The Oshawa Times, 17 Apr 1961, p. 3

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|CAPSULE NEWS Twins Injured In Accident PORTLAND, Ore, (AP)-DaChol Inkyoo, today vid and Douglas Clarkson, 19-\tenced to death for 1 yenr-old Identical twins, rode ing the rigging of last year's their Wieycles side by side into presidential elections, The five # street Sunday, nd were judge court whieh is © of siruck by # car, Fach suffered ficials of the ousted re # fracture of the right leg me Saturday sentenced ( Kao {ormer | uw SHOW VAMPIRE. BATS 7] it io ordering b Slicer, Bisirig ns Tex Lp Tod i shoot during the rioting which! smpire bats go on ition 's FR i in the Houston 700 today. Cur: for eed Khew's resignation April stor Jom Werler obtained the i | ereptures, whieh feed only on WHEAT POISONS 4 blood, in Verserwz, Mexico. KARACHE (AP)~Twenty-one (Werler sald 700 workers will persons died another 37, {feed the vampires Wood from were sent to hospital as the re-| leattle slaughtered at packing sult of wheat poisoning In # plants ill err Pythawar, Be) if estern Va 7 x BEAT THE ODD gecording 10 a police 1 BARTLETT, Ii, (AP) =~ Cyn received here, The wheat dealer this Ann Oriands, Whe Weighed was arrested two pounds when she was horn (13 weeks prematurely Jan, 76 _ KHAED IN JUMP and given Tittle hope of survival, CORVALLIS, Ore (AP)~A was taken home Sunday in fine college student atiempled # health, The infant weighed two parachute jump Sunday and fell pounds at birth, then dropped 10.2600 feet to his death, joome WW ounces Jan, 3. She Odell Bueller, 21, hailed out of| nn (weighed slightly more than five the airplane over & farm field] pounds, five ounces when taken 19 miles southwest of here, The ome by her parents, Mr, and static line, designed 10 open the Mrs. Vincent Orlando 'chute sulomatienlly. id a | wnetion, # CmMErgene FUMES CAUSE TIEUP |e Rone cord was not pulled in time FALLON, Nev, (AP)~Deadly Bueller was making his second New art ammonia fumes from an over- jump with the Beaver Bports {turned truck tied up traffic for! Parachuting Club eight hours Sunday end forced wo THE WEATHER OVVICE ia wil continue a coudy westher Quebec With fight snow and secasions} peratures will We WEATHER FORECAST More Snow, Rain Headed Here TORONTO (CP) ~ Forecasts Killaloe +vovvveer 9 issued by the weather office at Muskok8 ..o000v0 N ii | | RRRRRRRER THE HENRY HOUSE, Muse wm, operated by the Oshawa Historical Society, st the en trance to Lakeview Park, Bun day opened with an interest ing display of antiques and other items. In the upper ple ture Don Nelson (right) shows his collection of shin plasters and bills which sre now out of elreulation to Leon Konorosw ki, museum eurstor Mr Nelson, wha Is a director of OBITUARIES GEORGE PARSONS The death occurred early Sun day morning, April 16, at Osh Parsons, some years ago awa General Hospital, of George! The remains are at the Me Parsons, of 264 Nassau street, In iniosh- Anderson Funeral Home falling health for several years, (for service in the chapel, Tues Mr. Parsons in his T4higay, April 18, at 2 p.m. Inter yen ment will follow in Oshawa Born at Tive Bruce Coun: Union Cemetery. Rev. 8. C. H ty, he of the ate Atkinson, minister of Albert Harry and Barah A. Parsons, He §iroet United Church, will con has Hved in Oshawa most of Ms guet the services life here In 1920 Mr Pa Oshawa Replace your gravity oil furnace with @ new economical forced air oil burning furnace with modern ducts, Use your present oil burner, controls and tank, priced as low os $350.00 40 man, of Courtice. He was pre {deceased by a brother, Ernie Budget Terms--Free Estimates WHS Lon WHS A son lance married School To Present Varied Program Mrs. Winnifred Stewart will direct the mixed choir