The Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Nevspapen Led £6 King 81. E., Oshowa, Ort, Poge 4 doy, Api 15, 196) Lieutenant-Governor's Place In Our System Refusel of the Lieutenant-Covernos of Buskatchewen to give assent to & bill possed by the provincial Legislature has stirred something of & Yeihstitutions) storm. 'The wubject matter of the bill = it concerns renegotiation of miners) lenses ~- does not matter; the point ie thet an appointed representative of the Crown has blocked legislation approved by & majority vote of an elected per. Tiament The Lieutenant-Governor hes the constitutional authority to set in such & manner, our system of limited mone srchy giving the Crown the power in theory to withhold spproval from legis lation that hes passed through the as semblies of elected representatives, or Commons, The Governor-General, as the Queen's viceroy in Canada, ean with. hold royal assent and thus prevent some measure from becoming law, In fact, the power is rarely exercised; in practice it never should be exercised, because it tends to make n working rule of what is nothing more then a pleasant tradi. tion end touches the sensitive nerve that was first exposed when Charles 1 tried to humble the Commons, The Governor-General-in-Couneil will now consider the Baskatchewan legis tation and the Lieutenant-Governor's reasons for withholding assent, There is little doubt, however, about the view of the feders) government, Prime Minis. ter Diefenbsker told the Commons; "The Governor-inCouncil will take such ection ws is desmed proper with full regard to the fact thet this governs ment hes consistently taken the ettitude thet if legislation is within the legis lative competence of the provinces, except in extraordinary circumstances there should be no interference with provincial jurisdiction" The Supreme Court of Canads, of course, is competent 10 decide on the constitutionslity of provincisl legisla tion, The incident hes focussed attention once more on the place of the Lieu tenant-Covernor in our parliamentary system, Is there a place for him? M, J, Coldwell snd Hazen Argue, smong others, say there isn't, and we agree with them. A Governor - General, we believe, is a sufficient symbol of the authority of the Crown, The provinces are not autonomous states, slthough they have some exclusive powers, and their legislatures do not justify the often shabby but always expensive pomp end ceremony that go with the Lieutenant-Governorship, The Baskat- chewan affair reveals just how much of an anachronism the position has become, particularly when the will of a legis lative majority ean be so thwarted, Fellowship Of Love The Christian has, once again, cele brated Easter Day, Millions of people oll over the world have, in their thoughts, gone with Mary to the new Tomb and have found it empty, Millions of people have proclaimed their convietion that the experience which is called death is but a passing of the life that is bound by the flesh to 8 more abundant spritusl life, Such a conviction brings a purpose to life. If the tomb brings to an abrupt ending all for which one has lived and worked what is the purpose of living? Of course, for the brief period we spend on earth, we shall be happier If we get slong with our fellows, We might get more satisfaction from life if we try not to hurt others by our own individual actions, even though there are those Greater Fire Despite damp weather, the distriet has been plagued by grass fires, some of which have caused property damage. Fire department officials in the area have issued warnings, and at least one has pointed to the possibility of court action, The ease with which these fires are set and the speed with which they get out of control should impress the need for care in the handling of fires on those who will soon be moving into the province's forested areas to fish, pienie or prepare their cottage properties for the summer, Officials of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests warn that "this could be a very bad season for forest fires , . . there is every indication, with very little snow on the ground, of an early fire hasard® Spring ia the time of year when local residents and cottage owners like to The Oshawa Times oA WIION, Publisher and General Manage € GWYN KINSEY, Bove Dahvawa 14 wn be Teeny lg hy hy ore Nn testablaned ve a Mlahatery oc TR Wy Members of Canaan Dai Anesiation The Canadian hw Rn Sreny " Chaviation and he Ontace Proving Davigs Awe The Canadian Pras Bn ssshaively entities HN he wee fe mnbiaatian of of ww Sespaichedt wh Awaited AR Thi of weil deapatoher See Se Toa Oni 840 Comin Hawt Seabed PO SUBSCRIPTION RATES Deivered by serves In Oshawa Whithy, Als, wm Brooking, ont Pay, Prine reampton, Frenshvean y Sew, LNA Circulation for the issue of March 30, 1961 17,363 who say 'It doesn't matter what 1 do as long as my actions don't affect other people But doesn't everything we do affect others in some way or another? It is not possible to deal with another satisfactorily if there is hate in one's heart, Wrath, anger, malice, slander and filthy talk do not contribute to better relationships, but love draws men tor gether and seeks to bind them into a fellowship which strengthens the whole community, Therein lies the purpose of the Chris tian, Because he believes God is Love, he seeks to shed abroad the love of God; because he believes that "God so loved the world," he