5 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT AD 7 rahlers NF omete Welty Wonted Gon fa (Bhs, & Vet lor Rom B5--hghe, & Vets lof Rout T5--hgte, & Vow for hom 3, ei i gi TE BE EO EAE A pd a Y ua £45 _-- He lin Bonds a 4 Ly AA ¥744 : tos 11 - ay; i Gr mm 2 a SE TI A hk 1 Z Z 0A SR Rl Cir, Th 7 nll el i 3 or Ahrre gid i, he wo we pn drart lssriign wed H & og Ag nl Jotale Yelp Viamted ago Pi EE ve it A Rie Crna § FON APH ; 3 - Pu #4 4 dala 0 Tr A ow od EA a! Cid, ssid nh Be Tui, 4 i primis ag chs Ey poh rs. Wake ow pf td (aaghans. hiy # = Wh Bo es Gn es "TN 3 gor tbr 3 bo a ok EME ¢ he ui Ere § row - "OME AMD Wo % A a po hor AP, oh We i Tin vy oi Kg biden or A } ALE We Tt Ag Sr on nF ELT APARTMENTS [triton s oa wos bo hugh | oh Bd te Oe or vy ish Io Aiabing (Ay Rapid ar, fet gh porim fosiiies, $V eo. oo" fo Ply uy vi 5 2% rama hort Power -- i Tes Whee Ch 8 ee prea n Tier pa Ka 40. Sau LA SALLE COURT [i brut tink - im aw 4 (4 Viemedans. Cords #1 Frobs wiv or EARN 055 x yo hoy HH Ys Dh Aots, & Plots for Re Rent iy ui Ls igor Hd irior, wor, Phone RA 5-3815 4 ay oa 4 wo, MA Hl 0. 100 With | RR sR ta, RAIA, 5M, pd igs' baring, Wein ond Mosh or RA 8.6485 Coteinisy Wem. hsp Wiis Ai go 5, Bie gs, Tt ilmint Vid 4h 410s Has boy 85, shwiey BF [oP he A WAN wilh sy Iv oe ion fo Ea RELARNT VR ye Tins mon ud oa Work feta, sly. ne who is Lf a ded "= Vw Wr The fsone Times WW pv " be Rs oad wavs, Aes BH oes dod i Li iid Ad roping 190 sts # os A Wanwl Goo, for 4 pw tims nA we eh onary Regriotiiay Wuisgug Fe (A iad ihm Aly Pg / ify isi, P ya ne ' ww Le , #9 £ --, % "wien i pa iia atin oo [ Samant, mow bwyood ' prea bh ope LE . rx sly A gen 1 8 Boge Phen a | iy Visti! Todas, Ronfieid ASE g STANT 70 WRER - hdd ee A w » ol AARRRES, PLANTA ld d » Wo Bog Rn Bind A 1 By ei, Bean. OFFIC afar iss hy Aa Acsountants (Building Trades (Gardening and Supplies (Money to Loon fo diasnty Lad hin 4 it nd WFICE MANAGER [5 tlveen' 8 J WOVWINS oof Company, Conte FOR VERE eoimaies, ee oa rood BL ry) In Wie fie © Rey GAINING FOR FAI = Sommer apigie Tria REOUIRED SEW mokery i rpeimest; lod via 2 pr, Teg, anon estas] fore vem © rend font, Phone Ki a mais The Fumes vi BA be DES INE, KRY WRITE ARR, WA [ork red Fas ii shy sl. RA 5H SHER, Fe Ricans, HERIFS EWES A, ed of Fam "Vive wi es ros Knomledge ond eiperence in [EEL RR | iy ud HAY nd WERKOWE, Chartres ddd NN TS iets etsy vr die "eT ron E1kY y $i we # fronts 77 HA 9 i [rm bins wy % PAL ¥ ROOFING repairs HF ME Kinds, fe wits your ' A GENEIG GEEAIRING WEI Ebr i wy ; Ie There co ol 5% nti Avs] 1 44 i Fuchs » oxperic liz ion an SRRAR ye» HR al il on A boo. ER pokons moni, mf WHE Heim and, ROPTF) Ay ivi fon #ela, Faismaine. | LOAN Wa owes ho I {adh Ags ls, sols it Jed oom rs 9; et ce heloly Selon om 55 alot, Hav, FRE TRDE, WIE bv, Kamons ¥ wg wh w " | os ins EMtinnias RA $0 hi ii ' y Byes ease, 009, M9 mensnsie with shy, Phone [iwerlles Feehan WA 549% FALE, FRIEII ARPES, 4 CRRAMIG tie, atheism, tehens. | » [742 he AA ' LFIVE minwies Aowmiown, WigM, # "00 4 pi sx i Tarts Wo EOIN BY RREORAY ash. Raw