oar Pal LX A Eo bwtwaen 8 04 7 pm, THE GANS TINS, Mander, hy 19, WHY 15 Ph 27 Rash Rstote Vor Sele 27 Rest Kstote for Sole a Tn [37--Reul Estate bor Sule (29--Astometiies for Sete | OE SAR pss PONTYPOOL ER EE EP Era seo Sr a Saki VY CEE 4 2 Ss He er or nl 2c fe Ee FIER TEI me mr Br TEVA, iy ony pe bp rig A ogy Pgh PrP % [7x27 I --y oy] Et pO, Ae TH LAE fod - oP ry ET Tl en' PRIVATE swe, gt 50 of treme id ROG wes boy. i BE A Sa ww od ower 30%, pes ar Rs 7% i THE ia -- a wd BA aa ERE EE, EE wR . MITRACTIVEY A aD, Co 9 + hud BI FURNISHED KOOMS Hevinr ee { ; a rn SE "A on BE rs | 82 Ps Wy 2 Copa Tet rosy wit ge 4 vi [eriage: yA Cel oy All A BRET rors 2a -------- Pog : , Wong Wont Pot bu . a h A Woven, #4 " 14) Ae Ey Etats for She IIT LL weckne, in fo PRES IA Sa a. mi EA Lyx CFG WHA RESAE | Opps Oomerge waive. RA boi oy Qa Ley & Vian husesom rick bumps AA '1 ts WIRY howe ue 'on, yoy # , RaRY room nL Trepmone RH $P%% on oe Rr "A [1 View ores, baring on he : OPEN HOUSE tad , HPI, rss os To 15 wn bon. Coren $0990 DAILY phen a AL, wy 7 1 IIASA, ARI ; 4 ss, vw id (7 Fy bie o Koger 7% A tones, Mammon, "idle (Z8--eet Estate Wonied TRO ROOU [yp sad psdstipatd. posh alae Ed bb ibd (# VHBEY romme tom siotaty acid comtotn Measltnns Lp PEA LY IAB ACE TT ER PR AS i ' A cosT Yous Ye ed pi vi DOUGL. ~ f 2 7A Yor m . tos, A ppt wn" Woy 1. hos 10 0 90 PRIVATE Jat LLOYD REALTY 9 1 aim. Woy 1. Wow 9 00 HO FULL PRICE $12,500 GOWER \ ! CAM SAVE YOU a a TATE i sian" oe" wh $5,100 DOWN REALTOR LTD WY WITH LLOYD : " ELE Ra S400 SALL CASHS BE tran Smet Lie! Carries for $5) morthly Ph 41 Glodsrore Mos a : | HEN CALL YOUR MOVER AGES Boi Bibs Pere m in Sew ih, | BOLAHOOD OARAGES ne TED CAMPIN MOTORS {Merny Plors te Chose From i yen ' y 4 HHA ont P : A ' velo me clesm aes! vp ov po ivi Eh Au TT ions bad i on A BAGS LOW PRICED INCOME : on jo Sort We ro x3 A bor Slom AAA ol up Wo rane A Apo » dd Ld oy Mo 4 dais '¢ i] fad ever chins Noss ate, Lge Gell 1B | Tuba atontoge of th ion om 30 Do | Pemia Boomer oe Koni NICOLS MOTOR SALES is or ht teson, 4 ond rly Ale S100 4 ' T1oom rics with rev gore | More in Within or Vo FORD (wader Bods Rey / $12 BROCK ST. M., WHITBY re, prone hls irene" orkst FOR REAL ESTATE | anions sess oien Tos for $65 marty hagl | OOP I, PHONE OF VIRITE (ono Tint" "0 C0 ad : y Jed ne BRIBE RINE. WRN of igh ; od oo ee ras br ym | w POSING, bs tow, , Co Mi hid DON S, SMITH | Ok $13,200 on bor we iA ATs | AAXREP/IR AAA C4 = HOUSTON'S GAR pivg sas, Goomoms, ion, % : $1000 down end MMA. 1 | Wie of UA £1 | and CONSTRUCTION [&'tem ond SERVICE STATION Aeanrpiod, prise Joh no jr " Mer, Vickery Rael Esiore ancing tor the bolorce Lowy HEAR CAHAWA GOL RMORILE © We ERpKE SPECIALS ws, COM bonan. Ro chiding, Wess = Avphovie v For Potteryn § 68 MITA IARY COLLEGE i LIMITED Soom , ai, E> PLETE BRAKE SERVICE yl avid Business FAR 4278 - | : & £7 / byipbery oAPAARG EW Ok TUE - UP AND pop APR Mi MR iy Combontoide brom home | 110 KING STREET EA i achomicohy, | Aa REPAIRS bi ag 4 hy pil yr poi io hr Fes FA x LLL OPEN HOUSE wills goes, lucid mn 8 | HANA VOLES AGEN 67 KG 57 Ww. Wairiet WA DME shins 8 918 w-- hily londicoped 0% x 20¥ | :] fos ret Tn EE RA 378622 COMPIVINEY private ppotalrs LLOYD REALTY ALL WEEK or," Mat water bo wh | RA 8-510: i Vow hen Er PP vee m A ath f Wi price v v. Lew A A » ory flour. cart Ju eM, "A I FAREWELL AVENUE taxes. 