of 75 students, This group won first prize in the Kiwanis Music Fes tival at Peterborough this year The selections to be sung by the choir will include "Okla homa 'Now let Every Tongue Adore Thee, a chorale by Bach You'll Never Walk Alone" from Carousel Lone ome Valley a white spirit ual Hey Look Me Over from Wildcats and "Ride the Chariot" a negro spintual The band program will in lude the ceremonial March Ceremony at Margate", two Bach Chorales Sunlit Sum mils 8 descriptive piece; a medley of songs from "The Music Man The string ensemble will play driven by Perey John 40, of Ashburn, was total wreck," when was involved in an accident at the intersection of Green and Gilbert streets, at 357 pm Naturday Driver volved was 0 Damage io health reasons adherent of Church 3 and the nd of the second car in Alan Frederick Har of 110 Cabot street, Osh to the Harris car was estimated at approximately $400. Injured in this mishap was Harold Clarke, 308 Burns street Whitby, who suffered lacera tions to the forehead Morley gated this hunter he vi thers he A fast-moving and varied pro which is expected to be Lows awa Shine who M Cars ago IT'S CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK OSHAWA rus w THIS WEEK APRIL 17-22 Your OSHAWA late Mrs ipl has Wg 0 Colles OW YEA A Daid th Constable Nicholson mishap injured in am. Sun street subd The town ved in THOUSANDS 5 a.m, EST | North Be "n cary ents 10 leave their FEVER KILLS n n ' | Y seviers Speakers at 8 New Party scholarship. Ruskin is » trade heathy Javiden bh point was ADDIS ABARA, Eihiopis (AV) Synepsis: NOH Bay rer. 22 rally to be held at the Steel anion college, Aller one year " 2 2 n n 4 thwestern Fibiopia Is re. a 4 ' ' ; 7 fornia 10 stop the leak, The gas Sou ' southern Michigan Is causing Karon ....oveee 9 Tuesday night will he Rev Dr Sis iy Sollee, of Oxford Ayo was released when driver Prank ported unofficially to have killed) Co toe 0 Wong widespread Kapuskasing ,... David Summers, executive se y onts (21S, Navy medical team Is e% snow occasionally mixed with White River ..... 5 ' ydrous ammonia V5, F } Y council of Canadas and John I Daring his ime a Lincoln Col yng oy fertilizer | pected heve soon with vaceines|T@n Over the Great Lakes re-Moosones ....... 3 tehouse, TWUA educa I€ge, Mr itehouse studie / W. Whiteh : German government already res are reported over mint of Dr. Summers was born &t OMICS KOREAN TO DIE has contributed financial sup- Ontario, Little warming Is 4 | " h { p . y Lloydminster. near the Snska During his stay at Oxford, he| SEOUL, Korea (AF) Iso expected to pitation should taper off to local spent most of his life in Alberta, Club there and helped found the gime, former home minister) help showers and snowflurries. He received his bachelor of Workers' Adult Education Asso : F 0 ™ sgara, Lake Ontario, Georgian University of Suskatehewan and Mr. Whitehouse joined the din Habits Bay, Haliburton, Kirkland Lake most of his theological training Textile Workers Union of Am ilton, Toronto, North Bay, Sud U of § he took post-graduste joint Board snd became edu ys Clo Jd 3 and Tuesday, Light snow occa land, This Is his second year (gs: sionally mixed with rain today. | as exsomtive secreinry of the His CLC committer appoint » Tr ves~8.70 ries Tuesday, Winds southerly J a M, MCINTYRE HOOD (tors, and other appliances Dr. Summers is a Meiher o cation committee, - the human By al (0 The Oshaws Times ents 26 today, northwest 25 Tuesday, the Metro Toronto Counell of yiohes committee, public rela. Special to J would include water rates, taxes, r vogi 1 the Oshawa Coin Club, has tario committe for the NeW oi changes committee which Is spent by the average River regions: Cloudy with rain : ; ent and holidays ~ 26.66 cents, 