The Oshawa Times, 17 Apr 1961, p. 7

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'Members Present Playlet ' At Queen Elizabeth H&S | peopie Mrs, Carson Beard welcomed everyone #t the April meeting of dl Elizabeth Home #04 Sehorh Assoriation, The play "The Interpreter" based on famifies moving 19 & new community and members of Home and School visiting these and inviting them 0 leome 19 Home and School and lind ont just what the Associa gy, a \ A PICTURE OF HEALTH Ken J grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Byron Cooper, Toronto and Mr, snd Mrs, Arthur Har: ringion, Stirling, Ontario. Ireland Studio This bonny baby boy | neth Wobert Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Cooper Vinucane street, Kenhy was one year old April | hd Physical Exercise Important To School Work Parents Told wits thetpresident of Home and Schoo guest speaker at the regular Council will install the new of meeting of Vincent Mussey ficers for the year 1961-62 Home and School Association, At the close of the meeting using ms his topic physical ft vofreshments were served by nang Mrs, Bruce Lidster and moth We have become spectators oes from Grades 1 and 2, with in sports," he sald as Mu the of social con much easier to watch teley VERRY MeCarl than to keep fil in the way ne cpssary to play hockey or io compete in the Olympics. Par ents must assist their children to do the exercises they do In school, they must also show an example, If a ohild finds i im possible to do some of the things required of him, the rea son of this should be discov ered, thus saving great trouble Inter on in life" Dr. Krantz said it wa ing the number of children who could not meet the tests of hasic exercises; 65 per cent In Canada compared (0 8 per cent! The ceremony took place in in Australia and Furope wa Hedwig's Roman Catholic 100 great a difference he said. [Church with the Reverend Felix Exercises were the greatest Kwiatkowski officiating way to relieve tension, he re: The bride was given in mar marked, Dr. Krantz was iiro-ipiage by Mr. Joseph Paceesny duced by Mrs. D. Barnes, she wore a full length gown of health convener, and thanked white nylon net and lace with a by Mrs, J, Dewell for hs interisealloned neckline and tapered esting talk sleeves. Cascading tiers of nylon The business meeting Was net and lace formed the bouf conducted by Mrs. C, 15. Twining fant skirt and a pearled coronet and the secretary's and (reas: held her fingertip veil, She car urer's reports were approved. ried a bouquet of white cara Mr. R. Rodgers room won (ons the attendance banner for the evening and Mr W Arm and Mr. Walter Pie strong's class won the pr Nock oted money for the year for winning' ' : : Waid ak: th the banner the greatest num reception was held a e home of Mr, and Mrs, Walter M times at ol I introduced arChasiak, Chadburn street, The new teacher for Grades 1 and 2,[°0uple left on a brief honey: Mrs, Bruce James, who is re moon and are making their placing Mrs, Betty Mumberson home in Oshawa Plans were laid for an educa tions! trip for Grade 8 pupils HOUSEHOLD HINT the graduation dinner in June! To avoid the frantic morning convened by Mrs, M. Kashulipuen 0 fix box lunches for your and Ibe _Durchasing of 4 Lig husband or children, make up # Ll Oo { « 8 SU " At \he opp meeting a repre of sandwiches in sentative from the St, John Am advance and put them in the bulance will show a film on the Tere When the time comes new method of artificial respir.'0 Pack the lunch boxes, put in ation. mouth to mouth, and also the frozen sandwiches and by demonstrate the conventional lunch time they will be thawed method, Mrs. J. Allen and ready to eal leo 1. Krantz DI } assistance Mrs. | 3 ion } Comes From Poland To Be Married Here Miss rene Perlak arrived re cently from Poland to be united n marria W Mr. Leon Bar The b 5 the daughter late Mr. and Mrs, John and the bridegroom, a of Oshawa, Is the son John Bermuta of Poland Mr. Barmuta th ie muta of the Perak resident of Mrs and the late ams 81 