP IRON, POULTRY SHAW Able to take complete POODLES for sale, miniature and toys, | Maia or female, $65. RA 5.9657 aft after | Saturday oll day. Phone. 'ticulars te Box 84%, Oshawa Times. |