The Oshawa Times, 15 Apr 1961, p. 12

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a Ll} 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwriey, Api 18, 1961 HE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY id Trades Cold the Direct Humber Clovibiod RA 3-3492 V1Mate Help Vented CREE ASSISTANT 10 OFFICE MANAGER REQUIRED Knowledge and erperercs in Genergl gesting work es sentigh, Phasing erpen- ore helphd ob sme menswate with giility. Prone for appointment ME. GLEN WALIGH _ MO 83378 BUILDING INSPECTOR | BY AAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER PLUMBING AND SANITARY INSPECTOR | AND WEED INSPECTOR i FOR THE | TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY will be "CLASSIFIED AD RATES BLA bre ' Grae 285 14 VERTIAY, 78 400 W not pois winin 7 dope We Charge 1998 wil spchy Moore 10188 BEEhY ly 15 EE iid 4p AA irnariirn heres oH oar Ate comes & Pew HIGH hat 5nd Rudra pol poole to ¥ Fw, adationsl bre tar GA wriGhan, [13--Business pay v8 FTE Lumant, frwhey [BOVE len cresm EERE il Host Rew, wy Envoy on nd THE DURHAM FARMERS SPRING STOCKERS SALE will be held WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th or the Duham County soles wens Crone, 300 head of Durham and Merford steers ond heflers, ranging in weight from A400 19 BOO Fos. soch arose cows and service bulls PS onyone wenting cattle for grass would be well 4d vised 19 attend this sole Sole 10 commence promptly ot 2pm Jack Reid, Auctioneer 7 Trailers FIIM snd Trollope, Ontario [and Surveyors, 216 Adeiside Averve Fost hone RA 5681 TRAVEL (trailer font, seers five Lent sondition. MEO RAT LWT, CABIN i many sutras. Telephone MO le CENTURY 140 travel | weeps Dun, simost brsnd new summer home wn wheels. Bicol tors 144 Whithy. Cash, terms (trade. MO B40) THREE - mom house trafier v sleeps seven, completely eqiipped and Inrwished, B30, new condition, terms 3 Harmony Ropd North EVERYTHING for trallers. (iss hept Ing, Hehiing, cooking, Feirigerstors | awnings Special Wilches, Recrssiries |pervies Miller WH 241 1 aids sod i a WANT & imoinass of your own {14 series Hinasy wher his wen & po woah KEneRyy Wee Vi one VE 0 taht 8 wl With [epee Dmby arma fd a rnmetely Yi nih 34 Wins aa Eipin Hames Rania, Bb East, fih 406% VARIETY Bins, wie of Dew 's aang verely Heres weekly wey lo $1068. Brerbians a 8 eT add i wih Bo # om, close 19 # A a lnepsst lasinnd. For wo ad the wwner BA BOW, 4 _|Gerdening ond Supplies ° Money to Leen WE Rave od § fp piosied Fits le pes ro Tame: yf ee a hg CE I nd SP, YS a Bo wi A ae 4 Cog Sy NOYES: mua RE pn TRE ed a vor ess Ld ressmran "snake wn "Persons. Ihe Bh 1A EE Tred, ved Fran sonmmes, Frases, Aaaar ovis Sn, fenris, it +4 'tw tastes ada tala at a Ld sk AoE EIR, FREEBIE, An os Shiioarad rd Fs y jogo Bins gi Hw YALE, aol as 1 ' 50 300 Woe | bn TO Ww, Tow i | 1 Fwies, rR oil PARAS PEPTIC lanky ciasned prio : ti -- LIE a" Khe new. Wor wt! aos £9, A Ars fe fhambini Jn Vamrwiter, 84 Wonk rt West: Vase Ws Simens Svein, Wh Bowl £9, 8 Eads SIOV dreeming oH # a " a' fe PUMPING ET Te 5 Service ge re s 7, Worems wet © ified F, Gara seard Fast, hows, wi. Rh pr WHAON snd BEREOWS Chpileres ey Skim ants: Vh Bim Giieet 7 4 PASTING, 4 Hy wer, vi v oy tied age, Sores SH WARE Crim, Vinten Woh fm kay i | | ! 