The Oshawa Times, 14 Apr 1961, p. 1

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. By West German Court: N ¢ THOUGHT With an increas WANES ATE Wy Aer yres VOL 90-0. #7 PRIRWAY FOOD FOR SQUIRREL The fate of the missing goM hal s food for thought fm many golers. Bul have you ever considered the possin ity that the missing hall may he fond for squirrels? Al least, one squirrel, in he found scampering around the Eichmann Asks Trial JERUSALEM (AP) Adolf Eichmann's chiel defence law yer said teday he would de mand that the West German government protect" the for mer Gestapo colonel from the judgment of Israel's courts Again challenging Israel's right to judge Eichmann on charges of having a major pan in the mass murder of Jews un der Hitler, defence counsel Rob ert Servatius said Eichmann has @ fgainst protect him, Mains impassive claim the siale re ah ee 4 the German state iolto its refusal to ask for Eich: he can suelfight in the courts any suit in FOR TODAY Hing TIVIRE FIR, WEEE More rein iw preficisd for Bat. wedey, with the temperature fping pawin. TWENTY PAGES | HINT SECONDARY MART FOR HOME MORTGAGES "7 Trujillo Mob CIUDAD FREJNAL (AY) aicked and their robes nNppes Pro¥ruhile mobs have dnven off, wi the Bishop said he Wh a Boman Catholic shop 14 this Rerslond no me was Wadly hi cael aller wrecking We mi Fhe Frupibin-chmreh Bisping pesan residence 18 miles west Hares last ih #2 pe of here. Buns and priest letter the also Neeing the Mistnet wreed Trio wishop Thomas Reilly, 51, In Wve MERSIIES trouiie before with Dominican cresses when dictipior RBalsel Truphln, #8 jecied police and soldiers pw Wm Inthe ile benefactor of the DIME tivE ERslony oF & WIRE EORIER WE #Aded tn The ORE Thursday after Lerronsts list of titles he holds #4 hed us dame, deal with the guy Fires Answer Castro Threats BOVEFRMEN. OVEF these Rcls of Lerronsm the prelpte from New Bediord, Mass, suid aller growing wn Ciudad Trupha 1a take refuge wn a Cathahe sehom HAVABA (AFP) big EEesl ARPRIVIDED blackened rin today n Fidel Casiros giawing asian In Nery Answer YER W {Fh dll 10 Ease Hostility the Wishops Ie Truphia's Aemand hat RIE Wi shinppe FRPIRE Fan He said he will demand hat the western part of the conpiry where his diocese of San Jan de la Manguang 15 located. Al parishes there #re is in! {ube sore Aestrgyea wp Lesth to ms lost ine thse said nda Wy ETE the ciuh marked halls in the club's first season last VERY between June and November. Ba lorget show the two-point penalty; your | loss is the squirrels gam {shawna Times Phos RECESS OB forcing aame 10 the camiagl, the mi sai The mahs smashed doors snd #160 windows, Aestroyed furniture holse and records and hatiered three least Pine EXPOSING automobiles at the bishop's of Havang suburbs during fice and residence, Police and after the 1wo fires soldiers ended the aliack The fives resulted in ne deaths About ail that wes saved at bul 27 persons were hurl, Bix my home were my sacred vest: Of them were firemen whose en ments," Bishop Reilly said gine avertimed as i raced io "No ane can live there now.' the. warehouse blaie. Thive The newspaper El Uarihe said were in enbicgl condition siariad alter # Government Fad in siations # heated argw hlamed US, Contra) Intelh # pro {genes sgents tor the Hinze Hil ness shutdown In Ban Juan Ae consumed the six sinrey pation Is Maguana, The shutdown Was! gjized EI Encento depariment tn Plidpet the machinations of oie estimated worth more the bishop against national sov than §7.000,000 ereignty," Ei Caribe said The newspaper said pickets Meanwhile, during the night marched with banners pro ® firing squad execiuied a 19 claiming "We're with Trujillo" YEST-0I0 university student ac and "Divwn with Yankee terror ©used of terrorism. Two accom plhices got 30-year prison terms | Grandview Goll Club h awa, finds them suitable fare A cache of #1 halls was found Brown and | ang nin oul Lerranism SHEPICINS OTIEN PREY Ware nign edge 1h wipe A higze of Aamingen & Thursday nap? by Dr. Bryce Walter Shinnamin Wednes | day in » wood, not. 0 yards | from the club house. Harley Trudell, professions! golfer at ana wl rocked and that "intervention sible" 4 West Ge giney-Lieneral G id enn Hausner made the sgl helmade (heir eoncluding argu heatedly conie thet Bich- ments on the right of the 1s mann should be tried by 8 Ger raell court to bry Fichmann man court and ded that with the prosecutor refuting the | Eichmann ame Jresly to Is dufohee Ahallenge a rael to stand trig he fifth session of the tra nw ¢ Bul immediately after the, lasted anly an hour and 45 min Lim." Twa priests were