THOUGHT FOR TODAY A family is one who hes pepiaced the ewrrency Wm bie wiliel with enepehois, rank Zhe Oshawa Sime Ed Co __ HAYA, VOL 90-10. #9 CASTRO BELLOWS ACCUSATIONS AGAINST UNITED BTATER Eichmann 'Not 'Six Million' Pr JERUSALEM mann pleaded not guilty today the president said to all 15 counts in the Israeli Jawohl, Eichmann replied Indictment accusing him of di-ifirmly recting the extermination of Do you admit the first count 8.000.000 European Jews in the indictment?" Then Attorney-General Gideon In the spirit of the indict Hausner opened his case with ment, I am not guilty," Eich the words mann replied, his voles slepdy "Six million prosecutors stand and low-pitehed | here with me' Then, count after count, the Eichmann entered his plea president's question and Eich! alter the special three « Judge mann's answers were identical: | court vejecied the defence chal: "Ho you plead guilty or nell lenge of Lsrnel's right to try the guilty?" | : ", pin the indiet: ng with Russian I ery A I ness in fu Le enclosed i Eichmann stared of the oners dock, Eichmann averie i$ Ver WAVEF his sves from the gallery of the ig We: ge pe crow court Ing the minutes it took Supreme Court Althowgh all the jud oo peak |German, each of Eichmann's dustice Moshe Landau 10 askiiqouiicnl answers was (rans:| him how he pleadeil on each| iced in Hebrew, the official language of the court, and each LIPS TWITCH of Landau's question was trans Elehmann's Ups twitched oe lated inte German for the pris casionally, A tomb-like silence aner hung over the courtroom. Earder the judges ruled broken only hy Landau's voice against arguments hy West Ger and Eichmann's replies man defence lawyer Robert Ser "You heard the indictment onivatius that they are prejudiced Oshawa Diver Drowns During Practice Swim diver Keith Marwaood Cameron, 87, of RR 1 Oshawa, drowned shortly he for 1180 am. Sunday al the Oshawa Harbor, when an un dertow swept him alongside the pier and out in an are about 80 yards south-west of tha pier I hasn't heen established how the accident occurred, hut it is possible that he was pulled inta the pier hy the undertow and struck his head. The water alongside the pier was turbulent with high waves crashing against i. and a heavy hack wash, as well as the undertow His campanions said they thought he might have gol lon elase 1a the pler and either struck his head or was sucked in. He was not wearing weights an his rubber sult The deceased had entered the water shortly before Hl am with three other skin divers Rill Wallen, Gerald Fulton and Donald Warburton for a priv fee swim Several people parked ogrs near the pier, hut were unaware of the traged: unfolding a few hundred yard from them Donald Warburton within 230 vards of sald, the deceased was swim i i He said west of the pier Ning ise 10 the pler £ Sal as | n he looking for, Meanwhile Warburton swam his 'flipper a wave blacked!ie shore, and ran to the ather| my view, when | could see the/Side of the harbor ta gel a ring spol Wher had heen. he buay and rope. An unidentified WAS | RANE man van to the end af the pie with the ving buoy while War WAN HiIGID burton called the Oshawa Fire Gerald Fullan wha Department oame out of 1h Oshawa shin KEITH CAMERON I got ta him, as if he had been stunned hy a blow an the head Fulton had difficulty getting the distressed swimmer out of the current of the undertow, and the paltry was dragged in a "J shaped are about 80 yards south were sitting in \ Swimming Cameron had aw his Jin water frounh ALON Was ) tippers ar Wf friend In can the ROPE USELESS length of the pier, dove mn and The skin divers felt It would was the first to reach Cameron, (Rave heen disastrous for all ) § pith Was hen|three if they had tried ta bring He said, "Reith was Had, whe [Cameran ta the pier due ta the pounding surf The rape was PHONE NUMBERS useless here," said: Fulton. 