37 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING MONEY T0_| LOAN Maries for af types of mort. gages; for first end second marigages on. ell types of rest ete intluding vecemt lends; ort term mortgage for builders; first ond second morgages and GGreEments for purchased. Apply | M. Swartz, 262 King Street Eset, Os Telephone BA | 3-469] Mortgages FIRSY ppd seen nd morigeges. Bole RETEEmEnts purchased snd 1014. Hen. Bek pnd Henpick, Berristers, #1 King Strset East, BA 37200 FIRST snd second mortgeges Fonged. WW. Bchatzmann, Broker, Whithy Frotessiongl Bat MO 84008 MORTGAGES ~ Arranged, Bought, Sold ompany end so thonies RA 5-654 John BOLAHOOD Limited Reghtor Member Onarie Mortgage Brokers Association MORTGAGE Money Available Payments to suit Your Budget ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY Bl KING ST, ERA 3.3993 Member Ontarie Mortgage Brokers Associgtion A complete Gorden service, sleonup, fertilizing, power r5iting, Mow is the time 16 kill §on gross end ehickyeed Seeding, wedding, mursery "Ly We Can Finance You! Own Yow Own Licensed WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT Unatiended Laundry Store Be your own boss while GIA GINING yin resent Ens profession or job, Mo experience nesessary, A YL] on -metered Gnd ly operated by cust without need of ettend Many stores Gre open a doy, 7 doys @ Receive training, ad n and continuing help the organization s planned over 10,000 iry sores, Complete sery nd parts centres conven iently located near you. We offer generous financing of yonir total purchase ot the lowest installments Write or phone today for full information ALD CANADA LTD. 25 Belfield Rogd Rexdale (Toronte) Ont RO 6-7256 LEAP NOW Into this new hig able business Wii Canada's largest trampoline centre manufacturers, CANADIAN made, completely installed 12 Ranch Platform jump centre, (no pits required), Total investment $9,960, in. cludes home unit dealership. Terms arranged for qualified parties VIN, HONTEFTH, [a aed] £9, 440i Be pr BA S050 ,| 144 Gimme Bhiset Both, Oehans his [43 od WH 146% REGAN VR Gr The Oshows Times wil not be response or arene In advertise: ments mini iad stherwise Wan wn wting, nor Yor more Wan one ne reet insertion oF any ve Hisement, nor beyond the price charged Vor 8 wngle wsertion © he, advertisement wn whieh sie wecins. Mod olen eserves he Nght to classify aavertiving according 19 We own classic phien In the come of Beioy Gdvering ments The Times will Aol be held responsible 151 mare Wace her hat wm which he ach snd occupins. The pAVhers endeqyan 19 reproduce af advertising matier corrmetly tnt assumes no hatihity W any Inaccuncies nn Gy orm of advertisement 18 So GIned herein NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers WILSON snd BURROWS, Chartered | LAcenuntants Wh Bimese Brest Bowih, Wshswe, Ronwid F, 0. Wises, £4, IG Eamons Burrows, CA, BA R357} BOB CLANCY'S Opiaria Asconpting Beryick, (AMPELE rare p Ber vieck Ry Bond Brest West, RA % i. Bes, Ad ! | Architects MAYER and Brioowicr, Mich Esq The Times Banding, Omane, © New fia Hed telephone BA S208 [Auto Ports KENT'S WESTERN TIRE RARER Lesh BAGIIBIYE PRFlE BRA BEREIIOIIES 145 King Bieest West, Owhaws. BA #i ikl Five BAYH th BEFVE VOX ¥ BERT TOMPKINS MHEWTOMYILLE Phone Cloke 472) REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES WASHERS AND DRYERS! | FRANK MEAGHER APPLIANCES RA 54711 * Building Moteriols BIG SAVINGS | BRIAR enocrase Soarersiars. and Bo MACKO LUMBER | eHars ed Kink sipee East. BA 5246 ON ALL PLYWOOD BRYCE v. HACKEY B.A HG | SEPTIC TANKS | | 5.1721 Z Arann wl be # resiity. Von Belle Gardens MA 3-8757 » BOWHNANYILLE 3 miles Enst on Mo. 2 LAWN FERTILIZER BO Ibs, only 4.50 PEAT MOSS, POTTED PLANTS TEED NURSERY COMPLETE LAN E, FERT Bugs ond Upholstered Towke. tre expertly cleaned, GER'S RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS ProAessionst cleaning et lower prices RA 5-7488 | RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS CLEANED Professional Cleaning Home or Plant Members of the Motions! Institute of Rug Cleaning NU-WAY = RA 8-468] Steam Boths WHY BUFFER arthritis or rhesmalie pein Have 5 private soothing sebined seam bt hig ne masepge in cling best lamp. For spponiment telophone BA S401. 