The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1961, p. 4

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The Oshawa Times Puihihed ty Canadien Mewspapers Limes, 86 King 9. E , Oshows, Ont, Fd, $8 I More Vital Problems ------------------ Than Flight Into Space The Bussion sucess i Lng & men inte ontit and ringing Wem slaty Back to essth is undouinedly # wibstantiel achievement and with give Commie propagandists considerable maerel IF their campaign 16 convince he More impressionable people in the world thet the Soviet Union is well ahesd of the decadent capitalists in science and (ache nology iH not in the Production oA dish washers and 1oothipese But without ying 16 mwimiie the BERIRVEmERt, he (8h question We alncliuts value, Manned space hight became inevnable as soon as the fw The only of om satellite rocketed wie oF BRCETL RINE IES the Lng flight snd whether # Russian American he first human being in space, Well, the Russisns won the race, but probably by only # month or two, and both the Bussiens snd the Americans pre long from WETR the ah wild the still # Way LasitiSiing IPER OR § 160g RIIOIREON of ik Bo we cannot get exched show the fact thet # men hes now done whet monkeys, dogs nd mice hove done several times. wr enthusiasm 8 Fes unined, 109, proiems of much more immediote concern 19 marking, wed sib be # lot better off. Wed be singing the sireets, lor instance, i the Ruseiens had succeeded, not 0 PERE # MR ite space, wt in discovering the. cause and cure of cancer, of sven the come mon cad Swteliites sie dong » lot of scien tific work, we me told; they provide deta for metsorologsts, physicists snd 0 on, nd will probebly meke long FANEE Communication » gest desl mors efficient. But these has been ne notice able improvement in weather (or caming nd our speed of communication has already outstripped our capaeny to understand EOMIMUNICRIR understandably, yet oF even to Hockey Game Ritual The throwing of things on the ike st « anything from pepe: ritual hockey games to desd fish practised most assiduously at of the year the drags 10 its close with seemingly Inter minable playoffs. I the game, puts hazerds in the wey of the players and is generally a nuisance but apr perently i gatifies the customers and most MANBEEIMENTS to operate on the theory that justifies any sort of behavior Its # fair bet that the people whe shower the ice with rubbish sre the same people wha dump garbage #f beauty spots, damage public gardens, dllow their dogs to run loose without any restraint, and generally act like shnooks, That they are utterly thought less is demonstrated hy their disregard for the safety of the players; Attendants may scrape and clean the ice, but the odd hit of debris can remain to trip # player and cause a nasty spill An impressive casualty list shows how the bits can be missed by the cleaners hut not by the players, become # this Lime has when hockey season delays AIENE seem In recent weeks, # Guelph Royal defenceman wes spilled when his skate hit peanut shells; he injured his hip so thet he could play. Another Guelph player, the league's top scorer, injured his back when he stepped on # piece of paper; he was operated on and could not play hockey for st least the rest of Another Ontario player last week was struck over the eve by a flashlight battery thrown from the stands, A Winnipeg player broke his left leg in two places when spilled by # piece of paper on the ice, Vivid in the memory is the case of Jack McMaster, wha, playing for Kitchener, was tripped by some ohject on the ice st Budbury and was crippled for life Those are only &. few of the cases of injury The practice could be stopped by arena managements, At Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, the throwers are being ejected, That example should he followed in other arenas. The players run enough risks without having the hazards of a rough game increased hy this sort of idiocy, not the season Unfair Pensions Tax Roman ine "Rigorous law," wrote the poet Terence rigorous justice" The quotation is recommended "is often to the attention of our federal govern ors wha, the Mantreal Council of Women, inflict the injustice of