ER KNOWLTON | Monies for all types of mort: soy. RA | " GF GRANGE Le astive, Io ow ponent, hewty CIN Gris B, by TH bwin mensing, eh press, Cnr Vim, | woges; for Nr ond second DURF'S EAN on MAY BAY ME. GLEN WALIGH fected ie Dalian for Ao, oe Vendioider 3, Com, EVA SA THREE of home Fowens ot re LANDSCAPING SERVICE oo arse on oH toes of Fogh Morth hers, Mapgnss, Ont | MO 8.3328 Aon 1 9 fiom ord yf HONTEITH, HOWTFITH, RIE, B08 AReing, FREVERNN THIN, TARE ik oo vacant lends; ey M vi LL at HAR wii BEAR Vier a NEW BUSINESS Cod ond wh if , ARGE (ae aid Wake oF Boer A ws, Fh \ meta He 17 hil Mow is hy time for Spring | hon iP #, Bow, js, Vi ARRIIRARE, FE ALL Tr slesnp! Rolling, fertilizing, Widers; first and sesmd fe y ! 44. oH #f [ie adie d FAINTING, windows miasReh, CEeR ly ly y Unlisted Numbers feos on Giounds, CHILD piiBag'ry Bg WF. WEAR id FY 7 wirk, gh wakes, esl repairs. Top vi end 46d fa FOR ADOPTION |comsrirmsy Er it J ghd Aadiaen, Cetor Ged Wag. WOR |compias, HO 8 ; 8416 Ohare, CRAM operiment hee Foe ped hey Ct EE CE eved| VOVR Yossi hime dlesner nm RA 56047 B ANIES orties, BA 5:8416 Oshows; RAG == hos been in the |g ase Huot "ot oH oEity Ave a repent, Beg " / Y : ans Bast Boh Paponss 394-3644 core of 8 Childraw's Aid HI hone WA Ascoms at" is F (f if A TA (wiles, fwnasss Vacwimed, Five er APPLIANCE SERVICE = Verred Stony tine hu woe on me Le oni 0 Cations Divers, Un, Wh Why" |e, HA VA LANDSCAPE 68 SIMCOE MORTH Reon) fant. He hes developed Inte Lssoarsin salience wid baihioom, 145: ROB CLANCY'S Omeie Ascomsting MA TUVES bling repairs, roving, vik i 8 Inara i KEV IEK ERYRIIIIERS, SII: [i olland Your tactory authorised s #21, olf Mat 7" Hii & Flessant and aliractive boy fA woltehed a Wi 5 (99 Wrkst § TA oh #1 ew ke, Woops, RA "Honk [iwi Rick by Holland Landscaping 2 sage a L vies depot for Piles, Mh oi, with his dork geod locks, [IME WA Thee | Spring Clean-Up GE, Westinghouse, sic wer, WwW reguiar features and fair 2 ren rom pro . re rm---- RA 5-1179 Frornons A $9 compienion. We is @ husky ft, oh gen, WE obs Vor earls Architects mr WANTED 10 UY = one small bist thice-yeardld, bt has twa | Avaisls Hey oy " HAYVE ond Wegpiamiey, Ach Fak A i it vy Joti grovnds, Each customer gots Eh I" [7 snservars, Tels 687) hagitn proanems ne ists ¢ FT) Ih mn # # 8 i A 5 . "SICKROOM EQUIPMENT - [ier sof Jote We p Is eirema, which responds to |FRRREROON Faure ed portent ioiad eierhons WA 41091 s mpmcinty, Wow homes bk fo wekc| GEnOUISd Seles SCBA ---- FOR REMT OR FOR SALE "a BOY A pk iy Reig Blare, dicot PY " PIE BRIE RREE, EHRIRIAE, (WO PIELER crm: - - SEF IRGUIIRIEIS, 1H 8e WELIOR 9 his nm 9648 GF oo medication; the other 8 Eon Dathinom, het, NEMS #4 wer, ¥5 Aute P "e ih bard] For relists service ool AG Hospital beds, whee! chai, | IEF asl tos Fe Pliane wanes! genitel heart condition (9 any, Teisphone WA 401 wo Pe : hole. servi - MORTG GES Wf gl J] v A " a -- - RL TERN FTIR gE ddan . ranged, bedsld badly worn, wives dol hale between the ventricles) Keyes We #84 #EeOTRIIIES , Bought, Seid vad wohaty, i Jip 8 sete What pA