204 King LJ Fret, ines Written spplications received until Apeit 20, 196) by the undersigned for the combined positions, noted ohave, Successful Applicant to commence dinies on Mey I, 1961 --~Flegse stote oge, eduction) qualifications, treining end sxperis Basic sigrting salary to be $3,000 per annum plus $600 car gllowence Murray Robinson, Clerk Township of Whitby Brooklin, irs Male or Female Help Wanted £5 "Genersd" 18 Faced 1998 ' Y many skips I" "ilk has "es Gwe traler ke Bew g £ 92 Simese 51. M ot ident Wo wr nee wl from sional thet ha ia LIORN A. CAMERON [hor and RARE y pI ot. BA 32008. BHA | orIEREES AiTRAREA barrister 18% King wa pri alie E. BR. KNOWLTON | LANDSCAPING SERVICE Mow Is the time for Spring | ip! Rolling, Yop soil end sod RA 5-6047 LANDSCAPE by Holland Landscaping Spring Clean-Up NURSERY STOCK You tw hove fine grounds, Esch customer gels personglized service according to his need, taste ond budget For relighle service call RA 5:7442 BEVERWYCK GARDENS Highwey 12 Only 3 miles north of Whithy OL 5-3570 MO 8.4735 See us for your garden sup plies. Landscapes Service ket Fok Ontario ge | £esn fertilizing, 1 BERNIE'S | 9--Summer Properties APPLIANCE SERVICE | for Sale or Rent 68 SIMCOE NORTH (Rear FATABIASHED wn mer Your factory authorized ser- | velopment fenntags {only i By bull Financing no by 4 depot for Phileo, Mafiat, Liem $2000 equipped Paygronnd erie, slic hrnehure, W Trewin, #64 RA 5-1179 Street, Peterborough |LAKESHORE cottage on Wend - - {furnished Inéluding #lectric relr "SICKROOM EQUIPMENT (ir stfie: ik, uly is FOR RENT OR FOR SALE yon env -- furnished two Hospital beds, wheel chairs, eatiage, on Canal Lake, #0 miles fron Invalid walkers, bedsides, commadaes crutches ond canes, also roll-gwey beds Phone Ald Rentals RA 5.1644 Whithy, monthly or weekly. Telephone CASEY'S BARBER SHOP MO 83473 Ad CRYSTAL Springs Lodge [Ome Housekeeping collages {fiahing, sale, sandy. besch (Foams surroundings FOR SALE Bummer cottage at Little Grandview Beauty Salon Town Line 1323 King Street East Expert Service Free parking for 50 sem {Lake furnished, three bhedinoms, city RA 8.076 Barrister Solis r800irs ( Blyest Eas # ih (r THOMAS M. RUNDLE a citor and Notary Fublie, 18% Bisset East, Phone BA B:1763 MANNING F. BWARTY Solicitor, Notary, Maney to Jon Block, 6% BK Sliget East, 34607. Residence, Die! BA 5-4008 CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN ara Iwi BOOCR, Barrisiers, Bolleitors fare, tary Public, Bank of Commerce B df. 18 Bimeoe Blreet North, KA 35446, T. K |Creighton, 8C; NE, Fraser, QC; 6G, K 20---Room ond Board {Drynan, 6G, Lk. Murdoch, NHA mort BAN and board for gentlemen, Apply Bakes Arranged "4 Abert Street RUSSELL 1. MURPHY, BA, ROOM and board for one or two gentle Harr) ster and Solicitor, § Kin men. willing to share, single beds, East, Oshaws, Ontaria. BA 84571 lunches packed, Isundry done, Televi jamEs A, MachONALD, BA. LLB son, RA 61 Barrister and bolicitor and Notary Pub ROOM apd 0 oF Tem poly, howl lig, The Commercial Bullding, 285 King decorated, good hams cooking, & West, Oshaws, Ontarin, Client parking seven minuley' walk to four cor ud nn available hosiitel, Apply 40 Division JOSEPH ¥, MANGAN, G0, Barrister | B74 lbs Solicitor, Money to oan, Office 1444} 22--Store Space & Ga ; 88! King Fireet East, Oshaws, BA 84291 per bag =| Residence, RA §-3405 4%" x 2 x68 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 2. 