1} was In the water alone Rill CITY EMERGENCY an the pier. He had -- Wl Was app » \ 1 ty leery of th vith POLICE RA §-11 wit them. When he | was FIRE DEPT, RA 56574 the current he 'dave in -- AS regardless, without his flippers HOSPITAL RA 3.3311 [io help. Because of the back! OMTAR 2 JV Artur ~ 10, MONDAY, APR. 17, 196) PE Hes otis, ore Tie unfortunate import of had wenther from the US, will con. time (ov another 24 bowers, with rein aid Row, TWENTY PAGES CASTRO TROOPS FIGHT FULL SCALE INVASION Revolt Hits North Angola TAABDA, Angi (Bewers) Troops and Ammumiion were flowing la hs Poriugiess West Arican colony hy ser and @ir 1oday as the government at temples 16 curl 8 EIOWIRE 16 yall in the northern section of the termtory There were fresh reporis of rebel pliacks on communes nm the north and CoumEr-atiacks hy Portuguese Ar Force panes The Lusiama news REeney said planes strafed a hand of Fire Losses Heavy In 1960 TORONTO (CF) Fire destroyed S42,168.000 worth of property in Oplarin Aunng the 1960 calendar year, says the an nuil report of fire marshal M. 8 Hurst made public today Fis compared wiih the # Guilty' osecute five to try Eichmann, They len sald joo 5 846 958 Hi the method of Eichmann's ar There were 29.168 fires Iasi rest and abduction from Argen ar, compared with the five ting 11 months ago is lrreleyamt yeas average of 24.888. Amount The defence had argued thal covered hy insurance was $87 the law under which Eichmann g37 000 compared with $38,408 is on trial, the Yaz hm collaborators' law of 1990, is unl Fires in 1060 claimed 186 lives Just because Eichmann's alleged and injured 545 persons. The crimes were committed long he: year before, there were 171 fore it was passed. The judges deaths and bf injuries also rejected the plea that] Out of 486 five investigations Eichmann had been acting un {there ere Ma when y } § MN i ale LEVIES ' WW mn fol Srders on he Nh pit 11 the previens yedr, Adult con { victions fell to #7 fram Bi wih lealng hegin his opening "hore wave n total of 112 con victions of all kinds and 17 pe "When | stand before you fuitials judges of Israel, to accuse ho won I do not stand Fire Destroys Welland Stores Here with me stand six mil WELLAND (CP) Fire 4 ye A fp Yaz and lion prosecutors "But alas they cannot rise and level a finger al the man in the prisoner's dock." He sald they had died at Aus ehwitz and Belsen the Naz extermination ecamps--and that their ashes had heen scattered aver the rivers of Poland neal Odd Fellows Hall in down town Welland early today The blaze raged through most of the night. It started around I am. and was still burning though under control, five hours Iater here was na firm estimate of loss hut It was expecied (0 he high Destroyed were the Olympia Restaurant, the Agnew Surpass Blore and the Welland retall shop, The Odd Hall was above the stares, in the heart of the down n area on east Main Street Parl of second-storey wall wash, the undercurrent and the tonnled the streel and waves there was only one thing struck a fire truck. One fireman tn dn, that was to take him in wis knoneked off the vehicle hut in the beach, which was ahoul BM yards plus the length of the pler." As soon as the three dives brought thelr companion to the beach, an unidentified man ap plied mouth to mouth artificial respiration. Within three min wies an Oshawa Five Depart ment erew arvived and applied | artificial respiration with the Batronic Resusitalor. The Ba tronic Resusitator activates the (0) (o] phrenic nerve with an electri ourrent, and will farce the vie NITED NATIONS (CF) A tims lungs to operate if there 1s ou attempt to weed out foreign any life left in the hod intervention in The Conga and A city ambulance took the gronurage Congalese leaders to drowning VICHm 10 OShaWwa make 4 fresh try al peace has General Hospital where WRB hoon apnraved by the United pronaun ed dead on arrival Nations (ieneral Assembly The skin divers had: gone In a series of voles Kalurday the harhar Sunday BECAUSE | oiahi the" 00-member assembly it's a hobby, heoause we like again demanded the withdrawal skin diving" said Jerry Fallon, | iam Pho Congo of Belgian mil