Lo a which Dactors sey on be 17 Male Help Wonted and silomiive Viste 404 4 rio 7 DRIVEWAY Company hs i Homies &omunudas, Wig fe ly y | i remedied by surgery In shout (ROW = 18 vests vd to help " pm, bib WE hve lo weve yo | B , WwW canes, is 19ll-gwiy beds ay di the FIBA, isd Pry Yoon time o CRAIG nas Ron smeker Wale Box bm, Dhews a | GRAVEL i EVER YCK RUGS [ 2 CHESTERFIELDS Phone Aid Rentals RA 5:1644 Little, toes Bout Sam foe + 8 11 10 fase in the Vite Rl Teale Whiede Seisvlons Map is wt n | GARDENS BOLAHOOD CLEANED He needs parents of his own KaLvH Professional pot y J TWO men to tenis Tor apesisiiied sell Leom, Send and CASE Y'S BARBER SHOP rg ot howsehod al to help him. I you are lig Weed car SRA Boo O08 week) (rh Puli pp Farmers "Vik ¥ill. Daf Highway 12 Limited Regier Heme or a ol fio " vi In Ubi valley Reman Comelie and fool you |Uime WE eofmings then aerbred ahlary, 14 hn Only 3 miles nerth of Whithy Marin: Go Restoran "of flavionsl & PY oil 9 Mm ) \ | Rug Grandview Beauty Salon fhe rgd 1 ld id . 1 " wh f | ke jo " Wh id GLASS man, Illy experienced, 18 act RY [5 ¥ V MHA KE ¥ WA Byer ad i RA 5 5279 OL A.3570 nitive ¢ Ing own Line Ent your own IFcugh 8OeP LL Coreman of evs ng Kins 3 4 {ine + whl, Hoy i NUWAY == RA 8-468 23 King Street East tian, win FH [4 lent S#i% oil * 0 reat Fast, "SA 5 "He vu Pi | : ? Expert Service . eA FOR SCRAP | | THE MINISTER OF print vl frags be pene THoWAS MBI bi 1 Jarrisiety poi] PUMPING MO 8-4735 MORTGAGE in Free parking for 50 sor y : 6 PUBLIC WELFARE Flone stling TI Ba [i By i a | SEPTIC TANKS Ses ws Yor your aerden wpe som Both RA B-076) STEEL METALS BATTERIES, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, WANTER = voung on bof et NING F. § WA RW #, BAF 4 | ples, Landscape Service ney vailable!s -- - fap: RAGS, Fie "TORONTO 6, ews and nese oss, alls, fei, hl Maney by bosn, Wenry BERT TOMPKINS s-- SERIO (anks cepnsd the "er HURSERY STOCK WEY, BEW Rik inal Villar #4 You 196 con have fine IR hE Crnevimt Wes. Prone Slrest East, i fize In washiy En oil CL Ns av lr ence ial A 3-460 ded Paymems to Ld ciglhiz dl esidence, Mal i . Cin od pt m. GREEN Large Home Improvement Co, Requires a yi PARES, DYNA | NEWTONVILLE Spring Clean- Up or Budge Harnislars Eom J Bary il RA 87399 0 tr Li DEALER SALESMEN AND ere. een Worth tas rr A EE Phone "Clarke 4721, FerWliging, Power Ralling py res fe Surveyon BA OO TERI SUPERIOR APPLIANCE WANTED INSTALL ER SALESMEN Vrynen, op i 4FdaEh "iia bon REPAIRS To ALL MAKES {pad Ah y [1] KING 5T k RAS 3993 {igi er yh i : . . doker. vr SHERS AND DRYERS! ; 4 - 47 BURK ST, RA 68-4873 oe PETER Teks THROUGHOUT ONTARIO (NO CAPITAL NEEDED) Bestia w vi hd A Mi WA 4 f of Bey : OSHAWA go + Se. ri ad TE Yd er "VALLEY CREEK ivi | Yo ol ovr oxeviive Fame. imarovamint' Sroducts' roa LT. ROBT oat 0 FRANK MEAGHER HOME rokers Assosiation A S one 9 18 1grgest depariment of Balicita #9 " a FURNITURE RA 3:2043 RA 3-3374 eA} oh 8, yt ys onarany Hore with tow Interest | oiliat ane > hh ing | APPLIANCES Nursing Services i on rrp Hon a ate Mactahaid oY Cota) © " Tapoyment pion Wil, Dike, 0918 Vor CHAE PORK] 92 sim RA 54711 LANDSCAPING I HAE oe Why 0 ton i bx 784, Commission basis, big dividends 1a honest, aggressive men . iF ' - HE o Usnadisn Frenll 1! Al Hur #0 Relrigerotern, SHAW wha have some knowledge of Home Impravement selling INSEVN § MANGAN, GC, PAPAS | Building Materials Complete Garden Service Wenmasvibe ontarte, pd a . a. yr aves 1 ne - EO SNA a ae foney 1a 58h pan du ' 4, . 