The Oshawa Times, 17 Apr 1961, p. 5

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THE GEHAWA TIES, Mendey, Arb V1, 196} § WHITBY And DISTRICT | saz | New Method corstren BE gir RiP FL00RS | To Make Mal AT MEN'S LEAGUE BANQUET Joni 1840 22 9H i Ta ! Feminine fashions are | TOROWEQ (CF) ~ Dominion Say Wieck. Conan, and the ' plang havoc with the Maliting (Onan) , United States are in the midst 4 ; Ee Ot RIE \ yA of oh = book boom. More hooks ? | public schost elasroome. Ae is od fiw gre being wikien, piiiohed and ; 4 i Tetans wt the mond sold then ever belore, We are Rube Schock Bourd Meeting wt the same time in the midst of © 88 Rohit Floors in CRESTOMNS ; reading boom, More hooks ; were being (orn wo by pike | (hice Yeas RED. Al ¥ comsiten, worrowed : heels worn by several teache | "The pew PEOCESS) vd nd read then ever before, # po ) In a 4 J A move suitatie form of in ge of PIodwetion great pert tins Wbrery f boom Fetlects better Worary fa fontweny shod be wom, cilities, More hooks, Rew iid | ' ngs, lerger walls, all these have heen Imporiant faciors, 4 } WORE BERE "Hi the really menificent thing British brewers last year pro ho that experience Shows thet a duced 75,500 999 barrels of Deer, dary of Canadien when better Binary facilities Whghest oui since 1948 144. pie provided the pile wilh [Pm rr make nse of them (ov the fullest CRpACILY, i w From » quotation by owr, BEN prime minister: "Books hae vel heen, the ek. means of hand FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN ng don, fom ne ood 9 an by the ether, al that he "most valuable in man's thought and Mp JUNIOR FARMER'S CHOIR gspiration, Wt is hard to know) how civikization would have de- ! SAT APR. 220 8:15 PM. veloped M hooks had not pro. a le * . (4 vided 5 record of past wisdom M Port Perry Wigh School Audiorium end present achievement, Books ' enlarge the mind, stir the imag. o_o ination, please us in our leisure hours and help us in the serious FROM TOWN T0 COUNTRY | Featuring , + . RICK CAMPBELL LC ME, " ISINRES fe' ¢ a ess of Wie ; , A cheque for nearly B quer: | McEwen, deputy town clerk, | that in this case the shoe Is Gwen, Avtivis Lid AR wr Thiny v i Js the mim of Canedian: (0 pitlion doliars changed | left, presents a cheque in the | on the other foot, Usually he ner Lok ATHOL LAYTON " Fibrary Week to remind us of] ponac™so Whithy on Friday as | amount of $228 407.55 (0 Cone | 16 gt the receiving end for he DOBSON these truths, and | hope that the) wo" ons "of Winithy paid is | tv Clerk William Manning, | 1s slso the town tax collector Choir Directors MRS, ELFIE reading of good hooks by CaNA-| tous 10 Ontario County, Forbes | Ironically, Mr, McEwen finds. | ~(shews Times Photo digns will sieadily increase," ------ ---- ADMISSION $1.00 -. ; PERSONAL NOTES Trophies, Badges, District Handicrafts ol EE ot | ST 2 PT Leamington spent 8 few days {with y, Mrs, W, On Show Near Orono edt ™ * ¥ ------ | Master Ralph De Jong, of iP 3 C A 4 J To Top Bo W lers ORONO ~ A display and sale read "The Legend of the Trees", Orone was one of the winners % § of art and handicrafts was open: daken from "Faster deals" In the recent circulation drive A banquet and presentation of Alsco, Mowat's BA, Teglon- ed at Northway Restaurant on opin woe very lively for the Oshawa Times and #5 # five trophies concluded the sear naires, County Bowl, Highway 115 south of Orome. "" ; reward left on Wednesday for a son for one of Ontario's largest Section winners: County Bowl This display and sale was organ Mrs, Tong introduced the (hree-day expense paid trip to howling leagues, Whithy District (3) Red