The Oshawa Times, 15 Apr 1961, p. 7

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When The Righteous Suffer ILLUSTRATED Serigtare--ioh 12; 1; 150%; ¥ Vu mt, ££ ce, SUNDAY He had seven sons and three Aangh ters, much Byesiack, was peries fesred God, snd eschew Job ki lore household, "so that this men or the greptast of al the men of the East 40h 118, wd » very ames 1: VAS, Wis cattle Sriven sway, vanishes ~4oh 1. SCHOOL LESSON on BIBLE LESSON Start Of Job's By NEWMAN CAMPBELL, Job (eit that he had po friends "There was # man in the lend left, and even Wis wile 1944 Wim of Uz, whose name was Job, 18 "curse God and die' Falk Joh and thet men was perfect and suid, "What? shall we receive upright, snd one thet feared good at the hand of God, whe God, and eschewed evil. Job shall we not receive evil? ' Joh'l 818 J He was 8 rich man--owning! Three friends heard of Ios GOLDEN TEXT "Blessed is the man thet endureth Lemptation is tried, he shall receive the crown of We, which the bath promised 19 them thet love him James 1:12 for when he Lord many sheep, camels, oxen snd misfortunes and came 19 com meses, "and 8 very grest house fort him--¥iiphaz, Bildad and hold"=and great men In the Zophar. They stayed wih him Fast seven days and He had seven sons snd thick hut did not speak to him daughters, and they were api they his grief was parently & congenial snd happy! great Job 2. 1148 family "Wow there wis 8 day when, the sons of Job came Ly present themselves hefore the Lord, and Satan came Blso among them And the Lord seid unto Baten Hast thou considered My servant Job, thet there is none ithe Wim in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that tenreth God, snd sscheweth evil?" Satan answered, sarcastically no doubt, "Doth Joh fear God for nought?" Joh 1. #4 Satan also said that the Lord had "hedged Job shout' so that he had prospered. "But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face. Job i a "And the Lord said unto Balan behold, he is In thy hand, bul save his life." Joh 2: § Satan "smote Job with sore Ld School Action Stirs Protest TORONTO (CP)=The exclu sion of four schools from » planned rescheduling of relig-| ious instruction In suburban North York Township was pro tasted Friday by representa tives of the Canadian Jewish Congress and the Ethical Edu ation Association seven mgs SW Chinese Woman Strong In Faith | By RB. BARCIAY WARREN | The Chinese women was one Test Of Faith | Last week we wiole of some of many srrested on & PRIUEN | uot she fell over in of the expenences of Miss Gene va Sayre, # missionary of over WW yeary service 1 the Chinese in 1951 she was able 19 leave Communist Ching, Since then de has been laboring in For moss, She has found the pesple most receptive 19 the messes of the Gospel, In eight years she and her small hand of co workers have seen W churches with & otal of 1200 members established, She returns to For moss In September But, back to Bed China. Mier Miss Bayre's release from pris on, about her only religious (reedom was to silend services On the Sunday following her re lease # Chinese woman with whom she had worked, prose in the meeting to praise God This was her story THE GOLDEN TEXT Happy days of Job "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation is tried, he shall receive the crown of life promised to them that love Him.' for when he which the Lord hat} James 1:12 In a letter to Robert Bradley chatrman of the township hoard of education, the two groups wolested a decision of I F. W. Minkler, director of edu option, to exclude four schools from & plan to give religioys in struction at 3:30 p.m. after reg war classes The letter, signed by Sydney M. Harris of the Canadian Jew igh Congress and Mrs DJ Dodds of the Ethical Education Association, sald "Rather than adhere gle standard principle whieh 8] ¢ squally plicable to all, the SIM MAJOR AND MRS 11:00 AM HOLINESS 700 PM 0 a sin Special music a THE SALVATION ARMY OF AND JOHN 575 MARSLAND EVANGELISTIC RALLY by Citadel Band end Songsters RANKIN Corps Officers MEETING hoard has decided to adopt a double standard, one where Pro testants are in the majority and] ADUL ane where Jews are in the ma TUES jarity PM SUNDAY Is VAY 230 PM WEDNESDAY 8:00 PM THE HOME LEAGUE AND BIBLE CLASSES ia ] I The officer, laaeming thet. she, bean begins wali the gers witnessing for hey Lovd that she he releases THE GHANA TIES, Setwndey, Ap 18, WH J UNITARIAN BLOOR