4 ooler Tuesd Wind ' to the executive of the ONAro ontario Federation of Labor spe This { the MEN . ay, cooler Tuesday, Winds eas p ; / spent for (ood, This 1s one of the gu, jem which will catch the Jon o oo Reon, committee for the New Party. oducation commitiee, & mem- interesting items of information . i 25 today, north 26 Tuesday. Fngland and was 8 member of oigl council and federal oncel. Portion spent on housing and TORONTO (CP) w= Forecast Mrs, G, D, Conant, president [the Labor Party in England, He eandidats in the Peel Fi federal ic survey issued by the Chancel heating of homes, In Britain temperatures | > ' CANE Ld ie Ld ( Flor of the kxchequer, BeIwyn of the Bociety, Is seen Lrying served in the RAY from 1041 to " : served In the | 4 1957 and 1068 Lloyd, The survey breaks down we' toil family expenditures, Windsor .......»s which was the first installed served in Canada 4 ash bas . 4 in Oshawa, The telephone, 8 | He was demobbed in 1046 and {ish people to & cash basis, 8NG querage in Canada for housing London ..iieeeees this permits some comPArisons cd heating works out Bt BOUL KILCHENEE »vesses here in 1881 Oxford, on a Jack Lawson | Oshawa Times Photos DISTRICT Canadian standards of UVIDE. |come, with & little VARIBUON HEMINON v00rers f . The breakdown of family either way, This is by far thet, Catharines ,., } 3 Accidents CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | SUBJECT over to a dollars and cents ing lower costs of living in Peterborough ,... of God wis emphasized at compare their own expenditures in Canada Christian Science church ser. with those quoted, works out 8s This is probably because the At Whitb "Doctrine of Atonement' Was ©. 1 a0 16 cents out of every live in rented homes, and a| The Erey whale, almost ex mon. The Golden Text was from low rental council houses, the mated to number more than ' Irink-~(beer, an ' the first chapter of 11 John:| Drink--~(bee Pirits and cis of which are subsidized 4,000 at present Police Department investigated of Christ, he hath both the, Tobacco-cigars and cigarets Another factor which is im _- three separate traffic accidents ¥ather and the Son." 5.83 cents v portant is that automobiles and injuries aire sunained "a reports five grass fires, three Clothes and footwear -- 11.21 hear a heavy purchase tax, ov f amt calls and 4 fire call cents which actually makes them 5. NO WIDGE the injured in twee of the three 4 a MES. NORMAN DOIDGE A "% period from last Baturday noon'as TV sets. radios refrigera-/in Canada department In to 9:30 a.m. today. Farly Sun 1951 due Re srer|Morial Hospital, Bowmanville, oo 4 00 NIvi ' ois 22 3 d on Sunday, Mar. 19, of Lotile reported a called to 144 Annis street to deal Ahn Albert i with overheated furnace pipes Bre \ ter a short Hiness mem be Lodge | The deceased, who was Don Brown, Jaycee senator of LS ; ie ; Oshawa, presided last Friday ¢ \ and » Chartes Orn. was Warn fisher n Hampton and attended school Chamber of Commerce was in augurated at Lindsay. Bill Ed his w ¢ Ma married Norman |} and o p Karl wedeceased her club, presented the lindsay the best ever produced by the president with a framed copy school has been arganged by yl old ge Whadi Suid for "A Spring Festival of Musi FE mmm Ed Ms Remand Accused Weiie ih Osh Purin : om Cali- An epidemic of yellow fever in se disturbance in| Sudbury ... workers' Wall, Abert street, here, he won an entrance to Asks were air lifted from Ca An inten urbane XY erere " ok | 56 sons, A Silva lost control of ® truck several thousand ' pe retary of the religion labor BA in 1049 and his MA in 19% Passing youths rescued Silva, [10 Join in the fight, The West gion, Near - freezing tempera: tion and publicity director polities, philosophy and econ A key port to the campaign and other dicated for Tuesday, but preci hewn Alberta border and helped form the British Labor member of Syngman Rhee's re- countries are & Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Ni- arts and honors degrees at the ciation st Oxford regions, Windsor, London, Ham- Following Ws graduation (rom evice staff in 1049 at its Toronto . oronk " ay. wry: Cloudy snd eo ay | * training In Fdinhurgh, Beol-loaiion and publicity director in In Britain Shown Seattered showers or snowflur- religion labor council of Canada, ents include the national edu I i All other expenditures, which mp K e New Party Clubs, of the tions committee and technolog: TONDON = Of every dollar Timmins-Kapuskasing, Whit ' electricity and gas, entertain. Party and has just been elected fio is also a member of the British family, 20,16 cents re jeity or wet snow today snd Tues coins and bills valued at more ¢ ani the low pro- Mr, Whitehouse was born in pe CCV ¢ bps if / eye of Canadians is 188. In the lower picture ber of the CCV Ontario provin: contained in the annual econom this is done on 11.66 per cent of Low tonight High Tuesday one of the wall-type telephones [1046 and part of the time he | the spending habits of the Brit Roughly speaking, the genersl gt, Thomas sevses Blake Magneto, was installed went directly to Ruskin College, CIT AND ! hand to be made between British and os ner cont of the family in WInghem soeeees spending, which I have changed most important item in produc: Toronto .....veee The oneness and supremacy basis so that Canadians can Britain than those which prevail! Trenton Re orted : GREAT CO C P vices on Sunday, April 18, follows great majority of British people IREAT COMEBACK the subject of the. Lesson Ser dollar large proportion of them in very tinct in the early 1030s, is esti- WHITBY (Staf)=The Whitby "He that abideth in the doctrine wines), 8.66 cents from the municipal treasuries, y t the weeke > luring the weekend. Personal wo ohaws Fire Department Housing and fuel--11.68 cents, all electrical appliances have to are not releasing the names of \ nnis street home, in the and durable goods such more expensive in Britian than rod from Ihe) ae qoath occurred in Me A Car day morning, firefighters were He wa phlieemun Pe arl Horn in her 89th year all; CHARTER PRESENTED n depend Odd Fellows [daughter of the late Mi night when the new Junior M N od On November 11. 1M) wards, president of the Oshawa gram . of the Jayeee creed A. Winkler, music director COMING EVENTS fon odoin, Y | ha uM yesl wa Nan if Wrsons 10.40 Dunlap not, released while employees flooding water subway ars driven by wan, 31 SM Clair awa and Mary § wes avenue Osh Ww eated and Dance" at Central For Assault iate Institute. The program will David of Hamilton be pre ted at 8 pm, Friday April and be rej following evening Winkler's Instrumenta pleaded guilty to a charge that section features the band bul he assaulted his wife in Oshawa, Includes with band April 1, when he appeared be tuba solo with band, string en fore Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs, Fri. Semble and dance band fay The dances, directed by Miss Magistrate Ebbs Patricia Nugent, are divided Carter out of custody for sentence Pauline Carter, who said she had been living in Lindsay with into two groups. A series of folk her parents since the incident dance represent such testified that her husband had lie attended (Ng an a fent at SEAN AID ay n I he ' \ Shi po vw Ml was 4 member of the vhoty ach 3 Nine to Hampton Map home with her Minnie Horn N} of Hampton I! Chur » She POSSOS SY assessed sh understanding and 4, + wraonality and h did not she church They'll say your Lawn- Cruiser Super. Quist 15" power mower is 30 quiet