al court session, the West Geplutes and then recessed until man government's observer atl Monday the trial, Dr. Hans Siercken, Supreme Justice Moshe Lan sald West Germany will stick| dau, presiding over the special court of three Israeli judges wn 'Mom' Whyte Here Israel court Hickman Bervatiny pnnowncenent hy big B A game aller he or Israeli Attar: oc 1] : ' mann's extradition and will x #* Whe B w ANTI-ATOM PRAN Three pacifisis, one of them | missile-carrying submarines in were removed shore police and were charged with causing a breach # girl. use rope ladder in board the Polaris submarine depot ship Proteus in demon stration st Holy Loch, Seols land, day The pacifists, | of the peace who oppose stationing of US, | Angola Calls Up Reserve Forces IBBON (Reuters) --Reserve forces were called up today in Portuguese Portugal's huge West Africanilo suppress enlony of Angola full-scale rebel atiack Thursday an a northern Angola village The Portuguese news agency Lusitania described the atlack an the village of Ucus as the heaviest frontal assault since the revolt staried two months #En British waters by The attack on Ucus came leaders nok the any Prime Minister Antonin Ba gar announced Thursday he has taken over the post defence minister in # Necessary. measures for | efficient defence of Angola." (AP Wirephote) | seps EIDWINE Wave following & of anti-while violence in the e * France May cabinet shakeup aimed at speeding up | Move To Put More Savings To Work OVEAWA (CF) = A (&dersl panies snd banks, snd wee the pam is taking shape to develop money Iisined (or further lend i BREORARTY MATKEL (OF RONSIRE INE OB NEW EORSINCHON WarIgRges through sale by Cen Officials feel thet this woud tral Mortgage and Housing Cor: glen induce the pubic 19 meke poration of some of 1s huge more of is savings avaliable lox marigage haidngs morigage lending The plan, wnder study [or AL present, on individusl ' SOME Time, 16 MOVIBE 19WRIS Ing On § MOIERES RENEE frmtion, wn informed source must hold the for Ms said 19day (wi term belore bis in A Boublebarreiied result is vestment hack # secondary hoped (or. 1 would allow CMHC market for morigages were ere 19 reise further funds from pri- Med, ma MAIER ES TATE vile lenders which the govern readily selesble, 1 is fol thet Went housing agency then could nal idusls would he more will: Plow beck win further direct 10g 9 Tend money on loans tor new housing construe: ESEES Hon TE . It is hoped thet also this Quebec Gets would creale a climate whershy| the gensrnl public would he en. couraged 16 pul sRYIRES 19 use in the morigage market Al the end of 1860, CMHC had more then $600,000 000 tied wu in Ws holdings of pili fd gusrapieed Nations! Housing n Act loans Money hich the housing agency has issued in di REL " rect housing 10ans in past years Ph gp . Pad BoB lige A The source sald thal no (em Quebec government's 1081 « #8 decision has Yel heen Teached on fudget to the legislative pssems selling some of these huge hold: pp today AO ax reduce nis Hons of $200,000 snd socisl h I widersiind hat federsl welfare imi officials sre still working on 8 ing. a system of provinelsl formula for doing this, i pry pol The general sim of the plan Fremier TLasage, also Que, jp (0 wliract more savings ING bee's finance minister, Wade {4 morgage Market the in bis first When CMH Issues Mreet) pd got speech since the Q [NHA mortgage loans, the gov:|yipeegy prt oe last | rmment must [alse ihe maney| Sh va. # {by borrowing from the public.) d These funds then sre ted up He announced the 106081 fis. {for dhe Iife of the mortgage 66) Jour ondaq iy By or 9 years ! Under the proposed system, the current 1061.44 fiscal year, OMHC would sell some of ts/staried April 1, will close with morigage holdings to morigage # probable deficit of $107,884, firms, trust and insurance com: 844, 11] ol Spoil New NATO Plans Ia he the state and he will do that." which he claims legal protec: The announcement was made Servatius warned the special tion from fhe Bonn government Crew Rescued From Freighter BOSTON (AP)=All #3 crew tanker Esso Raleigh hound fay were rescued today, Boston # uninjured, from the he Daru reported the Ma in Havsner Merehant, rine Merchant's hack had heen The accused has a claim for hack in rough|hraken and that her hridge and Protection and for Intervention night 40 miles amidships was awash fram his country Rervatiug Partland Me An automatic radia signal sald from a tied down key aboard JUDGE INTERJECTS the Marine Merchant had] Justice Landay broke in to stopped ahout an hour earlier, ask, "1s he a German citizen?"'