FLARKLY BETWEEN CHICAGO'S RED HAY AND DETROITS PETE GORGAN IN ZND PERIOD "SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell sronrs Enron "Everything From Soup To Nuts' wns Lik the lead the CHIBAWKS have { finals, ' Hea One again whieh YEAr Seems Oo Bia nin ge effort to ng Blow that ii Lhe fall K Rame of Hu Hawk then 100k Black J in determined fall "home lee " nignt 1a gna in 9 got the idea iy and if aould end hb I I'l £ f quite othe of 1 the alfa nex thie i H BITS Hmelight whil { HIGHT is : the |) n fina pa wi mand Bert Gira managed i I I il ofl i Ho Junio 1] ght AN grabbed oy the OHA OSHAWA CURLERS last eh Guelph 18st night pit posit elyten ind in H i nignt of Jacl Art t of two-point returi aff nij Ashworth Charlie | to pull them thi "Plumber' upstairs and Oshaws managed Are not quoting of -this-world Orillig-Oshawa inter=club lees! curling season, Oshawa someon and If Stan Sargeant the then he shouldn't the SPORT VARS these the CBI em! of of tl ™ of 1 hest DURNO'S char ana t ane fo ihe " "Raco " us boys WEL LOB victory "Lew Heaton this 1s the only wir SERIOUSLY, Hammond's terrific" and kept score think Cinrrara frankly to Jack wonderful reason we [™ the oft and now-famous "ou phrase hut still the highlight of the won the trophy this begrudges Lew Beaton have stayed so long in would he very and CPTO SpOTLs honors south! jubilant obviously coverage We anys ve got battle its ROINE ir olled supplying the result 1s that we e¢ best but all CITY-WIDE and Major League hockey Bowmanville Arena PR And that hoeke) tap and e ob are ever ious erage to get not tl ¢ sports eo settle the Sunda Oshawa pion nignt a should be "a dilly clean up the "loeal" SEASON BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS THE CANADIAN PRESS American League Wi Pm 01.000 01.0004 01.000 hn 1] Wn 00 i] Hn 000 2 | 1) Minnesota at Baltimore (NH GHI ! National League Wi Pe 0 1.000 1. TM Ho yo ARE AAA] hhE} Ho Minne Kansas Cit Los Angeles Chicano Cleveland Detroit Washingta Boston fl New \ " n Raltimn i Results Friday Haltimore Detrait Washington (only game scheduled Probable Plichers Today ha City (Daley 16:16) N¢ York (Turley 4) Cleveland (Grant 9%) a Washington (Dantels 1-8) Minnesota (Mobb | Hal Wrber 10 Chicago (Mobash +1) UR 1) Gam Cincinnati i 3 q i 14 i n Franciseo Los Angeles Pittsburgh Chicago Milwaukee Nt. Louis Philadelphia | 1 | | ? i H] | i 3 | 1 1 ! | 1 | 1 | | } \ : | | 1 | | | J ] Results Friday al Los welphia 0 San ? Uhicago Pitchers (Wille i Hobbie 16:30) fay (0%) 3 1 Min Chicago Cle ld 0 Louis 3 Angeles Franei Cinetnnati Pittsburgh 6 th fil Ll A] Vaukes Probable Milwaukee Chi fi Today } wo Cineinnatt (Hi Burg An aglio oon (Lheney) Peysdale i i il tail | Host 1} \n ica no(Delack $10) Games, Sunday at Washington igo at Detratt Los Angels As Lily elphia san Franai {Robert eo (Mariel Games Sunday Los Angeles at Boston Kansas City at N. York Minnesota at Baltimore Cleveland at Washington Chicago at Detroit { ale A ORB (2 (2) $1] cland at Hostan (3) at New York har SPORT BRIEFS TIED FOR LEAD GREENSBORO. No (AP) Mike Souchak and Billy Max sald Frday it has ar well moved inte the 38-hole lead ranged for Rinaldi (0 train the of the § 10 days lot boro v An Halian restaurant at 1a) el n naldi and the 10, wilt na park of New weight boxing tle June amplete ot is IFRINING ng in the heart Yory Madison Square the Garden, pro fight In the molting litle Garden last ina adjacent {8th $A Greater Green golf towmament In Li open Ww wals. two ar Broadway eat In the in ahead will Se Nill : i stay leader ( restau Hye & penthouse restaurant FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Pete Lalum bus Dan sO RIDERS SIGN RITCHIE OTTAWA (OC) \ ohie, 12. an of fan Roh enslve vith la YOR i taned Rid ba and RIV] by ) Rig awa Ra Four won of Rig hi foo te Cagle Gastonia, NA the dividual scaring macher iN championship in the