10 Bac oe proper: | YOu he Tiik fot (7 srectont rE us A FY List With Lioyd Tutt Souls of ty contact Bi Horner ot BA | __FRiet -- Fragd rig pd pA ¥ po PA Hair ig od ow Youn Col You Mover TAYLOR AVENUE £2173 3 or oer hours ot RA | DOUGLAS L, Lode a -- | Gong clean oy » ny vepbont WA ST VP) SUBURBAN LIVING 330 to 5:30 kre funn' don 7 DODD MOTOR SALES ponds kd ER ir rom on h nar 99 ow CADILAL AVE GOWER {How Te "EA Th 314 PARK RD, 24 oom for ow Tivae earoome wim vere | $1200 POWN_ $1,700 down = Broom REALTOR LTD te OOY" actin A AL 4 RA 3942) LARGE, brighi, furnished front -- had. both off the mevsr bedroom | 1 brick bungolow, Brosdieom 4 detone Ave Ber, twatone [BL ww oil Ag Bgl vi Ag) iy kitchen with built-in CUTOM BUIL | in living room end bedrooms, i Gloding Werery'm Tu a D8 Articles for 5 EERE Be Brana we Eleva ti 8 v 8 unburvished . Tarps ugha iced to i "raens wil price # brand pew : 3 rir J Mr Sheaughou un | MODEL Tg vr the on on hoe Word's pre queliny, Just lr Pies oe, owt pes iar iB puss on Vo -A tet ows, wa ont over the weekend vgs Phong Big a LB ( rd #4 HH or oiter hours of | ond be sure | bean locking for, Coll Henry | § large rooms thet have hed | MET (PC wre i, 3 Church od, two-car load of cattle | Spvkermen, RA 8.5123, to the core of enly ane fomily, | Go as 5 spovie £Br ool 3 oh a Aen very i, hg Wy 8 ih as My Jermished a $11,800 FULL PRICE i SCHOFIELD | see this sxcelient buy, A very ait tnd linad fii (ome at, Ww i ow, x [ rom a 9 8x ry # : bar. i, manatee hs Bungelow with gor INSURANCE | Lord Rests Ommona) tag, | (2 "aire work alter vou mend ot ol iano | bm Re wan Foe | COATES 175, | Kesher Can Vie Huson Tor of the pra ior rent fi one 44 restootion . P formation. Only $12, trade A bedroom In besement, Lerge RA # Ha RA 85124 pe Pond J A-0 ne lot with 68 foot frontage 360 King St. West A B5125 WA pris ond L low down poy- "0 LL Low down poyment, ! } ol ew © terms, oll Irwin Crtkshinis RA 3.2265 10) Simeos 8 N, Large but well-kept ond ides) |Wicets dt ot RA 4414 Aa EE dui ----r-- Ci pba Apo 7 o RA 8.5200 JOHN A. J to downtown, $13, $00 ask. (AEN peer owt Reel wav td, | BOI AHO OD SO nN ergot tt Trent VOLKSWAGEN, somplri awhe pove bom Tosking 1 40 Fee i Tog Mp AA 80104 Rosier AYD, Insurence Realtor andl ris rt Jey ages rein of 4 : Simeon N, £ # Toopse, well lot's on > "T OFFICE HOURS 9 AM, - 9 P.M SHOPEING CENTRE x et han we toy 7] ovate . we "a We Telephone KA § OPEN HOUSE LUNCH BAR AND RA 5.6588 ing area pls ettached goroge, 1 CADILLAE, four DWELLING é lorge rooms, ovaloths the | power, wus be ssen snd ELE a vi Al wholes ein ond price Is | ppprecisl ash, | ALL WEEK ow Teroom house, os pumps, Open 9.00 a.m. te 9.00 pm, right Why not come in and | Mievis Motors 14d Watts Mo 16 p Vf FONTIAL Beluas, radio, heater, ole, large lot, on Neo, 2 hwy east $7,500 FULL PRICE #1 the information, Ask fer ke oiter €0 $968 hai, COTNOWTHY FAREWELL AVENUE |, Mewsale, Asking $8. ly Wellogs TI ar ee TR '] B00 with low down payment; For this older syle 6 room , {ond car, clean Just South ol must be sold now, For in brick home very centrally lor IV's just outside of town with | trade. Wee TAYLOR AVENUE spection call Anthony Sibleck cated Owner will toke $1,000 two ocres of land, Mr, Fixit [Mos 3:30 TO 5:30 ot RA 5.6544 down and olive pack 4 10 would be right of home, |i PONTE "sedan Asiivery, | ' 4 y Just a few delle will tum {rmnti ga de 1 dd $1200 DOWN WE mont To once, © "| ha name inte u cone, The (i ea i Swap and Barter price is low, the down poy. | H Tp piles TAS rig brim i CUSTOM BUILT | seldom gor 0 house that hes FOR SALE OR LEASE ee right. and Owe. Mare Cll Toning or" Tolopnon EX ve main and Riteheh pit wi the extra features end loge: | NMA RESALE ON GRIERSON fin will only be too glad te |after § pm. ! h ra ond water, Laundry Totti a SEE THE ton such os this 6-r0om brick | discuss terms. HARDTOP ve a ol vig He f= le sien Samar 6. atisinars Lady" pr ere MODEL bungelow, Only 2 yrs, old | Five room brick pp With ------ wr rile ; Houses kr " with attached goroge built basement apgriment on lorge / ne TERR nave wn un pd ton | BTR LUCAS PEACOCK ii aul itty Lito 10% iE COTTAGE SPECIAL |3--Tod & Foucd net Trinpaons. & A diposal, 2 naturel fireplaces, oF with paved derive, Loge REALTOR | matic, fully Saviped. 2 low ovens ah." [oon Hi Ly Foals, 6 - prvnAcHvE os +. od JOHN A. J Bpe. both with twin basins, olleiiy] living room p+ |eslient condilion, hy Avaue 22°10" x 1710" dd dd Venienees, ABP) gg en i , 5g 0 L A H 0 0 D ot ", rg Ta i beck ase ond naturel fires | RA 5.4330 RA 8. 5109 | A FORD ou "custom gl ior, GE mey #4 |0 3 bedrooms, kitchen, IR large farmished ace, dining room end me- (Bivens By : i, living room, a. a, re LIMITED--REALTOR ay Ha wih 2 good dom Kitgher NORTH SIMCOE mars 3 A WEE lor Price, Built $1127, i hates *F fae nlf RA 5.6544 Easrmount b Aa! Harmany i WER gry TR Just the home for the young ag your 7 Rd. N.- Call now spec oF a ina 1 | I RA 5.654 iY, 5 OWEVRDLET RelA two ' Jos Ait 1 AA SO | J mg a) | LO i ppp $1039 WHITBY CLASSIFIED or 3:3398 Wo 54 oT room, four bedroom: 2 storey las ions nd = ar ond terms. T. V TOWERS $33 per month & y ' # GO EAST 2 bona 4 prick. Lif. ete Re rT WT cylinder oo » $55 Free Bonus Window Screens for only $74 60 per gamedeliod i Ba able (IF PEYNOUYE ng, [gh 40-0, structure with ell ond wooden Screen Doors, wANy . 0 RENT = or our POR BENT = ot -- Smart locking modern bun. interest prnsiel A tones, ing, Gare Mii ro ave. second owner MN an d-- channel antenng, oll galvan: AEA i Po at sac mon Sake on ry golow = gore Jo wi dot: | Asking $12 Wi price, in Seow ra To. i hold oh wacial, four dost: hl ted, guerontesd | veer, COLONIAL - Rar 18 a toes oe AEE ve ty oe " onaious W | After Hours Plegse Coll; $12,900 Uieters, Ws sober ™O0 TRIVIION, 171 Bond HOMES LTD. ; - bly, A a Mi | Mr, Raglitf RA | ' ad . 1, , $781, at cn a nl Avaie xh | Sol Wr, Rarelife Word fonon RA 3827 | INCOME POSSIBILITIES | CAR INSURANCE 3 Son, MA 04 134 SIMCOE ST. 8. NOTICE O heavy duly winrar. in Port Whi A PREMARIN - CENTRALLY LOCATED APPLICATION ha St a Al Ford | Wo Spek Siovic Language | Ve Lion RA KOMI res ured AUTOMATIC OPEN 9 AM.