(27 ~Reol Estos for Sole (27 --Resl Estate for Sole (27 --Reol Estate for Sele Er AE Vo Pn We iy % . ms SEEnies DOWN, pice shnrvaom Wengriow, LUCAS PEACOCK 2.7 = i wr nay REALTOR > 5 Ve nese, "din hr 8.5109 5-4330 = Cl mi roe Ee LEAVING COUNTRY garden, et 199, ¥ Will sll this two bedroom Behind Irises Goes Wi (4 : i, Tris Tosioe, Wm AL, [8 _TVE OSHAWA TINS, Wider, Apt 14, 1961 & Plots for Rant 26--Rooms for Rent Toone formes room WH bY pA wit anion, A "4% NHA NH A, pve 58 CEMTRAL PARK SLYD 5 ~~ neat 6 room YOUNG EXECUTIVE In Brocklin. Private i A bungalow, with finished recreation room, garage, fn Seria. Private paved drive. Carries for $63.00 per month principal, asi Bl BU YB interest and taxes, Priced right for quick sale, For | 177% Alumimm shad tte. $13,306, further particulars call Loreen Kellett of RA West, Boys Iter 7 3 om" 3779, $700. DOWN $700, Of YOUR CAR Of YOUR OUTBOARD MOTOR $11,200 FULL PRICE years oid, MHA, ressle, 6% morigags for bolonce of $89, monthly, includes tones oder brick ngloow with 3 beds ie posession, Call My, Bolahood ot A 5.6544, and extra shower in bases JOWM A, J, ment, Close to oll schools, B 0 LA H 0 0 D 1A onset oN Pritis Jubb, REALTOR LT, INSURAMCE WARREN AVE, r---- $11,500.00 Sin-room glorey brick with gerage Micely decorated ond second floor presently rented os tment, Please coll Irene rown, RA 5.3867, Members of the Oshewa end ne a" 3 (A wtih Reo! Evtote Board fd id PRIVATE SALE Fn wy Six-room house, 2 rooms " mo WYATT ue 200, | " suitable for renting, elume« rm solid Wiehe ngaiow, ga imum worms ond sereens, |i a a poved drive, oll heating, lend. | hes, shale And sores, "A snd wher bpm scaped, Utility reom in bose. WW bungeiow, ment, large fenced lor, Close vel Whvirit, firepisce' tn oy to shopping, bus end schools, od a Lh R A 5.0331 $75 monthly carries prince |Feon' . Pi he, MO sl good ment pol, Interest and foxes, alter 4 We hove Usd a Jn ry DOWN 3 204 DREW STREET |the owner for this elo on INQUIRE La EE yo Oshawa Body Sh North section, flo Malev ard, piss uri ho; ABOUT OUR NEW PREFABRICATED " 109 AA E HOMES RA 5-8332 Hodes (Ha East, BA Bd 5500 DOWN Hive rooms Port Perry, COTTAGES SPECIALS GARAGES 56 Jorge half ton picks ba prio £4 sey lang Vie, Douglas 1, Gower 5 DOWN, fiver Will COM. YOU enews, WA : "| "86 Dodge four door star NOTHING f KooMING ¥. "on DR wel, tion wagon IT CAN SAVE YOU home with gan ¢| "56 Ford Coach PLENTY water, olf hen einer ow " ment, Bes tremendous y Many Plans to Choose From |Jioser: oon Wi Horne ead, Built on Your Site INCOME home ~-- & litle mieer Anywhere moat! Aultable hor. tv For Mave In Within 30 Days modem Amie Aro, " doom, - C R ? wie, \ / \ ' DROP IN, PHONE OR WRITE Prive ry A AJAX REPAIR rat TRY WELLMAN'S RA 5.7981 and CONSTRUCTION "WEEKEND SPECIALS" LIMITED 110 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA '60 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, rodio, whitewalls, low RA 8-5103 iaags, SR ---------- a TC URL bungalow ot $7,950, with good terms, Mew furnace, garage, nicely decoreted end spotlessly clean, A good op- Portunity 16 own your own home. To ses coll Roy Flint. off, BA 53454 BALDWIN 57, This thres - bedroom brick bungsion is in besutifl con. ation, Just three years oid with ofl the extras taken core of. Four-piecs tiled bothroom HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE Ristow & Olsen * Hold Open House in Whitby = Afternoons this week-end 2-5P.M. AT 909 HENRY STREET Attractive six-room brick bungalow with stone from ond private drive, landscaped lot with garden and fruit trees, Reduced to $15,000 for goes sale, Just south of Whitby District High School, DON'T MISS IT For Information Call; at RA 5.6165 Days 2650 Evenings biicrsd terme did PORT PERRY = Allg id AWRY IER, home, IER FIRE oe nd on RARE, IY Me, mT hf EA El Pian TU 1 #F, Wan snd of Oven A Vas " | iad w OSHAWA'S BEST PRICED BUNGALOWS w= OPEN HOUSE THIS SATURDAY 2707 PM. QUALITY-BUILT HOMES by James Allen Construction Ltd. COMPLETELY FINISHED 5Y2-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW LECREATION ROOM - WALK-OUT BASEMENT SITUATED ON RAVINE LOT IN HILLSDALE TERRACE ON WYCHWOOD STREET Rossland Rd, East to Central Park Blvd, N Then follow the signs Full Price ....o000000040.0 $14,550.00 Down Payment $1,615.00 Monthly Payment including P & | $83.10 COME ~~ SEE -- COMPARE Presented by Stephen MACKO Realtor REPRESENTATIVES JACK SHERIFF RA 3 3778 STEVE MACKO RA 8. 466) Jl VAN 'HERWERDEN REALTOR 741 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA RA 3-447) 100-0¢re Farm, 70 ecres workable, trout stream bordered with trees, bom with water and hydro, garage, 10:100m houses with hydro and heavy wiring, modern kitchen, Full price $18,300 with terms, 87.0¢re Dairy Farm (ond 95 acres of adjoining land rented) with 6Y4 coms milk contract, 2-acre pond, barn with heavy. wiring, warerbowls, 10:r00m frame house with furnace, press sure system, Full price $16,500 with low down payment, Price includes bulkeooler, milk machine and machinery, GENTLEMAN'S FARM, 5 miles from Oshawa, very scenie, never-failing creek, Small steel barn, Brick house with ell cons veniences, Asking price $28,000 with reasonable down pay: ment DAIRY FARM, 100 gcres, excellent farm, Bam with hydro, waterbowls, milkhouse with bulkeooler, milk machine, 81 heed Broom brick house TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, = OSHAWA (ust Coot of Wilson Rood) RA 3.4494 Res, BA 55574 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN DEALER #487 (6TH, , domeph Bove on, Rrests vol vice oid ad wi ly Thorn of 400 we puis 2 ud oak ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS in Private Home 82 PARK RD, NORTH Coll between § and 7 pm, __RA B-B678 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available In private home, 82 Park Reed North, Call between § ond 7 p.m, RA B-B67) 27 Real Estate for Sale IF vou wank » (hres bedroom hovse with 8 6 per sont NHA mortgage snd have $400 down Hii ment oF ear of equal value esti Oliver 59180, PRIVATE sale slxrnom hick veneer, faraae, small fenced hack yard, Close downtown, Bultable for sub « letting HA _BOR68 aller § only OPEN HOUSE wALL WEEK FAREWELL AVENUE Just South of TAYLOR AVENUE 3:30 TO 5:30 $1200 DOWN EE FIVEAOOM hose MO B25 or apply nue, Whithy PRIVATE $3,000 down == Modern 3» bedroom bungalow, nice) decorated, wall-to-wall broad: loom, od drive, garage, fone, $15800 vk £5598. 