Wesley Gelruckl acted as man good supply Vive tions did to create a betler wn arest and outlook between the E (Home and the School with the | | Montreal's BABY BONUS DRAW FREE! FREE! Cosh your Family Allowance Cheques of Kresge's. Fill out 0 ba If your name d Kresge's w FREE Mer chondise Voucher ¢ of CheQue > Q ou s Ow ro] LUCKY WINNERS FOR MARCH DOWNTOWN STORE Mm, F. Pritchard, 92 Burk St. Oshowe SHOPPING CENTRE STORE Mrs. R. Jones, 1015 King St. S., Whitby 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE parents and teachers was Girect od by Mrs. David Hutcheon, who introduced the cast: Mrs, John Hoskin, Mrs. Christ White, Mrs Nelson Wright and Mrs, Garnet Johnstone Mrs, Carson Weard thanked the members who took part The monthly paper drive will be held the third Wednesday » b) PERSONALS Mrs, Stanley Barrison, Cubert sireet, has eff for an extended A Ieaderstip Camp will visit to England. She sailed on be held June 15 through June 18 the 55 "ivernia' irom Montresd Lake Couchiching on Thessday The room prize was won by Yrs, Frances Rendeen's onder garten class. Conlederztion re " birthday pariies, wed ding anniversaries) coming wad ports were read ~ morning ses. BPPES of guests and your own ion, Mrs, Mary Tomhnson holiday plans are always of b- afternoon session, Mrs, Esther terest in this column. Wire telephone or visit the social de Queen Elizabeth Home and variment for which there bs no School's next meeting May 2\charge. Telephone BA 39474 will include the election and in tallation of officers, All annual The wight of cards held at the reports must he prepared and home of Mrs, lea Rates handed in to the secretary, The Thormion's road hb, by the executive will he in charge of XI Alpha Chapter 'of Bela Sigma refreshments for May Phi was officially opened by Refreshments were served by Mrs, Bernard LeFanrichon. The mothers of pupils from Mrs, Prize WIRers i juded Mrs Hendrew's kindergarten room Fred Naish, Mrs, G. E., Mowiion with Mrs, Duffy and Mrs, Chris Mrs, Dopeld Mitchell, Mrs White, grade mothers D. E. Bager, Mrs, Max Slessor and Mrs. Arnold Duke Fras 8, oh Jo Aldwinekle, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 17, 1961 7 Women's Editor Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Arkless attended the gepersl meeting of the Ontario Federation for the Cerebral Palsied on Sunday pfternoon, held at the Sheraton Connaught Rotel, Hamilton when the guest speaker was Mr Keith 5. Armstrong, Ph.D. na tional executive director, Capa. dian Council for Crippled Chil dren and Adults, on Sunday moming, Mr Arkless #n executive meeting for Digl RA 3.3474 ™ Cerebral Palsy week the The Oshawa Curling Club's an Waiters in Habitant Dress At All-Canadian Banquet Barely & crumb from outside Canada will be ved 10 the 400 delegates from over world attending highlighting he Conference of the Alr Transport A Queen Hotel on April 18 Planned as a gay break in the inten sessions during conference, the bangu tures waiters d wallers carry " of mock fish, and an ¢ ly mounted de vacherin pl TE To empha the theme the hotel dressed in habitant « singing French - ( will 50 thu lJ neuet 14th Techn Internationa atioy Plizahet 0 hithe { IREror inad 16 { ir iter mn | inadian folk rage COUrse & [ish ved For 1 SONES {1 before it is course the ceded by wo carrying the f{ walters disguised lead In the parade course. ach tubis ser Wi yl hnet a of the mi will Fl be deck Hampton Pair Feted By Friends On Anniversary The evening of April 4 will long he remembered Mr, and Mrs. William Axford of Hampton r 70 of their friends ed at the home, to offe gratulations on their fifth wedding anniversai Mr. Axford and the for Miss Marga Johnst of Bowmanville yer i there in Trinity United Church They started their married life at Scarborough Bluffs, and have lived in Hampton for the last eight years With them to celebrate their silver-wedding were their daugh ter (Iris), Mrs. William Nash and her husband, of Oshawa and their son Murray, at home Many lovely gifts, fl letters and telegrams