double taxation on the pensions of according te some Canadian widows, It may he that this rigorous law applies in only a relat) vely small number but that makes it no less of an injustice of cases, Nuh af the complaint raised by the Montreal group is that Ottawa, unde its Estate Tax Act, may not only tax the pension as income for as long as the survives but may also collect duties on the basis of a capital sum judged necessary hy life tables to provide the pension, The pension, in other words widow actually Succession expectancy is taxed as income and as capital, and in all logic it cannot he bath, Succession duty laws in the United States do not "capitalize" accumulated pension henelits, This is noteworthy not @hye Oshawa Times TL WILAOM, Publisher and Gansta! Manage € AWYN KINSEY dim The Cahawa Himes sambining The Oshawa Time femtablished 187) ang 8 Whithy Gazsity and Chronishs im tablisngd 1881) published dally (Sundays and slatulary halides pied) Members ot Canadian Daily Newspapers Publisher Association The Canadian Bram Audit Bureau of Cireulation and. the Ontatia Pravingial Dailigs Ane cation The Canadian Pram Wn exslusivaly entitled ta the wie tar republisation ef all ews despatched mn the paps credited ta 1 or ta The Aseciaied Prost 0 Reuters and ala the lecal news published aren. AN righty of special despatches are ale wr ed Ottices: Thamaen Building. 42% | ainity Avenue efanta Oniana 840 Cathcart Sheet. Mantieal RQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES feared By. siren inl Oanawe hari Bowmanville Brass lin oer aa 1] Save, Hampton ivarpoel, Taunten, Tyran wena Leaked Brougham Burketen Clarmment alumbus, Gresnweed Kinsale Raglan Rlaskiteck nehwiier Pantypaal and Newsoatle, nat aver 4% . week By mail lin prevines of Ontarial autnde amiers delivery area 13.00, siwherg 15.00 pw " Circulation for the issue of March 30, 1961 17,363 Whithy. Alas Lar Parry, Prines Frenchman's Bay Dunbarton, Enniskilien, only because it points up the inequity of Canadian law but alse because the difference is" leading Canadians on retirement to establish residence south of the border, In these cases, of course, the Canadian economy loses the pur: chasing pewer that moves south of the harder, and Ottawa loses all is present and potential tax revenue, Bo the rigorous law could very easily he defeating its own ends Mrs, H, R, L, Btreight, chairman of the committee of the Montreal Council of Wamen that seeks to reform the widows' pension tax law, is hoping te gain widespread women's support, "A widow needs every penny she can get," says Mis, Streight, "yet #8 soon as her hushand dies she is expected to give up part of her income to the federal government as income tax, This alone is grossly unfair, but when the government capitalizes a widow's pension it becomes completely ridiculous , , , We hope every woman in Canada will take up this vital case, with letters ta their Members of Parlia ment and women's organizations." Ta which might be added another quotation, fram Areld Bennett: "The price af justice is eternal publicity" Other Editor's Views NON-VIOLENCE 18 NEWS ! (Ottawa Citizen) The Canadian Press report of a scene outside the Montreal Farum an the eve of the crucial Canadiens-Maple Leafs hockey game states: "The fans turned away without tickets expressed their disappointment vocally, but police said there was na vialence" Professional sport has come to a fine state when nonsviolence an the part af patrons. is deemed newsworthy Bible Thought Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting Daniel 5:27, Men reject short weights. God mn also who shot faith, fave and obedience rejects those are 'I'M PUSHING TOO, ARENT 17 OTTAWA REPORT African Realists Take Direct Road By PATRICK NICHOLSON UNITED NATIONS, NB. % The focus of atieption here tn day Is Africa whieh has emerged from Simne ia world stature mare swiftly than any other continent. What was hi erally "The Dark Continent" 1H years sgn now 1s "The New World Canada was the while nation 16 oppose racial Mserim ination last month, 1 15 ne en incidence that here 1oday hoth the Atlantic community and the New World see us as # hopeful bridge of understanding he