20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, AprR 18, 9) POPLINS, NOVELTY COTTONS, TAPESTRIES, Imported SUEDINE SPRING RAINCOATS 1/3 to V2 Off! Reg. 19.95 fo 39.95 EATON Special Price, L/ each bw \*} . A - vd 1\ fo 6 °° Please, no telephone or mail orders Weather wise coats as gaily attractive a s they are practi- cal! In the collection are water- repellent cotton poplins, novel- ty cottons in checks and tapes- try designs, and imported sued- ine, Trimly tailored on slender or slightly flared lines with notched or shaw! collars, or no collars at all! Variety of bright or subdued colours in broken Junior Misses' and regular Mis ses' sizes, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 244 4 | ll > - lb A & oN ' i a) " LB TY \Z 5 . fin oo LR { ' / . "5 JUAN wt Hy, ., N 7 4 vy TRY ¢ > . * . OlanityZ fair DOTTED COMBED > COTTON BATISTE SLEEEPWEAR! 'Drip-Dry', delight ful "Vanity Fair" styling! Pink or blue in a gay printed polka dot pattern. Sweet em broidered yoke cap sleeves and small collar lace edged. Two sleep wear favourites in sizes to fit 32 to 38 A + FULL-LENGTH NIGHTGOWN EACH, 3.99 B - BUTTON-FRONT SLEEPOOAT EACH, 3.99 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 20% PHONE RA 5.7373 WOMEN'S Smartly-styled UMBRELLAS Variety of fashion-wise colours -- specially priced | Hollywood frames are rayon covered in blue, brown, green, black and red with multi - striped borders, others in plaids of brown, green, redand blue, others inye- catching rainbow effects EATON Special Price, each y hii EATON'S MALL LEVEL, REPT, 207 PHONE RA 5.7373 2 PRICE CLEARANCE of EASTER MILLINERY! Reg. 6.98 to 12.98 PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS An exciting range of fashion colours as well as beige. and white, Styles include . , , cloche, profile, pillbox, fancy straw braids, and rough straws in the group, EATON Special Price, each . 6° EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 204 css New af EATON'S in Oshawa C1 FNFATON "GOSSIP" DRESS or WALKING SHOES . . . with Hand-Moulded Soles Smart new styling for '61 combined with superb comfort | ® Extra wide shanks to cradle and hold the foot ® Air foam cushioned insoles for cool, cool comfort ® Moulded soles eliminates seams so there's no pinch or bind ® Washable soles to ensure lasting freshness A, High heel in Beige with interlacing on vamp, B. lllusion heel in Mauve with White trim C. lusion heel in Spindrift green or beige with contrasting trim, D, 2 eyelet tie in brown with stacked heels Sizes 5 10 9%2, AA to B in the group, Not all sizes in each style, width or colour EATON Price, 95 PAIR EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 338 PHONE RA 5.7373 E4 as | ; a MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S GOODYEAR-WELTED SHOES IN 4 HANDSOME STYLES FOR SPRING -- REQ. 9.95 Made expressly for EATON'S "Sanitized" for lasting freshness | Broken size range fo clear! , , , Styles for dress or business wear, 84 ~~ THREE EYELET TIE with stitch-and-turn moccasin vamp, Black or brown kip leather, single leather soles, "Neolite'" heels, 58 ~ STRAIGHT LAST in black kip leather with single leather soles ""Neolite' heels / 32 «= STURDY BLUCHER in black or brown kip leather with service-weight leather soles, rubber heels Sizes 6 to 12 in the group; not all sizes in each style or colour 55 ~~ DRESSY BALMORAL (Not Sketched) in black or brown kip leather with single leather soles, rubber heels, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 237 EATON Special Price, PAIR PHONE RA 5.7373 2 Price Clearance! Misses' SPORTSWEAR CO-ORDINATES REG. 5.95 to 19.95 Y Q-97 PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Holiday separates to mix and match , , . to take on your Summer vaca- tion to wear at home when relaxing ! Blouses, skirts, slims and vests in gay checks and tweeds of poplin and "Arnel" cotton mixes. Styles are varied slims are t rimly tapered, skirts full or slim, blouses are tailored. Assortment of pastel shades in sizes 8 to 16 in the group. SPORTSWEAR ~ EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 246 EATON Special rice, each "SPRING INTO SUMMER" a new show of fashions featuring "Tex-Made" Cottons Come and see the pretty clothes that are slated for an exciting Spring-and-Summer" life . . . all fabrics used in this showing are available in our Piece Goods Department, Upper Level, Commentator: Miss Joan Blanchard, Home and Fashion Con- sultant for Dominion Textile Company Ltd, Two Showings: Monday and Tuesday, April 17th and 18th, at 2:30 p.m, in our Dress Department, Upper Level.