has already experienced the joy of the abundant life which will come to no abrupt ending, but will eon- tinue beyond the "three score years and ten" to all eternity, Danger burn any debris, dead weeds and other waste materials, If proper precautions are taken, no harm is done, Too often, however, fires have been started in hazardous places, early in the day when the wind is high, and often left une attended, Crass fires accomplish ne good and too frequently get away to cause damage, Where the grass adjoins bushland, the danger is compounded, About BS per cent of Ontario's forest fires are caused by human care lessness, officials point out in appealing to the public for better precautions in the bush. The cigaret that is carelessly tossed away, the camp fire that is not properly put out, the bottle that is smashed or dropped and becomes in effect a magnifying glass == this is the sort of thing that starts fires and des. troys hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of timber, wrecks superb recres ation areas and ruins fishing The lands and Forests people are preparing for the worst, Pumps, hoses and other equipment are being checked, preparations made to man forestry towers, aircraft made ready to fly to their summer bases. But thought and common sense on the part of the } U.K. OPINION Railway Workers Likely To Obtain Shorter Hours By M. MANTYRE HOG Special London rot id Correspondent, For The Oshawn Times LONDON ~ Shorter hows for British railway workers, hall ion in number, are likely 19 - eoneeded by the brltioh ransport Commission Ww he en few dap. 1 The Lr od the milver di nthe I a, has heen hefore the come mission for over a year. In Augist last, it was rejected. The unions continued to press for 1 It is now regarded fas certain that when the Commission's ne gotiators meet with the union representatives on April some concessions will he made, The unions have heen asking for un reduction of four hours in the working week, bringing i down to 4 hours for manus! workers, and 25 hours for the clerical siall, The Commission will probably offer an all-round two-hour et In the working week. It estimgtes this will add from $28 million to $40 million to the railways' costs. The olfry on hours may be made condi. tional on a specified period imminity from elaims for high er Wages REASONS FOR CUT There is sound reasoning he: hind 'he Commission's possible decision 10 reduce working hours, Chief among them is the trend toward shorter hours in other industries. This has re. vived the old problem of ex perienced men leaving for more ptiractive jobs elsewhere, Ane other reason is found in the faet that sir t year's Guillebaud Report settlement on wages, the pay of ratlwaymen has fallen ghout 10 per cent helow the average for other industries A reduction in. the working week will, in aelual practice, amount to g@ wage increase, Be cause of stall shortages, the men will work as many hours as before, hut will receive overtime rates for the hours shove the new schedule BY-GONE DAYS 40 YEARS AGO The people of Oshawa sub: scribed over $2200 for the Chine ese Famine Relief Fund The annual meeting of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club was held and the following officers were elected: Charles H, Pea cock, president; A, N, Elis, vice-president; J. A. Thompson, secretary, and Sam Plimmer, treasurer The Queen's Hotel property at the corner of Bond and Simcoe streets was sold by its owners, A, B, MelLeese and Dr, Jones to ¥, C, Davidson and R, N. Bas. sett for approximately $30,000, A special liquor referendum was conducted in the Oshawa churches on the Sunday prior to the voting ish ""oniversel', Town Council made a grant of - #260 to the Great War Veter ans' Association Band, formerly the South Oshawa Band D, B, Carlyle was elected president of the Oshawa Tennis Club, formerly the Cherokee Tennis Club, for the 1021 sear son, The club was organized last year with 8 membership of 10 and the membershin num. bered 89 at the close of the sear son Mayor John Stacey made a strong plea to the rallway coms mission for completion of the radial railway line to Oshawa The opening game of the local soccer season was played at Alexandra Park between Thorn. ton Ruover Co. and the Hydro Electrics of Toronto, which was won by the locals 2:1 A train load of pipe arrived in town to be used in the big ine take pipe at the lake, part of the $350,000 waterworks exten- sion scheme Atl the annual convention of the Canadian Rexall Druggists Club of Ontario and Quebee, held in Toronto, E. A. Lovell of Oshawa was elected president Congratulations were extend. ed to Harry Salter who cele brated his 73rd birthday, H. G. Hutcheson, manager of the Oshawa branch of the Stan dard Bank, moved to Port Per ry 10 take charge of the branch there for the balance of the year, P who will be going into the forests can prevent the worst from happening Bible Thoughts All this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayers before the Lord our God, that we might tum from our iniquities, and understand thy truth, ==Daniel 9:13, Just as pain warms us of irregularity or disease, 50 evil warns us of unrepents od sin and provokes us to turn from it I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, w=Daniel 7:9, All thrones of anarchy against God are not yet cast down We are eagerly awaiting their overthrow and Christy LR a) PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "The US. Army Is teaching soldiers how to put groceries in a sack" Press report. It is assumed that the first lesson covers how to determine which end of the sack is the open one, Some people will fight at the drop of a hat; others, at the drop of the suggestion that the municipal water supply be flue or fated The infliction of 'tomadoes, storms, foods and other dis astrous weather upon people is almost enough at times to make them refer to Mother Nature as Mother-in-Law Nature "Due to centrifugal power, the earth bulges at the equator Science note. On the other hand, tis due 19 power (wil a pe aes oF power an ET oT en genersl 8 Deri relected an oppo sition demand he sel 4p 8 wensorship on radio and vison Dregne He #iso he se: television filme should "of gen "allt", or "re stricted" certificates 56 is done with films to be shown in the motion picture theatres Mr. Bevin made bis rejec tions In &_ written answer 16 # rliamentary question, He ad pa mitted that Te had received rep resertations calling for sirieter po over children's programe and quiz programs, He had also been asked (0 ban a variety of programs some eur rent wifairs, and others inyol- ing crime techninues, drinking, violence, swearing and cruelty, He then went on 19 sey "It has miso heen represented to me thet the televising of films should be subject to sim- tele duced, snd far control 1» that exercised n the cinema, thet foreign bros. casting materiel hdd that poiticians mgt A pear In 4 betore "UU § bad accepted these snd #0 other suggestions, | would have become B geners! censor, inter: fering in, or banning # large proportion of programs" Thet was exactly what Mr Bevins said he had no intention of doing COLORED IMMIGRANTS In spite of sirong protests which have heen made in recent weeks against the large pum. ber of immigrants coming 1» Britain from the West Indies, the flood of these newcomers for 1961 has staried on a large scale, The Walisn liner, Iriving has arrived In Southampton carrying 1,292 men, women and children from the West Indies now "nd October, carrying West Indian immigronts All of the newcomers gre seeking employment hough some Bave relatives and fri who beve preceded them to ~ $d | if ¢ 1 4 i ! § if 5 { § ¢ £ 8 4 reife 3 ug nl § 3 ak HL iF fl fy i 313 : of! wl } i Britain. Many of the men are carpenters and laborers, Among | the women are purses, Aress makers 6nd bus vonductresses, Labor members of the House of Commons have protested sgainst this masse immigration £5 cresting employment prob. lems, in addition 19 relsing Oi ficulties regarding housing snd social conditions generally NEW SOCIALIST PARTY The Independent 1ehor Party, # & conference held in Seer borough, has come out flatAoot ed for the formation of & pew Bocialist party in Briteln, Is delegnies envisaged » perty 135 BIMCOR OF, MORTH o PEVIDENT PARTHERS Gordon W. Rishi, 6.4, B10 Sort B. Wetem, 6.4 Wor. J. W. Monto, FAA, MI Gordon W, Biehl, £4, R14 Rober W, Mightiest, 6.4 Sunt B. Weters, B.A Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co, Cheortered Accountonts OHAWA, ONTARIO » TELEPHOWS: | ad aided PARTIERS. , bask Momo, §; Sommy Soorge £L. Toothowey, 6.4 What. is home! A blend of memories snd mortar , of breskisst cooking , , at the end of the day session, of belonging . , loves, anger . » walls snd roof and smells . 8 Place of rest # feeling of pos 8 place of hates, center of things living Home may be 8 mansion on & hil), » cramped spartment, & farmhouse, 8 hovel, & new suburben splitlevel, the house Father built , » but only to you snd your family fs it home, No one else may eal) it that. For home is & part of you/ Centuries ago u shepherd-poet felt this Weary, lonely seasons on the grazing slopes had taught him to love , HOME, voto long tor, ,, But he realized thet, through this lite and beyond, the nearness of God is part of the sense of home, Goodness snd merey would follow him sll the days of his life And he would dwell in the house of the Lord forever) Give the Chureh and its Truth s place in your home, And God's presence wil give eternal meaning to that homa own wake, (2) For bis children's sake, (3) For the sake of his community snd notion, (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his GENOSHA COFF 70 King §t LORNE G PLUMBIN RA 5.1044 NORTH OSHAWA RA 5.371% TRENCHING RA 5.442) ROY W GM, SALES RA 30242 MA 3.038) A. NEFFERIN RA S092 Ne 2 EE SHOP £ NODMAN 5G & MEATING 758 Many & s. PLUMBING 52 Wayne Ave 8.4231 RON ROBINSON EXCAVATING RR 4 Osvave NICHOLS & SERVICE G'S £350 Mwy, & Thigksen's Rd $0 Ce Church $ THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS Friday Saturday BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LTD 463 Rion Rd. N MASTER FEEDS RA 3.2220 A W, RUNDLE GARDEN 1744 1015 King 8. & HAMBLY TIRE LTD $34 Rinen Rg & R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS MO 3324 WHITBY borne 50. BE. WH CLEANERS by MO B-234% ATTEND THE SHURGH OF YOUR SHO a Times Ch HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE fA 37802 67 King 50. W, OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL A S202 177 King 8. STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS MO 8.3892 318 Dundes $1, E, Whitey C. BE MeALLISTER Piestering Contraersr and Quick Brik RA 5939) 224 Cone 30. GED. MH. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD ¥ Fairview Drive, 'Whithy MO 83544 McNAMARA MARINE LTD Port Whithy, Ome, MO VOY J : i i ---- |