We had been in the Wael {avy and political personnel, as three ar four times this YOAV wail ag ail foreign mereenaries on days Just as rough as this It stopped short, however, of even as early as February setting a deadline ar of threat BORN HERI ANINE sanctions Keith Marwoad Camer Although further speeches ave the san of the farmer wiea scheduled for late today hy Parish and Alexander Camep [Countries that wish ta explain on. He was barn in Oshawa on|their votes, the hallating Satur Sept. 8, 1000, and had lived injday was considered the climax Oshawa all his life except for alo! & two-week debate on The period when he served averseas|Conge. Hs decisions generally with the Raval Canadian Signal were mild tarps VEE FOR DAG He had heen th: UN Secretary General Motors fin Hammarsk inld shor. The des nem: ert In hey af the given a Chureh, the anadian the Oshawa Skin Diving the Narth York Bowman and the UAW He is survived hy Mrs. Edward Gagoen and twa hrothers. Car fen. all of Funera fram A \ Wednesday a y will follow in Mount La metery. Rev. Robert conduct the services, Shne Winery Fellows {nw ] intn wis nat hurt UN CONGO TALKS he in i wh | Dag Severe hing employed Liner AS A mW under Novie aunding vote of wilidence the assembly named him authority ta prevent shipments of war ma terial ta The Congo except un dor UN aegis The world hady voted for an partly reopening of the Congalese with parfiamen od passed was a he hed CiIsm United wa Leg Cag Club I on when is th ane sisier (Jean) 1 Al Oishii llamen FV . i helng nrote the ¥ maga for { wa Hindful af the sens SOV er Lave willietgnty of the tortured African (republic, the assembly carefully hi A Li ol oA ne Vt Belgians Again (diately began elrculaling thal aleooled, rehels in the northern Angois village of Bembe Sunday, Cans IRE NERYY FRSHRHILS The ir attack came plier the rehels ambushed an Rrmy PR ol hy MERE # BER RCrOss the road and opening fire from the jungle when » patrol jeep wis forced 1a #8 hall The news agency said the st takers were helen off hy the patrol and sulfered at least 49 casualies. Several F urn pean and AMrican soldiers were shhtly wounded Air force planes and civilian airhiners flew between 1ishon and Luanda suring the weekend hoinging in soldiers and sammy milion. The 6.000 ton Portuguese ship Ban Tome giso was on is way here, hearing troops and mumtion The rebels are trying to aver throw the rule of Portugnese Premier Antonin Salazar. | usi: tania carried an interview with a refugee from northern Angola Adal Fiche the first day of this hearing,' and the court 16 not competent BT oben 10 the end of Whe claimed that the rebels Spring Snow Cripples | Midwest CHICAGO (APA erippling SPTIng snowstorm, sweeping mil {of the northern plains with ali ithe fury of a mid-winter hinck buster, staggered the midwest ern US, inday The heavy wel snow, whipped hy strong winds, smothered spring with a blanket of white {fram the Dakolas across the inarth central region The storm Were "OLD TIMER GONE William Nicholson, st 110 | under doctor's care until two years, possibly Canada's old: | years ago. One of his most est resident, died yesterday in | precious belongings was & vin: Inverness, NS. Born st East fin hrought from Beotland hy Margaree on the north shore | his grandfather, He still pl I of Cape Breton Island in 1600, | ed the instrument until (1 Mr. Nicholson did not come ' death (CF Wirephain) Congo, UN Fight Agreement Seen i LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters) which started In President Joseph Kasavubu for-|a statement in which he re stioved three stores and thelSome areas Saturday night, in mally declared today that the vealed thal he had reached an/Munications with Cuba {ereased in Intensity Sunday, Congolese government is willing agreement with UN Beoretary Fresh snow measured up {oto co-operate with the United General Dag Hammarskiold un mare than 1% feet in northern Nations der which The Congo would ac (Minnesota, Drifts piled up 10 10 phe statement was the