495 FAIRLEIGH NEW HOUSE EIGHT ROOMS, SOLID BRICK Hot water heating with ell, wo Washrooms RA 8-1720 PRIVATE SALE FULL PRICE $12,500 $5,100 DOWN Carries for $81 monthly plus taxes, 5% NHA, morte Conv, VB, radio, whites gage, Three bedroom, brick walls, tinted glass, fully house, Large garage, srie_ powered, Sharp' __Meulars, phone RA 3. Onl $2495 you hin 2 alll THE ® VICKERY Realtor « Insurance Professional - Appraiser 46 King St, West RA B-6228 Open Friday Nights MR, EXECUTIVE Bessborough Drive, Oshawa splendid location among nice neighbors == Master's beds room 12V4 x 1414 not ins cluding wall length built-in closet, broadloom en sponge rubber In large living room ond dining area, a naturel HILLMAN Station War geon, In outstanding condition, This eer carries a 60+ doy ware ontes, Only ,,, $998 HILLMAN MINX Sedan, "Ride In style for less per mile", Up to 38 mpg. |desl second car, 2 to choose from, Lie, No, B9133, Only $748 PONTIAC Parisienne jor A Jesvectame rovvne, AY 16 rent, 16 aviet re " hd water, |i Arf A fee, Retentions Hh wre v, Ary TRACTIVE hoveekasping oom, oo ha VR | THO lores, orniehed rome ---------- i rd 5 "Hes, VERY EMER Al ed OF ewiambn Apity | the same, Each home In fashioneble Beau Yolley Is a different i Aowniown Buiiaiie or wh Je built on the premises 16 Your individus! teste, Where all services " aantiniioe hol Hore, four FAT ue 3 4 i" pos Bip] 99 Gren NEWLY decornied, Materials and Weorkmarship = Prices, For years of low Wig, wove, & nd eniranes, |9F two King or eniemon, inmedinte payments from $1950 up, North of King Street ment building 30 KING ST. WEST RA 3.2265 "ADELAIDE TERRACE sonveniences, If tenant BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR 329 Adelaide AM on 2, MANOR STARTING SAT., APRIL 15 ~NOTE TH E MANY FEATURES USUALLY (PARK RD. & KING ST, DISTRICT) Street ~~ turn south on Eastlawn 114 blocks to signs, ARGE farmiohed board ved, Prone "A A ony sorb Ly iid, 0 oT no, i i remy via woh, rent le 4 Th ONE single oom "in he fo Li a a 648 Forking, oh6, WA B10, |/TIEATRT, HOS OR A viet Keith Lun Mg 4 MO ey Bete evemmatte Ve Wo a -- We path, ladiiaiad Wh « i pte kam Bos 'eran furniohed a. A rsndly ATTENTION NEW HOME BUYERS oF (elephone Mier Pd 14 Don't be satisfied 10 live on a street where every house looks PRIVATE wale, siiroom Brick veneer gogian Custom Built to each Individuals desire, Stop and think " garage, small fenced hnek yard Close whet other builder offers you free Architect Service, a kitchen ne | RA BORGS wler § omy I A BAH, ROOM (or ton wenilemen, Kiss wher, are prepaid, Including Underground hydra end telephone, Be Faom, r| Witham #nd Mary linet a ephone IH Wise w= Delors you Buy == Compre Location == Quality id To yd furnished hed het uy Ais Bg maintenance cost end High resale value, Be sure your new iM 7) oN race. | home Is a Kassinger Built Home, Prices from $14,500 == Down Feri ar possension, RA Fs & LA . Two-bedroom apariment, Exe Sallant. losartan: Tn apo INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LIMITED S. D. HYMAN, Realtor RA B-6286 ---- 2268 ebm, Ha M. Gi fers props ssi oll ry ry I witha to Dave yorage, | ine f to build one, Apply: i ide 4 INVITES OU TO AN elephone APARTMENTS ~VIEW THE QUALITY CONSTRUCTION IN oN A MODERATELY PRICED HOME AGUENAY AVENUE SAGUE FOUND ONLY IN HIGHER PRICED HOMES DIRECTIONS: drive east on King Street to Eastlawn Your Neighborhoor Realtors Quist, residential street, & 2:bedroom Apariments, Stoves, frigs, TV. eutler, drapes, parking, ete, Rents fram $90 monthly, PHONE RA 8.7272 RA 8.5787 26-=Rooms for Rent LARGE, bright, furnished front hed CUSTOM BUILT SEE THE 67KINGST.EAST _ RA57732 of Jersey cattle, full line of machinery, with furnace, hot water tank, Full price $37,000 with terms, HOUSE AND LOTS fireplace