LODGES AND SOCIETIES COURT CHARLENE COF The regular monthly meeting of Court Charlene No, L 1750 was held in the Orange Temple on Thursday, April 13, 1061, Court was officially opened by President Sister Winnifred Killen according to ritual, | |President Sister Winnifred Kil. len welcomed visitors from Court Venture No, L 1892 Bow- manville, who initiated five new members, This ceremony was most impressive and beaut fully executed by the degree team. Court Venture wore their new robes. Sister Margaret Smith reported on the sick. Communications were read by Sister Irene -Nutter, Court ' |Charlene is to send a represen- tative to the meeting at Hills: dale Manor May 2, 1961. Sister Marie Manning report: ed for District Council and re- minded everyone of the Church parade April 30, 1061, at Whit. by United Church, Parade time 1.30 p.m, from the Church, A | |dance is to be held June 10, 1961, sponsored by District Council and all proceeds to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing So- | |clety, The Oshawa Airport and the orchestra are all donating their services free of charge, Sister Margaret Smith was nominated as delegate to the High Court convention to be held in Victoria, BC, in June, Court was officially closed by ¥ | President Sister Winnifred Kil MORNING GLORY fce with matching braid a young lady is this design of | trim. Easy-care fabric insures arnel and cotton check. Chanel | crisp freshness through count. jacket covers sleeveless bod- | less wear. Westmount H-S Association Hears Talk On Safety Patrols Constable William Tane of|dent, the Oshawa brought to the members A many occasion dress for conducted the business Police Foreejperiod. Reports were given by len assisted by Sister Molly Hartshorn, Gayle Bowman Becomes Bride Of Jim Allingham The marriage of Gayle Mar. ion, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William Bowman, and James Howard Allingham, son of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd George Alling. ham, all of Oshawa, took place recently in Northminster Unit. ed Church, The Reverend H, A, Mellow officiated with Mr, John Robert. son playing the wedding music, The bride was given in mar. riage by her father. She wore a ballerina gown of white lace GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 20, 1961 §. | Port Perry Girl Guide Presented With Gold Cord In United Church Mrs, Donald Fox of Oshawa, camp supervisor, who called The recent honor bestowed upon Donna Heayn, daughter o! Mr, and Mrs, Norman Heayn, of Port Perry, will always remain foremost in the memories of her Guide activities, Donna received, in the presence of her fellow Guides, Brownies, her family and some 50 friends and neighbors, her gold cord, a sym- bol of the highest achievement in Girl Guides. Donna is the {Seventh Guide in the period of [14 years of Guiding in Port this coveted en the Gold Cord on her daugh- ter. Other presentations made were: The solid Gold Trefoil Guide pin, presented by Mrs, Leslie McDonald, chairman of the Local Association; a sterling silver Guide coffee spoon pre: sented by Guide Diane Johns on behalf of the 1st Company and Guide Margaret Ann Wither. spoon, a recent Gold Cord win. ner, made the presentation of a sterling silver Guide ring on be: half of the 2nd Company. Donna received many other gifts, hymn and the national anthem among which was a Bible and {the colors were presented by|rhinestone jewellery, | {Perry to receive award, The presentation was made in Port Perry United Church, Fol. lowing the opening processional was| 4 Kibbon spoke on temperance, { of one of her trips abroad. l [those taking part and the Kin. _|dred Group served lunch, ° upon the Guide's mother to fast.|~ {Christ There ST. ANDREW'S WMS The Easter thank-offering meeting of the Afternoon Wom- en's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's United Church was held recently with the presi- Jet, Mrs, Lloyd Pegg, presid- ng. The worship service, "Crown Him The Lord of Life," was read by Mrs. Pegg, Mrs, J. Fetterly, Mrs. Samuel Snowden and Mrs, Harold Sproule, The solos, "How Great Thou Art," and "In a Garden," were sung by the guest soloist, Mr. Clar- ence Toaze, . Mrs, Fegy reminded everyone present of the tea in McLaugh- lin Hall in aid of the Cancer fund, Articles for the overseas rellef could be left at the church or at the home of Mrs, H. Allen, 102 Elgin street east. Mrs, Nesbitt McKibbin of Pic. ton, who is the secretary of Christian citizenship of the Belleville Presbyterial, was in. troduced by Mrs, Gerald Stone- burg of Wellington, Mrs, Mc aclal brotherhood and peace fter which a film was shown Mrs, George Telford express. ed thanks of the group to all B AND PW CLUB The April meeting of the Osh: awa Business and Professional Women's Club was held at Adelaide House on Monday evening April 17, Mrs. Eileen Wilson, president, presided and expressed regret able to be present, tries at the Seminar, ecutive, congratulating bership trophy. was Club, The Misses Florence to Australia, of the annual meeting which to be held Monday, May 15. NORTHMINSTER WMS low, the president, Mrs. Kenneth Farrow sang solo and Mrs, E. charge of the ducted the devotional Mrs. E, the "Thank Offering". District No, 5, was ill and un- Miss Lillian Saunders, a dele- gate to the U.N. Seminar in To- ronto, gave a report of the Seimnar, She gave the high lights of the various speakers representing the different coun. A letter was read from Miss C.|Dorothy Milligan a member of the B and P W Federation 2s the local club on winning the mem- The B and P W Conference being held in Cobourg, April 20, announced and Misses Gladys Hill and Louise Poole ire going as delegates from the and Rose Hawkes were welcomed back after their extensive trip The members were reminded A meeting of Northminster United Church WMS was held recently, with Mrs, H, M, Mel- presiding. Besides the regular business, plans were made for the pack: Ing of the overseas bale in May. §. Dafoe and Mrs. Wilbur Perkin, who had meeting, con- period, D. Cornish dedicated The highlight of the meeting was an address by Miss Milli! as her theme, GIRL GUIDE ASSN. (Kingsway District) members, were read from the E. R. Higgl ville Coolidge. cates, Keitha Mosier, Crouter and Sherfy from Oshawa certificates. Mrs. H. J. Norris Camp at Newtonville, is month, SOUTH COURTICE H AND meeting. cent Luke who chose "Easter" The. April meeting of the Kingsway District of the Girl Guide Association was held at Guide House, Miss Vera Moyse presided and welcomed' the 15 The secretary and treasurer's reports were read and reports annual meeting In Toronto by Mrs. ns and Mrs. Mel There were 198 Guides who received their Gold Cord certifi- Bonnie Hennick received their reported Summer Camp dates at Camp Adelaide in Haliburton also the Mrs. H. M. Sparkes reported 111 badges earned during the Arrangements were made for the distribution of cookies on cookie day May 6. The next meeting will be held on May 10, The regular meeting of South Courtice Home and School As- @lgociation 'was held at the school on Monday, April 17, This meet: ing was Fathers' Night and the Fathers conducted the entire | Mr. Robert Salway, acting president, opened the meeting. Mr, Ronald Storey read the minutes and Mr, Arthur Paats gave the treasurer's report. Master Billy Wade played. four selections on the . spiel, accompanied by mo ther on the plano. A film, "Sociable Sixes to Noisy Nines" was shown and afterwards groups were formed to discuss the merits of the film. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Kenneth Ormiston and her committee. PMA CLUB The regular m of the Pleasant Monday rnoofl Club was opened with the: resident, Mrs, Elwood Brad: ey presiding and extending a: warm welcome to all present.' The opening hymn was sung fol. lowed by all repeatin, the' Lord's Prayer. The roll was. called by Mrs, R. G. Collison. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. John Collison; the sec- retary's report was read by Mrs. Duncan Nisbet and the treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Wiliam Reed, Mrs. Goodman and Mrs, Chamber. lain were reported sick. Birth day greetings were sung for Mrs. James Stone; readings were given by Mrs, Pat terson, Mrs. George Fowler, Mrs. William Collins and Mrs. R. G. Collison. A card of thanks was receive ed from Mrs. Stanley Harrison who has left for England. The meeting closed with a hymn and all repeated the Mizpah. Refreshments were served Mrs. Charles Arkle and Mrs. F. M. Shepardson and all enjoy- ed a social time, me that the speaker, Miss Jennie Pringle, regional advisor for kindness, loyalty, and love of one's neighbor," After the losing hymn "In is No East or West," the standard bearers re tired the colors, The congregation joined in singing "0 Canada" and the blessings of the church were given by Mr. Linstead. SOCIAL HOUR Following this very impressive ceremony a reception was held in the Sunday School auditorium, The tea table was attractive with its spring flowers in golden hue and gleaming silver, Mrs, Leslie McDonald, chairman of Canada's No. WRINGER WASHER with the GL IS and organza; the lace Soncatsiiides Lynne Beate and Nancy} An inspiring address styled with a sabrina neckline|gyards, Guides Valerie Edgar,|S!Ve" by the guest speaker, uy te nll sist of organsa, Marie Cook, Shirley Hockins/Mrs. E. A. Collins, of Oshawa, gern EN afieta ee, and Linda Harris. who was introduced by the Divi ' Mrs. Arnold Roach, district{sion Commissioner, Mrs, Clar ence Carter, of Scugog. of | secretary. . ry, treasurer and corre the local Association, and Mrs.