first of cent the Security Council resolu {feel In some Areas its kind since UN and Congo: tons of Feb, 21 authorizing UN | Al least 18 deaths were al: jgsp troops clashed at the port forces in intervene in situations {tributed to the starmy weather, of Matadi early in March, It threatening eivil was {mostly In traffic accidents on was interpreted as & move hy The resolution alse offered UN ley and snow-covered highways. Kasavahu to ease the strained aid in rearganizing and retrain with two of the deaths caused pelations with the world hady, ing the Congolese armed forces 5 IY Ms i ins won Hranded - inter Lv, residence Hye personnel, and also in reo 4 ganizing the army=hut he in two-thirds of Minnesola were [hincked, Same 20 inches of snow He sald he hopes that the presence of UN troops in The department will enter into "vig di ' 4 4 jee is eivil p arous disoussion with the fed: | "0 Ian techni ans fitness scheme far Ontario | He was commenting on the {Prince Philip award scheme, during which the UK, scheme | he something that will he apen only to the cream of the erop, scheme The Prinee Philip scheme Is A t I li Israel Arily iron range distriet Leave avoided telling the Congolese legislators what they should do Perhaps the assembly's touch est decisions involved Belgians farmer rulers of The Congo and mercenaries. In the hack ground was a newly - releases UN veport charging thal mer cenaries were heing systemalie ally recrnited in Afviea and Furape far serviee in secession {Ist Katanga province, The re part named a Belgian as ane of J J { ¥ heavy rains east of the snow: wo covihy tonk the wnusuall Kasavubu said today that the 8 hy 4 chaols in many Areas were sisted that each stage of the ye "Keep Fit' Pl {was reported in Duluth and in eep an Congo will hecome unnecessary eral government and the United) visit last week of Cal J was disoussed as to purpose, op: hut it will have generous appli sald to represent a halanee in he recruiters THRUBRALEM (AP) helt > } Ab 3 step of summoning the diplo-|UN would help the Congolese to Fhousands of cars and motor: | ol corps and the press (0 Ws train technical and administra sed in Mi § § eased lv finuesain and Hiinols. {organization would he under his i ghwi RTT [own authority Ihe TORONTO (CP)=Health Min ister Praond. & rig LR within a few months, and thai mana sald 10Aay M8 he UN alse will he able to re | Kingdom in search of the hes i to implement a physical Heald, a representative of the eration and philasaphy YOur award scheme will not cation," Dr. Dymond said, "It will not he a oom petitive physical, mental and moral de velopment tional espionage case ) tuff hoviet valved I'he go-hetween was. reported 10 he a Communist diplomat Factual information on the Case was scarce but reperts quoted Beer as telling an ex amining magitsrate that his actions were prompted by his political heliefs His arrest, in the early hours of March 31, was announced After a two - week delay at tributed 1a security veasons | FOR | wha emigrated ta) 1 el in 1 ar a ang me niaved the fidence af Pre David Gurion bul i was learned, relations A SeNnsa hing invalving officer of the sunday tempor shifted public interest in Israel away fram the trial of Adolf Eichmann country was In reserve Fy In jal pending preparation of treason charges is hespeetacied Dr. Israel Beer, wha has heen the country's leading military historian after leaving active as liewtenant-calonel # Servies \ lerse government announce nent Saturday sald he was sus I Peter Lalli nd smiles up at his mother, Mrs hieen-manth-old ected IPIyVing s 1 Ar plays with a tay mier ately An unnamed fo Hen but infrmation to fIEN power FEPOris mnie | Air, Sea Attack Al separate sessions he read SMILE IN | Oris B. Lolar. Peter has a | and bis mother cannot hod | On Three Fronts Invaders seeking 0 averthiow known sine had landed ot Plays Fidel Castro ontd in Cubg to: Largs, shout 189 miles south: ary hy ser and Bir east of Havana, and fighting had The Cuban premier, acknow: Wroken owt, Bear