-9 P.M TEACHER WANTER: Lady or gentle Dick Young » Brick two storey: Four rooms Nore 98 COIN LAUNDRY ie . oh pony i © Charlie Ranking - RA §:3682 oie $10, $15 or $25 or better THE ho ut ts Be ems. WO evry , Ra Pedram Ayres AILS BJ 0 ORE as Rankine Se Toe hn main than 208 on their gor ine Pick-up ond Del Services RA 8.4614 - LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, i oo Bin brivis Wo he So i MW menihly aa mn - bathroom on ond floor Burnes He'!l-yegr payments, 75. Washed dryed. R 950 Fone fe he amu Kiet. WV Proud ot soy $000 Cher | Caled ma somone |" pA"8.1083 [FOOD & FREEZE YC es madern apartment for IY Mie 8 lovely mater Hyer | of mon * makes it poss - '. i Rad ty A PAE Sone SE | Wie 1 Purhate on conten. SCHOFIELD LAN 2 § Ih PLAN HORT Ives ment AY Wikiam Midis +A 1a, bof A h W. Me lent terms. Please coll, Irene Insurange Y tried the rest, £ thet The Osh Fen wih nt "wali" er, Bes pd a REAL ESTATE LTD. Brown, RA 83747 268 KN NG Wir WATER | Xo oer tortone | Too bream, muds 0s lan for less i pe in FEC it Toy UR Ea ! oy 40 King $1. E Dial RA 8.4678 PO YOU REQUIRE | Puried worer for drinking | pled, Sh al hotun pros me i mae opin included, M760 manihly oa (warmer pat y' y ™ ow, brick, | 5. 1000 golions. ducts, highest quality megts, tion of 8 in ease TT iminedists mowession M0) dren's plas Toy Hh WHITING AVENUE hie feen bung! ow, brick SABYAN MOTOR -" "a - Jo 4 - vim aren roe, me Cie Tete - Ki APRING aL Specie Fenn with gouble glesets. Large 1000 gol. Delivers wih Ay K FOR RENT o Apartment, (hiwe me, sweeping ia come or family how ' ns. 3 kitghens lo p han. A $5.00 per ge Ive Good House ng No Canadien L i, 7. bow gelled gd Reig Ane A Fx "ad wl Ee] or fot il in imma . : dition, and inghudes an ho pose og Rr _ 1 sy Ein yo od emywhere. RA 8.4771 down Sovant AA Murer Jirant in tu (4 of Call NO $M ¢ " CreenE lon Sus. aluminum awnings, forged Detore naervat demons chi ¥ orborough remniamey Hah haves kh vis BL eH EES pi jy Haid, ™ a pi i busy at $10 DOO A $2. down, Datomsteg in hr ies 4 gt Xo 1) SERV} . Eloetronome Tolevipen tion, of Peterborough on tid CN RT Bulonce on | morgage. Attar 3:30 cal Jou age at SIIRL. | guygre, ouningss Large fone EaMAWA, ONTAR Fen Nid} Wilh tiie RA 5.3709 he ar of 11:30 vio 0 & od buy . ot : mae Riutubtae eat pi ER MAPLE GROVE oF 312000, soll Hor Fin |. Tol RAndolph 3-346) SATELLITE SPEAKERS BAT. in the ferent ey Belt As Hons. Mrs LE w off, RA 5.3484 | < FULL YEAR WARRANTY | SOAP FREE the ispuonce of o 3 BEY eemenl werk -| On highway No. 3 approx. 7 ae wt d numery ov garden land ! { NAGY MOTOR SALES plus == on oll par i nce" for the wale ond cone me a waterprang pall MO an HOUSEWIVES with small aghard Towa! p 000 with approx, $2.500 | NEAR ST. HEDWIGS MERCEDES - BENZ . DKW MEAGHER'S ! Complete supply of 10ep free, wmption of liquor with or RAsRADIe rates | down for three hull wen Bon, without megls » fam , TY bedroom brick bungee | I $howroem RA 3. o MN Sg ah FAL SAT or BUR | LANDSDOWNE DRIVE -- four pce od | ai and vi Jing 30 W SUD [onder fekas, for your hes | for the fulowing Seeman A won TR =] : bathrpom. 