| The §.20-tan vessel came tn Yes," Servatius replied grief in rough seas 40 miles, "Not an Austrian?' the pres southeast of Portland, Me, ident continued ' 3 whether IL is competent tn try G T Af a he fevered] omg (o] rica The agency sald scores of Eichmann, wartime chief of [the Jewish affairs section of the | Nazi Gestapo, 1s charged wit responsibility in the oak 16.000.000 Jews and alther erimes After long hours of discussion an disputed points In interna: tional law, the proceedings sud: denly exploded Into high dramas when Servatious rose in reply rebels were killed in the attack!8% Angola military reservists] WASHINGTON (CR) = Presi Last White (Gud hus called ue 0 dol IAGRNE 0, Lhe LE In ee ue called up to join Porty- dent Kennedy's drive i AT og Io Jn jar withaut anyone knowing spy. 08v8. In the previous clash, Buese troops who have heen heefed-up North, Atlantic #lli-\nedy that NATO remains the thing about it," she sald, She About 20 Portuguese seitlers landing at coastal ports for ae-lance has gather®d pledges of core of Western security allowed no photographs fo he 810 100 Negroes were veporied 0B 8EAinst the rebels support from Britain and West) American authorities are eons ih Killed Fartuguese officials sald ma Germany, hut some American vinced that==though with some Questioned about her Nige The rebels swept down on the Te! have landed al the partsiofficials fear the drive may reluctance -- Britain will move i aieet. Mr i BEE itlage, about 100 miles north? Noaul, Ambriz and Ambriz- founder at the feet of French ahead with the U.8, and Ger Ne were led in hu We tiidi east of the Angola Bg eile to put down disturhances| President de Gaulle {many In TOPORRS 10 mest eolored man In New York whe ; Handa after a company of mn " He Houbled Horhern rons oie ey NATO it when NATO nila went oi' Ba Bl heal yg a ii dd Wihirwn Tire Troops also were landed Uniied Nations eanirasted with Cumonlly NATO has the ALS pr IAM Jong 0 i Pio in en y Thursday at Porto Amboim,| Chancellor Konrad Adensver's equivalent of only about half 104i iT ani 18 SRN 18 Tha 8) south of Luanda agreement with Kennedy that|that number, Re a civey haw lo JAW endad Reveral Portuguese warships the 18-country alliance must re:| Adenauer told & press confers tn at fended are patrolling the Angola coast main the keystone of North Al: ence Kennedy wants | 'NATO UL lievanle, while others are stationed in Lu- {antic defence, members to meal their full obs The Whytes will not be alone, Sid. The anda Bay and in the River) In a communique ending two ligations In conventional force We are part of an ever-grow-|10 have falre al the colony's horder days of policy talks, the Ger: ip would complel i ing grounn of dedicated people Wounded with The Caongn, the officials man and American leaders commitment of 18 divisi " b Sonprinng at this time, twa! Other reports told of a Portu: said Thursday expressed conviction | 1068 Wialons wp regular nurses, several prac guese Army patrol heing am: The new overseas minister, [the p p . : \ teal nurses and four families, (bushed in northern Angola. TwolDr, Andriano Moreira, os the Mighes Inust filter io ---- nih NAY) My son Ron, his wife and two officers commanding the patrol seribed the Angola situation quired to defer" Communisis| over its own frees Jwient have them eontro yo one i members apparently freighter Marine which broke hey seas Thursday southeast of lghtship I'he ald B004-tan vessel, en routs Louisiana to Portland with & caren of sulphur, split in two after the rescue. Previously hey bridge and amidships ~~ were awash (ne hoatload of ning members was taken aboard the British motor vessel Dam which headed for Portland, The other 26 were picked up hy the men, hawever, de:| themselves With unhe hravery," Lusitania force was reported suffered only four he from ward Crew finances, Mrs Mascaw Pera. vhere hh tous ovation $8 minus Heamin proudly Premier) Nikita Khrushohey OUR Pa nied the new hero 1a the mast PHONE NUMBERS CITY EMERGENCY POLICE RA 5.1133 will ve UEBE gave his GAN IN 0 the slogan "Vive indepen: | stone wall in the west-end dis: | hi t Pour ind dance dance da Quebec" (Long Live | triet af Cate Des Neiges 10 | Nationale" (The National In the Independence of Quebec) | day. It followed the first meet 5 LIne paint apponred on o (ing ABE 4 of Le Rasen dependence Rally) 8 Move: Ward first ment advocating the secession of Quebes from Confederation, (op The vadin aperator had sent! His father gave up his Aus: |B : Wiyte said parted Killed Wal member, word about & a.m, that he was! trian eitizgenship," |B i Asked about . g