------------------------ Canadians In Congo [New Dental 3 " LEOVOLIVIIAKE (CF) ~ Alball cows and gymnasium re dians and Congolese provides In Alber ta yd commoda among the Internat's facilities, (ood for everyone but the offi: EDMONTON (CP)=/The Al move 3. 5 ogg erg Can The accommodations ¢ ou la cers, whose mess is two blocks herta health department has troops Leopoidyilie, | hardly he better. The men sleep away 0 # seperate villa launched # program to cover \ slay or AR is thet Wein small individual cubicles Wb. Wack of the three separate the province with depts) sery- 10 be for the worst wow formerly oceupied bY \hutidings of the Internat bs con Ie e stroke of good fortune boys girls at the schoo), The nected by slaterooied cause: Aimed at filling the need for Canadians in # Lem) asrgrants cuticles on the BEC yous cut Ling across palm dental attention in outlying hoarding - pr 44H floors have sinks and BWN- soded lawns, The dormitory areas, the plan employs von: mm Internat last Auldant elhow room wings also house other offices iccr deptisls from other com: and fortune has kept! There is even a touch of he ond' the army post office. A munities, lulltime dental offic: there despite the pressing, incon ruous, Snow White 808 laundry building stands spar. ors of health, speciallytrained - for educations] faciiities Inithe warts, rabbits and hat Mihough any move would suxianes and students who --- Congo, cartoon characters decorate the ims "ey eral months aways have completed their third year Fo u hy r ul ', nent September however, walls of the hallways in 8 country where severs) of detisiry at the University of when § new schoo) yesr saris In a separate huilding, the " {months can mean ever com: Alberta there Is every indication that!ficers hive most of heir oF) og," openses in the overall Program A permits any the headquarters for No. 97 fices, formerly occupied by the Cog, oC" only nope for the health unit jn the province to Canadian Signal Unt will have! Internat ell, When their working' sy 5 change in Pine apply for & dental hesith grant been changed i fished thay have omy 2 bon vy the education Aepariment (; eotablish a preventive dental} is absolutely necessary Mndred ver #0 ius Defore September hegith program for children in thet he Interns be avaliable ig Rg ind ay "For mysel," said one Cana: its ares, Most of the 2 health nest fall" sid Charles Carle dian officer, "1 be gad 1 be : Because of the number of Sian ¥, ""V ; unit areas in Alberts have bud PE L ; man. & Belgian 0, hats a4 dining rooms and lounges pro- Bog back to Canada this fm geted for the program, counsellor to 1e0p0 vided for the former students, mer i we're moving out Under this phase, services is ince's education department the Canadians have both wel here provided either by a fulltime Although negotint ons IE cog dey canteens and a ser. "This place has heen 100 dental officer on the health continuing hetween the ales. geant® 'mess in the Internat good, It wold spoil me for anY- unit's staff or on & shoriderm -~ u tion minister and (he Hun A huge kitchen run by Cana: where else basis by practising dentists who Nations, which leased the Inter have volunteered their services nat for use by the Canadians through the Atberta Dents) As 'erlemans's slate 4 4 ih 20,4 saree or vr. ER SIK1INO Carvings oaion Manufacturer's clearance ! t imism Under Program B the ADA "ie meat 0 worn ot 00 Cl OINI@ From S OTLEY 7. "rinse for te members fo Much below usual price ! Athenee Royal, a complex of dental services on & private school buildings In a wellAo-dn ; do lg Mo ection of modern Leopoldville, NINETTE Man. (CP)~This, The 18 Eskimos at the sana Practice Dass Originally eriged for the ad: southwestern Manitoba centre lorium use the simplest of tools Volunteers