fo toast your toes these coming cool evenings, Please phone for appointment to see the many more fea- FOR REAL ESTATE DON §, SMITH FORD Fairlane Seden, just traded on new ear, fully equipped, 31 000 Fm, private home, five minutes down town, parking spake, Telephone HA Exceptionally nice Broom splitdevel home on Highway 2, near Whitby, Let 75 x 200 Recreation room and study in basemen, 2 bathrooms, Excellent "big family' house, er for dogter and business at home, Asking price $19,000 with terms, Owner Is anxious to sell this well-built 3:-bedreom bungalow, brick veneer, 3 years old, en Garrard Road, Lot BS x 200 feet Bathroom, oll furnace, het water tank, Full price $11,000 with terms,' Lot on Trull's Road. 1 acre, Asking price $1350, Very nice lot 108" x 166" with well 32°, North Oshawa (just outside the eity limits), Asking price $1900 with terms, We have still many other farms for sale, We peak English, German, French and Puteh, SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD, MAIN FLOOR R EROADCASTING CENTRE LARGE PARKING AREA AT REAR REG. AKER, BILL McFEETERS Pres, Vige-Pres, TRULL'S RD, NORTH Comfortable S:room bungalow with garage, Home comprised of kitchen, living room, 2:bedrooms and heated sun reom, Almest new heating, arge fot with choice garden soil, Ask about terms, Call Steve Zurba, evenings RA 8.0569 BEAU VALLEY LIVING AREA 1175 SQ. FT, $2,500 down will buy a terrific 6-room brick ranch bungalow in this fashionable estate, Living room 18 x 14' hollywood style custom built kitchen over 18' long, 3 familysize bedrooms, extra plumbing for 2-pe, washroom in basement, Extra fireplace flue in rec, room area, No storm windows to buy==due windows throughout, If this model does not suit you we others to show, For a private, inspection with ne obligation, call Henry Stinson, evenings RA § 0343, MARY STREET -- 4 BEDROOMS 7-r0om brick, 114 storey home with garage and paved driveway, The 12.year-ald home is in excellent condition, Living roam § 17 x 12' separate dining area, large kitchen with plenty of cups soil, slightly rolling, L-shaped boards, closet space galore in this roomy family home, List price barn 40 x 100, Seven room 2 3.500 ond open to offers, call Don Stradeski, evenings, RA storey stone house with new oil furnace. 56 acres bush, CLASS BY ITSELF Spring stream close to house, Ideal tor ponds, Price includes | cow, 4 heifers, tractor, Something different in a modern bungalow, located on a beautiful wagon, $18,000 with terms ravine lot near Grandview Gardens. This home has everything Call Bill Goverde, you would desire including an extra well finished recreation room with stone fireplace, plus a finished play room. For further ine formation, call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5.1726 MODEL and be sure JOHN A, J "BOLAHOOD SINGLE vam, furnished, hoard » tinal, for gentleman, 10 Ini wath LIMITED-=REALTOR RA 5.6544 fram downlown Oshawa Nom . A | CHER, PATKIRG WpAeS, releph ne HA RL] Five Plax modern apartment for WANTED TO BENT = Thres or four sale. Exeellent location, mont Now roamed apartment, ground floor level Putiding, shawing good return on Four with reasonable rent. Clase In to awn 1] investment. Apply William Miditelon, | possible, Urgent. Phone MO #3708 AOA Cippen Street, Apt, 8, Whithy, MO | RIL |DRESEMAKING == Bulls, costs and robot oom ied 1 fan And slip oovers, A | pei i" + Me ot ALAN