Senior In| knocked out tercaliogtate League last season 310, Lockhart with six Frosan, Calif ade ua 1 © Ray ants in Ae 8 Rialas IN LOT HH \} TRAINS Uris \ YOR Philadelphia 1) , Ph he Ug 3 i » 4] i elie Moore for Bheavy | Warner, 18s, Philadelpt [gin 4 prize winners were Fran Bradley land Vio "08 tied at two wins each with UAW Aux. 77 Lady Bowlers Hold Banquet Aux UAW ng held thelr neguet the Union Hall Saturday evening Alt the herd table Vrs {dent Ethel Thompson, Ann Gwil Hams, Bea Simpson, Hazel Var {row Mr. and Mrs, Heg. Ellis Malcolm Bmith, Matt Kalluka Hilda Baker and Allee Rear aon Alter a delicious tered to hy Bister and her committee, Thompson called Brother Malcolm Smith to present the 222 Trophy to the winnin $l Outs Captain Joan Hall, Betty Bawyer ellie Rose Ellis, Matt Kalutka was called on re the Consolation Yrophis Captain Ethel Thompson, Belly Kutherford, Millie Mad 1a Filo Lawlor Jeanie Gray and {Mabel Whithread High average I88, high double i868. high single 0, low 22 Ann Forster, our oldest howl er, who will he 80 years old on | April 18, was presented with a gift of a purse Ann Gwilligams gave the honoy roll, Rose Ellis, gave the trea surer's report Joey Braiden presented the {executive of the league with a | 4 rv wm were J dinner Mary Blater Bister Fihel 'R m Local team Marg Faylor Hicketl nw yell Marg and Mi in Burru Blater Killen Joan Jean MacKean Irene Burgoyne COTE f . | Joan Hall Lawton We then danced to Russ Young's orchestra, All reported Fithel Fogel # good time Officers for President | treasures Lars Ann five member re reporter Play off pins #008, Luckies 8088 004 and Go-Getlers Consolation Union 1086, Moon Heams 8033 Gang 2060 and Jo'elle Bowling starts September "62 season thel Thomp Kose [lls Gwilliams execu Hilda Baker and Hazel Farrow Blow Busy 2020 Maids Happy N26 11 hl on are i Outs Hees St. Mike's Tie Guelph GUELPH (CP) Bt. Mieh ael's Majors rallied for two late third | Friday night 10 te Royals 34 hely A final now wriod goals the Guelph OHA Junior a game ted It appeared had the win final period leading diy ta Al thelr chance annected with 13. Three Iy heer shot h go Hamme it the Roya in the bag in the 1, A pen Lebrun gave them and Bruce Draper Ag e shot al an minutes later with a past Jordan to 1 wound ui that bounded Penn ng Lund He the Playi Mémarial before 4,125 fans at Gardens her the battled through a hard that the Roy elght of 11 pen i but ride oul with stout cheoking, St. Mike's held the edge in the first "per id but the Royals back stiong In the ston Both Majors in had many side hit tw AVing @ tdam hitting a alt MH game SAW WK up the them Came second ses Jordan and the urmed teams Each post goalies vy Cheevers as the chances the fer strong efforts close the goal Vice Brian Walsh had majors goal while I Paul Andrea Cunningham soared for the als TOOK EA) { the Marcel and hey La Hob Roy lle ALY LEAD wped of Ww 10 it Rate beat Uw \ 20 when he Al made Jean Tap with rea od In the ass Vanderford, Rovals a man short Walsh opened the St. Mike's $80 Am od Don 8 STE WEEN N Pilous Spurs Win To Deflate Wings CHA ene Lr, et Ohicagn Black Bawks unlesshed tered ims ir oF ; : # terrific third period drive Frid But the showing died dowpist the finish sfier day waht to wip Detroit Bedlwhen word come thet Murrey|iesms had siugped Wings 63 and pill to within one Ballonr sullered a tracted at tie after two pernde we of thelr first Stanley Cup! forearm and will be owt for ¢ fds wig fF gh SPARKED OUTBURSY The Hawks, given "5 red gpyy 9 POS Wasting" by conch Rudy Prins TM Nh Posy between the seond and third Hawks periods for twice Wowing Whe | cud Bill (Red Hey gon) leads Same ¥en SAMIR he aily inte the onl post in th =i Pierre Piiote eu the third and petted rd # dd third period when thrown off, Balour scored in the fir Deli pole etn; fom Wk plane after being 1ripped by sgn in the