use portable den EATON Special Price, ueation of the future colonial produces Eskimo soapstone (or their hobby, sticking mainly 18 equipment iosnded_b7_ the e Congo, ¢ that cannot be distin. to knives, files and the odd Provine ATL OF cme the I Lowrey' from 'those. o which also supplies money for the Athenee has hecome the In- guished from those carved in hacksaw and hand drill, his dependent Congo's prestige'the Arctic itself The hospital has no thought of 72% of ' , Each community requesting schon) The carvings, which bring top establishing an industry, and gch YT ny Hohe ar THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Apri 14, 1961 19 | ps S34 RFI y ¥ Wifi ig Bid iia By i Market Pliees, Should be "" does not even encourage sales. rangements for office aecommo from outside 1eopoldville ¥skimos recovering from illness The main idea is 10 provide oc- dation for the visiting dentist Said Cerlemans Kuropean in the sanatorium here cupational therapy for the pa and for someone io help Wm technicians working in the in Carving has been going on tients, Those in the early with routine office matters terior of the province and Con here for five years, introduced stages of recovery are allowed This program is intended Lo golese outside Leopoldville who|to give the first Eskimo patients to carve 30 minutes a day, while provide basic service in outly EACH want to maintain & certain 50: something to do in their spare those more advanced and closer "E communities until they ean cial standing will wish to send' ime to release may earve for a Make permanent arrangements thelr children to the Athenee At first the patients scoured|iopger period A two yews university raining "We must be able to aceom- the shores of nearby Pelican _ program for dental auxiliaries modate these children, and the [ake for shale, Then the hospi: aa dog Jarad ait ban is planned and applications are Internat Is the logical place" \(al's occupational Therapy 4e-|ireq or four days being received for the first clas PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS No other place that comes to partment took a hand to make next September mind In Leopoldville has the it easier In spite of limits, the hospital, In addition, sn Arrangement Tnternat's advantages for the Today soapstone is ordered dlready is marketing the cary: has been made for denial stu Cleared by a leading Canadian manufacturer, Canadians from the Boughton quarries in|INEs through two Winnipeg oul- depts to serve in health unit Olympie sized swimming Quebec, The hospital pays #3 gsllets, Displays are also sent to programs, assisting and provid Expertly tailored in good-wearing viscose and. pools are # rarity, but such alfor each eightinch cubs, The teachers' conventions and gath- ing limited dental services un pool lies outside the door of the|patients aren't charged for the "INES such as the annual In der direct supervision of & Ji- acetate worsted-like weave. Trim, comfortable Internat and has been valuable material unless their work {s/dian-Metis conference censed dentist, or providing pre in helping the Canadians adjust gold, Dr. A, L, Payne, the sanator-|ventive services when working fitting suits in two- and three - button single to the heat of the troples, ¥or the better carvers, it is 8 lum"s medical superintendent, independently, Such preventive SPORT FACILITIES source of pocket money, Some says a patient's earving ability work would include surveys, ex breasted models with half rayen linings and Clay t " even carve to fill specific or- and taste change after he has aminations, referral to regular / Via TAE arts and Alin ders. There is no instruction or{been within the boundaries of dentists and fluoride applica: centre vents, Pleated trousers have four pockets , ti time, tions, i : & few paces, and a _ volley. supervision by the hospital stall, clvilication for 4 me rte || and zipper closing, Popular checked pattern in soft Spring tones of loden green, medium grey, brown or blue. Sizes 36 to 46 for short, regular or tall builds, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 929 EQUIP eT al Clearance of Gold Line Gold Line TE CE TTT wi hihi MOST OF THIS EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN RENTING FOR 1 SEASON, IN SOME CASES i ta sol / | ONLY ONCE OR TWICE, ALL EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR AND aes 7 aes | ae J (am . IS ALL GUARANTEED TO BE IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION, PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS * TENTS & CAMPING EQUIPMENT * MISC. TOOLS 'Gold-Line' OUTSIDE WHITE Ends-of-lines... approx. 9" x 9" NEW SALE NEW SALE 1o=9 x 9 Special Tourist Tent 31.95 20,00 i awa. >. 000 34% be, «+ + by "Scarfe's" -- Save 3.31 gol. | Excellent quality ~ use for bathroom, hall or kitchen. Toe x 9 Std, Tourist Tont 39.95 30,00 Verl4" Blostris Drill W.D, 950 30.00 Jaspe in beige only, 29 x 9 Std, Tourist Tents 39.95 35.00 ke, 2-46" Diss Senders Clarke 64.50 30,00 fe, Specially purchased to bring you savings, ene coat i Pos at 12ST ut Ton 5495 430000. | te-teveeem Wedpsippen res OBOE ae BID Jou, ngs, Gre Sod Matbisireg in beige, multi, ivory-and-black and mush« 4=--Lawn Rollers 15.95 9.00 Ks, A 2-9 x 9 Cottagiere Tent 78.95 - 60.00 Eo. e303 Jumpin. Gorbines Res, 2488 30.00 ks, ted surfaces, Self-cleansing ,nermal rainfall helps ' keep it sparkling white 1==9 x 12 Cottageire Tent 9495 70.00 Ve=Sump Pump 4500 30,00 19 x 12 Cottaglere Tent 94.95 80,00 Jubumt Pot er 330 2040 ORDINARILY 9.90 gal. EATON Special C 19 x 9 Spacemaster Tent 59.95 40.00 1==14" Blestric Choin Sow 215.00 100.00 1-9 x 12 Sports Tent 59.95 25. Yoel Blogtric Drill (new) ..., +... 1595 12.50 . . Sportsman Ton 00 2=Blow Torches 10.00 5.00 Ke, EATON Special Price, each 1-9: 12 Sportsmen Tent 59.95 35.00 Vomd:H.P, Waterloo Garden Tractor Prige, gel, 1-9 x 9 Sportsman Tent 3995 15.00 Complete with plew and cultivator 23500 100,00 A--Air Mattresses 699 3,00 ke, EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPY, 375 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL 2---Sleeping Bogs 1095 4.50 Ke, * CEMENT MIXERS } LEVEL, DEPT. 27) NEW SALE 8--Wood Camp Cots 830 6.00 Ee. ST R..Relle an iubbss trek. 23 '" 0 on rubber tires, 213 175.00 VoeAluminum Camp Cot 16.75 12.00 hop, B85. Eng, with towing yoke 219.50 VoSteel Camp Cot BS0 6.00 pT ale J tie Sn 2an00 126.00 TN SETS AND "STEREOQ"" RADIO-PH N S==Coleman Lanterns 1795 12.00 wp 3~Coleman Stoves 2195 9.00 wp * LAWN MOWERS 3--Picnic Coolers (Coleman) 21.95 15.00 wp Rata Rowen ww oa Floor models and demonstrators, slightly marked, * OUTBOARD MOTORS droi8. Rursry Mower, 3 ayel 45.00 29.00 exceptionally low priced to clear, Clipper Mower 2-gycle 4500 25.00 rig Salt 3Sunbeam Electric 1o=3:-H.P, Gal 151.5 100, i 1 1 Lt . r Jesu .P: Gale 30 Jeu Rotary Mowers 89.95 50.00 fa, Noted names in this group include Marconi, Viking, RCA Victor and others. Shop early 1==15H.P. G 3 N | i i it! | JiR Gre 375.00 Jeo ® GARDEN TILLERS -- while the selection is at it's best] Some portable TV, sets in the group, NW 1==3-H.P. the 275.00 150.00 | 4.Hohn 314-H.P. Garden Tillers 139.95 75.00 1==113-H.P. Viking we 40.00 | V=Jori Garden Tiller 275.00 150.00 EATON Special Price, TV Combination Radio-Phonographs as ) BHUEER RnR | 4 49" 3 49 00 17 00 41 gw to to ni STAN'S Sharpening & Rental Service EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 260 HOME IA CX 227 KING ST. W. Corner King & Burk Sts. RA 3.3224 Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. LOTT BY to Saturday. Open Friday N y 1] y A -------- A