7, BALMERS, B.A, barrister, Boll Daor Passenger elevator service, citar, ele, 13% Simeone Street North Office, RA 897415 Residence, RA 65-5548 Plus lower prices en smaller sizes New building, Centrally lor cated In downtown ares, BOWMAN, DAVID 1, Barrister, Soll gitor, 844 Bimeos South, RA 58508 Moderate rent, Leases now available WCOTWRON. sud WASTE Wire THE TIMES BUILDING REGISTERED LABORATORY TECHNICIAN for Service Grade 11 position in Medics) Research Unit. Considerable responsibility, professional at mosphere, no shift work Apply Superintendent, The Ontario Hospital, Whitby, On by A Bong 5, YU 6200, - Barrister, 6 private i ¥ As Wanted Ciyil 5 # COMMEN MONDAY, APRIL 17th PICK UP AND SAVE FOR CASH Neils = $5.83 Surveyors PONEY AN AND FLEISHMAN, On taro Land Surveyor, eommereiel bi Fas A Vd 2 Bloor Street WH. FEIN AND TROLLOVE . Land Surveyors, | wid A re East, Phone RA b6681 a, F. RORTON A vio Land 8 ghd fd §nsring Wh Dundas Street Westy Bithy, MO 86081, Ajax 708, TY - Radio Repoirs W_RADIG + A makes A on Fry 4 Voth Avenue, BA 49792 (Fred) SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT == DAY OR NIGHT! Tv, and RADIO CALL RA 8.5286 A Work Guaranteed, OSHAWA ELECTRONICS DO IT NOW Install heavy AX Spalding Tower in 341, by Aft, cone crete hose, with Crown rotor ond Toco antenne, plus channel 9 trap, ON TIME IF YOU PREFER, EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, Len and Lou's City T.V. FREE SURVEY RA 5.7844 SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA T.V, 36] GIBBONS ST, GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to @ STARLIGHT TOWER and you'll have the best GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Barrister | Henry | HA | pm bedroom hly profit: can Bonfield excellent beautifvl [22] unit Sliesl 34" Common 50 lbs |ganvenienses, 80 miles from Oshawa For further description and lecstion phone OX 18218, Toronto 6 Rough Plywood B 4 x $3.00 Write immediately to; Cement, CANADIAN TRAMP-O-LEAP LTD, 71 Bank 5t., Ottews, Ont T4--Employment Wanted 500 NEEDED by end of June to save home of five school-age children. Moth ling (0 ry aby type work from dressmaking to truck driving. Ex perienced 3506 fiat RELIABLE woman will eare for child and do Nght duties fiveday week or care for elderly lady. RA 89710 THE KOVAL Coin and Siamp Blore. MARRIED man with family wants King Sireet Wert, shame P anted | Work, has chaulteur's licences. Will do 1025 nickel Queen Victoria coins of |ARYIRIRE. Call KA 56268 Canadas If not badly worn, sliver dol | 3° lars below 1899 exeept 1838, old Cana 16--Female Help Wanted dian snd other tokens, sold eqins of any eouniry In nies eondition, alsa WOMEN with pleasing personality as scares American coins such as large WAllresses. Four or five Rights » week cents, Indian head cents, two . cent WAN approximately 1.30 a.m, RA 5-483 Solicitors, Clients' funds avaliable for first movigages, 20 Bimene Street North Contest 7. L, WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 [5.5 li RA 85038 Pleces, sie Fal prices paid i WEEKLY wearin lovely bd WANTED = all kinds of household fur, [dresses given you as honus. Just show RA 53566. Charles ©. MeGibbon 8c) Edgar F, Basieda, §( --| 1270 -- Bookkeepin niture, refrigerators, stoves, ele. Fay North American Fashion ¥ racks 0 $3~=Wanted to Rent ™ | ping Ing highest prices In Oshawa, Valley (rlends. No canvassing, investmeni, ex and family require thres {MOVING and racking = SCHAPELHOUMAN rates. Also plastering 4) $1.10 Mahogany $4.30 PURF'S CAMP on HAY BAY North Shore, Mapanes, Ont Good ond bad fishing Pike, Bass, Muskie, Pickerel Store on grounds, Y-bottom boats, housekeeping cottages. Special rates; Clubs, Large Parties. RA 5.5416 Oshawe; Napanee 354-3644 12---Articles