and beau tiful cards, combined with the personal greetings to make the occasion very ' 196} when and rela ove 7 con twenty ret " bot} n wers al or " spe | nual closing dance was held on Saturday night when 80 couples danced to the muy { "(ene and His Btarliter dance enmmittep was under the chair manship of Mr Parker Two lucky spot dances were held with prizes awarded to Mr and Mrs, Graham Beeley and Mr, and Mrs. George Tresise Oscar checkered linen and candles in bottles th hied by M 'ed menu will baked from ), roast tender adian beef, Oka cream served in with chestnut on the aun (pickerel n ie hanit i ms he int a] dore yandir Miss Netley, who has spent some months in England Joyce wale nN and Europe, arrived in Montreal of Er gla ' on and is on Kir Empres i Oshawa April 12 famil on 'the and in Wednesday simplified re { dore mandine Roland Bouyet { of The Queen Eliz A morning ving i with her y z street b che h Hotel ea A meeting of the Great ( ouncil omen's League fiss Norah be leaving 1 tr as presented prays Al the Bt. Gregory of the Catholic held recently Coughlin, who Oshawa in the live in Grimsby, » mother of hook. Miss Coughlin has heen a member of the League it was organized in Oshawa In 1921, Mrs. C. ( Murty made the presentation. and ded the good wishes of St y's Council for the fut new home and their losing so faithful pril ' th DORE, AMANDINE he (Serves four) fy f (6 or. each) blanched almonds in 3 thsps. butter Dore [ eu future n with a ince ier nur pepper and paprika to ( ure her regi at member pper the fillets and dust with and butter to the fillets over a f until golden I in a serving dish, add lemon juice, parsley and a laver of sauteed almonds.' chef, Roland serving Dore steamed new h green beans, Dip a t oil i fry flame fillets BEST FRESH Any frozen foods containing eggs, milk gravy or dressings should be used within two hours of preparation or else refrigerated until served edium ce the meat { The banquet | IRQests Bou Amandine with t and fre attended Dr. 8. J. Phillips H-S Assn. Meets At McLaughlin Library The April meeting of the Dy hem to the advantages of 8. J. Phillips Home snd School public Jibrery Asoneiation was nthe Ochown children pre foran Children's Department of He ote thet arrangements bave Oshawa Melasghin Library. A been made so thet the pupils talk on "Children's Reading" of Grades 4 and 5 Ww every oy was ven by Miss Enid Wal sonool visit the library with lace who js aseistont 19 Whe their teachers once & Wonth Chief Librarian and Bead of the Tris scours during schoo srs Boys and Girls Department, when the |ibrary staff can give Miss Wallace took ber audience shem maximums wiention wd on 2 Aelighifid execu IBi0B assistance. U all these children dough & wide variety of Wl tried no visit the Whrary after drew's hooks, and explained the cohol hours snd on Saturdays function of that pert of the Li they sust couldn't be accommo brary which is her particsiar dated IREETR In this Bepartinent there are In the choosing of books, ehik- ooo, cop goin diildeen I» dren need guidance just as they "07% TV do when choosing cothes or Grades 7 and §, hooks for per food. A good children's book is nis to Teal (0 children, hooks one which an adult can emioy. for Leahers and. encyciopae Children can acysire pleasure, Bas or reference stimulation and information. The business meeting was through their library and per-conducied by the president ents need not walk wotil ohll- Mrs, D. K. Stiles and the pro dren can read before introducing gram was wrrenged by Mrs, = APR. 18 to APR 25 We are Sweeping the town , , , from corner to comer with o BROOM BLITZ It's 8 fund raising compeign by Junior Chamber The mm your Jaycee : Co yt of TINErie tained ment projec ot yo r thot Jaycee gent HELP YOUR JAYCEES HELP YOU! ney ob s used for C 7 Jr door, buy 8 broom from Bernard Croder whe duced the speaker Mrs. Robert Richardson ex pressed 'he apprecietion of the sudience pnd refreshments were served later by grade mo thers of Mes. Eathicene Sle ghenson's ad Miss