iween the (wo. Canadians were loud In criticising Bouth Africa's while BOVEINOES, NOW We are being called on live up no thase words, hy the black gov erned What is this certainly hrave but perhaps hrash, New World which now looks towards us? BiG, BACKWARD, BRAVE Africa 15 hame to the faurth largest family on earth Africa 1s hall as large again as North America, IL contains ims mense hut untapped riches In probably every significant min eral Vel the income of that whole populous continent 1s inday esti QUEEN'S PARK ony in muled a hree-quariers of the my income of Canada, with ane fourieenth of i When the UN was formed 1H VERIS BED, Mrice's only inde pendent nations were Libera Eihiopia, Egy Al rich BIE hew dependence nh and no less than 16 more admitted to the UN mostly farmer French colonise An example of the Central Alnican Bepuhli parable 1a Alberta In population. Until Gallin-Dougthe a5 Is amhassadoy the only inhahitani York were probably the platter lipped pygmy girls exhibited hy the circus al Madison Square Garden, Such limited tourism 18 understandable since the aver wee annual income in thal part of equatorial Africa 1s less than $100. That sub-luxury income ex plains the fact that the chief foodstuff there is what Cana nadians feed to their hudgies millet, Butchers meal, tamed or wild, is rare, so proteins have not formed a significant propor paipilation nd Bouth ed 190 WEE Nalions Richie Vals asl yer) these eam je and yhung M arrived the 1/N in visit New recently in Questions About New Party Value By DON O'HEARN IORONTO fine wonders whether CCF and labor leaders are listening Rumblings af commen sense ahout the New Partly are hegin NINE 10 #ppeay Federal memher Douglas Visher of Part Avthur, of course spoke aul some Hime ago But more recently, Professor Frank Underhill, one of (he founders of the CCF had his say in public And they hath, and the others who have hegun (on speak up mike the ane hasie paint: that A class party in Canada will neither da the country any good ar have any Ereal success, MEAN NOTHING Will this mean anything tn the New Party promoters? No. Al least not judging from experience here COF leader Donald Machon ald, for Instance, prohahly won't evan see the paint He won't want to see if His entire concern will he in finding some weakness in the statements concerned Weaknesses = no matter how minar==which he will use in holster his self-confidence And the labor leaders--=if they run true te form-=will somehow ar other work aut an angle that they are heing "sabotaged." RENEFITS OUTWEIGHED There 1s na question that the CCF has done some goad in this COuntyy It has applied a pressure from the far leit which has meant certain steps have heen taken hy government al least sooner than they otherwise would have But also theve must be a question whether even this good has heen an overall good Whether the instability which the third party has brought tn our political structure doesn't outweigh the henefits RUYS PARCELS There was a corltain irrespon sibility concerned In that these who ted the COEF did net try and achieve their alms fram work neg within the ald parties his same rvespansibility has marked their whale eharacies atleast here In Ontanie, weighed the ways putting through ahjeclives I never ha and means of Is timesobime In its program it has heen willing to huy a parcel on the hasis of the wrappings and with out figuring the ens There are dedicated the head of 1 knowledges (his But alter long experience the ohserver would spy with hath it and lahor there | an over-halance of hunger for pawer in this dedication INSIDE YOU al fr men Everybody nw that fin wf he hist wine the spiny of Kuiopenn mission anes ei wif FREI § Nearby is he Cameroun, hail the ye of Saskatchewan Wt with (ow fimes. the pomilation. re markable because, despite an BYE RUS of 85 com $200 nr so ghd the world #f ed 10 our 516 Hep ie of Ineame pared to Canada wa Iw MFPs an highest paid in 15.00 coma PEE JERK FOR THE PEOPLE yew Africa's leaders have al ready shown remarkable quali Hes as diplomats and slates men. Many eaneated in perhaps in one of the aepdemies of Varis, or National School of Over France. Some are (ormer members