Wanted WANTED (0 buy used grand plane. CH Monte "ar Adelaide Avenue Weal, BA 5.5307 Nursing Services IN BOWMANYILLE {for the sged, 5 Can | Frivale pension rates. Write 115 isn Blatesman, PO Box 19, owmanville, Ontario 1" x 4" Spruce, DA § 1200 BF, lots $79.50 per 1000 BF We specialize In washing machine. and radia repain Dealer In reconditioned furmni- ture and appliances, SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE 49 BURK §T, RA 8:4873 VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE New ond Used Household Furnitures, Refrigerator, Stoves, Ere 145 KING ST, WEST RA 8-440) OSHAWA "T=Women's Column PEO © Fmanenis $8.50 ine Avenue {INDIVOUAL care for sag |Bunnybrae of Oshawa We i eg invited, ressonsbie riles, RA Optometrists F. RIOHARD BLACK - - - Doster of of Optomairy, the examination of eyes, |eantact lenses, 136 Simese North |Cuiborne, Evenings by appointment 4 i Fine Reof BF, lots Spring Clean-Up | Fertilizing, Power Rolling Landscape designing Nursery Steck OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING :] LLB; asi Phones: Office RA 54604 ar Whithy 5.5202. Money 19 loan GREER snd KELLY, Barristers, Soligl ars, ele, TW Simeae BSlreet South ial KA 33278, Residence phones: M. Greer, BA RA 5-336 Ter: | Ay amined of home, Dial KA Painting end Decor FAINTING and decors For cheapest and best, etophonts RA Hy B UPTON! B satisfied! Hi x, ality Hyd 8 BOL, for NORTH and 2-~Personal SUD. Wundewn, Outre Belp "pep up" thousands of mi on past 40. Only Sie. Al all jr TRANSPORTATION to downtown Te. mnie wanied or offered, leavin Oshawa 7 Him ¥ ACADEMY -- Academy, Ballet, Y30 am. Telephone R . wall now, 44 King Wes, tanks cleaned the sanitary mates. RA ks installed. Walter Ward, | op RANI West. Phone SEPTIC new | ADVERTISER wishes to cont la Chentaut Badd ren Mtavelling dally by ex beiween Ushridge and EW following: Oshaw thy, Pickering, aay aint between. Th unity for any per fly rip, Wrile Bos 3, ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa, April 25 ond 26, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for gpointment x 10" and 12" UMPHREYS, BOVOWVN Wd Wilf EDS 1600 A Barristers, _ Bolicitors; BR $91 per 100 BF Humphrey ve, NC; 8. Boyehyn, fy Hillman Mas hit Sifeet Adjustable Steel Posts MO Basi; RA a4" x 73 $7.49 | MeCULLOUGH BLDG, SUPPLIES RA B-4689 COE 57, Cronk oT weed furniture, Tele: perience necessary, World American bedroom. wis to eight roam house, Complete Garden Service ne 0 weks, 14 i oF shaws. Contact My and, Gen R | thé "a [Bivd., Dept, (1-569, Montreal 3 asa Hotel Apply Box 846 Osmaws| COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING |lshing, sidewalks etd. RA RA B8-6366 Painting and decorating, # WANTED WANTED young (1) or wom ih for Ton Us SERVICE, INCOME TAX Adi Moving snd Storage, Grhaws mates all RA 3-307 8 for cook's assistant, or kitchen maid, for FPLIA buyers are chocking A had 8 a a larke home in Oshawa, good wages. | Classified right new. Disl RA 3.0483 fH RETURNS [8% pied insured, Fhone iH He ird sing EXPERT painting by Don ssonahle IMust have velerences, live In. Apply start an ad on the ones you want le . . 