heits ig Huarantesd, Mrs, Toms, MO MAnthly on (wayear Yon RENT Beltontained (hres: Possession. MO Cned hirhished (APATtment "All oon: CEnlenees, oontrally located, private Nodvautis ditehan, ae HOT Bull young couple. Yelsphone ment apariment Private entrance and hath, $68. Taeiudes heat, hydva Mi MODERN (wo bedroom apartment for 1080 Wing Nivel or telephone MO TER! Hea TV autlel, frin, stave Ine #031 cluded, $67.80 monthly on two year lane. Immediate possession, MO 58008 at in: FOR lo 8 Willman, il lesnps, NEw transmission, new hatlery ow Parking | Pin 713 Groen, Whithy MO Baron if Osy One pair of reading lanes, W i OMA in ped oie Vieinity 1] Ly ooniral, Te ¢ Howard. Tel Mo wii, ures, original miles, "Sharw's Mar, Vickery Real Estate © Business RA 8.6228 METCALF 40 King St. E, DIAL RA 8-4678 SUNSET HEIGHTS 6:r0om split level with attached garage, beautiful stens fires place dividing living room and dining room, broadicom, large recreation room with naturel fireplace, Two 4-piece bathrooms, colored fixtures, vanity, double sinks, Hot water with oll heats py) decorated, flagstone walk, A auality home at only $22, 0,00, Call this office for appointment to inspect, RICHMOND ST, E, Attractive é:room, | V4 storey, all large rooms, well decorated, awnings, storms and screens, garage, extra stool In basement, close to schools, bus and shopping, This Is a must for you te Inspect, Asking only $13,500.00 with $3,000.00 down, Bal: nie " mortgage, Atfer 5:30 coll Dick Barrioge ot Whithy, Palace Street == 7+ room brick bungalow, ats tached garage, double drive, now carries for $58,00 per month, Open to offers, Whitby, 404 Perry §t. 5-room bungalow, Total price $8,975, low down payment, Vendor will take bock first mortgage == Hurry for this one, 2 "WRKAPRIahed Foams, TATE 8 MArage poem, Privale aniFAnes And Ariveway, newly decorated Fu whier, heavy duly ry DODGE whitewalls, immaculate condition, Only ,, $1048 Regent, radio, 2-tone, In Res, Many more to choose frome Farms, Lots, Cottages, FOR vont apartment, ht Meluded, 867.80 pase Immediate LLL] AGNES STREET Duplex with separate entrances, separate baths, Fivesroom apt, down, with natural fireplace, three-bedroom apt, upstairs with sun-deck, Two modern new kitchens, completly re-decorated, Full price $14,995.00, FOR RENT hination living an BYNG AVE, $998.00 down =~ Top location, high quality, lovely new brick home in much desired north section wl aity, All rooms large, Birch cabinets with large dining area in kitchen, 3 large bed rooms, ceramic tiled bath, piersonstype windows, Recreation room facilities, See a model home today, SEE US FOR CHOICE BUILDING SITES AFTER 5:30 CALL Marion Drew, RA 5.7410 JOHN KEMP, RA 8.2392 Dick Barriage, RA 5.6243 Everett Elliot, RA 3.9290 Joe Maga, RA 5.9191 PROGRESS is our business Service is our policy for 1961 "Everything for the builder" = LUMBER . == GYPSUM PRODUCTS WALLBOARD w= PLYWOOD BUILDERS' HARDWARE ~~ = DOORS WINDOWS we CEMENT "everything for the home" BUILDERS SUPPLIES Free Estimates McCULLOUGH BLDG. SUPPLIES RA 8.4689 1270 SIMCOE ST, NORTH FOR RENT = Aartment, unfurnished, hot water, hydro, elided, sanvenent aa THOR, pace, Call MO & LA ht all LJ MO BAIT -- [FOR sale » lovely pr ho ENT = Warm wl ht I hedvonm RAG hungalow, WoAF Aisekeepl Yale oh: high sohoal, reduce to only $18, Panes ysis § Bn treet East or [51500 awh' or oifer Art Aig He a UN} Auley