second, Hon KE BE sided Detroit's Howie Young The win gave them a 32 lead Pilous said he "gave 'emitelly : in games nthe best-of 56Yen nell' before the third period got, For the Red W f/f series wih the sith contist » under way ' just wanted 1olen Lavine, Bowie Glover JEtroit Bundsy ie pRUErni find owt i this of the teams doing all thelr Win hockey club or not' he related] The heotie rugs ning on home lee Jrevals rp 19 reporters aller the game 16086 screaming fens day meaning Detroit won) the Bo. | line with Bobhylthe third, He scored twice i wm Defenceman Vete Coe the Wings snd Hay #uggs and deciding game will be A played in Chicago Tuesday The victory set wp cries of | "Sust one more, Just one more" skating and sheer power thet' drawing me 'Stanley Cup Filled With Lots Of Loot CHICAGO (CP) the team winning Cup will receive $3.000 ench and te win | added generzl man ager Tommy Van Tigers' Lary Hurls One-Hit Whitewash ih 0ies hander out 12 the veil Job sgeinst the On The curvehulling right walked two and struck losing # shutout on 82000. The amounts in Jackie Brandt's two-run triple winnings in the fifth, Zoilo Versalles doubled and scored the first run winner 1s aeninst loser Jack ¥isher in the loser #750 fourth inning for the Twins, 00h then drove in Billy Gardner Units in the semi-finals who had doubled, with the tie- 81.250 for each winner and breaking clincher In the seV:ifor each loser enth The Nations) By ED WILKS Associated Press Ball Willer Fitts Frank less Orivies and Washingion Benators won their first, spilling { + Hf idl a than a aun! Cleveland Indians 3 vy Lary, Just turned #0, walked Wi the Wiggest . y f v 13 a roy mystery of spring training for OMY We, TEUFINg 15 in a row Landis's hit before giving Detroit Tiger Helied upon as) Mer of the Ri of the staff, helUP A pass to pinch iter Ear had # 10.08 earned run average? OTgeson in the pinth na and had been tagged for 17 runs| ruck out five, He faced 3 in ohe stretch of hihi. Men, three over the minimum tion innings while squaring his career res ord sgainst the White at 12 I wi out against the wi those of nore 4 Lary Week $170 and for a difference of one £ Seven # Box til # mystery Fri [1] White the Tigers were looking for the answer he turdy rvighthander pitched the first one-hitter of his career for # 740 breeze in his first regular CHRON BpPERTANCE Lary pening hit shortstop hy Lary hut not Wis i Hockey Chicago who day " Lary's first shit White Box, who went down behind Frank Bau mann, last year's earned run leader. The Chicago southpaw who won Monday's opener ir relief at Washington, was belted came within an neh of (for five hits and three runs in no-hitter. 'The only the first two innings with Al Ka a serateh single off| line's double bringing in the run Chico Vernandez's! Lary needed in the first, Bob Jim Landis in the fifth Shaw then gave up the other|league appearance, heat the In four Detroit runs In the third dians i seven-hitter, Me inning, two on Rocky Colavite's|Clain drove in the first run Minnesota Twins re: first home run with a double, walked none, | mained unbeaten with # 82 de! Camilo Pascun] gave the struck out two and had » shut |¥ cision at Baltimore the' Twins their second victory withiout until the eighth @#lsn 50 / single by Danns walk and a single by Danny iiee teams reaching the play O'Connell gave Washington the, RCIHIY i ft deci " sf of LA Ady : Row ers' shares are not fi Hnenaer mm w "ih ig hy B ate p no doubt that these are indeed |VErcentages of gates or pr » bunch of Senators, Bell?" other considerations hud won seven In 6 tow, BONE DIVIDED BY 1 back to July 15, 19% The league's Joe Metlain J AF uA Fight in units of 18 to each parti hander making his first malor ng club, Thus, the contrib new i wi glove inning In games g final is $22,500 1% unit $1,250 each 13, B or other American League y the same unit distriby