8-3661 rales, depending room size, Work fier SCRAP IRON, POULTRY [Box 734 Oshawa Times sell 686 OSLER STREET p oreo -- | UsToM rm snenie, disiinslivy Wair|Whleed, Dial HA 8-078 or RA 3-305 A ou and styling 12 ws AND FEATHER TIEKS |i owren es ei ve 5 " oR RA 5.9953 |Dressmaking Wairtvilng Studia, 11 Road West |" © Lor ESRIONAL painier aed paper I, TURNER Hae iserty Senieinan, ahd ian | ouses for Rent [ASK for what you wani with "Wanted REAUTY salon wilh sieads eusiémars. Free estimates. Al Conroy RA 0088, RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 |} wy, | SEVEN + room house on Rossland Hd ¥ li nay. Claniied ads, Dial RA 3:3480 Thre dryers, all modern equipment. PEOPLE who need your serviess ' : ' WATTRERE "wonied. ~~ Avely~ Ganaeis (West Telephone KA 58103 (Building rades BT Andy LTA due to Mekness, #1500. | reading Classified right now. Don't mine (Colleet) Hotel, Cafies Shop, Mr MacArthur, | SIN-ROOM, three: bedrosm house, Im (NEED help! For painting and paper |akss on children, Hy XK a | me ant Tn | adn tiny "te 3 ro a SHA [LADY ta look after ane pre-school ages 7ass Ranging eal, B. Gouiding #04 CRired | reversible skirts » specialty, RA ie [Instrueri J to sans your low eos ed, ehild, live In. Attractive wages. Phone : HAW [Sha Sant Hes. TROBE. S1vE © voom Bungalow, oil hale TV aL YYPHS of Nome repairs wad ve [AESSMARING and allereions on GXRVEY WA DODD & SOUTER AUTO WRECKING CO [warrwEss EITIRR [Assia gareue, very central, Telephon modeling, recreation moms, Feeling | (hice RA #8666 (ay Royal PAINTING & DECORATING pm. to 130 pm Sieady om | Warkmananip guaranteed. Free a ser CONTRACTORS Wants cars for wrecking, |kond | Wakes Apply 8 [RELL] ALTERATIONS of all kinds for man, (RA 5610 : p Part for tole. ald tos Hd Hie. TES Viichars (Women and children Formal dress ALTAN MAE MARSH, dane aint ng Paperhanging, arts Jie. 9180 i60p lon 17 M le Hel Wen ted MORawk No commercial or # ned, Bast Meversibie skirte--a specialty. RA §-3086| foocing 'schaol, ballet, tap. ae Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, and metals, ete, bought. Open ale Nelp ante | warkmanship, best pi COMax 3-853) wobatie, pre-school, character, Friday Spray Painting 4 Saturday all day, Phone |DRIVER for sleanng plant to Jake over oly rent or eg om hungelow, | DON'T put it off, put It on, reefing FURRIER plas Masonie Temple, KA 5.7053 107 BYRON. § 3 5. WHITBY RA 5:2311 B89 BLOOR E. [commission basis, Write Box 635, Osh heated low down Payment. HA 31791 ng A en I haat Bg: pais) hd DRESSMAKER | Fh airy wanarisnde, by Inrvioe oh. NIGHTS A" i ii ava Fimes (NEw five Joon bungalow, Rossland gEAVESTROUGHING flashing a ---- 426 13-~Business Opportunities Fann " a, $100 Monthly. Immed: Font hr renaire snd nen Wark $5000 DOWN, balances on he hish possession "Call BUI Millar, RA Work Haily guaranteed. Estimates $30 on your day hh ut . New years' sxperience, by interview only : (Ti [Ast now RA & 1084, A Alterations, Remodeling, * | gradual 4 ool Hen vi d, RA" Low Prices LEARN HAIRDRES SING SANDALWOOD shaws Times . 3) 5 i MAN with car for position of respon: | {ot EI HOOM ute, hiss © Rioce bath, i. AXD a and a row "? ROWE STREET Wore wane jrvaley PAINTERS sibility. One whe ean ist by oo $US arden. 38 Willlam East or telephone [od hig ar fon small. Estimates fres RA B.6706 oppArunity, better pay i [Week ta start. Telophone Mi 5. [RA Sem08 MO 4-8003 ar RA 5-8937 Driv ime gt Hod work, Sarg iogue ree Interior---Exterior |W 15 INTERESTED? Making $10 10 Six. ROOM house, partly Mirnished or ie rivin fe vel Fairdressing STORE SPACE 18 a day welling quality line of 303) unfurnished, available arr 178 Rieor Fou THER Himaeh Ihe To § Jehoo Schools, Branches, Hamilton, p Paper Hanging escapes, siatva OSHAWA, RA B8-1367 AJAX WH 2.4085 Personal Service up PETER RAN Day Nursery, all or halt, | tov fuels of a iahie firm, over 73 West Hil | pan, RA 85 h FOR RENT ears In business. Write Rawlelgh's,| eagipment, ' fire Ottaws, '"Canada's National [Dent D-a10 08, 4008 Richelieu, Mont [STX-BOOM, three bedroom bungalow, HA 88836 | LEARN TO DRIVE System", 62 Rossland Rd. West For day. 5.30 1a 4.00, 381 8 HH thie 1 Simcoe North, R long AEteement, twa + bay service