ST. FELLOWSHIP MISSION J i = We wre the Lovd's, BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL bisa wo of high : CHURCH od dd - fe ied rw || ony 2, lh a wos Tor 3 Farony M4 180 AM, HORI WORD DENT, OME snl Lion wabrosdos # Vom, SURIOAY, APRIL 16-10) AM, AS , , TMP VETIRES WY RELIGION = A FAT TO VE BY" te ss Toty lt Vs" ---- ------------------------ Cin of Wim "Resin 16 find ory ly pm, ERVICES oe APRIL. EM SPECIAL TALENT SERVICES == APRK. 16th eh Ade 19 AM, SMDAY SCHOO, REY. J, Yon MARMELEN 11600 AM MENG WORHWP SERVIC Ah 766 PM E/ANGELISTIC SERVICE TPM REV, J, Yon WARMELEN rie' hrought An lar might and crowded into pris on the dirt floor, In the on. As she sat In her small space the guard came in and was n- on the floor she decided (9 wit prised 19 find the woman wes ness for her Lord. The others still alive. There was dry blood made no reply for the guard on the pround. And she was (6h was at the door. He entered and ing again the story of Jesus FIRST PADTIST CHURCH Hortep of Glenwood Rev, MN. Frank Sweckhemmer, B.A Minister Mr. H. Philp, Musicol Director 11:00 AM BAHAI'S BELIEVE . . , MISHOMNS ARE A TWOWAY STREET offer Christions os Christianity hes to give 16 he revi of the world The gractest demonstration by Chvistien Churches of the reshity of their own Faith, wold be the we of & port of their vest mission funds 19 bring the spirtucl tresses of Wes other Greet foiths to the pewies of Eons ond Pmencs mich slows Mim. # for 199 hittle For huther imtormetion Plesse Wie 29 GLADSTONE ~ PHONE RA 5-7578 § eciwming Evian Ihe GF presert we Know Buddiem, Judson ond idem hove, we feel, os much 15 | i, a5 we believe, we 8 worship one God, we comet know 196 ™ Christian and Rishmona $4. k 01 Caaies = Rey, & V. Fresmon. Four ibid -- . -- 9:45 AM ~SUNDAY SCHOOL "THE LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT REIGNETH" PROF. G. P. ALBAUGH OF McMASTER UNIVERSITY AND KEW BEACH BIBLE CLASS CHOIR BIBLE SCHOOL AT 9:48 NURSERY AND JR. CHURCH AT 1) 7:00 Pm ' A ---------------- Carvany BartisT CENTRE AND 10h STREETS MMtilioteg with the Fellowship of Evangelical Beptiss Churches in Concde Faster: REY, WW, MIVEN AMETEN SIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES ow! 'STUDIES IN FHILIPPIANY' VRAUL'S NEED OF CHRIST Sor, 8:00 pm Prayer Fellowship G45 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM Wed, 7:45 pm Quarterly Chwreh Mesting HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 1351 CEDAR STREET 9:30 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 PM. --EVENING SERVICE Speoker: E, WINTER A WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT HILLSIDE PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING ALL WELCOME CHURCH Sehaol \ ve Sis Cart A Kartechengr EA Lowell 4 Ceo Re | LUTHERAN SNDAY Y 30 SERVICES AM SAM SOHOOL 10 AM P43 AM FOR 11 AM NEw 9 SUNDAY Fatt METHODIST CHURCH MORNING BRAN WORSH oy PPM of LY GOS Mis IS THE LiFg™ LARLY ON TELEVISION THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX LMCOE ST NORTH Dlagky ham King) ot B Mangy ST. LUKE'S | Mee W Aw A Naw pont MA ot N vie woke, Mussel § HM OSOHOON | CLASS 100 AM SERMON SUBRIECY GRATITUDE reg AWN ¥ Weems Awan You Tow #9 svaay ST. PAUL'S NG STE A WILSON Devens 4 A se Re 2 Bee wy EA S04 Frank Woite Segond ong | Mate $3 A AM SUNDAY SEL YOUNG PEOPLES BIBLE wn WOODN IEW PARK AM WORSHIP = SER A WELCOME AWAITS YOU GREATER Teenagers diosonss ' JGHESHTAIN | "MN oo "PREMIER SHOWING" IN GREATER OSHAWA AREA . Quis Time ¢ Sin eo 7 SATURDAY, APRIL 15 -- 7,45 P.M, St. Andrew's United Church Simcoe $t ging estimonies South, Oshaws UR FRIENDS Jurbe FLACE TO Diregtor BRING ¥ Steve ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CENTRE AND BAGOT STREETS PD CROSS BA LT EASTER 2 RE SUNDAY, APRIL 1ém $30 AM HOLY COMMUNION AM ECUMENICAL SERVICERey 7.00 PM EVENING PRAYER---Rev, © CLINTON M Bury Wilson CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH AND WILLCROFY STREETS HP CLEVERDON = FriONE RA 55798 MARY THE Vin AM i RECTOR I] PM AM = 7:00 OLY TRINITY CHURCH BARRE STREETS, AND BLOCK EAST OF ALBERY M ™ H YT AN 6 ¢ a Y EUCHARIST 3 PRAYER CHAR 57 , ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON 8D SOUTH & MOSKIN AVE THE BEY. RA SHARP .. RA 57084 AM. 11:00 AM ang 7:00 PM ST MARKS CHURCH A 5 RA 3 308% | 11:00 AM.