of the French parlia: Wer Franve Hheral BL the Li men I find such men fu WEIEAINE into the discy #lready in EQimansense ions of the United vations, 'They show neither fond: ne for, nor mastery of, the while bureaucrats' prachiee of seeking oul and Magnifying roid blocks in the path of prog ye More simply, they see the distant goal and strive Lo gligin it vig the most direct roule Thus these New Africans have already formed a common mare ket for trade hetween theme selve now they plan 8 come mon foreign policy, with is nats ural and economic corollary of an international" Kast Block and diplomatic service The ane hlessing of our alle vanced eiviligation which (hey dn not eovel 1s the atomic homh, whether for or against theme lve They regard the cold wir as an artificial and wasie ful obstruction, evidence hat we, the self-styled superior eivile \zation, have more wealth than BENE hey needs asking people NE # iterate, hungry, and suly ailing, now face us, nay demanding, fog their 8 the apportunity for life, Iherty and the pursuit of hap pine We ton might well de mand the same fram aur awn slatesmen ABANDON TANKER AUCKLAND, NZ (AP)=The LULA, leehreaker Edisto has heen nrdered to abandon efforts tn re cover the fuel storage tanker Var #, which has heen adrift in MeMurda Sound, Antarehica, for three weeks, UBS Deep Freee! hoadguarters al Christy church says there are 200.000 gallons of aviation fuel an hoard the tanker Shots Can Guard Against Tetanus Ry BURTON WH Rill didn't know that deadly tetanus germs had already penetrated that out he was han daging and that sean these germs would be manufavturing the leckjaw poison! Millions of tetanus germs probably live in your haekyard Animals tap them up when they use your lawn for a tablecloth In soil, tetanus germs curl up in tiny eacoan-like spores whieh are almost impossible ta Kill The rust on rusty nals doesn't give you lockjaw. It Warns you that the nal has heen lying around probably on the ground. Fram mosquito hites ta splinters, any wound filled with tetanus spares can give you loekiaw PARALYSIS STRIKES Potanus germs quickly manu facture their deadly nerve poi son and museles clench inte spasm. Paralysis soon strikes the hrain and spinal copd, Only Hime can eure laekiaw With raised eyebrows and a Wiy smile, the violin resem hes a grinning skull. His head pounds feverishly -a vern FIVeN Way no eanvilsian Dactors can often Hide victims over until the poalson wears off FERN, MD Bul didn't eome down with lockjaw hecauso he's had tela nus shots mo the Army, The shots contaimed tetanus paisan treated ta make It harmless Mistaking this for the real pl S00, his system manufactured antihodies ta protect self \ opuple of injections now, and a booster shot every few VOUS, oan protect you against loekiaw. If Junior's had routine hahy shots and Dad was inaen lated In the army, they anly need honster shit ANTIRODIES FROM HORNEN Don't walt until a diety onl worries you! Immunity de valops slowly. Stil, in an emer gONney, you oan harrow antibod, ies fram horses that receive reEular tetanus injections Your doctor injects vou with the horse's serum. Just hope that you aren't ane of those peo ple wha hecome allergic 1a horse sopum a week after the miection, The feverish aches, Hehing hives and painful arthet HE WAY seem worse then ela Hi With von i he 0 give JAW and serum horse laugh! TL hat hoth lock allergy the Fong i Aly BY.CONE DAYS REPORT FROM U.K. Welch Regiment Gets US. Colors % YEARS MA I. € Yomg Mer 6. Horie, VW. Kem. Geowge Henley. Bs lind Mottat, A. E. Lovel 6; Comat. wh Cage Ban were wlantnl Bvasiiny Mh (Re (pid Ratory CW fon 1957] Bosid of Kauweation wid (he ia CaRarhaia sino wa 5 # p1aik wstaie om fon BAH Walter Bet. Winibr hoy. wi HEBER as WHE # WET WERE RA eases estimator FEHR BR TIS Lime Reovwimg wt Port Perry Rey, € WW. Debitie of King Etrant Leh (hwirhy #ianies the lternatione (owner of He gions WARREN {0s stim I Birmingham, Ma The first Music 7M Home" ever eid in Oshawa vis Bven boy the Vem aia (Chater Boy Arch Masons nn the (hava High Schon, 5. W. Pedy, A ¥ Kepry. 