the cup-winning team gels 500 and the runnerup avey HOCKEY SCORES | ALLAN CUP PLAY by YH SAASVIAN Yim | Ramblers Must Scramble)... "To Stay In Contention err hicago n Binoun HO RB reece Detroit 3 ( [] smaller aunt 1 GALT (CP Amherts Rar amounts $1,760 and $700 spectively seven! of decide, the juliiant Hawks clatiloreed the Bed Wings wiv #» CAppein Bian grin IRIN i" owttan ih Sign Mikita, 2Lyesrnid soph omors centre, was the big man Ballour, right winger on thelin Chicagy's offensive bret In edi set Wp the third by defenceman Yr phy added the other Chess is an honest! Vie Sasiuk doing the sloping bude "hey took the criticism eel stuffy Chicago Stadium, browgnt square the series--the seventh] thoroughbreds and come hack shout one outhreek of fighting The Hawks had the staming, lout in the second period, each for penalties from Member Bl anproximatel unner4n team Rpproxvimately cut contribution to semifinal losers 500 each in 18 units of $750, $13,500 making the estimated individual If the teams wish to vary the! ruary, according to Dr, ( or {ler for the teams themselves to] Ne A i THE OWAWA ar Letwiker, bord 1%, 961 Kd REMEMBER WHEN? Tommy Fer, roikiewed bate tier fron Wales, ponrhed » IL 1amnh Reifion Ver Baer at London 18 Jae tomahs. wih inased le 1 re (ramet of world heavyweight) anders. Detesied later Loss and Jimmy Br Ferry Senpped a sirrieg 1% verdict to Baer 5 veer later SEMIVINALS OPEN NAVANEE (CF) Laksyiews opens thes Omar Hockey Assncsation Smiermens ste A semitdingl aries, Sphinn Banas {AREAS Led a Amy sight with # 472 victory, Second game of the best-of seven tenes i be in Barrie Friday, referee Frank Ulvert tor fight ng. For ss while & gener ne jes threatened pe PIR ye I # shaven and hase it tie Buses wen jumped in 18 sap The prin Fad BOO LY ARS Lavan the man criianes by Chicage officinale wplter the fifth game nw Detroit Wednes, 555 Bay~was rowndly. bowed wien, VP he pppenred on the jee belore the game. An orange peel was tse @t Wim Pilous, fined $298 by Viesident Clarence Campbell of the Bad tions Hockey | eagne (or & pb lie otery ppmnst Udvari's offi cating Wednesday, indicated he wast happy wilh the refeves's work Friday might Put some of Wis players wnckly vied wp. "Welch ¥ Wud or you'll get fined pen. Pilous 4d remark sarcastic | "iy Well, they finglly pt Gordie Bowe with 8 penalty. He was holding so long It looked) if he wanted g ride wy the! two wna so 7 MASTER PLUMBER "A 7 wi wis the! #9 4 yy rif eraging to make phot the : A rit enach Abel Cdyar wi wry did with # mie have na comment fie fa of ng the Ballou ol 4043 had o 4 # rouse f Defenceman Dy em « ow of with a wrenched knes had stitches Over jeft i ' ow easuait ard Ia Lame Hay ney) § ame the wns i ot in h the yi Inde in the semifinals For the fing! the unit for the the are Vo League A single hy Gene Woodling, & gusraniees 1 total of $117,000 to ois The amount is fixed and play based on ofits is ipat ion to each team winning & semi 5 of 4 REFUSED BRIBE Lowery Kirk, Memphis State | | Basketball Star, turned down | | a $1000 bribe offer to control the point spread in his team's | game with Villanova last Feb ( Humphreys, president of MSU. Humphreys sald the | offer was telephoned to Kirk hy an unidentified caller from w York, two days before game time in Philadelphia (AP Wirephoto) ion #31 re eons W nly | mat [that a recurrence of such rowdy | play could eause expulsion from the playoffs Two CRigary (Seattle lesdd semi-final &:1) Ontario Junior A Taronto 8t, Michael's § Guelph 3 (Chicago leads hest {sequired player---that is a blers, trailing Galt Terriers 50 final 3:2) Western League in the Eastern Canada allan Cup finals given wp 1 Beattle 2 of vel SEVEN new referees for the| ¥ neutral have been authorized fourth game hy CAHA haven't STATISTICS STANLEY CUP | Week-end Games "A a Pe This is what you g In Allan Cup Series (Best-of-seven final tied 22, ane game tied) Western Canada Intermediate Terrace Bay 4 Lacombe 6 (Lacombe leads best-of-five fi nal 31) hest But they admit they'll need a greatly improved brand of hockey to perform the implau sible win four straight on the road International League | "We'll need four games of gon 2 Nt. Paul » perfect hockey sald playing Paul best-of-seven! coach Jacques Monette who has i) heen starring goal for the Mar itime champs | The Ramblers will get thelr | Hrst comeback chance here to night when the clubs meet In the fourth game of the best-of dent Jack Roxburgh of Bimeoe. | They are from Maontral and re: place Charlie Knox and Dick Munnof Montreal who worked the first three games Chicago 3 Both clubs have agreed that Retrolt had the penalty infractions heen curbed in the first two games the third « game explosion may inever have occurred Monette thinks his elub ean belle! Sam livegory and Mikita ¢ arvington, for instance, A playing pretty well [M. Balfour, ¢ but they could he better, the Delyecehlo, D seven series oach said. "They usually aver.|Wharram, C The winner will face western aoe five or six shots on goal Stasiuk, D |ehamplon Winnipeg Maroons In eson game, but they're not get: Hay, € the Canadian final whieh will ting them here." (Goyette, M Final WL i? LB Muske (ht final nal series 8.2) wins G APs 10 'H 1] ' Howe, D Pilote, © Hull, © play Frank have been Royals "We must stay on the lee" By THE CANADIAN PRESS (Chicago leads best-of seve By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Fast Amherst Ramblers at Galt Terriers tonight (Galt leads hest-of seven final 3:0) * West---~None when you buy your | ELECTROHOME TV FA Hi ni ni PiM COFFEY BIGNS AGAIN Bl EDMONTON (CP)=The Ed 8 monton Kskimos of the Western fi Football Conference announced) M1 Friday that end and place-kick:| Wing specialist Tommy-Joe Cof Oifey has signed to play In the or STEREO Wi-Fi 12/1961 season, Coffey, 25, joined | = MEAGHER'S ithe elub in 1050 after graduat 5 KINE ST. W, RA 35 | ing trom West Texas Slate Co 0llege says Monette, who has stopped 110 shots as his club has bowed Mike 04 80 and 42 In the third : game Thursday Ramblers in 1 11 minors, three majors 10 minute misconduets a game misconduct for part in a wild, rough game Most assessed bb] minute could be costly to Guelph, Star defenceman McMahon was crashed into the board in the third period and had to be helped off. The extent f his is not known, Al Leh for two games with bruise, returned to wilon and was a strong perfor Ww for the Royals he Toronto here be played in the East ay CHAIN HOISTS Injuries Un, missing a hip of those penalties were during a tempestuous second period Sunday braw! which carried over into seventh the penalty box and involved police. Roth teams were warned continues with the Monday NOTICE! The North Darlington Teacher's Association Announces An ARITHMETIC SEMINAR To Be Held In The TYRONE HALL At 8:00 p.m. On APRIL 20th, 27, MAY 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th A Dinner Meeting will be held at 6:15 p.m and will conclude the series series me V2-TON HOIST 1-TON HOIST 2-TON HOIST 12-TON TROLLEY 1-TON TROLLEY 2-TON TROLLEY Triple spur enclosed gon teited to 50% overload. Test sor Hhigate supplied. 3.10 ton models available 3 te 3 dans Come In And See Them AY A. E. MERCER LTD. INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 184 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA RA 8.5127 Attar Moun RA 0.40475 or MO 2.2002 41,00 47.00 71,00 20.00 27.50 43.00 AN ARITHMETIC TOPIC WILL BE DISCUSSED EACH EVENING BY A QUALIFIED SPEAKER \ MT. oriGINAL TREAD TENS. © ou rwears A y ' REGULAR TIRE | PLUS A RECAP 25% 10 50% Thicker tread Meximum traction on every type of road, in any kind of weather Wy, x Budge! Yerms 12 A A 4 { Sys) 5 AS fi ¥ LEY US QUOTE YOU Now B.EGoodrich 88 KING WEST RA 5.454)