2 WRITE or phone and our representative will interview yoy he Pireet IRR Ry WA iit " | WIIVIUAL 145 KING ST, WEST | AUTO WRECKING CO vou home ae, 1 1 [Cartage RA B-6366 [BEDI SIP dtd ed RA B.440) OSHAWA Wants cars for wrecking REVAC HOME IMPROVEMENTS CO, LTD BT BALERS, BA. biiiiser, bel LS Moving wad Warne, Ghews 7 he oom hn, RA 1 Parts for sale, 9Isa S619 INA WESTON, ONTARIO ww CH 1266) Lithia, TA 8.97415 Residence, fA Bases | Whithy easanabie falas, | jo 1 Hairdressing a -" ct W rym / h NAN DAVIN 3 tev. Bul eRuipied and Insured : and metals, sie, bought, Open By J J Haryiste wud LET CURTOM Fm AReNLE, Alain W "1=Women's Column ortbhly Saturd Il day. Phe itor, Hs Bimeen Bewih, KA BER cutiing snd sivitng. KA 5 lf - ARR PECIALLY 4d waves $000, heat ye oid gi: doy, Cheng SMALL LOAN MANAGER Residener, BA B14 . |Dressmaking Hairstyling Studia, 11 Bond Wi , the ie ik or id AAA ry R [HARE (1 I RA 5 231 | 89 BLOOR fF c | A C McGIRBON and WASTE 1] Harriss, fame TPP 4 A Wid salon oth Heady ju. Ih lie bh A CALL TA 8- a6 6 Pine Avenus, BA S0968 anadian cceptance Cor requires an exs [Be Clianig' Lunds RyaHable 10 "for hat, you hot i A i i hres 4 ¥ bare 4 pil modern equipment. | L5 3 " All Werk ood PERMA Boecial, $10 for $7.95; $18 13---Business Opportunities F Pp q y b veil ke Bar" Clas ads. Pia WOR Hwner selling due 1a slekness, il W 4 4 le MeGiibhon, 8Cilia place yours | Appl Fh 689, Ol for $1090 Garda Wewnty Walon, M01 GuRTRRY More, ane of Oniawys POTIEN ed young man te manage their Con ACTERATIONN 60 iT Binder Tid, | mmm aa HR wr hs "4 gsi £ RONICS Bing bast 1A Woah, leading MT Jlrs Weskiy 4 wes. sumer Loan Dept, fl women ahd chiidrs oh Farm drssses Instrustion snk oF fri pin > --- We op ib mane 5, Baleares} 2-~Personal Iimakar" Mituaieit n sn ssciusive area This is an excellent eppertunity providing a goed bi Bay hun, AL|TEIEFH UE SUIFIG 8 4POGIAIY fARvEY ANGE ACADEMY = Walp | Lined he ne. a HA § | A Hil i ih Be ompeliian, Ease 19 8 1Arse } i 150s Kink Breet (PRESSMAKING and alterations on (Tap, Rowal Academy, Baller, High 0 0 Sin Tunduwn, fvires Tonle Tabiets|vchuat For aa appoint to Jaspecs, Starting salary, merit increases and promotions en. |i 4 1 iiice, BA 6.017: Tes, (Aben' Ad chidsen's Wonk, pomnan| nad Rodloier™ how. 404 King Wai Painting end Decorating DO IT N > Delp "pep wi Inousknay of men, wom: eal the owner RA 88061 tirely on ability | é F Whi MO Bel HA id Fries 30 FAINTING ahd Aecpralalg For the 80 past 80 Dply Bie AL SU BER | SE SUEY salon, with steady sustem APPLY IN CONFIDENCE TO; Jud SERELL [ALTERATIONS of all kinds for men TAN MAE WARGH. dines sducal and best RA $9756 nstall