4. F. Gricvson, . F. Bintan and (;. W. Mel anaiin ROIRB RE 1ORAIRRARTE A fine and varied program was given by the Ontgin Beg ment Band wt the had concert of the year wm the Regent Ther fre. x. ¥. KE. Ksiser, MP some of the od trading ions of the Emin An Oshiaw s-made Mat and Buick car wa Coy ERAT A064) mm heal of Watiah preset en in ths Baron Ving elerans A the (a Carp Ebief of Polis Kreps was Ww Boss of Poher Comp 19 enforce ngdly the ea hE 4 & Ow 7 frucies hy he ey YE DVI WM sors Wiiihy emiered a team in the iermedinie grown oF the (sh wa Church Baseball | eas A leasing concert by oes) talent was held in the Christian Church under the ausinees of the AMbletic Association. Mrs. Rey Bennett acted as the secompan il Mis. K, Short wa memners of nang eEn wy the Emre [7] India Lodge, Daughters of Vong and, of which she # har ter member, on the her Bind hirthday Wid neepsion of Aany milside from S01 represem alive Indges atiended the md anniversary of Oakleigh Indge. Mrs. ¥V. DeMarse as hostess and Mis, D. W lon was program chairman acted Dal Br W. We TYRE ROW Seri London (Eng) a For The Oshawa Times FLPNEN Far b. CRIBIRNY WINER res giind the sory of the cage ok Four Petit by Britioh Mars i the compan of the wir of BLAM, bntwens (pode Rk the Timah Mules was ERG RE wt he Rove Howat wn Chel wr. (volves Ww HK were the add andl lh {aes winch Aetended Fort Detain ROR SRE TERRETIR (5 IRE TRAC "4 sidiers oH the British $s Hagiment oh ¥ or 6m that Bay H hugh 16, 1857 the soidiers HH the Hh Lied Slates Regiment ww ther fon Riera #RR REA By he Britiale Wham ry men. Ih # Fm of the (ont ley fowr Aeqsd Amen can ificers., Ber Sow beng the twp volors HH he Aefepied FREER Fhe British WIGGLE Comp ng asi d on Hrs rises being hmerved. He cond have rImied away the eolovs. Bt farmaibies mh wRr Remand Simin We handed wey lic alby By he Lmmang ng officer of the Aelenied AIRE ib ik in # Wrens #4 CERTEGY AR hat Bey, the we American flags Passed We Entish hands and miliary hon or was satisfied HANDED TO REGIMENT in the ceremony # the Royal Hosta (helsen, he colors handed hack 10 the Ae wl the regiment thet cared them This 15 now the Welch Begimemt, which 1s wlhilisted with the Omane Reg: iment of Oshawa, Canada. The "alors, nw 50 (ral and worn that they cannot be flown, and had 10 he earned on » cushion BERN heciame the property of the Welch Regiment Many captured com ana Lipimnies of war were Aeposiled in the Boye! Hospital al Chelses between the yegis 1819 and 1855 For aver 108 years, the color of the Mh United Bleles Regi ment, capiured st Fort Detroit hung in the Great Chapel and Guest Hall GOING TO CARDIFF In 1047, King George Vi. gave authority for certain colors and trophies 19 he returned in vegiments that could properly 7 £8 hal they WEEE BLENAGING wil CT ew. We Sen sil ryy oh hat hey odd he Hh TREE Chai a RNAI VRER TRIMRE 1 anal 4 Fike gies Blase Rae Hm # Bie egeate Ww £ istry, ware (ame y PEE 1h # ay pRrty of Welt Regiment by (anayeh y . ictal "wy 4 oA the Boas Bampiat wt Cheleen They wifi now rest in the Welkh Begiment's Waorsm wt Mandy Barracks, Crrdlf There 6 # special lk fete, the Welch Regiment. wd Koya Hosta, in that he 1 TERE. sing (rom & regiment of woahids (ormes by Colonel Ficidwng in the Roywl Howat in 1718. menity # cEmtary hefore - the incident wt Fort Detrod in the war of 18124804 ME. RALPH SCHOFIELD Wi. Reg. Meer, President, is plegsed onnounce thet Ralph Schofield hes retired to Schofield Insirance Asser oles 11d, in the position of Marge J] wil be of 19 many ne ents wha know Schofield' s suceptionsl UGH ICRIIONS IN BON INngrencs i Begi Estate. His superience § Business sriends over 8 d of twenty-five years. Ha will be active in all pheses of the Company's operation WEEN eres dred oA Mi Or £ joe ELEGANTLY STYLED Inlay table top Family The table Many top in lustrous wiles 1a choose from ized and built 1a take the worst THROUGHOUT Yeiple-plated chrome or hronse top 36 by AB by 60-inch mar-prant table top, Six heavily upholstered chain, hiyse fwi-tans * Chrome ar hransetons §-PC. SUITES ® Contre leat axtensian tahle ® Four sturdy shrame ar bhronse chain CHROME CHAIRS SET OF 4 ONLY 4 FINE FURNITURE 206 SIMOOE ST. 8, Store Front Parking Bradley's former Incation RA 83M ----

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