Wings, Bathurst, Alsco, 176d by Mr, and Mrs, Louis guest speaker, Mrs, Woodland of Ottawa, along with #7 other ear Men's League, on Saturday | egionnaires, Firestone, Vrenchman whe have collected Newcastle who gave us # most riers and guests night, Nearly 200 bowlers met Consolation winners: Silver. ® remarkable quantity of work interesting and informative talk! Miss Jo Ann Rutherford, To in the auditorium of the Commue| oi ™ apie pees Lealon from Lindsay, Port Hope, Have: on Cape Breton whose people ronto and Paul Rutherford, of all Senior Citizens of nity Arena for the event No. 2, Ramblers Millwork Sup: lock, Bowmanville, Newcastle, are mainly of Scottish descent, Kingston, spent Easter holidays The Hillcrest Dairy "Trophy plies 4 Oshawa, Tyrone and Orono Mrs, Long showed slides of with Mr, and Mrs. 8, B, Ruther! Oshawa and District who was won hy Red Wings, the roll Myrle Reeson was also pre. Amy Van den Hueval's paint Breton, Mrs, Woodland! ford, off winners in the 16-ieam sented with merit badges Pik ing of Autumn Leaves Is par- gave a splendid commentary on oft ; ; 4d Congratulations to Mr, and od P si 14 BREUE Phe Wh 4 . en's the Ontario Bowling Council for ticularly attractive as is her the beautiful scenes Mrs, Everett Stapleton, the for are recelving Onsion AARNE 15 BO IBFRS aL s rolling a triple of over 1,000. Painted Ladies and Bpanish The business part of the meet: League Is so large that jt i 8 mer Hazel Robinson, on their in b held i the UAW H ] Sided 4 bu inkatay and og) and for a single over Dancer, Her work shows greal ing followed with Mrs, Arm: A. in the Orono United! wil 6 n eve L 4 bid A te dy dd 0 Mm Red Wings the Ranblers Jas also present: Two young contributors are for packing the bale for over \My and Mrs, Fred Vagg, has The Whithy Motors Frophy ed with on one badge as & A Fred Hughes from Port Hope seas relief, Group one decided accepted a position in the new 4 Newcastle He at- stron ! i 0 the { red the eptiy ers aadiof' Newen the who does pl rong : Mrs, M, H, Staples attended & B SINESS DISCUSSION The Marlow Trophy, to the q perfect attendance record tractive wood earvings, Boh An jnyitation was received music eonvention in Toronte last consolation winners, the Silver-| James Koss also presented re. hese boys are sixteen years of qrom the Kirhy WMS to attend week, smiths, was presented BY tiring president Marsh Slessor #58: their Easter meeting, also one. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Dean re- ty a me. Witton promise and we look to hear strong giving the treasurer's ré:|Church on Wednesday April §, | 44 Bond St E on Friday A il] 21st v bos (] p Ww shay ¢ st 0 Li Mi eeting Bt! J presented by James Ross, went made a major contribution to Who is showing some Interest lo hola their JAay meeting at\Toronta Dominion Bank, Bow James Ross with a wallet on behalf of the| From Lakefield comes sand from the Newcastle Auxiliary to| turned home from & motor trip "IMPR V The Red Wings Orchard Troe executive members for his work sculpture by Mrs, J, Cassels ~ attend their Easter meeting, |In the Bouthern Bates, | L phy, to the bowler with the high: during the season. three unusual wall plaques, Mrs | Mr, John Bhoenmaker to Marsh Slessor, captain of the Morley Moore, 8 member of more of her in the future, port, The date, May 1, was set! Miss Joan Vege, dsughter of | to the County Bowl, high pinfall howling, The Ramblers haq|"% 9 Paintings and Tom Culle the home of Mrs, W, E, Arm: manville, Fé: est average, went to Myrie Ree: Phe incoming executive are Rahm of Tyrone shows magnifi- CREDIT UNION ceived his Canadian Citizenship |son, with an average of 256 ' It Al, Hepburn, president; Wednes:| cent braided rugs and Mrs, C.