Jeep Bayne's asses Copyeners were Mus. 0. J. Broadbent, Mrs. Dovgies Forresier, Mes A RB Gaver snd Mrs. ¥. J. Temple The president aspologired for reporting Mrs. Manse Mac Jand's name ncorrectly Fast manih DRAPES y nN " f VINFTIAN Bl NL VERY This: Mis wily bay him "4 Ed o> Q. Our Vh-yeor-s'd insists thet trampolines G18 ond per fectly sofe. Yow opinion? SHperyIseEd sport in danger. Gymneic instruction Ww e CARICISR a k a marke omplicoted maneyyers ore otiempted. Yih fen rise In trempdline wilarity, reports of serious in resulting from the sport OPpearesd ir poplar ess ond in medicel journals Properly supervised trampoline activity con be on excellent and afe means of getting hesithiyl cxercioe, Without such super vision, the sport can be a mengce to life and limb or the Ae Jes IVE the Meosewrsd by fost relief from pein or switt mecovery from - ness ~~ prescribed medicine is priceless, Measured by ovr ree- sonable prices, prescribed medi sine is the biggest ""burgein" money sen buy, - Vu / Send questions te: | FO. Bor 96 Medison 64. Sis few York 10, 0. ¥. dical Mirror o/ IW tions 4 The origing "900 colorie" roduct CRN INS NO RPpEliies suppressing drug. It is 8 mirtiie of nontot mite solids, soy Haw, yegetotie Well, fiovoring, yinemins, ond minerg's Meming Mousea Q novses" 8 Hon thet the beby will bs low? In fact, some doctors soy thot expectant mother mrming Noe £ One physicion divides pregnant patients tg twa go thie who mey lose their boby (nor vomiters) ond hoe wne mey not Lyamiters) This dosn't mean, of course, thet oll none yomiters ehort For Every Boby Q Is the soying, "For every baby # tooth" trust A: Apparently not. The old ne tion that pregnancy rb th mother's teeth of colcium ond this causes coyities has been did. proved by several medical ine vestibotors, But the expsciont mother shaidn't neglect her teeth. The best time for extensive dental work is prokebly between the twenties and twenty-gighth week of pregnancy, This is esper Eiglly true if Ine denial work 1 auires genergl anesthhesia rather thon use of just o local anesthe. tic. Minor tooth troubles can and should be attended to any Hime before the baby arrives, oils wi ld hay 4 ad Wo rected to Science Editors, P.O, Box 97, Termine "A", Voronte, Ontario, will be incorporated in the columns when possible, rf ain 28 King 1 OPEN E Dr ug 1 / Cshawa ENINGS AFTER e fire the atmosphere of your oky or stuffy, try plac sh of vinegar in the burn eral candles how the air clears A PARTY and cigarettes Ii ake ome § FOR BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS 40 King ERA 5.015) es 3 ~ prove Mivige te in this cose both the hushan Of course when the shirts end neatly iromed ne immediately, and bh was we fooked. But he didnt lke to seemed provd of the way she the might feel inswited fet » has @ hod 0 freak moment, with bot ha shirts ware seat to MN ke care of thom ever wa sory Neoturally at our plant we srs constantly trying te ime produce greater recognized the roned hig whirty happy Noodles to Give Blood It's Urgently Needed CUSTOMER ATISFACTION IS OUR AIM! a We Will Build On Your Foundation . . . This Beautiful Home... "THE RENFREW" READY TO MO MASTER BED ROOM roe satistachion, but that his customer and wits were afr LMNG ROOM wen spotiessly white professionel touch pleased with the way they tor she ad slwans end he thought ame back Y oi her wo each rather wa ve been hapey ending. Finally they h condesnng thet they'd wy * Long 134 SIMCOE ST, Kam, Adda POWN ® Sault Constructi AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR COLONIAL SOUTH OPEN 9 AM, TO | ONLY 6, 0 66.48 MONTH BUILT TO N.H.A, SPECIFICATIONS Dr for s ot Renfrew, combined wit nclude Gurney girs cedargrain nding r tile flooring ng wir : & Hor n Corp MES LIMITED 9 PM, 900 and summer gntly more Tor Brick), 1 5210" x 2610" Including Garage VE IN (LESS GARAGE) 6%% MORTGAGE occupancy ts roomy, efficiently ditioned oil heating, connect to utilities es Lid ao . Ltd. RA 84614 4

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