Aever disturby the lightest sleeper ie the asighboyrhond ets you mow Ihe lawn whenever you please, with quiet sMciency. See it soon, one of | eat Lawn-Crymer models plus Ride n Garden Tractor ot your dealer's now. Priced from $42.50 LAWN-CRUISER 15 NOW GUARANTEED FOR 3 FULL YEARS , , Another quality product of OUTROARD MARINE the kK It N A b thin { i y. at the Carter Mr way were 5 ap occurred department returning he he mis trumpets ie made Miss member i has Vuenitay - eal, Kaos works Ay : ) Basen Api Pood + Moitsiy were fron sister ¢ clearing Was the nite BINGO the d APS 4 deceased 18th a Harvey remanded anti! May avenue ¢ Lynch we a rear-end colli Wis KINSMEN | AY atient 12 will wa re countries as Scotland, Russia Denmark and Ireland and were selected by group competition The modern dance numbers WIR avalved wn or doa ermit a h . {ook keen 3. C | and village vi yr ation AM wer o 'ariington n dent ] in his a CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IUBILEE PAVILION NIGHT ho WOODY MMUNITY EW ENTRE BINGO $2.87 5 JACK ANOS Ye AY A ALK \ \ WON ) t¥ OR REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IF WON IN 170R LESS Ihe Altair three stor (Mary) Minnie of Hampton, amd Witham of Hamp of Surviving are Mrs T Wray and Norah, al hrothe mn and Fd ede Wm Ix John Ra wo Ww a shaw Nhe ped by a aster Maud and ey Hora Nas Ary Midge rol The many lovely bites were evidence or floral tn of the os teem and affection in which the deceased was held L wnera A Maorns E Rowmanvilh sory held Fun ® Was ral (hape! Tuesday. Mar conducted by Rev o Hampton United was he ie, on was § a he ¥ teed in, Bowmanv Risckstock, and Earl Trewin of Fanakillen RINDU WORSHIP Rindus worship abo 39 HOM gods " 5 Nel among realtor a preserve A i 3 2s. Vish and Nva Ue a of hit her several times on the face. She said it happened dur AE A quarrel while they were visiting Carter's brother in Osh awa. Mr and Mrs. Carter have two children, the court was told hird accident avaived rsonal injury em at the » Henry and Dun were mmediate avolved noved to the which SuAday nlersection a b not art Sire ey Nore Ie Hos farting a fi $80 MureComtiet Wearing FALSE TEETH * PianARal way Ww aw vee pate dma foe PAITERTR 8 Improved powder spt SPP ARM wer Diates Be Smear Ww Wal hey fest forsadie. Na gummy. gooey Wate of feeling Ivy alkaline ey Dros and wr Cheeks a (Gem a v oniure dreath; Oe Bis accident SALESMAN MAKES COSTLIEST BONER ™ of Chiefs 14 OF Pinon 0 sales viewed by Ted of a series ae sales trainin jreates le wl han 2 i ag 8 view of the big ad wing Sy the shawa Times lass Ads that the persona reads the Want Ads das vady & ted Te ssage before » 3 1 vantages use fed who a » tf 171 ) i to day ! 4 5 4 FE now Ad Writer : | jie ombine artistic expression basic movement techniques floor pattern, mood and creative theme a group of four numbers includ ing the march from "Carmen' while the dance band will play three popular numbers Corporation of Canada Ud Paterbarongh, Canada Yow can borrow $50 Without endorsers gi kable cunty ba Til FASTEST GROWING Al L CANADIAN LO 17 SIMCOR ST MN CALL AL REXUSH AT RA AN COMPANY aa w (OMMEROCE Is Organized To Promote and Develop COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL & CIVIC Interests In This Community ! All Citizens ! ! Sl upper af We week will Wart Milks anil Rfteer Commerce et vities aver Radio wf arnauncementy, nelle @ series pan swan of Chamber ir resented of rFrandant rely fra 'alk Neg aa 6 6 * Granam Cayiter a Jawan, £ § Search, Claude Keon, he 5 hn Ww wan and George Raters You Are Urged to "Listen In" To These Speakers and Learn More About YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE !! mat ey aw 5 waiter we laa

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