potential 80000 gals, Part Hope » Telephone RA 33743. Ask for My Cauley erm gar noes station, | ment wr Use ¢ new aluminized pleture tube installed by expen TV technicians, and you'll have the finest. Modest prices == call us for service T.R.1.O. TELEVISION 17) BOND STREET EAST RA 8.678) pr -------------- Well Drilling-Digging oa roofing Me breadioam, basement acoupled, avail } real COMMERCIAL and industrial bullding able May 1. Bus service at door every seclalty New homes Built ia awe at the [Insurance Call Tw 1 an, or ooiaiied Jal Io inaien HA 4330 2 eduroments. Tew Comsirvelon EXCLUSIVF Dungglow, : Phone ealleet RU 8.3661, Tareaia and September PHILCO-BENDIX " Al soe North. tion and discussion MUNICIPAL CLERK Apts, | a Flats for Rent RABBITS for sale. New Beaiand red! Amazing Profit Potential and white, hreediog and meal 'pur | | experienge and should time "ig earnings then a REAUTIFUL |W storey, owner 5 built fA 5:6037 Jshawa Driving School | ALLSTATE Auto ere Rave no | You 23 EQUIPPED | Q TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY FARR Jane Apartment, spacious Two wil ose | Instructors licenced by the | 20 per cent, six months to pay > A z i [Peraonal service al your home Prov f Ontario, Day and [RA ST evening less | RA 8-009) | AUTO INSURANCE DRIVEWAY Fuel and Wood ST you are @ careful driver | GRAVEL HARDWOOD factory. side Telsphone| YOU may save $10, $15 or RA +30 | $25 on vour car insurance or - better than 20%. Preferred Furniture Repair drivers enjoy the lowest rate FURNITURE louchup repairs ar in Unta through this finishing. French polishing Telephone Halt.year RA 4388 us teday and Fur Storage =ample free parking FURS COME OUT Fisherman Wanted him: | sin esti chimney sleaner nd repaired, gas lal naces vacuumed, F " nee RA 30887 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Sr arten or lengthen garments. Cutts and pockets renewed Lompiete stock of buttons. GILLARDS CLEANIT SERVICE LTD 5 1585 stalled males To plan trip to Great Slave Lake, NW.T., for party of (3), sometime between July For informa write Oshawa Times. 5 five room S5lra was iy I 1" Tolehone. RA 5.80 WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE Specializing in 30" Tile WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2 MO 38-3809 204 TNUT ST. W + -------- TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING na Contact bag | entrances IL) A TTR lywa large roams, completely faraiah- | od far [gh housekeeping including {alectrie velvigerator and stave washing machine and dryer Ce | 10 downtown and shopping eenire. Sull {working couple, $13 weekly. RA 55300 38 Muse, in quiet area, fully landscaped YOUR local | | | 1 3-Peots & Livestock | Written applications will be avatar service, hal i Don Howe Reallor | ru ehagkyard, with patie and fall gout "Loin \geratar, oontralled FRENCH poodle, bis Coin Operated received by the undersigned GLASS man, fully experienced, ta acl pi BR, trees. Must be seen (0 he appre boi and fomale, two months old, $100 ¢ {for the position of glerk of ¢ He Launderette Has | TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken halt chicken as foreman of insulating glass WAI ciated, $85 per month. HA 8002 Telephone RA 8363 the Township of Whithy factory. Fxoellent salary and working conditions, full employes Denetits RETTER Slate paves drive BATHING, (rimming, - de fealng, | 4 Poanting: Wauhena Keanels. RA 3-833 Suceesstul applicant must have had previous muniel RA CLIFF BROWN 5.5279 SCHO FIEL D INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD pa plate be hy mm trer months old WEALTHY BEAR farm FOR SALE registerad beagle male, six Phone Alex WH 31m adorable Pameranian pum plea plus quality and personality. Tele Rhone | RA Hy © Pi Pom "S--Farmen ( Column stock ploked up prom collect, dampion, Stiey 3 4 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Lie LIA JONN DEERE tandem dlae, ¥, in | } i. | | ! with Double-Load Dauble-Profit WASHERS ond Telephone COlay 483) | ared 10 assume duties os possible. Please educational qual: training experi ence and salary expected Applications, marked as wo contents, will be held in gone fidence, and must be re | ceived not later than April | 20. 