heey FRANSPORTAVION to downtown Talore, hese devers, all madem equip |Joun A OAM Rov Rareisier, Bolicl, | women and ehildeen. Formal rene dancing sehaol, ballet, tap, bilan, PY Fi dink ower In 0 ah i, Iding mate. ~ wanted oe wisrsd. leavin meh "Owner" gelling ae lo woken CA C. METROPOLITAN BUILDING [iar sad hs ev af sverle wires specely, WAV cobail, priachol sharstioy Pride paiming 104 3, il on 300 | Crore' hove, wiih Cron rotor Pahawy ! rN am ) § " RUFF lee cram Machine far sale, 64 KING STREET EAST " ia Siishged FURRIER PMVATE teacher, sludent esunselior, asd a gx " en, | a lon oad AVE Bis Rw hay 9 sanlact any {jaa Rew, spe than hall and KELLY Basta ers, Balial iF years Rperience, by interview only. eho Sy ie 3 Et es Mestuteh, a mod RA 8-169 fi te Tame misses delta) DRESSMAKER [Melson BE Shek Wr i ae A ON TIME IF YOU PREFER, MW A wa { [Dial RA eS sa: Ter ROFERBIONAL" war La EXPERY TELEVISION SERVICE, a eh Wrouniin af WANT 4 Buber der 0a Ridin Ls "Bar BOL Mn [a] wi New, Alterations, Remodeling, | Insurance ¢ ay j hy TEN {ene iy NEF, ister a] Co no Any lnl belwern' Thia is & spiden op Mgr dh Le Al plete = Male or Female Help 24---Houses for Rent : 7 EAT Low Prices ACTETATE AUIS TARdranes, Have ip Free -- inate i fil Len and Lou's Porhinily for any person making this Win ad BER ery and 8 onde | a 30 per cent, six months te pay, For! PE §, #ho heed dally ip. Wille Box TI3, Dahawa | hu sinass oF 8 quish sale wilesion abilg Wanted HNROOM house, partly Lirnished 22 ROWE STREET yo 1 Po sEvien ol your heme, oll ancl rgd yA (hoard, 18 HP, wilh iw he { how Ki Tomes hi "pip usimathy Sd VT # coy Be vw SRR foie pd iiurnineg, svaliate, ave v 7h Bloor od JOHNSON puth ho A HE. with RA 8 6706 | A ------ ne 8 Todds 1s te one 0 City T1.V. 6 ~ § LL] alange BAA 184 is wt "ae » 306 | ELECTROLYSIS [Fine ites feat, wh Kite sie 13 sud bmntile"" {rns S18 aon mouth nese bedrom pinppay | mmm =| Driving Sehool AUTO INSURANCE = pODD & SOLITER FREE SURVEY Ban LE] naRager, 160 BAY Biesel, Roam BH, able May hi wie of door every Book e6ping =| " =| If you are @ ritul fiver PAINTING & bh RESRATING RA 5-7844 " a Te 4 ¥ ol "oma ies ay ma 3 Removal af superfluous hair STORE SPACE . A -- L. SCF JAPEL HOUMAN| LEARN TO DRIVE 4) App A BAA 4 CONTRA fa Mundy i BEAUTIFUL IWostarey, owner Painting, PF perhangl haat : op 4 4 bh i b Py FOR RENT | REGISTERED LABORATORY [house In guiel. ares ny Taadse > 4 COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING at the better than 20%, Preferred Gyptex, Full wall araly, SAMSON 2% grit #8 8 til u awa, 1ai8 sbhachyard, with patie snd TECHNICIAN a A i ae i v NE wh TAX drivers enjoy the lowest rate Yoo aint Phone Genosha Motel on | 62 Rossland Rd, West | Wanted for Civil Serview [Sate 18 or month NA BU 0 | POY x |Jshawa Driving School| [1 Grario through this ste | 169 argh Soyimey T.V. TOWERS x 13, Oshawa Times ; . RETURNS Instructors licenced hy the tig Half a |] these dates for apointment Grada || position in Medical | rt desires | b 3 4 4 y ¢ Year payments 42%) RA 8. 