~"THE EXPLOITS OF { FAITH" | 7.00 PM~"THE WORLD MEN CANNOT CONQUER" Soloist--Mr Wednesday, 8 P.M Bron Ritchie w Mid-week Fellowship AMance | PENTECOSTAL YOUTH RALLY TONIGHT 7.45 P.M, ot the SIMCOE ST, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE 57, SOUTH, OSHAWA SPEAKER; REV, STANLEY BERG OF NEW YORK CITY SEE THE FILM OF CONVERTED TEEN-AGE GANGSTERS "VULTURE ON MY BACK" Special Music == Mrs. Joy Berg Also the Musics! Kudre's Come Egriy for @ Good Seer Rev, John Scare, Dirsster 245 Simcoe St, § REV, R, A, BOMBAY == RA 3.4477 TONIGHT "VULTURE ON MY BACK" sound film of New York youth drug eddicts rescued by the power of the Gospel Pastor Presented by the Rev. Stanley Berg, Director of New York Teenage Evangelism SUNDAY 11.00 AM --REY BERG 7.00 PM --EVANGELISTIC 10:00 AM BIBLE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES £ J SIMCOE §T PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | king 57. PENTECOSTAL crunch 611 KING ST, WEST Rev, J. M. MacKnight---Pastor RA 5-166) Residence Church RA 83-5371 11:00 AM.=7:00 P.M, THE KUDRA EVANGELISTIC PARTY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA a Y 7:45 AM Sundoy School 11:00 AM and 7.00 P.M PAN NOW TO ATTEND THESE SERVICES ues -- Wed - F Rts - " 5 lm MN BOT AMPLE CFF STREF Y st B00 Thurs FARE THE CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVA) FIRST CHIMREH «= 44 CERBOROE OY, EADY I 4 Th TRS #/ Whit Yo SUMOAY SCHOOL = 11:00 AM, SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM, = SUBJECT; "DOCTRINE of ATONEMENT" Wt i ft READING ROOM bs ud " Fridey, 7:06 pm, to 9:00 pm, TVwesdoy ond H vi "56 pm, [HARMONY UNITED CHURCH for. M1 , BA. 99, fom rh ALLM uid wa antl WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH OYE 91, M1 Ge Marie 7 nA is rn Ye 10 AM SUNDAY SCHOO 11:00 AM KINDERGARTEN CLASS 11:00 AM holon 19: M dey Show WORMING WORSHIP 00 PM, Pres 1 VER YR A HEARTY WELEOME 76 ML mer. 1100 AM MORMING WORSHIP thier) Care &. he mening re ---- NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD i - REV A I ORGANIST w= MR SUNDAY SCHOOL == 9:30 AM, to 11:00 AM, 11:00 AM. ~""THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT" SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM BABYSITTER SERVICE 2:30 P.M SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM B:00 PM ~ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Guest Specker; Syd. How mww | CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Rov. Warren 6. Dickson, BA, Minister Mr RK. Kellington, Orgonint-Cheimmester 10 AM Bundey School 1AM 2 7 P.M.o=Young Pecple's Union "THE BORROWED THINGS" Kings 6:8) Our responsibility for the things we oll borrow such es Time, Possessions, Talents, Opportunities, ots, 7.00 P.M ~YOUNG PECPLES UNION EVERYBODY WELCOME SS -- St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER; REY, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A. B.D Organist and Cholrmasters MR, KELVIN JAMES, ATC. TE---------------------- 11:00 AM ="THE REVENGE OF JESUS" 9:50 AM. Senior, Intermediate end Junior Classes. 11100 AM. ==Nursery, Beginners snd Primary Closes, 7 PM.~JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE ST. UNITED The Rev, J, K, Meffet will pressh, Merming Service broadesst en CKLE Ninn Street ned Glad REY MERVIN A Y MA BD. Mase MW Radia Wiame "Chat Dunster and Organist YOUTH DEPARTMENT AND $50 AN VeRUnEn Geredl They 11.00 AM.~"CHRISTIAN UNITY" Guest Preacher; Rev, Clinton Crom, B.A, L.Th, of 51. George's Anglican Church | Connthions 12: 4.22 "The Voice in the Wildemen' (Soot) Soloist: Mr, Fred Dershom Anthem: "0 Lord, Most Haly" (Franek) Soloist: Mm, Alan T ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHUREM Fead Solo Albert Street United Church REV. § C MH. ATEINSON, Minister MRS. BRUCE SEARLE, Organint ong Choir-Lesiter 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 7:00 PM.--THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR, ., CKLB Sermon: "SURPRISE YOURSELF" $45 AMomintermediate ond Senior Sunday Scheel 11:00 AM =Nynery, Ki ren gad Primgry 9:50 PM Friendly Chet CrLE SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Chueh in the heart of the oity with the World an ity heen MINISTER: REV. JOWN K. MOFFAT, BA Director of Manis Me. RG Geen, LTCM, 11:00 AM. -- "WHEN MEN MARVELLED" The Junior Massion Bernd will mee 7.0 PM "THE MINISTRY OF TEMPTATION" Jorn Serves in Simos 80. Ovaagh Tre Morr ot Bosh Services SUNDAY SCHOOL § 4% AM umar Intemadiate Young Pecple "he Mg Lnderganen, Primary aa fang Laved tor 30 A Moemtagwery

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