| The regular meeting of the papers in Cobourg this week, F Ll y was presented hy Marsh les: day secretary, Lloyd Dafoe: | Lamb of Bowmanville shows de. board of Directors of Crone Dis:| Mrs, LeKoy Hamilton, Les S01 Phursday secretary, David jightiul cushions and children's trict Credit Union was held on'karg spent two weeks visiting! how id A iid Walker; Wednesday committee, stuffed toys "Tuesday in the Co-op Building with Judge Frank Hamilton po CE PENSION resented ) Morley Moore : oR A " at] . Five trophies were present: In the lower photo, Myrle i nt to William Ha: es, for high hit heed, Don. Reed, Ron Also from Bowmanville Mys."™ ie membership Was Ie MA. Hamilton at Winnipeg, od Saturday night as one of | Roeson, a member of the |triple with handicap, 1002 gd AY la nee 'Rundle is showing some braideq POried 10 he 19, {| Mr, Luther Barrabali has re:| the largest bowling leagues in : : ' : Fred Hatch, James Kirk and Eq, |PUndie Is showing e hi Ont the Whithy Men's County Bowl team, displays allowing the high av o Samanski rugs, ehair seats and a periecti The Ly low ing oieers Were fined home from Bowmanville on Rane, the wh Yolen a ' 8 teeson LRU] ) The 4 , charming quilt, Audrey Wa jy EreC1ed form e eciorale; Memo Ospital, District League, ended the | M8 trophy and two merit Sordan. 251.1 The evening concluded with Che 8 qu H HOspHa 1 . 4 " i ident Perey Werry; Viee:|™ I 3 ! a two films provided by Carlings, |0f Orono has a number of dol Fresiae } | 3 adge Ontario Bowl * > ¢ B Pres 8 ilk 4 Fear With 4 aDanquet hy the badgs hirer the N 1; a ; ¥ teed, 5; and H, Huntly for sale, most beautifully President, Chas, Gilkes; seere ommunity Arena. In the up ! won the (ro 93 Nee tary, Alfred Perr presenta: per photo, Marsh Slessor, left, | phy, the Red Wings Orchard her prize winners were WHITBY executed, id ob ih ¥ herbi Bb i OFFICE DESKS captain of the Red Wings. | Trophy, for having the high ho trip! with handicap This is a show to be proud of cull Russell Oslo 4 ace epts the Hill yest Trophy | est average in the league, [William 1 os. (Wednesday): J and 1s deserving of all the sup- | ure, | sell , Hota) Topre from, $10.00 from Duncan Wilson, whe ( 206.6. He won the two hidgs ; (Thursday), DAY-BY-DRY port we £an give i ot ODER Gaon. Chas, Gilkes; Education Midtown Furniture made the presentation on be: trom the Bowling oun " i I ; M E Mins Iy ve fay Weel BY Seti and Publicity Committee, Mrs WHIT Yon % Wy half of Hillerest Dairy The | rolling a high e of 1,008 |(Wednesday \ eegson "BYP TIENG vg DRYE § BIER RIAGHIL GF WHER o Loucks, Mess . » trophy went to the Wing § as | and a high sir f (Thursd FRY} A METIENG and ability in this area i Loud h, Messrs R JR TRY MO 8 4981 ll off win fi REY Oshawa Times Photo High single with handicap, R,. On Tuesday evening the fancock, C, Hutton an or: gl oll winners In he eli puinbibon or vd (Wednesday): C. Saw. Young people of Faith Baptist JOINT MEET rester (Thursday). enioyed an evening of fun and A joint Easter Thank-offering The Education and Publicity dor ' Ligh single flat, R. Richard fellowship as they met for their meeting of groups one and two Commitiee of the Orono Distriet It F A Fact ! ee WHITBY BOWLING NEWS inesday) M Reeson Tegular weekly meeting. Ourlof WMS was held in the Sunday Credit Union met Tuesday eve Lh JACK TURNER CITIZENS CUSTOMER RELATIONS cdny) evening was highlighted by the School auditorium of the Orono ning of this week at the home | We will lesn you o flown SAYS) | | A 1 DIRECTOR OF WHITEY MIXED LEAGUE 150. 