| Donald Milne, a past chairman, | poured tea and the Guide and Brownie Mothers' Auxiliary act. ed as hostesses for the occasion, The refreshments were served by Guides Linda Harris, Shir ley Hockins, Marie Cook, Val erie Edgar, Nancy McDonald, Lynne Beare and Margaret Ter- rett, The ushers for the evening] were Guides Carol Ann Mor- row, Lois Milne and Karen Mark. Out-of-town guests were pres. ent from Oshawa, Scugog, Man. | chester, Toronto and Port Perry. | Donna, accompanied by her parents and relatives, attended the ceremonies held recently in| Convocation Hall, Toront 0 Westmount Home and School{sponding secretary. Association a message on Safe) Mrs, Lloyd White, bazaar ty Patrol System which is in|chairman, suggested the H and effect in 28 schools in Oshawa|S plan a bazaar for October. and started in 1955. {CAC meeting at E. A. Lovell Members of the safety patrol/School Monday, April 234, also have to be at their corner a half Home and School Council on hour before school opening. Tuesday, April 25, at E. A, Lov. They are. divided into teams.|e)l School. Theme "Safety". Constable Tane mentioned the, aps Ralph Boneham and fact they have more girls onjzpg Graydon Gutsole gave re- the patrols and they are or ports from the Home and School conscientious. The Kinsmen|., vention held recently in To- Club supplies the raincoats and ronto belts. : Mr. JF. H. Ross announced Most accidents occur in Kin-|iyay 3 senior public school will dergarten and Grade 1 ag@ ye hyilt and pupils from Grades queen's crown of arls a 3 crystals tipped with: Brilliante summissioaer of the Souges De eld her elbow-le .| vision, acte stress of cere- RESTIN broidered and feagth vel, She |monles and after extending a/INTERESTING ADDRESS carried a nosegay of white car- hearty welcome, called upon| Mrs. Collins, who is the Cen- nations and roses with/Guide Crystal Shaw to repeat tral Area: Commissioner, out: satin streamers, the Guide Law. This was suc.|lined the requirements of a gold Miss Sylvia Szikszay was|ceeded by the Brownie Prayer,|cord winner and also explained maid of honor wearing Ter blue|repeated in unison by the|the different honored positions silk organza over taffeta in bal Brownies and the Guide Prayer|of the officers present, In her lerina style with accessories to/was repeated by the Guides,|Pleasant manner, Mrs, Collins Mich wi Saying . osegay which was followed by the held the interest of all during y of white carnations, pink roses|yord' g ; her talk, Her topic was based Xuiife. There had beck nine thel? and 8 from Woodcrest, Ade-|and pink streamers, y ord's Prayer in unison jon "Archery" and how it could gp B laide McLaughlin and West:| Mr, Marrill MacDonald was CEREMONIAL SALUTE be used and applied in one's own Constable Tane mentioned|Mmount will attend. He stressed best man and the bridegroom's| After the Guide Hymn, "Godilife. She suggested that the ac at Pt (RL DRE 00 17 ERL Ah gE Cv bo Br shu B « ; N ' ® , ushered. lgeauty, L] A 1 M 8 "ss . aioli oT could co-operate by seeing that| A Teception was held in the|Brownies, Beth Robe rt hy bi gigi a where she Tecelved her coruft Tule especially broken is at.|\h® pupils spend more time on| Corvair Room of the Hotel Gen-(Charlene Bourgeois and Susan|missing the mark, but always| oe. { ht ap the subject which they are weak| osha. To receive, the bride's!Terrett, gave the © oniall* eave. | tempting to cross the road be; wwe" auendance prize was moth MiMphdy ott, gave eremonial "hitting the bull's eye." In her Ju P Ss mother wore a two-plece dressisalute to a Gold Cord Guide. closing remarks, Mrs. Collins tween intersections and coming h » out between parked cars, ou by IS. Tyne agin bi room. A jandaiwsed brocade with|prayer and scripture readings|stated, "If 1 could ask for one| SAD ACER OTL eg The moths of chidrn fb tnd rowan" accesories, we