1 gall Researsh Unit Conpiderable |iskaen sobs 18 stpre. ai cotton | 686 OSLER STREET | Province of Ontario. Day and Coll ay ond Cm | NIGHTS KA 5.3426 3190 " . p SBRON h arafessional at ences Class 19 bus Garage. Telephone Vif $800 mgmple ] i Fisherman Wanted RA 5-8103 Hip faanong! 8: 1§A uni ---- RA 5.9953 | RA 8.009) SCHOFIELD INSURANCE OSHAWA T.V, Ta plan tip 19 Great Slave Apply Superintendent, The W--Apts, & Flats for Rent! - Fuel and Wood | ASSOCIATES LTD, " SANDALWOOD 36) GIBBONS ST, Lake, NWT, for party of | VACATION » Hospital, Whitby, On Building Trades uel and Wo 360 King 51, West RA 3:2248 ' -- y al tai THREE roam unfurnished apartment silin HARDRAOD factory snds, Telephons PAINTERS GET THAT iE netime between July - -- 3 10 bus And south (IM 360 Thomas PONT jul It aif, put I oy feeling HA baie [Lawn Mowers CLEAR and Sepianiver, For informa TRAILERS 0--Room and Board Steesl. Telephone RA 4550 diag (lat veois, savectrmailag, pot Luss a ---- Interior--tuterior PICTURE NOW Hy R _SNd Skulicn wily Canadian manulagiurer of [eeu omes reenter | IL RERLEN 2e ME Lansdowne Drive EAVERTROUGHING, Aaibing, #4 4 Furniture Repair rm | WE SHARPEN AND RENT Paper Hang ~ | $08) tle esky anguiies, (BROLIN 1 Wnloman, Any Soaciuen wb mala for, RL ows En Bimater. RA (Fd Rll RL WS ALMOST EVERYTHING . OSHAWA, RA $1367 , Une a SHANNELMASTER ranghi l | m, ha ¢he a ve Y oh 3 Pets 0) Livestoek Peale ran In Dawe [ROOM and board for ane or Iwe gentle looking FHI Wied Tai boy a hes ; AND HW 4 bile Give Us A Colle AJAX WH 2 408% STARLIGHT Wen "a AR | | ¥ LAM ht nel. willing la shar ie beds, ds v \ BE lar and gna Eh ROTIEN R mands hr sale. Tele Asa. Wate Box 817, Osh ARE ' a. date Televi Ch apeetion, or a poh ait #hin Ales af i Fpl No pi Gardening and Supplies S T A N / S Personal Service you'll have the best J Shik , rov-- 5-175 sestl' 3 : "a ar wall Balm wn ) Sm as Be ene tes watine S A T4--Employment Wanted |: ' 37 ses gat wy WMH VOT Son abtart eve, To 10 40) ue LOL - a fina farien, Service; Towed Wi pee CORNER KING & BURK §T3 EA EY : HR AR phone RA 5582 $00 NEERER by sad of Jade ta save oH @ i oo seniral : sul divisen, landscaping o RA 3 MH BATHING Win de. Nealng. home of Bye a Bey en Mah aa Rg hi carReny oF FRRNISHED or Shuimihed, bath CLIFF BROWN HA S.3108 or RA S0I88 --_-- -- Bening. Waubsna heansis RA FSS (er 18 WillAg 19 Wy MAY pe of werk shee, very loan, $40 monthly. Ima SAVE ob aiplisnces you need by shack SHIRT LAUNDERERS Use g new aluminized pig . 3! : ¢ al from dressmaking 1a tuek diiviag Ba Be oe RRAM FY C ag offers a "Home Furnishings" ia tubs instelled RABIES ly His LE Ro rape, #44 tha i 12--Store fesse : Garages 0 possession. Telephone HA 370 GRAV EL & SAND I! lasaified today . | OPENING SALE ZIPPERS REPLACED technicians, you'll have WEEE Teiaphene LOH RL whinan will gare ler chil . Bn " \f f i " Gt or men oi SALE regivie he age hl sig | 48 da Lehi duties five Vig ha wi | MODERN SELF.CONTAINED | BLAC K L OAM [04N, eur, "reich d, td Rs & ; 0 OLAN Eih"vn 'eee 'reed ol iy Fis ie =e 3 ' : Mat i Aden WH Bie) [Pre BaF FNleil ar. HA OFFICE SPACE | APARTMENT - amplere stock R buttons. FMPLOYMENT WANTED wil wit Delivery [oF ves § ihe Lime ta piel your hame i aderabla Pomeranian Ma | J meron See "Homes hr Bale" : Re i, Alas Iara fa chit 18 gud Rene lo ow bt FOR RENT | NAY CENTRAL RA 8-895) Bm a Lawnmowe' and GILLARDS T.R.1.O. TELEVISION " Pam Reaaele "anv time. TW avaiable. RA 588 | p pri Sika " nse Engine CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 171 BOND STREET EASY SnFormen Column WARIER San wih fi wins Passenger elevates servies 160 VER MONTH | TOASTER AND IRON | HARDSAND LANDSCAPING > | Sales and Service RA 5.1555 RA 0.678) farm siagh pioked wp premptl po etl" RT, Yi ty \" > RS As gle garden Wve - TRY i BRAN iia wo py bat WIT WYO Ne Wg, Cn oo GEO NORE 5g IX MEACHER | frovon tedium "oat | NEW LOCATION | gap.5.QUED CHICKEN. (Wel Dring Digging prt cand og Rang Baggt / 16-=Female Melp Wanted | d ent. Lagses new | FRANK MEACHER rolling. Now isthe time ta kill | 74 BARRIE AVENUE " oll Vnilting- ro. TE | New building, Centrally ioe JOUN REERE iandes fe Fon god SANVER viNAl gil oF woman fF A | NORTHWAY APTS 8 ROOMS | APPLIANCES grab grass ond ehighweed Chicken plate, halt chicken PTR A Tan Rall FE ceak's samstanl, oF Wichea mall. for {Large quiet apt. 2 large beh Seeding, sodding, Ruy ! gp d i ALL PRICES CUT with french fries, fish end : a Are Mame 8 Oabawe, Sal wages THE TIMES ams. laundry facilities ine | 92 SIMCOE ST N sock | he chips, hamburgs, hot dog, Ww, WARD BURMA vacy gon south se Ben TH Caaw Ty | ehied modem kiichen with | OSHAWA = RA 5-471) | Ths od bs worth $300 on | ilk shaken WELL DIGGING L) 4 HINE Bay. ge \ th of ¢ | automatic stove and self des RA 5.172) he purchase of any new MOD Gal ar Wenharaby' Phase Cond SANERR = Metohecer 1 best Amie BUILDING | Testing Retrigeranes w 11h | THINKING OF SPRING m---- WH We DELIVER --RA $3087 ee 2 Booagh ae Phase Wikieh ' Paved hin Be : / al GG te Laan | -- T------ nt suc st WTI. coven kwon | Ste Five | hing" Owing | Von Bells Gardens _ (Maney to Lawn Plumbing ond Hosting dibs, 3 Telephone RA $3085) WEEKLY fo weaned Tavely Phone RA 3.3474 woe "Apply v 778 Hance Baked en ahuminum sid WA 33 Ow MA NYILLE INE HAVE seals' moins SVeabia| =r - | bo x ape Site. one YoAF Oh a Hea you a Padi, J . fo mm Sone venser over {3 miles East on Ne. J) #00 leans on fisvk sad secend nana 8 Y AP | oe sale Naw Amer an ahioa eka ition of the © 1 wall EAT | : - Iiende Ne canvassing. Svenmens. 33 33... Wanted te Rent MODERN ! : Pig, LAWN FERTILIZER [Aveeno aaly. Lew HP PLIANCES/ T-=Trailon wis rg Rg fhe FECT i APARTMENTS SATISFACTION 80 fos only 4.50 J Kite Wwl gon, saws, RA y a , WE Ladastioa « 4 family veqeire oy ri IVYEES . d THERE | vein Muss TAGE TTF, Rive, Dept Gass Moatresl 3 ot ha sd teem ON GUARANTEED p LIENTS matey le wan oa fowl man > Ls a \ 4 Lemiact Me. Ba 168 Noth EAT i 3 8 - it Panis twvel Somsivien raat od cu WERRAY i wes 1ing Mir © Sel MTR oy contained te and Ty An Inquiry Cont N Ps 3, JEEDL ETC. [IN i Siena oh Lresssa SUSAR FON 8% Bolus show > . . 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