Piyn | args is ledging the attack, said it was #0 Bir Snip and the navel sla 1aunched hy mercenanes organ. fon gt Clenfuegs, ied hy the United Mates, He Behel sources in the United Aeciared Ws (roops are Advane: Slates seid some miliary wis Ing against the invaders and are had joined the invaders, pos ceriam of victory. He called on #0ly from the naval station, ' hans to maintain order and Whéte lection from a ASI 8 siping FRINGE Rave heen reported wn re: bis told his people by ra: CORE Weeks Mio thet the invaders had landed Cuban sources in Washinglon #t seversl points in southern said another force landed wn: Las Villas province oppased ai Baracos, in Oriente Cuban exile sources in the Provinee, Baracos, at the east United States suid. forces plag!€rn end of Cubs, conirols # had gone ashore in extreme TOR leading foward the US, eastern and western Cubn andlivel base al Guantanamo, on # heach southesst of Havang These informants said Banting, The exiles declared "the hat. "PIE of Oriente province, may tle 10 Wherate our homeland" [1740 be In the invadery had heen joined Ms OY The third foree was said Castro's regime charged he have hit the heaches #i dd to fore the United Nations that the invaders were armed and fi FInAr del Bio province near nanced hy the United Sates the west end of the island Haul Kon, Cuban foreign min: A The! source in Fort Lauder. ister, (old the UN thet the in-(A8le, FIs, said fhe landing vaders came from Gustemale forces had heen waiting off the bbl of State Dean Rusk capsts of Cubs for 15 days. This declared the American people Ilormant, Rafael Garcta We sympathize with these fighting Hud Ad a) "lt 04.000 extia dictatorship hut the y ne RERINGEL {the day Is aver United States will nol inter A statement hy Mire Cardona KING (Reuters)=Commu: hina declared today that unable to contain is "ex: trame anger' over "United Blates aggression' against If ha The official Chinese Commu: nist Rewslinpey People's Daily [claimed that Saturday's homb. [Ing raids against Cuba were part of a "series of schemes en: vene, Rusk said We reports In woe iccued in New York ane {wenle invasion (had begun, Bul council mem | The Boviet government news: hers in Washinglon seid the {paper lgvestia echoed Roa's|statement had heen prepared in In the netion, Jevestin declared) actully left New York Sunday, {the Communist world stands he:| hind Castra, but It made | Red Chi chev's pledge last summer, na later toned down, to support Cuba with rockets If necessary, land at Havana, The pilot was oid i Cuban airports were . lela Cuba Fight were| cut off early today, shortly! PR firmed one landing on the south! it is enasi The Cuban government radio) ple's militia units to report at ance to their stations One source representing Cu: sald Dr, Jose Mira Cardona, the| gineered | J rebel leader whe broke with fiesred 4 te United Sates to Castro aver Communist Inu: pre Chinese and other peace: Cuba, But his public relations| 'unghie 10 contain thelr ex: chief in New Yark sald he had! (remo anger and strong Drolests not reached there against the United Biates' ab y const, was confirmed hy a Cu: sald han officer hefare the island It nation 00 miles off the USK proves the essence of United [share cut communieations ilales aggression can never ' The officer sald a force of un-'ehange." dicated there was no large nouncing the hattle of liberation ieharge of the use of Americans Advanes and that Mire Cardons mention of Premier Khrush: A Duleh airliner could = Angry Over Telephone and telegraph com {after a Cuban Army officer con: nist ( Was heard summoning all peo han exiles in the United States ence In Cuba, was heading for iving people of the world re One landing, on the south gression," the People's Dal Ald the attack "again e : al LIFE FULL OF PAIN disease which makes hs bones as brittle as toothpieks, He cannot cough hone him. All his life has had laid on his back If he lives ta ade escence, doolars say his hones may become less brits te, (AP Wirephoto) Fare