Realtor, MO B5784 ar RA i ONY put iy tN widin at rool ile, LBL ing Fail Warper, MO BA LUM : ry fanilities, parking, close 10 sehooly Fi 2 an mt SAO ENdrons BiasETound. Apply 300 High FOARANIS FAIR NPRING 5 Apocial, F Misty 0. clean up ola ort 1p ate rm Rte SL AWORRIAg, rolling, trimming ele Hy ¥, anh [1] AL Alatements APoeial 1a Fates for laying sed, EL Pas Ineome Wn returns, MO hres roams, he FONE, FOR KENT = 865 monthly three and INE, PIAL four ranm apartments, haleany, pest denial Area, Newly decorated, aun SAVE MONEY! Waller's Plana Re TH [Ving and Tuning Apply at Grixtle ¢ tell "A Wiper Value, AppraN! | \ ing |[MLire Siar or talenhane MO A mr hi oH og A 8 pom dally, Wark guaranteed Wha ies Offies, WHIthY, INRESSMAKING! Ladios' and Oni) ify Buinias Street West, (deon's Wear, sults, coats and alters: | Hans Mrs, M. Headford, MO § REGULAR $12 VALUE FOR §7 Lanolin enriched permanenty from $7 up, Includes eut, oil chain and skil saw, cement shampoa, basie or high styl mixer, paint sprayer, smelt ing i nets, canoes, cartep boats, "OIFFUR Y K muitos ha Bd IN FOR SALE oe New and used boats, motém ond trailers, lawn mowers and PLANNING TO garden Hllers BUILD A HOME WANTED Bring vour plans or sketch to Boats, mators and trailer to Erie C, Branton, Builder of be sold consignment custom homes in this area for WILDE RENTAL 15 tans. Got @ written estis ithout oh Bi | 108 gs Sonn thy mate w tion, Col ndas Bost Ll ie NO MO 8.234 FOR RENT Boat box and cabin trailer, -- --- --- FULL PRICE $3,950.00 Lovely building lot on Breck Street South, 58' frontage, Zoned residential, Reasons ably priced for a Quick sale, Call Bil Goverde Members of Oshawa and Distriet Real Estate Board Ask about our new trade:in plan in Beau Valley Prices range from $14,500 up ond down payments from $1950, ond up LRA B.4897 HARMONY METROPOLITAN Hard, top, finished in green an Opposite Danevan High Sehoo! ii] "ud, wp "0 CASH TRADE TERMS mpg. Only ..\, $543 OPEN HOUSE CHEV, Bel Air Sedan, DAILY ao Personal Service: jon A & wEpreciond, Oy both Pon 5, Smith Y Jas4070 B 0 LA H 0 0 D '53 CHEV, Peluxe, Soma , Cottrell ,, ote ft Pat, tibia .. RA 3.7313 Te, REALTOR INSURANCE fi hid ine" Br Wm, Irvine 1 RAS 2860 ATTY , $395 OPEN HOUSE | * are to at Apaker, high "hooker, McQUAY & KIDD Turn east at Conant on i Yim; ' Pres REALTORS on Ritson Rd. South 52 HILLMAN MINX, "Drive WHITBY PLAZA $547 DOWN it Away, Weekend 313 BROCK ST, §, Sociol, Only #49 OPEN 9-9 oY in YOU ARE Whitby MO 8-3414 Leaded \iiventror INVITED TO SEE TORONTO EM 3.9603 COCHRANE STREET SEE THEM! KEN & ED m, brick » : A GA ARAB Open Dally from 2.5 PM, And Test Drive The in the Town of Whitby Pl ar ! n 00 t te 'ons on™ |S. D. HYMAN | 1961 HILLMAN large bedrooms plus den, Kits REALTOR chen hos built-in even end surface elements, Many other 39 PRINCE ST, MINX $21:800.00 wih "36.000 RA 8.6286 down, Call Bill Goverde.' : -- . OR $100, PER ACRE Values ke this form, are LLOYD REALTY 1961 RAMBLER carce 6 acres, clay loam LIST WITH LL THEN CALL YOUR MOVER CLASSIC 2.STOREY. BRICK HOUSE 'It's Rambler by far in a Eatin V0 dower" |" Compact Carr 6 a month, New gar Good | both etn -~ WELLMAN forme oo for itself, Col env orm Ei mewn | MOTORS LTD, YOUR Lloyd Realty {Orhawe) Ld, RAMBLE NE LVAR SINCE Your (Continued on Page 10) ealto ' RA b3's -- 7 85124 101 Simeon ON, oo Co-op Through This Office Mamber of Oshawa end Distriet Real Estate Board