had tied down his key hefare he || \ WHYTE #vate on the si ineiple asl hy ad tied down his key before he (wo employees of the Israeli| BERTHA 'MOM' WHYTE A He same principle as an the aly eowrt to testity about the elr Whyte vide for the needy" I (18 leaving for Nigeria May 8.) She added, "Why for twa and she says that she i * hroken-hearted to leave Can: and In the USA, we had nol ada. She sald foday that she funds at all" didn't know where The Money es from: "1 know the day we gel [ta Nis York the maney will omarc ase ihe there i fon [teaversial Mrs. Whyte was Back MOSCOW oak the honored spat in the Soviet Ui "Fam ready to fulfill any new for a brief stay Wn Oshawa. | Yuri Gagarin ta its hosom to [tomb With members of the val: The shart, pudgy Soviei(the esl end of Oshaws, (he LA MACARA, Que. (OP)=One| day in Hed Square with an out-[ing Praesidium around them, leader wrapped his buely arms Whyte family plans (0 leave for of the twa Canadian Remare yond anything since the eol-|thousands jamming the square. ahout the same helght--kissed|danghter. They will travel in community 10 miles north of lapse of Nazi Germany 16 years) Gagarin, who made a 108 [hm squarely on the mouth, and their imparted station wagon, Montreal, was opened for in| fhe Cosmonaut arrived in the nesday, stood at attentian he. [and left af the mouth, plates square at 2:30 pow, climaxing fore his premier, saluted and Mare kisses followed, this] Both Mrs. Whyte and her hus Construction officials said 49 fram Vnukava Airfield readiness far new entng, smartly dressed in ajspeak' Jo the press. We 1ustihase has heen completed=--oam had landed fram hislorders fur-eallaved coat and fashion: want to be allowed ta do the pletion 1s expected late in 1969 i secrel space hase to @ \ before | MISSION ACCOMPLISHERN plump heating mather hat | Nast Weather struction of the launching pads a wonllen shawl aver her head and electrieal ale ) the Communist party of the So: land fram his father Alexei, wha Y _ SEEM, titer and ro viet Umnn, chatrman of thellaaked as if he'd stepped om This We k nd are several of the 10 service ela Chekhov play, In a dark Me! exe hutldings planned, an | USSR. he sald, 1 am happy lavercoat, a bhlue | 1 the 1 | ) | | to vepart that the task asland walking with a stick. The weekend with s haw ers and Where electronic campators and| tee of the Communist party af ocaoler weather was forecast to Administration offices are to be the Soviet | { the Saviet ) he Soviet Union and the Savielicangs jamming Red Square. Cloudy skies and Tain The hase will be directly con first' thank and mild weather nected with the Nath Bay He he PARI If ) the " R ARP i \ FIRE DEPT, RA 56374 space Hight took place April 12. Hine a | i Prd ioy and will be followed Saturday Ar Defence Command head ou We hrs AB Ine ihy ealder © temperatures and quarts { . {worked well and 1 felt Hue. space." ¥ ang hy rs Wm Colorade Springs | lightship No Servatiug answered. | gi' } ehildeen will be going," Mrs. [and "some soldiers were re'| Thursday as a "real elimate of from threatening any NATO " central commander leaving=--the last to depart. Hel Sarvatiug demanded that the! Whyte said that they would ap-| left to put & continuous signal airline, BI Al be brought te . (here: "The good Lard will pro i i Mi. Bertha "Mom" ! ! 18 years, in both British Columbia for the heat fare would come) . ' agarin Meets People "ii we jm {early this marning that the On Di pla world's first space traveller, [lon, the tap of the Lenin-Stalin tasks far the homeland." Staying at a friend's home in Y pouring of pride and joy be [they waved 10 the * cheering around the hera--wha is only Sudbury fomoerraw (6 visit thels missile bases, situated near this ano minute flight inte space Wed: |then several times to the vightinow carrying Florida nimber shectien 10 newspaper men tos = ny a triumphant autamobile videlreported completion of his mis: Hime from Gagavin's wife Val (hand, Hert, were reluctant 10iper cent of the wark on the sion and his ! uml able hie spring hat. fram is ar early IM -=including con Comrade, first secretary of age conduits. Abe completed] feouncil of ministers of worker's Capl TORONTO (OP)=A gloomy HONEY alrsteip and 4 signed hy the central cammil-ifather hake inte tears Speaking to the cheering thou: day hy weather officials situated » government has heen fulfilled. | kis AEH N Mace sunny Communist party for giv [in wihwestern Ontario tonight mare hase and Nath American LLY] SE {AU the technical sy sie ms eamy HOSPITAL RA 3.231 . showers,

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