98 acon AIR: (308: 1. h team game and igh | esshge hrought by : our guest { nited Church on Tuesday, with'of Perey Werry, High triples == Don Denyer 603 : im triple, Bathurs or Wed. speaker, | arnecutt, who Mys, B, Long presiding The members present were | our gross seed or brand-name (236); T Melvor 638 (2 1235): | or ne 8 | 1 Mowat's BA iso an outstanding ehalk MJ 66 (246 | artist, Myr, Barnecutt is affili The president opened Messrs, 'R, Allin, R, Hancock | fertilizer, araan ' (#0 | 1 € g with a eall worsl uy | Beni 11 (20; A. | i hl ene wos lS oR 2 ha Sk te, Tr ron | Sparoman's. Gorne I'll show you c1mizens \ #00 (2 : ar hr the meeting was to discuss ways part of the meeting the young the Cross of Jesus" and prayer 4 means of inereasing dware & Gorden Div, 36, Ha): 4. ) : gi: 7 { people enjoyed refreshments and| The scripture reading was the membership of the Joeal 103 BYRON §T, §, " TOS Ruth Group lo. Coli 5 i ,) TR ina wo vere then red fore i prayer AL by Mrs a g, who also Credit Unie " al 1 5 2 MO 8.4511 Call Svs SASH i) , : 0 illtop H- J To Rid Choir. (6 fds tO spreader with any purchase of amChure hiy meetin EE Eg i a iii: I "Helping people, giving them budget counsel Is my job, { an 4 Fa ko } DoDD & SOUTER | Financial aid and friendly co-operation is the keynote of : all transactions at Citizens, We extend a sinceis and PAINT and gordial invitation te you lo consult us on any and all WALLPAPER STORE money problems, Loans from $50 to $2500 are arranged 107 BYRON ST, §., WHITBY Of terms to suit you best," iver fh Ave W. Athen w pide \ ty Nida MO 8.5231 | fophris. wore read and High singles = 7 " fer the business was oon a ; A Se WATT fo CLL, Paint Dealer | 0 CITIZENS Whitey basa Whitky, MO 8.383) atbeaved : I, M } we a : ' i. bl : YOUR N J ad Nita 8 Pad bet Pickering } % » am = ee wn Unawa, ia 1 tor 1} i AW 5 adjourned d the . . entracten h 1 ails \ Was 8 » fathers i! : ¥ Grpren, Paperhanging Loan Offices in all Principal Cities ald \ vish \ 5 I vill be held ¥ 4 i Va 4 he Full Wall Murels ie ol ; has B ER \ V eda) 3, at Clove 3 ed In Kive A { meeting 1 REAL LIFE BACKGROUND group OSLO (Al sale cling tol boing uted meme vo To Buy Stove |} 3 | NE- PIECE CONCRETE er hy M , \ V : i Norma : erved ¢ t Norm od, ten tant miosis ot rate For Local Hal _ ervised by Mrs A ¢ Sa \ Wamen's ¥ dy l hy i EVENING SHOWS AT 7 & 8:30 OE a ark 3 BROCK (7 COMPLETE SHOW ot 8.30 Phe meeting was tn PERSE WHITBY : sa, he fy ptal | F | 'BEAT CULT EXPOSED! [BR (1 wih 2 ven rod tof [meet Bn (3 BEN pms AN THER FREED PROOETON volional sory BE TANK TRUCK ROLLS IN DITCH A 4% o 10 our aw tome Creating almost as much in | road when a northbound ear | Denton Rendell, of $40 Dun. LESLIE CARON 4 : on sing 8 @ mad ap } cal r 5t. 3 A train wreek on | forced 0 @ soft shoul | das.strest east, Whithy, gives * © REPLACEMENT 'FOR OLD sTerY Was this der elfore he } rnght he truck ; weigh : 1a d Home Taturday altérnont a ha , he 9 Nght | the truck a bo st back on its ® NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS GEORGE | EPPARD : ¥ : a \ \ lad wil bias ot eels. The truck carried 1 180 u i whi -- LE La4 4 gh : WOK WIT ed ue TOPE u the water fations. of gasoline and five. ' AND PLATFORM SECOND FEATURE # TINESS? neh was served. | + An! of Highway 3. Driver Robert | was on Hs nde. Tow trees | pon to ard Road Biri ( ATTRACTION I AML TREN nj] 3 n will Uhamberiain, of Islington, 10 grb Fo ST [Ril Sy St Mm. | bh ha te wt dred | wean anchor bebe ui | wim, oo CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. ¥ 10 8 Oh An even keel Above, | wOshaws Times Photo |

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