198) Murray prep a5 soon state age negations GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8.8951 MODERN SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT VERY CENTRAL $68 PER MONTH - TELEPHONE TOASTER AND IRON RA 5.5433 or RA 5.2247 REPAIRS R Shion, p Sievk i LIKE NEW WITH PICKWICK CLEANERS Lawn Mower Special Clean ng and Special 483, TREET SOUTH 5 Summe orage Dial RA IMCOE § 434 OSHAWA FURRIERS | | 360 King § West RA 3.224 AND RENT ST EVERY THI ¢ Us A Cail STAN'S CORNER KING & BURK WE SHARPEN ALMC 3 G 37S wi chips hamburg, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER-RA 5.3887 fries hot fish and dogs, 8 Plumbing Meating Al Phan tad plumbing aad e RA plumbing 3 3591 Harald heatin nealing and engineer. | Ag, 353 Almeoe Street South Clean-outs and deepening, COMPRFSSOR WORK RA 8-3864 DON'T Throw Away ood | oandition. Thee furraw Cookabutt plow, Box 180 CAN RE.STYLE YOUR RA 3.3224 PLUMBING and Beating plpes, Mi Spoint Riteh, MO BIW. FARMALL Cub tractor with Nil Hae of Broaklin 17-=Male Help Wanted FRANK MEACHER APPLIANCES FUR TO NEXT FALL'S tings Ally fixtures new andy AE from septic lank 0 sewer , hang + Or Store Any Coin Operated DRY CLEANING MACHINES For Information With Obligation ,. , , Contag KOIN LAUNDRY SALES LTD, 20 College Street oh installations al reasonad Information amd estimates free yee Rel plumbing. Dial RA 3.401 stuipment, very goud condition Wm Bas. RR 4 Cobourg. 1 miles aarth of Golden Miller Restaurant. Phone Cold wring BRI wine) GERMAN shepherd, male, Sanihs, 8. Telephone RA $3780 WELL ven manure for sale. Tele phone RA § STYLE AT LOW SUMMER RATES CA RA 8.8302 ome to Useful Articles It's So Easy To Place A WANT AD Simply Phone RA 3-3492 FRIENDLY SERVICE SMALL LOAN MANAGER Canadian Acceptance Corp. requires an ex» perienced young man to manage their Con. sumer Loan Dept This is an excellent opportunity providing e geod starting salary, merit increases and promotions en- tirely on ability APPLY IN CONFIDENCE TO: CAC. METROPOLITAN BUILDING 64 KING STREET EAST RA 8-1691 OPENING SALE | 0. OLAN Lawnmowe: and Engine Sales and Service NEW LOCATION 74 BARRIE AVENUE 4 pecially oll 7 ced a 92 SIMCOE ST N OSHAWA RA 5.471) THINKING OF SPR Wing and 3 ked ename! alum One veness n of the front we SATISFACTION GUARANTEED An Inquiry ost Noth 3 AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD 110 King Street Fast, Os RA 83103 ! phe pressure Wy ards, lawnmowers all kinds, © and Park Road ® hatha tanks Plping China MMP pumps, | molars, out | and fl sornes | ING 1K 9 dé 2 nt Gardening and Supplies FOR sale good! Aspect before you day ELIE) LEN PEL hq! nis side Fa De - Be 9 port USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS BEATTY APPLIANCES | Bam, equi BMERt, pumps, a 3 1 Ptian riod manum i Telephone RA TIER MTvice, lawes TeaseRAble Tales, Aw landscaping ! RA $318 Ww apaiiances v ry od hot water and | naces, bathroom 4° serviee h EH 3.3% ae SAVE C aed by ¥ ' ® he "a 2 Yoronte Ontario Adil da LOAM, manure, sod. saad aad asa Abia Tae Teapheas Ra {RA TING » Ngm : ind Telophona: WA 5.451)

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