ive By the' Reverend spc wih fo yout would b and riding two on a bike is the|s te "yen bo tie room serv-lin dusk oars In 3 he oh SIE, S. Lipstead and Miss Glorialthe gift of human understanding. | | E 9 yer ®18 Hastings presided at the organ. (It is one of our most precious| worst offence in the bicycle| 4 refreshments i / Auk You | L with beige accessories, { field. Bicycle licences will bel Mr. and Mrs. Allingham will] Guide Donna Heayn was pre-|character traits, for it embraces uy sale a qehoa) ANY MN. at THE CHEF SAYS {make their home. in Oshawa. [sented with the gold cord by'all the other qualities, charity | parents see that the children] To season fresh asparagus | played their games in a safe with a gourmet's touch, com- 4 : : . new liquid chemical discovery place in parks and yards, but/bine 4 cup of the cooking not on the road liquid with three to four table. Constable Tane was introduc: spoons butter, Add 15 to ed by Mrs James Anderson(teaspoon of celery seed or without permanent waving solutions! and thanked by Mrs. Stanley/thyme OR !4 to !§ teaspoon of Gomme { marjoram, oregano, paprika, or Mr. Lloyd Gaskin led in a/rosemary. Simmer uncovered community singsong of safety!for five minutes and pour over traffic jingles {cooked asparagus. Serve imme- Mrs. Graydon Gutsole, presi. diately As casual as if you were born with it, your hair can be radiant with beautiful curls and waves, in the latest style without permanent waving JUST COMB IN t neutralizing, without sprays, lacquers or sticky, Ne matter how straight and hard to cont flaky gums. In the miracle of one application ¢ difficult to your hair is, just apply PERFORM HAIR curl hair develops entrancing, fascinating waves as natural ing a8 WAVING LOTION then comb through nat wavy hair, Most important, you don't have to put up your oir and pul up on regular curler or hair t A pins. In the morning your hair will be after night, fat Jew ave stays 3 Mun up Jolt has as much as you , aleep on it, ow in the wind. .. just comb and back into i place fall those soft lovely curls and waves still ag natural looking as if lovely with canal waves ond curls, 8 you were blessed with wavy hair all your life perfect a1 naturally wavy hair. No wragely And, equally important, your hair gleams radiantly, is so soft, © andy, #0 "licks. ne need for pina. smooth, so natural to touch. There's none of that "dred straw™ fealing And, no mater how damp ond dame! you get after ts... none of the stickiness of sprays and lae- ot ond the weather quars.. none of that old country "fixed sot™ look as you get after wave ho ho Te ant id aety sets And, most important of all, your casual curls and waves still look he 0 day a he 9 So try his aman Bones he hth day an they do the first, yet the cost Ing diacovary, Ask for Perform lode. Hair As Notrolly Wove Spee. scorers As If You Were Born With Wavy Hoir a HA - KILL) Ex CONVINCING NOME TRIAL OFFER Sol © oul wave the hair of t sam ERE sat ion 8 t © ST STARS OF | 24@ \Y D2 GAN @F O MY FAIR LADY] || ousion ay BLUEBIRD INGLIS Sterling Canada's finest wringer washer, the Inglis Sterling with "Magi-Matic" wring- er, famous "Hercules" mechanism, new lint filter, automatic pump, large casters and attractively grouped controls for easy speration. Plus many more benefits exclusive to Inglis ~--and it is guaranteed for S years. SEE THIS LEB DELUXE MODEL TODAY Sale Price Only OTHER INGLIS MODELS COMPLETE WITH PUMP AND CHROME WRING- ER. PRICED FROM 99.00 Guaranteed perfect and insured free against loss. You ean be sure when it's Bluebird. DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS PAY AS LITTLE AS || 10% DOWN TERMS: Ingegement Ring Wedding Ring i $20.00 Down $4.23 Down { $5.00 Weekly S130 Weekly BURNS) Credit Jewellers Led. 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7022 We Are Speechless! § Well . . . simest! To dete our BROOM BLITZ has met with é thanks te the enthusiastic Othawe eith Your Jaycees . . . still have a lor of cells te make, Buy a Broom . . . from the Jaycee representative when he knocks ot your door . . . keep in tune with the other Civic Minded Oshawens. wi WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Frank Meagher | Appliances HN 92 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE RA 54711 Remember . . . The drive ends April 25th. The money raised hh for Civie pve proi Pd HELP YOUR JAYCEES HELP YOU ! JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE wna 9 SIMCOE ST. N RA 3-3431 - ARE ADE