18 fi. modem 408 KING ST. WEST | family. Simply order one Mouse and Cure ba Ny a yf aoa | For as low a0 3) 323 down you pon move ne * on rol room Hy Garage Jn N RA 3.7132 BOATS & | ow most efficient water hid Fy of Degli YOR NVodboom oll, A - Hit tovel home with all sats Whaling storms, W ® ' ¥ Ne L *° erected - ~R | COME BY BECOMING AN | W h " Hon, i Th : sohener, No down payment, Y go fs rir Ww Vo | AVON APIMNTATIV | quedo cerome tied bok sadiad bunt lon seit, ve: | oo BEML XTi or sun MOTORS $213.00 Wt wri. Iniuled | Got ChS prem TBS Ale TEPING paper, letter sine. white Bows approval Balance an | NH A mortgage. Priced from $13,300 | 3.3340 ; ! TE MPIN LARSON-Fibre Gloss | your home damon aie. Amy panen resident in Ss. Th ads Vive Wom wath | CALL LE 6.0627 | ® 84k : NHA RESALE 814% D Sue WEYMOUTH Cruisers Sen 2A 040 the listing dict ty Sh eA Covet mane intmation RICHMOND ST. EAST APPLEMILL ca GRAY | TANT A SPRING SPECIAL | ™ on REGULAR $12 VALUE FOR . X I MF KING 87, = AW MASON wl spestrere writ 4 : ¥ Y Only $818 down = athactive 3 bedroom hoigh pga iow in Five em bungalow. Lage h 5 of Wileen R NATH ALUMINUM WJ , the deputy rege Lonalin wished permanent | FOR RINT Best Bean, Tonge Mavmood Iie Riithan, 1hems ond Mitre | ved mam 4 1 ries Tout | oe i» Wik Aor PETERBOROUGH-m-Mo ded COMANATION Auli | i oT any de tom 47 wp neha out oil | "ohain and wil sow," ¢ H ond many mare vias Balance on | NMA mortgage. Full | mem. Forced he 9 wl A S44 X Plywood | eLUoRY GRRE, NUMER | oddront $ Loker amp hase Nh atl | miner, paint waver, melt | pee only $12.68 ! hagting. _ Maouily. Povey EVINRUDE MOTORS I- OR INITIAL ! share ig Som, Toute ot ~ RRS SY RA Nt eonom, corte boon, | SHELLEY AVE | Atastively decorated ond Wi L L | S GATORS-~TRAILERS 17 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, meoting 3 wheh ty applies QIFFU | OR SAL | will sxthangs * thee Factory Approved Service ! WN 188, tion is 10 be heard MO 8.5124 New et RM A eal buy ot $14.000 and 2 334% NH A mangoge Owner bedroom home between Owh. | MOTORS Oren Evenings ond Weekends A NR Rar nd ith -- Nolen, wn mower and tonstered and says SELL. Modem 313 mem bungelow with | ewe and Bowmanville. Please y DA ot Ovhawe and | 5.299% TAUNTON ROAD EAST doy of Apt, 194) PLANNING TO | oorden Whein eached garage. off sxitas beautifully landscaped [ot hedged | call Jan Miller, RA 5.29 Mari St Colonial Aluminum | . BUILD A HOME . WANTED - pit tee g " wh Vapeag. tharthes an A real buy WANT TO SELL? Phare Your AUSTIN arine orage Sales Ce "i Toil OAMAWA Bring van § 5 Wekeh » "nh » ' 3 - Pw . X 5 n : now for prompt eihigwe DEALER & Bui WILDE TRENT A 5 3 CALL ye. WIT Ret & Supply MCE ST 8 ' ' LOE Ri ! CE Meliveen Provident ' Ridin P 1S veors 'Gat @ witien Sai SERVICE & SALES oe Maga § 91%) "y ~ Crew 8.7610 w A > RA 50331 " | BROOKLIN ogy 's AM «9PM i) A het ead mate without obligation | of 1415 Dungos fost. Wiithy Jon Ki BATH ON " A At] Member Dwngwe & Duarrigt «have 0 god emertment 46 ] enti MO Fe i | TWO $3304 : | - , Barer Pion 3.0290 . Rea! Esvore Bagrd of Used Cam, OL 5.344) | RA 4 14 Oshawa, Origrie,